The Everyday Doula Podcast
Relatable stories, nuggets of wisdom, and words of encouragement for new and seasoned Birth Workers alike!
The Everyday Doula Podcast
"Just" a Woman Who Serves
We are BACK in the swing of things after our wild and crazy #momlife summer! I hope you had a fun and rejuvenating break, if you got one! I don’t know about you but September always feels like a fresh start to me so I am really excited about kicking off Season 2 today!
Today's episode is titled “Just a Woman Who Serves” and is an introduction/sneak peek of the topics we will explore over the next 3 months! We will explore the idea (or rather my conviction) that while the origin of Doulas is rooted in labour, birth and immediate postpartum, “Birth Workers” can and should be found in every area of maternal support, care, and education!
Thinking back on your experience as a brand-new baby Doula. Remember the passion, excitement, and drive you had to make a difference in the world of Birth work. Is that passion still there? Maybe you’re starting to wonder if Maternal Support is really for you, if birth work will ever fit into your life and circumstances, or if perhaps you just aren’t cut out to be a doula…
If you’re wrestling to fit your passion and calling into the “scope” (or lack thereof) of a “doula” then I want to offer you some encouragement and hopefully inspire you to press on! We NEED birth workers of all kinds… and there are plenty of ways to fill that need…
I want to invite you to expand your view of what is truly NEEDED in your community and how YOU can fill these needs with your unique skills, talents, and convictions. I also want to inspire and HELP you to see those opportunities and swoop in with all the love, compassion, and unwavering support you have to give your clients! You are not “Just” a woman who serves. You’re a Birth Worker.
Thanks for listening!
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Website: www.thebirthworkcompany.com
Email: Thebirthworkcompany@gmail.com
Instagram: @thebirthworkco
Facebook: The Birth Work Company