Hero or Dick

Hero or Dick - S2, Ep. 8 - GHOSTS!!!

May 09, 2024 Kate & KJ Season 2 Episode 9
Hero or Dick - S2, Ep. 8 - GHOSTS!!!
Hero or Dick
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Hero or Dick
Hero or Dick - S2, Ep. 8 - GHOSTS!!!
May 09, 2024 Season 2 Episode 9
Kate & KJ

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Welcome to Hero or Dick, S2, Ep. 9 - GHOSTS!!!

This isn't just about bedtime stories or the creaks in your attic; it's about the enigmatic presence that lingers in our history, shaping our cultural narratives. We explore how iconic ghostly figures like the Presque Isle lighthouse apparition aren't just tales but woven threads in our societal fabric, influencing literature and film. From personal anecdotes to classic ghost stories, we scrutinize how these spectral encounters leave a mark on us, and how they're showcased in entertainment, stirring our fascination with the otherworldly.

Listen in and connect with us at heroordick2023@gmail.com – because whether you're a ghost hunter or just a lover of a good ghost story, there's a seat at our table for you.


~ Kate & KJ

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Welcome to Hero or Dick, S2, Ep. 9 - GHOSTS!!!

This isn't just about bedtime stories or the creaks in your attic; it's about the enigmatic presence that lingers in our history, shaping our cultural narratives. We explore how iconic ghostly figures like the Presque Isle lighthouse apparition aren't just tales but woven threads in our societal fabric, influencing literature and film. From personal anecdotes to classic ghost stories, we scrutinize how these spectral encounters leave a mark on us, and how they're showcased in entertainment, stirring our fascination with the otherworldly.

Listen in and connect with us at heroordick2023@gmail.com – because whether you're a ghost hunter or just a lover of a good ghost story, there's a seat at our table for you.


~ Kate & KJ

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Hi people.

Speaker 2:

Welcome. We're at your person. People, hello person. There's one of you out there locked in Kate's basement forced to listen to these things. What day is it today? Thursday?

Speaker 1:

It's Thursday. It's.

Speaker 2:

May, may 9th.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, happy birthday. It's not my birthday.

Speaker 2:

Okay, somebody's birthday, it's somebody 9th?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, happy birthday it's not my birthday.

Speaker 2:

Okay, somebody's birthday it's somebody's birthday?

Speaker 1:

Happy birthday to you, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Happy birthday. Thanks for tuning in. We're broadcasting live for us, but it won't be for you from Horse Feather Studio, oh, which, by the way, I got a funny story. Okay, I should have told you that before we got on, kate and I come in here and and sip coffee and yap for a little bit before we turn on the mics. So I established an LLC a while ago, right Because I was doing consulting work and whatever, and I had one incident a while, two years ago, where somebody was saying they worked for me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they were sending you mail. One day when we came in, they got mail here.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know what that I took care of. But then another person said they worked for me or for my company and I got surf papers because they want to garnish their wages.

Speaker 1:

Did you say they owe me money too?

Speaker 2:

No, I was like this is ridiculous. And it said if I don't comply, yada, yada, yada. And I'm like ah damn it. Yada, yada, yada. And I'm like god damn it, it's not me. This person lives in pontiac, why would they be up here in alpina? Yeah, it was just terrible and I ended up having to go through all the motions, do my own research to find out who this person may be, the real place they worked for, sending it to the credit union that was suing them, sending it to the lawyer and sending it to the court. And then I still had to fill out paperwork after that don't you feel like you should be compensated for that?

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

sent me a check for 35 bucks with the paperwork, which was kind of fishy to me.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I did not cash in that, no, I was gonna say, if you cash it, then you're like liable yeah, exactly so, but yeah, that was the second time in it turns out. What did they say? The name, or maybe you don't want to say what the name of the business it's long duck dong I wish it was, but it's not.

Speaker 2:

Oh no.

Speaker 1:

It's called a fucking company.

Speaker 2:

They wouldn't be after you if it was oh KBS Services. Oh, okay, Well it turns out one of the no the largest facilities provider cleaning service company in North America is called KBS Services. Oh no kidding and employs a lot of people around the Detroit area. Perhaps you should have looked there in the first place, dicks, perhaps, but anyway. So I spent half a day going through that bullshit.

Speaker 1:

I've had a whole run of just stupid things the last couple weeks. That is just a stupid inconvenience.

Speaker 2:

It's privileged people problems though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know what I mean. I'm not like it is.

Speaker 2:

I'm not eating out of a dumpster, so I shouldn't. Yet we don't know I've had enough coffee, so I can keep yapping well, today's topic is ghosts and ballyhoo to jenna for suggesting this topic ballyhoo. Thank you, jenna thank you, jenna.

Speaker 1:

So, ghosts, do you believe in ghosts? Yeah, I do too. 41% of the people polled in the 2021 poll 1,000 people, 41% said they believed.

Speaker 2:

Some more probably did, but what did you get?

Speaker 1:

for fear of persecution 20% said they personally experienced something.

Speaker 2:

Well, tell us.

Speaker 1:

Well, I don't have a from the poll. I didn't do my own poll.

Speaker 2:

But you've had it. Well, maybe you'll get to it. I want to know what your experience was.

Speaker 1:

I do have some, and I don't even know if it's ghosts. It's just weird stuff you can't explain, you know. Well, let's just jump'll jump the halfway down here, because I think that kids who aren't tainted with the world view can see here, here and experience things that that we don't or were programmed not to, to ignore it or to call it deja vu or whatever.

Speaker 2:

Well, so you can function.

Speaker 1:

I know my in-laws had an old farmhouse and they had a family reunion and one of the little kids was about three or four and she was walking in the door and she said stop, I'm not coming in here, there's ghosts in here and I don't want to see them. And they had some instances where people saw stuff. Stop, I'm not coming in here. There's ghosts in here and I don't want to see them. And they had some instances where people saw stuff. You know old farmhouse? Yeah, people died in it, oh yeah.

Speaker 2:

They were born and died in it, or connected to the property.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, right, right. So I do think that children, because they haven't been told otherwise or conditioned otherwise, that they have the ability. The ability, yes, and when we first moved into our house that was in the woods. Jenna was about two and she would stand at the window on her tiptoes and wave and wave. We're like we're in the middle of the woods. Who are you waving at? Well, that little boy out there. That happened all the time. We're like we're in the middle of the woods. Who are you waving at? Well, that little boy out there. That happened all the time. We just started waving too. You know, hey, how's it going? And that same house, cassidy was babysitting, my niece Emma and my nephew Ian. Shout out to Ian who this is, how old the story is he just became a parent last week.

Speaker 2:

Congratulations Ian.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, ian and Morgan had a little baby Braxton, adorable. So Ian was a baby. Cassidy had him on her lap and Emma said can I play with that little boy over there? And she said do you mean Ian? And she said no, that little boy over there. And Cassidy said we're going inside Playtime's over Same house.

Speaker 1:

I asked Cassidy and Jenna if they who are my children, by the way I asked them if they ever experienced anything and Cassidy said that she heard at that same house. She was inside and she could hear someone yelling. Help me Now, it's not the best neighborhood, but the neighbors are really close either, so she couldn't explain it. Yeah, and she was inside the house, so she was freaked.

Speaker 2:

That's pretty crazy.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Hmm, lots of stuff like that, but.

Speaker 1:

I think that Jenna, she was seeing something out there. She was waving to a little boy. Oh yeah, and we did hear lore that years before again it's got hunting camps around it. The property it was very heavily wooded that a small child was lost in those woods.

Speaker 2:

Oh, okay, so we might have found him. Yeah, for sure. Well, and I think too I get all heady about this stuff Like, okay, so, whatever you believe, you know we come from somewhere pretty magical. Yeah, it could be two drunk people fucking in the back of a car, but it's magic.

Speaker 1:

A lot of people come that way. Yeah, you know, no pun intended, but it kind of worked. Yeah, it did.

Speaker 2:

Man Back to long duck dong. Anyway, it's magic and I think that we are magical, but it does. It gets diminished by functioning in this world, right, good or bad. I mean, sometimes you can't just go around seeing shit all the time, you can't function.

Speaker 2:

I know that sometimes on my own I've had some experiences, but kids are connected to whatever energy that is in magic and they have that, and so it's more likely that they're going to tune into other energy or beings, or whatever you want to call it, and so it totally makes sense for me, you know that kids do, so how? That kids do why?

Speaker 1:

why do some people hang on to it, or how are they able to hang on to that and see stuff later in life?

Speaker 2:

You know like a medium of some kind.

Speaker 1:

Be it, you know a lot of them.

Speaker 2:

A lot of them are questionable, yeah.

Speaker 1:

But I'm sure some of them are legit in that they do see or feel or know something that I'm not seeing around me. You know what I mean.

Speaker 2:

Well, okay, I'll do a little of my. I know we got stuff, real stuff to talk about other stuff, but okay. So when I was little I had a couple encounters where you know, you see stuff. One in particular was at my grandma's house over on Long Lake Avenue. They had a big farmhouse and I was staying there. I think I told you this story before and long story short, I got up in the middle of the night. My brothers and I were staying there. We hadn't stayed there before that I remember and I heard I was in the bathroom taking a pee and they had a sun parlor with a piano in it. We always used to play on the piano piano and I happened to hear the keys just ding, ding, ding, ding, like someone playing the piano.

Speaker 1:

I'm like you know what the?

Speaker 2:

heck. And I remember, you know, getting kind of freaked out. I might've been, I don't know, I'd say between eight and 10. I don't remember exactly, but I do remember looking in that room and seeing a woman, a girl, younger girl, in white, with black hair, sitting at the piano, and when she saw me or when I saw her, she turned and she looked at me. We just looked at each other and I was like boop and I ran and I hid under the covers next to my brother we were sleeping on the floor in a sleeping bag, you know and I was like so scared, so that was one thing that happened.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't anyone you recognized.

Speaker 2:

Nope, nope, and it turns out that house, that room, was actually what I was told by my grandma used for family funerals and stuff, before they even had it Right. Right, like it was a little funeral parlor, a wake room or something like that. So I'm like, oh shit, that makes sense, you know. And then more and more experiences like that, but you just kind of blow them off your life and then you fast forward to you're 40 years old and you have a near death experience which I relate a little bit that to you and that was like a true. That was a really weird experience for me.

Speaker 2:

And then I started sensing people around. You know, I thought I was losing my mind and talked to my doctor and it ended up being my doctor saying you know this, I'm a medical professional, but this stuff happens and it's potentially real. She's like I'm not dismissing it at all and as she's saying that I was picturing this woman, um, with this, like short haircut and wearing these high top shoes and these I think they were red rim glasses, and like she was busy doing something in an office, and blah, blah, blah and I just I said, do you know, so-and-so? She's like you just described one of the nurses that are working in the office and like apparently she was going through a tough time so she wasn't dead. But the fact that I started having visions, like I could see things.

Speaker 1:

So maybe you had x-ray vision. You were looking through the wall. No, no that was bizarre.

Speaker 2:

And then I mean it continued. I went to work. I mean there's people are going to think I'm crazy, I don't care, but people hopefully would come out of the woodwork and support me. But then I'd go to work and I'd start sensing people like near people, like dead people or whatever. Like near people, like dead people or whatever, I don't know. It's not like I see somebody, it's like seeing it from third person, but anyway. And so these people would be like holy crap, that's my dad, that's my grandpa. And then it turned into people hearing about it, even though I said don't tell anybody.

Speaker 2:

And I started meeting with people and yeah, just, there's so many stories I could tell. And then at our house, I mean, there was an instance.

Speaker 1:

Because you have an old house.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, a couple of houses. Well, there was that one where I don't know if I should talk about that one because it happened locally. Little boy, but he came to me, but I knew he was coming to me. But at the same time my daughter was talking to somebody in her bedroom around that time and she was only like four, I think. And she one day she's like dad, the little boy wants to talk to you. He's in the closet. I'm like what she's like? Yeah, we talk all the time and it was that same little boy that I had been sensing it was just mind-blowing now what about?

Speaker 1:

okay, so now your daughter is not four years old. Does she ever hear or see things?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but she tries to like I do. Now just shut it out, because it could engulf your whole life. Yeah, because her and I are both.

Speaker 1:

It would take all day to yeah. Well, because you know what yeah?

Speaker 2:

You kind of want to do it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

I mean, if I had a choice and I could just talk to people and do that stuff every day, all day, I would do it, but I think it would wreak havoc on my personal life and then just relationships with people and then no, not to categorize.

Speaker 1:

But then are those ghosts or are they spirits, or are they just like a feeling or are they tricky? We don't know, I don't know, I think they're spirits.

Speaker 2:

but back to the ghost thing In our house over there now. This is a couple times this has happened. My wife will hear it and I hear it. It's a female like a younger voice. It's not our daughter, trust me. I try to debunk this shit as much because I am the biggest skeptic in the world. I didn't believe any of this crap.

Speaker 2:

My wife would watch long island medium and like turn that shit off, so I don't hair. I love her hair and the accent, but anyway, so we, we, once in a while we're in our nails. It's like when we're getting ready to go to bed, mom, and it's distinct like it's a girl calling for her mom and it's kind of sad a little bit. That is sad.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so okay. That brings me to another point about ghosts. Why are they here? Do they have unfinished business? It's purgatory, or do they yeah, because they're not baptized. I don't believe that.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I've experienced some where I think that they can be.

Speaker 1:

They want to stay.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and they can be in multiple places at once. I think, honesty, yeah, and they can be in multiple places at once.

Speaker 1:

I think, I don't think there's time and space I think it's more of a consciousness for some of them. And why are some so mean?

Speaker 2:

Because they were dicks in real life.

Speaker 1:

Oh see what happens Dicks Karma will get you.

Speaker 2:

There's evil spirits, there's good spirits, just like there's good people and bad people.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, yeah, yeah, that makes sense, that makes sense, hmm, but anyway um, now one thing. Um, when you talk about ghosts, I think of all the accessories that go along with a spirituality ghost. Like you know, you can get the ghost goggles and you can get the emf meters and all that you can buy those right here.

Speaker 2:

You can buy them on Amazon.

Speaker 1:

Right, and you can have your own ghost show apparently you can, yeah. Like a crystal ball and tarot cards kind of, and then Ouija boards.

Speaker 2:

What's your feeling on Ouija boards? I think that anything you do to invite energy, spirit, ghost, whatever you want to call it if there's a negative entity, they're the ones that are probably going to latch out. There might be a few good ones out there, but there's assholes waiting to take advantage of that.

Speaker 1:

True, just like again in real life. Let me tell you Cassidy's Ouija board story, and this made me believe in ghosts if I doubted it. So she had an aunt that passed away young, and my sister-in-law and Cassidy and Jenna both got a piece of her jewelry. It was costume jewelry.

Speaker 1:

I think it was a ring and when you know, cassidy was in college like college and high school kids did, they all got together they're going to have a seance in the dorm room and they did, and they were in Cassidy's bedroom doing the seance and Aunt Rebecca came through and she said something about the ring and Cassidy got kind of freaked out.

Speaker 1:

Oh yeah, that's what they do, and she was like, yeah, how would you guys know about it if you were faking it with the Ouija board? And she walked out of the room. Well, a little while later, the ones that stayed in the room said Cassidy, you have to come back in here because Aunt Rebecca won't leave until she says goodbye to you. And if you knew Aunt Rebecca, ballyhoo to you. Rebecca, you know where you are, what you're doing. That was totally her, that's cool. So Cassidy went back in and said goodbye to her.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know, and that makes total sense because, again, I know it sounds weird, but from my experience when I would meet with people, you know people sit down and I don't know how it works for some of these so-called mediums or whatever they are, but to me they don't. I'm sitting across the table from someone and they want to talk about the loved one. First of all, I don't even ask who it was, what happened, I don't want to know. And then I see what comes forth and typically it'll be like a ring that'll show something a flower, a certain color, a number, just one piece. And then, when it comes to me, it's in fragments. It's not like I need you to relay this message. Tell Jenna that Uncle Ted's gold is buried in the backyard and some people want to know that shit. What the fuck's the matter with you, you know, but I think that's totally correct. Yeah, and Ouija boards. It may not be the board, it could just be the fact that there were that many people hoping to seek something.

Speaker 1:

And I think that energy probably charges the atmosphere somehow, somehow, and you know it helps, but again I don't know for sure. Um, I asked some nieces and nephews too if they had any experiences. Uh, and my niece harley had a good point. She said when I think of ghosts, I think of community ghosts and legends like the lighthouse ghost and presqu'il, and you know how it perpetuates history and and teaches us a legacy. Yeah, so I'm like yeah you know what?

Speaker 1:

that's a good way to think of it. Yeah, because even if even if there's not a ghost there, which which I think there is a ghost in Presque Isle, at that lighthouse. I have some pictures that I took of Cassidy and her friends out there years ago and it's like what's this thing?

Speaker 2:

in the picture.

Speaker 1:

Can't explain it. But even if you don't believe in that, at least it's perpetuating the history, the legacy, the story of Presque Lighthouse. Oh yeah, Old Presque Lighthouse Probably new, one Probably has one too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you think about it historically, ghosts, you know, have been all throughout history and ancient times and people would worship them, make offerings to ghosts or spirits. Then you got like how it just populates into our culture, like us movies, literature, think of a Christmas story, you know things like that.

Speaker 1:

Is that the best one? I think it is A Christmas.

Speaker 2:

Carol, oh Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Carol, that's what it's called, not Christmas Story. That's different.

Speaker 2:

Um, but yeah, A Christmas.

Speaker 1:

Carol is a great example, though. And then you, uh, you know Ghostbusters and um, well, the ghost, yeah, and all kinds of scary, scary, scary ones. But uh, the others that one was kind of freaky and how about six cents? Holy shit, that was really, yeah, really it was a great movie the first time.

Speaker 1:

The first time, yeah it's like you can't re. Well, you can re-watch it knowing, and that does give it a whole new spin. It does Damn good movie. Was that the movie that at the end they're like don't tell people? We went to a play. Actually it was called 222. This play that we went to in London. And it was about a ghost and at the end of the play they said please don't tell anyone the ending, so I can't tell you, oh, okay. Because we would like everyone to have you know that experience.

Speaker 2:

Was it M Night Shyamala, shyamala.

Speaker 1:

Shyamala yeah.

Speaker 2:

He did Sixth Sense.

Speaker 1:

Uh-huh, yeah, that was pretty cool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he likes a twist 2.22.

Speaker 1:

Is that based on a book? Maybe it was a time is what 222 ended up being? I think it was 222. It might have been 444. I can't remember 333? No, I think it was 222.

Speaker 2:

So anyway, how many times have you heard people say and I've had that experience too so-and-so came and sat on the end of my bed at night? You know what I mean. There can't be that many people making that up, or maybe there is I know there's skeptics out there.

Speaker 1:

Or are you just?

Speaker 2:

dreaming really hard that you, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 1:

No, no, that shit's real man, I'm telling you, I think so too I am pretty sure. Lots of okay, so we said lots of movies. Of course there's lots of books about ghost stories and then some are, you know, supposedly based on truth, like Amityville Horror, which was debunked anyway.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, no, but that movie, that movie was. Did you see the one with Ryan Reynolds? No, ryan Reynolds, I don't have to watch.

Speaker 1:

see the one with Ryan Reynolds. No, ryan Reynolds, I want to watch that.

Speaker 2:

They did a remake of that. It was 10 years ago and he played the father oh is he good? Yeah, I like Ryan Reynolds, I just got goosebumps.

Speaker 1:

Oh, okay, I'll circle that I remember the first one. I read the book when I was a teen and it was that's so scary.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, what about Poltergeist?

Speaker 1:

That too Very frightening I mean, you know what?

Speaker 2:

Well, I watched it when I was a kid, though.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so it's kind of a hype too. I remember the Blair Witch Project. Yeah, I loved that movie. Well, the hype, the hype, the hype. When we finally went to the movies I was like I don't know, I'm not that afraid.

Speaker 2:

Nothing big happens. It's more of like a.

Speaker 1:

It was a hype. The anxiety of what will happen.

Speaker 2:

Blair Witch 2 was not good. No, no.

Speaker 1:

That was a regretful. Everyone just went camping on that one. Oh the Ring. What about the?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

I don't know the Ring the chick in the well.

Speaker 2:

She was like a ghost right.

Speaker 1:

I don't know it, so I've heard of it but I haven't seen it. Sorry to keep interrupting. Joe Hill wrote a good ghost story called Heart-Shaped Box. I recommend that.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's a Nirvana song.

Speaker 1:

It is, but I don't know which came first. Probably Nirvana song, no, probably.

Speaker 2:

Joe Hill.

Speaker 1:

I don't know We'd have to Google that. Somebody Google it.

Speaker 2:

Where's our production assistant Nathan? He didn't come in again today.

Speaker 1:

And then you have all the ghost hunting shows.

Speaker 2:

I liked the Ghost Hunters, the original one with the bald guy, jason and the Roto-Rooter guys. Remember that on SyFy man. I like those guys.

Speaker 1:

Are they still on?

Speaker 2:

No, yeah but it's just.

Speaker 1:

But it's different guys.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like the two newer guys. They're older now but the's just.

Speaker 1:

But it's different guys, yeah it's like the two newer guys yeah. They're older now, but the newer guys forget their names Now we did watch something about Mackinac Island recently and they were ghost hunting on Mackinac and shocking, they found some ghosts Like no shit. There's been people dying here since the 1700s or before that, and there's so many soldiers and then there's Native Americans and yeah, you're going to see some ghosts. In fact, they do ghost tours.

Speaker 2:

They do.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they got lots of ghost tours.

Speaker 2:

At the Mackinac Island Hotel.

Speaker 1:

At Mackinac Island.

Speaker 2:

Like you meet in the park.

Speaker 1:

You meet in the park and you go to a couple different places and I've never seen a ghost there, but I believe that if they're going to be anywhere, come on you drink enough. I'm just kidding.

Speaker 2:

No, I also think that people can be convinced that they're seeing ghosts. There's no ghosts.

Speaker 1:

Right the orbs and pictures.

Speaker 2:

It's a piece of dust.

Speaker 1:

It's a dust. Can you dust your camera?

Speaker 2:

It's fucking dust man. It's a bug.

Speaker 1:

I will say, though, the first party we had at the Centennial Building.

Speaker 2:

That place is ripe with.

Speaker 1:

Well, think how many people died there. It was from 1876. Yeah, there has to be.

Speaker 2:

Well, you got that little girl there. I told you about.

Speaker 1:

You and somebody else told us about it too. Oh, did they yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you got a girl and she's like residual Girl and she's like residual.

Speaker 1:

She just stays, and so we were on the third floor and there was some people taking pictures and there is so many orbs that they can't be dust. It could, be asbestos it could be, I don't think so, though there wasn't anything in the air, but there was a shit ton of orbs.

Speaker 2:

We should do a nighttime live podcast, like late late at night, and we could see if we can.

Speaker 1:

Well, cassidy has spent the night there, cassidy and Jenna did, and then Cassidy and Cody did, and they didn't see anything.

Speaker 2:

Unfortunately, Maybe nobody wants to talk.

Speaker 1:

Maybe or maybe they don't know what to look for. Maybe you can spend the night there if you want to, if you go there trying to.

Speaker 2:

You know what I mean. It's weird. It's like love, it just has to happen.

Speaker 1:

Almost bit me off, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But no, lots of ghosts significant to culture, history Egyptians and Greeks. Then there was the big spiritualist movement in the 19th century where everybody was getting into ghosts.

Speaker 1:

Everybody wanted to. Wasn't that Harry Houdini's thing?

Speaker 2:

If you can debunk it prove it.

Speaker 1:

Prove it to me. It was one of my fast fives too, but we'll have more, oh sorry. That's all right. And what else was I, I gonna say about ghosts?

Speaker 2:

there's a lot. I mean, it's the kind of thing that you could just talk about all day well, who do you see around me? Anybody yeah, you've got the, the lady that's probably your mom, um, well, then my uncle. And then a younger guy, a younger guy like, but he looks like he's from the 70s, 80s, like somebody you might have known back then. That passed. Yeah, we can delve into that one.

Speaker 1:

It just actually popped up oh, oh, hey, um, I know when you first said that I I've asked this question before and you said a lady with salt and pepper hair, black and white hair.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like a purse thing or whatever, like a, you know, like they used to have like a. Like a coin purse, something like that, but bigger, maybe for cigarettes or something like that.

Speaker 1:

And you said there is yes and a cigarette case, and there was a lot of smoke around her. My mom was a heavy smoker, oh, okay.

Speaker 2:

And so I'm like well, yeah, that's my mom.

Speaker 1:

That's how I remember, in fact.

Speaker 2:

Did she knit at all, or anything?

Speaker 1:

No, I do though.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right. Am I dead? She didn't do anything like Not really. No, she supported crafts, but she wasn't really crafty. She just went around buying crafts. She did Smoking cigarettes.

Speaker 1:

Smoking cigarettes wherever she could. She liked those long, skinny ones, oh really.

Speaker 2:

Virginia Slims. Yes, that's funny.

Speaker 1:

They'd last like a day. That's hilarious, anyway, okay, okay. So hero or dick Depends on the ghost. I think, yeah, for sure, you know. I'm sure there's dick ghosts. Like you said, there's assholes in real life. There's probably assholes in that life too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you've got to sometimes wonder too about people who say they hear voices or whatever. They could definitely be getting impacted by whatever.

Speaker 1:

Well, and I wonder when people I always think if you buy a house, you should be able to spend the night there before you make the decision and why they come out at night. I don't know why not during the day.

Speaker 2:

You're a ghost, you can come at any time.

Speaker 1:

Well, I think your senses are you know what I mean Are flushed about their stuff. You don't see as well, you don't hear as well. Yeah, and you're gonna get molested or whatever like, why would you go there for one thing? Yeah, lay face down.

Speaker 2:

Well, that might not help either. Sorry, depends on the ghost. Depends on the ghost. Oh, that's a little peaty poker. Stay away from him remember him no well, I think too, it has to do with, like, if you're busy doing shit during the day you're probably not going to experience anything because you're not going to be sensing it, you know. But if you're laying in bed at night, you're more susceptible to anything not just a ghost, someone breaking into your house. Whatever it, you know, shit can happen in the dark.

Speaker 1:

So what do you say? Dick or hero, or dick.

Speaker 2:

Well, overall, I say the whole phenomenon, real or not, if you believe it, I think it's kind of heroic because it gets people talking and thinking and it's become part of our cultural fabric, you know.

Speaker 1:

I agree. I think again it does. I'm sure there's people who say that, well, my ghost was a dick to me. Well, you know, there's probably there's friendly ghosts too. We'll get into that. Don't mention it, yo I feel bad.

Speaker 2:

I never, never did. Linda if you're listening, I know she doesn't I never did get a hold of her.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, we need to yeah, okay, We'll go.

Speaker 2:

I got somebody else these weekends when I'm out of town. I like doing them Saturday mornings or Sunday mornings.

Speaker 1:

That's when I'm fresh, that's when you're fresh.

Speaker 2:

Alright, so if she wants to get together, Okay, we'll do that.

Speaker 1:

Let's crank out some fast fives that I just wrote down. Okay, the first one is Casper the Ghost.

Speaker 2:

Not any reason. He's a dick. I guess he's a hero, he is friendly Casper the Friendly Ghost.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, dick, I guess he's a hero. He is friendly Casper the friendly ghost. Yeah, how about the ghost? Christina Ricci was in that movie right yeah, Casper. Yeah, it was kind of a cute movie. I don't know you know it was a good Tuesday movie. She was in Sleepy Hollow too. She was, and Maybe she's a ghost what happened to her? She was Wednesday in Adam's family. What the fuck Creepy little lady hey.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all right. Yeah, I like her. She's a good actress. Maybe we should do her. I mean do it, you know what I like.

Speaker 1:

Christina Ricci. We'll put her on our list. Okay, she's on our list, lucky.

Speaker 2:

Christina Ricci. All right, sorry.

Speaker 1:

How about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow?

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's heroic.

Speaker 1:

I think so. It's a good tale, like the Christmas Carol. I mean. That's such a great movie that the Muppets can do it, and it can be done in the 30s and it's still powerful.

Speaker 2:

Do you remember the Walt Disney version of Sleepy Hollow?

Speaker 1:

Of Sleepy.

Speaker 2:

Hollow yeah the cartoon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's the only version that comes to my mind. I love that one. I meant the Christmas Carol, though Wompat Christmas Carol. Anybody can do that and actually I like the Mickey Mouse one. It's the.

Speaker 2:

Disney version. I did too.

Speaker 1:

It was cute, my kids, watched a lot Jim. Carrey did that right.

Speaker 2:

Well, I don't know, maybe he did one.

Speaker 1:

He could have done it. Who was the?

Speaker 2:

one guy though, the famous dude that was Ebenezer.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there was a couple people, patrick Stewart, did it one time. God, I can picture the guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I can't think of his name. That don't matter, sorry.

Speaker 1:

And it wasn't Harry Houdini. But what do we think of him? Oh, he was a hero. Troublemaker, rabble rouser, magician yeah, I think hero too, but I guess I don't know a lot about him. Some people didn't like him.

Speaker 2:

Some people thought he was all charlatan, all fake, all phony.

Speaker 1:

Well, he died to prove that how about the nurse, You're wrong, Like we're going to. Okay witches, If you survive this fire, then you're not a witch.

Speaker 2:

That's just going to create a dickhead ghost Burning witches.

Speaker 1:

Somebody was really pissed. Yeah, how about the Marshmallow man on Ghostbusters?

Speaker 2:

I don't like the Marshmallow man.

Speaker 1:

On the new movie. They make him a mini, though which?

Speaker 2:

one, and he was kind of cute.

Speaker 1:

The big marshmallow, I know, but which one? The new Ghostbusters that just was out? Oh, I just want a couple.

Speaker 2:

Was it okay.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Did you see the one before that with Paul Rudd? Yeah, and it's kind of a continuation of that one Did you like that one better, I liked the original one, and Did you find that one better? I liked the original one and I should have just stopped there, okay.

Speaker 1:

I kind of felt this last one, Bill Murray, are you listening? I felt he kind of phoned it in.

Speaker 2:

He probably did.

Speaker 1:

You know that guy. He just showed up and read his lines and then left.

Speaker 2:

Who's the other guy Aykroyd? That guy believes him. He's got his own shit going on. Yes, he has his own show.

Speaker 1:

I'm jotting him down too, now. He did a really good job in this new movie. He was in it and he was really good. Okay, so not so much for the marshmallow, and the last one I have are tarot cards.

Speaker 2:

Ah, dick.

Speaker 1:

Are they dicks? Why are they dicks?

Speaker 2:

I don't know.

Speaker 1:

I guess you can read whatever you want to read into it, right?

Speaker 2:

Like I don't know. I just I gotta say something's a dick. I'm gonna say tarot cards.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you can say it.

Speaker 2:

Now someone will give me a reading and prove me wrong.

Speaker 1:

Alright, do that too. Okay, so that is our conclusion. Well, that should generate some emails. Yeah, let us know, I think it's a very polarizing topic. We can talk about it, like you said. We can talk about it all day long. We might have to talk about it again.

Speaker 2:

Maybe we'll change our podcast. That's all we do is talk about ghosts, hauntings, murders.

Speaker 1:

If we can find it, why do you have to add murders?

Speaker 2:

in there. Well, that results in ghosts.

Speaker 1:

Well everybody dies, so you don't have to be murdered to be a ghost.

Speaker 2:

What is our email address?

Speaker 1:

again, it is ghosts no it's not Ghosts.

Speaker 2:

It's hero or dick 2023 at Gmail, right, so somebody can email, let us know.

Speaker 1:

And we're always up for topics, like we said, valleyhood and Jenna for giving us this great topic.

Speaker 2:

Send us something else. We'll do a different topic, like not believing in ghosts. We can do that too. We can do that too, all right.

Speaker 1:

Okay, thank you, bye.

Ghosts and Experiences of the Supernatural
Ghostly Encounters and Spirits
Talking About Ghosts and Legends
Discussion on Ghosts and Heroes
Discussion on Ghosts and Tarot Cards

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