Leveraging AI

108 | AI-Powered Growth: From 250 to 10K Monthly Visitors with Christopher Wieduwilt

Isar Meitis, Christopher Wieduwilt Season 1 Episode 108

Struggling to grow your website traffic and attract new clients?

The promise of AI can seem daunting, especially when you’re trying to balance creativity, personal insight, and business acumen. But what if you could harness AI in a way that amplifies these qualities and drives significant traffic to your site?

In this episode of Leveraging AI, host Isar Meitis sits down with Christopher Wieduwilt, a serial entrepreneur and AI enthusiast, who has cracked the code on using AI to boost website traffic dramatically. Christopher shares his journey from having just 250 monthly visitors to skyrocketing to 10,000 in only three months—all thanks to strategic use of AI.

Want to know how he did it?

Christopher breaks down his comprehensive, step-by-step process, including essential tools, best practices, and actionable tips for leveraging AI to create content that attracts and retains visitors. Whether you're a musician looking to grow your audience or a business owner aiming to enhance your online presence, this episode is packed with valuable insights.

Christopher Wieduwilt is a seasoned entrepreneur and the mastermind behind the AI Musicpreneur. His expertise spans various industries, and he’s passionate about helping others leverage AI to overcome challenges and achieve their business goals. Connect with Christopher on LinkedIn to stay updated on his latest projects and insights.

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Hello and welcome to Leveraging AI, the podcast that shares practical, ethical ways to leverage AI to improve efficiency, grow your business and advance your career. This is Isar Matis, your host, and we are going to have a blast today. If you are listening to this podcast is because you're looking for ways to grow your business with AI. That's in the intro that I do every single time. So hopefully that's why you're here. But to grow the business, you need more clients. To get more clients. there's multiple ways to get more clients, but most of them revolve around showing more people the value that you can bring to them and convincing them that you can be trusted with the thing that they're trying to achieve. That's the whole point of achieving new clients. Now, to of the ways to achieve that goal are driving more traffic to your website through some kind of an SEO process and building your brand and personal brand by having the right content strategy and the right content that proves that you actually know what to do, what you're saying that you're going to do for them. Both of these strategies can be done a lot more effectively and efficiently using AI, if you know what you're doing. And our guest today is the perfect. expert to explain to us exactly how to do these two things. So Christopher Wiedewild is a serial entrepreneur. And through the fact that he had to run his own businesses through many years, he learned the importance of these two topics. And in this past year, he cracked the code on how to leverage AI to do this in a much more effective way. What do I mean by that? he was able to grow the traffic to his websites from 250 unique visitors per month to 10, 000 visitors per month in only three months of writing blog posts. And he's using AI to write these blog posts in order to achieve this amazing growth in traffic. And connection with his audience. He's using that to help other musicians to grow businesses around their craft of music. And under his brand, that's called the AI Musicpreneur. But as I mentioned, the real thing behind it is really brilliant business know how on how to create this thing with AI. And he's going to show us step by step exactly how he's doing this. in this episode. And so I'm really excited to welcome Christopher to the show. Christopher, welcome to Leveraging AI.


Thank you so much for having me. It's a pleasure to be on board today.


Amazing. Listen, you and I connected after I saw your post about this on LinkedIn, I'm like, holy crap. How is that even possible? I've been writing stuff and doing things with my website for a year and a half, and I'm not close to your numbers. And you've within three months, I've grown it to 10, 000 unique visitors, which is huge. Again, just to some people having 10, 000 visitors on their website every single month means tens of thousands of dollars every single month. So I'm really excited personally, and I'm sure everybody's listening to learn how to do this.


be before we dive into this, yeah. A disclaim, a disclaimer. I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. It's a lot of work at the end of the day, of course, and you have to spend hours after hours tweaking your content and understanding your niche. but I was able, and I would've never been able to do the same probably three years ago when AI was not around commercially. And ChatGPT, so when ChatGPT came, I had this moment of, I was working in the music industry. And I was doing product management, product strategy and HR consulting for different brands. And I figured out, hey, music artists, being an artist is very hard and major label artists, they normally have a team. of strategists, PR agents, marketing managers, everyone involved that can help them grow. Indie artists, they usually have no one and they need to do everything by themselves. But hey, we've got AI now. So what if the indie artists had AI as a companion to help them write content, to do release strategies, to help them move their music to the next level. And this is how the AI music promoter was basically built and without. And also learning from different creators. So I've learned a ton from creators like Ola Lehmann, for instance, the AI solopreneur, I want to mention this and Ruben Haseed, who has a product called the AI hub, he's a wealth of knowledge. And through their knowledge, I was able to use their insights to grow my audience, which I honestly would have never thought possible.


So first of all, amazing. I want to touch on two really important things that you mentioned when I teach my courses and when I do my consulting, the number one thing that I mentioned to people is the key to success in this is continuous education. And the way to continue to figure out how to get continuous education is to follow the right people. So if you're listening to this podcast, you're already doing at least one thing, right? Not necessarily me, just by the fact you're listening to AI podcast and consuming education. So find the people that you want to follow that give you the content and the confidence and the tools that you need for the stuff you need. And it's different for every person in every company in order to get that continuous education, because this thing is moving really fast, but you most likely have a day job, meaning you can spend four hours a day. Learning stuff because you just don't have the time for that. But if you can follow one, two, 10, 20 people that can spoonfeed you, just the stuff you need, that's going to save you a lot of time and still give you the knowledge that you need. So that's number one. The number two that I say, I just want to generalize what you said. Yes, it's true for musicians, but it's true for any small business, literally any small business, even if it's not that small. Like I work with companies that have 20 people and with companies that have 300 people in them. Even the companies who have 300 people in them. Are stretched in, have crazy overload on stuff that they're doing. And if they have an actual marketing department of five, 10 people, they're still don't have enough time to do the stuff they need to do. And so I think, yes, it's true for musicians, but I think it's true for every small business out there. there's never enough. hours in the day and enough resources to do all the stuff that you want to do and finding those systems, processes, and tools using AI in order to do it more efficient is a huge benefit to literally anyone.


a hundred percent agreed. it's definitely a bottle opener for me to drive my business forward and to help others. Be better at what they already do and give them new instruments and tools. So without further ado, should we take a look at the process that kind of, was the bottle opener for me? let me, let me share my screen and then we will dive right into it.


And for those of you who are listening to this, which is most of the people who are consuming this, we're going to explain exactly everything that's on the screen. So if you are afraid you're missing something, you are not. That being said, this also exists on the Multiplai AI platform. YouTube channel. So if you're not driving and you're actually at home and consuming this in a way, you can open a screen, you can jump there. You will find the link to that in the show notes. So you can do that very easily, but if you are driving, walking your dog, doing the dishes, mowing the yard, whatever it is, running at the gym, whatever it is that you're doing when you're listening to podcasts, we're going to explain everything that's on the screen. So you can follow us very easily.


Awesome. So let me check. You can see my screen, right? Perfect. All right. So without, without further ado, let's dive into this before I go into the tools. I just want to explain really quick the process and the step by step guide that I took to grow my website from 250 to 10 K users in three months. The first step for me is when I know my niche and when I know my audience. I want to create a content strategy to make sure that on the website, I target them with content that they are already are searching for online on Google that they're Googling. So the first step to do that is content strategy. And I use ChatGPT to do that with a prompt that we will also take a look at. The second step is once I have the topics that I want to write about, I want to know, okay, how do people search for this topic? what kind of keywords do they enter? What kind of questions do they ask on Google when they try to find that topic? So my second step is always going to two tools, one being keyword tool. io, where I search for keywords that are similar to my topic to get a list of keywords that are relevant to write the blog post. The second step is going into a tool called keyword planner, which is offered by Google. And there I will get the volume. Of the keyword so that I know which ones are the most relevant and how do I embed them? How which ones should I embed to get the most traffic possible? Third step is because once so once you know the topic once you know the keywords You want to make sure that you have context because at the end of the day What it matters, what you input into ChatGPT or clot. If you put trash in trash also comes out right at the end of the day. Yeah. So I use a tool called Perplexity AI where instead of just Googling and trying to find answers to my questions, I ask perplexity questions because it then combines different sources that can put information together for me and give me a structure. So this is all about structuring the blog post.


So I'll pause it just for just one second. For those of you who are new to the show, Those who've been listening to the show know this, but those who are new, I really like perplexity as well. Perplexity is as if Google and ChatGPT had a beautiful baby together. So it really takes the best of both worlds. It's a large language model that does web research in a very good way. It's like what Google is trying to do, but With AI overviews and so far failing miserably, I assume they'll figure it out eventually, but it really allows you to do really good research and get answers, but also get the citations of where are the sources of that information. So a, you can verify their legit sources and B, you can dive in deeper if you want to. So it's a great research tool.




And there's a, and there's a free version and I use the free version. It's definitely good enough.


Same for me, actually. Yeah, it already gives you a lot of value. All right, now, when we have done the research and we've got enough context, we know that we can input into the AI. What we then do is write the blog post. For this, I use a tool called, Cloud. Which is a large language model, which is specifically trained also on copywriting data. And I found it to be my favorite tool, go to tool, especially if I want to write about lifestyle content and human sounding content, which sometimes if you're experiencing things that are, that they sound too stiff, if you're writing with ChatGPT, you want to try to humanize it with a tool like clot. And this enables you to do


So again, I want to pause this there for a second. First of all, I agree. I really like the writing style of Claude. I also really like its summarization capabilities. I find it to be better than ChatGPT or Gemini at this point. in general, if I had to rank them from the way I like what they write and how they write it, I would say Claude is number one, Gemini two, and ChatGPT three. And most people go to ChatGPT just because that's the main stuff that people are talking about. But Claude is amazing at creating content that sounds human right out of the get go. Yes, you can get the same outcome with ChatGPT by training it on your style and giving it references and so on, but you can just do it without any effort in Claude. So that's just an easier way to achieve that. So I agree with you a hundred percent.


Absolutely. All right. So let's dive into the first step. And the first step is the content strategy. So this is about generating high value content ideas for your website. Important here is you need to be able to pinpoint your audience who you want to write for, because that will make the output a lot better and also tailored to the niche that you're operating in. So let's take a look at this prompt. This prompt was originally written by the AI solopreneur. Ole Lehmann, and he wrote this prompt specifically to create social media content to get eyeballs, social media content to create how tos, tutorials, and also to highlight authority content, which are your case studies, your testimonials, if you have projects that have been successful using your product or your service. In my case, I wanted to understand, okay, how can I create content ideas that will help me drive traffic to my website? And they are basically structured into three buckets. So the, this is the a xxi, so our output is gonna be a table. The X axis is consisting of growth content, which is to attract visitors. I think it might be even easier if I directly go in here and I, we can go through this together.


Yeah. So what we're doing right now is Christopher's copying the prompt into ChatGPT. So we can see it in ChatGPT in action.


Exactly. So the X axis, these are your three proven content types. So this is the growth content where you want to attract visitors and that aims to increase traffic to a website, should be user friendly, beginner friendly address, common pain points that exist in your niche. Promise quick wins. It often appeals to broad interests and leverages trending topics, also integrating SEO keywords to make it, discoverable knowledge content is about. educating and engaging visitors. So this one goes a little bit deeper than your growth content. The growth content in your niche are the big topics that will drive traffic to your website. And once you've got people hooked on your, on your content, you want to take them a little deeper. So instead of just in my case, for instance, I would, for instance, write about the top five AI music generator tools. And then this would be a list of five different tools. But my knowledge content would be, Hey, let me do a tutorial specifically just on one tool, if you've decided to go for one tool to help you advance further and actually produce something of value, and then the third bucket is your authority content. This is where you want to build credibility and trust. So for instance, in my case, I have an AI prompt library that I offer to music artists, where they can create release strategies, they can write social media content, or they can also create music press releases. Authority content would be if I, for instance, write a blog post about how artist X was able to grow with the AI music manager, which is my product to, I don't know, 200, 000 monthly listeners on Spotify. That would be something where, I am building trust and credibility into my products and my, services that I offer. And this would be under authority content. So these are the three buckets that we will go for. And then the y axis, these are the different categories. So category one would be Products, services, industry news. If you're a new site, for instance, category two would be how to guides, tutorials, tips, and tricks. So this is what we want to, have to be, to do this. And category three would be case studies, success stories, and testimonials. Awesome. And I want you to


scroll to the top just for one second, so we can read how the thing starts. so people understand the broader view of how this actually begins.


100%. So I start out with typically a persona where I described who I am and, that I have years of experience in that craft developing effective content strategies. Then I described the task that I would like to have. I want you to create this content strategy for me. Then typically when I've described the task, what I want the AI to understand is what's a good content strategy. How does it build up? And once you've, once you've told it, this is how a good con strategy is built up. This is your, our Y, our X axis and our Y axis that we just talked about. What you want to do is. enrich it with context. So my context in this case is, context about my work and my business. So those are my products that I offer. Those are the services one on one consulting, for instance, that I do. And everything about This is your unique selling point of your product or your, your business that you offer. This is listed under, context industry mission values, unique selling points that you have. So this is rewritten. We will take a look at this in a second. The second one is the target audience. So you want to make sure that the content that you create, you're hitting the right notes with people. your target audience, specifically if you have the Create a prototype persona. This is what help is helping me to understand my audience. In my case, for instance, I want to reach music artists. I want to reach music industry professionals, for instance, that want to create release strategies or write press releases for their artists. But I also want to, get content creators to discover AI music tools that you can use for their video content, for instance, to prolong watch time on social media. So I want to pause it


just for one second for those of you who are not watching this on, on YouTube, but rather listening to this, the structure that Christopher is describing is a good structure for any, any, prompt. So started with. This is the role that you need to take. This is the goal that we're trying to achieve. This is the way I want you to achieve that goal. And this is context that you need to get. And what he's done here very smartly is that you're not seeing that every part of those components that he's now adding more information, like his target audience and the, what is content strategy he's putting in square brackets, basically signaling to the. Large language model in this particular case, Chachi PT, but it could be in all of them that there's a resource somewhere under that exact name, because it's in square brackets with a number next to it with a capitalized, so target audience is capitalized within square brackets, which means as a human, and hence the large language model would say, Oh, this probably references somewhere else that is going to be referenced either in an attached document. Or in somewhere further down in the prompt where you say, okay, this is this thing. And this is just referencing it in that section where I'm describing the instructions. And so it's best practices to do that when you're giving the AI additional information to signal it out somehow. And it doesn't matter how, but it needs to be something that's not usual writing. So it's not just regular. Brackets, because that's, you might just be writing this in a sentence, but using spread square brackets, using numbering, using, capitalized letters like here, using double quotation marks or triple quotation marks, whatever, something that will signal it out that the AI will know, Oh, this is something else. And hence, now I need to pay attention to it.


Absolutely. Okay. This is the structure of the post. Now here's a funny thing. At least I do that. I always, at the end of each prompt, I try to and on a polite note. So I say, take a deep breath and work on this problem step by step. That's also something that I've. I've learned from Ruben Hasid, so he's using all his prompts and at the end of, each prompt he has, he has this where it's signaling to the AI. Okay. Now I want you to consume what I just told you to do. Don't worry. Don't panic about it. Work on this problem step by step and we'll do the job together.


So I want to pause you for one second again. I'm going to read the last three sentences of your prompt because it's very important and it's very good best practices. So the output should be formatted in a table so that each resulting matrix field has a bolded headline describing it with two sentences below explaining the content of the output. Sorry, the component of the content strategy after outputting the table, suggest two content ideas for each component of the content strategy. And the last one is what you just said, take a deep breath and work on the problem. Step by step. Why is that important? Because think about, I always like to tell people, think about AI as the best intern you ever met, but it's still an intern. So you just gave him. I don't know, two pages worth of instructions and it's might be a little confusing and it's a lot of okay, let me summarize it for you very shortly. At the end, what I need is I need a table that I've described in detail before. But what I need is a table, put that content in a table, give me a short summary of the things that I'm looking for. Okay. Now take a deep breath and go do the project. And this is just solid best practices of writing all the details that we talked about before, including potentially give it in examples. If you have good examples and bad examples of good content, bad content, good outcome, bad outcome, whether yours or somebody else's. So you can quote unquote, train it on. Other people's content. If you've never created your own content, just, people in your field that write stuff that is successful, like you can use that as examples. But then here's a summary of what we need to do, and then you can go


perfectly explained. All right. Now, before we execute this prompt, I'm going to raise this just to save a little bit of time because I've pre prepared this prompt with my input. And, my different categories. So my categories, let's take a look at this together. So my categories in this case are, I offer one on one consulting for music artists, and I want to help them use AI. I want to offer workshops for labels to use AI for their roster of artists by creating music release strategies. I offer an AI prompt library called the AI music manager and a free ebook called the music launchpad, helping artists use AI music tools for music production. The second one is creating tutorials, how to use AI music tools to accelerate the music career of music artists and win new fans. And the third one is, I frequently share case studies of music artists using AI to augment their process or help them win new fans. Being an artist is harder than ever, but AI can help them do the heavy lifting. For writing the right content to connect with their fans and start to concentrate more again on actually creating music. So this one is about the tangible results that can be created. If you're using these tutorials that I offer, for instance, and the products and the services that are offered to help artists and labels, to get the maximum out of their music and their artists. So this is the first part. Now, the second part, what I will do now is I will insert my context. So this is information about my products and my services. What do I do? This is again from the AI solopreneur. What do we, what do you do? What's your offer? What do you talk about in your content? What did you do in the past? What are you interested in and how would you describe yourself? So here I'm trying to give a little bit of input into, my process of how I'm trying to relieve pain points that music artists or content creators, for instance, have. So talk about that music careers are Build brick by brick, but sometimes a blueprint helps. I've been an artist myself, having one student of a music career from a small room in East London, and now my goal is helping others avoid pitfalls and win 1000 true music fans. I do that through a website called the AI Music Printer, where I help artists And music professionals create and promote music. So I understand that it's very hard to go through the cracks and there's millions and millions of artists on Spotify. It's very hard to get discovered because everything is now a lot dictated by the algorithm. And it's sometimes. It's sometimes. Up to luck if your music is going to get discovered on Spotify or not. So you want to try to increase your chances. A little bit about the AI music printer. What do I do? I post AI music news. So this one here is about describing my business and the different products, what I've write about and the kind of, content that I produce that I not only give how tos and tutorials, but for instance, I talk about legislation in the sector that, To protect artists from being exploited due to trend rate of AI music systems. And here are the, I described the products that I use. what's helping me here is I'm actually inserting a press release also that I wrote for one of the products and in this press release, it's structured structures down my journey from going basically from a broke, musician. Being in a 10 square meter room in East London, and then going to the AI music printer and helping artists use AI. So it's a little bit of personal reflection and understanding my journey to make the content output, more personalized and give this a face. So I want to


pause it just for one second, again, going back to what we said before, we said in the initial prompt, we had these placeholders, For content and for. Context and this is basically what we're doing right now. We're inserting all these pieces in there. Now, you may think, oh my God, that's a lot of work. Like every time I write a prompt like this, I got to write this whole thing. Yes, you can, but that's not the right way to do this. The right way to do this is again to use AI to write this once in a concise way. So you can write it like a rough draft, on your own on all these things based on the bullet points that even Christopher said he got from somebody else. So you don't have to reinvent the wheel. Just, you can literally take the list that Christopher shared with you earlier on all the different items that needs to be on the list, write it yourself as a first draft, use AI to make it, clean and concise and well, and then save it as part of your prompt library. So now you have this segment of okay, what is my content look like? Or what is the context about my company and my business? And now you can reuse it again and again, every time you need that Placeholder inside whatever other prompt you need. So there's a way to do this thing. That sounds like a lot of work significantly faster. And now that you have this piece of text that is well describes your target audience, describes you, describe what you're trying to achieve. It just depends. You can have all these snippets that they can, you can insert very quickly into other prompts to make them easier to read. Better and more personalized to you. And at the end of the day, the thing that makes these prompts good is the context because otherwise you're going to get generalized outputs that are not going to be as successful as they need to be. And you're going to be disappointed and you're going to stop doing it, which is the wrong thing. So you got to give it as much context, but you can do the context side of it once and then use it in multiple prompts.


A hundred percent. I think, and it's natural. I would think a lot of us are trying to look for the shortcut. So we, but that ends up us writing it again and again, like you said. It definitely pays off to write it down. Once go through the painful process of really defining what you need, and describing your audience and describing your business and the content that you write about, but it's for you personally, that's going to be a bottle opener to just be a lot more efficient and faster in the long run. So in the second step now, what we do is, if you're wondering, by the way, why I'm using abbreviations to load in my content. I actually use a tool called TextBlaze. TextBlaze, you know it, right? TextBlaze is I


actually use a different tool, but it does exactly the same thing. Okay,


yeah. So this was nice for me because I was able, to inside of TextBlaze build up a library of different prompts. And for each prompt, I am able to give it, a shortcut. So this is, for instance, Slash audience and then context. I'm not going to load this in a second time, but this would automatically. insert my content that I have saved inside of text place. So that's a nice


shortcut. I use magical, both of them, I assume are, mine is a Chrome extension. I assume yours is the same thing and it's the ultimate prompt library tool because instead of you can build a prompt library anywhere. Like you can build it on notion or in a shared document on SharePoint or one drive or wherever, Google drive, like wherever you want, but having it as shortcuts. In a Chrome extension allows you to use it on any tool very quickly without searching for it. All you need is to remember the four, five, 10 shortcuts you need, and you can build multiple of those for different departments. So I use a very similar process, just in a different tool. I don't think the tool matters. The process matters. So create a prompt library in a place that lives in Chrome or whatever browser you're using, and then you can just use it. Type whatever shortcut and the whole segment in this particular case, audience context shows up. So this could be three pages of information that you have to type one shortcut in his case, audience context, and the whole thing shows up. So yes, great best practices.


All right. So if you're ready, I would click on enter and then we will create the content strategy


together. All right, here it already goes. So what's happening right now is ChachiPT says basically, okay, let's create a comprehensive content strategy and it starts creating the table based on the exact definition that Christopher provided. three columns, I'll let you share what it is because you're, it's your thing. I'm just like sharing with people what's happening on the screen right now.


No, absolutely. based on my context that I've given it, it's creating three strategies that I defined. So one being about my. services that I offer and how I want to help artists move forward. The second one are tutorial on how to. So that's my knowledge content where I want people to more deeply understand how to use certain tools. And then the third one, you can take the, this as your authority content. The businesses that you work with, you want to highlight that because it then helps you to build trust in your services, to be able to scale and when new clients in the future. So this is what it's here doing for me now. once I scan through this, I want to pick one of the topics. And I'm going to take it from there. So one thing that immediately strikes me, for instance, is top five AI tools every music artist should know about. that sounds like a great title and automatically gives a music artist the chance to say, okay. AI is the number one Discussion at the moment in the music industry and how it's influencing the world. not just in the music industry, but basically everywhere in a lot of verticals, right? But in my niche, for instance, this would give the artists an idea. Okay. how can I escape creative block? How can I escape? if I don't know, how to come up with a new, melody or I need some help to create lyrics. What tools could I use to augment my process? so I would say, okay, let's take this content idea. And, I want to understand, okay, how do I frame this? So that people are actually finding it. And the second step here is keyword research. So my process is going into a tool called keyword tool. io. So what this basically does is you type in a keyword and then it would give you keywords that are secondary to that keyword. So in SEO, you have a focus keyword in our example, for instance, that would be AI music. And what I want to is long tail keywords. Long tail keywords are easier to optimize for because AI music might be searched a million times, but I don't know, AI music generator might just be searched 10, 000 to a hundred thousand times. So it's easier to rank for this. And then rank for your focus keyword that you're optimizing for. So here, I'm using Google, but you can also search for different keywords on other platforms that could be useful for you in our case. I want to know how much, AI music as a keyword is searched. And what kind of keywords are, similar to this one. So I don't have the paid version here, but there's a workaround and that's why I'm using tool tools, to be able to still use it as a free tool. so you see here a list of different keywords. AI music, but AI music generator. So this is, these are your long tails. Okay. People want to know what kind of tools are actually for free. Here's one of the tools. Suno, some of you might've heard about it. best AI music generators. So people want to know, okay, don't just give me a list of tools. Please let me know what the best are so that I don't have to spend 10 hours, 20 hours of time testing through all the tools. So that's the pain that we want to relieve. We want to now give them a list of tools. That, they're able to directly use without spending hundreds of hours trying it themselves. So that's my pain reliever. So I'm going to write content about what are the best tools for you to unlock your music's true potential. So once I have this list, what I do is I'm going to copy this one, copy it here. And now that I've copied this, I go into the second tool. This one is also for free. So if you have a Google mail account, you can use that for free. And it's, this is called keyword planner. So if you, if you search for search engine, advertising, SEA ads, or just a keyword planner on Google, this will pop up and you can lock in there. And it has one tool called keyword planner, where you can insert what I just copied. So I can insert the list of keywords here and I can say, get started and let me know how many people are actually searching for this keyword on Google. So


while it's doing its thing, I'm gonna, I'm gonna summarize what we've done so far. So we invested a lot of time in understanding the strategy through a prompt with ChatGPT. ChatGPT gave us. recommendations of what might be the content for each and every one of the steps in the user journey. So we define three steps in the user journey from just growing the audience to creating some kind of connection with the audience to converting the audience and building authority. And We're now taking one of those recommendations that ChatGPT created. We're using one tool to create a list of potential things that people are going to search for. And now we're going to a tool within Google that's going to tell us how many people are actually searching for that, so we know what makes sense to people. To actually try to capture.


And that's very good that you said it. So this is a very important step. Of course you could go and now just write that article, but you want to make sure that it's reaching as many people as possible. So that step is actually the most critical step to be found. As a website and to be relevant in the search keyword results, because there's a lot of different websites that are trying to take their part and generate traffic. So you have to stand out with a unique selling point of, I am giving you a content piece that is giving you maximum results. So what I do here is you see on the right side, this is the limitation that we have with the free tool. You see a range. of monthly searches. So I would know, okay, AI music generator that's searched between a hundred K and 1 million times per month. I can search also the location. Maybe you have, language specific content just in French or in Spanish. Then of course you could also search for Spain and just search how many people actually, searching for it in Spain. Or in another location. And you can also look the, in what timeframe this was searched. So now that I know the keywords, I would note some of them down. And this already gives me an idea of the structure of the article. So in my next step, what I would do is I want to know more about the topic. I want to get a good context window so that when I feed this into the Claude to write the content that it has enough information, because if I, again, if I put trash in and I just say, Hey, give me these top five AI tools, it might even create a list of tools that are not existing with us. So you want to make sure that you list the tools and you give it enough context to understand. Okay. great. I now have a structure. I now have a good context when it let me write the article for you. So let's go back. This was our second step. So what I did here is I noted down, for simplicity reasons, a few keywords that we will take, as context to write the article. So we've got a focus keyword. This is the most important one that. I want to rank for it. So I will give it more priority to be included in the headlines. The secondary keywords, these ones would be nice to have. And then FAQs, you also want to make sure that they are included because people not just are looking for AI music generator, and they would type this in, but they're actually typing in real questions because they have a question that they want to have an answer to. So if I can, give answer that question for them and be relevant on Google. I don't, I want to make sure that I take advantage of this. So that's why it's also included. Again,


just to give you examples, focus keyword is AI music, create a music manager. The secondary keywords is Suno AI music or free AI music generator. And then the FAQs can be how to make AI generated music. So these are like examples of these three categories. Okay. What do you do then?


Okay. Step three. This, this is where it gets interesting and it's, it's really one of my favorite tools. I, to be honest, I don't know, when was the last time that I actually asked a question on Google? Yes, me too. I go to Perplexity a lot more.


I still go to Google, but I definitely go to Perplexity a lot more.


Yeah, absolutely. So here in this case, I want to, I now know my topic. we just saw here in the keywords, AI music generator. So my topic is going to be the best five. Free AI music generators in 2024. So I have AI music generators in here, but I also have the secondary keywords, best and free. And people love free stuff. So if the tool starts you out for free and then you have to upgrade, it's always a good idea to put in free, because you will get just that. So much more traffic to the website. So here I just prepared for simplicity reasons, a very simple prompt, or question that I, that I will now insert into perplexity. and what I want this to do is I want to write a blog post about the. Best five AI music generators in 2024. Please help me find five AI tools. And I already know here, which tools I want. I definitely want Suno and Udio out of those five tools. please give me the website links and show them in a table so that I know the tools that I want to write about and also help me find a structure for the blog post. So I want to highlight benefits of using a, an AI music generator, different use cases for, I don't know, creating music for a podcast, for instance, or creating music, in the beginning of an audio book. Or for your videos, I want to give an overview of all the tools. any ethical concerns, this is very specific to the AI music generators because there, there's suspicions that they are trained on copyrighted material. So I want to address this topic and, the future of AI music generators. Also want to give a little bit of a, an outlook. Where it's going to be going in the future. again, this could probably be even more, vast, but I don't want to give it too much context. I want to see what it comes up with. And the cool thing about perplexity is, when we test the tool. So I inserted in this, okay, we've got the pro. Okay, we've got actually, we've got zero searches left today. so I was very busy doing that, but let's see what we get, get out with the basic version. nonetheless, I think it's a great tool and I'm going to choose all here. What, I'm not sure how much you've played with these ones, but we could potentially also look in, published academic papers. Research, here, specific content, or we could, sift through different YouTube videos and extract videos that are created on AI music generators. And even plug into Reddit and go through the different discussions and forums. But I will just go for all here. And, I could even attach, a document. So if I have a PDF document with 50 pages, just talking about AI, music generators, I could do that as well. but I will do this one here and see what it's creating for me. So my goal now is a get sort of a structure, that I can put as a base to create the article. Okay. And. Already here, I gave it, give me a structure. I want to have benefits. I want to have use cases and overview of the tools. And it's giving me some benefits. Why should you use these tools? It's giving me some use cases. It's great for content creators, but it's also good for musicians to get inspiration. It's great for beginners to learn about musical composition. And these are the top three AI music generator tools. So I told it to include Suno and Udio. So it's doing that. It's a table with the tool name. The website and even the key features here. Now, what I would typically do is I would go on the different websites and extract more information about the tool to help me write the finished article, in order to save a little bit of time, we're not going to do that. Yeah,


that's fine.


But, here it's giving you a basic description of the tool, overview of the tools, ethical consideration and the future of AI music. This is where it gets interesting, where this is really sometimes going down the rabbit hole. and these followup questions, I'm having a lot of fun to be honest with these ones because there's no end to it. Yeah. So what happens


in perplexity at the end of each search. There is suggested follow up questions, basically what you may want to know next, and all you have to do is click on them. And he tells you, so this one of those here was, what are the unique features of Suno and UDO compared with other AI music generators? So that's a question you probably want to know. And when Christopher says, there's no end to the rabbit hole at the end of this, there's going to be additional options on how you can dive deeper. so one of them is what are the main differences between this and that, or how does. audio quality of Suno AI compared to literally there's, you can go on and on, but the beauty of this, you don't have to think about the follow up questions is actually provides you two to five of them every single time or six, and you can just click and learn more. And so now we have all this content. How do you put all this thing together into a blog post?


Excellent question. So this is the last step in the process. Step four is actually writing the blog post now. And for this, I also have a prompt. This prompt was originally written by a creator called Ruben Hassid, which I mentioned earlier already, and I will copy it again and we can go through it. So that, you understand the prompt a little more. So this is where I write my content. So this is actually a tool called po. com. And this is how I get access to cloud three, but it also has other chatbots, including ChatGPT four or Gemini 1. 5. I think it has. so it's basically a library of different chatbots and it works out great because, cloud three. I think still is not available in Europe. So this is the only way for me.


Oh, I was wondering why you didn't just go to Claude, but now I


understand. So that's your back door. Exactly. This was my only way to take advantage of it. Cloud three Opus. This has the, I don't know, maybe you wanna say a few, a few words on this, but, there's different models actually of Cloud three. One is called Opus. There's another one called Haiku and Sunnet. how do they compa compare with each other? They are also, based on context winner. So if you have a very long prompt, or like a lot of content that you want to feed into the ai, this is when you want to make sure that, you take one of the, one of these. one of these models that it can actually handle the input. There is also one called, Opus 200k. So there's an even more, larger context when you, that you can enter. So sometimes if there's too much content and the same thing could also happen to you on shared GPT, when you enter too much content, it would give you an error. Because frankly, you were trying to maybe give it too much. you want it, you want


it to spend one second on a quick summary. the biggest three tools right now is obviously Chachupiti 4. 0 and then Clod and then Gemini. And so the largest context window is actually on Gemini Pro 1. 5, which has a million tokens, and sometime soon 2 million tokens, which is about 700, 000 words is a million tokens. So that's a really large context window. The second best one is Opus that has 200, 000. And then ChatGPT 4. 0 has 128, 000 tokens. So if you really need to write A lot. And again, 128, 000 tokens. It's still a hundred thousand words. It's still a lot, but if you have a really long prompt and you need a really long output, then you may go beyond that. So that's gives you an idea of which tools you can use for more content.


Okay. Now what I'm going to do is I'm going to copy and paste the prompt and let's go through this together again. I said, this is a prompt which is based on Ruben Hassid's prompt, but I've altered it, to make it more, more to my use case and we'll. Take a look at this together, how it differs. So again, here, we're starting with a persona to set the stage. You're an SEO expert and a rewarded blog writer. You have multiple years, 15 years of experience. Here, I try to say, okay. Learn from the biggest SEO gurus and the best practices that they have. So typically these are Neil Patel, Brian Dean, and Vanessa Fox, which come up most of the time. this is the task. So we will write a whole blog post together. You know that to write your best blog post possible, you master these characteristics. So here, what Ruben did. He gave a list of different characteristics and how they are important to writing your best blog post. So you want to make sure that it's insightful. don't repeat anything that you insert there. Try to be creative, focus on the niche and a niche topic. let readers get to know the person behind the screen So this is if you write a blog post for instance That is very personally driven and it talks about your story and that can be very interesting thought provoking So what you always want to do is you want to leave your readers with something new that they've learned So you don't want to write The 10th post on AI music generators or something else, but you want to add something which is unique, which. Once people click on your, on your page and they spend, a particular amount of time on your page, these are all signals that are going to come back to Google and signal it to Google. Okay. This seems to be a good post because people have actually spent a good amount of time to sift through the content apparently. So let me try to rank this a little higher. And one thing that you want to make sure of course is you want to have a great headline. And that matters a lot because in the same way that hooks will get you transparency on social media, the first line is the most important one. Everything else comes after you want to make sure that you have a headline, which is highly clickable. And gives enough information to let you know, okay, this is what I can expect from the content. This is what it's going to help me learn. So in this case, this is giving some examples.


20 different examples of good headlines. That's awesome.


Exactly. And then in the next step, we're going to go into the context. So this is where this one also, defers a little bit, of the prompt that Ruben Hasid wrote, because I gave it here specifically. I want to. Give it specifically keywords that it integrates into the article. Now there are three inputs. One is the topic. So you want to in one sentence, or maybe you already have a headline. You want to make sure that you describe the essence so that this is the focal point of the blog post and everything else, which is the context, is aligned to the topic. Because if you don't do that Claude, or if you use CHPT, they might be a little bit too creative around. So they will create something completely different. So if you want to make sure that it abides to what you really want, make sure to describe in one or two sentences the actual topic and then the context will just help you write, the blog post based on the, on the topic.


Yeah. So there's three, three segments again, just to tell people who are not watching the physical structure of this. There's three segments, very clearly differentiated between each other because each and every one has like a beginning with a, signals that look like code writing, but basically my topic and then. Starting my topic, ending my topic, starting my context, ending my context, starting my keyword list, ending my keyword list. And so again, it helps the AI understand exactly what is that segment? What is it built to do? So from a structural perspective, it's not just what's in it. It's also how it's structured that make the AI be able to use it in the most effective way. So yeah, so you have topic, context, keywords.


Exactly. And then in the second step, I'm going to give it a list of, instructions. and these ones are structured into different steps that the AI would take. So the first step is there's a lot of context. And I want the AI to first understand my topic. So thoroughly read through the context, the topic and provided relevant keywords I provided to you above. So this is where I want the AI to scan what I've just inserted. And the second step, once you've understood this. Write your best blog post based on the context. Now here, it's gonna, once it understood it, it's going to write down the product, the content for you. Now in the next step, what we want is in order for Google to better rank your content and to, be more clickable. You want to make sure that you have. a meta description. So this is what I added to the prompt, which was not originally from Ruben Hasid. But, I want to have a meta description, which it writes me. And this meta description has, in this case, a hundred character, it can be up to a 160 characters. Should always have a strong CTA to make people click on the article on Google. And if possible, add three benefits as part of the meta description. And a strong CTA at the end. And in order to, give a little bit more instruction and to make this tangible is I'm going to give it an example. So here, I put an example. The example is easily create pro quality music videos with AI. that's the catch line, the hook. Then I'm going to give it three benefits. For instance, there's no skills needed to create the music videos. you can sync music to stunning visuals. You can collaborate with AI, you can unlock your creative potential. And at the end, I wanted to integrate a CTA as well, so that you read it in a way off. Okay. This is my hook. This is, this is the starting point of you reading this. If you're looking for this on Google. Great. I understood what this is about. so it's going to help me actually create quality content. Okay. These are the different benefits. And now I want you to take that last step and actually click on the Google search result.


Yep. So again, just giving it examples is always a good idea.


A hundred percent. And, step four in my example is I always. Create an excerpt. So a summary of the article so that sometimes, I want to make, actually at all times, I want to make sure if I have been able to generate traffic and people have actually clicked on my article, but they're, I don't know, they might be in a rush. Or they want to know what the article is about. I will give them a 30 word summary to tell them this is what you're going to get from the article. Basically, a TLDR,


a TLDR on top of the article.


Yeah. Yeah, it's awesome. It's a teaser. And in my fifth step, this also feeds into this. Sometimes, and I'm seeing this a lot too, most people, I'm also reflecting on my own consumer behavior. If I'm going on to a news article, it's very important for me to directly grab what the essence of those news hours are because, reading a 1000, 1000 word article and spending half an hour on it, that's sometimes difficult. If you can give them the rundown in three quick sentences, that would be great. So this is what I'm doing here. I'm telling it, please write three key highlights of the article. So for those people that go on the article, they want to wrap it really quick and then leave the page. It's going to give them immediate answer, 15 words maximum per bullet point. These should be, best summarize the article and give three most important thought provoking facts. I want readers to feel informed the minute they start reading the key highlights. And here we have, or take a deep breath and work on this problem step by step. Actually, it's two times here. if you want to double check, you can do that, but maybe one time is enough. at the end here, you can give it some constraints. Also, so there will be a varying length of articles maybe that you want to write one will be 1500 words, but maybe also have news items or short news that you want to share. And these should just be 400 to 500 words. So you can say okay, the blog post should be. That amount of words, what should be the out output language. This is especially interesting. Then if you write, if you want to write the same article in different languages, some websites have a language switch where you can go from one language to the next. So that would help you to batch create content for different audiences. so the output language I can put here, this one is, this one actually comes from experience. So if I'm writing a news post. And I am integrating context that includes quotes. I don't want them to alter the quote. And what I've realized sometimes using Claude and ChatGPT even, it would rewrite the quote so that Yeah. Yeah. So I want to make sure that it's one on one copy pasting the quote as it is in the context and it's just printing this as part of the content. And then my fourth point is do not use uppercase for each word in a headline, please. This one is sometimes also very annoying. If you, have a lot of headlines and a lot of different sections, you always have to alter, the headlines and put, lowercase. Okay. And then take a deep breath and work on this problem step by step. And now what we will do is we would, insert our context. So I would go back and I have this prepared already. So this is a basic blog post structure with some tools I'm going to take. So this is what we did on perplexity just a minute ago, where we tried to get some context. Now I will go back to Claude and I will insert this into my context. Okay. So there we have it going back and in the second step, what I want to do is I want to get my list of keywords. So we'll get the focus keywords, the secondary keywords and the FAQs and I will insert that into the placeholder of relevant keywords. Okay. And in the third step, I want to feed it with my topic and my topic in this case is going to be top five, best five keywords. Oh, let's see, free AI music generators. So let's


input this,


okay, now we're almost ready. Let's say, let's do modest. this is a good, rule of thumb. If you want to create a blog post, with a certain amount of words, you want to make sure that the context that you give it is at least the length. Otherwise it will mumble on a little bit and create content as, that is not as good. So if I have a context of a thousand words, and then I want to create the blog post in 750 words, it has enough to sift through to craft the content for me. So this should be a good rule of thumb. And We'll use English


as American, and then we should be ready to go. Let's do it. So I want to summarize quickly as we're waiting for the results to be generated. the whole process, which I think is absolutely brilliant. So step one, we started with. General strategy, right? We used Chachi PT in order to help us define the content strategy that we want to create. Step two is okay, let's take one item out of that strategy. And we did some keyword research on it using various keyword research tools based on that one initial idea we got from ChatGPT step three. Is we did a deeper research to get actual content using perplexity and that gave us a lot of articles and references and information that we literally can just copy and paste. Four is we took all of that information and we're using it within Claude in this case, in order to actually write the article with a very detailed and well structured prompt. And what it does is magically, after a lot of hard work, Create. A really well written SEO optimized blog post on that topic.


Perfectly said. So we've got the results in and in the same way that we define it inside of the prompt. What it gave me here is a meta description that I can copy paste and put into my CMS. of your choice. It gave me an excerpt which summarizes the article in 30 words. It also gave me three highlights that I want people to directly grasp about the article. And then it wrote the blog post. and it also, was doing that, putting the structure and, actually writing out the content. So what I would question that I


have after this amazing process, do you go back afterwards to any of the tools, even the tools within, I don't know which tool you're using, if using a WordPress or whatever, using to write your blog posts, do you then use any of the plugins to actually check that the keywords that you wanted are actually in there?


I, I do use, I think it's called AI SEO, AI OSCO. That's a plugin, inside of WordPress. So I also use WordPress and, I, I do use. To check, if the keywords are integrated, but one thing, that I've, read about also in the last few months, and I have the luck that, my girlfriend is working in an SEO, so she can give me. She can give me some pointers. So that's, that's pretty cool. So she also, said in part of her work, so she writes a lot, but she also, Creates different content strategies and, the way that Google ranks content, it's not so much about keyword stuffing anymore where you would have, okay, AI music generator needs to be in there 30 times or 50 times, because that's just, you're stuffing together and you're trying to rank based on the amount of keywords that you're inputting. What I do is typically I would, take this. Take this content, put it into a Google word document, and then I would, color in my focus keywords. I could probably though also do this in ChatGPT. I've not done this actually. Yeah, maybe that's a cool thing to say, Hey, here's my list of keywords. Can you mark, please? Cause I think, I haven't tested it. If ChatGPT can actually color in different words, I don't think so.


Yeah. I don't think so, but it could highlight it in square brackets or something that is easy to find.


Exactly. Yeah. So that's a cool thing that I will take away, actually work on. Awesome.


okay. This was amazing. very detailed. I want to do a summary of the summary, which is going back to the beginning. The goal of all of this. Is to get more eyeballs on what you offer, right? Is how you can get more traffic to your website. And it's a proven system. Again, you were using this to go from 250 people a month to 10, 000 people a month in only three months. So anybody literally can do this for your niche, for your industry, for the topics that you're trying to cover. I'll go back to what you said in the beginning. It's not magic. there's. process that you have to follow that is work, but it's a lot less work than it used to be, two years ago. And the results are more or less proven. It's not guaranteed to give you 10, 000 visitors, but it's guaranteed to grow your traffic. If you use this, Christopher, this was Really fascinating and very well thought after. and I really appreciate you taking the time and sharing this with us in so much detail. If people want to follow you, work with you, learn from you, what are the best ways to do that?


So you can follow me on LinkedIn, at Christopher Vidovit, for content on music, if you're interested to use, Music inside of your content. You can also visit my website, AI Musicpreneur. So if you're an artist, a content creator that is creating content, but wants to use music, which is one of the best ways actually to prolong the watch time of your videos and engage people to watch your videos. You can go to my website and discover different AI musicals that will help you to create music. And it's easier than ever. I don't know, Isar, if you've been having your fun Suno and audio and any other of the of course, it's very fun, to do this and people are already using it for different locations. So yeah, go on LinkedIn and follow me. I would love to connect and talk with you or go to my website. If you're an artist content creator or music professional who wants to, yeah, level up, with AI and music to grow, your career. Awesome.


Thank you so much. And, I appreciate you, sharing with us. Thank you so much, Isar.

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