The Black Med Connect Podcast

Do you doubt yourself?- Word of the Week with Dr. Jasmine Weiss

October 15, 2023 Jasmine Weiss
Do you doubt yourself?- Word of the Week with Dr. Jasmine Weiss
The Black Med Connect Podcast
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The Black Med Connect Podcast
Do you doubt yourself?- Word of the Week with Dr. Jasmine Weiss
Oct 15, 2023
Jasmine Weiss

Are you often plagued by doubts about your abilities? You're not alone. Many people wrestle with self-confidence, but it's time to change that narrative. On this week's Word of the Week, with Dr. Jasmine Weiss, we dive into self-confidence, that crucial key to opening doors not only on your journey to medicine and beyond but in every aspect of life. We explore the struggles of self-doubt and offer practical solutions to boost your confidence, such as reflecting on your track record of accomplishments.

Join us as we traverse the world of self-confidence, urging you to dream without limits. Find out why you absolutely deserve to be where you are and learn how to effectively communicate that confidence to the world. Tune in, share this conversation, and equip yourself with the knowledge and tips to confidently stride through the residency interview season!

Join us as we traverse the world of self-confidence, urging you to dream without limits. Find out why you absolutely deserve to be where you are and learn how to effectively communicate that confidence to the world. Tune in, share this conversation, and equip yourself with the knowledge and tips to confidently stride through the residency interview season!

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Show Notes Transcript

Are you often plagued by doubts about your abilities? You're not alone. Many people wrestle with self-confidence, but it's time to change that narrative. On this week's Word of the Week, with Dr. Jasmine Weiss, we dive into self-confidence, that crucial key to opening doors not only on your journey to medicine and beyond but in every aspect of life. We explore the struggles of self-doubt and offer practical solutions to boost your confidence, such as reflecting on your track record of accomplishments.

Join us as we traverse the world of self-confidence, urging you to dream without limits. Find out why you absolutely deserve to be where you are and learn how to effectively communicate that confidence to the world. Tune in, share this conversation, and equip yourself with the knowledge and tips to confidently stride through the residency interview season!

Join us as we traverse the world of self-confidence, urging you to dream without limits. Find out why you absolutely deserve to be where you are and learn how to effectively communicate that confidence to the world. Tune in, share this conversation, and equip yourself with the knowledge and tips to confidently stride through the residency interview season!

Are you preparing for residency interviews? Let us send you a FREE residency tracker to keep track of each interview day! Click  below for your free residency tracker:

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Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to the Word of the Week here on the Be man podcast. This week's Word of the Week is self-confidence. Yes, I know it's two words Self-confidence. What is self-confidence? Self-confidence is a feeling of trust in one's own abilities, qualities and attributes, and this is so important along our journey to medicine and in life to have self-confidence about what you're doing. Oftentimes, as a black person coming through the process of getting into medical school, residency, fellowship, and now as an attending, I was always questioning ooh, do I deserve to be here? Ooh, can I hang with the best of them? Ooh, do I know what I'm doing? And that all comes back to do you feel confident in your abilities and qualities and attributes. One way to really help develop yourself confidence, especially in this season, if you're applying to medical school or applying to residency or even your first job or fellowship to help with that self-confidence, one thing to do is check your own track record. We often forget all of the phenomenal things we've done over the course of our journey. Wherever you are in your stage, we forget we've been exceptional in high school and college and medical school and residency. And even though we may have forgotten, if you take a moment to look back on all of the wonderful things you've done and accomplished. That will automatically help you see if you could do it before. You can absolutely do it again. So hopefully that gives you a boost in your self-confidence because it helps you to trust in your abilities to do things now, because you've shown that you can do things in the past. So that's one way to make sure you are helping to boost yourself confidence. Hello everyone, are you enjoying the episode so far this week? Well, I'm excited to announce that this week's episode is sponsored by the BeMed app. That's right, you heard it the BlackMed Connect app. This app will be for any black or brown pre-medical students, medical students, residents, fellows and attendings, even for institutions. We're in the process of developing our app and we wanted to share it with you now. So if you're interested in receiving updates on when the BeMed app will be available to the world, then head on over to bemedconnectcom slash app APP and join the wait list. Let's jump right back into the episode.

Speaker 1:

The next way is being able to communicate effectively. Confidence is not just about what you've done and what you know. It's about how you convey that message to others. So if you're in your interview season. One thing you can do is make sure you make eye contact as best you can. We know that everybody's camera is a little bit different. We know that when you're looking here you may look down a little bit. So be sure to figure out where on your computer or tablet what makes sense to make sure you're looking directly at the person on your screen. It's not just about eye contact.

Speaker 1:

If you're in a virtual interview. Obviously, if you're in person, you want to do your best to make eye contact, even if it feels awkward. One trick I have for you for making eye contact if you're in person with someone is to actually look at their forehead, in the center, in between their eyebrows. That way you don't have to feel weirded out if you're always looking directly into their eyes, but it conveys the same thing if you look directly here. Of course you don't have to stare at them crazy, you know. But make natural eye contact and show that you are confident in what you're saying while you speak. The other thing is to be energized while you speak. Communicate effectively by having some enthusiasm about what you're saying. That also shows that you're confident in what you do. So that's another tip making sure that you communicate effectively, to show your confidence.

Speaker 1:

And the third thing that shows that you have self-confidence is being able to share your knowledge and share what you've learned. You've come a long way along your journey. We all have, and if we look back over our past track record to see our accomplishments, that also comes along with a lot of knowledge that you've gained over time. So don't be afraid to share what you know with others and speak up and share those things and not hide in the background or feel as if what you have to say is not important. I've been in many instances where I felt like nobody will care what I have to say. But when I say whatever it is I'm thinking about, people say, oh, that's a great point, I haven't thought of it that way. So it's really important to share your knowledge with others because that shows your confidence in yourself and the things you've learned over time.

Speaker 1:

Life isn't easy. There will always be times where we doubt ourselves or we feel like I may not even deserve to be here. But you do. Let me say that again you do deserve to be where you are and I want you to believe and feel and trust and know that the things you've done in your past to help you along this journey. You deserve to be here. You do deserve to be here and you've earned the right to share in whatever space you're looking to share in. So that's all I have for you on the Word of the Week this week Self-confidence, remember.

Speaker 1:

Number one your past track record of being able to do great things and to inspire and help others should help you feel a sense of trust in yourself and in your qualities and your ability to do that again and to repeat that process. Number two having self-confidence is all about being able to communicate effectively by using eye contact, by using body language that conveys confidence and by being enthusiastic about what you're saying. And number three remembering that displaying self-confidence means being able to communicate your knowledge effectively and share what you've learned over the years with others. It takes time to build confidence. I'm constantly working on being more and more confident in my career and my personal life, just like I know that everyone else is.

Speaker 1:

So it's important to keep working on yourself, knowing that you deserve to be here. You absolutely deserve to be here, and we can't wait to see what you do in the future. Don't forget, if you enjoyed this episode about self-confidence comment below the word confidence. So we know to keep making content like this. Be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel, the Black MedConnect Podcast, and if you're listening on a podcast platform, be sure to follow and share, share, share with others. We hope you enjoyed this Word of the Week. Until next time, always remember to dream without limits. Bye you.