
Episode 1: We the People Need Initiative, Recall, and Referendum

May 04, 2024 Steve Scot Season 1 Episode 1
Episode 1: We the People Need Initiative, Recall, and Referendum
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Episode 1: We the People Need Initiative, Recall, and Referendum
May 04, 2024 Season 1 Episode 1
Steve Scot

Steve Scot gives a pretty scathing opinion on how the Democrats and Republicans have seized control of political discourse in America.  He draws on his experience as a husband, father, and grandfather as he admonishes America to break the vicious cycle of the two-party system by using love.

Steve Scot speaks of initiative, recall, and referendum. By giving these powers to the people, you create a 4th Branch of Government called "We The People."

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Steve Scot gives a pretty scathing opinion on how the Democrats and Republicans have seized control of political discourse in America.  He draws on his experience as a husband, father, and grandfather as he admonishes America to break the vicious cycle of the two-party system by using love.

Steve Scot speaks of initiative, recall, and referendum. By giving these powers to the people, you create a 4th Branch of Government called "We The People."

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Speaker 1:

The Iron Curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown, children waging wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day.

Speaker 2:

Hello America. This is Steve Scott coming at you from Lubbock, texas, and the show is Politics in Love. And that beautiful music that you heard was from my beautiful wife, barbara Rose, aka Granny. This is a grandpa coming at you with a lifetime experience of applying love. And as I've sat back since the pandemic and watched the rioting that went on in Portland, the rioting that went on in Seattle and throughout the country, then the rioting at the Capitol, now the rioting at the university, our political system, it doesn't take too objective of a thinker to realize it could probably use some tweaking. Now, the tweaking that. I'm not a geologist, but my understanding is that there's giant plates beneath the Earth's crust and when two of those plates come together, they push together and they either come up, one goes up, the other goes down. But this constant pushing together, that's how you get an earthquake and that's what we're experiencing. We've had a political earthquake right before our eyes since the pandemic. What it took was the pandemic to really expose all this and bring it to the surface, and here's how it's done. These parties are corporations, corporations ran by lawyers mostly.

Speaker 2:

Now let's look at what some of the things that corporations can do, how much control they can have. Look at walmart. You know, in in the good old days grandpa could go into a store and there is a price tag on everything. Now I know clothing and some things have price tags on them, but for the most part the price tag ain't there because somebody back in Arkansas can push a button and change those prices daily as needed. They can do sophisticated marketing research and realize okay, we've got this much in inventory, the competitor's paying this much. We're going to push a button here in what's it called Bentonsville, arkansas and the person I was going to say New York City, but I doubt that New York City has Walmarts. We'll say the suburbs of New York City. They probably got a Walmart. So in Bentonsville they can push a button and boom, there's changes like that and that's what we're ran by. We're ran by corporations and corporations do good things. I'm not picking on corporations in general. When a corporation gets things right, it's great for everybody, but when they get things wrong they can cause a lot of trouble. Now let's switch over to the Democrats and the Republican and focus that they are corporations and as such, corporations have spokesmen, salesmen, politicians, lawyers and salesmen. All work in the same arena of communication. They're trying to sell you, convince you, persuade you, dogmatically pursue their calls, and their calls only so you have two forces politically in America that are only willing to tell their side of the story.

Speaker 2:

Now, as a papa, when there's a dispute and we had a good one the other day here we had the second grader and the kindergartner playing video games and they couldn't agree on which Xbox game they should play and there was a dispute I separated them, like I do, and I talked to one, I talked to the other. I got two different stories out of those young'uns. So Papa's decision was let's put the Xbox up and I'll read you a story. And that's what we did and we all got along fine. The underlying principle here is is when there's a dispute, there's two sides to the story and they both think they're right, and sometimes you just have to take it away from them when they're both fighting over one object and the prudent thing to do is read them a story. This is how this papa is going to read America a story. My first bone to pick are these parties. I'm going to elaborate a little bit more now just to drive this home. It's my show I get to be Papa and ramble on. That's the beauty of this the grandkids. They just have to zone it out.

Speaker 2:

Now, these folks, donald Trump and Joe Biden the crap that just comes out of their mouth as salesmen. It's just funny. Donald Trump the builder promising to build a wall. I mean, you know, that thing is maybe two or three feet wide and he said Mexico would pay for it. There's no wall, joe Biden, all these liberal policies. This morning, as I watched CNN and I watched Elizabeth Warren talking she was going on and on about abortion and on the screen next to her were scene after scene of rioting on about abortion, and on the screen next to her were scene after scene of rioting on college campuses. Now her policy has created this crap, just like Donald Trump's policy and leadership created the crap of rioting at the Capitol. They both do it, both sides do this.

Speaker 2:

The insanity is when, after a riot, one side will start trying to justify their side's rioting. Now think about it. How many people are really crazy enough to go trash a public building like the Capitol or a university? You know, they just aren't there. But this small percent of people and I'll explain in a minute how Joe Biden and Donald Trump only have a true support of about 15% of the population each. But at any rate, joe Biden and Donald Trump have caused this mess with their rhetoric, and not just them. More than them are the parties behind it, because Donald Trump and Joe Biden will pass. That's the beauty of being older, you see dummies come and go and they'll pass. They're only in there for four years. I know the crazies run around and try to say that each side's a dictator and wants to take over the country and things like that. But ain't true, ain't going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Now let's look by the numbers. How unpopular, truthfully, that Trump and Biden are. What I'm basing my numbers on is when Biden had his first primary that he went through. So here they are, candidates lining up to run, and then Trump went through this process with his party. The reality is that each one of them I think Biden got around 25% and that was enough to get him the Democrat election, and then Trump got about 24%. That was enough for him to get the Republican.

Speaker 2:

In reality, that is only about 15% of the general population. I'm talking about everybody. So they tout these numbers and they tout these victories, but really All that Donald Trump and all that Joe Biden could convince to follow them was about 15% of the American population, so, probably, the 15% that want to follow Joe Biden are never going to listen to me. The 15% that want to follow Donald Trump, they're never going to listen to me either. I'm dismissing them as the crazies, the extremists and these people that will blindly follow one political leader or another. And, yes, you have to vote, and, proverbially, you end up with the house of saying go the worst of two evils. I mean the better of two evils. That's what we're choosing from. We all know that A 60% in the middle know that. These extremists, though, are creating this. Why? Because we've evolved into this two-party system. You know, everybody harps the same politician that will say the founding fathers wanted it this way. But you know what the founding fathers that wanted it this way? They were against political parties.

Speaker 2:

George Washington warned against it in his farewell address. You can look it up. I don't have a staff of researchers and stuff, so look anything up. I'm not going to dazzle you with reports and studies. I'm just going to tell you how it is and how it is. George Washington warned against these. There's no provisions in the Constitution. The government was not organized, these clowns evolved.

Speaker 2:

Let me give you another quick history about corporations. Corporations there were only about 300 of them when the country started Originating. Corporations were to build, like big projects, like a canal or a highway, and then they were dissolved afterwards, but they were designed to limit the liability of the builder so they could go ahead and do their work peacefully. Well, eventually that concept, instead of just being for public works, crept into the business sector and we now have corporations the way we know them, and now we're led by two corporations that can push a button and control the outcome for millions. So, at any rate, donald Trump and Joe Biden they're heading parties, they're corporations and they're trying to sell us. Parties, they're corporations and they're trying to sell us. That's all that's going on, and we only have two choices. You got more choices on the cereal aisle than you do choosing politically in America. So these two guys have wrapped it up. They represent 15%. Guys have wrapped it up. They represent 15%. The 60% in the middle.

Speaker 2:

We really don't have a say, because to stay in power, they have to keep appeasing these people and in order to stay in power, they go along with craziness. You don't see Joe Biden on the news, addressing a nation where all their universities are getting taken over. You know you didn't see Donald Trump speaking out when they rioted at the Capitol. They'll say some prepared statement in their rears, but they won't be leaders and stand up and accept responsibility. And stand up and accept responsibility as a father, as a husband, as a grandfather when I make a mistake and I raised all daughters too, and then my granddaughters all came first too, so I've been kept well in line, and when I make a mistake, they let me know and I have to say I'm sorry and move forward.

Speaker 2:

These politicians do not govern in that way. They don't govern with love. So here we are. What do we do? I think I've painted a good enough picture that the Democrats and the Republicans are. Just there's no legal basis for them, but yet they make all the laws and control all the laws. So what do we do? We stop them. We give people a little gift called initiative, recall and recall and referendum. Initiative gives you or we, the people, the ability. Instead of rioting at the capitol, instead of rioting at the universities, rioting in Portland, rioting in Seattle, rioting in Minneapolis, why don't you just let people put things on the ballot. Now, of course, the politicians are going to whine and scream about this. They're going to tell you oh well, we got, we've got, and they'll you know. They'll stutter around like that because they really won't know what to say. The politicians want you to believe that initiative is something crazy. They'll tell you we're a republic and it was designed this way.

Speaker 2:

Fast forward to 2024, and when you see a Alexander Ocasio-Cortez or a Marjorie Taylor Greene doing their obnoxious antics that they do, you've got to ask yourself is this system working? I mean, we've got Senator Menendez on trial for giving secrets to Egypt. George Serranos a complete fraud. He made it in there. So please don't tell me. And I could go on and on. There's a lot of crazies in Congress and all they've got to do is convince their district to get there or, in some cases, a small state. They can get there and be a powerful senator even so. At any rate, the whole thing's designed and I'll talk about term limitations later, but the whole thing's designed to keep crazies like them in power.

Speaker 2:

The way you simply take away that power and limit it is to add a fourth branch to the government. Now I've got this crazy idea stuck in my head. I don't know where these words came from. They're we, the people. Now, I would think that has a connotation that you got 20 cabinet members or whatever in the executive and, well, the judges and lawyers and the judiciary. Okay, I think that we, the people, are competent enough.

Speaker 2:

Could be wrong, because I think the politicians are going to say different and that's who we follow. I could be wrong, but I think 160 million voters might have some good ideas that should be heard and put on the books. That's what initiative is. It allows you me, our neighbors, anybody, to design a law, get signatures and get it on a ballot, instead of waiting for the other three branches of government, the fourth branch of government, the people will just get the job done. Boom, that's initiative Referendum. Let members of Congress that do have a good idea and a bright idea bypass Congress and just put that on the ballot. Boom, they've got the authority to do that. They can put it on the ballot and let the people vote, and we don't have to listen to years and years of debate back and forth between the clowns. 160 million people will get it resolved In states and in countries, time after time again, that have practiced these things, they are able to resolve problems.

Speaker 2:

Research shows that taxes go lower when the people get into control like this, and they have a tendency to do more fee-based services for the government. So in other words, if you want a fancy park in your neighborhood, you don't charge the whole city, charge a user fee for the people to go use it. And so they come up with sensible government, government that the politicians, the corporations and the lobbyists which are corporations too are trying to control, so they can't push a button in a faraway place anymore and control everybody. And then the cherry on top is recall, fire the bums. All of us are accountable. You know, my boss just called me and he wanted some things done I do marketing and he wanted some graphics done in a certain way. I did it. You don't argue about it, because if I argued about it with him he would say you don't have a job. And that's the same common sense that love tells me should be applied to politicians. They can't do it. Get them out of there. The people again know way before that these people should be fired way before they get fired. So fire them. Initiative, recall and referendum Three tools that we, the people, can use to combat the craziness.

Speaker 2:

Now I think I've taken enough of your time, america. I have lots of other things to say, and my microphone's going to be here, my computer is, and so is the internet, so I'll get to talk to you. Pretty cool stuff, huh, that a grandpa in West Texas can talk to the world. That's a neat deal. I'm going to look forward to talking to you more, america. I love you. God bless America, and thank you for listening.

Speaker 1:

Where will I turn? What will stop the burn? Children wonder why. Why oh what have I done? Who has stopped the sun? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. When will people see out, when history bothers, wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams, lives found such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder how? How will families never thrive? Will families ever thrive? Will their homes survive? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.

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