
Episode 3: We Are All Liberal and Conservative

May 09, 2024 Steve Scot Season 1 Episode 3
Episode 3: We Are All Liberal and Conservative
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Episode 3: We Are All Liberal and Conservative
May 09, 2024 Season 1 Episode 3
Steve Scot

Steve Scot discusses how we are all Conservatives and Liberals. He emphasizes formulas from An Algorithm of Love to bring out the best in each of us politically.

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Steve Scot discusses how we are all Conservatives and Liberals. He emphasizes formulas from An Algorithm of Love to bring out the best in each of us politically.

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Speaker 1:

The Iron Curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown, children waging wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day.

Speaker 2:

Hello America, this is Steve Scott again coming at you from my home studio here in Lubbock, Texas, and that music that you just heard was my beautiful wife, Barbara Rose. There's a beautiful song called Love at the end of it that she sings too, that I composed and you'll like it. So listen to the end. At any rate, let's get right into it and talk about what Steve Scott grandpa here in West Texas wants to talk about on politicsandlovecom. And today I'm going to talk about the crazies and that 15% that I talked about. Biden has 15% of a mandate from the voting population. Trump has 15% of the mandate from the voting population. So both these corporations the Democrat and Republican the only product that they can put on the street is somebody that can only garner up 15% of the vote, and then we're stuck with that for two or four years, depending on if it's a congressman or a senator, for six years, and we're stuck with judges that get put in there.

Speaker 1:

We have no say in all this Basically.

Speaker 2:

We have a drug government that's saying trust me, I'll make the laws that you want to make. No, they're not doing that. That's why we get involved with initiative, referendum and recall. Get rid of the primary elections, have a general election with ranked choice voting, and there that's a political party that's where we could really party at, but Democrats and Republican Party that's just an oxymoron. Now let me tell you what their crazy 15% mandate, what these followers inspire, and we're all stuck with it.

Speaker 2:

Let's look at conspiracy theorists. Conspiracy theorists they're a right-wing thing. They're the ones that have given us QAnon and all the other weird crap. Now, there is some truth in conspiracy theory a lot of times, because a lot of times it's just speculation and through speculating and thinking about the future or things are the way now, you can make a decision. But a conspiracy does not translate to the truth and we have the right trying to feed us full of conspiracy because that keeps their 15% happy, then they can get the rest from their party and then they get elected. So they just have to have a very small mandate of people supporting them and they're ruling 100%. And these crazies trying to push their political agenda with conspiracy theories. That's just not sound. That's crazy.

Speaker 2:

And now on the left we've got the brewing problem of transgenders. You would think, listening to liberal media, that we're experiencing a transgender apocalypse. The left has pushed this on it. The right has pushed conspiracy theories on us. I don't believe this. Something's psychologically wrong with a man. That has to get corrected that way. It's not. You know, argue with me all day long until you're blue in the face. But what I argue about with both the crazies on each side is don't let it interfere in my life. That's fine. If you're a conspiracy theorist and you know, you want to use Trump's dumb idea to put bleach in us to kill the virus. No, that's stupid. That's conspiracy theory thinking. Conspiracy theory thinking comes from thinking something up and then going about proving it. You know, and it's just crazy. Transgenders they're trying to convince you that this is just the way it is and that's great. I'm not going to argue with conspiracy theorists or transgenders. What I'm going to say is is keep it out of my personal life. When a conspiracy theorist starts trying to tell me to put bleach in my veins, I'm going to say keep that out of my life. When the liberal left with a tranny. They're going to turn around and say well, you have to accept the fact that a 6'5", 250-pound man can come into a bathroom and crap with your daughters there. You know that ain't going to happen. I've been in too many truck stops stopping and I sit next to truckers going to the bathroom.

Speaker 2:

A little girl like a 5-year-old or a 12-year-old or even a 15-year-old they shouldn't be seeing this. I know I had somebody relayed a story recently to me about their kid being an ROTC and when they would go to these meets they would they compete and they shoot. When they would go to these meets, there was a girl that would come in the locker room and strip down in front of them. Now, these are boys, these are 15-year-old boys, and they felt very uncomfortable. So what they did was they got together and they decided you know, we'll just turn our back on her. We don't have to look at that. When they did that just one time, everybody just ignored her and turned her back on her. She quit coming in and subjecting them to that. Now reverse that role and put a man doing that in a girl's locker room and a bunch of 15-year-old boys are probably going to laugh at it. But a bunch of 15-year-old girls are not going to laugh at that. They're going to be traumatized. So that's where I draw the line. And with conspiracy theorists, when you want to tell me to put bleach in my veins, I ain't going to do it and I ain't going to let a 250-pound man crap in the stall next to my daughters or granddaughters next to my daughters or granddaughters. I think you get the picture.

Speaker 2:

The porn-servative and the libertrans create forces. They create beliefs. You get beliefs from education, from your religion, from your mama, your daddy, your grandma. Get your beliefs from them. Don't let the Democrat National Party or the Republican National Party give you your beliefs. These things aren't beliefs. Quit making them beliefs.

Speaker 2:

Now let's take a look at how an algorithm of love could help with all that. On my algorithm, the little formula in there that I'm focusing on is ethics plus principles, times honesty minus dishonesty, and mercy plus tolerance, times sympathy minus cruelty. You've got two forces there. They're both part of love. You have to be ethical, you have to have principles, you have to be honest, you can't be dishonest, you have to be merciful, you have to be tolerant, you have to be sympathetic and you can't have cruelty. And those are elements of love. That's my belief. Now let's start applying love to some of this. That's where the initiative, recall and all those other things that I'm talking about with direct democracy come from.

Speaker 2:

We need to bust the dualocracy that we're enmeshed in, and that's where these different political changes, if you will, they will give us the opportunity to just develop beliefs on our own and keep politics separated from it. Ethics and principles and honesty. Sometimes that's just a right-wing thing Mercy, tolerance, sympathy, no cruelty. A lot of people look at that as a left-wing thing because conservatives think logically, liberals think emotionally. But let me let you in on a secret. After going on 50 years of raising kids and grandkids and, and, and watching all the stuff that goes on, um, that goes on with them, the secret is, uh, look, america. The secret is that we're all liberals, we're all conservatives.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm about to get in trouble on a personal note here, because I'm going on my broadcast that goes out to the whole wide world. I'm going on my broadcast that goes out to the whole wide world and I'm going to tell Sis, my older sister, that she's a conservative too. Now she's going to raise a lot of hell and never take a call from me again for calling her that. But I got to do it, man, I just got to do it. This is my chance to tell the world that my sister's a conservative, and let me tell you what I'm getting at. It's all joking, even though my sister won't talk to me anymore after this.

Speaker 2:

Sis is very conservative as she goes about her life. She pays her bills, loves the military, just buried her husband he's a Vietnam vet loves the military, relatives that are in the military, she loves it. She also loves to pay her bills on time and balance budgets. That's very conservative of her. But the other side of her is liberal. She thinks we should give, and and I do too that we should give somebody that's a transgender, you know. Give them their space, let them do their thing. Don't get into the politics of trying to outlaw it. If it crosses your line of your personal space, then you can say but I could care less if every guy on my street wore a dress. I'm not going to get up and plan my day around it, but because sis is very ethical, she's very principled, she's very honest and she's not a liar. She uses those conservative qualities but she's also merciful, tolerant, sympathetic and she's not into cruelty. You know she just had the high of her life. Her granddaughter spent a week with her. She's got so much love and tenderness in her heart and that's liberal. And both of those forces the ethics, the principle, the honesty that should be honored, but also the mercy tolerance, sympathy and cruelty should be honored too.

Speaker 2:

And the way we can end these debates, this one debate I'm picking on the transgender thing, because it was like there's like 2% of the population, but when the pandemic came out, 20% were. You know, kids were relating to it. That tells me that something got a hold of them. And what got a hold of them was the media creating a belief. We're talking about the Democrat party, the Republican party, and they created beliefs in people. They also create beliefs that they can put bleach in their veins. Both things are crazy.

Speaker 2:

Now, is it going to get dealt with the way we do? No, the way we do politics with our dualocracy, it is not going to get changed. I promise you that they're going to argue about it for 50 years like they have abortion. Again, the ethical side of me says no, don't abort a baby that's eight months and healthy. Yeah, that's extreme. But you know what? If a poor soul is raped and stuck with a kid or they got a perverted dad or they know they're going to die or the baby's going to die use that mercy tolerance, sympathy minus cruelty and let the people get the medical attention they need. That's where we stand at America. As transgenders become a thing, we're going to fight about it for 50 years, or the people could jump in.

Speaker 2:

And what the people do when they have initiative, recall and referendum is they don't necessarily get to the truth right away is they don't necessarily get to the truth right away? These guys are like you know. Initiative, recall and referendum are like having a huge, huge aircraft carrier in your harbor. That thing cannot turn around by itself, so it takes tugboats to pull it and get it straight and get it out to sea. That's what democracy direct democracy can do for us. We can get the problem straightened out. We probably won't get the solution right, but guess what? We can make more. We can create more laws to refine that and get it to the point where it's sensible. If the people had control of some of these issues, they would get to the bottom of it. But the people don't have control. We're left. We live in a republic. The founding fathers did it.

Speaker 2:

It was a great idea to have representatives like this when we had two and a half million people, like this when we had two and a half million people and your congressman had to ride three days in the rain or four days or five days in the rain on a horse to get to the Capitol to make their laws. But the problem is is we are expected to believe in that system, to accept that system. It's a belief that the Democrats and the Republicans have infused in us. And referendum, adding on ranked choice voting, adding on the eliminating the primaries You're not adding it on, you're eliminating them. Those simple tools can help us stop a debate that we know is going to go on for the next 50 years. We can simply make legislation and most people are sensible this way. They're all for letting the feller run down the street in a dress. That's fine. Anybody picks on him. I'm going to come down on him or her, but I don't want him or her in locker rooms with kids, and America would come to a sensible solution on that. Politicians won't. We will fight for the next 50 years over that Mark my words. So let's see it's 2024. In 2074, they're still going to be arguing about it and how it should be done, but the people would come up with a solution to both problems and they'd do it faster.

Speaker 2:

They're like tugboats in the harbor. The big aircraft carrier can't turn around by itself. That's what we got. We got a big old aircraft carrier Boy. I almost cussed right there. I'd have been in so much trouble with my grandkids' mothers. They don't like that, so I'm working on it. But these tugboats can get in there and they can gently nudge and pull that aircraft carrier out to sea so it can do its thing. That's what we are. We're a bunch of tugboats. We don't have the power of an entire aircraft carrier, but that aircraft carrier is dependent on us and it's dependent on us just completely emphatically. Once recall, referendum and initiative, get in there.

Speaker 2:

So the trick is is if you want to keep being involved in these forces, if you want to get educated by the left or educated by the right, go ahead, or you can take control of your life. And to me, love tells me that we need to do this. We need to take control of our lives by controlling the politics. None of us have time and the people that should hear this aren't going to hear it. But none of us have time to go out and trash a university, to go out and trash the Capitol, to go out and trash a university, to go out and trash the Capitol. But these crazies on each end hear this crap over and over and over again and boom away they go.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm going to be hypocritical sounding here because I don't like the proliferation of the media and social media and how the Democrats and Republicans use that to completely keep reverberating their 15% crazies out to the world. And we're twisted and turned, if you will, through all the things the Democrats and Republicans do to us Just information overload from the left and the right. So, speaking to Grandpa's hypocrisy, I do use the media, I do use the Internet. Obviously I'm broadcasting you from that. So some would argue if they wanted to twist what I'm saying and saying that all media, everything's bad, shouldn't partake of it, because Grandpa partakes of it big time.

Speaker 2:

And I go into a chat room every night and give a shout out. My new best friend is Pacer, give a shout out. My new best friend is Pacer. He's a funny guy man. He tells me that I'm a crazy Mormon and I tell him he's a crazy atheist. Then we watch ball games together. I got my other friend, southeast. He's a great, brilliant conservative mind, my other one A great brilliant conservative mind, my other one easy. Now him and I would have. We've concluded that if we knew each other in real life and were raised together, we would have gotten kicked out of school, or if we had a job, we would have gotten fired together. And then we have Taceda. She's just one of the guys. She gets in there and rolls with us.

Speaker 2:

What I'm saying is I'm using technology and the media and social media and things like that in my own personal life, but I'm trying to address the just when social media and the media and everything take control. There's good applications for it and there's bad. If you just listen to the 15% on each side, and God help you if you're just only listening to 15% on one side or the 15% of the other. Use the media, use these things, use the internet to educate yourself, and we do. We get in our chat room, we argue politics, we have a good time, then we go to bed. My wife's disabled, so she goes to bed early. It gives me friendship late at night, and that's you know, that's a beautiful thing. But that same media I'm not going to take and go crazy with it. I enjoy it for what it is. Now I hope all this ties together. You apply love, these ethics, principles and honesty that I talk about, mercy, tolerance and sympathy.

Speaker 2:

Both those sides have to be satisfied and we can do it politically through initiative, recall, referendum and all the other elements of direct democracy. We can reorganize ourselves, include everybody and get the job done. Let me leave you with this one last thought. Well, I'm going to leave you with ten more. The way I ramble on, but I'm a grandpa, it's my show, so I can do it.

Speaker 2:

But the first one that I want to leave you with is when everyone is free. You've got unequal things going on, so freedom means that not everybody is equal. But also, the other side of that coin is that, boy, I lose my train of thought You're going to have to bear with me. The other side of the coin is when everybody is is when everybody is equal. Then nobody's free, and that's what these two forces are trying to do to us. Don't let them. You can be free and you can accept that others are equal with you, but you can't force these forces, like the Democrats and Republicans do, on us. So that was my point there. My other point is is just love one another. That's my other quote that I want to leave you with.

Speaker 2:

And remember, america, that getting out and vote can take on a whole different meaning Once you're able to get in there and roll up your sleeves and be part of the greatness of America. So here we are. We need to simply change our politics, the way we do things in America. All these issues that I've gone on about the last 20 minutes or so can be resolved, and resolved quickly, if the people are involved. If we continue doing business as usual, the definition of insanity is to keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. If we keep doing business as this, we're going to fight about issues to the point that we're petty Because the Democrats and Republicans want their power and they're not going to let you live peacefully until you turn them off and until you start taking action, and that's really what we need to do as a country. So God bless America, god bless you, and remember if it ain't fun, it's funny. America Love you. See you next time.

Speaker 1:

Where will I turn? What will stop the burn? Children wonder why. Why oh what have I done? Who has stopped the sun? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. When will people see out of history Fathers wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams, lives, found such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder how will families ever thrive? Will their homes survive? Love Love will open all the doors. Love Love will settle all the wars. Love Love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.

Political Crazies and Transgender Issues
Ethics, Love, and Direct Democracy
America's Call for Unity and Action