
Biden and Trump: Should You Trust Them or Yourself?

May 11, 2024 Steve Scot Season 1 Episode 4
Biden and Trump: Should You Trust Them or Yourself?
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Biden and Trump: Should You Trust Them or Yourself?
May 11, 2024 Season 1 Episode 4
Steve Scot

As a grandparent deeply invested in the fabric of our nation's character, I offer a candid reflection on the figures leading our political discourse. Navigating the turbulent waters of partisanship, today's discourse explores the challenges of truth and leadership as we scrutinize the narratives spun by Joe Biden and Donald Trump. From the alleged dishonesty in Biden's personal history to the murky ethics in Hunter Biden's art dealings, we dissect the stories that shape our perceptions and the importance of an objective lens in politics.

Shifting the lens to a more optimistic hue, I weave a tapestry of patriotism intertwined with the transformative power of love. Embracing the imperfections of the country we hold dear, this episode is a poetic contemplation on the role love plays in uniting families, communities, and a nation divided. Through personal musings and a message that transcends political affiliations, we invite listeners to consider how the principles of love and patriotism could herald a future where unity and understanding prevail amidst adversity.

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As a grandparent deeply invested in the fabric of our nation's character, I offer a candid reflection on the figures leading our political discourse. Navigating the turbulent waters of partisanship, today's discourse explores the challenges of truth and leadership as we scrutinize the narratives spun by Joe Biden and Donald Trump. From the alleged dishonesty in Biden's personal history to the murky ethics in Hunter Biden's art dealings, we dissect the stories that shape our perceptions and the importance of an objective lens in politics.

Shifting the lens to a more optimistic hue, I weave a tapestry of patriotism intertwined with the transformative power of love. Embracing the imperfections of the country we hold dear, this episode is a poetic contemplation on the role love plays in uniting families, communities, and a nation divided. Through personal musings and a message that transcends political affiliations, we invite listeners to consider how the principles of love and patriotism could herald a future where unity and understanding prevail amidst adversity.

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Speaker 1:

The Iron Curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown.

Speaker 2:

Children wage in wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day, beautiful music. You just heard was my beautiful wife, who we're working on 50 years now. I've got to hear that. Can you imagine being a young married person and a young married man and you hear this voice of an angel all over the house all the time? It sure set the tone, her singing through the years with both my daughters and my granddaughters and our grandsons. So at any rate, I get to do that and I get jazzed about it.

Speaker 2:

Today, here on politicsandlovecom, I want to talk about Biden and Trump personally, what this grandpa thinks of them personally, what this grandpa thinks of them. The sadness and I say sadness, I'm very selective about what I'm saying the sadness of the situation is is that the Democrats can see everything wrong. That's wrong with Trump, and it's true, but the Republicans can see everything that's wrong with Biden, and it's true. The problem is is nobody is willing to take an objective look at their candidate and try to extrapolate from their personal lives the things they've done in them. That, in my humble opinion, makes them unfit. We'll start with Biden the things that we know about him. One of the things we know is out there. I don't know if this Bill Stevenson, joe Biden's wife's ex-husband, has written the book, but there's articles in Newsweek, in New York Times, wall Street, just off the top of my head. Like I told you last show, I'm not going to Google and social media my way as proof to everything. You can look things up. You're a big person, I don't have a staff, I'm not running clips and things like this. This is a papa telling you how it is and how it is.

Speaker 2:

Joe Biden's a dishonest guy. His public story is that he met Jill Budden in 1975. He picked her out of a crowd at a fundraising event, got her number from somebody else and they went out on a blind date. So that's the official story. Of course, in any divorce you talk to the other side, biden claims he saw her in 75. Bill Stevenson's claiming that him and Joe Biden in 72s as early as 1972, were in fact working on a campaign for Biden. He contends that him and Joe Biden had an affair.

Speaker 2:

Now I'm all for falling in love. I've loved my dear wife and she's loved me, and we've got lovely grand brats and I'm not one to stop love and I'm sure that's what they did. What I'm focusing on is that they lie about it. Let's fast forward to the offspring of Hunter Biden offspring of Hunter Biden. Here's a guy that it took his laptop accidentally getting looked at, or however. I don't know the whole story of it, but at any rate it had all kinds of incriminating stuff on there. The interesting fact is that he showed in about a three-year period or four-year period on. There was how he made $11 million and proceeded to blow through it. He's made a million and a half dollars for his paintings. Now I'm all for art. I'm sitting right here looking at my art gallery.

Speaker 2:

That I have that the grandbrats have made me this is the only stuff that a mother can love or Papa can love in this case but it ain't worth a million and a half dollars. And Hunter Biden as a man wasn't putting out. He was putting about the same quality out as my grandkids. You know. You got to realize some of this stuff's finger painting and just because my wife's a painter she always had access to nice canvas and paints, so she's passed that on with the grandbrats and that's what they do. But Hunter Biden was able to peddle his stuff that only a grandpa can love, and For a million and a half dollars. Another interesting fact is that in doing that there were about his broker admitted there were 10 people that paid all this money for his art, but seven of them were anonymous. So at any rate, biden has been there. You know the Biden White House. They found cocaine in it and of course nobody did it, and the Secret Service story was that they destroyed the evidence before they could properly investigate it. So there we have it.

Speaker 2:

I just see a picture of Joe Biden as a shady character 50 years he's. You know he's been caught red-handed, plagiarizing, standing up and presenting himself as a original maker of a speech, and it was in the verbatim from somebody else original maker of a speech and they're verbatim from somebody else. So you know, we like to confess our neighbor's sins more than we do our own. I'm not trying to do that, but it's just that when somebody's got their finger on the bomb, if they committed the adultery, fine. I don't recommend that. Granted, make me sleep on the couch, that's for sure. I don't recommend that. And they obviously stayed together. But they lied then and they lie now about it. That's what I don't like. I don't like people with finger on their butt and lying. We use lying as a segue into Trump, because people know he lies. He carries himself as a salesman that he is and he does a lot of lying.

Speaker 2:

I was first turned off by Trump when he made his famous recording I think Billy Bush was his name on Entertainment Tonight and he said the vulgar things about what women will let him do because he's rich and famous. And then he tried to dismiss bragging about really sexually assaulting a woman as locker room talk. That's when I knew this man was a piece of crap, because you don't talk like that in locker rooms. Locker rooms are brutally honest environments where if you BS about something, they're going to come down on you. Heck, in high school we'd throw wet towels at each other. You know, somebody says something and you instantly in a locker room. That's not locker room talk. If you tried to say something like that in a locker room, you get wet towels and maybe even get beat up, which tells me Donald Trump's probably never been in a locker room or never been around an environment like that on a regular basis.

Speaker 2:

Just, you, just don't. You know, when you argue with a guy, that's fine Two guys are arguing but you don't. You don't with a woman or a child and maybe I've. You know you can criticize me for that, but with a woman and child, you, you settle down when you're a man, but Trump doesn't. He, he treats women disrespect. That, in my opinion, is just evil. You don't treat women like that. You don't say things like that about women.

Speaker 2:

And we could go on and on about his trials, but I'm not going to get too in-depth in that. I don't believe that they're telling us anything new. It's just that half of us look the other way. Half of us look the other way when cocaine's going into the White House and paintings are being sold. Foreign companies are giving Joe Biden money through his son sold foreign companies, or giving Joe Biden money through his son, and the Biden's family pockets are getting lined by this. Meanwhile, you got Trump with all his shenanigans. His kid walked away with $2 billion. He was an advisor in the government but he walked away with it. I don't know, I don't know if it was $2 billion, but yeah, I think it was $2 billion that he walked away with funds to manage for the Saudis. So these guys make money off indirectly through their kids even.

Speaker 2:

I think I've painted the picture and I think, if you really want to give it due diligence, you can find a lot of examples of Biden's dishonesty and Trump's dishonesty. Trump's is just. You know, his just was out there for me, me, when I saw that he was really bragging about sexually assaulting and then claiming that women liked it because he was rich and famous. I mean that right there, told me that's somebody never to vote for and never, let you know, represent me. So his.

Speaker 2:

It's even hard for me to put into words, because really words isn't how I would have dealt with a situation like that If somebody would have said that to me. Or about my daughters or my wife or my granddaughters. I can tell you what I would do. My left side's not too strong anymore I haven't had a stroke, just injuries in the neck, but my right side still has some power. I would line up the knuckles in my right hand and I would punch him square in the throat and I would twist my hand as I did that, just like the Italian boxing, to turn your glove to apply extra pressure. I would punch somebody in the throat if they just talked like that in front of my wife or daughters or granddaughters or my sisters. You just don't do that To me.

Speaker 2:

That disqualified him right from the get-go. But here we are all these years later. They both should have been disqualified, but they're not, and they do crazy things. But they're not, and they do crazy things. I mean you're a fool if you think that all these trials that Donald Trump has through Democrat prosecutors, that Joe Biden didn't have something to do about this. This isn't blind justice doing its job. It's Joe Biden going after a political opponent and Trump will turn around and do the same thing when he gets in there. Most likely he's going to get elected and he's promised, in his own words, retribution. And so we're going to be caught in this tug-of-war of two liars that want to cover their own butts and make themselves look perfect when they're really flawed characters.

Speaker 2:

This is what the 15 percenters come up with. This is what the 15 percenters come up with. They have these colorful lives and they only have a 15 percent mandate from the public. But because the Republicans and the Democrat corporations get behind them, these shady characters with these shady past become candidates. Because the million dollar corporations not million dollars, hundreds of million dollars corporations endorse them and they support them and to get power, they help live for them.

Speaker 2:

Look at my algorithm of love, america. Read that. There's a lot of qualities in there. Apply those qualities to what I'm talking about right now and you'll see that love isn't being. I mean, the politicians say that they're public servants and a bunch of bull like that, but they're not. Look at an algorithm of love and see and apply that to what I've just talked about, to Biden and Trump, and ask yourself is this what I want? I think you're going to agree with me. I think, if you're remotely objective, you're going to see that Trump and Biden are goofy and dishonest.

Speaker 2:

You know, I came up on Watergate. I had some childhood thing. I was sick and I stayed at home and we just had a small black and white TV and the only thing on to entertain me was Watergate hearings you know just three networks in those days. And so I had that little black and white and my mom would comment on it and at the time it didn't strike me as too peculiar. But later on I realized my mom was really a liberal Democrat and she was defending Nixon. I didn't think much of it at the time, but then when I look back at it, I realized how profound it was, because she said it so eloquently they're all crooks, stevie. And I can remember her just saying it, just like that. And it turns out I'm a grandpa All these years later. I'm embarrassed to say that it took me this long to say, yeah, mom was right, she does see both sides of the story and she saw that they were all crooks.

Speaker 2:

I think, america, that through direct democracy tools like no primaries, no ranked choice, voting and initiative, recall and referendum, I think you could put together a better package as we, the people, than they, the politicians. We, the people, can make sure that the Donald Trumps and the Joe Bidens are kept in check. We can't find out every nitty gritty thing, but as we do, if we, the people, find out about them, we can recall them, we can make laws to stop them. We can control them instead of them controlling us. And again, ask yourself, who do you trust more 535 members of Congress, the president and his staff and some judges and lawyers, or do you trust yourself and lawyers or do you trust yourself? I think we know the answer to that. I think you're capable, america, of governing and making laws and administrating a lot better than Biden and Trump and the Democrat and the Republican parties.

Speaker 2:

Many criticize this. I remember the first time I brought it up publicly. I went to a meeting of my state senator and my state congressman. State congressman just honestly admitted he had never given a thought or heard much about it. But the senator, right away he started in and his exact words were the crazies will get a hold of this. That's why we need to keep control this way. And then he went as far. We're in West Texas. He said the crazies in Houston, if they got a hold of this, they would destroy us. And that's how people try to classify it. They would try to classify you, the crazies, that you can't do it.

Speaker 2:

But we have to have these elected officials. They can think politically for us. They know what's best for us. They know they've got the formula. They've got two holes to plug us in democrat or republican. They're the proverbial shove, the round peg in a square hole. They're saying that 160 million voters, 450 million people, can be divided up nice and evenly into two groups and that's how we serve them. But it's not true. Direct democracy is simply making sure that you run your politics just like you run your house. You run your business affairs. You can do it politically to America. You're not too dumb. The politicians are dumb for telling you this wouldn't work. It does work.

Speaker 2:

23 states and entire countries are ran on this and it works effectively because the citizens get in there. They're not making money from the lobbyist. They're not making money from their parties and donations. The citizens are doing it for what's best for my family, my job, my house, my community. The politicians are making laws for what best keeps them in power and what best way they can use that to funnel $2 billion, like Trump does to his son, and millions that got funneled to Biden's son. That's.

Speaker 2:

Their motivation is not just to get in power, but to get in power and make a lot of money. Every time they make these laws corporations that it affects these congressmen and these politicians run out and buy stocks in those things. So they're controlling it Indirectly. It's all legal, they'll tell you, but those are their motivations. That's what they get out of this. You get out of this political structure and not the stupidity and the childishness that these two forces create. Well, america, I think Papa pretty much beat that topic into the ground. I'll let you research, I'll challenge you to research. If you've got a Democrat affinity, research your Democrat leaders. If you've got a Republican affinity, research your Republican leaders.

Speaker 2:

You're going to see that they're fundamentally dishonest, Then you've got to ask yourself what do we do and what we do is you? What we do? Is you helping make the laws and then you having a say in on firing them if they don't live up to what they're supposed to do? We don't need to throw the bathwater out with the baby and completely reconstitute it. I honestly think congressmen that have these things watching over them, I believe they will listen more to the will of the people if the will of the people is waiting right there with an iron fist to make sure they do it through initiative, recall and referendum, eliminating the primaries and giving us ranked choice voting.

Speaker 2:

So that's all Papa has to say. Papa can never say things in a quick sentence. Got to talk for 20 minutes, but I talk because I love America, I love our soldiers, I love our flag, I love the freedom we have. We got problems, man, but we still got the best brand in the world. We got problems, man, but we still got the best brand in the world. So God bless America and God bless you. Thank you for listening to politicsandlovecom and taking some time out of your day to humor an old grandpa in West Texas. I love you America. I love you America.

Speaker 1:

Where will I turn? What will stop the burn? Children wonder why. Why oh what have I done? Who has stopped the sun? Love love will open all the doors. Love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. When will people see out of history Fathers wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams, Lives, found such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder. How will families ever thrive? Will their homes survive? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put all life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.

Personal Opinions on Biden and Trump
Dishonesty and Power Struggles in Politics
Message of Love and Patriotism