
Navigating Political Chaos: Could Love Be Our Guide to Global Harmony and Fiscal Responsibility?

May 19, 2024 Steve Scot
Navigating Political Chaos: Could Love Be Our Guide to Global Harmony and Fiscal Responsibility?
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Navigating Political Chaos: Could Love Be Our Guide to Global Harmony and Fiscal Responsibility?
May 19, 2024
Steve Scot
Could the antidote to political corruption and the mounting national deficit lie in something as simple as love? This episode peels back the layers of Trump and Biden's political histories, questioning their security clearance viability and the efficacy of their presidential terms. I challenge listeners to reimagine a world where direct democracy reigns, enabling individuals to craft the laws that govern their lives. But it's not all about the power plays; I propose love as the unexpected compass for navigating the treacherous waters of decision-making. Expect a candid discussion on the financial recklessness of our leaders that has future generations teetering on the edge of a fiscal abyss, and a critique of how major political parties have lost their foundational bearings, stirring the pot of a fragmented system.

In an exploration of love's role in global harmony, I delve into the emotional turmoil that grips those pining for change and peace. The chapter titled "Love Will Settle All Wars" invites you to explore the possibility of love as the universal salve for our societal wounds, offering a poetic perspective on its capacity to mend the fractures of our world. We confront the stagnation of progress and the relentless cycle of conflict, imagining how love might be not just a key, but the master key to settling wars and instilling order. In a narrative that crosses borders and challenges divisions, join me in considering whether the boundless nature of love could be the linchpin for lasting peace and the salvation of family units worldwide.

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Could the antidote to political corruption and the mounting national deficit lie in something as simple as love? This episode peels back the layers of Trump and Biden's political histories, questioning their security clearance viability and the efficacy of their presidential terms. I challenge listeners to reimagine a world where direct democracy reigns, enabling individuals to craft the laws that govern their lives. But it's not all about the power plays; I propose love as the unexpected compass for navigating the treacherous waters of decision-making. Expect a candid discussion on the financial recklessness of our leaders that has future generations teetering on the edge of a fiscal abyss, and a critique of how major political parties have lost their foundational bearings, stirring the pot of a fragmented system.

In an exploration of love's role in global harmony, I delve into the emotional turmoil that grips those pining for change and peace. The chapter titled "Love Will Settle All Wars" invites you to explore the possibility of love as the universal salve for our societal wounds, offering a poetic perspective on its capacity to mend the fractures of our world. We confront the stagnation of progress and the relentless cycle of conflict, imagining how love might be not just a key, but the master key to settling wars and instilling order. In a narrative that crosses borders and challenges divisions, join me in considering whether the boundless nature of love could be the linchpin for lasting peace and the salvation of family units worldwide.

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Speaker 1:

The Iron Curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown, children waging wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day.

Speaker 2:

Hello America. That beautiful music was my beautiful wife, barbara Rose, and she'll also sing that song, love, at the end of the program that I've been putting up, and you can hear her. This is Steve Scott, and the show is politicsandlovecom, coming to you from Lubbock, texas. I'm going to get right into it. I'm going to talk about our two big losers, trump and Biden. These clowns have ran for president now a total of seven times combined, and they've each only won once. One of them is going to break the tie, obviously, but what that tells me is is they go after a task and they're only successful a third of the time at it, and at the very most, two thirds of the time. That sounds trivial, maybe, to some, but two thirds of, or one third of, the nation's resources shouldn't be squandered that way. They've wanted it.

Speaker 2:

I've, you know, being older, I don't just have the last eight years perspective. I've watched Joe Biden since he had hair on his head, and I've watched Donald Trump since he was really a white person before he turned orange, and so I've seen him physically change through the years, but I've also seen him flip-flop on a lot of things. Trump, we didn't even know he was a Democrat or Republican, until he ran Biden. You know I've seen him go conservative, liberal, liberal, conservative. I've seen him go back and forth. Whatever the winds of change come his way, he blows that way with them. So we're stuck with it. We've got this system. I mean, I don't think Biden or Trump could even pass a security clearance if they were like Joe government worker that had worked their way up and they need a security clearance now. You know they look at your finances, they look at marital status, they look at your private life, and I think they would be rejected for a simple security clearance. I don't think they could pass it. The countries that they're working to run they probably couldn't pass a security clearance.

Speaker 2:

And this is why I'm advocating for direct democracy. You know it's the Wild West. Get your posse up. Do this. You can take the law into your own hands, literally America, through direct democracy. And don't tell me love doesn't work on all this. Love does America. Look at the algorithm of love. Apply that to politics. I've got about 40 or 50 qualities on there that I use to filter my decisions through and politics love can be applied to that too. You can apply love to politics when it sounds right in your heart. That's good, that's passion. But then let your brain start thinking, and let your brain start thinking. Love. It's a simple formula, but it works really great, and applying love towards politics leads me to direct democracy. And then it can lead you individually going out and making your own decisions for what the laws of the land should be, your own decisions for what the laws of the land should be.

Speaker 2:

$7.8 trillion and more. I'm going to say that again. $7.8 trillion and more. That's how much Donald Trump ran up the deficit. Biden is on track to do it even more.

Speaker 2:

This isn't love when you take the nation's money and continue to blow it the way they do. And what do you hear? Him harping on Social issues, on and on and on about social issues. And yes, they're important. But both Biden and Trump focus on those social issues in their messages and meanwhile they're just like a couple drunken lottery winners running around the country spending 7.8 trillion dollars or more.

Speaker 2:

Think about that. I can't think about it. I don't even know what 7.8 trillion is. Do you realize how long? I mean? That's just not grandchildren debt, that's great grandchildren debt. That's what these guys are doing while they're running around without loving their hearts and they're trying to find votes and find power. We're going bankrupt as a nation.

Speaker 2:

They say that high blood pressure is a silent killer and I agree with that. I believe the silent killer politically for America. I don't believe it. I know it is going to be the crashing of an economy because men like Donald Trump and Joe Biden wanted to spend $7.8 trillion plus over budget so they could have power, and they each had big corporations, the Democrats and Republicans putting them in there. They're backed up real well and this love should be applied to them, but it's not going to be, because the system is fundamentally broken. What threw the system into broken mode are the Democrats and the Republicans. Consider this In the Civil War, the Republicans were the liberals, radicals and the Democrats were the conservative, right-wing, ultra-conservative Past. 150 years or so they've managed to flip-flop that formula. So their own origins, their own. You know what started them. They spin it. You know, call each other woke and MAGA and go at it. $7.8 trillion plus, it just keeps going and it doesn't stop. It doesn't stop for our children, it doesn't stop for our grandchildren, it won't stop for our great-grandchildren, because today Joe Biden and Donald Trump want power and the Democrat Party and the Republican Party want power, so they're willing to go way over budget so they can stay in power. They're not serving you.

Speaker 2:

Our republic has became a joke because of congress and the politicians, the executive branch, the judicial branch. So we step in and we start taking control of these issues. We come up with reasonable things as individuals, put that on a ballot and put it out there for everybody to vote for. Quit filtering it through Congress and the president and then hoping that the judges and the lawyers and the judiciary will uphold it. Create a law yourself, and I'm not talking specifics. And, yes, I have laws that I would like to see on the books, but I'm not going to get into that because then it's going to get into side taking.

Speaker 2:

I already get in a lot of trouble because I call the liberals libertrans and the conservatives porn-servants, because they're jokes for their own philosophies that they claim that they stand for and, as a result, they're going to keep spending 7.8 trillion plus. That keeps going as I ramble on. 7.8 trillion plus grows, gosh. I think just in this time that I've talked. If I were a president, I would have spent millions of your dollars. You know that's how it works, folks. It's an oversimplification. It's a system that these two corporations have managed to take over and then they're reinforced by other corporations through the lobbyist. You're not influenced by any of that. When you go into the voting booth, it's just you. There's nobody standing there. There's not all that lobby money. You vote your conscience and you can create laws that are your conscience. $7.8 trillion plus.

Speaker 2:

I want to make sure I articulate that message. Have you kind of gotten that idea? Just think about that as you walk around To me. Donald Trump and Bill Clinton and Joe Biden are peas in the same pod. They're talking about this debate coming up. I'm sure I'll process that debate mostly like Charlie Brown and the other characters in Schultz's Peanuts. Remember when the teacher talked, all the kids would hear would be wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah. That's what we're going to hear in the debate.

Speaker 2:

Wah, wah wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah wah.

Speaker 2:

And while wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah, wah wah is going in, they're in the background spending $7.8 trillion plus. That's your money, america, and they're going on a spending spree like a couple drunken lottery winners. Man, you get Trump in there, you get Biden in there and they're going to spend the money and eventually it's going to come crashing down, most likely sooner than later. We got a scare during the pandemic how a wrench thrown into our economic system can go. How a wrench thrown into our economic system can go when we go broke. That's really going to be bad. Right now, our economy is so strong and the dollar is so strong that it's the currency that the rest of the world measures us by, us by. But $7.8 trillion plus really throws a wrench in that. We're overspending. That's all there is to it. Do you have $7.8 trillion plus to throw around? Donald Trump and Joe Biden do, and they're going to do it. They are going to do it.

Speaker 2:

They both have a history of overspending trillions of your dollars. You know there used to be a time when the deficit was a thing of honor, a badge of honor for the Republicans, and that's all you heard them talk about, from Reagan through Bush. That's all they talked about was balancing the budget. They didn't do it. They raised taxes and did other crap. You know they were talking about it. They don't even talk about it anymore Because they know when they get elected to Congress, they know when they get elected as president, there's 7.8 trillion plus waiting for them in their shopping spree. You got to give them credit. They do it. Well, you know. Nobody blows money like an American president man. And then you elect a clown like Trump, who's been bankrupt so many times. Clown like Trump, who's been bankrupt so many times.

Speaker 2:

And then you wonder why do they spend $7.8 trillion Plus? You got Joe Biden. He's made $175,000 a year at today's money as a congressman, but he's worth millions. Where did he get the savvy to do that? Well, they know. If they get access to the presidency, they know they get rich.

Speaker 2:

Look at Barack Obama. Couldn't even pay for his college and it was smart what he did taking the loans and getting himself educated. I'm not arguing with that, but he couldn't even pay for it. He was. When he elected president. He was still paying off his student loans, him and his wife. Now look at Obama, obama's rich man. He's producing movies and all kinds of great things and it made him very rich.

Speaker 2:

$7.8 trillion plus that's what they get. You. Watch these young congressmen come in. Alexander Ocasio-Cortez came in, waited tables one year and Congress the next. She's well on her way to becoming a millionaire.

Speaker 2:

$7.8 trillion folks plus. Look at this one clown that surrounded us in New York that got run out because he was such a crook. But even him messing it up the name recognition. He's going to eat off that for 10-12 years.

Speaker 2:

That's what politics attracts People that will do anything for power, and that includes spending $7.8 trillion plus of your money. I'm willing to bet most people that hear my voice don't even know, aren't even aware that that much money is being spent in the background. Some do, but most of us don't know. I mean, it's a figure bigger than any of us can comprehend and we're paying for it. Really, what we're paying for are these politicians to get rich on the system. You can't blame them. You can't blame a Donald Trump or a Joe Biden. The system's there, it's legal and it's a great way to make money. They're hustling a buck and they're making money doing what they do. They're hustling a buck and they're making money doing what they do and meanwhile, $7.8 trillion plus is going on in America.

Speaker 2:

$7.8 trillion plus I just repeated myself because I want to make sure you get the message. They're going to get up there in their debates and they're going to argue about whether trainees should be allowed to read to kindergartners and they're going to argue about some mistake. You know, joe Biden. You know withdrawing from Afghanistan. People were killed, unfortunately, so they're going to rehash stuff like that. So they're going to rehash stuff like that Trump will say something about when I mean Biden will say something about Trump that he blew up when he was president, and they'll go back and forth like that, about the military, about the economy, about social issues.

Speaker 2:

$7.8 trillion plus is all I'm hearing. I'm hearing them talk about all this stuff and I'm hearing them both juxtapositioning themselves so they can look like the candidate. And then guess what After the candidate becomes the president, guess what happens. You'll never guess. $7.8 trillion plus. That's what happens, america, and that's what's going to continue to happen until we take corrective course through direct democracy. God bless America. God bless you. I love you. Enjoy the beautiful Barbara Rose. Peace out America and wonder why.

Speaker 1:

Why, oh what have I done? Who has stopped the sun? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. When will people see how to end history? Fathers wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams, lives found such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder how? How will families never thrive? Will their homes survive? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.

Political Corruption and Overspending in America
Love Will Settle All Wars