
Challenging Ideologies: A Look at the Absurdities in Current Political Narratives

May 20, 2024 Steve Scot Season 1 Episode 7
Challenging Ideologies: A Look at the Absurdities in Current Political Narratives
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Challenging Ideologies: A Look at the Absurdities in Current Political Narratives
May 20, 2024 Season 1 Episode 7
Steve Scot

Can the very fabric of our political system survive as extremists continue to tug at its edges? Steve Scott tackles with enthusiasm in our latest episode from the heart of Lubbock, Texas, on politicsandlove.com. We don't just scratch the surface; we tear into the ideological war that starkly divides Pornservatives and Libertrans—terms I use to spotlight the radicalism pervading our two-party system. It's a no-holds-barred conversation that peels away the layers of hypocrisy and challenges the championed ideals of family values. With each media outlet pushing its agenda, we examine the role of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox in cementing this polarization, asking whether we're all just pawns in a giant game of political chess.

Prepare to be challenged as we dissect the paradox of 'poor conservatives' who preach propriety yet indulge in the antithesis of what they profess. We scrutinize the spectacle of Wokes and Magas, groups that have adopted derogatory labels with a baffling sense of pride, and consider how such extremism is not only influencing but steering the political discourse. With each side spending exorbitant sums while claiming fiscal conservatism, Steve Scot confronts the absurdity of the current state of affairs. He invites you to join us in scrutinizing the contradictions and theatrics of today's political arena. It's a candid discussion that will leave you questioning the very narratives we've been fed—and perhaps even the ideologies we hold dear.

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Show Notes Transcript

Can the very fabric of our political system survive as extremists continue to tug at its edges? Steve Scott tackles with enthusiasm in our latest episode from the heart of Lubbock, Texas, on politicsandlove.com. We don't just scratch the surface; we tear into the ideological war that starkly divides Pornservatives and Libertrans—terms I use to spotlight the radicalism pervading our two-party system. It's a no-holds-barred conversation that peels away the layers of hypocrisy and challenges the championed ideals of family values. With each media outlet pushing its agenda, we examine the role of CNN, MSNBC, and Fox in cementing this polarization, asking whether we're all just pawns in a giant game of political chess.

Prepare to be challenged as we dissect the paradox of 'poor conservatives' who preach propriety yet indulge in the antithesis of what they profess. We scrutinize the spectacle of Wokes and Magas, groups that have adopted derogatory labels with a baffling sense of pride, and consider how such extremism is not only influencing but steering the political discourse. With each side spending exorbitant sums while claiming fiscal conservatism, Steve Scot confronts the absurdity of the current state of affairs. He invites you to join us in scrutinizing the contradictions and theatrics of today's political arena. It's a candid discussion that will leave you questioning the very narratives we've been fed—and perhaps even the ideologies we hold dear.

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Speaker 1:

The Iron Curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown. Children wage in wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day.

Speaker 2:

Hello America. This is Steve Scott, coming to you from Lubbock, texas, with politicsandlovecom, and that was my beautiful wife, barbara Rose, singing to you from music that I composed. Let's jump right in today. I call it the porn servitives versus the libertrans. These two ideological forces, as carried out through the Democrats and the Republicans, have gotten to a point where it's just insanity's ruling. Literally, because 15% mandate is all either candidate can ever get. The inmates are literally running the asylum right now Because it's really the crazies, the extremists, that keep a candidate going. They have to pander to their extremism or they can't win their primary and then they can't get elected. And again, eliminate the dumb primary, eliminate the amount of time they can campaign, campaign and then let them campaign during that time. It's a controlled little box that we can digest, not constant, but we're going to get the constant propaganda because each side indirectly owns their own media. Cnn and MSNBC, they buy into that philosophy. Fox buys into another philosophy. You see ABC, nbc, cbs getting into both philosophies. So really even the media is influenced by these two philosophies.

Speaker 2:

These two parties have hijacked everything. They don't even identify as Republicans and Democrats. They don't even identify as Republicans and Democrats. They call themselves Wokes and Magas and they're proud of it. They're proud of it, you know. Just think about it. Just think about it. If you started calling somebody a name like a Woke or a Maga, that would get under your skin real quick. But these clowns proudly bear it as a banner and they think it's great. The MAGA people wear red hats. The woke people dance naked in the streets on Gay Pride Day. You know this is what's leading us, wokes and MAGas.

Speaker 2:

Now let me tell you what I mean by porn-servatives and libertrans. Let's start with the Republicans and the so-called conservatives. One of the things that they've done to take attention off of spending too much money is they like to label people pedophiles. Barack Obama's a pedophile, joe Biden's a pedophile. They're pedophile mongerers and you've got to ask yourself where do they get such ideas? And that comes from pornography. As a lay clergyman, I've watched pornography destroy marriage after marriage and people with filthy minds. They try to impose that on everybody because they're doing something in secret and then they're publicly acting another way. When you call two presidents of the United States a pedophile, you probably have issues in that area you better start working on.

Speaker 2:

Another reason I can call them poor conservatives is their campaign on family values. This started with Ronald Reagan, who we all know wasn't exactly a family man. He had Nancy, and that's how we knew him in public. But you read his biographies and you see that he was a very cold, austere man. With these kids he was publicly charming, but behind the scenes he just wasn't a good daddy. But the phrase family values came out during his time by one, newt Gingrich. The speaker of the house, the Nancy Pelosi or Johnson of his day was Newt Gingrich. So Newt Gingrich started a campaign called Family Values. Now, mind you, he made up the Family Values as a result of cheating on his first wife to get his second wife. Then, while his second wife was dying of cancer, he just cheated on her and married the third wife. That's the present Mrs Gingrich that we all know. That's the result of their family values.

Speaker 2:

Needless to say, I don't want the government in any way, shape or form, even in a slogan, telling me how to raise my family or what my values are. But the poor conservatives, they do this on a regular basis and it's very, very disturbing. The object of conservative Republican ideology is really to restrict us, to keep us the way we are today to keep us frozen in time. That's what they sell. Then they turn around and spend their $7.8 trillion plus when they get into office and this repeats itself through the 535 districts congressional districts. So everyone's a pedophile and they have the answer to family values. And I kind of started coming of age politically right around that time. So I decided a long time ago when I was starting a family these clowns are not the example I want to follow and I went out and forged my own path and 12 grand brats later. Here we are. So America, the poor conservatives, the Republican party, is not the party of family values. That's a smoke screen so they can spend more of your money and you're going to be giving them $7.8 trillion plus when you put them into office. $1.8 trillion plus when you put them into office. Now let's look at some of the just crazy social stuff that the Democrats do to try to cram their philosophy of everybody should be allowed to do what they want Dance naked in the streets, and that's fine. That may be healthy for them to do that. That isn't healthy for children. That ain't healthy for children to see a bunch of men and g-strings frolicking Through the streets. Do that in the privacy of your own home. You don't need to impose your values on everybody else.

Speaker 2:

Biden's done a great imposition of his values by appointing a transgender as a admiral. That's insane. You know, it's not a combat position fortunately she's like the physician general but they made her a four-star admiral. I mean, this is something people work 40 years to get to and boom, because she's a transgender, she's a four-star admiral now and it's really an ineffective office, just a bureaucratic appointment, but it's sending the message of a four-star admiral in uniform in the military. Now, if Biden really wants to be sincere and really thinks that transgenders aren't emotionally disturbed, put him in combat. Transgenders aren't emotionally disturbed, put them in combat. Give a transgender control of an entire fleet. See how well respected they were by the men and women. They don't look at this as leadership.

Speaker 2:

So Biden's taken our military and put it out there and, as a result, we're having this shoved down our throats. This lifestyle because that's all it is is a lifestyle and we're being told that we should feel comfortable around it and we're being told that we should feel comfortable around it. You know they preach Me Too, and I think it's a good preaching to not be around people that make you feel uncomfortable sexually and honestly, these people transgenders do not do well with children. I'm sorry it ain't going to happen and he's pushing a social agenda to cover up for his excess spending. So, in a nutshell, that's why I see him as porn-servatives and libertrans. They try to get in our personal lives with their social issues and then they argue about that, but the real objective is to get to the $7.8 trillion plus that they're going to spend in their four years in office. We're going to elect one or the other. We're going to elect a Democrat that spends like a drunk that just won the lottery, or a Republican that spends like a drunk that just won the lottery.

Speaker 2:

To me, the best philosophy is not conservatives or libertrans. To me, the best philosophy is you, you know what's best for you. Or liberal trans. To me, the best philosophy is you, you know it's best for you, you know it's best for your family, you know it's best for your situation. You don't need the government telling you to do that, but through these things they do. Through these things, you know if Admiral, rachel or Richard whatever he goes by this week, if that Admiral wants to go into a public restroom with a little girl and start undressing in front of them or a locker room. That's weird, man. That is just weird. You're making the children in the name of tolerance. You're doing the opposite of what the Me Too movement says. You're willing to make children before sex is even on their mind. You're willing to make them feel uncomfortable and question sexuality that they're not even formulating. And I know some wacko is going to try to tell me oh, they start thinking about sex in the womb or some bull crap. I almost swore I didn't know Some bull crap theory like that. So at any rate, that's where we are.

Speaker 2:

Politics in general, this is kind of like really a salutary neglect in US history. You go back and you look at the way England ran the colonies. At first they were like, yeah, kind of let them do what they want. And if we let them do what they want, you know we'll still keep their loyalty. But things started to change and they went from salutary neglect to we're going to tax everything. And that's how we became a nation. We had a nation of prince and princesses, kings and queens and noblemen ruling us and we said forget it, but we've evolved into that folks. We've evolved into prince and princesses, kings and queens and the nobility ruling us. Our salutary neglect period is over. Under the dualocracy of a two-party system. They've ended the salutary neglect as they started making these parties larger and larger after the Civil War and they grew and now they're the monsters that we have. And now they're the monsters that sell us this bull. And now they're the monsters that we have. And now they're the monsters that sell us this bull and spend $7.8 trillion and more every time you put one of them in the office for four years.

Speaker 2:

We have a cold civil war going on. There's not going to be a civil war because there's no geographic boundaries. Wars fight over territory. That's what wars do, so civil wars in this case. There's no boundary, there's no north, there's no south. They're intermixed in the whole population. But we have a cold civil war, just like we had a cold war with Russia. And we have a cold war with China going on. Nobody's shooting at anybody, but it's very cold-blooded stuff. And it's cold-blooded stuff because they try to take their extreme philosophies, force them on us and then use the gains that they make from the office to line their own pockets.

Speaker 2:

Follow the money. That's what's going on in America. Two big corporations are telling you what to do and what to accept, and if you don't do it and you don't accept it, they attempt to ostracize you. But they can only get 15% of the population to listen to their craziness In the primary season in front of their own people. That's all they can garner up is 15% of the voting population. It turns out to be like 25% when they win in the party and you know when you have several people running and you only have to get 20 to 20%. So when they run, originally their own party rejects them, but they still get to rule 100% by convincing the 15%. That's the system. That's the way it works. Throw a wrench in their gears, america.

Speaker 2:

Let them know that we, the people, have a say in on this government, that they're running for us. Let us fire them through recall. Let us have initiative to make laws. Let them put books out there for the public to vote on when they can't get voted on. All these ideas will keep them in check. And let us lead our lives and really just stop it. Just start us getting along and end the Cold Civil War.

Speaker 2:

It's not necessary in Congress and these kings and queens as president, to do something for them, then everybody gets frustrated because it ain't going to be done. You're giving the crazies false hope. Look at these university protesters. They're a bunch of crazies. We know that. We know you're emotionally disturbed when you ransack a university. There's just something there emotionally and it had nothing to do with politics that they claim they're representing. I mean, these clowns were abused or something's unresolved for them to be that radical and that's what's ruling us. But even the extremists would keep their mouths shut if they didn't keep getting false hope through the Republican Democrat Party.

Speaker 2:

You get a vote out there to straight up vote on these issues and they'll get resolved. And they'll realize we can't protest and do things because we're not going to convince anybody of anything. We got to vote here on the record for a specific law. You know these social issues. Just let everybody vote on them and when people see the results of that vote it'll change their way of thinking. They'll at least know that they're defeated on that issue, that they're not fighting for it, that they're not trying to get the noblemen of the Congress and women of the Congress and the kings and queens of the presidency. They know they're not going to have to filter through them, they got the truth and the truth from the people.

Speaker 2:

Let them vote on the issues, let them have control over things and you'll see that $7.8 trillion isn't spent every single four-year cycle, every single four-year cycle. Ask yourself, how long can that go on? Because it's not ending at $7.8 trillion. Biden's going to spend more than Trump did and there's nothing to show for that. So, america, remember when you hear a porn servitive and you hear a libertarian talking, those are smoke screens. Those are smoke screens so they can spend a lot of money and get rich off of the office. I love you, america. God bless America.

Speaker 1:

God bless you and peace out. I done who has stopped the sun. Love love will open all the doors. Order Love has never known a border. When will people see how to win history? Fathers wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams? Life's found such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder how? How will families ever thrive? Will their homes survive? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.