
The Transformative Power of Love: Uniting a Nation Through Hope, Ethics, and Compassion

June 01, 2024 Steve Scot Season 1 Episode 9
The Transformative Power of Love: Uniting a Nation Through Hope, Ethics, and Compassion
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The Transformative Power of Love: Uniting a Nation Through Hope, Ethics, and Compassion
Jun 01, 2024 Season 1 Episode 9
Steve Scot

Can we stop the passion of politicians and turn to love to solve our political problems? That's the bold question Steve Scott from Lubbock, Texas, discusses in this episode. Steve introduces us to his innovative "algorithm of love"—a heartfelt methodology aimed at dissolving political divisiveness through integrating love. He demonstrates how Republicans and Democrats use passion as a substitute for love. 

This isn't just theoretical; we delve into the practical application of love in fostering a more united and compassionate society, emphasizing the role of love, especially in the most challenging scenarios. Hence, passion becomes the enemy of love.

As we shift the conversation to promoting love and unity in America, we explore the delicate balance between maintaining our governmental foundations and advocating for necessary reforms. Steve offers thought-provoking insights into how love can act as a catalyst for accountability and effective governance. 

Love tells Steve, and Steve tells America that direct democracy through initiative, recall, referendum, eliminating primary elections, ranked-choice voting, term limitations, and making the attorney general an elected official federally are what We The People, not the politicians, should have. 

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Can we stop the passion of politicians and turn to love to solve our political problems? That's the bold question Steve Scott from Lubbock, Texas, discusses in this episode. Steve introduces us to his innovative "algorithm of love"—a heartfelt methodology aimed at dissolving political divisiveness through integrating love. He demonstrates how Republicans and Democrats use passion as a substitute for love. 

This isn't just theoretical; we delve into the practical application of love in fostering a more united and compassionate society, emphasizing the role of love, especially in the most challenging scenarios. Hence, passion becomes the enemy of love.

As we shift the conversation to promoting love and unity in America, we explore the delicate balance between maintaining our governmental foundations and advocating for necessary reforms. Steve offers thought-provoking insights into how love can act as a catalyst for accountability and effective governance. 

Love tells Steve, and Steve tells America that direct democracy through initiative, recall, referendum, eliminating primary elections, ranked-choice voting, term limitations, and making the attorney general an elected official federally are what We The People, not the politicians, should have. 

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Speaker 1:

The iron curtain fell and the wall came down. Now we're forced to live in our hometown, children waging wars where stickball was played. It's the dawning of a saddened day.

Speaker 2:

Hello America, this is Steve Scott, coming to you from Lubbock, texas, with politicsandlovecom, and that was my beautiful wife, barbara Rose. I've got to listen to that going on 50 years now. Imagine having that in your home. Love has been here because of my beautiful wife. Now so far in the past I've kind of not kind of I've totally railed on Republicans and Democrats. Meanwhile I'm calling this politics and love and I'm not talking a lot about love and I came up really realizing in the pandemic and really it was a flash moment that made me realize people really need to study love, because on Facebook I just made some joke about something. I think it was pro.

Speaker 2:

Yeah it was. They were protesting up in Portland, oregon, where I went to some high school, and so I made a joke on Facebook about it. It sparked, like I think it was, 163 responses. I counted after and it just spiraled out of control. You just it just blew up and I'm like thinking you know, this isn't right. And I realized that going through the pandemic and even coming out of it, people don't have a foundation of love and if you let politicians be politicians, that's going to imbalance you. So let's dive in to an algorithm of love. What I have is about four qualities in a mathematical formula. I put it in there and I call it an algorithm. I'm sure some math professor is looking at it somewhere laughing, but for, I guess, dramatic purposes, I made it into a math formula. So, for whatever reason, that's the format. Let's jump right in. Hope plus optimism, times work minus pessimism. Grandpa's going to tell a little story about hope and getting rid of pessimism. Grandpa's going to tell a little story about hope and getting rid of pessimism.

Speaker 2:

Two boys, identical twins. One was very sullen and withdrawn and the other one was bouncing off the walls with enthusiasm. So the scientists decided to study them and figure out. Two twins, same background. What's the difference? Well, they put the depressed kid in a room with all kinds of toys and he wouldn't do anything. They said why wouldn't you do anything? He said I was afraid to try. And he wouldn't do anything. They said why wouldn't you do anything? He said I was afraid to try.

Speaker 2:

Then they put the other boy in a room with horse manure up to his knees and he got happy. He was slinging horse manure all over. He was ecstatic and the scientist said why are you so happy? And he said well, with all that horse manure, I figured there was a pony in there somewhere for me to ride and I was looking for it. That, my friends, is the power of optimism and hope. They'll keep you going A little misguided to look for a horse in a room full of manure, but his attitude pushed him.

Speaker 2:

And that's where the next element comes on, because if you're just hopeful and you're digging for manure, if you're digging through manure in a room looking for a pony, you probably don't have a lot of knowledge about how things are. So, as I guess a plottable, I'm trying to think of words, words that you would use for the one boy searching through the manure. The truth is he was doing it ignorantly. And that's where, after hope plus optimism, times work minus pessimism. Plus knowledge plus education, times learning minus ignorance. Now you're going to realize, oh, I don't have to dig through manure to find a pony. Now you know well, I've gotten some knowledge and education and learning. You know Ponies are out there. There's wild horses. I can go capture me one. With the knowledge you can figure out how to get your own ponies.

Speaker 2:

But as you're going through this process, you have to have ethics plus principles, times honesty minus dishonesty. Don't go looking for your pony in another feller's pasture. That's called being a horse thief, in another feller's pasture, that's called being a horse thief. So you have to have ethics and principles and honesty minus dishonesty. Then you got to have mercy, mercy on yourself and tolerance. Times sympathy and cruelty.

Speaker 2:

You're looking for a horse.

Speaker 2:

You're going to have to apply mercy and tolerance. Trust me, I've been around some horses. You have to have a soft heart around them, you have to be merciful, you have to be tolerant, you have to have sympathy for the beast and then minus any cruelty. So once you've got your pony, you can't be mean to it. You have to be mean to it. You have to be nice to it and in order to be nice you have to be patient, you have to have composure, you have to have restraint Minus frustration, because I can tell you going out on the range, finding you a wild pony, you're going to have to be patient and keep your composure and your restraint and your frustration. But then you kind of got to be friendly and loyal and affection and unfriendly, or not be unfriendly, but minus the unfriendliness. Again you're working with a horse, you can get yourself kicked or bit.

Speaker 2:

Friendliness Again, you're working with a horse, you can get yourself kicked or bit. And then you be generous plus helpful times. Charitable minus greedy. Generous in this case is going to be your time. You got your horse, you got to be generous with your time and you got to be generous with your money to take care of a horse. Those suckers are expensive. You got to be helpful and charitable minus the greed. You can't be greedy with your time. That horse is there in your barn now. You tried digging through manure to find it. Now you got a horse in your barn and you better keep that barn up and you better not be ungenerous with your time because the horse needs it, then you've got to be humble plus simple times, courteous minus arrogant Again that horse is going to sense it and you're going to

Speaker 2:

get kicked If you're not humble. You've got to be courteous to that horse. But humility sometimes has a connotation that you've got to be pushed around. You can't be pushed around by that horse. You've got to be confident, you've got to be diligent, you've got to be positive. And then, minus your fear, you're scared of that horse, you're going to get kicked or bit. But if you're confident and diligent and positive with it, that animal will sense your disposition. Then you have to be moderate and balanced. You have to be gentle. You can't be harsh. You beat a horse, you get kicked or bit or bucked off. They just won't put up with it. You know moderate Horses like apples.

Speaker 2:

You don't need to go giving them a bushel of apples to sit there and chow down on. They can have one little treat. They can have one little treat. And then you've got to be peaceful, plus neutral times, calm, minus anxiety. If you're not peaceful, that horse will kick you, it will bite you, it will throw you. But when I'm up on the horse there's joy plus amused times, humor, and this is the only one where there's two negatives. So for joy you got a minus anger and sadness. Get up there on your horse, drive around, have a good time. Humor If it ain't fun, it's funny. And then, as far as crisis go, most crisis plus time equals humor too. So be of good cheer, be happy, but be mindful, plus attentive Times, concentrate and that'll minus the negligence, plus attentive times concentrate and that'll minus the negligence.

Speaker 2:

Being mindful, think of a police officer. Their head's always on a swivel, know what's going on around you, but do it without anxiety. You'll also notice when a police officer is looking around. They're keeping their composure, they're not getting anxious and that keeps them from being negligent. The good ones, and then plus harmonious, plus considerate times cooperative, minus violent. Be harmonious you know that horse ain't going to always do what you like, but when you get some harmony going with it, you and that horse are going to have a good time together out on the trail.

Speaker 2:

Be grateful Plus attitude times complimentary, minus abuse. Be grateful for your horse, have a good attitude about it, love it. Minus negligence you got to send it to the blacksmith. You got to get it hooved. You got to keep those hooves trimmed. You got to brush it because you're grateful for it.

Speaker 2:

And then the last element is forgiveness plus understanding times, freedom, minus revenge. That horse is going to do some things you don't like. You've got to forgive it. You've got to have understanding. And then multiply that by freedom and minus revenge. You know, if the horse gets into something, I'll go to a dog analogy. If your dog gets into something, because I've had some dogs eat stuff that I didn't want to get eaten, like the Bible one time. You don't get revenge, you don't carry a grudge against a poor, dumb animal, you forgive it. It ain't my Bible, I don't have any grudges against it. There we are, america. That sounds like a mouthful and it is Perhaps even impossible. But now shift from that to politics. Social media, people's crabbiness and your decision making gets blurred, and it really gets blurred if you're not living these principles. If you turn to politics for direction, even turning to politics for amusement will get you in trouble if you don't have these principles. I'm going to read them one more time, but I'm going to do it fast.

Speaker 2:

Hope plus optimism. Times work minus pessimism plus knowledge plus education. Times learning minus pessimism plus knowledge plus education. Times learning minus ignorant. Ethics plus principles. Time honesty minus dishonesty plus mercy plus tolerance. Times sympathy minus cruelty. Patience plus composure times restraint minus frustration plus friendly plus times affection minus unfriendly. Generous plus helpful times charitable minus greedy plus humble plus simple. Times courteous minus arrogant. Confident plus diligent. Times positive minus fear plus moderate plus balanced. Times general minus harsh. Peaceful plus neutral. Times calm minus plus joy plus amuse times. Humor minus anger, minus sadness, plus mindful plus attentive times. Concentrate minus negligent, plus harmonious plus considerate times. Cooperative minus violent, grateful, cooperative minus violent, grateful plus attitude times. Composure minus abuse plus forgiveness plus understanding times. Freedom minus revenge equals love. That's probably the closest I'll get to being a rapper ever.

Speaker 2:

We have love america, and, as crazy as it sounds, love is a great anecdote to politics. I want to challenge all of you. Think of a law you would like to have made. So this law is going to become your horse, your pony Now through our current system, pony Now through our current system.

Speaker 2:

If you want your law to be made, or you want your pony or your horse, you got to have faith that you're going to vote for some politicians and they're going to go to Washington DC and they're going to fulfill it. No, they're not, and they're going to fulfill it. No, they're not. And they're not because the system that was set up good got polluted by the two-party system and that threw a wrench in love. That threw a wrench in people thinking with love and feeling with love. So we got the mess that we got because love wasn't applied.

Speaker 2:

Greed was like I've established and I don't think I have to establish it. I think you'll know it that greed is the majority of the politicians. You make it to Congress and you become a millionaire and time and time again that plays out. Democrat and Republican people come out of nowhere, they get elected, they get elected and we're stuck with them. But love tells me that we need to start being more active politically and the way to do that is through initiative, recall referendum. Get rid of the primary elections and have ranked choice voting. That will tame the politicians. Throw in some term limitations. Keep a member of the House of Representatives they can serve eight years, that's four terms. A senator two terms, that's 12 years. And a president we've already taken care of that Supreme Court fix that too. Every president should pick a Supreme Court justice.

Speaker 2:

I read this plan on the first and third year of their presidency, and on the first and third year a Supreme Court member will retire. Keep them in there for 18 years. Eventually the numbers will be balanced. Hopefully It'll at least be a lot better system than what we have right now People put in there with absolute authority and that's it. So love tells me that we need these changes and we need to try. I don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don't need to get rid of Congress. We don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. We don't need to get rid of Congress. We don't need to get rid of the president. We don't need to get rid of the judges. We just need to reign them in with love. And love would reign them in if they knew they could get recalled. Love would reign them in if they knew you could go above their head and make a law. If they had those pressures on them and term limitations, we would get things done.

Speaker 2:

Because in essence, we would be there to make sure. Hence we, the people, not those the politicians. America, I love you. I hope you take time to read this, I hope you find your pony from it and I hope you ride tall and proud. God bless America. God bless you. Love you, america, thank you, thank you?

Speaker 1:

Where will I turn? What will stop the burn? Children wonder why. Why oh what have I done? Who has stopped the sun? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will open up the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. When will people see how to win history? Fathers wondering how, how they have such spoiled dreams? Life's run such extremes? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Can we find our peace? Will the struggle cease? The world is left to wonder. How will families ever thrive? Will their homes survive? Love love will open all the doors. Love love will settle all the wars. Love love will put our life in order. Love has never known a border. Love has never known a border.

Algorithm of Love and Politics
Promoting Love and Unity in America