
Journey Through the Spirit Realm: Insights and Protective Strategies

September 04, 2023 Motherland with Oneika Mays and Isabel Franke Season 1 Episode 21
Journey Through the Spirit Realm: Insights and Protective Strategies
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Journey Through the Spirit Realm: Insights and Protective Strategies
Sep 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 21
Motherland with Oneika Mays and Isabel Franke

Welcome to an enchanting exploration of spirituality and mediumship, where personal tales of spectral encounters and lessons in boundary-setting take center stage. We, your hosts, engage in a captivating conversation with the insightful Isabelle, as we uncover the power of spirit and our profound connection to it. Together, we delve into the concept of clairsentience, discuss how personal loss can deepen our spiritual attachments, and share personal experiences of communicating with the divine.

Our conversation takes an intriguing turn as we recount childhood encounters with spirits and the ethical dilemmas faced during readings. We uncover what it truly feels like to be in the presence of a spirit, and how our unique abilities guide us in comprehending these ethereal communications. Highlighting the delicate balance of knowing when to intervene, we recall the emotional story of a message I was tasked to deliver to a grieving woman, emphasizing how mediumship can assist others through their journey of grief.

As we navigate the spiritual realm, the significance of safeguarding ourselves from unwanted energies becomes apparent. Drawing from personal anecdotes, we explore the power of setting boundaries with our spirit through meditation and intention. Unearth the mystical world of spiritual tools, as I share my experiences of using Salonite sticks to create a secure environment. Tune into our enlightening discourse as we shed light on spirit, mediumship, and the strategies required to explore this incredible, spiritual world.

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Welcome to an enchanting exploration of spirituality and mediumship, where personal tales of spectral encounters and lessons in boundary-setting take center stage. We, your hosts, engage in a captivating conversation with the insightful Isabelle, as we uncover the power of spirit and our profound connection to it. Together, we delve into the concept of clairsentience, discuss how personal loss can deepen our spiritual attachments, and share personal experiences of communicating with the divine.

Our conversation takes an intriguing turn as we recount childhood encounters with spirits and the ethical dilemmas faced during readings. We uncover what it truly feels like to be in the presence of a spirit, and how our unique abilities guide us in comprehending these ethereal communications. Highlighting the delicate balance of knowing when to intervene, we recall the emotional story of a message I was tasked to deliver to a grieving woman, emphasizing how mediumship can assist others through their journey of grief.

As we navigate the spiritual realm, the significance of safeguarding ourselves from unwanted energies becomes apparent. Drawing from personal anecdotes, we explore the power of setting boundaries with our spirit through meditation and intention. Unearth the mystical world of spiritual tools, as I share my experiences of using Salonite sticks to create a secure environment. Tune into our enlightening discourse as we shed light on spirit, mediumship, and the strategies required to explore this incredible, spiritual world.

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Oneika Mays:

I'm going to go with a hard kombucha.

Isabel Franke:

What time is it over there? It's noon. That will be my day. I'll have a lunch date later. I guess I'll join in on that Hard kombucha is my new favorite thing.

Oneika Mays:

I love it. It's good. I like that. I like that.

Isabel Franke:

It's all right. I'm sort of fool myself, I think it does. It hits you suddenly. Fun, funny story. We figure out what we're talking about. I was out and drinking and mixed it up. I forgot what else a regular kabucha like, wasn't hard, right Done. My stomach was full because you know, they're kind of filling, and I had it there Like you know, bitch, you need to finish that. And I was like no, no, no, like, I'm good, I'm done. And she's like no, you need to. She thought it was alcohol. It's just so funny because she's like chug it, chug it. And I'm like, okay, like, because I didn't want to tell her like, it's not alcohol.

Oneika Mays:

It's just a regular kabucha.

Isabel Franke:

So I'm like chugging, I'm like I can't do it anymore. I put it down and she's like give me that. She like throws it back like a shot. It just was funny, because I'm like you're literally just drinking regular kabucha, but I'll let you do that.

Oneika Mays:

Like gave me your intestines, yeah.

Isabel Franke:

So I was thinking today. I thought, why not have fun? I don't know if you feel comfortable about this, but what about if we talk about like ghost and like spirit or something like that? Okay, you feel good with that? Yeah, okay, all right. So I thought about like ghost and like future and timeline, like just mix up the conversation and see where we, where we flow with it.

Oneika Mays:

Okay, Um, actually and let me start off with a question for you Um podcast, huh yes, welcome to motherland. Um, so we're starting the podcast off and I'm going to ask Isabelle a question, because one of the things I really love about our podcast is the fact that you are this amazing spiritual teacher and, as I'm sort of starting on new re, remembering myself to be able to have your expertise, I feel really lucky to be able to ask questions.

Isabel Franke:

Oh, we're good.

Oneika Mays:

So, um, I have a question for you. There are times and I it started. I'll say it started like right after my dad died. I would have a feeling that, um, he was dropping in, or an ancestor was dropping in, and I would feel it inside my body and I can't I'm going to try to articulate this so I would have a feeling out of nowhere of like this deep sense of nostalgia, not triggered by anything, right, like it's not, like I was watching something. There would just be this wave of emotion, not even thinking about anything. That would come out of nowhere.

Oneika Mays:

And before I was just like oh, is this just grief washing over me? But it didn't quite feel like grief. It felt like something coming in from somewhere. And then there was one night, and full transparency, I'd had an edible and I felt like wait a minute, is this somebody coming into me? And is that why I'm feeling this way? And so then I would ask a question to get a yes or no answer and I would feel like a tingle in my body that would feel like a yes. And then, if I would ask a question and there was nothing, it felt like a no. Is that like a thing, or was I just making that up.

Isabel Franke:

No, that's definitely a thing I think you gotta make. There's a couple of state words that you use during this that I'm kind of. I'm listening to you and it's like one spirit doesn't really step into people's body in the way that movies predict in that way, except your higher self will. So your self, is you right as you call your whole self?

Isabel Franke:

Yeah yeah yeah, that's a part of you, so that's something different. But spirit and when I say spirit, guys, I'm referring to past loved ones as well as like ancestors or anything you have to remember like we've talked about I don't even know if we've ever really had a podcast on this, but we've talked about, like the Claire's I think we have, like there's Claire Sentin, claire, audien, claire. Okay, so when you have the Claire's, spirit will utilize these in different ways to transmute that energy, to help you connect and feel so like. That's why you're like okay, I have this feeling just coming about me. Yeah.

Oneika Mays:

So not dropping in yes, so let me change that. I don't mean dropping in, but it was sort of a sudden energy, like out of nowhere. But I, and then there was something in me that was like, oh, this is something happening. And then I would do this thing, like to verify, like am I feeling this? And it's almost like I would check and I would ask a question and I would call it my dad but I don't necessarily think it was my father, I think it was just spirit and then I was asking, I would ask questions, and then I would feel like a tingle, like yes, this is an answer, and then if the answer was no, there would be nothing. So that is a thing. Yeah, it is a thing.

Isabel Franke:

Okay, but why do you not think it was your dad? Out of curiosity.

Oneika Mays:

I don't know if it was my dad or not there was one there, because it happens, it happens a lot.

Oneika Mays:

To be honest with you, like it happens, it happens more often than than I even can can think. To be honest with you, like I think there are times it was actually my dad, because I actually asked a couple of clarifying questions. But then there are times I think I started to get very in touch with spirit after my dad died and I think that was just a part of me wanting to stay connected with him, right? So I think I became more aware, sort of on purpose, because I didn't want to lose connection. And then I also think sometimes I would call something my dad, because that was just my association. But it might be someone else.

Isabel Franke:

So, yeah, so I just was wondering why? Because I think it was a mix of both. Yeah, I teach people when I teach people mediumship, because I do train people in mediumship. By the way, not everyone's in medium, I want to say it's not everybody's in medium that can feel or sense spirit. Because I have, we all have the ability to feel and sense spirit. Okay, so, like people are always like, am I a medium because I can sense and feel spirit? I'm like, not necessarily, but when I do train people in mediumship, helping them to understand how to navigate those feelings that you're saying, that overwhelming sense of like, emotion or energy, is one of the main, the main things.

Oneika Mays:

So yeah, because I don't think I'm a medium, but I will.

Isabel Franke:

You know, it's me that we're having you, I'm like yes, you are I heard some beard say yes, you are, you're like, come on now, like let's think back. Yes, you are, but you don't. You're not practicing, which is fine.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, okay. So yeah, yeah, I think I have such, I feel so uncomfortable talking about these things. I know you sound like I don't want to talk about this. I don't want to talk about this.

Isabel Franke:

I'm not that I'm surprised you said yes to the topic. I was like you're not gonna because I was going to push everything back on you.

Oneika Mays:

I'm like, no, I don't do any of this stuff. This is all. Isabelle, I'm not any of these things. I'm just here to talk to her and learn. I don't do any of this. And it's funny because the more you and I talk and have conversations and I feel more comfortable sort of sharing these things, I become sort of giddy and excited because I feel like I have somebody now to sort of talk about some of the experiences that I've been having this feels like like.

Oneika Mays:

I always feel like I'm having a sleepover with you when we have these conversations Because, like last week, both on because, andrea, she sees and hears spirit and talks to ghosts all of the time and she pretends that she doesn't. She's so crazy powerful, like it's. It's annoying that she's like no, I'm not like whatever, and it's just not true.

Oneika Mays:

So, last week. So we live, we live in Brooklyn, in this brownstone, that she has seen a ghost because she grew up here, that there's been a spirit here that she's talked to since she was little. And last week it was very interesting because we both felt a very strong presence that we both thought was like maybe a dog or an animal, because it was really down low and we would both sort of see it all of the time. And last Saturday I kept saying to her do you see that, or isn't she's like, oh no, it's totally here. So we felt like this presence of like a dog or something who was just sort of hanging around and it makes sense because sometimes I see jet sort of look at this that's presence that seems really low, which is why I associate it with like an animal or a dog.

Isabel Franke:

I'm like trying not to like dive in. Well, first off, when you first started mentioning your home, I was like, oh, your home's the tonic, your building's hot yeah. It's not just your house, like your space, it's the building in general. So there's some spirits that live in your building. Um, primarily in your place alone, I will. I pick up a male energy. So you have a male energy that tends to like kind of.

Oneika Mays:

That's who she's yes, who she used to actually play with, and talk to.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, so you have a male energy there, um, and that's primarily in your space. Now you have to remember that. Yeah, you're right, like animals see spirit, like that's they do. I mean, you'll see, I've had, I've videotaped my dog like watching and following. Yes, I'm like there's nothing there, like there's nothing there. Um, well, I know there is cause. I see spirit, but they see spirit, they see the other side.

Oneika Mays:

And she's always like, looking like, and I can see that she's seeing something. And I had the same experience. And when I lived by myself in Jersey city, we lived in this, I lived in this condo and then when I moved to another apartment, my old, my other dog, dakota would always hide under the bed when I wasn't there and I could sense that there was something there, but I was still really uncomfortable even acknowledging anything. But then when we moved to this other apartment, as soon as we walked in she started running around in circles and she was so thrilled because it was there was nothing there. And then that sort of confirmed for me I was like, oh, there was something there that was really bothering. Yeah.

Isabel Franke:


Isabel Franke:

I gravated her like it almost feels like well, this is kind of tricky when I say this, cause people are going to get like what? Like they can do that, but you know, for the most part, spirit on the other side. I say other side but I got to like rewind some of these wordings. I don't like to say other side because it's not really another side, but I'm going to use that to help us break down what we're talking about a little bit. So when spirit can be at times overpowering or like really high energy, it can freak our animals out, like it can make it a little bit scary, and there is some that like to aggravate animals, like, just like humans like to mess with people. So spirit does too. It's like they don't lack personality because they're, you know, past and I feel like, even as your soul evolves, that personality of yours is still very much there, Like so we've all on the other side, your, your personality is still there.

Isabel Franke:

What's interesting for me is like, as I see spirit and I were, I'm over here, like channeling, I'm trying to say, really, I'm holding a crystal, guys. I'm trying to say grounded as we, as you, evolve spiritually. What's really interesting is that when I channel, I can see where you've evolved, like your levels, and then, what's interesting is, spirit will flash me into their physical like oh, this is what you were like when you were in your physical body. This is the way your body or your mind thought. And it's just interesting, some people still reside and I say this word lower frequency not to mean that it's quote, but I'd add a lower frequency. And when you're at a lower frequency you tend to inhibit a lot more of your physical traits and physical attitude. But again, please note that lower frequency does not mean bad or evil or even low in itself.

Oneika Mays:

It's just the way that.

Isabel Franke:

I see the levels Yep.

Oneika Mays:

Yep, okay, that's cool.

Isabel Franke:

But you, you say you're not a medium, but I remember early on you talking about when your dad passed.

Oneika Mays:

Oh, when he was talking to me, he told me he was okay.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, yeah I yeah, but but you don't, you discount it.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, I mean, I know it was him, though Like I know it was him, like without example. I even remember when we went to the funeral home in Savannah and I was telling the woman that what happened, like I just I just felt compelled to tell this woman and she said I remember her saying to me oh honey, that was him, that was absolutely him, but I just thought it was because I was close to him so he was talking to me. But it's not like I can I get what you're saying. I can't channel people. I feel like it was kind of him because he was really just close to me. But okay, so maybe this isn't so.

Oneika Mays:

I remember also there was this woman, beverly, who I knew from Rikers, who I think transitioned because I think she visited me on the subway to let me know that she was gone and she always used to talk about smoking cigarettes. And I remember being on the subway and out of nowhere I'm like I was with my coworker to him, like do you smell that? Like who's smoking on the subway? She's like there's no cigarette smoke on the subway. I'm like no, there's cigarettes, someone's smoking. And then I kind of felt Beverly talking to me and I was like it's Beverly and she's. She kept just looking at me like, okay, I'm going to go, this bitch, this bitch.

Isabel Franke:

This bitch.

Oneika Mays:

But I'm really sure it was her.

Isabel Franke:

Like I know it was. That's how it is. Like that's how it is. I don't think that there's. Here's the thing.

Isabel Franke:

And it's really hard because, like as I, you know, as I do this for a living, by the way like I do mediumship readings for a living as part of my readings, but I don't advertise it, so you don't see me listed as a medium, because I don't want to get categorized in just one area. Um, but the sense of knowing is so key into what you're doing. Right, it's like when I read people, I don't, I don't know who's going to pop up, I don't research them ahead of time, I don't know any of this information. There's no way in the world I would know the things I know and say but that's the sense of knowing that comes through, where you're just like okay, well, your grandfather on your father's mother's side passed and he died of liver cancer. Like I just read it.

Isabel Franke:

Do you know what I mean? Yeah, yeah, it's very new saying blah, blah, blah. I'm like, it's just that, that sense of knowing. So when you're like I, I don't know, but I knew that, that totally makes sense because that's how it is, that's, that's exactly how it is.

Oneika Mays:

That's so interesting, cause you know now I'm thinking about all these different experiences. Yes, that's what I'm telling you.

Isabel Franke:

I'm like listening to her and I'm like, cause, when you first started talking about your dad I'm like that wasn't the first experience for her I was like this girl has had it for so long and she just never really knew it. You've, you've, actually, I'm going to read it for a second. So you actually have engaged with spirit, like I, and I feel like I've told you before, since a very young age, your um hold on grandmother, on your mother's side, it feels like, was very powerful. Yes, yeah, okay, you agree, I think that's a lot of what it's like kind of comes through the line. So, just FYI. So you've had this for a very long time. Some of the things, though, for you, and I think there's a beauty in it. You don't look at it as quote supernatural, you just look at it as this is. Just, it is what it is.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, yes, totally, because it's and I think this is probably the cool thing about being like in a city and all, like the subway and trains.

Oneika Mays:

There are times when I was commuting, all actually all of the time when I'm commuting and I just look at people and I know things about them and I just, but I always thought like I was just like making up a story about them, but I knew in my bones something about them and it's. I know we're recording a podcast and people are going to hear this, but I feel so comfortable just talking to you, so I feel like I'm not really talking to anybody else. Um, but I remember a few years ago I was on um, the it's called the pattern, but it was the subway in Jersey city and there was a guy who got on the train and there was something about him that was not safe and I could feel it in my entire body. I cannot explain it, but there was something that was really dangerous and I put my head down because he looked at me and I looked at him and there was this moment like we both knew what each other knew about each other.

Oneika Mays:

Do you know what I'm saying. I do now yeah, I do now. And it was terrifying and I put my and it was kind of like I'm not gonna say anything if you're not gonna say anything. And then I was like am I crazy? Am I like making this up in my head but I can't explain it? But I like know in my soul that I know what I felt was real and true.

Isabel Franke:

I think that's the thing, though, that we talked okay, so we talked a little bit earlier before. I don't even know if we were recording this when we said it, but we made a statement. Whether it was pre-recorded, I don't remember. But being comfortable with the, I don't know. Being comfortable with the, I don't know, and I think that's the thing, and I can hear spirit saying as humans, we're constantly seeking that, knowing, we're constantly seeking that. Am I right? Is this correct? How do you explain this?

Isabel Franke:

But when it comes to like spirit, I don't feel there's things that are explainable and that's okay. We try best to give the words to it, as best as we can, but there's some things that just can't be explained other than I know this happened and I'm not making it up Like. I can feel it in my gut, like I understand this completely. There's so much in my life that happens on a daily that people would be like she's freaking nuts, lock her up Like. But it is what it is. I mean, I make a living from it, so I'm not by myself in it.

Oneika Mays:

I'm learning to trust it more.

Oneika Mays:

I think these were things before I didn't necessarily want to believe and because I have had struggles with mental illness before.

Oneika Mays:

So there were times when I was like, oh man, am I slipping? Like there was a dance that I did and even in that period, from like in my late 20s to early 30s, I really sort of had a battle with depression and suicidal ideation and all that kind of stuff, and there was also a sense that I there were things that I knew that I was positive, that was coming from this deep place of knowing, and then other things that were just trauma that I sort of needed to process. And then, as I think, as I got more comfortable when I started to study yoga and meditation and get on my spiritual path, I allowed myself to start trusting myself a little bit more, which I think is an important part of the process. But I didn't always feel comfortable sharing these things with everybody and I still don't Like it's not, like these aren't necessarily things that I'd have conversations with everybody about, although I am now, since this is a clock out. Thank you everybody.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, yeah, I mean I think that's okay.

Isabel Franke:

I don't think these conversations are for everyone you know, it's like, if you want to hear it, great, but it's not always for everyone. I mean, it's weird that now, to think back to my childhood, that I never really thought I was crazy. I understand that my family knew that I spoke to spirit, but we never discussed it. It was like, remember, after I you guys probably heard from past episodes after I stated, like I see grandma in the kitchen, yeah, okay, that was it. It never was discussed or seen. But now I like think back into actually having the conversations I had with spirit on a daily basis, whether it was her or whether it was other people.

Isabel Franke:

My grandfather's house is supremely haunted. Like it was so haunted I don't like to use that word, but there was a lot of spirit there. Even during this passing, there was some crazy stuff that happened, and one of the things, though, what was I gonna say? Oh, is that growing up, I constantly heard spirit talking to me, so much so that I always reiterated my day. I would speak out loud and like I laugh because I tell people, like this was before reality TV. Yeah, like we didn't have reality TV, so there was no. Like, oh, look at you know, there was no camera. Like I didn't understand the concept of this. I mean, this was the 80s and going back now, like that's what I did, I used to be like, oh, I'm brushing my teeth and I'm washing my hair, and I would have full conversations to tell them what I'm doing with my day, right, I think it was kind of weird. Looking back at it now, Like I'm kind of like that's kind of interesting, but it is what it is.

Oneika Mays:

It doesn't seem strange to me when you're talking about it, it just doesn't. I don't know. I don't know.

Isabel Franke:

I don't know. Okay, all right. So what are your questions? Do you have questions on Ghost Spirit?

Oneika Mays:

I do have questions on Ghost. So what does it feel like when you encounter a ghost?

Isabel Franke:

That's you know what? That's funny. I would think it would be an easy question to answer. But this is my day, so like I mean, see, even now, as a medium, I'm like dude, just just, I'm holding back and I'm like, just say it, I literally see spirit all day long. I literally can go to the store and see somebody's, somebody's spirit, like somebody following them, like I see them out and about like all the time.

Oneika Mays:

Oh, okay, Okay, More questions, follow up questions. So so when you're like, okay, you're at the supermarket and you see somebody and you see spirit following when you see it, is it something to? What does see mean? Is it feeling in your body? Is it visual, Is it to?

Isabel Franke:

hear it. So, in the way everybody's different Okay, there's, everybody interprets the feeling of I'm going to say this thank you, spirit, cause I can hear them. They're saying everybody interprets the feeling of energy differently, even mediums. Not all mediums are exactly the same. It's like how, when I teach it to people, or helping them to understand their abilities, it's learning to understand your ability specifically to you, how to communicate with you, right, whether we're talking about past loved ones or we're talking about your spirit guys, how do they show up and feel to you.

Isabel Franke:

So for me, being all the clairs meaning I'm claraudian. Claraudian, I can see spirit, I can hear spirit, I can feel spirit. Spirit will utilize all three at once, or one more than the other. For me, I visually like, let's say, I'm in the supermarket, right, target, for some reason, is a big one. Maybe I don't go to supermarket, I go target. There's literally like I can just see them, like holograms at times, following them like the outline, not always, but that's it. Or I'll feel the energy. And because I do this so often, I can feel the energy, whether it's a grandmother's energy, a male energy, I can feel it in such a way and then I can hear it. Right, I can hear it and it's the more attention I give it the stronger.

Isabel Franke:

But I'm not, by the way, guys, fyi, all those TV shows you guys watch, like Long Island, medium or Tyler, you know what is it? Tyler Henry, by the way, I think he's absolutely amazing. It is not the way they predicted on the show in the sense. Well, tyler doesn't really do it. But Long Island Medium, you see her just going up to random people and being like can I give you a reading? Fyi, she has complete morals. She goes up to them before, gets a signed contract paper and ask their permission. It's a whole thing, right, because people are always like I want some random person to come up to me and just tell me so and so is with me. No good moral medium or psychic will ever do that. We just do not do that.

Isabel Franke:

So I say that, as when I hear or feel spirit around somebody, I don't do anything about it because I don't feel that it's my thing to do. I'll just kind of so. It's because the more attention you give it, it's energy, it's gonna feed, it's gonna grow it. Not that they're feeding off you, but you're gonna get more. Okay, let me do this. Let me give you a channeled message. There's only been like two times that I've randomly done this, where I was like I can't, like I have to talk to you like now. But I've only done it twice, and one of them was for she wasn't a friend of mine at the time, she was an acquaintance.

Isabel Franke:

Okay, funny story. I'll just share the story really quick. It was early on, when I first was stepping in, to saying this is what I do for a living, even though because, like I said, I've seen spirits and I've been six. But her son had just passed away, like a couple of months back, and I didn't know the full story, I just knew she had an older son that had passed away. Well, her son kept showing up to me energetically, like I'd be out and about and I'd see her son by her or by the dad.

Isabel Franke:

And it came to the point where I was literally every day I'd be at the store, I see her husband. I'd be at the grocery store, I'd see her. It was every day to where I was like this is getting freaking ridiculous. And so I told him look, I had this conversation with him. I said if you really want me to give her a message. You're gonna have to set it up in a divine way, because I'm not gonna boundaries Like this is horrible. Your son just died. Like that'd be horrible right For some of you, yeah, I mean.

Isabel Franke:

So one day I kind of just I said, hey, hey, so, and so you know what I do for like a living. And she's like, yeah, I've heard about it. And I was like, okay, well, if you ever want, if you ever need anything, you just let me know. And I left it alone. Well, sure enough, he's like that's not good enough. That's not good enough. Like the kid was like, no, I need you to talk to my mom. And I'm like, oh my God, like, okay, here we go. And so I went up to her and I was like, look, I'm crossing lines right now and I'm deeply sorry, I'm so sorry, but your son will not leave me alone and he just wants you to know, please stop chasing his little brother out of the room. And he really likes what you've done to his space.

Isabel Franke:

As far as the picture you put up on the wall, and she just lost it and she was like, oh my God, because they, I guess if I it was I mean, this is 10 years ago or so like she, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, she drew of him on the not of him, but a picture that was drawn that he drew when he was a kid on the wall Right, and he was addressing the picture. It was very fresh and she said, yeah, we can't get his little brother out of the room, right. So that's why he was like please stop, like just let him, let him stay. Wow, so there was that and there was a couple more into the message and it's been a really an honor for her, like I say, an honor for me not her, but honor for me to be able to, throughout the years, kind of help her with that grief, like part of.

Isabel Franke:

I think that's why people are like, oh, mediums are bad, but I'm like, no, they're, they're helping people to process grief, helping people to navigate and heal and, you know, get things that they wouldn't get otherwise. You know, yeah, I mean, honestly, it's kind of interesting being a medium and doing it Like I wish somebody would read me like that, like I wish I could find a medium that would read read me in that way. I don't have that, is that me? Yeah?

Oneika Mays:

No, I believe that, and it's so funny too as you're talking, there's like a glow around you that got really strong. When you're talking, I'm tracing it with my finger right now Like it's like a yeah.

Isabel Franke:

My aura change and probably yeah.

Oneika Mays:

Like it, just got. It just got like bigger yeah.

Isabel Franke:


Oneika Mays:

And I don't normally see auras, but yeah.

Isabel Franke:

So that's a little bit like you're like what's it look like or what's it. It's everything, it's a feeling of. It's a feeling of everything and it varies from energy to energy, it varies from spirit to spirit. It's not always the same. Are there ways that people can cultivate? I think, if you're gonna wanna cultivate, I definitely feel like, if you feel like you're a medium, talk to a medium to see if you're really a medium and talk to a good one. Talk to a good one and if it's not, others I can recommend. But it's like, talk to a good one, because a true medium will tell you if you're really are or not. Someone else may just feed your ego for the money of the month, yeah, but yeah, there's definitely ways to cultivate. I mean, I teach my students how to you know, read quickly, like spirit, spirit is excited, right. Like when I give, they're like, oh my God, someone's listening to me and they see me and let me talk really fast and then tell you everything.

Oneika Mays:

I'm like, oh my.

Isabel Franke:

God and they're just like slow down, like let's breathe, let's talk. So there's a way I say that is like you have to learn how to communicate with them. And this is the same as your spirit guides, guys. It's no different from when I talk about this as community spirit guides or communicating with your past loved ones. Have a conversation, have a give and take like you would with somebody in their physical body. Learn to communicate, understand the signs and symbols.

Isabel Franke:

Some people, like I said, their spirit communicates with them with signs, right. So I have a student who sees a lot of signs, right. She's like, oh, they're showing me a lock, they're showing me this. So for her, we practice understanding what that sign means every time she sees it. I have another student sees colors. So for her, we practice what does those colors mean every time you see it?

Isabel Franke:

And the past loved ones that you channel at times will use the way that you sense and see spirit to help you get a message clearly. So, yes, practice makes perfect. And just find someone that can train you, get coaching, and I hate it when people are like I'm a medium and then they're just like there's no coaching and there's no training. You definitely, I think whether it's your natural ability because it is I definitely feel like you need to have training and time with it before you throw it out.

Isabel Franke:

And I think one of the biggest things for anybody whether they think they're medium or they don't think they're medium the biggest way to interpret spirit is through your own emotions and feelings. So you need to do your own work, otherwise you have to learn how to embrace sadness, how to embrace grief, how to feel joy, like you have to learn your emotions, because you put spirit into that and they're gonna triple it times 10. And if you have your walls up, you can misinterpret a message or not fully understand it because of your own fears or walls that you've built around yourself. So the starting place for everybody is truly embracing your own emotions and feelings and really be comfortable with that.

Oneika Mays:

That's so important. That's so important too for life, right? I mean just in general, on your journey. How many conversations have we had about this, that you have to know who you are inside if you're gonna be on any sort of path and we can't rely on external sort of resources to sort of guide the way?

Isabel Franke:

Right, yeah, yeah, and I think that's the biggest thing. I think that you know, doing this for so long, there was a point where my walls were up, like walls were so up and they just were up, and it was different. Since I'm more comfortable with my emotions, I'm comfortable with who I am and myself, like everything is easier, like I think that's the best way, everything flows differently.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah yeah. Do you ever have people visit?

Isabel Franke:

you in dreams? Absolutely Not so much anymore. But before I stepped into this, yeah, that's all I did growing up, especially in my 30s. It was constant. It was family member after family member, random after random. I had people on my bed. I had people waking me up. I had dreams, but not so much anymore, I think, because I embraced it to such a degree that it's literally like all day long. Okay, sometimes, I mean sometimes, you know, I still have my own, my own personal, like my grandfather will come through my dreams at times, not as much as I would love him to, but yeah, yeah, the big one for people.

Isabel Franke:

Don't dismiss, here's the thing, because I get that a question a lot. Do my loved ones visit you, visit me in my dreams? Absolutely, your loved ones visit you in your dreams. Here's the thing that we tend to do, and I'll give you a little tidbit. We tend to go oh my God, you're in my dream, like I'm freaking out, like, ah, like it's a start right. When you do that, usually what happens? It's done, it's done, it's done. So train yourself and you can train yourself to not panic, train yourself to not go. You're not supposed to be here, oh my gosh, and just enjoy the moment, because you can do it. You can do it and you'll get a little bit more time with them, energetic, wise. Don't worry about why can they not speak, because a lot of times our loved ones don't Never, when people know it's never.

Oneika Mays:

and lots of times I can't even, because Eric actually visits me and whenever I see him I don't actually see his face at all. But I know it's him, but I can't see his face. And that's how I know the difference between if I'm dreaming about him or if it's a visit. If I can see his face, I know it's a dream. When I can't see his face, I kind of know it's a visit.

Isabel Franke:

I don't know. I think it goes back and forth for me. Sometimes I say that For me that's the.

Oneika Mays:

That's the. Yeah, that's my distinction, yeah.

Isabel Franke:

There's times of why, if you guys want to try it, give them a chalkboard. Can I have a chalkboard in your dream? I dare you. Give them chalkboard here. Write what you want to say, see what they write, see what you feel they write, because it's going to go through your feelings right, like see what they say with the chalkboard. That's your way of like doing it.

Isabel Franke:

We talked earlier in a couple episodes back about lucid dreaming. Yes, we talked about stuff, and when I first was learning about lucid dreaming, way back in the day, one of the things in lucid dreaming they would say is practice pushing over the box or different stuff in your dreams, like practice moving an object in your dream, practice doing this in your dream. And I say that in the same sense that when a loved one comes in, why can't you be like oh, here, write on a chalkboard here, write it down right and see what, just see what happens. Just see what happens. But you can still communicate with them through emotions and feelings. You know and you have to remember that they're not in their, they're not in that physical body. They're simply showing you what you connect with in remembrance of them and their energy, just energetically, energetically more than you know what we think we would right Verbally this way. So you see me ask you.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, what about when you feel a presence that doesn't feel safe or friendly? Friendly is the word that I want to use.

Isabel Franke:

I've had those. I've had those when I've had to do clearings on people's homes. It actually had spirit throw stuff at me. And, by the way, guys, that's really rare. Yeah, it's not usual, right. I can't say after doing this for so long, literally on one hand, how rare that is. I can't even fill up all five fingers. Rare, right.

Isabel Franke:

And the thing is is when you feel a presence like that for me, like for me and my work, whether it's I'm channeling you know past loved one, or giving somebody a reading or doing a healing, I always call in my spirit team, always. That's how I start my day, that's how I start every session. I surround myself with my angels, I surround myself with my guides at night, and it's the same circumstance. When you feel a presence like that, I don't even deal with that. Like, honestly, I don't even I can. No, if I can literally hear my higher self being like we don't deal with that shit, like I just call on, like I call on my angels and I'll be like take them where they need, and I will literally say remove the spirit and take it where it needs to go.

Isabel Franke:

It's not your job to cross over spirit. No medium. If you ever hear medium. I'm crossing over spirit Bullshit. You're not, you can't, you don't. That's not the way it works. So, like you know, it's not your job to cross over, it's not our job to do anything other than I just simply ask Divine Light, ask my guides, just to remove them from the space. And I hold it because I energetically can feel and see. I'll just hold that energy for a little bit until I feel that disconnect being made.

Oneika Mays:

When we first, when I first moved here, I was asleep and Andrea was in the living room and I heard this like giggling and it was. It was like like an impish is the best way I could sort of describe it like a giggle, and I felt it like kept waking me up. And I remember calling to her. I'm like, do you hear that? Like something is bothering me. So she came in and she sort of, you know, burn some, paul Santo. And then then I went back to sleep.

Oneika Mays:

Then I had this really bizarre dream where I could feel this presence like trying to get me out of this, trying to get a whole bunch of people, and I knew it was a dream and I could tell that somebody or something was making me have this dream and I could hear the giggling, like they were, they were, they were like messing with me, right, like mess, and I was so aggravated and also a little freaked out at the same time. But then sort of instinctually in that moment, I called on all of my ancestors. There was this moment that they rose out of the pavement, like they just sort of rose up and like took care of it, and then I could hear like this, like an ant, like mad that that happened and then it sort of disappeared. And I don't have to sleep.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, and that's exactly. I think that's, that's the best way, like what you did is exactly the best way. And there comes a point. I think even me, like in this, what I do for a living, like I just don't mess with it, like people are like, oh what if you do that? I'm like that's not even an option in my, in my I hate to use the word level, because that's what I'm hearing my guys say in my level and what I do, like I don't get that shit. Like you know, I'm even talking to Mal about this, because me and Mal started way back when and we kind of had a lot of things that we were a part of, that we don't like to discuss right, extracisms and different things. And I say that now that we both, I think, have created such boundaries around ourselves and what we do, that those type of entities or those types of beans or those types of spirit, like that's just, that doesn't happen, like that literally does not happen for me any longer.

Oneika Mays:

What are ways that we can put boundaries for ourselves, as we're sort of, you know, exploring this. What are some things that we can do?

Isabel Franke:

Well, you know, that's where I go back into. Like, if you're a medium, there's different things. You have gatekeepers, you have your protectors, you have all these things that you want to set your space with within yourself, and that's a whole different conversation, I think in the depths of if you want to pursue this. But I think the best thing for you to set boundaries your spirit is just to have a conversation with them, like go into meditation, call your spirit guides in and then set the boundaries, like literally take yourself to a place where you're like this is what is allowed and not not allowed. Tell them like. Tell them like why? Why do people feel like they can't tell what's acceptable to spirit? Because what is free, like that's what I think they're like, oh no, but I can feel like and see, so everything's open. No, absolutely up and not like. No way. Tell them, absolutely not. Tell them what they can do, like mine, for example. You asked you I get dreams to? Probably not, because I literally tell my guys do not channel messages while I sleep, do not take me, do not take me to. You know, out of my body, which I just had an aha moment. Right now, when I'm saying this, I just had an aha moment because I haven't been able to sleep in weeks. Literally, I have not been able to sleep. I've had the hardest time, and they're like we're not taking you out of your body to give you the messages, but you're not channeling them. So that's why you're staying away, because we're like I just heard it right now and I said it and I was like All right, message received, got it, so anyways. But I think the best thing is just go to meditation, set your boundaries with them, tell them what you're comfortable with and what you're not comfortable with. That's, that's the biggest thing.

Isabel Franke:

The other part is is is like you said something about energy coming in or the way you said it, and I was like I said a boundary, even with mine, where it's like you I remember my mentor teaching me this and I still used it is surrounding yourself with like imagining that divine light. Right, so clear your energy. Imagining the white divine light around you or whatever, whatever color light. You have my breeze white and and literally be setting that intention that whoever tries to cross into my energy is like zapped or hit that, bounce that stuff back. Yeah, like it works. I can still feel it when somebody's like oh, and it's like no, like you're going to come back out. So everything, the power of intention cannot be stated enough. The power of intention cannot be studied enough, and I think we always downplay it into manifestation. I'm quoting it, but like it's so much more than that. The power of intention is so real.

Oneika Mays:

I used to do that a lot, not a lot. Every time that I went to Rikers I would protect myself when I was leaving and I would be covered from the time that I left my apartment until I got there, until I got home, like creating this barrier around me that you know. I even like imagine myself having like wings and a tail, like you know, just sort of clearing things out of, out of my path and out of the most beautiful.

Isabel Franke:

I'm like I'm laughing because I'm looking at you. I'm like, oh, so you have a dragon. And I'm like, okay, we're going to sound crazy right now, but we'll leave that one alone.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, I mean, yeah, it was, it was like it was like a dragon, yeah. And then sometimes I would actually call on like ancestors to protect me. So I had people like at my back I pictured, and they weren't massage, but I pictured them as like these massage warriors who are like behind me, who like had my back and protecting me, especially when I was actually in the jail, like I wanted my back completely protected, but in the back I always wanted very protected and people to feel it. In my office there would sometimes be both officers and folks who are incarcerated who would come to my office and you could physically see them not be able to walk into my office Like you're going to ask you that.

Oneika Mays:

You could see the struggle like they want to come in and it would crack me up. I'm like, oh, this place is really, this is good, we're good.

Isabel Franke:

Have you ever seen? Have you ever watched vampire movies or like shows? Yeah, Okay. So they always state that a vampire has to be invited into your home in order to come in. And I think that's the same for looking at energetic wise, Like if you really are in control of your energy and your space. It's like, yeah, that quote vampire that's going to suck your energy out Cannot come in unless you invite them in.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, that was always fun to watch. And there were some folks at Rikers too who were in tune with it, who would also sort of notice, like people who could sort of breeze in my office and they're like, oh, finally I'm safe, yeah, and then they couldn't even notice. There are a couple, there are a couple of officers who you could see like would try to come in and just you could always watch them get pushed up Against the barrier and like bounce back.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, we have. When I used to have my office, because I had an office for years where, like, there was different like wellness things in there. You know, on the slosh, that doesn't matter, but I always set that same attention Like I put my what I call them, my guards. My guards sit at the front door and this is what happens either. You know, they remove all negative energy.

Isabel Franke:

I, even now, when I stage my house, all spirit has to stay like five miles to themselves, like whatever it looks like, so that nothing in my bubble can come into, which people used to always walk in my, my energy in my office, and they're just like. They're like there's something about the minute I step into this place and I'm like, yeah, because it's set far out before you step in, and they're like it really hits me and I'm like, yeah and yeah, even now I think about it like the kids, because I have teens, their friends love coming over and I think there's a reason. They're like always, like oh, we love, we let. They always want to be here, and I'm like, yeah, because my intention is set at that door. It's like you're going to get showered and cleansed before you walk in.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, and you can feel that in the places that I've lived to and I think I didn't make that connection until you know recently, when I really started to explore that my home always felt really good, like it's not so much how it looked, but it would feel really cozy.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, and yeah, it is my mom. My mom doesn't. She knows what I do Like. My mom obviously knows what I do for a living and she doesn't understand it all. She's, she's I mean that's a whole story to sell, saying in a very long time to get where she's at with me, but she's, she's supportive in it. What's interesting is she can always feel when I clean my room house. If I say to my house, even though you can't smell it, she'll be like oh, you just saved it, like she and her just feel it yeah, yeah, yeah.

Oneika Mays:

I love. I actually now clean my house regularly and I never did that before, but now it's sort of part of my routine, like when I clean I also sage and then, like once a month, I do a big like a big clearing, like hands on walls clearing, like pulling energy down and pushing it out of the window on both sides. I need to.

Isabel Franke:

I haven't done it lately but honestly, like since somebody's moved out of that height, it just doesn't feel like I have to do it, as often the energy is so it's just not thick, like the whole vibe is just, it's just not, it's not thick, I don't know. So I need to do it more, because I do work out of my home in space, but I also clear after every every client, so I guess no idea all day, cause I'm like okay, guys, you know clear, clear, clear.

Oneika Mays:

And then Do we need to like clear our phones?

Isabel Franke:

There's some people that say yes, I say no. That's for me. I think if you feel like you need to, then all the guy all means go ahead. Here's what I what recently was hitting me really hard Every conversation you have is energy, whether it's a texting conversation or it's, you know, a verbal conversation.

Isabel Franke:

So if there's conversations that you've had, or even text messages you receive that don't sit well, quit holding on to that shit Like we do, because we fester it like. Quit holding it, delete it. So I think that this doesn't sit well with you energetic wise in your phone. Then just delete, like remove, don't even hold it, but necessarily like a whole clearing on it. No, I have recently, like as of last week, set crystals on my phone, or because I was calling something in through my phone, Like I know it sounds weird, but it was like whether I was like okay, abundance for clients or a love or whatever it was, it was like all right, I'm gonna put this on there so that this, you know, I can pull that energy. So yes and no on that. Okay. Okay, I'm gonna do a whole like on clearing the energy of my phone, like no, but remove those conversations that are holding the energy, absolutely Okay. What about cars? Cars are interesting. Don't you find that everybody has a random conversation in cars that can be really open or have aha moments?

Oneika Mays:

Oh, absolutely.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, they don't hold energy the same.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, they don't, and it's funny I don't think they do. I used to drive a lot. I kind of used to live in my car, when you know, when I had a whole nother life, like I used to drive a thousand miles a week, so there was always a lot of energy in my car. But now are you know, I mean, we only move the car from side to side, we're not even going a lot of places in the car.

Isabel Franke:

Yeah, I think Mal cleanses her cars just because remember, we had this conversation one day she cleanses her garage. I know that, but I don't know if she clears her car. I don't clear my car. I literally feel that your car, for some reason, it's this weird. I almost want to use sacred container Aha, different energy in the car. But I have crystals in my car, yeah, so I put crystals in my car that sit there. You know, it's interesting. I have crystals in my car. I have crystals in my son's car, yeah, and it's funny because my son just moved to Spain and he took his crystals out of his car because he was just like I want my crystals with me, which I thought actually was really interesting to what your kids pick up on, because you don't Mm-hmm, now I gotta go put more crystals in, because now my daughter drives it, so I gotta put more crystals.

Oneika Mays:

What did you put in?

Isabel Franke:

Salonite. I just put a Salonite stick. You know where I go? Literally there's a shop here in San Diego that sells like a ton inch Salonite sticks to sell a bunch of little ones and they're like 50 cents each. So I have them over my door frames, I have them in the car and then I have the really big, big ones, because there's gotta get a new one now. But I have really big ones that like the garage door outside to the front door. So you know they're at the threshold when you come in, cool.

Oneika Mays:

Yeah, that's it All right, this is fun, this was fun, thank you. Thank you All right guys. I guess we'll talk to you guys later. Yeah, have a good one, bye.

Connecting With the Other Side
Mediumship and Spirit Communication Experiences
Encountering and Interpreting Spirits
The Medium's Experience With Spirit Communication
Setting Boundaries and Protecting Energy
Salonite Stick Uses and Locations