The Skeptical Shaman

Comedy, Libertarianism and Shamanism- Oh My! with Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein

Rachel White

In this SPECIAL "Emergency Transmission" episode of The Skeptical Shaman podcast, host Rachel White (of TOTEM Readings) chats with comedian and podcaster Robbie "The Fire" Bernstein. 

Robbie is the host of the Run Your Mouth Podcast and frequently co-hosts the Part of the Problem podcast with Dave Smith. He is also currently driving across the country to bring comedy and free speech to Americans right in their backyard. 

Like, literally. It's called the "Summer Porch Tour" and TOTEM is being graced with his presence-- and that of other, incredible comics-- this Thursday, July 11th (link to purchase tickets is below). 

In this episode of The Skeptical Shaman podcast, we dive into a lively discussion about free speech, creative expression, empowerment, personal agency, and even a little bit about shamanism. The executive summary? Psst-- the government, media, and other authority figures might not have your best interests at heart!

The solution? Empower yourself. Start doing something you love. Being iconoclastic and embrace what the new day holds for you. No one is coming to save you, but that means that YOU can be the hero in your own story. 

Joseph Campbell AND Ayn Rand would be proud!


Join us this Thursday, July 11th for the Summer Porch Tour by getting your tickets here:

  • Robbie's Podcast:

Rachel's Website:

  • TOTEM Readings Substack:
  • Rachel's Other Links:

Please support the Sponsors of The Skeptical Shaman Podcast:

  • The TOTEM Flower Essence Deck:
  • The TOTEM Tarot Deck:
  • The TOTEM Flower Essences:

Please note: The views and opinions expressed on The Skeptical Shaman do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the podcast. Any content provided by our guests, bloggers, sponsors or authors are of their opinion and are not intended to malign any religion, protected class, group, club, organization, business individual, anyone or anything. And remember: sticks and stones may break our bones, but words—or discussions of religious or spiritual topics-- will never hurt us.

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