Live Free - Die Last

Episode 19: Challenging Media Bias, Government Overreach, and Upholding Constitutional Rights: A Call for Unity and Truth

July 11, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 19
Episode 19: Challenging Media Bias, Government Overreach, and Upholding Constitutional Rights: A Call for Unity and Truth
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 19: Challenging Media Bias, Government Overreach, and Upholding Constitutional Rights: A Call for Unity and Truth
Jul 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 19
Live Free - Die Last

Stand strong with us as we tackle the onslaught of negative comments and challenge the hypocrisy found in them. Buckle up while we embark on a journey to dissect these remarks and reveal the raw truth behind the mainstream media's echo chamber. We're fearless in calling out the indoctrination tactics used by those who oppose us and encourage you to do the same. Let's not shy away from the attacks on our rights to express our thoughts - our voices matter!

Venture deeper into our discussion as we express our concerns about increasing government overreach in education and its grave implications. As we navigate through this conversation, we unveil the divisive tactics used by those in power who are failing to uphold their responsibilities. And yes, we are questioning the uncritical teaching of Climate Change in schools - evidence-based education is a must! Buckle in, it's high time we took a hard look at the political system and overdevelopment issues.

As we approach the end, let's not forget to tackle the mainstream media's role in making the public feel overwhelmed and complacent. It's time to call out local politicians, discuss the idea of holding trials for Pelosi and her gang, and stand together in unity. Let's hold our Constitution high, and uphold our Christian values. Join us, step away from the echo chamber of mainstream media, and share the truth freely. Stand with us, and let's make a difference!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Stand strong with us as we tackle the onslaught of negative comments and challenge the hypocrisy found in them. Buckle up while we embark on a journey to dissect these remarks and reveal the raw truth behind the mainstream media's echo chamber. We're fearless in calling out the indoctrination tactics used by those who oppose us and encourage you to do the same. Let's not shy away from the attacks on our rights to express our thoughts - our voices matter!

Venture deeper into our discussion as we express our concerns about increasing government overreach in education and its grave implications. As we navigate through this conversation, we unveil the divisive tactics used by those in power who are failing to uphold their responsibilities. And yes, we are questioning the uncritical teaching of Climate Change in schools - evidence-based education is a must! Buckle in, it's high time we took a hard look at the political system and overdevelopment issues.

As we approach the end, let's not forget to tackle the mainstream media's role in making the public feel overwhelmed and complacent. It's time to call out local politicians, discuss the idea of holding trials for Pelosi and her gang, and stand together in unity. Let's hold our Constitution high, and uphold our Christian values. Join us, step away from the echo chamber of mainstream media, and share the truth freely. Stand with us, and let's make a difference!

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Hartford County Patriots. I'm your host, john Connor, freshly back from the future. We are broadcasting from the We the People studios in the Freedom pod, high above Hartford County. We have cleaned up a lot of the issues that we suffered through in the last podcast. We've destroyed the commies and we have cleaned up the weather as well. It's a beautiful night, as always. in the studio we have Super Josh.

Speaker 2:

Good to be back everybody and glad everybody's listening.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Everybody is definitely listening, josh. Wow, the last time we did a podcast that was on the school system, or one of one of the more recent ones, was on the school system, when we had a guest that had a lot of information. Well, apparently that podcast got shared to a lot of places and the anti-freedom, children hating people came out to make a lot of comments. I think tonight let's do something a little different, josh. Let's talk about comments, because I think it's important that people realize that the echo chamber of mainstream media and Facebook and all that there's other people out there as well, but we'll dive. Let's dive into the really stupid comments from that crew. First, from the demonic evil crew.

Speaker 2:

This is just from one podcast It was the last one the blueprint for Maryland's future public education, the real story. So trying to provide information, factual information. In truly educating our community on what's going on, what is transpired, You get attacked for speaking the truth and rather than defend the ideals they're promoting.

Speaker 3:

Well, let's just dive into one.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean we start right here. I think this one's kind of funny. One lady named Nicole is talking about. the guy says the commies are interfering with the podcast. What is this foolishness? He literally said the weather is bad, but uses that joke when the call struggles and it's disgusting. What does that mean? Like somebody literally listens to this podcast and that's their comment.

Speaker 3:

That's the comment. No jokes. I got a. I got a corrector. The guy, the guy that was John Connor From the future. From the future, defender of liberty, hater of all things evil. Anyway, she's talking about foolishness because we made it Well, what she thought was a joke, but it wasn't. It was the commies interfering with the podcast.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

You know, and it gets worse and worse. I mean, there's so many comments. I want to let everybody know there's a ton of positive comments out there too, if we're picking on a little bit of the negative negativity because, we don't want people to be scared to speak the truth.

Speaker 3:

No, we'll get to some positive comments later, but let's talk about the negative ones, cause we really, i think what we want to show is that their, their arguments, don't hold a lot of water and that if we get out there and we tell the truth, it drives them crazy.

Speaker 2:

Exactly When you're hopping around that target All right, i'll read the next one.

Speaker 3:

The next one looks fun too. This is from a person I won't say a lady, cause you know huh, we don't know anymore A person named Sarah, she meaning the guest that we had on this podcast. She and the hosts call the Maryland comprehensive health education framework and the people who created it demonic. How can you have a civil exchange with someone who believes you're a literal agent of Satan? She accuses our union of stealing money. It isn't the school system who is dividing our community, it's her and her podcasting political friends.

Speaker 2:

I just got a chuckle for a second. You know this is. There's a lot of information packed into that comment right there. And where to start? you know the one the comprehensive health education framework that Maryland public education is pursuing. It is filled with demonic intentions.

Speaker 3:

What else could we call grooming your children for sex and for pedophilia other than demonic? What else would you call it?

Speaker 2:

Sarah, and that would be the start of my civil conversation.

Speaker 3:

She wants to have a civil exchange about trying to sexualize our children. Maybe she really actually she probably is a literal agent of Satan.

Speaker 2:

And we have been saying this and a lot of people have been saying we are walking amongst demons right now.

Speaker 3:

I wish we could find her and sprinkle holy water on her and see what happens.

Speaker 2:

Well, and then she goes on and saying that we were accusing the unions of stealing money. You know, again, I don't think we use the word stealing money, but Misusing. Yeah, misusing, misappropriating, making deals behind the scenes before the money is even given to the teachers and the parents and the children.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

They're making these deals and that's misusing stealing money.

Speaker 3:

Oh, and it isn't the school system who is dividing our community. I don't. I think you're wrong. It is the school system dividing our community. Suicidal ideations are up. Confusion amongst children is up. Lots of children now think that they're not the gender that they were born. That is you confusing them.

Speaker 2:

And the violence is up, Literally. You know it's not even having a civil conversation anymore. These kids are taking, you know, fistfights in the bathrooms, in the hallways. We've seen repeated videos. That's the divide that we're against. You know. We need to bring our community together. We don't need to be separating them, and that's not what we're here to do. We're here to educate the community and bring them, to bring this information to light, absolutely In the left.

Speaker 3:

They're always going to say that you're being divisive and hateful when you comment negatively on what they're doing. And you know they don't defend what they're doing. They run from that. They just try to throw stones at you and make you look like you're, you know, not worthy of listening to.

Speaker 2:

And they try to, you know, make it sound like they really do care when they make comments. like you know, it's good to have to recognize healthy relationships. and what abuse is, you know, in keeping a positive self image. Yeah, that's fluff information. We don't want children to be abused. We don't want, we want them to understand what abuse is. But that's not what we're talking about here. The indoctrination that we're talking about is taking the minds of our children and saying you have to think this way and if you don't, Right, and I think the real gist of the podcast was they're trying to be parents.

Speaker 3:

The school system is trying to take on the role of parents rather than educating, and they're not educating worth squat. We kids have parents, but what they're not getting is science and math and all the important things that they're going to need in this life. They're just getting confused and these people could care less. They think it's okay for the school to parent the children.

Speaker 2:

One thing I wanted to actually bring up in that last podcast, and I'll bring it up right now, is what does a community mean to me And you know what does. And I shouldn't say you know I'm trying to indoctrinate everybody with my thoughts, but really the foundation of our society is based on our community. We don't go to the federal government or the local government or the school system to fix our problems right away. You need to come to your family, your friends, your neighbors go to church, go to you know local help, local groups, before you go directly to the public schools to go to the government and say, hey, you need to fix this for me. That's not what we're founded upon.

Speaker 3:

And we are a Christian nation founded upon Christian principles. All you have to do is go start reading some of the letters that the founding fathers wrote. Oh, go up a little bit, though. I don't think we want to pass that one comment, do we? This next person named Chelsea Damn Satan in there checks notes, desire for children to have comprehensive sex education, recognize healthy relationships and what are forms of abuse, and keeping a positive self-image. Wow, that all sounds really good, too bad. That's not what's happening.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and that's what I was just referencing, you know, back to that it's We're not teaching. The division amongst us is not from somebody speaking the truth or standing up from our children. It's, you know, the divide is coming from the people that are actually trying to implement this, the division trying to implement the saying that you know, in this comprehensive sex education program, they're going to be talking about sexualization of children as early as you know, kindergarten, in first grade, things that you know we didn't talk about before, until fifth grade, and prior to that this wasn't even in our public school system.

Speaker 3:

And they're trying to confuse children by telling them that they don't think that they're really a boy or a girl. And you know the books that are in the library that these people think you know all children should be able to check out. I don't think any kid should be able to check out a book that has a middle school or performing philosophy. I want to grow a man. No, that's satanic. That is satanic. That is nasty. Chelsea, sarah, nicole, that's grooming children, 100%. If that's not grooming children, i don't know what is. Maybe you think grooming children is taking a hairbrush and comb in their hair, but that's not what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and it's not just us And we are not the silent majority, as people have referenced. You know there's more people that agree with what we're saying and you know against what is happening. And again, that's what this all. We're not trying to tell people how to think. We're just bringing that, bringing the information to light, saying that these people are trying to take your children away from you, and this is what they're doing and how they're doing it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the whole idea of a silent majority. I think You know people a lot of good people do not spend a lot of time Commenting and they're afraid to be beat down. They don't, they don't like the negativity that they receive. But I think it's important that they they stand up. And the real danger to these people And what they're really scared of, is that we're showing people how to stand up. We're showing people that there are people that think like them, that it's okay to speak out, that you, even If you are in danger of being whatever, it's okay to speak out. And we're going to speak out. We are not going to stop. And the more we do this, the more people will stand behind us And we will run these little demons out of town.

Speaker 2:

In the way that we need to be confident in what we're saying, speak the truth, but also understand we're not gonna be respected unless The people in power in the opposition Fear us in a sense. You know they need to understand that we're no nonsense. No, you know, if you do something right, we can we can support you, but as soon as you do something wrong, we're gonna make sure that you're held accountable and you understand why you're doing something wrong.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and look there There are. There are threats. Listen to this. This person named Vaughn says From her mouth to God's ears if I pray for anything, it's for the good God above to render her speechless, her being the guest that we had on our podcast. So this, this Monster, wants to pray to God to take this woman's speech capacity away. Her God giving right. What on how on earth is that civil or anything else? and it's got.

Speaker 2:

It's got a like and it's got another response that you know, maria. Maria says that that would be a true gift and then prayer hands Wow, so these people do pray.

Speaker 3:

I bet they are not praying to our God. They must be praying to Satan, who is their God. So they've they've already kind of Backed up what we said earlier that the other one How can we have a civil discussion?

Speaker 2:

I don't think anybody here was was wishing any harm on anyone that thought this way, but they certainly went to that really quickly And that's a great point to make, because even today, as we're reading these hateful comments, you know I could say a lot of information, you know, or have a hundred different responses, but our responses still. We're standing for our children. That's the sole purpose of that last podcast and what we're discussing in these comments.

Speaker 3:

There's comments for tons of conversations or different topics, but we're still standing and if we pray for something, it's going to be for God to heal you and your thoughts.

Speaker 2:

You know, and it's it. The evilness just continues because we talk about. They want to take away our rights. You know, a right for to speech? literally Not even the first amendment, just speech in general. I don't even want to hear you speak, was the last comment. Now They're trying to say that you know This person doesn't even deserve to use the public school system Because you know of what they're saying. No, that's not how this works at all.

Speaker 3:

Okay, so that's the next comment We're gonna say from, from, hmm, I can't even Do.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Maggie.

Speaker 3:

I guess. And yet she keeps her children in our evil CCPS. This uneducated Whack job. Anybody listened to her and I think she was uneducated. This uneducated whack job Really believed her poisonous BS was going to have some sort of impact on our school policies. She is powerless over our policy and her fellow cronies, blankety and blank, failed miserably and look like babbling idiots. I don't know who these people are. I'm not gonna say their name. That is what has made her go completely unhinged and revamp her hate campaign. I really feel sorry for her kids. Tragic. So Parents are powerless Over the evil school policies. That's what this lady is celebrating.

Speaker 2:

Parents are powerless over the school policies And she has fallen right into the system. And what, what they want to incorporate? They want to take your children away from the family and it's not even she says.

Speaker 3:

Keep her children in our Evil CCPS. That's the first accurate statement. I've seen these people. It is evil but it's and it's her evil system. Yeah, it's not. It's not everyone's system, it's not the parents system, it's these demons system. That's because these demons created this system to screw our children up and destroy our country, and I don't like us fighting back in the last comment really Really bothers me when I really feel sorry for her children.

Speaker 2:

Tragic, you know this. It hits home for me because I Get this comment all the time. You know, and you've met my kids, wonderful kids. Do you think that my kids are being abused, anything like that? or do you think that my, i don't deserve my kids or my kids?

Speaker 3:

Don't deserve me as parents. Furthest thing from it. Furthest thing from it.

Speaker 2:

And so now we're telling people That we don't. We wish that they don't have their own kids. Yeah, you know, we feel sorry for their kids to have to associate with this person. I'm sorry, you know. I can make that, even comment right back to them, but I'm not. It's not worth it.

Speaker 3:

No, I would rather see God heal them exactly. They are the parents.

Speaker 2:

They raise their kids However they see fit, and You know I love this next comment by James Just. You know I feel so bad for her. She was groomed to be susceptible to this indoctrination, or the indoctrination of those groups. Her parents didn't protect her by giving her the tools to critically think well spoken by someone who has no critical thinking capacity, apparently this comment is farthest from the truth and I Needs to be made straight back to.

Speaker 2:

You know this group of comments, because but I'm not gonna go there, i'm not gonna talk about how these people were raised and Critical thinking, and I see no thinking at any of these comments. I just see echo chambered comments going back and forth, back and forth.

Speaker 3:

There is no critical thinking, there's no facts, there's no right substance where there was a lot of facts given out by the young lady that did the podcast. So she was just groomed and it's indoctrination and it's not true. And the cocaine in the White House belongs to Donald Trump. Did I go there? I'm sorry, these people are all nuts, man. I don't even know how anybody takes them. I don't think people do take them seriously. So they have the Hollywood echo chamber, the mainstream media echo chamber, but nobody take. This is like Baghdad Bob, when when Biden's Press Secretary gets up there, it's laughable and what really bothers me.

Speaker 2:

You bring it up of um, you know the school system and you know all this stuff that's going on and you know the mainstream media. They can throw literally anything out there, anything out there, and they will have a a big, a big following in. I wanted to bring up something and kind of jump in the gun a little bit, maybe steal a little bit of your thunder but I have no thunder. If you look at it, what just happened to Tucker Carson when he started speaking the truth in mainstream? Oh, tucker got fired.

Speaker 2:

Yep, he was trying to educate the country in the community on what's going on And if you really listen to what he's saying, he wasn't. He's like, hey, i can never believe that. I That I'm telling you this, but I truly believe that you know x, y and z happened, you know January 6th, you know he. You know, as he was starting to talk to the police officers, you know, and bringing out that information Before that, he was like, hey, you know this was an insurrection or this was, you know, bad and this. But no, once I started talking to people and getting educated myself, i started releasing that information and I was silenced, fired right, that's like You know that.

Speaker 3:

That's like they threw water on an electrical fire because that kind of backfired, but I think that's going to continue to backfire for years. Well, this one's really bad. This is this. Remember I said before you know They were they were praying for bad things to happen to people. Well, this, this is the Maggie person again, unhinged Maggie I'm gonna call this person. I have said this many times. What in the hell is going on in her home? Where is social services? What does it take for before the county steps in and checks on her children's welfare? So that's one step from asking for the county to come in and take her children away. She wants to use this. This person wants to use the force of government to take her children away because she's telling you What's going on in the public school system.

Speaker 2:

And this is the same person that said I'm really feel sorry for her, her kids, and then follows that up with saying I want her kids to potentially get taken away from her.

Speaker 3:

So that's the that there is danger, folks. There's danger, these people, if they are allowed to run Government, if you remain silent and allow them to run things, that's where they're going. They're going to ask the sheriff or child protective services to come take your children. So that's the other reason that you need to be very careful who's running your government And when they're not doing a good job, speak out against them before they gain a great deal of power and that comment not only talks about the division within our community and Them being the perpetrators of the division, but it also goes against what I just mentioned about what a community really is.

Speaker 2:

Why isn't she reaching out and saying, hey, can I help your child or is you know What else can happen? But she's going straight to the government saying, hey, investigate this person.

Speaker 3:

I think you should take this, this person's child now, right now, what happens if the shoes on the other foot? I don't think that the host would want to take her children away, but I'm sure this lady would throw a fit if someone came to the door now. I don't know what she's doing to her children. I have no idea. But That's pretty scary comment, folks baseless, without any evidence or facts.

Speaker 2:

It's just an emotional comment. Yeah, you know, and it continues, and I think the next comment here again It seems like their own little echo chamber that's going on. There's a couple more or five of them you know, i wish these people would just homeschool their kids and leave the rest of us alone. If they want an education Based on their religious beliefs, pay for a private school.

Speaker 3:

Wow, we already pay for the public school and we don't want you messing it all up. Exactly, and it's her public school and What she calls a religious, religious beliefs.

Speaker 2:

I don't think that there was much talk of religion going on, other than you know, don't grew my kids and don't take my powers away as a parent to right, educate my children and raise my children.

Speaker 3:

So so it's not religion, yeah, and you know the exact act. I can't Um Regurgitate the exact definition of religion, but it's basically believing in something you know that you don't have a lot of evidence for When the schools actually do teach religion. The new religion in America is Climate change. All these people are climatologists, so they want to teach you that somehow man is Is affecting the climate in a negative manner, without really having any evidence of it. There is a great deal more evidence that a man named Jesus Christ walked this earth, and there is that man is negatively impacting the climate.

Speaker 2:

You know that's a whole another rabbit hole I want to get down, though. We need to go down that and talk about that in that that religion, the watermelon religion, needs to be ripped out.

Speaker 3:

You know why they call it a watermelon coming, because it's green on the outside and red on the inside.

Speaker 2:

These people, they are definitely selling watermelons, yeah so you know there's a part of this that That also, you know needs to be brought out, and it's leave the rest of us alone. That's all we're saying. We want To be parents to our children, teach them the abc's one, two, three's, even going back to covet in the lockdowns and wearing a mask in these vaccinations. If it's not for me, leave me alone notice what she's saying, though.

Speaker 3:

If they want education based on religious beliefs, pay for a private school. She doesn't want us to stop contributing to her mess Right now. If we went through and took all the people that think like we do and all the people who think like she does, and they were the only ones That contributed to the school system, well, they wouldn't have enough to buy chalk Yep no, and again, i hate taking it all the way down The negative pathway, but this is a positive, a positive statement and a positive approach to this.

Speaker 2:

Let this you know It's it's water under the bridge. We can have a civil conversation. That's where these people are trying to attack and say there's no way we can have a civil conversation. You and I talking tonight is a civil conversation. Having you know, bringing the information to light. We can't be scared either, you know. If you feel that you're going to be attacked, just know that there is 10 other people to that, one person that supports you. And that's our job is to make sure that these people are educated and that they have an opportunity to stand up for what is right and put good over evil, and we have a ton of people that do that on various different topics.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely So. So I'm going to drive Sarah crazy here for a second. I love it. I'm going to ask the audience to give us a show of hands. Who's with us? Oh, look at that. And another show of hands is who's against us? I see Sarah, I see Chelsea. I don't really see any other hands. You're going to wonder how we did that all night job. So, Sarah, Sarah, aren't you technology? Well, because I'm from the future.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, You know and again being positive. So taking this you know and making sure that your voice is heard. You know again I hate social media. I want to say this right now, before we even dive any further I hate social media, but it is amongst us, it is something that is prevalent in something that we feed into with this education system.

Speaker 3:

I'm looking forward to the big bout of Elon Musk and the Zuckerberg. Oh, that's going to be a social media bout. I don't even know what they're doing to each other now. I went from like octagon fight to probably going to thumb wrestle or something. Yeah, should be good. So let's get to some other stuff. Let's change the subjects, because we're all tired of hearing from Sarah and Chelsea and the demon brigade and the gender bender mafia We won't call them anything else right now I have some really good names.

Speaker 3:

But, anyway, yeah, that's us calling you names.

Speaker 2:

Ha, It's you know, looking at it on a positive light and being educated. So, looking at a different type of comment, you know, and this is definitely, i would assume, a person that has more skin in the game, more education of what's going on and what has been going on, i'd say that because, you know, this person says that I am sick and tired of everything wrong overriding the will of the people, from the filth in the schools, the dirty elections and the taxpayers who clearly spoke out against this, being ignored. Now bringing this here locally, hartford County. you have been sold.

Speaker 3:

Right. So this person and the sick and tired part is what the other side counts on. They know that they have no leg to stand on, they know that their claims are ridiculous and the things that they're saying make no sense, but they know if they say them enough and if the mainstream media echoes them, you will get sick and tired of it And then, hopefully, when you get sick and tired, you'll withdraw. That's what they want you to do. Go away, shut up, so they can have the playing field to themselves.

Speaker 2:

And that's where they've gotten so much advantage right now. You know the complacency, the complacency of society. I have too much. I remember back at the beginning of the pandemic when we had one of our beginning with the people meetings, our monthly meeting with the people of Maryland fourth Wednesday of every month. Just had to plug that.

Speaker 3:

But we, the people of MDorg, there you go Info at.

Speaker 2:

we, the people of MDorg. Yes, but I remember a gentleman standing up and he says I care about all this stuff, i don't want this stuff to happen to our community, i don't want this stuff to happen to our children. We're talking years ago, yeah, before we're experiencing what we're experiencing now. But his follow up comment was but I don't have the time and I just I elect people to to take my thoughts and take my feelings and implement them.

Speaker 3:

And sadly that's not happening.

Speaker 2:

And I'm proud to have people you know that, understand that and aren't scared to say this is wrong.

Speaker 3:

Well, i think what the left has done is they really screwed up. People were sick and tired, but they took it too far. They with Biden, you know, obviously. There's no way anybody thinks that Biden won that election. What they're doing to the kids in school, these ridiculous books down to. Let's not forget the political prisoners from January 6. These people aren't even getting speedy trials. So you can argue all day long, whatever, whatever, and say they're guilty, but you're not even given a due process.

Speaker 2:

It's ridiculous And that's why it's. it's two parts of a conversation, you know, and it is, i think, the next comment where we're reading you know it is heartbreaking.

Speaker 3:

It's heartbreaking, it is absolutely heartbreaking And it could happen to any one of us.

Speaker 2:

So again another positive comment, you know from from a patriot named Bill. You said heartbreaking this nation has political prisoners. Lord, please free. Free your people from the bondage of evil.

Speaker 3:

That's awesome And notice he isn't. isn't praying to God to do something horrible to the other people.

Speaker 2:

Because the other person would be. I pray that the judge is going to not show up and you know their, their daughter, is going to be killed And you know that's where the evilness that's coming from the other side.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's because they are demons and they only know evil. That shows when they speak.

Speaker 2:

And it continues.

Speaker 3:

I think Julie's comment here again on a positive note our rulers are the lawless ones and those we voted to represent us are spineless. These poor people seriously need our prayers and letters. 100% could not agree with you more. Spineless is the truth And we have. Let's not let all of our local officials off the hook. You need to speak out. You took a note to defend the Constitution When you see others aren't. You need to speak out When you don't. You look spineless. I think spineless is probably a t shirt we could buy and hand out to the local elected officials.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, And we've been saying that word for a while. you know each and every one of them. Yeah, And it starts in again. show us your spine, prove us wrong. I will call out one poll local politician in this podcast. but again, we've called it out many times here locally. It starts out with our county executive, Barry Glassman. He was spineless, Barry was a mess continued over to the county council president Pat Binseni, who's still there. He was spineless during the pandemic and lockdowns. He's spineless today against the over development.

Speaker 3:

Only thing they can do is attack the only person in the county that is speaking against this nonsense, and that's Bob Cassely, exactly.

Speaker 2:

You know and again, here we go Bob is doing some things, that he's standing up for our children, he's standing up for the over development.

Speaker 3:

Well, we don't know if he's standing up for the children yet.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, that's a good point. Let's wait and see. Yeah, we'll wait and see that one, But there's hope that he is as soon as he. If he doesn't, he knows that we will be saying something about that.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely So. The idea is that he's appointed people that will join with the other folks on the board of education that want to get rid of the current superintendent and get rid of them. So that's going to. We're going to find out real soon how that works.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and there's the evidence is piled up that there's no reason that there are superintendents still be here.

Speaker 3:

And there's another comment from Carol. It says disgusting what this country has become. they should put Pelosi and her gang in prison. Well, let's put them on trial first And if they're guilty, let's put them in prison. I think most of us believe that they are.

Speaker 2:

And the, the covering up of all the facts. You know I you keep bringing up the, the cocaine in the White House the audacity for them to put out a follow up article through the I think it was the Washington DC police department to say that. You know, chances are we're not going to find out who the culprit was.

Speaker 3:

Right, bs, and the White House sits with all the cameras and and then to blame it on, you know everyone else. I mean the construction workers or Donald Trump. Let's just deflect anybody but us. I mean Joe's probably still wondering where his hit is. He's looking for a bump right now, wandering around the White House.

Speaker 2:

And you know, poor Hunter, you know, he's just tagging along, daddy, daddy Yeah.

Speaker 2:

We're, we're in my hidden stash Hunter is at the strip club. We digress a little bit But again, you know it's. It's not just about the schools. You know, people are speaking out, people are becoming educated on many different topics And it's the things that we're talking about. And you know, not the two to our own horn, but I'm proud to be able to help educate our community And I feel that what we're doing on this podcast, what we're doing in the community, is bringing the awareness and bringing people I shouldn't say out of the woodwork, but new people to the to the world and making comments and speaking up and bringing information to other people, helping people find the voice. Exactly, you know, and, for instance, i want to read this one from Susan. You know this is talking about some over development that we have in Hartford County. Again, i know we're bouncing all over the place here, but we've talked about this before.

Speaker 3:

We've talked about Team OD, the over developers.

Speaker 2:

So here's somebody that is speaking out against Team OD and she she says sadly, most likely look at Route 1 in 543 area. It's starting to look like Towson North. Add a couple other locations in there too. But I can imagine that soon bus lines will follow along with more building. So sad to see Hartford County slowly be destroyed and losing most of what once made it a great place to live quietly. Amen, amen, exactly. But there's one piece in here that shows that she understands the bigger picture. Yes, Bus lines, the bus lines will soon follow. So the building envelope has the water in the sewer, then follows the buildings and what has to follow after that? the transportation to the buildings. And you already have people coming to the county council saying I need transportation expanded throughout the county here and here and here Ask Hunt Valley how well that's gone.

Speaker 3:

Hunt Valley Mall has those people Exactly What? the big joke, and it's sadly the big joke out there as well. They ride the bus up to steal stuff from us. And it's true. Yeah, and I'm not saying who. They is No Criminals, criminals. They is, criminals, is are. Wait, you're going so fast, i can't see.

Speaker 2:

Well, i mean, i think this is a good closing, you know, to what we've been talking about tonight, and it's talking about a podcast, and you want to read this one for me to Yes.

Speaker 3:

This says. I like this repeated theme in these podcasts. The future union works for the people. Teachers be. We. Works for the people in the county council works for the people.

Speaker 3:

We need to remind everyone that we, the people, are the majority. So what she's saying is people, people, people. It's supposed to be about us. It's supposed to be about the people in this country. So this country has a constitutional republic, and part of that constitutional republic There's an element of democracy in that you get to elect your representatives, but your representatives swear an oath to uphold the constitution. That has become a joke. Now we even have representatives that want to place their hand on the Quran and pledge some crap, but no, you place your hand on the Bible because this is a Christian nation, all right, and it is inclusive. It's not going to harm you if you're not a Christian. But these are the things that need to happen, and we have to stand up for the constitution. It's not a very difficult document. I bet if you went and asked most of our council members, they couldn't even tell you what's in it.

Speaker 2:

You know, i know we've presented them pocket constitutions in the past and you know I wonder if they've ever even read that.

Speaker 3:

And this country is a constitutional republic, and it is that constitution that we stand behind, and we will never stop fighting for it. We will not sit down, we will not shut up, we will not give up. We are going to obey the constitution.

Speaker 2:

Don't be afraid.

Speaker 3:

Amen, brother, don't be afraid. We're not afraid, we will defend it.

Speaker 2:

And we must break up their echo chamber, because in their mainstream media echo chamber. And don't be afraid to stand next to your neighbor, to your brother, your sister, and speak What is the truth, stand for good over evil.

Speaker 3:

And again, i keep saying it Don't be scared, there's nothing to be scared about Evil needs to fear the constitution and the Bible. Amen, amen. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Critiquing Negative Comments on Podcast
School Policies and Media Bias Controversy
Concerns About Government Overreach and Education
Political System and Overdevelopment Issues
Defending the Constitution and Christian Values