Live Free - Die Last

Episode 20: Questioning Health Narratives: Unraveling Government Control, Big Pharma, and Lab-Grown Meats

July 11, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 20
Episode 20: Questioning Health Narratives: Unraveling Government Control, Big Pharma, and Lab-Grown Meats
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 20: Questioning Health Narratives: Unraveling Government Control, Big Pharma, and Lab-Grown Meats
Jul 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 20
Live Free - Die Last

Prepare for an audacious revelation - physical fitness, the very embodiment of health and vitality, is now being dubbed as a form of white supremacy. A ludicrous notion, isn't it? And yet, it's a troubling insight into the left's intentions to seize control of our bodies, minds, and choices. As your devoted hosts, we dissect this dangerous trend, pulling back the curtain on the mainstream media's dismissal of RFK Jr's candidacy. We champion the importance of individual rights and insist on the autonomy of our bodies.

Ever wondered about the rising tide of serious illnesses among our youth? Or the alarming surge in cancer rates? Could it all be linked? We unravel this daunting conundrum, daring to question the role of big pharmaceutical companies in the medical community. As we pore over the potential fallout from lab-grown meats and their questionable contents, we propose ways to reclaim our health from the grip of fear tactics.

But wait, there's more. Dive into the murky depths of the lab-grown meat industry, Bill Gates' mosquito vaccination army, and the media's evasion of the truth. A startling rise in serious health conditions in Australia have us questioning the safety of recent vaccinations. We shift to focus on local battles against oppressive legislation governing backyard chickens and emphasize the importance of research and vigilance in safeguarding our freedom. Remember, we're in this together - striving to be healthy, happy, and above all, free.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Prepare for an audacious revelation - physical fitness, the very embodiment of health and vitality, is now being dubbed as a form of white supremacy. A ludicrous notion, isn't it? And yet, it's a troubling insight into the left's intentions to seize control of our bodies, minds, and choices. As your devoted hosts, we dissect this dangerous trend, pulling back the curtain on the mainstream media's dismissal of RFK Jr's candidacy. We champion the importance of individual rights and insist on the autonomy of our bodies.

Ever wondered about the rising tide of serious illnesses among our youth? Or the alarming surge in cancer rates? Could it all be linked? We unravel this daunting conundrum, daring to question the role of big pharmaceutical companies in the medical community. As we pore over the potential fallout from lab-grown meats and their questionable contents, we propose ways to reclaim our health from the grip of fear tactics.

But wait, there's more. Dive into the murky depths of the lab-grown meat industry, Bill Gates' mosquito vaccination army, and the media's evasion of the truth. A startling rise in serious health conditions in Australia have us questioning the safety of recent vaccinations. We shift to focus on local battles against oppressive legislation governing backyard chickens and emphasize the importance of research and vigilance in safeguarding our freedom. Remember, we're in this together - striving to be healthy, happy, and above all, free.

Speaker 1:

We are, We The People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 2:

Good evening Hartford County Patriots. Welcome to the Live Free Die Last Podcast. I'm broadcasting to you live from the We The People Studios, high above Hartford County, in the Freedom Pod, As the sun sets tonight. we're going to be talking about a lot of fun things and I want to introduce the super co-host first.

Speaker 3:

Josh, you could be back and ready to speak more truth. You all know super Josh.

Speaker 2:

So let's get a couple things out of the way that we forget to do sometimes. You can reach us with an email at info at WeThePeopleOfMDorg. You can go to our website at WeThePeopleOfMDorg, and there's a big old donate button, and what that'll do is it'll allow us to get even better equipment, because we're working up to doing a live broadcast type thing. The Freedom Pod's well equipped though, anyway, i heard well, and then the other thing we want to do is just talk to everybody. We appreciate the growing community of people that's listening to us. At some point, we're going to be able to sit here and go to our millions and millions, but that's not yet, so we have to wait. We will do that one day, but I heard today speaking of The Rock. I heard today that being physically, physically fit is racist. It's white supremacy's latest scheme to valorize violence and hypermasculinity. That's MSNBC. Being physically fit is now racist.

Speaker 3:

We're even working out. you're far right now. You know what? Like seriously, what are we dealing with now? This is stupidity, you know we've. they want us and I think we're going to be diving into this a little bit more, but they're after our health We've been talking about after our children, after our parental rights. they're after our health and they want full, complete control of our bodies, our minds and our choices. Right?

Speaker 2:

And speaking of this, i did see a picture of a presidential candidate with his shirt off and he was jacked for an old man. It was RFK Jr. Is he far right? because he's obviously into physical fitness and working out? Perhaps he's far right now. I think anybody on the right would disagree because the guy he's not going to defend your two A rights, that's for sure.

Speaker 3:

And I really have a couple of questions to the author of this article from MSNBC. Like, okay, if you're physically fit, you're right wing now. So now we're taking their political mumbo jumbo and trying to exploit it even further. So every fat and I won't even say fat, I will say, you know, unathletic, I will say somebody that is not working out but in decent shape maybe, What does this mean? Like, if you work out, you're far right.

Speaker 2:

Masculinity is far right. You know, without masculinity we're not going to have babies.

Speaker 3:

We bring up RFK Jr, He's literally running as a Democrat. that's counterintuitive to what they just said in their article. And this is somebody that's been stepping up and saying, hey, you know the, the protocols that we've just experienced during the, you know the pandemic.

Speaker 2:

Right And and let's not forget, let's not forget the superhero, the left's dynamic fighter, the man that took out corn pop himself, Joe Biden. I mean, this is a guy that wants to fight, He's constantly talking about it.

Speaker 3:

He wants to fight not only other people, but he wants to fight his constituents. I guess extremely angry.

Speaker 2:

Is that too much masculinity? Is he too far right?

Speaker 3:

That is one of the most confusing articles that I think I've read.

Speaker 2:

I mean he laid the smackdown on corn pop? Oh, we told us so himself. We have not heard from corn pop yet, although I will tell you, folks, we've got our people out looking for corn pop And if we find them, we're going to have them on the show.

Speaker 3:

That should be a laugh, but you know, you know, getting back into this serious note of taking control of our bodies, you know, and being able to, you know, you know get a vaccine if we want to or not, you know. That's where we're not trying to force people the way that people were forcing us in their deadly protocols, you know, for the past handful of years And again, i only pick out the past couple of years, but this has been going on for decades.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I think it really came to more people's attention that perhaps the CDC does not have their best interest at heart. I've heard many more people saying things like that, so that would follow along that the FDA and all these other organizations don't as well.

Speaker 3:

You know Anthony Fauci. You throw his name out there. You know he has no basis to do. What would just happen to us?

Speaker 2:

And we were talking about that buff presidential candidate, rfk Jr. But let's all drink and decide. He's kind of made his name Well. I shouldn't say that. He's become well known for being a health advocate And he spent a lot of time speaking out against vaccines And of course, to the left in the mainstream media that makes him a nut job. But you know, he's providing a lot of data and he's offered to debate a whole lot of experts who've declined. I have a feeling they're just not going to allow him to even run. I just think they're going to ignore him, even though he's garnered enough attention to be considered a serious candidate for the Democratic primary. You know he's. Unless he gets endorsed by Cornpob, i don't see it.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're trying to silence somebody that had a vaccine injury himself, and that's what he is trying to explain. This is my life experience And this is why I'm questioning what is going on, especially, let alone all of the bringing the COVID vaccine, the mRNA vaccine, to you know, out of trial, without getting the proper testing, you know, and so quickly. Not even talking about that. He's literally just saying, hey, this happened to me, yeah, and they're going to silence him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's a. There's an overwhelming amount of evidence out that people were killed during COVID by Remdesivir and the protocols that they were delivering in the hospitals. That's why we have a website called deadly protocolscom.

Speaker 3:

It's all educational purposes. We stood out in front of the hospitals and pled with them, saying please stop this type of treatment. It's not helping our patients, You're killing people.

Speaker 2:

They literally are killing people. I mean the Remdesivir thing. If you go and do some research, it's well known to cause liver failure and all sorts of other things kidney failure, i'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

Well, and liver failure too. And this brings up a study that we were just looking at And this is from the US Navy Naval Intelligence. But they're using CDC data And they're showing that the excess rates of non alcohol alcoholic liver disease is going through the roof during the pandemic. Now it's fallen back off, back to more of a normal. It's still up, but it's more of a normal kind of rate. But they're showing when the Remdesivir was being used, the numbers are off the charts of this non alcoholic liver disease.

Speaker 2:

Imagine that something that they themselves say causes liver disease.

Speaker 3:

So again, we have been constantly trying to help our community and educate our community. Deadly protocols, The information that we've been giving out for years. Here's more factual information that's coming out in research report using, and I will say, the left's data the CDC data.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and all we're saying folks, we're not doctors, but go out there and take a look. There's a lot of, there's a lot of information out there that runs counter to what they're spewing on MSNBC and, rather, you know, mainstream media, mockingbird media stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and this is not us being mad, this is us.

Speaker 3:

No, we want to save lives, wanting people to educate themselves and figure this information out for themselves, because we've been experiencing this for years And I a lot of people. If they've been yelling about something or working on something for years and it's starting to come to light, they're like I told you. So you know, excuse me, deal with it yourself, don't worry about it. You know it's not for me to worry about. No, this is, this is some serious stuff here that you know. More people that understand what's going on, because this isn't the last time.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i've got a serious question for people. How many people do you know that? are, you know, wish they hadn't taken the vaccine or sorry that they did? And then ask yourself have you ever met anybody that said they were sorry they didn't take the vaccine? And I have not. And I know, you know my large group of friends. we were out all the time at the height of COVID. None of us were sick, none of us died, none of us got the jab. We weren't spreading COVID, because when you're not sick you can't spread something. despite what they tried to tell us on, all this is going somewhere. folks. They're going to try to do this to you again. We're not going to get into that right now. Maybe we'll get into it at the end, but that's why we need to learn from these things.

Speaker 3:

And take control back of our own decisions because you know, as I mentioned, things are coming to light now. You know conversations are being had that you know, you and I probably wish were being had two years ago, but they're still happening today and nothing is changing. We're still seeing the factual research come out supporting this information.

Speaker 2:

The mockingbird media has less and less power every day.

Speaker 3:

Yep, so want to bring up another topic here. Does anybody realize that Peru declared a health emergency after a rise in Gilean Bar Syndrome? You know why do we bring that up. You know that's a neurological disorder, but this is something that was again a huge increase when the vaccines were being rolled out, and it was one of the major reactions negative reactions to this vaccine that people were having. Even Justin Bieber experienced this. Yeah, i think it killed his career, didn't it? Pretty much. But right now, the Peruvian government is underneath this. What is the proper word? a health emergency again, because they're not putting two and two together, where we're seeing data and information from a couple of years ago of these increases And now in a country they're having to experience an emergency, trying to figure out what the heck is going on. Again, not talking in depth about it, but hey why, aren't you talking?

Speaker 3:

why aren't you looking at it? Is this jab related or is this?

Speaker 2:

more relatable, or starting to put two and two together. I mean, i've been hearing a lot of stories just on vacation And some folks that I know I'm close to we're bringing up this person, that person's sick, this person I mean sick, like dying sick cancer or just died this and that. And there were young people that were otherwise healthy and the kind of the theme was wow, this is really surprising. And none of them were put it together. But I sat there quietly thinking, holy crap, i'm hearing this all the time, all over the place, and I never heard this before.

Speaker 2:

It's worth looking into is what we're saying.

Speaker 3:

Seeing the cancer rate increase. Super cancers I mean. People are getting cancer and diagnosed with cancer and dying before they can even get treatment. It's very disturbing and multiple sclerosis is there's increases in that that are starting to come out. Again, i'm not a medical expert, but I do ask and reach out to people that I trust that are in the medical field to get their opinions and get their information.

Speaker 2:

And you're capable of critical thought. So let's bring this up. Another thing that RFK does is he likes to talk about other methods that are outside the mainstream treatment for things. So there's a lot of there's a lot of anxiety And look, let's just say it, the big pharma runs the medical community. They run it Okay. So they're going to do what's best for big pharma. They don't want you to be able to go out back and pick herbs out of your yard that are going to help you. Things like that There's a lot of I'm going to call them home remedies, home remedies, but that's not really good.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot of non mainstream remedies for things that work and are accurate And we're going to be talking about those in future podcasts. We might like do a side to this, because I know a lot of people that are really into it and they can speak very intelligently to different methods that you may not be familiar with. But basically it all boils down to you know what goes into your body, what we eat, what minerals we are lacking, what minerals we're not lacking. All these things it's very important to look at. We don't need big pharma to shoot us up with their latest potion If we just go back to treating our bodies like temples and putting things in them that feed what they need.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, and it is scary, again, not getting in any rabbit holes. But you know this cancer protein that they're trying to talk about now, the lab grown meats and the antibiotics and stuff they're putting in these animals. You know, i tell you what, as a human being, you should feel good about. You know being able to walk out into your backyard, especially now in the summertime, and picking a cucumber, picking a tomato and eating that and knowing that that's actually healthy for you. You know they grow it, yep, and they tell you that eating vegetables and eating this and doing that is healthy for you. Take control of your own body and be able to make sure you got you get the health that you need.

Speaker 2:

You just brought up a really good point when you said lab grown meat. So why are they doing lab grown meat? They're telling you that we need to kill all the animals to save the world because they contribute to global warming Another fear tactic. So the health stuff, global warming these are all fear tactics used to control you and to basically ruin your health. Why is that? Why would the government want you not healthy? They don't want you healthy enough to fight back. Okay, They want you to be a good little slave, a sick little slave that really can't fight back.

Speaker 3:

And scared to fight back. We've covered it in a recent podcast of don't be scared If speak the truth, but don't be scared in what you're doing and standing together, take control of your life. There's a ton of information coming out and I'm so happy that people are at least starting to research and question what has happened to us in the past few years with the remdesivir, with the vaccines and things like that. My biggest fear when we were going through all this and fighting this that people would just forget and people would not want to bring up these conversations. That's what we're here to do. One thing that people are scared to address right now are all these sudden deaths Yes And all these disease increases. That can't be that. How dare you bring this up? That's a person.

Speaker 3:

Yes, i respect that person's life And I wish them peace Bring it back Exactly, but if we're not researching this and we're not at least questioning what the impacts of COVID-19 and the different variations of the jabs And the blood clot.

Speaker 2:

So how many times have we heard about blood clots?

Speaker 3:

now, holy moly And I think people are starting to piece these things together. Now, not everybody that dies right now of a blood clot or has a blood clot is from a vaccine. I know a guy that is not vaccinated. But there's research coming out and I want to just jump right into this one right here That it's from back in May of this year. Journal Nature put out an article entitled Research Assessment of Retinal Vascular Occulation After COVID-19 Vaccine.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

I believe, is that word Occlusion. Yes, you're right, but basically, in a summary, what this is is blood clots of the retina. So why is there such an increase in an issue with the eyes and retina, but the bigger part is blood clots. We've been hearing about increase in blood clots. Blood clots, blood clots.

Speaker 2:

And they're also comparing the vaccinated to the unvaccinated and the unvaccinated aren't having this problem anywhere near the degree that the vaccinated are.

Speaker 3:

Exactly And there's other studies kind of coming out. But again going back, these people being able to talk about and do the research and try to provide this information. Now I question, once this research kind of hits the mainstream media, how much is it going to be construed or not even brought up, because that's exactly what they did with the vaccine. Any person that said that?

Speaker 2:

hey well in the lab. Grim Meat thing is really disturbing too. One of the chicken joints is going to be one of the first ones out there pushing this stuff And the FDA approved this, i think last week or the week before.

Speaker 3:

Well, i forget what the other 100 was looking for. Cocaine, probably. Yeah, there was something going on that. You know they used that. And oh, fda, just sneak this one on in.

Speaker 2:

Right, i mean this is. This is truly troubling folks. I read articles where they're trying to put that Myrna vaccine into plants. You know you're going to call me crazy, but I've read articles and I know they're true for many reasons where they've got mosquitoes that can deliver different vaccinations. This has been taught by this 10 years ago and Bill Gates is one of the biggest funders of that mass. So is he going to unleash his mosquito army full of this you know killer jab juice on us? Is that what's next? And while we're eating his, his you know lab grown meat.

Speaker 3:

I think he's going back to mosquitoes. I think he's playing around with that, because there's information now that lab mutilated or mutated mosquitoes are going to be released on Florida residents.

Speaker 2:

You know specifically down in the keys, right Oh the mainstream media will tell you they're going to be used to destroy the bad mosquitoes and this and that and other thing. But if you read a little deeper, folks, you'll find out the truth. Raise your hand. I want to know if anybody thinks Bill Gates is a good man. I don't see any hands. No hands. He's not a good man, folks. He's into eugenics. He wants to destroy you And windows sucks.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, he, uh, there's a lot to dig into, mr Gates, and I really think the big thing is the guy's not a doctor.

Speaker 2:

He's not a doctor.

Speaker 3:

No, I'm not a doctor, but I'm not out there spewing this. I ridiculous stuff that he's trying to spend his billions and billions of dollars on.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a doctor, but I got eyes and I can see what he's doing.

Speaker 3:

Yep, exactly. And again going back. Don't be scared, you know, if you have a feeling, and this goes back out to the medical community, our nurses, and you know our medical community, out there first, the nurses that stood up, you know, during the pandemic They lost their job And lost their jobs. You know. You hear in front of Congress people speaking specifically from New York. Those nurses from New York were really telling the truth and telling the factual information where, you know, we here in Hartford County we had the health guy from the head of the local hospital come in and try to tell us that hey, look out next year for the flu, because we only had two cases this past year and the flu is going to be coming back.

Speaker 2:

Get out of here The moron. Yeah, there's a lot of nonsense out there.

Speaker 3:

Real quick. I just wanted to touch on this. This is something again, i'm not making a direct accusation that it's tied to the vaccine or anything, but the research is starting to come out on various different things And the vaccine has had bad things happen to many people after getting the vaccine, you know increase in disease, increase in complications. This one is an article published in Burns, which is a journal on the International Society of Burn Injuries, and this is going down to talking about a seven-fold rise in incidents of Steven Johnson's syndrome and toxic epidermal necrolosis. So basically, what they're looking at is and there's a couple of pictures here It's pretty bad. But you know the Stevens-Johnson syndrome, it's rare. It's a serious skin condition that causes the top layer to die and slough off. It literally looks like you've been burned and your skin is trying to heal. It's any place that has a mucus membrane.

Speaker 2:

You know the mouth, the eyes, you know anywhere like that It's pretty bad And it's something rare that's now up, which is really scary and something to look at.

Speaker 3:

So again, this is not the United States, but this is over in Australia. It was where this article was written from Australia.

Speaker 2:

they were really militant about making sure you got the vaccine.

Speaker 3:

They had the camps that you had to go to. The pictures are up. I'm going to go through it Please go past those.

Speaker 2:

They are horrifying.

Speaker 3:

So what this research is looking at is pre-pandemic the burn unit. at this hospital, Concord General Hospital in Australia, they only saw really two to four cases of this per year, But since the first half of 2022, they've already seen 14 cases of this, which is, you know, seven times more than the pre-pandemic.

Speaker 2:

It's actually 14 times more if you were to play it out for a year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, exactly, And what the researchers noticed and this is where we bring this up in this conversation not one of the 14 cases was an unvaccinated person.

Speaker 2:

Oh my God, Three of the 14 that have been recently jabbed within 30 days. That is scary and something to definitely pay attention to.

Speaker 3:

And also here, five of the patients, even though they were jabbed, had COVID within 30 days of getting diagnosed with this. So again, statistically, how can that happen? 14 out of 14.

Speaker 2:

Man people, you really got to pay attention and take care of your own health. We are going to have to launch a podcast helping people do that. I have in the Freedom Pod in these studios a whole bunch of books on herbal remedies and different things that actually work. You don't think that the people that inhabited this earth before the CDC and before Big Pharma were completely helpless, do you? I hope you don't.

Speaker 3:

And this is not a hateful speech about somebody that's vaccinated, because again we go back throughout the years we've been attacked.

Speaker 2:

Many of us.

Speaker 3:

We were going to kill the entire world because we decided not to get the vaccine.

Speaker 2:

And some of our loved ones have done it Yeah.

Speaker 3:

And most of them are, i shouldn't say most. There are a lot of people that are regretting it. They're regretful And that's where we're here to not only help. We're not here to scare anybody, but we're trying to tell you that you need to take control of your body back, because things are not getting better.

Speaker 2:

So let's talk about something positive too. This might seem negative, but it's not. We many of us in the Liberty Movement, many of us that are paying attention realize that this is a shutdowns or part of a fear campaign, and that they are planning the next one. They're actively planning the next one And they're saying look, we've already conditioned the people, we know how they're going to react. Here is where they are dreadfully wrong. What they did is they showed us how to fight back. We eventually fought back and got the lockdowns ended, and many of us are not going to do it again. We're not going to go. Well, everybody else is putting a mask on. I'll put one on the grocery store. It's not going to happen. Folks, we're not wearing your masks for no reason. We're not doing all this dumb stuff. We have learned how to fight back. That is the positive from all this.

Speaker 3:

And again I keep saying this don't be fearful to fight back. And I will tell you right now one quick, not getting in the details, but even here. Recently, a very close relative person in my family needed immediate medical attention for an allergic reaction to their face and their breathing. There was a nurse that told this person that they refused to give them medical treatment because they wouldn't wear a mask. And again you tell me you have somebody that comes in front of you that can't breathe properly and you're going to. They're not going to give you medical attention without a mask going out.

Speaker 2:

It seems like that runs kind of the hippocratica.

Speaker 3:

We walked out and again I got the proper care for that family member. But don't be scared to not follow right in their footsteps If it doesn't make sense to that story. If you can't breathe, don't put a mask on and don't let somebody require you to do that. If they're going to give require that for medical attention, i'm probably not the best person to be going to.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, like boy, johns Hopkins has destroyed their reputation because these are the people that out there going well. Even if you're not sick, you can pass on COVID. What? If you're not sick, you can pass on COVID. And the doctors they've made all their doctors stupid too. The doctors are out there going well. You have to wear a mask in my office. I don't care if you're not. If the doctor doesn't know if you're sick, what the heck's going on? And now those same doctors. They can't figure out your gender either. So, doctors, you're losing your reputation pretty quick. You ought to stand up.

Speaker 3:

And that's where I'm happy to bring up the research that we did tonight, because People are starting to research this, they're starting to See that there is a correlation. More so in this, information is coming out. More and more people need to meet, need to do that because the last piece I wanted in of the doom and gloom kind of thing again, again, we want to keep this as positive as possible. But these excess morbidity and mortality data that we've been hearing about for the past few years, you know that, hey, this is, this is going through the roof. You know, and everybody's been praying and hoping that it would get better. It would get better. You know We talk about the vaccines, not, you know, not being a, you know, safe and effective. Well, there has been and I would hope that there's more data coming out to prove This in the past six, eight months of reduction in people getting this vaccine. There's still a ton of people that are, you know no, nobody's listened to MSNBC anymore.

Speaker 2:

People are realizing that MSNBC, the mainstream media, the mockingbird media, the CDC, they're all, dr Fauci, they're all in the same page, man.

Speaker 3:

They've lost our credibility they have, and There's things that we can do to to better our health, but there's been destruction that has happened and what we've been talking about It's not stopping and it's not slowing down and that's the scariest thing and I think that's you know, to the point of you just bringing up that this isn't over. They're gonna do this again. They're gonna do it again. How do we know that?

Speaker 2:

How do we not know it? I think it's plain to see, even if you're not from the future exactly.

Speaker 3:

You know and do your research. You know Don't call somebody a conspiracy theories without doing your research.

Speaker 2:

The whole word conspiracy was created by the CIA, who has No credibility now anyway. Yep, exactly, You know they have magic bullets that killed a very popular president And all sorts of dumb stuff that they do and say three letter agencies, they're gonna have to go and reinvent themselves because they've got no credibility now. I mean the FBI could catch Hunter Biden with a bag of cocaine, snorting it off you know a hooker's butt, and They're gonna say that he's a choir practice.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you know, and Bringing up the FBI and some of these three letter agencies too. I wanted to, you know, i want to positive note say, as a community here in Hartford County, just be cautious on the infiltration that's happened. We all know that. You know they're. They're lurking around. Oh sure They are. They know who they are, you know.

Speaker 3:

They know they've lost their credibility exactly so, but, on a positive note, i Think we should follow up this, this podcast, in the future with some remedies and some More information of how people can can take care of. I think that was a great idea.

Speaker 2:

I think so, even like. Maybe you know homesteading things like that. There's a lot of good information. We know people, how people get started in these things. I you know. Geez, why is the government want now, when you have backyard chickens? because they're healthy for you, right?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the local legislation here recently, just for all of our listeners. Out of state They're attacking, attacking the chicken owners and how much land you have to use to have a chicken again right.

Speaker 2:

So well, they want you to be eating their heavily fluoridated chickens and you know, chickens that will make you sick. I Know that's gonna be unpopular when people do some research and learn the limerstein one talking about Those shoes.

Speaker 2:

Inflation as a As a reason to say it's okay guys as always, when you see people Telling you where not to look, you should be looking there. When they scream loudest about you, know what's wrong. Maybe you should be paying a little more attention to that, asking questions at least and when they're bringing evil thoughts, you know, and attacking you in hateful, hateful ways.

Speaker 3:

To fend your life and your liberty to fend your children, your family and our community pay attention to stuff.

Speaker 2:

This is important stuff. Maybe you shouldn't go Out and watch that movie and go to eat all the time. Maybe you should do a little bit of research and learn something.

Speaker 3:

Work in the garden, and that's. I want a positive note. I will say I've been busting my tail this this year. I don't see your thumb turning green John. There you go, I you know my garden is producing it. Sure is my family's loving it. My kids are eating healthy.

Speaker 2:

I'm your friends are enjoying it too.

Speaker 3:

Yes, they are. You know, and again I've got this crazy thing in my head. I'm gonna I want to build a little farm, it and, you know, start taking control of the meat that I have in my life too, and I think that that's inspiring, not only for me but for everybody else. Yeah, it's not easy.

Speaker 2:

Yep, i agree. There's a lot of things people can do, and we want you to start doing them, because we love people. We want people to be healthy, we want them to be happy and we want them to be free, and that includes people of all colors and Religious backgrounds and political leanings. We want you all to be healthy, free. So I think at this point, what we're gonna do is tell you what we always tell you, and that is God bless and good night. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, will be watching.

Government Control of Personal Health
Health Concerns and Alternative Remedies
Concerns About Gates, Lab-Grown Meat, Vaccine
Government Regulations and Personal Health