Live Free - Die Last

Episode #18 Unmasking the Crisis in Harford County Public Schools: A Call for Change

July 12, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 18
Episode #18 Unmasking the Crisis in Harford County Public Schools: A Call for Change
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode #18 Unmasking the Crisis in Harford County Public Schools: A Call for Change
Jul 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 18
Live Free - Die Last

Get ready for a revealing journey as we lift the veil on the alarming state of Harford County Public Schools. Can you believe that our educational institutions have been infiltrated by divisive ideologies, troubling practices, and a leadership that is seemingly unaccountable? This episode promises to leave you questioning the integrity of our educational system and craving for change. We dissect the controversial leadership of Superintendent Bolson and his role in implementing a divisive curriculum, promoting explicit books, and encouraging activism events.

We venture into the world of GSA Clubs in Harford County Public Schools, where boundaries are blurred as teachers share personal details of their sexual orientation and private lives with students. Our special guest, sheds light on the negative consequences of these practices, such as the over-sexualization of students and an alarming rise in gender confusion. The discussion takes a solemn turn as we touch on the mental health crisis in the school system, underscored by a staggering increase in reported suicidal ideations. 

We peel back the layers to reveal the connection between rising violence in schools and recent policy changes. We also question the decision of the Maryland State Department of Education to reduce test difficulty, a move that has evidently not improved test scores. But it's not all darkness; we also share resources for parents and ways to maintain positivity amidst these challenging times. By the end of the episode, you'll feel a renewed sense of urgency to demand change for the sake of our children's future. Buckle up, this is going to be a thought-provoking ride.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Get ready for a revealing journey as we lift the veil on the alarming state of Harford County Public Schools. Can you believe that our educational institutions have been infiltrated by divisive ideologies, troubling practices, and a leadership that is seemingly unaccountable? This episode promises to leave you questioning the integrity of our educational system and craving for change. We dissect the controversial leadership of Superintendent Bolson and his role in implementing a divisive curriculum, promoting explicit books, and encouraging activism events.

We venture into the world of GSA Clubs in Harford County Public Schools, where boundaries are blurred as teachers share personal details of their sexual orientation and private lives with students. Our special guest, sheds light on the negative consequences of these practices, such as the over-sexualization of students and an alarming rise in gender confusion. The discussion takes a solemn turn as we touch on the mental health crisis in the school system, underscored by a staggering increase in reported suicidal ideations. 

We peel back the layers to reveal the connection between rising violence in schools and recent policy changes. We also question the decision of the Maryland State Department of Education to reduce test difficulty, a move that has evidently not improved test scores. But it's not all darkness; we also share resources for parents and ways to maintain positivity amidst these challenging times. By the end of the episode, you'll feel a renewed sense of urgency to demand change for the sake of our children's future. Buckle up, this is going to be a thought-provoking ride.

Speaker 1:

We are, we, the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Hello patriots, i gotta tell you I'm all jacked up on Mountain Dew. This is your host, john Connor, coming to you from high above Harvard County in the Freedom Pod. We, the People Studios presents another episode of the Live Free, die Last podcast, and tonight we are blessed to have many patriots on the panel. We're gonna first go to Patriot Josh.

Speaker 4:

Glad to be back and glad to be speaking the truth.

Speaker 3:

We got our brother from another mother, Travis Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Thank you.

Speaker 3:

You always wanted to be an athlete, and that's kinda how they would announce them And, of course, mama Bear.

Speaker 5:

Thank you, hello, good to be back.

Speaker 3:

All right, well, trying to make this exciting and sound good, because we're gonna go back and we have to talk about why we need a new superintendent of Harvard County Public Schools.

Speaker 2:

We get to beat up on Bolson's award.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, unfortunately we're still doing that. You think this guy would get lost by now. He's gotta be tired of messing with our children, but apparently he's not. Why don't we just throw this thing out and let somebody get started, or first, first one to hit the button.

Speaker 4:

I wanted to get started. You know, just remind all of our listeners and tune back in. This isn't the first time we had to talk about them, as you mentioned Sadly. You know that's not the case. You know that's the case, but there's other pieces of information we want to give you and make sure everybody catches up. I wanted to run down the four other podcasts that we have, talking about Harvard County Public Schools and really what corruption what's going on there? And supervillain Sean Bolson.

Speaker 2:

Yes, You mean, you're not just a right wing mal content that just wants to go out and complain?

Speaker 5:

No, definitely not. Over the last several years we got a group of parents together and we have been requesting information through the Maryland Public Information Act to kind of go back and see what exactly was going on in Hartford County Public Schools and how we got where we are now.

Speaker 4:

So I think that's a good piece of information, because this is factual, truthful information. You know, people hear about what's going on in Loudoun County. They hear about what's going on everywhere else. Well, it's here in our backyard in Hartford County. And you know some of the other episodes. I wanted to mention episode two, the government schools. You know. Episode seven was the government schools, the bloated bureaucracy. We had episode 11 where we started to introduce Boote Bolson. You know, wake up Hartford County. And then, a couple of episodes ago, episode 16, he's talking about the blueprint It was entitled Is the Blueprint for Maryland or for Maryland's future?

Speaker 3:

Wow, we got more episodes than Star Wars.

Speaker 4:

No, this is a very pressing situation because this has to deal with our children and what's happening in these government schools or these quote unquote public schools.

Speaker 3:

At a good point. They are definitely government schools.

Speaker 5:

Right. So if it's all right with you guys, i'm just going to dive in here.

Speaker 3:

Take it, Mama Bear.

Speaker 5:

All right. Well, we want to let you know why it is imperative that Superintendent Bolson go, with the new BOE members being seated. We're going to talk about the things that he has brought here over the last few years that he's been here, such as education loss, inappropriate curriculum, sexually explicit books, the activism events that he's approved and brought into our schools, the severe decline in mental health among our students and the increased violence that we're seeing in schools. So where did this all start? Well, in 2019, Bolson was at his first back to school rally And that's where he kind of alerted us to everything that was going on, because he decided to tell the staff there's white privilege and other issues that they need to confront. Again, he calls Hartford County racist during a Hartford County delegation session on 311, 2021. So, right off the bat, he thinks Hartford County is racist. So he decides to hire more administrative staff and start the equity culture, proficiency and anti-racism training.

Speaker 5:

So what we see from some of the Information Act requests is that Hartford County Public Schools is actually bypassing qualified candidates, especially ones who are conservative or who believe in equity. I mean, believe in equality over equity. That's one of the first questions on the questionnaire for hiring is. do you believe in equality?

Speaker 3:

Because we need more racist people in the school system.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

If you hate white people, it's fine.

Speaker 4:

And that's to actually even enter in their pool, to even be hired. Like, this is their pre-qualification surveys that they're sending out to potential employees.

Speaker 5:

Correct. They only want to hire diverse employees that believe in equity.

Speaker 4:

So even if a really good teacher answered that question wrong, they wouldn't even potentially they would not even receive an interview for that position.

Speaker 5:

Potentially yes, That's what it says.

Speaker 2:

The board is sending out these initial questionnaires.

Speaker 5:

Well, it was a hiring flyer for an event, a hiring event that Hartford County was doing, and it said right on there that they were looking for diverse teachers. And then, when we sent in a Freedom of Information Act request is when we got back, the more detailed. you know that, yes, they would bypass a qualified candidate over a more diverse one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

So how did he do all this training and hiring? Well, basically, this was all of your taxpayer dollars being spent on this. So he had to bring in a company. So HCPS partnered with the Mid-Atlantic Equity Consortium. They're a company that's brought in and they conduct anti-racism audits. I believe there was another public school that hired them as well.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Montgomery County public schools did hire them I think it was 2020 to do the same exact thing And they spent $454,000 right around there for that service.

Speaker 5:

So Dr Bolson partnered with the same company to do anti-racist audits here in our school. So after that was done he hired Debbie Irving. She's a racial justice writer, she wrote a book called Waking Up White and she was hired to deliver professional development to HCPS staff. In one of her seminars to HCPS staff they recommended white fragility as a must read for educators to develop skills to engage in conversations about bias and racism, especially their own. So because of this training that led to our Hartford Tech principle.

Speaker 3:

Fortunately, superintendent Bolson has no bias or racism in him. He is completely devoid of all bias and racism, not a racist bone He is pure and clean. Somehow he was baptized out of the white hood that he was born.

Speaker 5:

Must have been. So, after this racism training, our Hartford Tech principle got on the morning announcements and he apologized to all of his students for being white over the morning announcements. So what did they do with him? They actually didn't do anything. A lot of students were upset and some parents were pretty outraged, but they relocated him to be the principal at Falston. He renounced his whiteness He renounced his whiteness, so he got relocated to Falston.

Speaker 2:

He identifies as unwhite.

Speaker 3:

I hope he beat himself with a switch.

Speaker 5:

So then HTPS, under Bolson, hires Paula Stanton and they quickly promote her to the manager of equity, and this is with the very hefty salary that she gets promoted into this high position. So HTPS is denying teaching CRT.

Speaker 3:

Wait, wait, wait. What is CRT?

Speaker 5:

Critical race theory.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Got to not just use acronyms, at least in the beginning.

Speaker 4:

Well, and I wanted to bring up one more thing before we dive into Paula Stanton or I think it's Dr Paula Stanton Two, two things. One, back from what you were talking about at the beginning the administration, the growth of administration, the growth of administration. The HCPS is top heavy. They have so many people inside of their building, their administration building, that no wonder that the teachers in the classrooms are getting so high. We're spending all of our money to try to implement all these new things that they have to address with the Kerwin Blueprint program, but here's one of them We're hiring somebody, we're increasing the administration staff.

Speaker 4:

And then, secondly, i thought it was funny I think it was in 2020, 2021. It was during the lockdown right at the beginning of the summer of the lockdown, when she came in front of the Board of Education and said that they were going to look at every single piece of curriculum and information they had in the school system through an equity lens. It was very concerning. But then she also followed that up with saying that she didn't know what CRT was.

Speaker 4:

This is a person that went to college for her training and didn't even know.

Speaker 3:

It's the theory that white people are the root of all evil.

Speaker 2:

So they're spending all this money. And wait a minute. weren't they complaining a couple months ago about not having enough money? And HCPS, i think, got $21, $22 million more than last year And they're all complaining that the schools are being tripled Travis.

Speaker 3:

it's very expensive to teach people that they should hate themselves.

Speaker 5:

Not only that, but some of the positions that were in the administration were covered by grants that Bulls and Received And when the grants dry up there's nobody else to pay for, there's no more money to pay for that position, so our taxpayer dollars now have to cover those grants.

Speaker 2:

So it's kind of a bait and switch. They get you.

Speaker 5:

Yes, it's very much a bait and switch.

Speaker 2:

It's like the marijuana the drug dealer that gives you the free first couple of hits and then they.

Speaker 3:

These guys are giving you something that's completely ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

Right. Was that principal's name that renounced his whiteness? Was his last name, dole's Howl? Remember the lady Rachel Dole's Howl.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, She was in charge of the BLM or something.

Speaker 2:

No, she was in charge of the NAACP chapter And she told everybody she was black and she had two white.

Speaker 3:

And then they figured out she had a perm and the jig was up.

Speaker 2:

The jig was up.

Speaker 5:

All right.

Speaker 2:

Well, let's.

Speaker 5:

No, that's all right, Let's jump into talking about CRT, since that's what we're on. So HTPS and Palestine and Bolson they deny teaching CRT altogether, But in reality they've trained their staff in all things CRT And we've acquired a lot of their training through the Maryland Public Information Act. So one of the most concerning issues is in addressing parent caregiver concerns, about the family life and curriculum. So that's the comprehensive sex ed part of the Kerwin Blueprint. So Palestine is training our staff on how to manipulate parents. There's a whole unit on key points to consider when addressing parents about the family life unit. It teaches them how to build a relationship with the parent and make this curriculum learning a priority.

Speaker 5:

And then the second part of the training is how to Palestine. The guidance given is to hide from parents that the student is in a transition process. So not only are we As HTPS training staff to confuse the parents, they're also training staff to communicate with children to hide things from parents. So the training runs through several scenarios for staff regarding the disclosure of transitioning information or pronoun information to parents. They were instructed to prompt students with questions to find out if the parents are supportive or not of the transitioning and then that it's best to keep that information from parents.

Speaker 4:

So this goes back to what we were talking about in the most recent episode, the Kerwin Blueprint. This is what is being implemented and this is how our Board of Education is interpreting the state's I guess quote-unquote mandates, what they've signed into law that we have to implement in our schools. This is what they're interpreting and actually doing to this staff, which we'll trickle down to our students, correct?

Speaker 5:

Correct, right.

Speaker 3:

So I do have to apologize to everybody. If you've been listening closely, you might be hearing that one of our lateral thrusters has a squeaking problem. The Freedom Pod cannot land. We have to repair everything in midair, so that lateral thruster will probably continue to squeak all night.

Speaker 2:

Never fear, Travis Sunday has WD-40.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 5:

So in Paulistanton's training I wanted to read you one of the definitions that come from the new family life curriculum. So the definition of heterosexualism is now changed to the assumption that our children are heterosexual and that being straight is normal. So that's what they've changed that to the assumption that our children are straight. So there are other definitions in there, such as bisexual, pansexual, gay, lesbian, romantic.

Speaker 3:

What is pansexual? They love pans.

Speaker 5:

Actually, i believe it's someone that's attracted to all gender identities, which I don't even know what gender identities even means these days.

Speaker 4:

And I wanted to bring up another thing that you know. So what happens in the classroom? So what would a student experience in the classroom and I believe it was last year, maybe it was this year, they're all kind of getting confused, but I know it was in the fall time where students at a couple middle schools, i believe, were getting on the morning announcements and giving history updates for the LGBT plus Q whatever the rest of it is community on the morning announcements to our students. So we're sitting here literally seeing that there's training happening and then it's being implemented into our classroom, into our schools.

Speaker 5:

In fact that was at Bella High School, Bella Middle, southampton Middle, during the month of October last year, lgbtq History Month, so they had one.

Speaker 3:

There's only 12 months. Now they have at least two. You've got to be kidding me.

Speaker 5:

So they had students or staff. Wait, I'm a veteran.

Speaker 2:

We get two days out of the year, one for dead ones and one for the rest of us. Wow, you guys get two whole months. I'm triggered, i'm offended, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but they did come on the announcements during this month and read several stories about people that they felt were prominent members of the LGBT community and their struggle and where they are today, without any prior parental knowledge either.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure all the kids are better off for it.

Speaker 5:

So one of the other things that Bolson did was place the an affinity group. So I don't know if this group was put in place to be used for students or staff. That was one thing that we were not able to obtain through the Public Information Act, just that they have an affinity groups put in place, But an affinity group is used to separate students or staff by racial groups in order to address white privilege. So he hired a group of people to basically audit the school for white privilege.

Speaker 3:

To divide.

Speaker 5:

Divided yes.

Speaker 3:

Doing his best to divide people.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

Because the next word that comes after divide is conquer.

Speaker 4:

Right And this goes back to what I was mentioning before and I guess I should have held off and mentioned it here was when the schools were locked down during the pandemic, they made sure that they looked at all the curriculum and policies through the quote unquote equity lens, and that's why what we're seeing right now, you know we're seeing at the board of education, we're implementing And changes to curriculum, changes to the history curriculum because the scores aren't low enough already.

Speaker 5:

Right. So they want to push everything in the CRT direction, so that is social and emotional learning, and they deliver this kind of learning under the guise of diversity, equity and inclusion. It sounds great diversity, equity, inclusion, you know but it's really not kind of like the Patriot Patriot Act.

Speaker 2:

That sounds really good too.

Speaker 5:

Right. So the purpose of this CRT or social emotional learning, it's to completely break down your kids emotionally and then build them back up as social justice activists, which is exactly what we're seeing happen in the schools today. They're confusing kids and then they're bringing in this slew of activism events and giving them Something to cling to. They also do this, as you see, at the beginning of every year, the beginning of new class. We have these getting to know you activities. They're basically surveying your kids illegally.

Speaker 5:

The questions and exercises they ask kids disclose information about their culture, their gender and their identity, and they claim that they do this so that the kids feel safe and build trust. They asked very personal and questions about your family also. Incarceration, sexual abuse, firearms, suicide, just to name a few. And what they're doing is they're collecting this mental health data That then will be created to make a psychological profile for your student. It's monitored and they continue to update it and it creates a permanent mental health profile on your child. And my question is why does HCPS need a permanent mental health profile on your child?

Speaker 4:

It's a scary question to ask and I wanted to bring up one more thing or an additional piece here. Yes, it is happening in our schools. Dr Bolson has admitted this. I forget the exact date Of the Board of Education meeting, but he gives a testimony where he's saying that, though it is illegal for us to gender identify and survey our students, it has happened in HCPS We're not going to fire these people. We understand that it's happening. So here's where now you're getting the training, but they're doing the wrong training.

Speaker 5:

Right. So one of the main reasons that they're creating these profiles and doing all these surveys is because they need to categorize every student as at risk. So the questions are very leading. They're written to be biased.

Speaker 5:

So I reached out to HTPS or I believe you reached out to HTPS, josh and asked for clarification on exactly what happens with the information that they collect on our students. So the reply that we got was our students individual data is only available to the applicable school counselors. However, our percentage data for each school and then the county will be available at the state level. So they're basically are gathering this data To look at it through the equity lens, which we know is looking at data through the guide that believes that America is inherently racist and oppressive. So we're looking at this data through that lens and then the data generates scores Based on how well your student performs to the social justice belief system. So, no matter what, we're always going to get biased results, and this is how you get MSD forcing Kerwin and CRT on everybody the bias results that they've now collected over the years.

Speaker 2:

You're saying that they're not supposed to do this but we're not going to fire them if they do. That sounds like kind of a wink wink kind of attitude to take. I mean, i know, if you know in private business where they tell you that they don't want certain types of activities occurring in their company, manual usually says something like failure to comply can result in punishment up to termination or something like that. It sounds like kind of a wink and a nod sort of approval to engage in that kind of illegal activity.

Speaker 5:

Very much so they know that they're actually committing federal, they're breaking federal law. When they surveyed the students asking what their pronoun is, that is against PPR a. So the pupil protection rights act, and you cannot ask a student without their parents prior permission about sexual identity or preferences. That crosses a line and it's protected by law And they have broken that and they are well aware of it.

Speaker 4:

So, in addition to not only asking the students in the classroom, their teachers and or guidance counselors have been trained on this as well. So it's not just as oh, this has happened Again. That's very scary, knowing that it's our tax paying dollars doing this.

Speaker 5:

Right, and they've been trained not only to ask this, but they've also also been trained on how to biasly lead the student into keeping this a secret as well.

Speaker 2:

That sounds like something you know. I've had some experience with sexual abuse and sexual predators and groomers.

Speaker 5:

That's what I was going to say. Sounds like grooming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's a common theme among groomers, where, well, let's not tell your parents about this, and they tend to target people who are vulnerable or, you know, for one reason or another would have an incentive not to tell their parents about certain things. It sounds kind of well, it sounds creepy.

Speaker 5:

Right right. So they're basically creating an emotional environment to confuse children and then giving them what they basically what they need to manage their emotions, instead of giving them what they should be getting. They fill that in with social justice stuff and activism and it kind of gives the children then a purpose and they don't have to feel confused anymore.

Speaker 4:

Right. It was the perfect timing during the pandemic, when everybody was locked down you know, barely getting an education just fighting to get back into schools while they're sitting there going through everything, changing up everything to implement this stuff. And now here you know. They came back to school this past year. What's going to happen when they go back to school? in the fall, how much more is going to be implemented?

Speaker 2:

Do you think some of that kind of backfired because a lot of parents are now more aware when they were doing at home learning and parents were able to see what was going on a little bit more?

Speaker 5:

I think it backfired a lot. Look at the day of silence that the GSA club did in the high schools. If you don't know what the GSA club, that's the Gay Straight Alliance. It is a club in Hartford County Public Schools. You wouldn't know if your student was in it or not because they don't take attendance while the students are there. They claim that the GSA provides a safe space and allows everyone to speak their truths, teaching our children they make up their own truth and that there's more than one truth.

Speaker 2:

Are these meetings held on school grounds.

Speaker 5:

They are. They're held after school. It's just like any other club, like the history club or the Spanish club. It's the Gay Straight Alliance club.

Speaker 2:

So how's it for your kid's safety if they can't tell you where your kid is or your kid was on a certain day?

Speaker 5:

I'm not sure, but every time we've asked they don't take attendance of who's in that club and who's not at each school.

Speaker 3:

Well, they had a missing children episode out west the other day and the descriptions of the children did not include their sex, only their pronouns. Wow, that really is helpful in finding them.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, i'm sure the police were well served by those.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's the kind of nonsense that we're getting out of these people.

Speaker 5:

Right and we have teachers who are buying right into the shenanigans also Talking openly to students about their own sexual orientation and preferences and their own sex lives. During class, we have teachers discussing mental health with students rather than teaching the subject that they're supposed to be teaching.

Speaker 2:

How old are these students we're talking about here?

Speaker 5:

Well, this is from middle school, so sixth to eighth grade, that would be what? 10 to 13.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna raise my hand right now.

Speaker 3:

Josh has been patiently waiting to speak.

Speaker 4:

As a parent. I have younger children than that, but you know it's gonna approach. No adult is going to talk to my kid about their sexual orientation preferences. They're not going to talk to my child about that stuff.

Speaker 5:

Right When I was in middle school, i didn't even know my teacher's first name, let alone if they were gay or straight. Yeah, mrs Wilson, that was it.

Speaker 3:

Let's face it nobody was thinking that they may or may not have sex. That wasn't part of the culture.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

So that doesn't need to be.

Speaker 5:

And that is really what they're trying to do to this whole class of young people right now. They want them over sexualized on a daily basis because that leads to confusion.

Speaker 3:

It's more than that. It's because they're grooming them. Let's be 100% honest. They are grooming these children because you know what's going to come out next, that it's okay to have sex with minors if they agree. That's exactly what's common. That's what these people are sick. They are demons walking the earth.

Speaker 2:

They're not. Even They're changing the language. This is what they always do. I alluded to it earlier with the Patriot Act. They always come up with some, they always pervert the language to promote their agenda, and the Patriot Act is anything but patriotic. And then you get to what we traditionally have called pedophiles, and we're not allowed to call them pedophiles anymore. We're supposed to call them maps. Minor attracted persons.

Speaker 3:

Now their pedophiles are sick, demented, demonic perverts.

Speaker 4:

Right Not to get off into the weeds here, but to continue down. What are these pride parades actually celebrating now? Like, really, what are they celebrating? To me it's the corruption and the collapse of the traditional family and male, the principles of a family, the destruction of Christian values. Yeah, i've seen the pictures of a grown adult naked in front of a child in public.

Speaker 5:

They're filth parades. There's no pride. We're here, they're filth.

Speaker 3:

We're queer, we're coming for your children.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

It's off limits. Really, that's where you want to go, it's on.

Speaker 5:

We actually got a chance to talk to a licensed social worker and therapist in Harford County about the And she actually sees several students from Harford County Public Schools And one of the things that she told us was the Every child that she sees is extremely over-sexualized. All they want to talk about is sex. Some of the things that they've said is they're dating the same sex just to fit in. They're not actually homosexual, but in Harford County Public Schools you have to be bi or gay or you don't fit in. You're bullied for being straight. Straight. Kids avoid going to school or talking to other kids so they can avoid conflict or being made fun of. And she also sees severe gender confusion, kids sometimes changing their genders weekly, and we actually spoke to teachers about that. There are several teachers who only call their students by their last name, because kids in the schools are changing their pronouns and their first names and their gender identities on such a dramatic basis that he weekly can't keep up with it, so they just call them by their last name.

Speaker 5:

So one of the big things that this is all leading to is an extreme mental health crisis with our students. Symptoms of anxiety and depression have doubled. There's a 45% increase in calls to the suicide hotline. Children visiting the ER for mental health issues dramatically increased since 2020. And those are all from the CDC's website. So HCPS actually has its own tracking system for mental health. It's called a suicidal ideation report or a SIR report. So HCPS actually came in front of the council and said that there was not a mental health issue at all in Hartford County public schools. So after the recent Maryland Public Information Act request, our report shows an increase of 373% in suicidal ideations from 2016 to 2022. 373% It went from 220 reported in 2016 to 1040 reported in 2022.

Speaker 4:

And I want to bring up you know, yes, i remember that county council meeting very clearly, but nobody, you know, cut him off and said Hey, i see an issue here. I see a mental health crisis in our schools.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, i remember somebody trying to and they they lied to them. They flat out lied and that was allowed. We have a serious moral dilemma on the council, but that's for another night.

Speaker 5:

Right. One of the craziest things that we saw from this last FOIA with the suicidal ideation report is what happened from 2020 to 2021 when the schools were closed for virtual learning. The SIR SIRs the previous year were 779 and they dropped to 307 when the schools were shut down. So what exactly happened to all those mental health cases during COVID? Were these children just magically cured of all their mental issues or was this grossly underreported? And how were these children that fell through the cracks affected by this?

Speaker 2:

Well, obviously there were some, quite a few, that fell through the cracks, because the next year went from 307 to 1040.

Speaker 5:

Yes, and actually we saw several suicides. This Not last year, but the year. Well, the year before and last year combined, we saw several suicides, not only high school students, but middle school students as well.

Speaker 3:

That's an absolute tragedy, right.

Speaker 5:

There's also been a very sharp concerning increase in violence in the schools and students are displaying a range of crisis. Reactions like that included aggression and fighting and acting out, and This is in direct response to the policies over the last two years. We have kids trying to recover from COVID and Being shut down and they don't know how to act, and our Administration is now pumping in more confusion with the racism and the equity in the CRT and the gender ideology, and these kids just have no outlet for their anger. They're confused and they don't know what to do with it well, they've been programmed to.

Speaker 2:

First of all you know if the the color, certain color your skin makes you evil?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're programmed to hate each other and they're, they're, they're taught that we're taught for three years during COVID. We're basically a bunch of machines. We're not human beings made in the image of God that need to hug each other and love each other and be around each other And gather and assemble with closed churches down. You know it's. We got treated like Machines and we were taught to treat each other like machines. We were taught to snitch on each other. If there were, you know, if you were having a fourth of July party during the lockdown, then you were, you know, and you had a dozen friends over and then That's terrible and you know, i don't know what the some of us have a lot of kids and Oh yeah, just just just, our family and the size of our family broke.

Speaker 3:

Not only that gathering but they also taught you not to deal with each other in the traditional matters. Now Every, everything's dealt with with force and and they were taught to.

Speaker 2:

You know you have to keep grandma safe. Grandma's 98 years old and she's living on borrowed time and she wants to visit her. She wants to see her grandkids, she wants to see her kids, but we're treating grandma, like you know, more like she's the only way to keep people safe is to kill them.

Speaker 3:

Apparently, that's what the government was doing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there there were, these, there were lots and lots of people that, yeah, elderly people that died lonely and and and not in the Amish community.

Speaker 3:

They didn't have these problems.

Speaker 2:

Yeah well, I guess nobody told them about the. they don't have TVs, That's right.

Speaker 5:

Well, and they're not being taught it in school.

Speaker 3:

They mad.

Speaker 5:

HCPS even is literally erasing history. They did it at their last board of education meeting. They have changed all of the curriculum for history and, despite two of our candidates asking to, Wait, wait, wait, two of our board members two of our board members I'm sorry. Two of our board members Asking for them to table it until they could look more into it. They were shot down. The vote was passed and the curriculum for history has changed.

Speaker 3:

Hey, this is dr Bolson. Knowing that he's gone, you're out of here, dude, go find no job, right? This is him, no one. He's gone Doing his last bit to mess things up.

Speaker 5:

So what they did to history is they wanted to Enable the teaching of more modern history and use more diverse voices to help students view and analyze the past. So that is what they said they're doing. In other words, they're changing history over to CRT and one of the main things that they did was lesson one starts at 1877, so let that sink in a minute. History lesson one Starts in 1877.

Speaker 4:

It's literally the Constitution going out the door.

Speaker 5:

They're not gonna teach the Constitution right And they claim that the reason that they did this is because that part of history is taught in grades two through five. That is correct, it is, but it's very briefly touched on, as elementary history goes through a Large period of history very quickly and they just touch base on it. It's in high school and middle school history where you really sink into each part of history and learn about it. So they've cut out the Constitution, the founding of our country, the Civil War. It's gone. Lesson one starts at 1877.

Speaker 4:

That must be something you know. Like the state was Reducing their test difficulty from the state level just to make sure the scores were going up. I guess they got to get rid of a chunk of history because we can't. You know, it's gonna be too difficult to learn so many years worth of information.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is a term young people may not know because Schools suck now, but they're taking everybody to the lowest common denominator. Oh, we all used to know what that was. It was a math term. folks Look it up. I know it's ancient history math, but That's where that term came from. Let's say it one more time because this felt really good. Let's all just say let's fire Dr Bolson fire doctor Bolson. Yeah, I love it. That can't get enough of that.

Speaker 5:

And that I'll touch real briefly on the test scores, the loss of education that we're receiving Since dr Bolson has been our superintendent. Maryland State Department of Education actually Josh was just talking about this reduced the test difficulty for the m caps. They made the test a grade level below the current grade level after COVID For fear that the test scores would be really bad.

Speaker 3:

They're still really bad.

Speaker 5:

They weren't even bad, they were abysmal.

Speaker 3:

These kids tanked tanked on after the score, after the bar was lowered correct, so for. Congratulations, dr Bolson. You've set a new low.

Speaker 5:

The m caps for the fall for science. Maryland is around 30 35 percent fish efficient in science. That's it better off with dr Zeus right And then we've discussed the the middle school and high school math levels. You know they were at 54.1 when dr Bolson was here and now we're at 14.1 percent proficient. So as you can see, you know, the test scores are plummeting. The violence is going up cheese. It's not a good combination.

Speaker 3:

It's like dr Dufon Schmertz, isn't charged right.

Speaker 4:

You know this is proof to me that We need to get as many children out of the public school system and to actually provide an education for them. I understand that people need that resource and that's why I think it's Information of providing this education, providing the information empowering our community to understand how bad of a situation The public school system is here in Hartford County.

Speaker 5:

And it's what one thing I want parents to understand is it is not bad because of msd e, it is bad because of Dr Bolson and his cronies that follow him on that board of education. This every time they scream Oh well, msd, he said we had to do it. We have to align with the framework. This is what, msd He wants us to do. Um, those are lies, msd. He's framework is a standard, which means it is a suggestion to follow, a Recommendation. At best it does not have to be followed in its entirety and we do not have to teach this garbage to our students.

Speaker 2:

Do you think, john, that we can fire the Hcps for the location of Of dr Bolson's screw up the schools in nature?

Speaker 3:

Yes, Yes, if you look at these scores, it really, it really brings the home.

Speaker 5:

I wish you could see this, but yeah, when you look at the graph, it really yeah 14.1% and, and I could, i could understand everybody jumping on board with all this Social engineering garbage.

Speaker 2:

If, if the kids were otherwise getting a great education, but like This, guy sucks by every measure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they can't even change the metrics to make him look good. They'd have to turn them upside down You.

Speaker 4:

Wow, you know and it's not just what he's doing to our students The divide that he's creating into our community. I remember, during the lockdown, reaching out, you know, as a concerned parent and a concerned citizen, to his administration and just getting played with. I'll be honest with you, you know, i was, oh, let's talk to this person, let's talk to this person. And constant. What we always heard is, oh, there's nothing we can do, there's nothing we can do. Oh, you know, we're doing our best, we're all in this together. You know, just getting those feel good statements. Well, here's the results. You know, it might have felt good to say it then, but please tell me, is it okay that our children are failing this bad? you know, and as a person that is concerned, no, no, it's not. Why must I be a? what is it a? what do they call it terrorist? now? Well, it's actually silver lining.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. Why must I be that person when I'm literally just what's best for our children?

Speaker 3:

The silver lining is all you parents that have your kids in homeschool or private schools. Your kids are going to be so. They're going to be light years, light years ahead of these other kids from public schools.

Speaker 2:

And let me tell you, you know I'm Mrs Sunday and I have homeschooled our children all the way through and it it's not easy. It takes a lot of sacrifice. Don't think that you're going to pull your kids out of school and do this to save them And it's going to be easy. I'm a heck of a salesman here. But if you're thinking everything's going to be roses, i mean it's a lot of work and there's sacrifices that have to be made. You know you've got to, you've got to work out. You know both of you are working. You got to work that out.

Speaker 2:

If you know, if you're used to a certain standard of living, you may have to lower your standard of living. You may have to develop a side hustle for more income to take care of these things. But let me tell you it's. It's worth it to pull your kids out of these government run schools. You will not regret it If you make those sacrifices, if, if, if you take on that second job. You know you're, you know your kids may think you're a terrible parent for not being there as much, but hopefully at some point they'll come back and understand that. Hey, you know dad wasn't home because he wanted mom to be able to be at home and teach the kids or whatever your situation is. I mean you know you might you might have. You might be used to getting new cars every three or four years. Right.

Speaker 2:

There's sacrifices. You might be used to living in a certain zip code. You might have to move into a smaller house. We got it. You have to, you have to make those sacrifices to save your kids.

Speaker 3:

Amen, mama Barry, you want to bring us home.

Speaker 5:

Um, yeah, i just relate a little bit to that. They're definitely sacrifices worth making. I did it. I pulled both my kids out a little over a year ago. This was our first year homeschooling. I sacrificed a high paying full time job for a part time job to be able to homeschool my kids. I did things that we had to give up, but I would not take it back for anything. My kids are happier, they're not confused, they're not angry, they don't have mental health issues anymore And they are absolutely thriving out of the mess that is Hartford County public schools. And to what Josh said yes, bolson is an arrogant bully. That's all he knows how to do. He doesn't know how to relate to parents. He doesn't know how to listen to his board members. He doesn't know how to listen to what parents and teachers actually want for their students. He's an arrogant bully that wants to push his agenda and he needs fired and he needs to go as soon as the new board is seated.

Speaker 3:

And he gives white people a bad name.

Speaker 5:

He does.

Speaker 2:

And it and one other thing on the, on the sacrifices. I don't want to leave like single moms and single dads out of this, because there's a lot of people in that situation that think I'm.

Speaker 3:

I'm a single mom. I work with some that do it.

Speaker 2:

There are co-ops, there are organizations that there are resources available to help you.

Speaker 3:

And maybe on another night and another episode we can talk about that. I think we should. I think, there's good things to talk about. We've got a lot of experience in those neighborhoods.

Speaker 4:

Always keep it positive. You know, keep it positive light to us, even in an evil situation.

Speaker 3:

Take care of your children, man. That's the future of this country. That's where it's at.

Speaker 5:

And I think it's imperative that we get parents to stand up and have the kind of passion that we do. We need, we need Bolson to go, and the only way that's going to happen is if parents come together, stand up and say enough is enough and take back the education of our children.

Speaker 3:

Amen, mama, bear, amen. The crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Corruption in Hartford County Public Schools
Concerns About CRT and Student Surveys
GSA Clubs and Mental Health Concerns
Education Decline, Violence Increase in Schools
Calling for Change in Education Leadership