Live Free - Die Last

Episode 22: Unmasking Control and Corruption: A Fight for Truth

July 25, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 22
Episode 22: Unmasking Control and Corruption: A Fight for Truth
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 22: Unmasking Control and Corruption: A Fight for Truth
Jul 25, 2023 Season 1 Episode 22
Live Free - Die Last

Who truly controls the narratives we consume daily? Tonight on Live Free Die Last, we're blowing the lid off the control the mainstream media has over public opinion, and the corruption that's riddled throughout our government. We're not just pointing fingers; we're here to set in motion a ripple effect of change, starting with you, our listeners. 

We're not simply broadcasting our outrage into the void; we believe in the power of community activism and the potential of unified individuals to enact change. Join us as we talk about the power of a single voice, exemplified through the success of the Jim Caviezel movie and a top 40 country singer's poignant song about manipulation fatigue. We'll also dissect the shocking discovery of suspected cocaine in the White House, discussing the stark contrast in outcomes had the previous administration still been in power. Prepare yourself, because we're challenging the status quo, and it's not going to be an easy fight. But together, we can put good over evil and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

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Who truly controls the narratives we consume daily? Tonight on Live Free Die Last, we're blowing the lid off the control the mainstream media has over public opinion, and the corruption that's riddled throughout our government. We're not just pointing fingers; we're here to set in motion a ripple effect of change, starting with you, our listeners. 

We're not simply broadcasting our outrage into the void; we believe in the power of community activism and the potential of unified individuals to enact change. Join us as we talk about the power of a single voice, exemplified through the success of the Jim Caviezel movie and a top 40 country singer's poignant song about manipulation fatigue. We'll also dissect the shocking discovery of suspected cocaine in the White House, discussing the stark contrast in outcomes had the previous administration still been in power. Prepare yourself, because we're challenging the status quo, and it's not going to be an easy fight. But together, we can put good over evil and pave the way for a better tomorrow.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 4:

Good evening Patriots in Hartford County. You're dialed into the Live Free Die Last podcast. Tonight we have four of our favorite Patriots floating high above Hartford County in the Freedom Pod. We, the people of studios, is broadcasting this worldwide and we appreciate everyone that's tuned in. Let's go to the always formidable co-host, josh.

Speaker 5:

Good evening Patriots. It's good to be alive.

Speaker 4:

Then we'll introduce you to the impeccably dressed Winston Smith.

Speaker 3:

Good evening.

Speaker 4:

And the not so impeccably dressed Travis Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Hey, I don't look that bad.

Speaker 4:

We take all the, all, the all the you don't have.

Speaker 2:

we don't have a dress code in the Freedom Pod as long as you believe in freedom, it's good because I'm not wearing anything.

Speaker 3:

Hey, now just kidding, as long as you're not cross-dressing.

Speaker 4:

Right. So tonight I think what we want to talk about is corruption. I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of feeling, I'm anxious, I'm kind of irritated. A lot of other words I don't like to use in the family podcast.

Speaker 3:

How is that different than normal?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know, I'm just, I'm really, and it's corruption that I've had to think about. What am I? What does bothering me? And it's all the corruption it's. We don't have a country where corruption goes in the government. It does not get punished and I don't care. We're going to talk about local, national state here. We are at the local level and we have it here too, and we can't get anybody to do a darn thing about it.

Speaker 5:

That's what I was going to say. What's the difference? Local, national, you know all one and the same.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think when they get really good at it is when they graduate up to a higher level.

Speaker 3:

That's pretty much a good thing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, as you say, you're angry and mad, and all this is going to get tied together tonight, folks, don't worry, it's going to look like we're all over the place and then the end it's going to magically come together.

Speaker 5:

You said you're angry, you're mad. Yes, sir, I'm motivated. This is motivating me, because if you're not understanding what's going on, you're not seeing, it's not slapping you right in the face and not motivating you. Are you alive? That's why I said good evening Patriots. I'm happy to be alive.

Speaker 4:

That's a great point, Josh. I think all of the Patriots in the studio tonight could probably agree that people seem to be waking up everywhere. Are we seeing that, fellas? I think so. All right.

Speaker 3:

I do. I mean look at the recent box office ratings for the various movies that have come out.

Speaker 4:

Oh, that's a great point.

Speaker 2:

Now might as well touch on that, the Jim Caviesal movie, yep.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and then you know that's not so much about corruption but sort of because we don't see pedophilia being prosecuted in government circles the way we'd like it to be.

Speaker 3:

No, in fact, they're inventing all kinds of right. It's not.

Speaker 4:

They act like it's isolated cases and they're trafficking. You know that tells you it's not isolated. This is a gang-related criminal activity, unfortunately. I think the gang might be elected officials.

Speaker 2:

Well, one of the other things about the movie is that it shows that you can make a difference. You know a committed, hard-working person that is not going to accept the response that there's nothing we can do. You know, what happened in that movie is exactly the opposite of what we hear. We've heard for the last three and a half years our Republican officials saying you know well, can we do this? Can we do this? Can we restore this freedom? This is wrong, this is unconstitutional, this is illegal. Nothing we can do. Nothing we can do. Nothing we can do. Here's a guy that would not accept that and went and made a difference and as a result of his perseverance, he's going out and rescued hundreds if not thousands of kids.

Speaker 5:

To build on that. It's not easy. So if you want to put good over evil, it's not an easy job and you're going to have to make tough sacrifices and tough decisions. And again, I don't want to get into that movie and give it up for anybody that hasn't seen it yet. But the sacrifices that he made to get the results that he wanted by literally quitting his job and making that his commitment, we can do it. But again, it's not easy. And the laundry list I mean we're staring at a laundry list of things on the screen tonight of corruption that we can be talking about.

Speaker 4:

And one of them is not up there. But since we were talking about the success of this movie, how about this top 40 country singer, jason Aldeen? He's become really popular again. I know he's already really popular, but he's had a resurgence in his popularity because he kind of wrote up a song that if he was sick and tired of being sick and tired, that's basically what that song says, you know and to elaborate on that.

Speaker 5:

That goes to show you the power that the mainstream media has and that we need to make sure that we're standing in standing up against them, but now they have what that they don't have. No, that they have, because one this song came out months ago Right, and now the media or an outlet says we're not going to play this anymore, so they're trying to cancel him. Well, actually, you know, through the media it actually shows that we, the people, are powerful because we said no you're not allowed to cancel.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they had the reverse of what they wanted to have.

Speaker 3:

I think it's happening a lot more lately, though.

Speaker 4:

I would say yeah, I saw a story today. The US women's swim team all got together and said if you give this what's her name? Leah Thomas, leah Thomas a tryout for the women's team, we're going to quit. And I've been saying it all along. Tennis had this perfect opportunity. The number one player in the world was denied opportunities playing a lot of tournaments. Now, if you're number two, number three, number four, don't you want to play against the best? But instead of standing up and saying, if you're not going to let him play, none of us are going to play, which would have ended it really fast. What would Wimbledon look like with nobody out there? And they didn't do that? They had the chance and they didn't do it, and I'm calling them out for it. They could have been really popular right now, but they caved in, they knuckled under and they're getting what they deserve.

Speaker 2:

And we've kind of talked on this subject before where politicians play the game. They play us for suckers, they pit us against each other, they pit. They pit the whites against the blacks, the rich against the four left against the right, you know, gaze against the straights and really it's. You know, we joke around about undocumented Democrats and we throw the whole left right paradigm, but it's really the ruling class versus the rest of us.

Speaker 2:

And as soon as the majority of people learn that we're being played for suckers and being pitted against your neighbor, your family members and everyone else, and it's the ruling class that's that is the real enemy. They want your money. They don't want you to be free. They want to be able to tell you how many kids you can have if you can have any where you can live, what you can drive. They don't want you to be able to drive an escalator or suburban or anything. They want to pile you on the buses and public transportation and shovel shuttle you around like cattle. And we're built on individual liberty and freedom here, and that's that's why we have so many cars.

Speaker 3:

There could be no no better illustration of that point than what Klaus Schwab recently said. Who's the chairman of the World Economic Forum? He he actually came out and said that by 2030, all humans will be wearing uniforms.

Speaker 3:

I can hear that that's how they, that's how they view us. They don't. You know, I have this, or I have arguments constantly with my left-wing cousin in San Diego and he, just, he just does not. He does not see past this left-right paradigm. Everything is everything is a Republican versus Democrat thing, and the talking points are flow freely from him. But like, when it comes down to it, like we actually agree on some things, and if we would ignore this culture, war, crap and actually focus on the real issue, which is the, the corruption of our own government, the deep state you know how they lie to us constantly, we could talk about some things that People would have would think we're terrible conspiracy theories, but they're actually real and and so I love it.

Speaker 4:

Let's take that locally for a minute and then come back up and bring it full circle back Nationally. What do you think?

Speaker 5:

I think the people are fed up. This is where we start.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the people are. But look, let's look at what there. What is the main thing that fed up here in in hazard County? What do they fed up about over development? Right, team OD, I mean there's other stuff too. We're gonna touch on election fraud and things. But I mean team OD is really getting swatting at the bees nest right now. I mean we recently had a judge overturn I don't know it, overturns not the right word but they put the kibosh and the whole Abingdon Woods thing after they cut everything down and they weren't doing things the right way and they never cared to do things the right way because they were allowed to get away with it and that was approved in, you know, allowed by the last administration here in Hartford County that you know, just kind of turn their the blind eye and let things slip through that weren't necessarily Part of the process.

Speaker 5:

And here we are. We have a bunch of trees that were cut down, a project that's halted and An eyesore, you know it's cut out of a piece of woods, there's a lot of other things, and that goes to show that it takes a little bit of work and I'm surprised that they were actually able to get that push through. There was another ruling, I think it was yesterday or late last week in Bel Air, even the apartments that they were looking at behind Klein shopping center with the Clines. There was a ruling by the judge that the petition that the citizens Worked hard last summer. Those citizens went and worked hard and got remember that this the signatures that they needed, and the Bellartown Commission basically said you know this isn't a legitimate A petition, it was a petition for a referendum. Yep, and now the judge says you have to, you have to look at this petition again. It's not stopped right now, but it's the people working together.

Speaker 4:

There's not much standing between us and total tyranny folks.

Speaker 5:

And again keeping it locally. As I said before, the people, the people are fed up. They're fed up, but the local officials that we talked about, the, the national officials, these clubs that we talk about, these social clubs, they don't really care. Political social clubs exactly.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. So I think Winston and Travis will chime in here. I think what happens with people is they get all enamored with their local politician and when their politician gives them access to them, they become like a celebrity and whatever they say to that person, that person swallows, hook, line and sinker and then runs around Telling everybody else. And the problem with that is you got a few of these people out there that have been doing this for a long time and they've got a little following, because a lot of people are lazy and they go. Well, I'll just ask my good friend such-and-such who to vote for. But my good friend such-and-such, mrs Such-and-such, has been compromised because she believes everything that the local politicians tell her. Is that how that works, travis?

Speaker 2:

That is how that works, do you remember? Well, you mentioned the word access access. What was that guy's name? The Tea Party leaders guy Tony.

Speaker 4:

Tony the Saro rest in peace.

Speaker 2:

Yes, really nice guy. But he was back in what? 2008? He was a Tea Party leader in Hart Hartford County. He grew, he grew quite a following, yeah yeah, he had a big group and then they were able to co-op them.

Speaker 2:

They co-op, that would they put. They put them on some kind of commission or board or something and and they neutralized him. They made, they gave him access and they shut him down. And he shut up about them and kind of Render rendered that wing, you know the Tea Party people shrunk down and ended up going to other places.

Speaker 4:

I'm proud to say we've learned from that and to all of our local politicians it won't happen here.

Speaker 2:

Right. I mean you have to be secure in your, in your principles. And if you and you have a group, that's where their leadership is access based and they are enamored With being in pictures, being in pictures with the sheriff or their delegates, or the county executive or who you know, whoever it is the governor, what, it doesn't matter, you know, insert political office in blank. Yeah, the once your focus becomes on on access or getting a job. Some of these guys have groupies where they they want a job.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and and that's that's. I've run for office before and I had people accuse me of that and I couldn't understand the accusation because I was I would have been taking a pay cut to assume the office. Had I had I won that election, I would have been making less money than I was making. And they were accusing me of running for office to get this job. And I'm like, well, if I was doing it to get a job, I already have a job and I make more money. Why would I do that? And because they were accusing me this.

Speaker 4:

Going back to the Democrat playbook, they accuse you of the things they do, yeah, and, and the bad part is the actual salary that they get paid is just the tip of the iceberg for a lot of these right unfortunately the game. They're playing the game. So we've got a lot of those local clubs around here and they get washed out. That's why folks should come out to the we the People meetings. We, we are notorious. We are not well liked in the elite establishment. That's right.

Speaker 2:

We hate all politicians equally. That's right, and when they do.

Speaker 4:

You know, occasionally there's good politician, come around, we'll give him props, but um, it's about ideas, not people. We're not gonna go following people and we will be right there to tell you how lousy you are the second you step out of line we are the accountability of Hartford County.

Speaker 5:

It's a you know, in a sense we have no problem where, if we feel that you know somebody's doing something wrong, we will make sure that they not only know about it, but you know they understand why we feel that it's wrong. We're not just gonna hear to bash somebody. No, here to actually make sure that the community is better. And I will take that one step further. You know the four of us sitting here tonight, the many people that come out. You know the hundreds of people that have come out to our meetings, thousands of people that have actually come out to our meetings.

Speaker 5:

You know I'm proud of the our group because you know we haven't faltered throughout this no past handful of years that we've been meeting and organizing, and very proud of. You know what are what we've accomplished. But we're only getting started and I personally see and why I said at the beginning, I am motivated. I personally see more and more people every day waking up. Yes, you're gonna have people attacking you, but I'm telling you right now it's a one to ten ratio we're seeing a lot more people waking up.

Speaker 4:

I think there's a lot of people upset and false them, because they're talking about building the twin towers right on 152, right on one. They're gonna take down jeans evergreen, the old jeans evergreen place, and then that nice little brick building next to it right next to it, and the plans are a little weird though, because it doesn't look like they really have enough room to do what they're doing. But in the past they've been able to just get started and then they can go and get in some kind of variants or exception, because oh well, we were already doing this and you know we got the money out there. But I think they better dot their eyes and cross their t's, because the people in the Fauston are coming for them.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I think we should do a quick little podcast, maybe sometime soon, about you know, just to help bring awareness solely on this topic.

Speaker 4:

But, yeah, right, austin's waking up right now and it's well, let's give them a, let's give them a little shout out and tell them, when the politicians step up and go, oh, there's nothing I can do, or this was done before, before I was here, while I was on the development advisory committee. I mean, I'm well yeah, I'm not talking about it by specific- but, yeah, the councilman from district.

Speaker 5:

Snea. There it is, there it is.

Speaker 5:

And also to that do not allow these local officials to give you access or give give you access to them you know I'm hearing a lot of people in Fauston, you know, are getting reached out, you know, by developers and by, you know, council members wanting to meet, wanting to get in front of them early and say I'm sorry, there's nothing we can do. You know what? But I don't know if I really don't like it and I'm here to represent the people but there's nothing I can do about this what do they hate more than seeing a group of people getting together, forming alliances that they're not involved in?

Speaker 4:

they're on the outside, they don't have influence. It drives them nuts, is that true?

Speaker 2:

well, that's, that's why they need all these people commenting on social media saying that we're a bunch of racist, big homophobes. And you know, we, we want to turn your kids into religious zealots.

Speaker 5:

And you know, right, get rid of the public schools we are homo sapiens right all of us and I think you know, looking at this, that's what they're trying to do. They're trying to normalize the situation of, hey, we're gonna put these apartments in, or, sorry, we can't do anything about this election integrity issue, you know, you just just vote a little bit harder. Or you know they're looking to to have this power over the people and just to cripple them. Well, I'm telling you right now that each one of these things we're talking about, they are special interests, they're motivating to people and as more and more people stand together, these politicians will do what we, the people, need so, people, what we need you to do is start thinking about running for office.

Speaker 4:

We need good people of high moral character. Then we'll do the right thing. You need to come out and start doing this soon so you can start raising money. And, winston, let me ask you something. I notice come a political season when we're a little bit more focused and there's literature going around, we're going attending events and politicians are speaking. They suddenly, they suddenly find their pocket constitutions and become like real patriots, like we love the Constitution suddenly Patrick Henry when it comes to election time, but yet they don't yeah, right, right and, and you know that's what you got to look out for guys, these.

Speaker 4:

This is not the way these people are acting all the time. They're not the fed. They've taken an oath to defend the Constitution. They are.

Speaker 5:

They are not doing that they think that they can write something down on a piece of paper, mail it out to you. They can write a social media post and think that, oh, we're here to protect our children. We're here, we're against the the over development. I was a boy scout, yeah, I'm this patriot. Well, no, we need to peel this, the onion layer back and understand that it's a patriot.

Speaker 3:

I've been a patriot my whole life. Yeah, you haven't, no yeah.

Speaker 4:

So let's, let's look at that so that so here they are, they go through time in office and again folks we're not talking about him in particular, but there's been a lot of them what I would say shady activity, if not criminal, throughout government, you know, and there's not a lot of prosecution going on. We did see the secret service I believe it was try to figure out who left a baggie, a coke, in the in the White House. I think I don't think they could figure it out, but I don't know if they interviewed corn pop or not. I hope they did because I'm sure he had to be on the suspect list.

Speaker 5:

I'm telling you right now I cannot believe more people are in outrage that the Washington DC police department or whoever the Capitol police Came out and said we're not gonna be able to find out who left a bag of cocaine.

Speaker 3:

In the white house House in the entire country, the most surveilled, the most protected, the most locked down.

Speaker 5:

Like let that sink into everybody for a moment. Like they are Using the mainstream media again. I'm going back to this mainstream media trying to push these narratives out. Guys, I'm sorry, if Trump was in office, everybody would have been locked down and everybody been locked up with Trump was an officer, wouldn't have been the bag of cocaine that's true, but you know that that goes back to your point of you know the criminal activities not being punished federally, locally, but so what really happened?

Speaker 4:

is they investigated? They did figure out who's it was and they didn't want to rat on that person.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't think there's even Democrats who don't believe that it was hunters Stash. I mean I don't, I don't.

Speaker 4:

I think it was. I think it was Joe's, because look at him, man, he's been I don't know. I think, I think just being he needs a bump just to get in front of the microphone.

Speaker 3:

I think just being him is enough of a high like all day long. No he doesn't know how to Walk up a that's dude.

Speaker 4:

He's something in his insurer to keep him going on, it's his ice cream supplement.

Speaker 2:

Somebody gave him a bump at the Air Force Academy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, they did, but now he's just back to getting his diaper changed. So we've had some other stuff going on. Not saying it's criminal, but you know a lot of young folks lately suddenly dying or falling prey to things that we had never heard before. Covid I think the whole COVID gig is up yet the CDC and all is doubling down on this stuff and there's celebrities, people that are in the news, like I.

Speaker 5:

Recently was LeBron James's son. Yeah, it's horrible cardiac arrest. You know, an athlete a fit 18 year old.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we need to look into these things, guys.

Speaker 3:

Well in the thing. I don't know if you guys have ever have all watched the, the documentary on Rumble, but it's a. It's actually the. It's kind of like the Documentary version of the book by Robert F Kennedy Jr of you know the real Anthony Fauci, and they go over you know some of the stuff that happened with the AIDS epidemic in the 80s and and how you know the drug itself was actually worse than the problem and and and how it took years and years for them to figure this out. I mean, I know people say, well, not all this stuff is happening, it's not all these people are dying, but it's a ticking time bombing. We've got examples of it happening now and I think more and more certain time out of time we're gonna see a Massive yeah, sadly problem.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's, and I hope I know the people in this room and no one's taken, you know, is happy to hear these things. It's horrible, whether you like the people or you know, it's horrible to hear about young people falling ill to this kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Um, my sister took it. I mean, she's my, my beloved sister, like I mean I mean she's on, she's on our team and we all have to think about, to think about her, anything befalling her as a result of this decision, because she was forced into it as a nurse.

Speaker 4:

It's very sad. It's very sad.

Speaker 5:

So I know we touched based on it recently in a podcast and go back and listen to that where we get a little bit more in depth of some of the detail what we're talking about, because, again, it's clear there's there's questions that should be asked and any question.

Speaker 5:

You know they're asked any question, but the questions that I feel should be at least asked or brought up, because there's documentation, there's research, there's things that are, you know, should be raising red flags to people and again go back to the mainstream media. They don't want to push this conversation. So here we are, you know. Yeah, so speaking the truth of for Hartford County, speaking the truth for our country, but this is not just Hartford County, this is our country and the, the entire world is dealing with this issue.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, something else happened today, and I'm not suggesting it's connected, anything we've been talking about but, um, obama's personal chef drowned at Martha's Vineyard, which is very sad, so I'm prayers for the family. That's, that's a terrible thing. We don't know all the details yet and I suspect we probably won't, with the state that the media is in, unfortunately. You know who knows what they're gonna tell us? You guys? Have you been paying attention to the whole digital currency thing, folks?

Speaker 2:

was interesting.

Speaker 2:

I was talking to one of the Sunday children the other night and they were asking why fuel was so much, so we got to have a conversation about the currency and gold and debt Crushing, debilitating debt, unfunded mandates, unfunded liabilities, and you know people are gonna need to hunker down because Yet interest rates going up and down and I don't want to be like a doomsdayer because interest rates go up, interest rates go down, but We've gone away from a system of currency where it was backed by something of value. We've our, our currency isn't worth the paper that it's printed on and and it's going to continue. You know you're just causing inflation, you're just artificially inflating all these things you've got. You've got social security and now, as you all know, mrs Sunday and I have been very productive throughout our lives and we have quite a few children. But the problem is you don't have, people are not having enough children, and when Social Security was started out, you had 40 or 50 people paying into every. Yeah, it's a pyramid scheme every person that was receiving.

Speaker 2:

Now I think we're down.

Speaker 4:

Everybody made off went to jail for these things.

Speaker 2:

I think we're down to like what? Two, two and a half I'm not sure what the exact number, but it's perilous and it's something that we're not going to be able to pay to future generations. The money isn't there. They've spent the money. It's not in a lockbox like.

Speaker 4:

Al Gore said and that's the problem when the Federal Reserve was created and Congress gave away their authority to them. We all know those things and we could talk about it all night, but I think it might be a little.

Speaker 2:

It could go a little long. It could go a little long.

Speaker 5:

Well, I think the one thing is looking at it on a global standard. We're taking care of the world. We've known that for many, many years. We're taking care of the world financially. We're hurting here in the United States we're hurting.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they're going to run away from the dollar here and we're really going to be hurting. But so the same people that have destroyed the economic situation are pushing digital currency because it's their last chance to control everything. So I don't think that I want that. I want freedom and whatever comes with that. The barter system let's go back to gold. Let's go do things the way they were done. Let's go have a 1776 party man. That's what we need to do. We need to see people prosecuting crimes. Election integrity good grief. We have more evidence of these elections being rigged and all sorts of election anomalies, and there is no public official that wants to see it. Their answer is vote harder, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, I mean, when you have mailed out ballots and you have drop boxes that have slots that are the size of my entire frame, you could fit whatever you want in there. I mean, obviously it's right for corruption, it's right for computer programs. Yeah, it's awful, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Right, it's a mess. It's a mess, guys, and nobody wants to do anything about it, but we do.

Speaker 5:

It's simple Pocket Constitution. Everybody should have a copy. You should carry it around, read it on a regular basis, heck. Read the full thing. You know the Bill of Rights. There's things that are written down to guide us into the future, to protect our freedom and protect our liberty, and it's worth standing for, it's worth being a part of.

Speaker 4:

So let's talk about that for a second before Travis gets into preach mode.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, you know, I was about to get this Listen Constitution and I'm like this I mean the Declaration of Independence will really get you foam, and I love that document. But this Constitution, these guys swear an oath to protect it and they have not been doing that. However, it's still here, it still exists. This Thomas Jefferson and the boys hit it out of the park. This is one powerful little document, because the left, the Marxists, they've been trying to destroy it forever and they're still working at it. I mean, they're chipping away folks. We got to stand up and start protecting it, but it's a hell of a document.

Speaker 3:

Well, it's not only that, I mean, it's it At a, etymologically it's, it's a brilliant. I mean if you, if you're into language, the, if you're into the English language, and that is a beautiful, beautiful document Well, Winston, I don't know what that means.

Speaker 5:

You know, looking at it here locally again. Now we're taking this big document.

Speaker 4:

What did he say?

Speaker 5:

He's, he's a grammar, you know, I get it. He's a smart fellow, yes very smart.

Speaker 4:

He dresses the way A smart smeller. No but tell us what was the word you used. Atomological Guys look that one up at home. That is gotta be something that's not even an SAT word.

Speaker 5:

That's beyond an SAT word.

Speaker 2:

That's awesome, is it E-T-Y? Yes, okay.

Speaker 4:

Phone home ET. That's awesome, though we need to. We need to bring it to us.

Speaker 3:

I'm just saying that the language was not only just a legal. It's just legally brilliant, but it's also a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful document.

Speaker 4:

I get that. Thank you for dumbing it down for me.

Speaker 5:

Taking it one step closer to here locally. I want to make sure everybody understands that people from Hartford County, you know they met on the bush. You know during this time they met, they talked. We've we talked about this in one of the podcasts before our local roots have oh yeah have influence into this.

Speaker 4:

All right, I gotta help with the Josh and ease. He's talking about the bush river, the bush river and our founding fathers met at the butcher bush river when they were passing through this area, and that's where they talked about a lot of these things.

Speaker 2:

Hartford County has a rich history of freedom and we are proud to carry on that tradition and if you look at the Emails that we send out, there's some links in there when we talk about the budget and like talk about the school, how much funding they're getting and how much beautiful T Galer gets when he says he's being Defunded and we we link to those things. But if you flip back to the front of that annual report you'll see it talks about the book Bush declaration in the front of the annual report. Thanks for the translation there.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, I and I do appreciate what you're saying because you know we did find the keys to the Freedom Pod Down near where those guys met, so exactly. I mean, it's been passed on, I guess. No, we're really done. But I can't let discussion on corruption go without talking about disgraced former in our own done County, john Leo pold.

Speaker 2:

Oh, you're not gonna let me go into my.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna let you. I just had, we just had to say Eric Ruby.

Speaker 5:

Diving Travis. That's corruption over County right there. That's where it starts.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know he came from an area it's hard not to throw that with a ball at him.

Speaker 2:

So we talked about the Constitution, and everybody you know, when you say the Constitution, everybody thinks the United States Constitution Bill writes Declaration of Independence, stuff like that. Marilyn has one too, maryland's got one too, and it's it's a pretty good one too. It would have been great.

Speaker 3:

You know what else Maryland has. That that's a beautiful thing is. Is our, our state anthem that they've, that they've bastardized and completely destroyed?

Speaker 2:

Hmm, well, yeah, and then, well, here in Hartford County we get rid of oh, I don't want to go there, but anyway and the Maryland Declaration of Rights. At the very beginning it says we, the people of the state of Maryland, grateful to Almighty God for our civil and religious liberty and taking into Our serious consideration the best means of establishing a good Constitution in this state for the shore foundation and more permanent security thereof, declare. And then it goes on and you have Article 1, article 2 in the you know Declaration of Rights, which is essentially the Bill of Rights for the Maryland Constitution. But I want to Just read some red meat from from, like Article 6 at the end of. I'll just read a whole article, don't cut me off that all persons invested with the legislative or executive powers of government are the trustees of the public and is such Accountable for the conduct. Wherefore, when, whenever the ends of government are perverted and public liberty Manifestly endangered and all other means of redress are ineffectual, the people may, and of right ought, to reform the old or establish a new government.

Speaker 2:

The doctrine of Non-resistance against arbitrary power and oppression is absurd, slavish and destruction to the Destructive, to the good and happiness of mankind. No, think about that. You know. It is telling us hey, you are, you are citizens, you're not serfs, you're not subjects. This is absurd for you to submit to arbitrary power. That is the law of the land, right here in Maryland's Constitution, telling you you are free people and you should not submit it is. It is ridiculous, it is stupid. It is absurd for you to submit to arbitrary, unlawful power and I just think that's great. That just gives me goosebumps when I read that course. Nobody in.

Speaker 5:

Unfortunately, the general assembly just disregards it like it's the general asylum, especially the past three, three and a half years. They completely threw that out, though.

Speaker 2:

No, and and the. You know you look at article eight like if, if the general public, instead of learning in public schools how to shove cucumbers up their butts, and and they put condoms on them first to the latest alphabet soup mafia Induct donation.

Speaker 2:

If they were learning about the Constitution of the state of Maryland, in article eight, and the declaration of rights, where it says that the legislative, executive and judicial powers of government ought to be forever separate and distinct from each other, that no person Exercising the functions of one of said department shall assume or discharge the duties of any other. What did Larry Hogan do during the pandemic, the scam then it? He discharge. He was judged jury and executioner. He ran the police. They shut down the courts. They shut down the general assembly he was running. The whole deal came Larry.

Speaker 5:

He even set up a hotline to call one your neighbors and none of them and his office line, and not a single one of our local elected officials stood up to him.

Speaker 2:

Not a one there's nothing they could do.

Speaker 5:

Let me add something for local.

Speaker 4:

That's because they weren't told to by their team OD supporters and the people that pay their, their you know Money you know they're overlords and their overlords did not tell them to do that, yep.

Speaker 5:

but just so everybody's learned something from from this whole pandemic here locally, hartford County, the County Council is the board of health. So for them to say that they couldn't do anything, that is the farthest thing from the true Sierra.

Speaker 4:

Right, yeah, and you know, when you talk about all these things, the Declaration of Independence has the most important line, in my opinion. It talks about your rights and it says they, they, your rights are Endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights. That means that some tyrant can't take them away unless that tyrant.

Speaker 2:

Tyrant was your creator tyrant is is guilty of Pretended legislation and that's that's why we say God, you know, you'll see, in our emails is God given rights. It's important, that's an important distinction, because if you, if you are a status to believes that your rights come from other men, that your rights come from government, then Other men and government can take those rights away. Well it's a. It's a very important distinction. Let me, let me.

Speaker 4:

I got one more one good, because we're all getting really excited. Oh, we're gonna have to take this freedom pot out and shoot stuff.

Speaker 2:

All right, article, article 44. This is kind of the catch-all that the provisions of this Constitution, but that the provisions of the Constitution in the United States and of this state apply as well in time of war as in time of peace and Any departure there from or violation thereof under the plea of necessity or any other plea is, is subversive of good government and tends to anarchy and that's Despotism so using COVID for an excuse was BS.

Speaker 2:

It was subversive of good government and tends toward anarchy and despotism. So if you want to be a good citizen, you need to not submit to anarchy and despotism. You need to not Disobey the provision.

Speaker 4:

Provisions, more importantly, demand Demand that you are elected officials, do the same, especially your sheriff, who's tasked with enforcing those rules.

Speaker 2:

That's right, so well, our sheriff does that, doesn't he? Well, he would never arrest. Have somebody arrested for not wearing a mask, would he?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so that's so. Folks, figure out who's gonna run and let's get going. Yeah, come on man, your champs be our champs, here we go every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

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