Live Free - Die Last

Episode 23: Standing Up Against Disrespect and Disregard in Fallston

August 16, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 23
Episode 23: Standing Up Against Disrespect and Disregard in Fallston
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 23: Standing Up Against Disrespect and Disregard in Fallston
Aug 16, 2023 Season 1 Episode 23
Live Free - Die Last
Is your community being overshadowed by politicians who don't care? Are you tired of false racism allegations, government corruption, and lack of respect for your community? Starting off with a burst of frustration, we talk about the recent community response in Fallston. We shed light on the local rising discontent against politicians failing to do their job and the stomach-turning cartoon that The Aegis showed disrespect to our community. We also dissect the possible impacts of the proposed apartments on school, environment, emergency management, and crime rates, with a special focus on the glaring absence of comprehensive traffic studies. 

We're not just complaining, we're also pointing at solutions. In this episode, we explore the power dynamics between Republicans and Democrats, emphasizing the need for us locals to stand up for our rights and freedom. Hear us as we cheer on the unity displayed by our community and the power of people coming together to raise awareness about crucial matters. We underscore the need for staying engaged, staying informed, and standing up against political manipulation. And we're not stopping here. Join us, as we discuss the importance of holding monthly meetings to stay in the loop about developments in Harford County. We're keeping the fire burning, continuing to advocate for our rights, and reminding ourselves that every step they take is being watched. The fight is on, are you ready?

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Is your community being overshadowed by politicians who don't care? Are you tired of false racism allegations, government corruption, and lack of respect for your community? Starting off with a burst of frustration, we talk about the recent community response in Fallston. We shed light on the local rising discontent against politicians failing to do their job and the stomach-turning cartoon that The Aegis showed disrespect to our community. We also dissect the possible impacts of the proposed apartments on school, environment, emergency management, and crime rates, with a special focus on the glaring absence of comprehensive traffic studies. 

We're not just complaining, we're also pointing at solutions. In this episode, we explore the power dynamics between Republicans and Democrats, emphasizing the need for us locals to stand up for our rights and freedom. Hear us as we cheer on the unity displayed by our community and the power of people coming together to raise awareness about crucial matters. We underscore the need for staying engaged, staying informed, and standing up against political manipulation. And we're not stopping here. Join us, as we discuss the importance of holding monthly meetings to stay in the loop about developments in Harford County. We're keeping the fire burning, continuing to advocate for our rights, and reminding ourselves that every step they take is being watched. The fight is on, are you ready?

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Hartford County. I'm your host of the we, the People Live Free Die Last Podcast. My name is John Connor. We're flying high above Hartford County in the Freedom Pod and tonight I got to tell you we got two patriots in the office and we're a little fired up. There's a lot going on and I think it's time for politicians to pick up the pencils and start taking notes who we got. I'm going to go to my right hand man, josh. Good evening Patriots. And then we got a surprise Patriot for you.

Speaker 4:

Good evening Patriots.

Speaker 3:

Uh-huh, we'll figure out who that is later. That's part of the fun, right, guessing who's here and who's not. But uh, why are we fired up tonight? I'm fired up because people are finally showing that they're sick and tired and they're not going to take it anymore, right? So the other night there was a really nice community turnout in Fauston and it was people coming out to express their displeasure with a plan to build a couple of apartment buildings over by the Fauston Mall. There's a whole lot of reasons that were given, a lot of good reasons, but, uh, the reporters that were there didn't do a very good job reporting. And, of course, our own local political hack rag, the eges worst paper in the world, probably not even any good eat crabs on. Uh had a had a cartoon, a freaking cartoon, so they call it, and the cartoon had a little sign on it and it said uh, keep Fauston rural. And then rural was crossed out and the word white was put under it.

Speaker 2:

It's the opposite. It uh had white and then crossed out and rural replacing.

Speaker 3:

Ah yes, I, uh, the eges. You should be disgraced. You are disgraceful. That is disgusting. In fact, you are part of the problem. You are part of the reason that over a thousand people turned out in Fauston. Because people are angry. People are sick and tired of politicians that don't do what they're supposed to do. They're sick and tired of being called racist. All of these people. They get up and they go to work every day and they work their butt off and they pay their taxes and they do all these things and then they get kicked in the teeth and they're getting tired of it. And I wouldn't want to be a politician when all this stuff comes down. I mean, it's come down through the ages. I wasn't there during the French revolution and the American revolution, but people were pretty pissed off to do what they did and and you can see it, man People are upset. So let's talk about these things. But, mr and Mrs politician, you better wake up.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and everybody knows that. We are the ones that will call out any politician and tell them you're doing something wrong and it's not going to be a fun day for them as people are waking up, you know. Again, going back to that community meeting, I'm not only have energy today from that meeting. You know it was stressful leading up it was. It was so good to see so many people there. The community in Boston is really coming together, but when we come together we need to make sure that we have each other's back. But we're also waking up to the situation and we understand politics is politics and there's corruption involved in politics. I don't care if you live in Hartford County or not.

Speaker 3:

The corruption, I think, is what's really getting people upset the line for that event. It was a Friday night at six o'clock when people would rather be at the pool doing all sorts of things and the line was around, around the corner and down the block. I mean I guarantee I saw a lot of people say I was going to come, but there it looked like you couldn't even get in. There was definitely no parking.

Speaker 2:

People were parking at youth benefit, which is the neighboring property, and walking across ball fields to get to this meeting and then again standing in line. They had bleachers set up. They had, I think, a hundred or 200 chairs. I think it was 200 chairs and added another 100 chairs. Don't get my numbers. You know, don't take that as an accountant number, but there was an amount of people standing and sitting on the floor. The entryway was completely full. I remember going out to get a drink and coming back in and just taking a picture of the amount of people that were in that room and man, that was that good. It surprised me.

Speaker 3:

And the anger was like palpable. It was kind of funny, because usually you see Patrick Vincente and Aaron Penman with their hands raised. Look at me, look at me, I'm the politician, look at me, they were hiding man. I mean, aaron got up and tried to say a couple of things and he got booed out of his shorts.

Speaker 2:

Multiple times. Yeah, yeah, and it was a beautiful thing. And the bad thing about this is you had people truly standing up and this was a very quick project. I mean it's very fishy too, but that's a whole different podcast and probably can talk about that a little bit. But it happens so quickly that in within eight days, ten days, all these people showed up and they were educated, they were providing factual information from their lives of how this would impact, you know, the school over capacity issues, the environmental issues, the emergency management and crime increase. I mean, heck, just this week there was a break in a couple miles up for more. They're proposing these apartments now I'm not saying apartments are going to call this break in, but no, there is no crime studies. You know that were discussed. That shows the correlation between high density housing and the crime increase. I'm in.

Speaker 2:

That brings me to another great topic was the traffic studies. These traffic studies that they are trying to use one. Everybody should understand that the traffic studies are provided by the developer himself. He pays a consultant to give an opinion after giving getting information from the county. So the county was look at the project and say we need to look at these intersections In the reason why they're saying that is because you know they probably want to save a couple dollars and if the developer can correct those intersections added into this project, hey we can have that conversation. But the traffic studies that Maryland DOT has done on this section of highway one did not include the proposal of apartments and two, it happened during the coven lockdown so I shouldn't say I happened. They use the data from the coven lockdown to provide a Roadway study that is corruption.

Speaker 3:

Right there folks, 100% corruption. Convenient how convenient exactly. So let's play a little clip here for a second, since we're talking about corruption.

Speaker 1:

I don't know that we can do anything when the state comes in and mandates certain things in the state of emergency.

Speaker 3:

I don't know that we can do anything that is your county council president, who doesn't even know that there's no such thing as a state of emergency in the Constitution. It does not allow for a state of emergency, patrick Vincent. That is illegal. You should have been standing up telling people, no, but instead you're out here going to. I don't know that there's anything we can do about this stuff.

Speaker 2:

That leads me into the next topic. Here, you know we have Penman coming out of you know, out of nowhere. I've heard about this a couple days ago that he was reaching out, to quote unquote, thoughtful citizens. But you know he's quarterbacking, he's negotiating on the on the behalf of the developers, on team OD and team OD. I know you have a lot more information on this and you know a lot more emotion, but basically what he's doing is he's putting together a team of professionals. He says you know Patrick Vincenny is going to be there, you know the board of education members going to be there.

Speaker 3:

We need a petty tyrant on the team.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Great job, Aaron, Great job. But you guys are buddy buddy. You put up signs together, you're hugging, you're doing all that stuff. So makes a lot of sense that team OD sticks together. I didn't get a phone call.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and the Rhino cheerleaders are cheering them all on too.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, the Rhino clubs. That's Republican in name only, and I don't care if you're a Republican or Democrat, frankly, but let's tell the truth about who you are and what you stand for, unlike the guys in charge.

Speaker 2:

I want to give a warning to anybody that is attending this meeting with Aaron Penman and the developer Don't give them access Now. That's all they want to do is just tell you hey, it's going to be okay, we're not going to, it's not going to be that bad. I'm telling you right now these are two apartment buildings right on route 152 that will not harmoniously be fit right into the current development, the current construction, the current buildings. It's going to be a complete eyesore.

Speaker 3:

This is them trying to save face. See, that's what the community input meetings about. They're trying to save face, but nobody would listen to them. They were booing them. They were basically telling the shut off. They were asking really good questions and those guys were very obviously out of their league. They were out of their game. They didn't know what to do, so they regrouped and this is what they came up with hey, let's get a smaller group that we might be able to control.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and you mentioned the Rhino clubs. I wanted to bring up something. We talked about this a couple podcasts ago, about how, when we fight opposition and I'm not even talking about opposition, republican or Democrat, I'm just looking at the playing field the Democrats are very organized. Yes, they are. They have a topic they will all go all in for.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're going with the same lie that we're always racist, racist, racist. It's getting tired, everybody's tired of it, and that's why we're so darn angry.

Speaker 2:

And you have the Republicans. They're in a division right now, but they're in a power division. You know, here locally they're just trying to divide each other, when really what that's doing, and what everybody in this conversation is doing, is they're separating good over evil. They would rather they don't care what they're doing Now. You know, as long as they get a little bit more power, they don't care how bad of a situation they're going to leave for the children in the in the future of our county.

Speaker 3:

The worst.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, the worst part is they're not going to stand up for freedom when it comes time to do that. None of them will you watch. None of them will.

Speaker 4:

None of them did.

Speaker 3:

None of them did. But, bob, we're watching you when it comes time to stand up for freedom, you need to do it.

Speaker 2:

I agree, and you know these, these politicians will latch on to anything and just for a name, just to get in the paper, just to have their name printed or somebody be talking about normally normally. Yeah, they don't want to be seeing that Paulston. No, no yeah.

Speaker 3:

Look, that was a very good crowd there. No one was in any danger. I hope that's not what you're getting from all of this. There were a lot of very intelligent, well thought out arguments, if you will, of people pointed out a lot of intelligent things, so hopefully they took some notes and took it. I doubt that they did. I don't have a lot of faith that they did, but Bravo to that community for really doing their research and their homework very quickly. A lot of very good speakers. I was very impressed with Paulston.

Speaker 2:

And the activation. So put it in perspective. I don't know the current number, but going into that meeting Within four or five days, there was over 950 signatures on a petition, basically standing together. It was false to not accepting this overdevelopment, the high-density housing. There was 400 signs purchased. Just community getting together bought 400 signs and yard signs and put them all out throughout the community to bring awareness. People made flyers, people were writing down notes, sharing notes and kind of coming together. That's what needs to happen. We don't need a politician coming in and saying, hey, come to my meeting and I'll tell you what we're going to do and what we need to do. It's time for the people to stand up and stop letting these people pander to us.

Speaker 3:

So let's also point out that there's a lot of people that they're not in the politics and they went to this meeting and they're going to walk away. They're going to go think there's no way they can build it. Now Look what this is awesome. We showed them. You couldn't be further from the truth. You need to stay engaged and stay on top of these people, or you're going to get those apartments. You're probably going to get them anyway, because money talks.

Speaker 2:

Money does talk, but everybody needs to stay engaged, as you said, and this isn't a one week, two week, three month. You know, even this project, Within this term of the current council, between now and 2025, they're going to have to do a comprehensive rezoning and that's to everybody which that's when they discuss upzoning of properties. And so I want to take my piece of property and I want to turn it from this zone to like a B3. That's what happened during 2017. I shouldn't say 2017, but that's what happened with this project. This is going to happen in the next three years and we need to not only be engaged now till then, to understand what the game is going to be played and understand what properties are involved in the impacts, but we need to have a voice and it's not just the five, six, seven, eight hundred thousand people that came to Fauston. I can't tell you the number because there's so many people sitting on the floor, so many cars. We need the entire county.

Speaker 2:

So we're talking about Hickory. You know the apartments that went up in Hickory. We're talking about Bel Air. What they're trying to do in Bel Air, it's endless. What's going on? Don't stop, Don't give up.

Speaker 3:

And ignore the eages. You're not a racist for not wanting apartments. There's very different culture from people that work very hard to own their own houses and people that rent.

Speaker 3:

That's not to put down renters. There's a lot of good people in the apartments. There's a lot of good renters, but it's not the same culture. Not to mention the overcrowding that it brings, the added traffic Traffic is already a nightmare. We don't need any more traffic. They're not putting any money, they're not putting any effort into fixing the roads. All they're doing is giving me lip service.

Speaker 2:

And specifically I mentioned something on this pop for Fauston. You know you mentioned safety. This is a very personal thing for me and this developer. He was involved in a very bad car accident, you know, 10, 12 years ago, right up the street from this.

Speaker 3:

Quite sad, very tragic.

Speaker 2:

Personally you know I understand what it means to see tragic, you know from a car accident and the impacts on a family and I would never wish that on anybody. So you know it's disappointing to even have this situation come up. I can't even have this addressed. As far as you know safety on the roads when he truly understands, you know the impacts of traffic safety.

Speaker 4:

Yeah well, you would think, unfortunately, that they don't really care about the safety of the community, and that's obvious. And you know they have pandering from our Local politicians here and they're just using these tragedies and Right, they, they say a whole bunch of stuff that doesn't make any sense.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think, leading right into, you know what you're saying of pandering. You know a secondary situation that happened. You know another county council person, jessica Boyle saddles. She is using a tragedy and I will come flat out and say this you know there is no reason for a politician to try to organize a walker. You know community event based around A tragic death right right in the person that wasn't even put in the ground yet, that was the democrats do it all the time.

Speaker 3:

As soon as there's some type of shooting, they call for gun control and all sorts of ridiculous stuff. Thankfully, we didn't see a whole lot of people of going the other route this time. We all know what the arguments are, but this was a very sad, very tragic thing, and why don't we just talk a little bit more about what happened? Because these are the same people. They're gonna come to you and tell you how good of a person they are and they're doing it for you and they want you know. They're doing it for their developer buddies. That's who they're doing it for. She's part of team. This woman shows up during, during the campaign and campaigns, basically from her basement. I think we saw her maybe one time at an event and whatever the question was, the answer was well, I don't know, but I'm a very fast learner man.

Speaker 4:

I'm in the district and I didn't even see any of her signs anywhere and no, nothing from Saddle. So I really didn't know much about her. But I'm reading about her here and she was very concerned about the safety of the community prior to, but now I'm Doesn't really look like that in development. End of it, because the safety will now lead to more car accidents and more issues With our EMS service and it's just gonna be an absolute nightmare. So I don't it's already a nightmare this is true nightmare in Hartford County.

Speaker 2:

But you know, trying to keep a little bit of positive in this, you know as much as the nightmare, you know, don't it? I guess we looked at it, learned anything over the past three years. You know, don't attack somebody for have saying something that you might not necessarily agree with. Or you know you need more research on. Yeah, if you see, you know, you see this whole situation in Fauston. You know we talked about, you know the increase in crime throughout the entire county. You know it's time for the community to come together and understand that it's going to take us. We can't look up for anybody. We can't look to anybody to take care of us except for ourselves, our community or friends in our neighbors.

Speaker 3:

Yeah well, it was very positive seeing all those people come out and show their support for what they believed in. Whether you agree with the apartments or not, you should be very happy to see this many people engaged. I don't think that our politicians are going to learn from it. I think they're very disconnected. Just as they are on the state level, in the federal level they don't seem to understand. They can't feel the people, people's righteous indignation. They can't feel the palpable anger and that's been that way for for hundreds of years and politicians usually end up paying the price when they get too far disconnected.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, like Josh's point, people need to stay engaged. You have to. They want you to tire, they want you to just eventually die down, like some people in groups do, and unfortunately then they just come swimming in and do what they want.

Speaker 3:

So please stay strong, stay focused and keep fighting 100% and don't ever start patting on the back, because that's when they turn around and stab you in the back. Very good point. Yeah, I don't want to tell you that I know what's coming, but I know what's coming. But let's stay strong, let's keep fighting these guys and then, after they, after they do you dirty will talk about it again.

Speaker 2:

Well, I want to do a little bit of housekeeping real quick, let's do it.

Speaker 3:

We didn't do any of that stuff in the beginning because I was so angry and fired up, but you know the Freedom Pod has a way when you're flying around Hartford County. I know we didn't limber up the 50 cows tonight, but I mean it really helps take down the energy level and get you thinking and get you going. There's a beautiful sunset out there tonight, so go ahead.

Speaker 2:

It's a beautiful county too, but we mentioned a cartoon in the aegis at the beginning of the page. I just want to make sure that everybody can use this reference. I know it's going to be everywhere on social media, but if you go to the aegis, I think it was page six of their newspaper that was published on August 16. You'll see the cartoon that we're talking about. I know it's hard for us to describe what it is on a podcast, but I just wanted to make sure that we stated the facts and quoted where it came from.

Speaker 3:

It's disgusting.

Speaker 2:

It really is. And then the second piece is we do very well at connecting with the community. One thing that we do well with is also allowing the community to voice or have a voice, so we get a ton of information. I want to remind everybody that info at WeThePeople of MDorg reach out to us. Send us the information that you have. Let's connect, let's communicate, let's continue building this community on truth Not on the pandering that we keep talking about, Not on the corruption that was going on behind the scenes and continue to stay focused, laser focused. Right now is the time that we need to stay laser focused.

Speaker 2:

There's a coming after us.

Speaker 3:

Team OD, team over development, is coming after us Absolutely and look, folks, this is better than any soap opera on Netflix or anything else. We've got Barry Glassman kicking and screaming that he doesn't have the juice that he used to have, and they're just going after each other tooth and nail. I mean Penman's accusing the castley of being illegal and doing bad things, and Sanders back and forth and this whole thing is just a beautiful soap opera.

Speaker 2:

It's a drama show.

Speaker 3:

It is a drama fest right here in Hartford County and I mean we didn't even get into, you know, the election integrity and all the nonsense that's going on. That's very important. I say nonsense, but good grief, we definitely have a two tier justice system in this country and we have similar in Hartford County.

Speaker 2:

What bothers me is everybody's doing everything else and I shouldn't say everybody, because there's some people that are trying to do some good things, but really everybody's doing everything that they shouldn't be doing. And let me clarify we need a county executive to be a county executive, not fight with Aaron Penman and the sheriff and all this other stuff. We need a sheriff that doesn't fight with the county executive. We need a county councilman that doesn't back the developers and fight with the county executive too. We, the people here, need representation. That's why I love the name of our organization we, the people of MD, or we, the people of Maryland, and I love the fact that the community is coming together, because it is us that will fix this situation, it's not anybody else.

Speaker 3:

Oh, tell me how beautiful the site was Friday night with all those people there, I was so giddy. I could stop smiling and laughing the whole time. Somebody said why are you so happy?

Speaker 4:

I don't know. This is the greatest thing I've ever seen. It was a great scene.

Speaker 3:

It was amazing how many people showed up on a Saturday night On a summer night To sit on a gym floor and listen to a bunch of greasy politicians For two hours.

Speaker 2:

Oh, man, to keep that positive thing going. September the 5th at 7.30 pm. The county council is back in session after their summer break and, man, that's going to be a good meeting too.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be really nice to overwhelm them and just flood that place with people telling them that you know the same type of thing that they were telling them in Boston. I want to bring up something else that we should really be doing here we haven't been, and that's our monthly meeting at the Hartford Vineyard. You want to give us the date. The date is Is it the 23rd? The 23rd at 7.

Speaker 3:

All right. So it's next Wednesday At 7 pm. There is going to be a well, it's a monthly meeting, but we've got a very good speaker lined up. He's going to talk about communism in America. He's very accomplished and I think it's going to be something you're going to want to hear.

Speaker 2:

I know that's not what we're talking about here tonight, but Well, actually, adding to that, we're, you know, and speaking a little bit more. This is going to be an amazing presentation on communism in America by Bob Kofed. But also, you know, we want to make sure that we're continuing the message of the over development and the corruption of Hartford County. So look for a quick update on, you know, snapshot from Boston, from the different areas of Hartford County, of, because we need to stay engaged. Keep saying.

Speaker 3:

Not only that. I bet a lot happens between now and then. Oh yeah, this wasn't the place to dive into too deep into a lot of the stuff that's going on, but trust me, there are. There are good people that are working on things that are pretty interesting with regard to the proposed development. So I don't know either of you want the last word.

Speaker 2:

Take it. No, all right, stay positive. I'm happy to sit here with everybody. You know, the three of us sitting here tonight is only one step in how we need to come together, guys, don't back or don't take um turn your back on your neighbors. Um, stand side to side and we got this Right.

Speaker 3:

And look, don't forget the person sometimes that you're not watching is the one you should be. So over here at we, the People, we make sure we're watching them all. Every good move you make, every corrupt breath you take, we'll be watching.

Frustration With Government Overreach and Corruption
Community Engagement and Opposition to Development
Monthly Meeting