Live Free - Die Last

Episode 24: A Deep Dive into Threats to Liberty: Lockdowns, Controversies and Harford County's Struggles

September 04, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 24
Episode 24: A Deep Dive into Threats to Liberty: Lockdowns, Controversies and Harford County's Struggles
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 24: A Deep Dive into Threats to Liberty: Lockdowns, Controversies and Harford County's Struggles
Sep 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 24
Live Free - Die Last

Wake up, America! Our freedoms and liberties are under fire as we confront the intensifying debates around masks, lockdowns, and the implications of Fauci's call for strict winter lockdowns for the unvaccinated. Brace yourselves as we dissect Biden's push for a new vaccine - scrutinizing the motives and weighing the potential societal impacts. The election flu is making a comeback in Maryland, with election boards altering rules and threatening those who challenge elections based on voter rolls. It's time to rally and resist these attempts to control our rights.

Turning our gaze to Harford County, we're forced to confront chilling local matters that can't be ignored. The grim realities of possible pedophilia ties, a recent murder-suicide in Joppatowne, and a juvenile stabbing in Havre de Grace are shaking our community to its core. Moreover, the September 5th meeting of the Harford County Council could dramatically reshape our area's development. Overdevelopment and law enforcement's struggle to manage these situations are on the rise, prompting urgent community discussions and action.

Our education system is not exempt from the chaos. Harford County schools are bursting at the seams, and we’re demanding answers from our elected officials. The capacity of elementary schools is in question, and a building moratorium might be our best option. But as parents, it's up to us to protect our children from potential indoctrination in health classes. Don't forget, we're also dealing with a governor-instituted rule that keeps us from accessing materials not suited for council or board meetings. It's time to stand up, question, and work tirelessly to forge a better nation. Join us for this eye-opening conversation - buckle up, and let's uncover the truth together.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Wake up, America! Our freedoms and liberties are under fire as we confront the intensifying debates around masks, lockdowns, and the implications of Fauci's call for strict winter lockdowns for the unvaccinated. Brace yourselves as we dissect Biden's push for a new vaccine - scrutinizing the motives and weighing the potential societal impacts. The election flu is making a comeback in Maryland, with election boards altering rules and threatening those who challenge elections based on voter rolls. It's time to rally and resist these attempts to control our rights.

Turning our gaze to Harford County, we're forced to confront chilling local matters that can't be ignored. The grim realities of possible pedophilia ties, a recent murder-suicide in Joppatowne, and a juvenile stabbing in Havre de Grace are shaking our community to its core. Moreover, the September 5th meeting of the Harford County Council could dramatically reshape our area's development. Overdevelopment and law enforcement's struggle to manage these situations are on the rise, prompting urgent community discussions and action.

Our education system is not exempt from the chaos. Harford County schools are bursting at the seams, and we’re demanding answers from our elected officials. The capacity of elementary schools is in question, and a building moratorium might be our best option. But as parents, it's up to us to protect our children from potential indoctrination in health classes. Don't forget, we're also dealing with a governor-instituted rule that keeps us from accessing materials not suited for council or board meetings. It's time to stand up, question, and work tirelessly to forge a better nation. Join us for this eye-opening conversation - buckle up, and let's uncover the truth together.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Harford County. This is another episode of the Live Free Die Last Podcast put out by the we the People Studios. As always, we're floating high above Harford County in the Freedom Pod Tonight. On my right we have the Josh.

Speaker 2:

Good evening Patriots. Glad to be back.

Speaker 3:

So we're just going to kind of touch on a few things tonight. There's been a lot of news stories that we haven't talked about, some stuff that we need to go into more depth on, but we're going to just try to start out with the big picture and then we'll hit Maryland and kind of bring it around locally, this time A little different than what you usually do. Try to end on a positive note, but if you have been paying attention those of you that don't get sucked into the mainstream mockingbird media the issue of masks and lockdowns appears to be back on the table. Yes, they say no, no, we're not doing that. But, josh, we all know with what they're talking about. That that's. We think that's what's coming.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't believe that they they will do it, but they're threatening right now and that's the issue of they're trying to stir the pot, get people all up in arms, get them distracted. Really, we need to continue to focus in on our freedom and our liberty.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm not sure that it's not a look over here while we do something else over here type thing. We've got big issues of war and a lot of silly laws that they're putting into place and as I said, they're not holding back.

Speaker 2:

You had Fauci I think it was last week asking the Biden administration for strict lockdowns for the unvaccinated this winter. Here we go again.

Speaker 3:

Fauci's still around. I mean he's absolutely been proven to be a liar and a cheat and a thief and I mean none of the stuff that he said made any sense.

Speaker 2:

No, he literally is coming out of the basement, just like Biden did. You know it's. He went away for a while. Now he's back and he's trying to put his foot down. He's irrelevant If nobody can see that. You know, over the past three years of him spewing his disruption and his divisiveness he should be on trial. I agree.

Speaker 3:

I mean, they've had study after study showing that masks and lockdowns are harmful to people. They don't help anyone, they're harmful. And here he is again saying he wants now it's a strict lockdown for the unvaccinated this winter. Why? Because the unvaccinated are the only ones not getting sick. You want to lock us in the house now.

Speaker 2:

We also wants to double down. He wants to. He wants to lock everybody down until everyone is vaccinated. They're not going to happen.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the vaccinated zombies can all try to force the unvaxxed and to get in the jab, the death jab.

Speaker 2:

And then you have Biden tripling down on this and he's requesting funding for a new vaccine that's going to work this time, he says.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I can tell you, none of this is going to happen. We're all done, and it's not just us now. There's tons of people that have woke up. A lot of the people that used to listen to the Mockingbird media are awake. We're done. We are done with you. Keep trying, but we're done.

Speaker 2:

And this is not a hateful speech, no, we're all about our freedom and our liberty. You know, we got through the last lockdowns as a society. We were able to. We were able to band together and say we're done with this stuff, get the masks off our kids. You know, whatever we have to do, we've learned, and if they try to do it a second time, it's not going to end well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they've just showed us how to resist us what they've done. So I think people are kind of getting tired of talking about that. We're done. We're done with you. You wore mongering, fear mongering, government idiots. So let's get something a little closer to home now, because elections are a big deal here. We've got President Trump basically on trial in a few places for daring to question the election. That's basically what he's on trial for. They say questioning the election is trying to change the outcome or something ridiculous that they've gone to. So now, if you question something, you're a criminal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, and taking that right back to the flu that we were just talking about, you know this is the election flu coming back around. You know, I see that's what's happening. You know we're talking about. You know in a couple of years we have elections, so they're going to get started early and now they're going to attack, even from the local side, even here in the state of Maryland, is going to put their foot down on. You know what is acceptable when you're when you're questioning an election.

Speaker 3:

Oh, the state of Maryland is horrible. I mean absolutely horrible. The election board just recently quietly changed the rules. You want to tell them what they did, josh?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and this was from an article in the Gateway Pundit and Kate Sullivan, a local patriot that we hope to have here on the podcast and maybe had a look at an upcoming meeting, that'd be great. She was interviewed and basically the title of the article is Maryland Election Board quietly changes rules. Threatens legal action against those who challenge elections based on voter rolls. So first thing is what is a voter roll?

Speaker 3:

Well, so the voter rolls are the voter registration lists, the list of actively registered voters who can vote in an upcoming election. Our team use those to do canvassing and that's how they found a lot of the election anomalies. That's how they know that the election was rigged, that the election was stolen. It's really people don't understand it. Wow, what evidence do you have? There's a ton of evidence and if you've been out knocking on doors, it's really easy to see. The problem is none of your elected officials care to see it. They are part of the problem.

Speaker 2:

And what really needs to happen is cleaning up of these voter rolls. There's so many people on these lists that aren't active, or there might be five people voting from one residence and only two people living there. Those are the things that need to be talked about and cleaned up with. But with this new I shouldn't say law, because it's been added to Comar, but it makes it illegal for us to question what's going on in using factual data that's provided by the state.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the only source of really fine. Well, one of the best sources for figuring out that the elections are rigged is to take the voter rolls and go knock on doors and talk to people. So now, if you request that data, there's a part that's been added to Comar that says I will not use this data for investigations into an illegal or suspected illegal infractions or violations of voters' behavior in a specific election. It's illegal to look into things that are illegal.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, one loophole. They're saying specific election. I'm talking about all of them. If I have a question about all the elections, does that make it okay? I want you to use this list and look at all these elections and tell me is it right or is it wrong? Is there violations happening? They're trying to provide a violation for the people that are just trying to get a fair election.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and Maryland is horrible. With Westmore it's even worse. We've talked about the ties of Westmore to the local people and it's really tiresome. He's a petty tyrant, is what he is. They're setting him up to be the petty tyrant of the United States of America because obviously, joe Biden, all he wants to do is lick his ice cream cone and change his diaper and go to bed, because he doesn't even know what planet he's on.

Speaker 2:

Obama 2.0,. I guess, yeah, I guess so.

Speaker 3:

But only we're not sure that well.

Speaker 2:

There's a lot more to question.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we might see a big mic, the return of big mic too.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, oh yeah, westmore, he's taken us in the state of Maryland down the path of destruction. We know that. We can see it day in and day out.

Speaker 3:

Further down the path, Larry Hogan was running us down there.

Speaker 2:

There you go. Thanks for clarifying that because, yeah, larry Hogan, I know we got on him quite a bit during the lockdowns because he tuned us all out, but there was things happening in his administration behind closed doors that you know. It's disturbing the potential ties that we have here in Hartford County, but people, these are the things that mainstream media aren't talking about. But you have Larry Hogan going on. You know the Democrat Mockingbird Media as you say every single weekend. You know bashing the GOP and threatening that he's going to run again. He was did it again this weekend. That guy's irrelevant. He needs to go away.

Speaker 3:

Well, the only thing he's relevant for is, for you know, child sex and pedophilia and kidnapping. It seems like a lot of the people that are associated with him are going down or at least being investigated.

Speaker 2:

There's an awful lot of smoke there, and it's been happening for a long, long time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, since the early 90s. What was his?

Speaker 2:

aid. Kevin Lee Hall, I believe his name was. Back in the early 90s he was arrested for kidnapping a child and raping a child from Baltimore.

Speaker 3:

That's awful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and you know people don't really know that about. You know Larry Hogan and his associations. You know it continues. How many people remember Judge Newell off the eastern shore? This gentleman died before he was even arrested.

Speaker 3:

But again, the stories that are coming out is he the one that shot himself in the head twice.

Speaker 2:

Yes, with a 45 in the head or in the face twice during an FBI raid, but it sounds quite familiar. It sure does.

Speaker 3:

So so. So, McGrath, they can't tell if he shot himself in the head or if the FBI shot him first. I guess they're shot in the head twice Story whenever like a lead balloon. So they kind of came up with something else.

Speaker 2:

That was just disturbing. I mean rather disturbing. So if you get a medical examiner's opinion and they say that we don't know if the bullet that Roy McGrath shot or the bullet that the FBI agent shot is the one that killed them, so we're just going to let the FBI agent go, why do you shoot somebody in the head when they're committing suicide? He?

Speaker 3:

was going to stop him from killing himself by shooting him. That's the genius of the DOJ. Now I mean.

Speaker 2:

And people are letting that slide. Like okay, yeah, that's fine.

Speaker 3:

I think it's time to close the three letter agencies.

Speaker 2:

I agree. You know, and it continues with the child sex trafficking A senior advisor to Larry Hogan was recently investigated or is being investigated for child sex trafficking Ron Gunsburger. And it continues as recently as this past Wednesday, august 2023. A gentleman named by Louise Burunda. He was the Secretary of State under Hogan and he was arrested for being held without bond for solicitation of a minor. This is not just one or two different things. This has been happening and shows it's been happening for decades.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we've got a lot of things going on, sick things around Larry Hogan and of course you know Barry Glassman has strong ties to Hogan, as do most of the elected officials in and around Hartford County, and I never hear him talking about this stuff. Is that that's? You know? They're not denouncing it. In fact, you know they were. They were all over him trying to get his appointed person in, maybe. Maybe there's some smoke in Hartford County too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not accusing anybody, but there's a lot of questions that are sitting out there and there's no accusations, but there's a lot of smoke? Yep, but for one there was. Recently, I think we can talk about this there was a social media post that had been confirmed by the Bel Air Police Department as being investigated. It was two gentlemen at a local store that were accused of trying to surveil and abduct a lady and her child, not only in the store but also outside of the store.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was a scary story if you read it.

Speaker 2:

And the scary thing is just last week, during an interview, the Hartford County Sheriff's Department had no idea.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, everybody, everybody else knows, but they don't. Isn't that kind of their job to know what's going on? And instead of worried about politics, maybe they should be worried about fighting crime?

Speaker 2:

And why aren't the different police departments here locally working together and having the same information?

Speaker 3:

I mean, the rumor is that the sheriff and the top dog in Bel Air don't get along and that's why there's a lot of these issues of lack of communication. I don't know that to be a fact or not. It's just a rumor.

Speaker 2:

That's a fair assumption.

Speaker 3:

Very well, it could be, and it continues.

Speaker 2:

We talk about the potential pedophilia ties to Hartford County. I mean months ago we've had gang members come in and rape and kill an autistic lady in our community and this is again. Just like Larry Hogan, it's been happening, it's been happening, it's been happening here in Hartford County, but it's starting to happen more and more and more.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we had that young lady killed on the trail and in the beginning it's everybody's safe and then it's well, this might be A possible serial killer. I think is what the police talked about. I don't know.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and I think we've talked about this a couple of times here, and not to beat a dead horse here, but this is disturbing. You know, we have a fugitive on the loose. We don't know if he's here in Maryland, hartford County, back in California. There's so many questions. There's also no updates.

Speaker 3:

I would say there's a you know fair to midland chance that he was illegally here too.

Speaker 2:

Things are lining up to support that accusation.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So where's our sheriff and where's our county council? Where's everybody calling for the end of illegal immigration and to ship the illegals out of here? I don't hear any of it. You know, we know Wes Moore's not going to say it. He loves these illegals and I'm going to tell you this Hartford County looks like Biden country. It is Wes Moore in Biden country, and it's not because the people want that, because the idiots that you've elected are making that happen. They will not stand up to these people. In fact, they're carrying their water for them.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and it's not just this pedophilia and child sex trafficking and abductions, you know. Look at some of the crime here. Last week in Dublin a bank got robbed. There was a murder suicide in Joppa Town last weekend or two weekends ago, where in a local apartment complex in Joppa Town a couple of people came up from Baltimore and ended up. There was three people shot and then a suicide afterwards. So four fatalities in one incident. And again, I'm not accusing the apartments, you know that. But that is an argument that we want to see a study for high density housing and impact on violent crimes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think it's pretty obvious, when you get a lot of people from other areas that aren't used to the same way of life and being quiet and mind and earn business, that things going to get out of hand.

Speaker 2:

And we talk about. You know the violence in our schools, but it's spewing out into the streets as well and again within the past two weeks a juvenile fatally stabbed another juvenile in ham degrees. Yeah, it's sick and again it's very sad what's going on, but there's things that we can do.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean we need to limit our development to the point where not only the roads and the services, but also law enforcement, you know they need to be able to have a grip on this stuff.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to hear that this is a federal issue, you know. No, it's happening in our community and we need to make sure that we're addressing it, and that starts with talking about it.

Speaker 3:

It starts with the council. They're happy to talk about all kind of dumb stuff, but nobody wants to bring this up. They're disgusting. You want to know the truth.

Speaker 2:

Well, you bring up over development and again trying to bring this into a positive light. I hate that we're having to do this, but tomorrow night, or this upcoming week, september the 5th, the council's back from their summer break and they're coming right out and they have two things on their agenda. They have bill 23-026, which is a zoning code amendment to the warehouses, and 23-027, which is the reintroduction of the apartments, and B3, the general business district legislation that failed at the last session.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so that's Tuesday, September 5th. 730, I believe 730. The black box.

Speaker 2:

And it would be interesting to see council chambers yeah. The beautiful black box, yeah.

Speaker 3:

I'd like to see a lot of people out there and let them know how they feel, because at least one of the council members has a pretty weak memory when he said well, nobody opposed the apartments before Right, and he's called out on that one.

Speaker 2:

But I wouldn't want to see who's going to be introducing these bills, what these bills are going to be like, especially the apartment bill. What are they changing and who's going to have amendments. This one can have some impact, but it can't be delayed and it's going to have to be a very good bill coming through to have any impact in within our community. And then back to the warehouse bill. I want to see what the new square footage max is going to be in this legislation. Is it going to be a million square feet? Is it going to be 250,000 square feet? What is the maximum going to be allowed for a warehouse?

Speaker 3:

with this amendment, I can't see warehouses bringing in a lot of money in the future either. I mean, it's so hard to find help. We're going to end up having robots and things that don't have any impact on the local economy other than what the warehouse brings in and that'll be rooted to other places.

Speaker 2:

You're exactly correct and it's this tax increase and all these employment opportunities that some of the council are talking about. It's fake numbers, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

We'll get the garbage and the company will get the profit. I'm all for business, but that's not the kind of businesses we need around here.

Speaker 2:

It's not sustainable.

Speaker 3:

No, and it brings a lot of traffic and congestion and problems. Look, I got a question that's not on our list tonight, but do they have enough water in Hickory for all these apartments they're building, or are they going to have to build a water tower or two? And if they do, who pays for that? Do the builders contribute to that, or is that all on? We, the People?

Speaker 2:

I think that's we, the People, and those are the things that if that's going to be having to happen in that little community there that just shows the poor planning and just forcing through projects, and rubber stamping.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's worse than poor planning. It is intentionally destroying the county to benefit those that have contributed to your campaigns, because you've found ways to funnel that money into your own pockets.

Speaker 2:

Ding, ding, Dang dang. And again these people need to start standing up. They need to be doing what's right. I've heard a lot of Talks around the schools. You know getting out of the the smut in our schools and the indoctrination. I will like to make a quick side note here, Now that schools are back in session. I've been hearing that there has been a lot of gender ideation Surveying happening again this year. I want to remind the parents you can put your foot down.

Speaker 2:

Yes, one, that is illegal. But two, file your opt-out forms, get your children away from these, this indoctrination. It's very simple you just need to go on record and provide that information that you're going to avoid and you're going to take your child and opt them out of the, the health classes that are going to be talking about the over sexualization of our children and, again, not going down into that rabbit hole. We've talked about it so many times. I just wanted to remind parents, as the new year starts, make sure your your documents are up to date and your children are Um not being indoctrinated with the smut.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and it's time for the board to get rid of bolson. It's time for you to go. I've heard county officials. Oh, he seems like a nice guy, shut up. Have you seen what this guy's doing to our school, nice guy? It makes me so mad. I don't even want to talk to a county official that says that.

Speaker 2:

I don't even want to talk to this um bolson until he puts his foot down and says hey guys, we have an over population issue right now and we need to introduce a building moratorium and or reduce our Capacity to a hundred percent.

Speaker 3:

So place he's going to put his foot down. He's walking out the door right.

Speaker 2:

Well, and Back to what you said. You know he's a nice guy. He's a nice guy. He's just there to play ball with the rest of these people. So currently Legislation says if the school hits 110 capacity, there's an immediate building moratorium. Um.

Speaker 3:

Why 10 over? Because what you have to have a bunch of uh trailers out in front of the schools.

Speaker 2:

Right, and what that actually means is you can still build a community up to five homes.

Speaker 2:

You can't build anything larger than that. So why are we waiting to 110 percent? That Capacity is a hundred percent. So both on the school board and the county council side, they need to come together and fix this issue Because if you look around right now, majority Of the overpopulation is happening in the elementary schools.

Speaker 2:

And you talk about perryman you know perryman has an issue with the warehousing and everything like that, but their schools actually are over capacity as well. Um, falston is over capacity and I wanted to bring up a secondary note to this. Last year. I'm gonna, uh, specifically look at youth benefit elementary, one of the newest elementary schools in harford county. It was at capacity 100 percent last year. It's 1120 students.

Speaker 2:

They were projecting for this year only 10 more students 1130 but when it all came, when it came time to go back to school, it was 1140. It's only 10 students. But when you start talking about 10 students, it went from 100 percent capacity now to 102 percent capacity. So that number keeps growing and growing, and growing. But what is an actual good number to use? We have to wait till the school year starts. So that goes back to 100 percent is 100 percent. We don't want our children in closets getting um An education. We don't want class sizes over 30 35 children. So there are things, on a positive note, that we can have our elected officials. It's just do they have what's the right word? Um, did they have the the fortitude to actually stand up and do what's right for our community? Nope.

Speaker 3:

So so let's talk about the school's a little bit more. In florida, uh, but recently I think it was last week, a week before a pastor was thrown out of a meeting for reading the porn, and the porn he was reading was directly from a book that was in the schools. The good news is that governor ron desantis had instituted a law in florida where if a parent is Prevented from reading materials that are in the school, those materials must be immediately removed from the school. So we've had people thrown out for trying to read those materials to the council. Um, those material. I think that is a great rule. If that material is not suited for council or board meetings, it needs to be removed from the schools.

Speaker 2:

It's common sense, like literally. That makes the most sense to me and don't understand why again. I go right back to 110 percent right book burners If you're gonna throw somebody out. And I remember the council meeting, I remember the board of education meeting and you watch all these meetings that are being Shared on video. Would it be social media? Wherever and you're, they're going viral. We experienced this in harford county. Like this Is the most grass roots.

Speaker 2:

Efforts happened two years ago, um, and they weren't very nice when they were trying to remove these people first.

Speaker 3:

First um reading this no again it's sad, but your elected officials in harford county are bad. They're just as bad as the ones in the white house um, Perhaps worse, because they're local here and they look to you, look at your in the face and they lie to you. So but we don't want to keep going down the dark rabbit holes because people get sad and part of what the government's trying to do is make people sad and make people hopeless and want to give up. But what they've done is they've woken people up. People are, Are and not the the woke in the bad way. People are actually waking up to what's really going on, the corruption they're questioning what's happened to Maui. So now they've. You know you're not supposed to ask questions about that. You mentioned to me earlier that the Burning man Festival has a bunch of people locked in. There's some really sick evil stuff going on. If you don't think that there's demons and that there's evil on this planet, you are sadly mistaken and most of it's run in the government Local state, national, globally.

Speaker 2:

It's happening everywhere and as people wake up, know that there's 10 more people, you know that are doing the same thing or have been, you know, standing shoulder to shoulder. This community is the one that can fix this and fix these issues that we talked about today, and that's just literally question everything.

Speaker 3:

Yep, yep, you were. It's necessary to start paying attention, it's necessary to start questioning things. It's important that we all keep telling each other and encouraging each other and be here for each other, because there's a lot of signs, banking failures and all sorts of things that we'll talk about with a couple experts later on another program, but there's a lot of turmoil coming, but we don't have to suffer if we're, all you know, trusting in God and our friends and start working together to make this nation a better place. Amen. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, we'll be watching.

Masks, Lockdowns, and Election Challenges
Concerns in Hartford County
Concerns About Schools and Overpopulation
Controversy Over Reading Materials in Schools