Live Free - Die Last

Episode 25: Shedding Light on the Shadows of Harford County Politics

September 18, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 25
Episode 25: Shedding Light on the Shadows of Harford County Politics
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 25: Shedding Light on the Shadows of Harford County Politics
Sep 18, 2023 Season 1 Episode 25
Live Free - Die Last

Buckle up, my friends, as we journey into the heart of Harford County, unearthing corruption and scandal, and questioning the very fabric of our local democracy. This eye-opening conversation brings to light the stark divide between Team OD(overdevelopment) and the county, as we press towards greater transparency and accountability in our government. From political upheaval to online memes about a lost F-35 jet, this episode has it all, and you won't want to miss it. 

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes during a political campaign? Listen as we scrutinize State's Attorney Healey's scandal-laden exchange with her opponent, and the suspicious money connections between Erik Robey and the county. We're peeling back the layers of corruption, exposing allegations against high-ranking officials and questioning the use of surveillance technology by the Sheriff's Department. Through these revelations, we hope to inspire you to stand up against corrupt activities and safeguard our democracy.

But we're not just about exposing the dark side. We also want to put the spotlight on the role of the people in maintaining government accountability. This episode delves into the potential for a third term for a county councilman and what that could mean for the community. We're here to remind you of the power that you hold – the power to demand transparency and uphold the integrity of our society. So join us as we navigate this complex political landscape, laughing, learning, and most importantly, taking action together.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Buckle up, my friends, as we journey into the heart of Harford County, unearthing corruption and scandal, and questioning the very fabric of our local democracy. This eye-opening conversation brings to light the stark divide between Team OD(overdevelopment) and the county, as we press towards greater transparency and accountability in our government. From political upheaval to online memes about a lost F-35 jet, this episode has it all, and you won't want to miss it. 

Ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes during a political campaign? Listen as we scrutinize State's Attorney Healey's scandal-laden exchange with her opponent, and the suspicious money connections between Erik Robey and the county. We're peeling back the layers of corruption, exposing allegations against high-ranking officials and questioning the use of surveillance technology by the Sheriff's Department. Through these revelations, we hope to inspire you to stand up against corrupt activities and safeguard our democracy.

But we're not just about exposing the dark side. We also want to put the spotlight on the role of the people in maintaining government accountability. This episode delves into the potential for a third term for a county councilman and what that could mean for the community. We're here to remind you of the power that you hold – the power to demand transparency and uphold the integrity of our society. So join us as we navigate this complex political landscape, laughing, learning, and most importantly, taking action together.

Speaker 1:

We are, we, the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Hello Harford County. I'm your host of the we, the People Live Free Die Last podcast. My name is John Connor, fresh back from the future, and I've got two, two American patriots in the Freedom Pod with me tonight. On my right we have the Josh Could be back Patriots, and on the left Travis Sunday. And Travis Sunday is by no means left leaning. He is just sitting on my left.

Speaker 2:

That's right. That's the only time I'll be on your left.

Speaker 3:

He's very centered and unbiased, all right. So there's a lot of good stuff to talk about and a lot of dumb stuff to talk about. I'm going to ask the Josh to give you some information on we, the People, because I know you're clamoring for that information. We hear it all the time.

Speaker 4:

Thanks, John. And yeah, before we get out of hand and get carried away with the facts and the information tonight, always remember if you have anything that you want to share with us. We get a lot of great information from all of the listeners, but info at wethepeopleorg, that info at wethepeopleofmdorg.

Speaker 3:

See why I wanted Josh to do this.

Speaker 4:

PO Box 13, farstill, maryland. Send us any information that you would have. Our website is wethepeopleofmdorg. Same thing with our Facebook page, we, the People of Maryland, and visit our website Again, that's wethepeopleofmdorg, and sign up for a mailing list.

Speaker 3:

There's really good stuff going Great mailing list and there's also some cool merch. I mean, I know a lot of people look at me like on the stuff when I walk around with the hat and the shirt on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you're the bee's knees of the fashion.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's the term again the bee's knees Travis Sunday from 1950.

Speaker 2:

That's right. I was born in the wrong decade.

Speaker 3:

All right, will you tell us what the bee's doing at the end of the show? All right, we're going to get into some good stuff here, but before we do that, before we do it, look, I know the people in Hartford County are conservative and this is not Joe Biden country, even though it looks like Joe Biden country, and that's because of our politicians. But I want to do a Joe Biden service message because I think it's important. This is a really big topic. Joe lost an F-35 jet today. They're looking for it. If you find they're missing jet, please call the joint base in Charleston at 843-963-3600. I don't know if there is a monetary reward, but they'd really appreciate it if you can find that jet before the Chinese not the Chinese, never mind, they already have the blueprints. They'd like it if you found that jet before we did.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's funny that you bring that up. I saw a ton of memes going around. One was the DOD finally proved that the stealth technology actually works. They can't find it anymore. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

You know why. I know how they lost it Somebody told them to put trainee fluid in it and they filled it with Bud Light. That's probably what happened. But let's talk about Hartford County, because Donald Trump talked about draining the swamp and I think, if nothing else from the Trump administration, we did find out that there is a swamp in DC.

Speaker 4:

Hartford County. But can I actually interject? Interject it's a sewer, it's not a swamp, because a swamp is actually an ecosystem. Great point, this is a sewer.

Speaker 3:

That is a very good point. I don't want to live in the swamp, but I think the swamp has its place.

Speaker 4:

You always say that Hartford County is circling the bowl. That's where it ends up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, good point. Okay, so we're going to talk about the local sewer today. There we go and there's look. We are a nonprofit organization, we're not Republican and we're not Democratic, but we do associate more with small government, with sound money, people doing their own thing. And if you associate those talking points with Republican talking points, then I guess so do we, but that does not mean that, uh, you know, we're a Republican club because we're not. However, the people at the local Republican clubs and I'm being nice and not going to rhinos right now some of them get very upset that we talk about the Republicans in office and team OD. They think, um, well, you know, this is better than the Democrats. And I'm saying, no, you need to do the right things. I don't care what letter you have after your name. So it's really. It seems to be team OD versus the county lately. Um, and we had more of that today.

Speaker 4:

I think that's a great analogy, you know, of team OD versus the county, because there's they're picking and choosing their sides.

Speaker 3:

Larm system on the freedom pods going off. Maybe somebody found the jet. Don't worry, we're going to keep going. Travis Sunday is going to swing down and aim a 50 cal at something and see if we can stop this. That's right.

Speaker 2:

We are. We are armed and prepared for any eventuality here in the freedom pod Exactly.

Speaker 4:

But um, yeah, you talk about the divide. So when we go on and we bring out factual information out and we stand up against you know the corruption that's happening here in the county just because it happens to be one of the Republican friends, you know we're the bad guys.

Speaker 3:

We were the bad guys because we're calling out the sewer.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, um, but when team OD, as you said, when they call out anything against another Republican, they're they're held. As you know, the savior.

Speaker 3:

Does this make us the tidy ball man? I hope not, but the ball guy it's Mr Clean, Mr Clean.

Speaker 2:

We're Mr.

Speaker 3:

Clean. Okay, we can be Mr Clean.

Speaker 4:

I like that better. But again, it's a continued fight in here in the county and these people, you know they have all this time and energy um to to fight amongst themselves what's actually happening in the county, and I think we've well, yeah, that was my question If we're horrible for picking on team OD, what about team OD picking on the uh county executive who the people of Hartford County voted for?

Speaker 3:

And he was one of the few politicians in Hartford County that wasn't out blasting Dan Cox, who was another person that the people of Hartford County voted for. We really wanted Dan Cox's governor in Hartford County. I don't mean we the people, I mean we, the Harvard County people overwhelmingly supported this guy and our elected officials just chewed him up and would not help them. So those same exact people are going after county executive Casley hard.

Speaker 2:

Well, they didn't. They didn't just sit on the sidelines, they actively torpedoed his campaign.

Speaker 3:

And they're doing that with Bob's uh term now, if you will.

Speaker 4:

And it's so quick into the term, you know, not even waiting. You have, you know, freshman, uh, freshman councilman.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't want anybody to think that we're somehow on team Casley because that you couldn't be further from the case. I mean, we've been talking about on this program. We're waiting for things, uh, that we know are going to happen, and we want to see people stand up, and that's going to include county executive Casley, and we will give no slack to anyone that does not stand for freedom.

Speaker 2:

But on, on the other hand, when you see these kind of baseless political attacks happening oh, we got to take about all the crap that they've ignored over the last three years.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we got to point it out and we got to explain it. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

So who's part of team OD now? We have Aaron Penman, for sure.

Speaker 2:

Soil bottles yeah.

Speaker 3:

And Jessica Boyle. I thought maybe Penman was somehow county executive or county uh council president. Yeah, he's de facto county council president. We never hear from the president who who we saw running with Penman, and you know they did all that a lot.

Speaker 2:

But he's not, unless it's a Patty V Gavling down someone who's at the public comment.

Speaker 3:

That's what he's been reduced to, nothing else. Well, and yeah, what was that? The last meeting?

Speaker 2:

Oh, some guy got up. Uh, I don't, I don't even. I don't remember the guy's name, but I'm watching. This Guy talked during the public comments section and he asks a legitimate question. He says um, I've, I've heard that they're entertaining, uh, hiring councilman Penman back at the half half Harvard, weren't? Weren't Harvard, not Howard? Hartford County Sheriff's office. Yeah, and he was told he was gaveled down, Pat Patty V told him to shut up in it and while not, we weren't so many words, but we're not going to discuss rumors here.

Speaker 2:

And what was it Two, three days later? Uh, gailer, you for gig. Gailer sends out a tech. Uh.

Speaker 3:

I'll dare you to tell the truth, sit down.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they did actually hire him back. So the guy, the guy, knew something was about to happen and he asked about it. And and in a free uh society where citizens are respected, as as the government, we, the people, the rulers, the ultimate authority, when we, the people, are the ultimate authority, not we, the people are, are group, we, the people, like in the constitution, when, when someone gets up and asks a question and says, hey, is this happening? An answer is warranted. And I'm sure he knew, he knew that was about to happen and all he had to say was, yeah, that well, I, that's my understanding that they're entertaining, that I don't know that a decision has been made. He could, he could answer in a respective, a respectful way, like you would answer your boss, because that's who he was talking to. The man standing at the podium for the public comment section is Patty V's boss.

Speaker 4:

Or you could look over at Aaron Pennman and say hey, Aaron, do you want to address this question or not? It's as simple as that, you know, and get got it right from Aaron's mouth as well, but the ruling class.

Speaker 2:

they look down on us. They don't, they don't respect us. We're we're, we're plebs, we're beyond.

Speaker 3:

Team OD certainly does. We're worse because we're actually helping people understand their transgressions.

Speaker 4:

Yes, so we have Aaron, we have Jessica Boyle saddles, we have Pat Vinceni when team OD whoever else is scored, we have Taylor and we also now have Allison Healy as of today, and I think we should kind of give a little bit of context.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so we have left Allison Healy out of a lot of the discussions. However, that doesn't mean that we don't have a lot of information on her, and this is information that anybody can get. But we're going to do a public service and help you understand who's been donating to her causes and what she does, and we'll tell you where to get that information, if you'd like. Don't take our word for it. Unlike Joe Biden and Aaron Penman, we're not asking you to take our word for it and go look this stuff up. We'll tell you where to look it up.

Speaker 2:

Yep, it's all public avail, publicly available and you don't have to pay for it.

Speaker 3:

No, you don't. So go ahead, Josh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, basically, you know there are tons of ties here in Hartford County, you know, amongst this sewer system. But why would this all come up again today? Why, you know, why are we talking about this? Well, there was a press conference today. Again, they were saying I'm not politically fighting here, I'm not doing this, I'm not doing that.

Speaker 3:

It was a press conference called by the state's attorney.

Speaker 4:

State's attorney state's attorney, allison Healy, because she was upset at the county executive for not getting access or not. She requested access for emails from an employee of hers through the county executive Right and she did not get the information that she wanted in a timely fashion, or what again, I'm not her timeline was the information was requested last Thursday.

Speaker 3:

If I'm not mistaken, today is Monday and it's time to take the gloves off and get that angry face on and call a press conference. That seems awful. I'd folks, I think you'd sit down and talk, maybe have lunch.

Speaker 4:

And called him out by name, basically saying this was retaliation against her because she passed on a wiretapping case to the state's state prosecutor's office for investigation against Castley.

Speaker 3:

And, like she's tried the case and has all the facts, already knows exactly what the other side's doing and why.

Speaker 4:

And the crazy thing about this that you know, in my eyes they came out as far as us as county residents, taxpayers and citizens. She's now threatening that it's going to cost us millions of dollars because she's going to take the county executive to court over this. So the county taxpayers are going to pay for lawyers for the county executive as well, as she's going to need her own servers and her own IT department. That's going to be millions of dollars for this.

Speaker 3:

Her employee goes and extended leave and now she needs her own servers and things two days after requesting some information. Look at this, folks. Step back. Get the view from the freedom pod. Right, you got to step back and look at these things. This is the most absurd mess I've ever seen in my life. I hate to laugh because it's my own county, but watching politicians destroy themselves is kind of fun.

Speaker 2:

So I don't know. I don't work for the government, I work for a private company. I have a company email and if my boss needed my emails, my boss would ask me like hey, I understand you're going on vacation for a couple of weeks. Set your emails to forward to me for the next three weeks, or however long you're going to be on vacation or how you're out on medical leave. Whatever the case may be, it seems like a conversation that she should be having with this employee. I don't know if this woman has ever managed people before, or doesn't seem like it. Why does that involve the county executive in any way? Why?

Speaker 4:

does it involve millions of dollars, a lawsuit, a press conference, all of this stuff? Again, the reason I bring this up is she mentions that there's an emergency budget amendment or legislation that's needed. So that comes to the county council. That's going to be them approving this or somebody introducing this. Well, who do you think will do that? Ding ding? Team OD. I'm just saying yeah.

Speaker 3:

So let's get into some of that. Let's explain to people why we're connecting Honorable Allison Healey with team OD. First let me bring up one thing Not many people are nerdy enough to show up for all the campaign events, but we are and we were there.

Speaker 2:

We're nerdy and we just don't have a life.

Speaker 3:

We watched state's attorney Healey go full pit bull on her opponent. Was it Albert?

Speaker 4:

Pisoner yes, she did.

Speaker 3:

I mean there was accusations and all sorts of stuff. This woman took everybody by surprise by going. He man on her.

Speaker 2:

I mean he went for the throat like a dog with a bone.

Speaker 3:

So again, I don't know if those accusations were true or not. I didn't get to look into all that stuff, but the way she acted today seems like you would expect that from what we saw on the campaign trail.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, but you'd expect her to talk to her employee first, and get the information that he's just saying this way.

Speaker 3:

But I'll go ahead and describe some more of what went on today.

Speaker 4:

Well, if you keep going. You know she gave her press conference. She was very animated, did a couple of questions and answers and again, it was a very weird situation. So, like I guess only a few people knew about this press conference that was going to happen I think Aaron Penman was there, obviously Allison Healey, bob Castley was there and the press was there and a couple other news was awfully excited about it.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so it was Fox, fox 45. Yeah, yeah, our local news, and I think there was a couple other people there recording animated questions, animated reporters. And then they did an interview, a counter interview, with Bob Castley right afterwards, and then they followed that up with, you know, I think, a gem. You know they forgot to turn off the microphone.

Speaker 3:

All right, so we'll go into the evidence, but first let's play the 54 seconds that got so after the interview went on. So what we're going to play here is the county executive. After the county executive was done speaking, I guess he walked away and you can hear what appears to be Aaron Penman, I believe speaking with the reporters, and the reporters speaking amongst themselves is what it sounds like.

Speaker 4:

The very first part of it that you hear is not Aaron Penman.

Speaker 3:

I apologize that I don't know that it is. It sounds like him to me.

Speaker 4:

Sounds like him, I would say he's involved in the conversation. It's not just you know. So the first part is, I think, the reporter and the cameraman potentially a reporter reporter talking together when they say that this is an S show, yeah. And then, secondly, you'll hear Aaron talk and then, lastly, you'll hear them all chuckle together.

Speaker 3:

And this is a good time to explain to the children that sometimes adults curse and they shouldn't.

Speaker 1:

I have already spoken to you.

Speaker 3:

Remember, this is a hot way.

Speaker 1:

Let's go, let's go. This is good, this is the next thing we're going to do. There we go.

Speaker 2:

I guess my take about all this is you know when is the county executive going to take responsibility? Professional.

Speaker 1:

What a shit shot we just took cybersecurity training for the first time.

Speaker 3:

I just can't think of many people to give a fucking answer. There you go Again. We apologize for the language that whoever that was used. Obviously they did not realize they were on the air and it's not earth shattering, but that conversation is a little bit telling and it makes you wonder how friendly the reporters are with the people that they're working for.

Speaker 2:

It seems like Well, and the lack of intellectual curiosity.

Speaker 3:

Here's. This is they do what their story was before they got here, and that's been a problem with reporters for a long time. Is that what you're kind of getting at? Well, we're not looking for the answers. We're going to tell you what the story is.

Speaker 2:

Correct, and the same reporters have been uninterested in the fact that there is a guy that should be in jail, should not be. You know and I feel like I'm beating a dead horse because we've said this on other podcasts before You've got Eric Roby making a six figure salary that works for the sheriff's office. He was in trouble. He escaped prosecution in Anne Arundel County when he was John Leopold's chief of staff. He escaped prosecution by rolling over on John Leopold. And this is the guy, this, this is really the face of the sheriff's office that Gailer has chosen to present to public. It's more than the face.

Speaker 2:

He's the gatekeeper. He's literally the gatekeeper.

Speaker 4:

It's a political operative leading team I think it leads right into talking about the layers of this onion in the.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let's go after another layer. Who's the number two in command at the sheriff's office? It wasn't. Didn't he do something to their? There are allegations ice cream cones or something.

Speaker 2:

There are allegations of a senior command staff, high ranking official at the sheriff's office, while he was employed at another agency, being involved in a scalping ticket. Scalping Okay.

Speaker 3:

So it's not not not definite, it's just allegations. The newspaper articles that Okay, it's from the news that I have found.

Speaker 2:

Don't mention him by name, but it's all right. It's the same situation where he does. He gets out of trouble because he rolled over on, he got caught and he got. He rolled over on others that were involved in the scheme and you know there was selling, reselling these tickets or reusing them after. You know if they, if they confiscated these things as evidence, they should have been with evidence.

Speaker 3:

Okay, but we're not sure that that okay. Sorry about that, folks. I apologize. I don't want to make inaccurate accusations against people. That's definitely not what we're here for.

Speaker 4:

Well, where I was going with that layer of you know, put back another layer of the onion, continuing with Eric Ruby, so tying these people together. We talked about Eric Ruby and his just dealings with the county and the county elected officials, with his company insider management taking over $270,000 from local politicians. But let's dive into that money a little bit more.

Speaker 3:

Let's dive into Allison's money.

Speaker 4:

That's what I'm saying. We got Eric Ruby insider management partnering together with the Hartford County Sheriff's Department Union who, at the time, aaron Penman, was the president of.

Speaker 3:

We're not making this stuff up.

Speaker 4:

The Hartford County Sheriff's Department Union paid insider management and Eric Ruby roughly $13,000 for political hack work. Well, part of that and again this is an assumption I want to see the receipts on that, but you're telling me that.

Speaker 3:

Well, we don't know what they pay them for. Yeah, I have no idea. We have no idea.

Speaker 4:

But there was a couple mailers that went out for Allison Healy from the Hartford County Sheriff's Department Union, and this is in addition to them donating thousands of dollars to her actual campaign but also putting out these mailers that were complete hit pieces on her opponent. So again, here we go. We're starting to team OD coming together, allison Healy joining in with Aaron Penman, who's always involved in something.

Speaker 3:

Oh, tell us about the Euler connection with Allison, healy.

Speaker 2:

Well, you want to talk about the real estate. What was that? One entry you found that had a $1,000 in kind donation for real estate on the corner of getting cornered from the black box.

Speaker 3:

So during the campaign, I don't know if those of you that would run through Bel Air that's not Main Street. What is that? Bond Street?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Street, go down Bond Street, and there was like a vacant lot.

Speaker 2:

Right across from PNC Bank.

Speaker 3:

Right and on that lot. Well, yeah, on that lot you would often see a Barry Glassman car campaign car At least campaign vehicle from oil bill. At some point they brought generators in a C container that was converted to an office and it had big signs on it.

Speaker 4:

Allison Healy for state's attorney Make crime illegal again. I think it was.

Speaker 3:

Might have been make crime illegal again, something like that.

Speaker 4:

But again, if you want to follow the money, well, who owns that lot?

Speaker 3:

Who owns it? Who wants to answer it, mike?

Speaker 4:

Euler, the same guy from the false departments here that you know it's the same false departments that Aaron Pennman's been taking out beating over.

Speaker 2:

The same guy. Can't be the same guy.

Speaker 3:

It's the same guy and and ooh, ooh, how about all the donations he gave to her? Come on, so let me just pull up one. I'll let you go at your pace, I'm sorry.

Speaker 4:

Let me do one financial report, just one short, one short financial report. It's not the whole thing, no, this is not the year's worth.

Speaker 2:

When you're a candidate, you've got to file multiple reports. It's actually a pain.

Speaker 4:

It's once a year, I believe, out of election cycle, and when you're in election cycle you're filing them. What?

Speaker 2:

is it quarterly, Every couple months?

Speaker 4:

But you're right before, right after each one of the elections as well. So there's like five or six reports that you have to file during the election year.

Speaker 2:

Tell us what this one says Josh. There's per person limits. I'm going to come back to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So looking at a report from last summer, 2022. Alison Healy during this report let's see here and excuse me for the paper noise going around she took in about $38,500 and spent about $34,000. So just kind of looking at this and to help educate. This is for educational purposes, for our listeners.

Speaker 3:

Anybody can do this?

Speaker 4:

Yep. So if you do, just type in a search engine Maryland campaign finance reports click on it and then all you have to do is type in their last name, because everybody's last name is part of their campaign and what they use is their campaign name, their entity, and you'll have to do a little bit of digging, because a lot of these, as you're going to hear, come from things that developers own and some of their interests that you may not understand and that goes back to the campaign finance limits, because Mike Euler can't just write a check for $20,000 to Alison Healy.

Speaker 2:

It's against the law but they kind of do an end run around that in these ways that we'll describe Correct and people have gotten in trouble in that.

Speaker 4:

Again, not accusing because you know, not accusing any other you know of these companies or people for doing this, but I'm asking people start tying this money together. Um, one thing that they like to do is use LLCs. So a recent project in Fauston was the Almar Village housing that's behind the tractor supply store that's tied to the same developer that we've been talking about that's trying to put these apartments in in Fauston. Well, for some reason, almar Village residential LLC donated to Allison Healey $6,000. So is that the developer? Is that the HOA?

Speaker 4:

you know the company had an interest in doing that Again the one other thing you can do is type in any search engine. Maryland LLC searches. And you can find out who's the benefactor of that. Continuing a couple more pages down and again, I'm not going to get into this because I love talking numbers, I love talking, you know, looking at this type of stuff. But oh, here's the one I just brought up the Hartford County Deputy Sheriffs Pack, which is part of their union $4,350 donation.

Speaker 3:

That was you know, and it was run by Aaron Penman.

Speaker 4:

Yes, let's go back a couple more pages, you know who they.

Speaker 2:

You know who the Deputy Sheriffs Union endorsed for Council B.

Speaker 3:

Aaron Penman. Imagine that.

Speaker 4:

Here's another one. Three entries, $1,250. It's $1,250, $750, and $250 from Aaron Penman's campaign manager, the ringleader, mr Joe Sne.

Speaker 3:

Yes, a team OD is heavily invested in the state's attorney and they're getting hammered right now. So all of a sudden, the state's attorney shows up with some charges, or is it charges? Maybe not Allegations?

Speaker 4:

Allegations yeah, so here's another one. You brought this up before for the remarks on this entry on the financial report Campaign headquarters trailer $161.29.

Speaker 3:

This is undervalued for the location we told you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I don't think and you talked to any of the business owners there in Bel Air I don't think they're getting rent for $1,000.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's $161 for that entry. This next entry is for $1,161.29. That seems weird to me.

Speaker 3:

Maybe that's when the C container showed up, and the C container was $1,000.

Speaker 4:

But again, here's another one another $1,200 from two other LLCs.

Speaker 3:

Trying to help you out. Team OD.

Speaker 4:

Pull up a financial report, start questioning these LLCs looking into it. It's going to tell you a crazy picture. But again, this is just one quick financial report, a couple pages of it. I'm going to put it away because we'll be here all night if I don't.

Speaker 3:

Yeah the story, and this guy's the story of most elections we know for sure in Harford County. The guys that get up there and gals that get up there and run will say all sorts of things that they think you want to hear. But if you look at who's behind them and what they say and do afterwards, that tells the true story, what they don't do, what they don't do. So let's just talk about some of what hasn't been done. We can tell you that we've had have evidence. We've handed to everybody that will listen that the superintendent of public schools is not following the law with regard to serving people for their pronouns.

Speaker 3:

Now I heard today at the press conference that the law is the law and we're going to enforce the law. The state's attorney has flat out refused to investigate this. Look at it, does not care. Election integrity, voter fraud in Maryland Tons of evidence, nobody to look at it. What else do we have? We don't have. I haven't. I would have hoped, right now, with this dangerous killer on the loose, that we would have had all sorts of press conferences and people talking about that and it's crickets. We got nothing.

Speaker 4:

We got the dog, the bounty hunter, chimed in, but we can barely get information here locally. It's a great point that you bring up. I mean, what is really the most important thing going on? It's not here what's happening locally, it truly we're being pushed to the side.

Speaker 3:

It seems like not only that, we're at the hospitals where they literally killed grandma with remdesivir. There you go. I mean, those things are out now you can go and look it up. The mask mandates. A lot of the stuff that was going on was wrong. Now, Nobody was standing up for the constitution that they like to talk about. Nobody was standing up for the people that were being killed, murdered with vents and remdesivir. They were murdered and no one's looking into it.

Speaker 2:

And if I sound angry, I am Well, the hospitals were being incentivized to put people on it.

Speaker 3:

It was murder. For hire they were being paid.

Speaker 2:

That's a fact.

Speaker 3:

And the reason they get away with it. Nobody's looking into it.

Speaker 4:

And I think the reason why you get so mad and trying to connect it here locally again for new listeners or people that don't know this the Hartford County Council is the board of health in Hartford County, so there is a reason to be upset with them when they're locking us down and doing these things and literally not listening to the people. You know when we're telling them.

Speaker 3:

Yeah and not you know. So let's talk about this. This is really important. So we now have several instances, because Aaron Penman I don't know if anybody knows it, but he's been hired by the sheriff.

Speaker 3:

He left his job because he knew that being a councilman and being on the Hartford County payroll was not allowed. The county charter forbids it. Joseph Bennett, who's a Democrat and a teacher, had the same predicament when he was able to get a bunch of high powered Democrat lawyers to find some judge somewhere that would say that, even though he's being paid by the taxpayers in Hartford County and Hartford County public schools, that somehow that's not a Hartford County employee. So they put him back on the payroll. So as soon as you know, the sheriff got his chance, he hired Aaron Penman back for his payroll. Now I'm going to tell you, if you continue to spit in the face of the very charter that gives you your legitimacy, you're going to find out that you're illegitimate too. That charter is what created the Hartford County government that you now sit on, a council that owes its life to that charter. If you continue beating on the charter, you're beating on your own damn self.

Speaker 4:

Well, amen, I mean, you're 100% right. These people have no value or no moral in the foundation of what our community and county is founded upon and they just want to go make a little tweak, a little tweak, a little tweak. Well, that's how this place gets overdeveloped. You know again, I'm not going to go on this rant, we've talked about it a hundred times but these variances, or hey, we just need to change up, zone it this way a little bit. Nothing bad is going to happen, but just trust me, we just need to do this. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 2:

But if you're Harry Homo and you got a half acre or three quarters of an acre of land and you want your one cargo rods to be a two cargo rods, you've got to jump through all these hoops and you're probably getting a variance.

Speaker 3:

And, god forbid, don't have a chicken on less than an acre of land.

Speaker 2:

But if you're rich enough to, if you're rich enough to buy yourself a council person or council critter or three, then you'll get your big old development.

Speaker 3:

Well, and I'm not kidding about the whole charter thing, because right now this Hartford County is doing the work of the Democrats and Joe Biden. Everything here looks like it. Barry Glassman had died in the wool Democrat, even though he called himself a Republican. Look at what he did. He did everything like a Democrat would do, and the council goes along with it. Patty V the same way. So at the end of the day, if these people ever start acting like Republicans and doing the work of the Hartford County citizens and what we want them to do, the state's going to step in and just revoke the charter, because they're not adhering to it anyway.

Speaker 4:

It's another good point.

Speaker 3:

You know who you're going to have to thank for this guys Yourselves, yeah.

Speaker 4:

It's worth getting involved in, because you were 100% correct when you say you know this charter is the foundation and when these people are starting to poke and prod into this, in the infighting that there is, that they're doing its distraction of really what's going on that's involving our communities. You know we've talked about the over development and stuff like that. There's a ton of things that are going on, but there's you're, they're playing the game. Hey, look over here, Look over here, why we're changing up the charter and changing up things and adding these things to our community that are not necessary behind our backs. But they said oh, we told you you know a man brother.

Speaker 3:

So, Travis, tell us what the foundation of the American government is supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

Well, the foundation of the American view of government is that we have rights and our rights come from God. What about? Yeah, there is a God and our rights come from him and, if you, what documents are we looking at?

Speaker 2:

We're looking at the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, exactly, and people, people beat up on people like us for talking about the Constitution. But but but think about it in these terms. Think about if you were playing a game of baseball and you know one, one team starts getting a little behind Right and they said, oh well, you get, you guys get four outs this time, or it's the rulebook, you know well it's. We've gone ten innings, but you know we still haven't achieved the desired result. We want this other team to win, let's go, let's go another it, let's go. Another inning, let's keep going more innings until but it's more than that right but but that's, you know, that's, that's in terms of the layman can understand.

Speaker 2:

That's what. That's what they're doing.

Speaker 3:

They're, they're, they're changing the rules of the game, right, well, and it's stream and my point on all of this is that our country's at stake, our country's in danger. We, we, literally those of us that love the Constitution, those of us that love freedom, we literally stand on the shoulders of giants. You've heard people say that, and they don't mean it, but I'm telling you that is the truth. This document has been under attack for many, many years and Without a whole lot of help from the citizenry, without a whole lot of help from those elected officials, it still stands. We, we owe those giants Adept of gratitude, and I'll be darned if we're gonna go down without trying to fight for this Constitution. That's what the freedom pod does, that's what that's what we're all about here, and it does start locally, because we are going to demand that our local elected officials Stand up for that Constitution, and that's gonna mean you too, aaron Penman, not just for team OD, but for we, the people.

Speaker 4:

That's, you know, great information. I know we were going long here, but I wanted to bring back and talk a little bit more of the dynamics and the ties between team OD. And what is team OD? Oh for it. So We've talked about Aaron. He's involved in everything, you know. He's recused himself from the apartment bill, you know, piece of legislation that would have helped a community. Potentially. Is it the best piece of legislation? No, but it's a starting point. And why did he recuse himself from?

Speaker 3:

that? What was the reasoning Um this ties?

Speaker 4:

with Euler, I guess, or sneak, I don't know good reason, there was no reason for him to recuse himself. Well, actually, yes, I will give a reason. We asked him to recuse himself because of his ties to Joe Snee and the developers and everything that he should also Recuse himself from anybody or any legislation that comes, including the budget for the sheriff's department. So this guy won't have represent or, excuse me, the people of district B Are losing out on representation on two major Factors of his actual job. Well, me too.

Speaker 4:

So he didn't vote on this bill. It didn't get passed. Now it's gonna be reintroduced. There's a public hearing on it on October the 2nd that this is an entire county wide issue. Everybody in the county that has a concern whether you're from Hickory, bel Air, yes, aberdeen, where all it's happening everywhere Everybody needs to be at the public hearing on Forget the bill number, but it's October the 2nd at 6 pm At the council chambers right now. They're gonna need a bigger boat, they're gonna need to get the high school or something like that before. Fauston looks like Hickory exactly, and then again it's not just Fauston. Penin is involved in this Accusation of wiretapping and stuff against the county executive, so again, he's involved in this Continued fight. He's got his involvements with this campaign team. He's also, you know, in a fight against the county executive about misappropriations.

Speaker 3:

Oh, someone from the sheriff's department is worried about wiretapping. They literally have Stingray which can illegally survey American citizens has been proven time again in some jurisdictions to have been used for that. And they're gonna argue I mean, I don't have any proof of what they're using it for here and I doubt we could for it.

Speaker 2:

No, but it's, but they have it, it's not. It's not a crazy question to ask when you got guys like Roby, they, you know again, I'm beating a dead horse. We talked about this before another podcast. But you had Roby, who admitted under oath to To possessing dossiers compiled by the Anarondo County police on John Leopold's political opponents and he casually admitted to reading those and basically said yeah, we knew most of that stuff.

Speaker 3:

It wasn't a big deal that seems to have catapulted them to a place of prominence in Hartford County.

Speaker 2:

It is a big deal and someone like that should not be Working anywhere near a law enforcement agency with access to this kind of information and technology that that has great potential for misuse.

Speaker 4:

Agree. And two more points that I want to make, one about you, one about Penman and Euler. You so again, all the people that are listening out there in district B, I want you to understand. Within the week so will not August of the 11th, there was hundreds, if not a thousand plus people at the Ronnie Chenoweth Center in Fauston, all Coming together within two weeks of notification that apartments were going up in fall or being proposed in Fauston. So within that two week period, all these people show up, speak out against their, you know, against the displeasure. Well, within that week, down in Ocean City, what do you see? You see Aaron Penman and Mike Euler hanging out At some event down in Ocean City, at Mako.

Speaker 2:

I think it was JB Jennings fundraiser.

Speaker 4:

He always has one down there Could be yeah, but again, all these inner workings, inner workings. We forgot to talk about one of the team players tonight, jessica Boyle Sottles, and I wanted to bring this up to all the listeners. And again, this is county-wide issues. It's this is not a Fauston issue.

Speaker 3:

This is not that, but I want people to understand so and since you're saying that while you're looking, these are representatives from certain locations, but they represent all of us. They don't just represent that county. The decisions they make affect all of us.

Speaker 4:

Um, tmo D went in front of the county council over the summer. So down in Aberdeen, the old wetlands, golf course, yeah, that was sold. You know there's some plans happening with that, but yeah, there's a huge.

Speaker 3:

Is that the 900 house thing that they're gonna put up in Aberdeen now?

Speaker 4:

Mmm, I'm not. I think it's that one, but there is another conversation as well. Um, this one was annexed into Aberdeen, I think, in 21, 2021, so now it's part of this the city of Aberdeen. And when a property transfers like this, you have to wait five years before you can do anything to it. So Joe Snead works with Jessica Boyle-Sottles and goes in front of the council looking for a waiver so that they can develop this piece of land sooner than that five-year period. Again, this is the stuff that happens. It happens so quickly. How many people remember that from the council meeting and how quick it happened? Again, this is the type of stuff that Team OD is taking over the county.

Speaker 3:

And if you're interested in that type of stuff, we have a lot of information with regard to what a lot of people necessarily want to try to understand, but rules for the developers and things, and we can show you a lot of examples where the developers have saved a lot of money by being able to skirt those rules.

Speaker 3:

I don't know that we want to get deep into that tonight, but if we think that's a good topic, we could have a couple people on to explain those things and, in light of what's going on in Fauston, maybe we give those people a voice, because there's some people doing some really good research there that have a lot of information and I don't want to just regurgitate their information as if we did the work Give them a voice.

Speaker 2:

I think one thing, one word that keeps popping back into my head here is the word integrity. And when we talked about ethics, been through different ethics classes and training and things like that, and they talk about not just doing the right things, but doing the right things the right way. And if you want to change the charter, then there is a process, there's a legal process for do with that. You don't just ignore it.

Speaker 3:

It's the same thing with constitutional amendments Right, you don't just challenge it in court, especially one that's been standing for this long, and suddenly decide well, that's not right.

Speaker 2:

Right, I mean you go back to Chad Schrods. He was a county employee. He had to leave before he became a councilman. There's precedent for a lot of people that had other government jobs that have resigned, knowing that when they ran for that office that was something they were expected to do to comply with the charter the law, and if you think that certain laws are bad, I'm all for challenging them and not complying.

Speaker 3:

This is something that's been going on for a long time. It's a little different because you know going in, that these are the rules, this is the deal Exactly, and Penman knew, because he actually resigned from the police force and did the right thing Until he didn't, until he did.

Speaker 4:

So actually bringing up a question is Jacob Bennett still donating half of his salary? Didn't he say he was gonna do that?

Speaker 3:

He did on the campaign trail.

Speaker 4:

He was gonna donate half of his salary. Did he do it? I don't know, he's still working. Is Aaron gonna do that too? But again, you know, keeping it positive, I'm sorry, I don't mean to keep bad people, no, no the positive thing is here is wow, people are waking up.

Speaker 3:

man, I've never seen so many people on to what's going on in Hartford County as they are now.

Speaker 4:

They're talking, they're aware and people are sending me information that is, you know, I don't even know about it. They're like, hey, did you just see this? And I'm like what, yeah? So again, that goes back If you have things to talk about.

Speaker 2:

Yeah keep it coming.

Speaker 4:

Info at wethepeopleofmdorg, PO Box 13 in Forest Hill, Get involved on our Facebook page, our mailing list. And, as you said, John, these people are waking up and it's not gonna stop. We can't let it stop Cause it's there's so many things happening in the next two to three years that it's worth our communities staying in the fight and working together for this.

Speaker 2:

And I think a lot of these things that we're seeing now are distractions. We talked about this earlier. You know these made up scandals and you look at what's going on behind the curtain and the term limits, proposed term limits legislation that's another one. Like we have term limits every four years we get to vote for somebody else.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'd like to see a recall legislation, though. That would be really something.

Speaker 2:

That would be yeah. If somebody really wants to be serious, let's do recall legislation, not term limits, cause we have those already.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, even that's. You know, gotta be careful, cause you need to make sure it's overwhelming. Majority of the people want to do it, and I suppose that at this point the Democrats would vote to keep him on board, cause he's doing their work.

Speaker 2:

But you look at, like, what are they saying? A two term limit. Is that what they're saying? Well, they don't have any problem. Gailers on his. What third term?

Speaker 3:

Well, not only that, but there's a never ending supply of people that will do the wrong thing for the right money, and if the people actually find themselves a champion, they ought to be able to keep them and not have to give them up because of some silly legislation.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So we could go on and on all night, but we're not going to do that. I will say one more thing, and that is I hope it doesn't happen, but I fear that our councilman and our executive and all of the people in the Maryland assembly that represent Harvard County are going to have a chance to stand up against tyranny. They're going to have that chance very soon and it's going to be important that they all do it, and we're going to be watching and we're going to see who stands up for it and who doesn't, and we're going to let you know. You agree.

Speaker 2:

I agree Amen.

Speaker 3:

So, as always, keep your eyes out, look for the bad stuff and let us know. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

The Freedom Pod
Political Corruption and Campaign Scandals
Press Coverage and Government Accountability Concerns
Recusal, Corruption, and Public Awareness
People's Support for Extending Term Limits