Live Free - Die Last

Episode 27: Navigating a Sewer: Exposing Deepening Divides in Harford County and Beyond

October 04, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 27
Episode 27: Navigating a Sewer: Exposing Deepening Divides in Harford County and Beyond
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 27: Navigating a Sewer: Exposing Deepening Divides in Harford County and Beyond
Oct 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 27
Live Free - Die Last

Ready to navigate through the tumultuous political landscape of Harford County and beyond? Brace yourself for the revelations as we expose the questionable alliances of those who claim to be Republicans and their support for Wes Moore. We'll unravel the implications of Kevin McCarthy's recent ousting as House Speaker and its significance for the Republican party. Get ready to understand how these national politics mirror the challenges we face right here in our backyard. 

In the same spirit of unearthing truths, we'll delve into the attack on the County Executive by Sheriff Jeff Gahler and Aaron Penman, widening our lens to inspect the role of a political advisor in this melee. We'll put the proposed construction of a larger EMS, fire safety, and sheriff training facility under the microscope, assessing its potential impact on the county's budget. The increasing crime rate in Hartford County isn't escaping our scrutiny either - we'll question whether this training center is the right answer to our safety concerns. 

Shifting our lens to the Councilmanic Redistricting 2021-2022, we'll spotlight the potential conflict of interest and how it may have been manipulated for certain candidates' advantage. We're tackling the ethical implications of providing legal counsel to county employees for 'headline-seeking' politicians and the 'blue line' divide that's been brewing among council members. Putting community at the center, we'll guide you through upcoming important council and committee meetings and how you can make a difference. Unveil the truth behind the headlines - because it's your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family, and your destiny.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready to navigate through the tumultuous political landscape of Harford County and beyond? Brace yourself for the revelations as we expose the questionable alliances of those who claim to be Republicans and their support for Wes Moore. We'll unravel the implications of Kevin McCarthy's recent ousting as House Speaker and its significance for the Republican party. Get ready to understand how these national politics mirror the challenges we face right here in our backyard. 

In the same spirit of unearthing truths, we'll delve into the attack on the County Executive by Sheriff Jeff Gahler and Aaron Penman, widening our lens to inspect the role of a political advisor in this melee. We'll put the proposed construction of a larger EMS, fire safety, and sheriff training facility under the microscope, assessing its potential impact on the county's budget. The increasing crime rate in Hartford County isn't escaping our scrutiny either - we'll question whether this training center is the right answer to our safety concerns. 

Shifting our lens to the Councilmanic Redistricting 2021-2022, we'll spotlight the potential conflict of interest and how it may have been manipulated for certain candidates' advantage. We're tackling the ethical implications of providing legal counsel to county employees for 'headline-seeking' politicians and the 'blue line' divide that's been brewing among council members. Putting community at the center, we'll guide you through upcoming important council and committee meetings and how you can make a difference. Unveil the truth behind the headlines - because it's your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family, and your destiny.

Speaker 1:

We are, we, the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Here we go, hartford County. I'm your host, john Connor, and this is another edition of the Live Free Die Last podcast. As always, we're broadcasting high above Hartford County in the Freedom Pod. To my right we have the Josh.

Speaker 4:

Good evening Patriots. I'm glad we're back and ready to take this Freedom Pod on a ride tonight.

Speaker 3:

And in the left co-pilot seat we have Travis Sunday.

Speaker 2:

Travis Sunday thank you Sunday?

Speaker 3:

Sunday Sunday, all right. So a lot of craziness is happening in the world. As always, let's start out with some national news. We've seen something I haven't seen in my lifetime McCarthy was ousted as Speaker of the House. That was the first time ever.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Wow. So my opinion is this guy's a terrible example of a Republican.

Speaker 2:

I agree.

Speaker 3:

So people, there's a lot of people out there that think it's Republicans versus Democrats. No, sorry, the sewer is inhabited by the unit party and there's very few on the outside. And when they do get on the outside, the rest of them like to smack them down. So this was interesting to see the outsiders smacking down the insiders for a change. Now let's just talk about this just for a second, because I want you to understand why a little bit of why we're saying McCarthy is so bad. Forget that he has an R after his name. It doesn't mean squat Tell us what he voted for.

Speaker 4:

There's a handful of things, and the good thing is people are waking up to all of this and it's hitting on everybody's all their radar. He voted for same-sex marriage. He voted for BAC's mandates for the military. The list goes on. Over $100 billion for Ukraine. Just looking at those three things, that's a lot of.

Speaker 3:

It is. Is it true that he wanted to use Medicare funds to fund the US Postal Service?

Speaker 2:

That's correct the handling USPS.

Speaker 3:

He's for drafting women. Well, at least he could tell the difference between a man and a woman. I guess that's something the Democrats can't do. He's on the J6. Are you voted for the J6 committee? You know the tyranny committee.

Speaker 4:

Well, so a guy gets to pull the fire emergency system. Before the vote but I thought that was the door open button.

Speaker 3:

I thought it was a door and Hank Johnson over on the left side of the building where all the dum-dums say oh, it's gonna flip over.

Speaker 4:

He wanted DC to be a state and he voted for amnesty, for DACA. So again, these are not the things that the Republican Party is standing for. They're trying to reevaluate their principles and their morals Right.

Speaker 3:

Small government, sound money. These are the things the Republican Party says they stand for, among others. But these are the two most glaring things that most of the Republicans in higher office shun. So why did we start talking about that? Because we had a lot of craziness going on in our own little backyard in Harford County. I don't know how many of you will show hands. How many people were at the county council meeting Monday and Tuesday? We're gonna have to turn on the X-ray vision in order to see the hands tonight right through your houses. I promise it does not reveal what you look like.

Speaker 2:

Has nothing to do with the 5G test that happened today.

Speaker 3:

Now, this is organic, that's right. We're not using any G's at all.

Speaker 2:

Except in the freedom pot.

Speaker 3:

Right, we're not Go on, josh.

Speaker 4:

The one thing that I'm seeing is, you know, with this McCarthy situation, the Republicans are, they're having a fit over this. They're gonna stand up a little bit and push back even further. He was removed for many different reasons, like we just talked about, but also are some of them actually gaining a little bit more confidence Again?

Speaker 6:

tying that back in the Harford County.

Speaker 4:

When we're gonna be talking about this, I wanna make sure we're tying the federal side to the Harford County side now, because we need people to stand up for the people, and what I'm bringing up with on the federal side is what did they do today?

Speaker 3:

So there was reports that the Republicans were punishing the Democrats. Traditionally, whoever wins the House has the offices in the House building. They allowed Steny Hoyer and Pelosi Nancy Pelosi that keep their offices over there because they're such standout examples of politicians. Anyway, they left them in there, but now they've kicked them out because we're angry. Is that what it took for the Republicans to find their balls? Matt gets to get rid of their Rhino speaker and now, all of a sudden, they're gonna punish them. The Democrats are doing crazy stuff. They need to be punished. They need to stand up to these people. We need to go back to having the rule of law. We need to go back to having freedom and not tyranny.

Speaker 4:

I'll take care about his special interest groups. Special interest groups. Where do these special interest groups lead? You know, on the federal side, where's all of our money going right now?

Speaker 3:

Well, a lot of money is going to the Ukraine, when people here could use the money. Or actually, how about Republican principles of sound money? We spend less, tax less? Nope, no chance of that. We crank up the printing press and send a bunch of money to the Ukraine.

Speaker 4:

The problems in Hartford County. They're very similar. The difference here is both the Democrats and the Republicans are upset with T-MOD.

Speaker 3:

Yes, in Hartford County you're right, at this point the sewer is re-reaking and well, and let's get deep into that, because there's also cases where you're going to find out that the people that say they're Republican and support the Republicans also supported Wes Moore. Wes Moore, that guy is a petty tyrant. He's a communist and I promise you, the Democrats are grooming him to be your president.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's going to pop out of nowhere on the national.

Speaker 3:

He's up, and then we really got something to talk about, joe Sne.

Speaker 4:

Breaking to Hartford County is, you know, just?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, just business. Exactly that's where I was just going to. It's just business. Again, this is business against the people. This has nothing to do with the common folk, the regular citizen, the voter. If you're not part of a special interest group and not receiving some sort of silver lining or getting your pockets lined or getting to go to some fancy gala to make you feel special, it doesn't matter.

Speaker 3:

I'm really excited about what we're going to talk about tonight because I sat there Monday night and I listened to all the people and there's a lot of people in that room, I look. I don't agree with everything everyone says, but the impassioned speeches for the quality of life and for humans were coming from people from all sorts of political ilk in that room, and that was something that we should all stand up and pat ourselves in the back about. Hey, we have a lot of commonalities. We all want to live decent lives without having this monster mess in our backyard.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

And again Monday night was a great night of the community coming together. It sure was. I think let's talk about that here in a couple seconds, but first I think everybody needs to pop some popcorn.

Speaker 3:

Are we going to play?

Speaker 4:

a clip. Last night was very interesting. I think we'll play a clip here in a second, but before we get into that let's talk about this team, od, and what's been going on in the past 24, 48 hours.

Speaker 3:

The OD is overdevelopment, not overdose.

Speaker 4:

We have, and it's well known right now that Aaron Penman and Sheriff Jeff Gaylor are on a full on attack mode of the county executive. It doesn't matter, full on attack mode.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think they're a political advisor. Eric Ruby, or whatever they call them, has anything to do with this.

Speaker 4:

Potentially. Political advisor employee. How do we classify that?

Speaker 3:

It seems like that's when all the nonsense started happening in Hartford County.

Speaker 2:

I call them the gatekeeper.

Speaker 4:

The gatekeeper, he's everywhere, I mean in every meeting, in the public, you know, but anyway. So last night, for some reason, Sheriff Gaylor sent out another video in uniform on the Sheriff's page on social media he's still crying about the training center. The training center Yep, and again we can have the debate on what's properly needed for the county. It's a whole different conversation. What I'm focusing in on here is the sheer attacks.

Speaker 3:

I thought they were building a training center now.

Speaker 4:

No, they're, they're back and forth. There's a, the upgrade to the heat center, but then also, I guess, in this video, what was debated is is a larger EMS, fires safety and sheriff training facility Worth while in Huffer County. It'd be more money for the county, but again, that's a whole different conversation. I think we need to focus in on.

Speaker 3:

Then the heads of those departments would have to get along. Maybe that's part of the problem.

Speaker 2:

Well, we all got to have our little fiefdoms.

Speaker 4:

Yes, but also what's going on with the crime increase in Harper County. You can't deny that the crime is not increasing. The Harper County. We had the Rachel Moore and Mort murder, you know September, august of this past year, terribly sad. Yeah, the thefts, you know, in the predators that we're seeing within the county child predators.

Speaker 3:

That's very disturbing. Doesn't seem like anybody wants to talk about it or do anything either.

Speaker 4:

If you want to talk about the training center, how is the training center going to support the sheriff's office to fight the murder of the, the theft of the predators as we talk about?

Speaker 2:

Well, I do have one observation about the sheriff's rant, and Buildings don't prevent crime. There's there's no discernible link between having buildings. If you build another building, you're gonna have to have people Working in the building, you're gonna have to hire people to man that building those. That does not translate to people out on the street catching murders and rapists and and thugs and and you know, pedophiles it it just means that's another building, it's another expenditure.

Speaker 4:

But what will is, when you have this overpopulation and high density housing, there is a correlation to increase in crime. I don't understand. What you're saying is right His buildings that he wants, versus the buildings that they're actually bringing to the current both cases.

Speaker 3:

If you build it, they will come.

Speaker 2:

But you know, I think it's important. You know Gailer is positioning himself as some sort of fiscal conservative and if you go back to the 2014 election, which was the first one he won, he ran first in 2010 and and narrowly lost to jesse bane and then he defeated bane and the helicopter was a big issue then and and you know he was talking about he called bane a tax and spend democrat. But if you look at Bane's eight years in office, he pretty much kept the budget flat. In fact, every he did not see an increase there. There was a year or two where the budget went down a little bit.

Speaker 2:

If you look at gailer's eight years compare that eight years of the so-called tax and spend democrat to the so-called conservative republican you went from 69 million in in uh 2014 when gailer took over and his budget request for this year was 140 million. He wanted to double the entire budget. Now the, the population in the county hasn't doubled. The the population in in the last Since the last census, has gone up Maybe 10 or 15 thousand, I think I haven't. I haven't uh, I'm not solid on those numbers, but it's it's it's not been a tremendous Amount that the population has grown going up Uh to ask for doubling the budget in just eight years.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, definitely not conservative.

Speaker 4:

You bring up the helicopter situation. The one thing that I want to know about is the sting sting ray system that was purchased under bane's um administration. Um, you talk about this helicopter. We got to get rid of this, got to get rid of this. Well, we still have the sting ray system and I have so many questions about that. Again Not getting into the weeds, but if you simply look up our listeners, look up what these sting ray systems are, are capable of doing and what they're capable of we're doing.

Speaker 4:

You know we have them in our county and I would love to know what they're being used for, who has access and what they're grabbing.

Speaker 2:

And it's it's interesting, the people that have and use these stingers are the ones that are complaining about their emails being gone through.

Speaker 3:

Well, perhaps their county, we, we think. We think that's who has them in uses and we don't know.

Speaker 4:

And that's why it was so interesting last night, I think. Do we want to get into kind of the let's keep it going?

Speaker 3:

Let's just scroll up on the heads up display here, Um you know, do we want to play the clip?

Speaker 4:

I think we should play the clip.

Speaker 3:

Let's play the clip. All right, so start. Give us just the input as to what they're going to hear, what the what. Give us a summary of what's going to go on.

Speaker 4:

So what really happened last night in front of the county council? The county executives lawyer, or the county's lawyer, came in front of the council and asked for An attorney and for the county to pay for an attorney for three of his employees. It wasn't going to include bob casley or his top staff members, simply employees because of an Investigation, I guess a grand jury investigation.

Speaker 3:

Um, so it's pretty normal consult with your attorney when you speak to the grand jury. Despite what, what Some folks would say, that's a very normal thing for people to do every impediment himself.

Speaker 4:

He even said it last night. Why would you need an attorney? Well, if you're going in from the court of law, you know Anything legal you're always advised to have an attorney president.

Speaker 3:

I don't understand, need to explain. Yeah, this is insane. That guy's a hot mess.

Speaker 4:

I want to also bring up the point that the accusation that's being made against the county executive and these employees Are for the wiretapping. Quote unquote wiretapping. Um, his claim of wire. Yeah, penman's claim of wiretapping. So now he's saying you're doing something wrong, right and no. You can't have any legal support for that either. All right.

Speaker 3:

So here we go. We're going to play this clip from the council council, mr Pen.

Speaker 6:

Mr Bloom quiz. I tell you I'm a bearish for a county and, frankly, shocked at the administration would commit the alleged criminal acts against the Council and then come before the council and request tax dollars For criminal defense. And the case that you decided Decided was the ruckers. That's a civil case. That was in relation to liabilities. This is a criminal investigation.

Speaker 7:

No, I'm sorry, Mr Penman, it's not a criminal investigation. I, and again I'll be happy, I will, I will be happy to meet with you and I'll be happy to present the law that establishes conclusively that it's not a criminal investigation and and no one has made any probable cause finding or Submitted any probable cause, finding or statement of charges against any of these three individuals. So your characterization is blatantly incorrect and again, I will be happy to meet with you after this proceeding if you would like further information. I am precluded as a result of court orders, from disclosing more information in public, but it has nothing to do with a criminal proceeding or a criminal Matter of any nature. That's been, that's pending. Well, I.

Speaker 6:

I disagree with you and I think that those are semantics, because the grand jury Evaluates the state's evidence against a person and decides whether there was probable cause for criminal charges. That's the purpose of the grand jury, and if it's not criminal, why would those subpoenas need attorneys at all? Why do they need attorneys to tell the truth? Why would they need to be concerned with self-incrimination if it's not criminal?

Speaker 7:

I'm not going to go into details here because of the result of court orders and and what I know is is the result of my participation in the proceedings. I've given you the the reasons and the basis for why I'm making the request.

Speaker 6:

I tell you, last night on the news the county executive's office was quoted as saying it's my fault, councilman pennants fault to be exact. The county employees In this situation should not have to pay out of pocket to defend themselves against a headline seeking politician with a vendetta administration's criminal defense. I find it unethical To use taxpayer dollars to fund a criminal investigation. That's all I have as president. Thank you.

Speaker 5:

Mr Riley, mr Moon Christ, I couldn't agree with you more. Grand jury is not a criminal proceeding. Been a police officer for 24 years, been in the courts 20 years. Nobody has been indicted in this at all. It's a. It's a. It's a I almost want to say a fishing expedition, so to speak, as a criminal jury, as a criminal, as a grand jury, and therefore I highly I recommend that we as a council approve this, approve this money for county employees that are just fulfilling what their their supervisors Inform them to do. Nobody's been fingerprinted, nobody's been photographed anytime. I charged anybody, anybody, anytime. Anybody's been charged. They've always are fingerprinted and photographed. So I I vehemently disagree with my councilman from B. This is definitely not a criminal act, it's uh.

Speaker 6:

Mr Riley, just have just one one follow-up question to you. You said that they were carrying out orders that were given to these three that are Involved in this case. How do you know that they were carrying out orders?

Speaker 5:

I don't respond to my colleagues. I respond to mr Moon Christ.

Speaker 6:

Mr Bloomquist, do you have any evidence to suggest?

Speaker 7:

Mr Penman, I'm under court orders not to go into specifics. I can tell you, and I think, I think we've covered all that enough.

Speaker 2:

Thank you All right, so there's the clip Um and in full disclosure One of the one of the people in here, tiffany Stevens, is Jim Riley's daughter. So I mean, I think the the listeners ought to, ought to know that.

Speaker 4:

So what do you mean? One of the three people seeking.

Speaker 2:

Legal counsel, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

So again, that's is that's that why Aaron was trying to potentially corner him into you know, making the wrong thing, saying that, yeah, I'm protecting my daughter or something, when he's not. He's literally just talking about what needs to happen in the county.

Speaker 3:

You know what stuck out to me here? This is Penman trying to bait Bloomquist Bloomquist is the see his attorney into saying something he's not supposed to say, so that he can then go Grab the newspaper tomorrow and say, huh, bloomquist is talking about the case. I promise you that's exactly what it looked like he was doing is it Bloomquist or Blomquist?

Speaker 2:

I think he only has one oh in his name, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

It's semantics.

Speaker 3:

Sorry if we said it wrong. That's actually semantics. Yeah, but um way to stick that in there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he's, he's kind of it's. It's also interesting. You know you got to. You got a former police officer and a current serving sheriff's deputy. It's interesting to see the the divide in the blue line on the council here, or the interpretation of the of the law.

Speaker 4:

But also I bring up the same thing with um, you know, cornering somebody into making you know um, some sort of wrong statement or anything like that. But I I've watched the video multiple times and Again and again and again. Aaron goes in front of these people, grills these people, who tries to ask all these questions We'll talk about this a little bit later. What he did Monday night, but he's not. He's just reading what somebody else wrote for him. It's clear his day. This guy is now a Well, that's what we think.

Speaker 3:

I have to just try to be careful here. I gotcha Making accusations that it appears to be, but what?

Speaker 4:

I'll back it up. He's now a warehouse expert, he's now a lawyer and he's a judge.

Speaker 3:

I'm not a lawyer, but I play one on the county council, yeah, so, that's why I say that. No, I wasn't arguing with you. I just wanted to make sure that we were being clear, because we do try to be very careful here and we try not to do things that are unethical.

Speaker 2:

Well or say things that are untrue, but it's interesting to see this guy throwing around the word unethical when so last year we had the councilmanic redistricting 2021-2022.

Speaker 2:

As a result of the census, it's required that the council reviews the councilmanic district boundaries, and while Penman was a declared candidate for district B and Roby was his campaign manager Eric Roby, who also works for the sheriff's office Roby was on the redistricting commission. Now, I'm not saying that they redrew the district lines to benefit Penman, but he was certainly in the position to do so, and I'm going to put Vincenti out there too, because Vincenti knew about this. This is a serious conflict of interest, and Vincenti just turned a blind eye to it and it allowed Roby to continue serving on that committee. And this just goes back to the theme at the beginning, where these people do not represent us. They do not care about the rule of law, they don't care about ethics. They talk about ethics and they talk about the Constitution only when it suits them, and they ignore ethics and they ignore the Constitution when it serves their personal interests and enrichment.

Speaker 3:

I really wish we could get away. There's so many good topics to talk about, but these guys just keep throwing this stuff right in our lap that we just have to talk about.

Speaker 2:

I'm actually tired of talking about the guy but, he keeps getting in front of the cameras and making a fool out of himself. He's everywhere.

Speaker 3:

And you know what he's between him and Roby. They're embarrassed. The police office, the sheriffs you need now. I'd love to see how many sheriffs are really fed up with this, because it's really taken away from the job that they do and it's making leadership look really petty and childish.

Speaker 2:

Well and you got to wonder you know you got your average deputy on the street that probably you know. I haven't looked at the pay scale recently, but they probably start off making about $60,000 a year or so, maybe a little bit more, maybe a little bit less. But here's a guy, he's a political operative. Eric Roby is making $113,000 a year. Now, these guys got to work a ton of overtime. Your deputy, your deputy first class, has got to work a lot of overtime to make that kind of money in a year.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm sure they're not happy, but we don't know that for sure. But it's just. It makes one wonder, doesn't it? Yes, so let's keep on moving here. What's our heads up display saying now that Josh?

Speaker 4:

All we know, it's just been a busy, busy, busy week. I mean there's been a meeting 10-2, 10-3, you know there's. There seems to be a meeting going on every single week and I know we're going to go through at the end of what the rest of the meetings are going to happen this month, but last night was intense. I will just summarize that it was intense. I'm glad to see the council actually, you know, going back and forth and debating.

Speaker 3:

Is that a good spot to interrupt you for a second? Sure, we didn't do any housekeeping. We're 24 minutes, 25 minutes in, and I just want to tell everybody you can reach us at wwwwethepeopleofmdorg, and if you want to send an email, you can do it at info at wethepeopleofmarylandorg. Maryland is just MD. Yeah, po Box 13 first. Yeah, we're terrible at self-promoting so I didn't want to wait until the Josh was into a deep thought. I wanted to stop him.

Speaker 2:

But now we're going to get back into it, since we're already interrupting Josh's deep thought. Can I just go off on Vincenti for a minute? Sure, this guy. Okay, the September 5th council meeting there was a guy named Tim. I don't know this guy, I've never met this guy, but I watched the council meeting online and Vincenti interrupts this guy, he bullies this guy and the guy asked a question about a rumor that he heard that Penman would be returning to the sheriff's office and not resigning from his council seat, in violation of section 207 of the county charter. And it's actually in violation of a whole lot of things. But Vincenti interrupted him. Here we are in the public forum, traditional public forum. This guy is exercising his constitutionally protected right to free speech. He's addressing his government, he's redressing his government with grievances and asking about this. Now I'm 86% sure that Vincenti knew that this was going to happen. I can't say for sure. I didn't have a conversation with the guy about it.

Speaker 4:

I knew it was going to happen or going to be potential.

Speaker 2:

But the rumor was circulating. Vincenti shut that guy up. He humiliated the guy in public, treated him horribly. Just a condescending, rude bullying. Interruption after interruption and lo and behold, I think it was five days later. Sheriff Gaylor puts out three days. Okay, I'm getting signals.

Speaker 3:

I thought they were flashing gang signs.

Speaker 2:

Three days later, jeff Gaylor puts a press release or whoever's doing their Media on on Facebook, puts it out there on Facebook. Penman is such a valuable person. The taxpayers have invested greatly in him and, lo and behold, the rumor that this guy was asking about Was 100% true kind of shows you the character that people were dealing with. So let me. Vincenti needs to publicly Apologize to this guy because he saw fit to publicly humiliate the guy.

Speaker 3:

I don't think that's within this character.

Speaker 2:

No, he's not gonna do that, but the right thing to do if. If you're listening Pat you, you done screwed up.

Speaker 3:

No, they're not allowed to listen. This is the podcast no one listens to remember right where you're.

Speaker 2:

You know that guy in apology. You you messed up bad. You. You know the veterans. People have bled and died to protect our constitutional rights to free speech and you just stopped all over this guy and you should be ashamed and just humble yourself and apologize to this guy Publicly at a council meeting, since you saw fit to humiliate this guy in public.

Speaker 3:

And if you'd like to learn about the Constitution at the Harford, why vineyard and winery?

Speaker 2:

October 18th, our guest speaker, michael Peruca, will be speaking at the winery learn all about the Constitution former Candidate for former nominee, rebel Republican nominee for Attorney General and founder of the Institute on the Constitution.

Speaker 4:

Well, to jump back in, pat did address it. There was no formal apology. He said you know I talked to him and you know we have an understanding. Again, that's not to your liking, I know for sure. But taking it one step forward, let's jump ahead. You know, because I wanted to talk about this at the end a little bit, so let's, you brought it up, let's talk about it. And Again, penman is working for the sheriff's office. So where are we at today? What is transpired since His hiring? A lot has actually. Is this an ethics violation? Is my number one question. Is Aaron Penman in? Does he have an ethics violation for sitting as a county Councilman and a sheriff?

Speaker 2:

I would say it's more than that. He is violating the Constitution of the state of Maryland because if you look in what you took an oath to uphold, if you look in the Declaration of Rights, they all did part of the Constitution, article 8.

Speaker 2:

It's right here in front of me, I'm gonna read it that the legislative, executive and judicial Brant grant powers of government ought to be forever separate and distinct from each other, and no person Exercising the functions of one said departments shall assume or discharge the duties of any other. The sheriff is part of the judicial branch. Penman, as a council member, is a member of the legislative branch. You cannot be, you cannot exercise the duties of both. Of both it is. It is clear. You now, jeff Gaylor, can talk about Liberal judges in the state of Maryland, but you know, and and we talked about Jacob Bennett and how he shouldn't be on the council because he's a county employee, and he is a county employee.

Speaker 3:

Not according to the activist judges, but we digress.

Speaker 4:

So continue. What has happened since this? So County Executive Casley has sent a letter to President Vincenti asking him because of section 207, you know there's a couple other. We talked about this in the last podcast. There, you know, there's, there's case law and there's Instances in the Maryland Constitution, the Declaration of Rights, article 8, I think the other one. I forget what the other one was you had the the Rucker decision exactly.

Speaker 2:

Rucker v Harper.

Speaker 4:

So this information was provided over to President Vincenti, saying you have a councilman because this is President Vincenti's, this is his council. You know, as the president he over, he runs these meetings and and Casley has asked Vincenti to Remove the councilman because he's in violation of our charter and the Maryland Constitution With case law. So what does Pat say? He says he's not going to do it. So what is this? And he basically responds you need to take him to court. So that's where we are right now. What's the next move by President Vincenti? He obviously says I'm okay with this, are we going to court? Is he gonna stop Penman's paycheck? Like happen with Bennett? Like where is this going to go? Because again, this is an ethics violation, at at the least stay tuned.

Speaker 2:

We'll have to talk about this more and I think this speaks to the character of Vincenti. I mean, we've we've kind of gone easy on Vincenti, but this, this, this is a guy that's fine. He's comfortable with Ethical violations. As long as they're there, they're his people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so. So let's rock and roll on Monday.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, so Monday was a public input meeting. We talked about this last podcast asking people to come out Monday night because this was a big night. There was three, three part Yep. There's three bills being introduced 23 026 on the warehouses, 23 027 on the apartments and 23 028 on the term limits right, and the first one up was the blue hats from Perry men Yep, and they had what 26 speak 36.

Speaker 4:

I think now a couple of those were from the the evil Empire, but well, it was clear if you were in a suit and from out of state you supported team OD.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was kind of funny because you have to give your address and Every time you heard someone say Arlington, Virginia, you knew you knew what they were gonna be in support of.

Speaker 3:

So and the one guy, the one guy from Bel Air that was particularly grumpy and old and gray, from a Bel Air law firm. He gave his address as the law firm and I'm betting money. He doesn't live in that building. I got a lot of money I throw if it was legal to bet. Yeah, gotta be careful these days when you're doing what we do.

Speaker 4:

So I will admit I enjoyed that evening being able to sit in the room with, you know, our partners, our friends. You know the community members from Perry men. You know it was great to fill that room up, you know, with people from Fauston and from around the county and Perry men to talk about these three issues, because it really affects the entire County. But I'm very disappointed, and I've expressed this many times One that they didn't get a bigger boat, you know, bigger venue for to host more people.

Speaker 4:

We're gonna need a bigger boat right and number two. They didn't split these meetings up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah you know and come to find out last night a clock by the time the Perry men part was over, so I imagine and it started at six a lot of the Fauston people probably got a babysitter, had children in the thaw and they couldn't Stay exactly and you know I will say we'll get that in a second here with the, with the apartment stuff, but the people that came out and spoke in supporting, protecting, preserving our County on Monday night, they did a great job, amazing job.

Speaker 3:

Can I make a point about that too, and I think I already did? But there there was people from all walks of life and it's very good to see that and to see that, even though you may not support everything exactly what they're saying that that we have a lot of things in common. I know we did say that earlier.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that's important to remember, because what the politicians do is they try to divide us. They try to divide us along economic lines, yes, and racial lines, and you know whatever, they try to pit us against each other so that they can Coutout of their groups that divide and conquer, and it's. It's good to see people uniting together.

Speaker 3:

I did. I wanted to say one thing. One of the gentlemen that spoke, um, you know he didn't have a lot of angst in his in his words, but he talked about the fact that we ought to let the traffic study people do their thing and that they do this for a living. They do a really good job about it and well, if they do, then this County wouldn't be a total disaster from driving from one end of it to another. By the time that guy got done talking, I'm thinking if you weren't from out of town you would realize that what you just said sounds really stupid.

Speaker 3:

He's never driven down our roads, experienced our life Right in the community and if he has what he do it at 11 o'clock in the afternoon and not rush hour.

Speaker 2:

Well, when was the traffic study done for the apartments, like during COVID lockdown during?

Speaker 3:

lockdown, larry's tyrannical Lockdown that these guys were all for right, couldn't do anything about it right, so it's Thank you.

Speaker 3:

Now you're bringing up the other part, that, especially the one lawyer. He really tripped my trigger because he kind of I can't believe Republicans are being anti-business and all this stuff that I'm thinking. Where were you in the lockdown, larry and goose step Barry had locked down the county. You were nowhere to be found. In fact, some of your buddies I don't know if you were one of them, but some of your buddies brought Westmore to town. Yep don't tell us about being business friendly. We don't forget. We have long memories.

Speaker 4:

Let me bring up one point of this Aaron Penman's campaign manager. What did he do last week to the businesses? He sent out an email to a bunch of businesses basically saying that we are anti-business. He called us the Anties, yeah, the Anties.

Speaker 3:

Anti-overdevelopment. Yes, we are the Anties this is the guy that invited the we are the Anties.

Speaker 2:

He invited the gubernatorial candidate Hartford County that wouldn't even let people come to his fundraisers unless they were vaccinated. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

And again I'm glad we're bashing the Democrats for all the listeners out there that say we bash all the Republicans too much. But also this has ties to Larry Hogan and Barry Glassman. They're all one in the same.

Speaker 3:

They call themselves, they call themselves.

Speaker 4:

Larry Barry. What's the difference?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you can't call yourself a Republican. We're going to bash you If you have. If you're a true conservative, we're not bashing you. But if you're playing around and playing games, that is the worst thing, because that is unethical. It's dishonest to say I'm a Republican and then take and make this county look like Team Biden.

Speaker 2:

Well, what's worse? Somebody that says, I want cradle to grave government intervention in your life. Or somebody that says, yeah, I want to embrace responsible spending and I want to protect families and your way of life, and then they go and sell out. I'd rather have the guy that's telling me he's trying to kill me and so I'm on alert. Well, somebody that's lying to my face and telling me they're my friend and every chance they get they're stabbing me in the back.

Speaker 4:

It's very simple. The government wants control and if you're not part of a special interest group, we are not a special interest group. The people it's crazy to think we are not a special interest group. We're not getting anything from you, but the people I'm telling you what we do not want this TMOD, this stuff, that's going on. No.

Speaker 3:

It's not really a legitimate government issue. There's most of the things that government partakes in are not legitimate issues they shouldn't be involved in, but zoning is one they should be involved in.

Speaker 2:

Right, you don't want to put a porn shop next to a church.

Speaker 3:

Well, that and pollution and things like that, that's the other thing that guy said. To really trip my trigger. You know Republicans can care about the environment, dude, we do. We don't want to see all these trees cut down and habitat for all the birds and things destroyed. That is not Republicans. Are not all greedy knuckleheads like you?

Speaker 4:

So what do the Republicans get made fun of the most when it comes to two-way rights and gun rights? That these hillbillies, these huntermen and fishermen and everything Where's that that's in the environment they want to protect where it's going to put food on their table? Exactly. I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:

It's just so aggravating to hear all these people with no interest. Not one of them cared or said anything to support their fellow man, their neighbor. All they were worried about is their profits and the profits of the people they represent. Since when is business, and particularly real estate speculation, since when is that supposed to be a low risk endeavor? The reason it pays so well is it's risky. These guys in Hartford County have removed the risk by getting to all the politicians and they're freaking pissed off that that's not working right now.

Speaker 2:

Well, they get these tips. They get these special finance agreements for stuff. Banks won't lend them the money for it because it is risky, but they get the government to protect themselves.

Speaker 3:

The government does it on our behalf. We get the tips, we get to own up for the paper.

Speaker 2:

Then we end up paying for it.

Speaker 3:

We're supposed to sit down and take it because we say we're Republican or conservative man? That guy, someone kicked him out of the county.

Speaker 4:

It continues. I mean geez.

Speaker 2:

Why are they even letting people that have addresses in Arlington Virginia speak at our council meetings?

Speaker 4:

Because they're spending millions and millions of dollars. Every single one of them came up there and said I put in $10 million last year, we're going to do $75 million next year. I'm like where's all this money going? Overdevelopment, Exactly.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they're spending $10 million in titles you to make me have to. For the last 22 years I've not locked my cars in my driveway, but now, because they're building high-rise apartment buildings down the street, I got to buy it and we pay a lot in taxes.

Speaker 3:

We already do and they're going to say, well, if you take these people away, no, we won't need all the schools. These apartment buildings cost us money. They do not generate the money that they're going to cost.

Speaker 4:

And I want to squash the major thing that is argument against. We need lower income, and I'm not saying low income, just lower income. Departments that are coming in Hartford County are not for the average person. $2,000 to $2,400 a month. That's a mortgage payment for everybody, most people I know.

Speaker 2:

That's more than a mortgage payment for me. I got a five-bedroom, three-bedroom, three-bath house.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'm not saying, that's a real argument. The government shouldn't be placing people. It makes a mess, it doesn't work and oh, you're a terrible person. No, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

Well, Patrick Vincenti has already said he's after the HUD money.

Speaker 3:

He's on record saying that it comes with strings attached, guys, strings.

Speaker 4:

So that was the first part of money. It's like in-laws.

Speaker 3:

When they give you money, there's strings attached, but they like to call Joe and his friends. They sneer down at us. This is important, except for during election season, when they come out and they have their guys say I'm the sergeant and I'm all these things, love me. They take our talking points that we care about every day and they copy them and then they use the big money that they're given to go ahead and get a lot of votes and then after that, their handlers, they look down upon us. We are nimbies, we are aunties, we're just a problem. We were a problem Monday night because they had to get up and come and speak, because we always do, and they're better than us. They know what we need. It's the same exact thing that the federal government does. Stop, guys, we're not listening to you anymore. People are waking up and we're tired of you.

Speaker 4:

The one thing I wanted to bring back up. I brought it up at the beginning when I said that Aaron wasn't writing the things for himself. Here's another piece of proof that I want to use. So for 45 minutes at the beginning of Monday night, when we're talking about bill 23-026 with the warehouses, he spent 45 minutes going line item by line item, critiquing every part of this piece of legislation. I will 86%.

Speaker 4:

True, it wasn't him yeah 86%, but again we go into the second part of the night. Thank you for Paramount. I want to say this also Thank you for Paramount, because they came up to me afterwards they're like sorry, we didn't think it was going to take this long. I was like no, Thank you for getting and speaking what you needed to speak out, because not only what you're speaking the facts but you're also inspiring other people in the community and we have to inspire this entire county. If you're talking about Fauston Parade, what about Hickory? About North Harford? What about all these different areas in our community?

Speaker 3:

Let's say one thing real quick about Peridman, as we're all outdoorsmen. That is a absolutely stunning, beautiful, unique place. It's got history, there's a ton of history. I mean it is sad what's going on out there. It really is, and you know to hear people's perspective. It's good to hear. You know a lot of people think it's they're being shunned because they're, you know, income levels or the color of their skin or things. It's good to hear all of it. But at the end of the day, I don't live anywhere near there and I do not want to see that area destroyed. That is a treasure We'll never get back.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's interesting. You know, the theme at the beginning was talking about people that don't represent their people. And going back to the national, you know, you see, two days after Diane Feinstein died, they appointed this woman, lafonza Butler, and she lives in Maryland and she's going to be a United States Senator for California and there's something to be said Like you have to understand the nuances of where you live if you're going to represent that area.

Speaker 4:

And she lives in Maryland Well we know that Penman lives in District B. You know so to your point. When we get to the apartments where they're putting up 100 plus apartments potentially in Fauston might be 48 apartments, which he was hinting at that he made a deal with the developer to knock it down to 48. I don't believe any of it. It's all smoke and mirrors and distractions. Want to say that first and foremost. But he doesn't have any questions.

Speaker 4:

I mean, he spoke for maybe a minute, yeah, on what was happening within his actual district, as opposed to we don't have the warehouses in District B right now. Now they could be introduced into District. There is areas where that could fall into, where we are a threat, but there's something that's literally happening. What does he say? I'm excited to say that my work group, with the since he's meeting with the developer my work group, we're going to knock it down to 48 apartments. The first thing I said when I got there is Mr Penman, I'm pretty sure that there is not a single person in District B that is excited, as you are, to bring 48 apartments to Fauston.

Speaker 3:

Not only that, but the paperwork still says 100.

Speaker 4:

Exactly. Again, I wanted to tie in national, local and right back to it. This meeting on Monday night should have broken up into multiple different meetings. It came out last night that the warehouse meeting they have to act on that by October the 10th.

Speaker 3:

Right. The timing of that is critical in nature.

Speaker 4:

But the apartments is not until November, so why did we have to stack these meetings Again? I'm proud to stand there together, right and to that point.

Speaker 3:

this warehouse moratorium bill, whatever whatever you want to call it, I'm sorry is very important and it ought to be done properly and right, and if it's not right, they need to take the time to go back and make it right, because we do not want to rush something like this into to play here. It needs to be thoughtful and, like all bills in government, they really need to take the time to do them right.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I am not a District B resident, but I drive past the place where they want to put these apartments every single day.

Speaker 3:

The traffic will affect you.

Speaker 2:

How in the world are they going to stuff 48 or 100 or 250, how are you going to stuff all those people in there and it not affect the traffic? It's a mess. That intersection is a mess. Even if they open it up so that you're coming in through Horizon, it's not safe to turn right or left.

Speaker 3:

Will the people of Hickory get a load of what five apartment buildings is going to do to this area?

Speaker 4:

Well, you bring up the Horizon shopping center and everything that and I want to bring up this very specific portion of the design plan. So there is going to be in this design an entry and exit way on to 152 out of the apartment so you can make a left hand and a turn on 152 or right hand, eternal 152. The interesting thing is, right in front of the apartments is a connection road into the shopping center. So theoretically now the shopping center can now cut through the apartments and make a left hand turn and jump out.

Speaker 3:

Are you suggesting they're going to put a light on Mountain Road just south of? It's not being proposed on one like you can't, you can't either one of those places is going to really screw traffic up way worse than it already is, because two lights like that back to back in areas that are already congested are just going to be a mess.

Speaker 4:

Can I ask everybody, all of our listeners here locally, you can experience this. If you drive, you can do it both ways, because I come home from Baltimore and sometimes when I come up 95, I have to get off on 43 because of traffic. So when I get off on 43 and from heading north on 95, I head over towards Honeygoe and cut through Honeygoe to get back over to Route 1. Drive that way. That's what they want this section of our county to look like. It's light after light, high density after high density. I don't care how luxury it is. Yeah, it's stacked on, stacked on, stacked. But the difference is our infrastructure has no place to cover this and I don't want our infrastructure to be. You know, I don't want the road to be four lanes or six lanes at 152 there. I don't want all of that kind of stuff. But you can experience that. Go right to Perry Hall and it's quality of life issue.

Speaker 3:

Once again, that's what people are coming out for. The quality of life in general in America is going and circling the bowl.

Speaker 2:

Well, people moved out here. I know I moved out here 22 years ago. I bought my house out here to have some what of a rural feel.

Speaker 3:

That makes you a racist. No wait, that's national politics.

Speaker 4:

Sorry, I wanted to clarify one thing that you said, john, earlier. It was back to they need to take their time on any legislation, and I agree with you. I want to bring up something, though, back to the warehouses. There is a major concern within that community because the way that this is lined up, where the voting is lined up with amendments needed, things like that and when it's going to take place, whether it be 60 or 90 days after, there's actually a gap in there where this building moratorium is up. So there is a little bit of leeway going on there. So I feel for these people and I'm glad that they're fighting for it. But one thing that they were able to achieve this was over 90 days ago.

Speaker 4:

Whatever their warehouse moratorium and I just wanted to read as basic as what this was and their warehouse moratorium is it says that 90 day moratorium on the issuance of any approvals or permits for any development of any warehouses in Hartford County, so that the Hartford County government can study and reconsider its zoning and development regulations with respect to such facilities. That needs to happen in so many different facets. We need to reevaluate what's going on in the county because the last administration, barry Glassman, even before that, they were rubber stamping. So many things that we cannot catch up. So why don't we replace the warehouse in a 90-day moratorium on issuance of approvals da-da-da-da-da.

Speaker 4:

For warehouses with high-density housing, garden apartments, mid-rise apartments, high-rise apartments and multi-use projects? Like we really have an issue here in Hartford County that we cannot support any of this growth because it was brought up in the meetings. These people can own a royal farms and then buy another piece of property and put a sidewalk through it and say, hey, we got a multi-use, now we're going to put these homes. No, there's proper ways to do things. You can build communities. You can't piece together communities.

Speaker 3:

So, listen, I have to make a quick announcement. The low-fuel warning just flashed on the Freedom Pod. I don't know if everybody knows this, but the Freedom Pod runs on Democrat tiers and Rhino tiers, neither of which are in short supply. However, our tier tanks are somewhat getting empty, so I just want you all to remember that as we continue on, because Crashland and the Freedom Pod like into Barry Glassman's farm or something is going to cost quite a stir.

Speaker 4:

I just had one thing to bring up on the third bill and we don't have to spend too much time on it. It was the 23028, the Term Limit Bill. Ok, Just so everybody knows, hit your social media out there. There's a big back and forth between Tony G and Aaron Penman and Tony G's upset because Aaron wouldn't work with them.

Speaker 3:

And Tony G is the council vice president, by the way.

Speaker 4:

But I find this really interesting. So, again, looking through some old news and stuff like that, I think most people know that the Sarge Aaron Penman ran for state delegate back in 2018. That's a whole different conversation there, but one piece that I thought was really interesting. So he's trying to get a referendum for term limits now to be voted on, but four or five years ago six years ago I guess he sends out a mailer saying that he fully supported HB347, governor Hogan's Government Accountability Act of 2018, basically putting in term limits. So this is just an old you know dog and pony show. You know he's done it once he's going to regurgitate it, recycle it, do it again.

Speaker 3:

I'm confused, though. I'm looking at that mailer and it signed delegate Aaron Penman. I didn't know he was a delegate, or did I?

Speaker 4:

No, he lost.

Speaker 2:

You know, I know there's a big up for it. Trying to be relevant.

Speaker 3:

This I don't want to. This is like playing T-ball. What this guy we want to get away from talking about? Delegate sergeant, whatever you want to call this guy. I don't want to talk about him anymore, but he just keeps throwing softballs up there, he's a heat seeker.

Speaker 4:

He's a heat seeker In the word. Unethical again, sorry, but kind of going through. Teach that pony a new trick. There's so much going on in the county. Again, we talked about the sewer. If this isn't proving that we got a, we are living in a sewer, you know.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it's definitely the sewer and someone was correct. It's just not fair to call it a swamp, because a swamp is a living ecosystem of good things going on.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I think you know, maybe 20, 30 years ago, we have the benefit of Al Gore's amazing internet. Where we can, we can look up things like the Maryland constitution. We can look up the county charger Charter it's. I'm not a Mo Par fan, but we can look up the county charter, the hazard county charger and these things are available. It's a lot easier for people that want to be involved and want to be informed and educate themselves about these things. These things are fingertips now and I encourage people to take advantage of them.

Speaker 3:

Don't hate on the charger, but Bo and Luke Duke taught me how to drive.

Speaker 2:

I watch natural state transparency. They they catch a lot of bad guys with those chargers.

Speaker 3:

All right.

Speaker 4:

And I think what you said is the community coming together. You know there's a lot of things happening, there's a lot of opportunities for us to get involved, but also don't bend your morals. They want to make, they want to distract you. You know they want to say look at this shiny thing over here. You know, let's look at my term limit here. Let's look at, you know, this investigation here Training facility over here.

Speaker 4:

Exactly. But what really is going on and what does our community need? And I said at the beginning, there's a bunch of meetings coming up the rest of this month. We have on 1012, if you're concerned about the overcrowding of the schools six o'clock at the county council, 212 South Bond Street, there's a meeting. You know where they're going to start discussing that.

Speaker 4:

1018 for a Falston folks. You know that's the, that's the morning. Nine o'clock in the morning they're going to be talking about at the development advisory committee. They're going to be introducing and they're going to be reviewing the department project Again right now. On paper it's a hundred apartments. Aaron Penman and his buddy, the developer, are saying it's going to be 48 for over 55 for the first two years and if they can't sell them out they're going to open it up to anybody. But I still don't believe either one of those. I still think that there is another option sitting out there, as you know, a bait and switch kind of thing. And most importantly, that night 1018 is we, the people of Maryland's, meeting where we can learn and how we can protect ourselves and empower ourselves with the Constitution, with Mike Peruca, and I'm excited for that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if you've never heard Michael Peruca speak before this, this band is a hotbed of constitutional knowledge. He's a statement statesman just really great it's a real treat. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, listen, the tear tank is empty and the only thing we're running on now is that leftover howls of the Democrats howling at the sky when Trump won. So we were at 30,000 feet and I don't know if you've noticed, but I've been bringing it down and if you look out the windows, you're going to see some sheep on a farm and a post turtle and I think we're about to go down. So every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, will be watching.

McCarthy Ousting & Overdevelopment Impacts
County Executive Investigation and Budget Debate
County Council Ethics and Criminal Proceedings
Ethics Violation and Public Input Meeting
Concerns About Government Control and Overdevelopment
Infrastructure and Growth Concerns in Hartford
Community Involvement and Available Resources