Live Free - Die Last

Episode 28: Confronting the Harford County Power Syndicate: Corruption, Legislation and Public Rebellion

October 11, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 28
Episode 28: Confronting the Harford County Power Syndicate: Corruption, Legislation and Public Rebellion
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 28: Confronting the Harford County Power Syndicate: Corruption, Legislation and Public Rebellion
Oct 11, 2023 Season 1 Episode 28
Live Free - Die Last

What if the recent shakeup in the Republican-controlled House symbolizes an emerging shift in power dynamics? We're delving into the ouster of Kevin McCarthy, the mounting discontent with the 'pez dispenser' leadership style, and the rising tide of people ready to push back against government overreach. We're unpacking the mission of the We the People of MD organization and their response to these seismic changes in politics.

Have you ever been left feeling hollow by legislation that doesn't consider your quality of life, economic development, or even basic infrastructure? In a disquieting look at Perryman's latest legislation, we take a deep dive into the disheartening disconnect between those at the helm and the people they're meant to serve. 

Finally, brace yourself for a raw, unfiltered glimpse into the murky depths of county corruption. Hear from the community on the front lines, sounding the alarm on the 'good old boy and girl' network that's pulling the strings behind the scenes. As we celebrate the unity and collective action that's beginning to tip the scales in Fallston, we pause to express our gratitude for those who've stood up, spoken out, and taken this journey with us. It's an episode you can't afford to miss.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

What if the recent shakeup in the Republican-controlled House symbolizes an emerging shift in power dynamics? We're delving into the ouster of Kevin McCarthy, the mounting discontent with the 'pez dispenser' leadership style, and the rising tide of people ready to push back against government overreach. We're unpacking the mission of the We the People of MD organization and their response to these seismic changes in politics.

Have you ever been left feeling hollow by legislation that doesn't consider your quality of life, economic development, or even basic infrastructure? In a disquieting look at Perryman's latest legislation, we take a deep dive into the disheartening disconnect between those at the helm and the people they're meant to serve. 

Finally, brace yourself for a raw, unfiltered glimpse into the murky depths of county corruption. Hear from the community on the front lines, sounding the alarm on the 'good old boy and girl' network that's pulling the strings behind the scenes. As we celebrate the unity and collective action that's beginning to tip the scales in Fallston, we pause to express our gratitude for those who've stood up, spoken out, and taken this journey with us. It's an episode you can't afford to miss.

Speaker 1:

free we are, we, the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 3:

Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom.

Speaker 4:

Alright, hello Harford County. This is John Connor, piloted in the Freedom Pod tonight, coming to you from the we the People Studios. It's the Live Free Die Last Podcast. We've got a couple of great patriots in the pod tonight. To my right, we have the Josh.

Speaker 5:

Good evening Patriots.

Speaker 4:

Get your popcorn out and double on. The right is Winston Smith.

Speaker 3:

The ultra-right.

Speaker 4:

The ultra-right leaning Winston Smith. So I just want to say that the Freedom Pod's tiered tanks are full. We're sporting some new sheepskin seat covers, if you know. You know, and we're going to talk about some cool stuff tonight. We've got a little bit of national just because people are losing their minds over what happened in the Republican-controlled house. Somebody want to take us into that.

Speaker 5:

Before we dive into that, do we want to take care of the business that we always forget? That's a great idea, Josh. Always. Everybody know we, the People of MDorg. If you need to email us, info at WethePeopleofMDorg. If you want to send us some snail mail, drop it off at PO Box 13 in Forest Hill. And one thing I want to mention when you go to the website. We've got a great newsletter Comes out once a week, once every other week.

Speaker 4:

Travis some day has been putting that out Yep Travis has been doing a very good job. And the other thing we've got some merch now, so I don't think we have it for sale on the website, and if you want shirts or hats, just drop us a note and we'll make sure we get it to you.

Speaker 5:

Or come to the Next. We the People, monthly Meeting next Wednesday night.

Speaker 4:

Tell us about that.

Speaker 5:

It's October the 18th, 7 o'clock, hartford Vineyard.

Speaker 4:

October the 18th is different guys. It's the third Wednesday of the month, not the fourth, and that's because they had a conflict with Halloween over there. So just note that it's next week, isn't it? It is next Wednesday. Who are we going to have?

Speaker 5:

We have Michael Peruca. He ran for that's uh, it's attorney, attorney General. Attorney General yep, so he's a wealth of knowledge and I would say everybody should come out to this. You'll definitely learn something, even the local politicians, you know, with all we're going to talk about tonight, yeah, they might learn something if they came out.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, he's created the Institute of Constitution. I mean, the Constitution's supposed to guide all of these people. I think they should have to take a mandatory class of his, since they take an oath to defend it.

Speaker 3:

And I'll have to take the road. The other have to take a test on comprehension. If you don't get an 80, you don't get to take your seat. I love it.

Speaker 4:

That's a great idea, all right. So um what happened nationally?

Speaker 3:

You know it's been pretty interesting watching the rhinos like wring their hands over the um, the pose, the ouster, the ouster of Kevin McCarthy, because you know, the thing that's really interesting about it is he brought this on himself. I mean he's been slow walking. Everything you know in the Congress, I mean they're, I mean it's been what almost two years and they're just now getting around to an impeachment inquiry on Biden as the as the evidence continues to mount, like the continual drip, drip, drip, uh continues to accumulate, you know, on the Biden crime family. And Kevin McCarthy brought this on himself because he made a side deal with the Democrats to give Ukraine tons more money, loads more money. He made a side deal with the Democrats, didn't tell his members until after the vote on the CR to keep the government running, and you know people that have some ethics decided.

Speaker 3:

You know this is not cool. You're not going to lie to us and still stated, still be the speaker. And it's been interesting to kind of look at the local rhinos too. They kind of whining and wringing their hands over this. So kind of really, what it comes down to is that you're just really supposed to just shut up and sit down and it's okay if your leadership lies to you.

Speaker 4:

What I think you're supposed to okay being lied to I think we're seeing something a little different than we've seen in a while, and it's the rise of the people. It started with Trump and this. That's what this is to me. The people are tired of these guys like McCarthy, for all the reasons you pointed out Mitch McConnell's of the world. They do not serve us, they serve special interests, and people are getting tired of it. So the few people in the house that actually served the people went ahead and took some action. That's kind of how I feel in a simple, simple way.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, the Freedom Caucus was who did that. So now they're coming after Matt Gaetz, so they're trying to say they're going to file ethics violations against them and like all these things. I dare you to do the right thing Again. It's lawfare, Lawfare good words.

Speaker 3:

Use lawfare to go after your opponents, but really it's just the same old thing. People are tired of it. People in the country are tired of it. People in Maryland or Hartford County are tired of it, and leadership always comes down to the Pes dispenser approach to leadership. It's my turn. So, Kevin McCarthy's turn. You pull back the head on. Donald Duck out pops the strawberry flavored pez. Oh, it's Kevin McCarthy's turn. Okay, kevin, step right up.

Speaker 4:

And here you go, josh, tell us, I think, hartford County. We're seeing the rise of the people too, with Fauston and Perryman and everybody in Hartford County.

Speaker 5:

You're 100% right. It's like a mirror image with different topics. You have Team OD here in Hartford County and they are coming out strong, but the people are coming up against them. You have these bills that are coming up, these discussions that are happening and the people are pressuring our local officials to do the right thing, be accountable and be transparent, and it's your popcorn.

Speaker 4:

Like I said, you know what's really cool? We are now seeing a whole bunch of new players on the scene that are enjoying digging up dirt. We're not even dirt, just digging up the truth and telling the truth Exactly. For a long time I felt like that was just us, but man, we've been joined by some really good people.

Speaker 3:

Digging up the buried truth and really kind of what you're seeing now too, I think, is that you're seeing the national rot finally come down into the foundation of local government in Hartford County, because there's been multitudes of studies that the people in Congress don't represent their constituents, they represent their donors and they represent special interests. Well, now this is on full display in Hartford County. These people in this county that are on this county council, they do not represent their constituents, they represent the developers, they represent other special interests that contribute to their campaigns, and people have had it. They're tired of it and it's painfully obvious now. All you got to do is listen to Aaron Penman, read what Joe Snee writes for him every week. You can't tell me that this guy comes up with all this stuff. He didn't know, jack, about development prior to this.

Speaker 5:

And I think Not only just Hartford County and what we're gonna talk about tonight and what we've experienced again just in the past week. Our last podcast was, you know, wow, this is just happened this week, like again tonight Jam packed with information. But we're gonna learn the connections between Hartford County in the state of Maryland and all the players and you know some of the players, some of the players, yes, some of the players you know takes over to be a marathon, to tell them all the players.

Speaker 5:

But it's the you know the trickle-out effect of the factual information that's coming out, the stuff that's been happening for decades and here we are Stuck with the situation and dealing with it. But the people are standing up, the people are fighting and to the people out there, I'll be honest, to the people out there say it's a done deal, these things are already done. They, these, this happened 20, 30, 40 years ago. Well, here we are today standing up for Our next generation, our children, so that in 20, 30 years they're not saying Darn, my mom and dad really screwed me over. And they, when they didn't say anything, it's not happening these days and that's driving them nuts.

Speaker 4:

So where do you want to go from here? Where are we? Where do we aim this pod?

Speaker 5:

I think we should talk about. You know, within the past 24 hours, 48 hours, so much has happened that the county council this past this this week, was a very interesting meeting. You know there was some of the summary of the meeting. It was about the building moratorium or, excuse me, building legislation for the warehouses specifically in Paramin but also throughout the entire county. That was voted yes. So we now have legislation Again, a whole, another podcast.

Speaker 5:

I would love to have you know Somebody that's actually impacted, maybe somebody from Paramin to come on the podcast and actually talk about. You know the impacts of that, but really what happened last night was the popcorn session at the end there and Before that was the discussion about this warehouse bill. And what I mean by discussion is the county council. They have an opportunity to give their comments and A couple of them. Team OD Made it loud and clear who they worked for last night and I think we want to listen to a couple of these comments and then discuss it. You know the two people I'm talking about Aaron Pemberton from district B and Jessica Boyle saddles from district C, e, e I'm sorry, complete, just pledged their allegiance straight to team over team over development last night.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I gotta say, man, We've been doing this and watching these meetings for a long time and the stuff that went on last night. I Don't remember ever seeing crazy fireworks like this, even when you know we've had, we've had some craziness. But you're right, it's people. The ugliness is rearing its ugly head and that's because of a I think it's a lot of the pressure that's being put on these guys to do the right thing. They haven't figured out how to do the right thing. Most of them, they just don't have a clue. I think some of them really want to and we're starting to see that that some of the guys that actually have, you know, a Desire to serve the people are starting to To show up.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it's very interesting. And again, this clip is the opinion or the comment towards the warehouse bill from team over development.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, all right, so it's clip time. I'm.

Speaker 8:

To approve bill 23-026 as amended. Is there any discussion?

Speaker 9:

mr Penn. Thank you, mr President. I'm disappointed in this legislation. I believe the county has outlined an evaluation process to determine the need and the impact of warehousing, but I have seen no evidence that the burden has been met by the county To effect or influence the substantial change in the zoning code. There's been no studies, there's been no analysis, there's been no data, there's been no fiscal note that was required by the code in requested by the code. We know nothing about the economic impact of this legislation and I have no doubt that this bill will result in expensive litigation where everyone loses.

Speaker 9:

Because of the inadequate basis for this legislation. We are left with a terrible product that again everyone loses. This bill will now put Requirement demands on the project that will require more intense and impact the full product. I can tell you I saw today a possible Future site plan of what this bill will look like. This property will look like if the bill passes and, as you can see, the Warehouses will continue. You'll have 10 250,000 square foot warehouses. The roads will not be improved. This is a bad product, but meanwhile you have over 1 million square foot warehousing. This is a terrible bill. I asked my colleagues on a council to vote. No, thank you, mr.

Speaker 4:

So basically we've got all threats again.

Speaker 3:

Wow, that was a lot of big words for the councilman from district Snea.

Speaker 5:

You know it's interesting that he brings up litigation right out of the bat. You know, doesn't talk about anything about how the people of Perriman would be affected or the people of Hartford County would be affected.

Speaker 4:

That's basically a threat. He's passing on the threat of litigation from the people he works for. They're basically telling them you know, do this or we're gonna drag you into court.

Speaker 5:

No, I agree, and it it continues to show that the people are lacking representation. They're not common in the first.

Speaker 3:

Well, the only good silver lining of that cloud would be is that it would help the people in Perriman. The property wouldn't be developed for some time, so be tied up in court so that they have a small win there for a temporary win and, I think, continuing on.

Speaker 5:

You know there was so much jam packed in his comments last night. You know, jessica, she has a little bit less you know of a comment and you know little less time spent. But again, this is just regurgitation of information, not representing the people. Oh, we're playing another clip. I think we should play another clip. Before that I want to make this comment that you know, both, aaron Penman and Jessica Boyle Sottles, this bill last night was voted upon and Voted in favor of four to two. Guess who with the two that didn't go?

Speaker 4:

Oh, oh.

Speaker 5:

Jessica. Yep, that's one. She voted no.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Aaron. Yep, he voted no as well. I mentioned that because it'll be interesting. I think next week we can talk about this a little bit later, but next week, when this apartment bill comes up, how are they going to vote then too?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I wish we had prizes to give out for right answer. Well, we do have a lot of sheepskin seat covers.

Speaker 3:

We should open up an over and under on that one.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I wanted to make one comment though. So all of our listeners just listen to her comments here and understand. You know that she is involved heavily in site services and um instructions Excavation, excavation, yes. So again, where does her allegiance lie? All right, let's hit it.

Speaker 7:

Um, yeah, I go back to my comments previously made about the pattern of piecemeal amendments to the zoning code. It is time to look at a complete code, review and rewrite, and I urge the administration to begin working on that process as soon as possible. This bill will affect economic development, tax based and job creation, which does affect all of us. It could be long lasting and result in the cutting of services and tax increases, or both. Thank you.

Speaker 8:

Thank you, Ms Soutles.

Speaker 4:

They never, ever discussed the impact of the added people, the added school needs, all the added infrastructure that has to come for this stuff. It's never a net positive for the county. They say it is, but it's never been. That's why our taxes continue to rise, because we have to take care of all this nonsense.

Speaker 3:

You never hear any of them say anything about how it's going to impact their constituents, exactly Because they don't care about their constituents.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, or the traffic, which is our quality of life. Their constituents' quality of life is what's impacted and they don't care. However, all the people that stand up on the mic talk about the impacts on their quality of life. That's a great point, winston.

Speaker 5:

I can agree with her on one little thing that the code needs to be updated. It doesn't need to be completely rewritten, but there's updates that need. There's loopholes that need to be closed. Amen, there's a lot of shady things that are going on, I will agree, but a complete rewrite that puts everything in her hands, as I mentioned before, what kind of lens would she quote? Unquote rewrite the code to help support.

Speaker 4:

Well, the same one that they've been writing it with for the past 30, 40 years. That's got it all wrong, because the guys that want to build a bunch of stuff figured out early on who to get to and how to get things done. We get things done. I remember that article. Yep, I'm not even going to say his name anymore because of power to give him a free press.

Speaker 3:

Well, we've had all these improvements in the county, we've had all this development, but the infrastructure hasn't developed at all.

Speaker 3:

I mean the roads haven't kept up with it. The sewers, the water supply, I mean none of this stuff is kept up with all of this development over the last 40 years in this county. I mean it just hasn't, and they don't. They don't care. They care about their bank account, they care about their bottom line and how they're going to, how they and their friends are going to be able to benefit by this, and that's all.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if we turn this picket off here in Hartford County, they're going to have to go somewhere else and do this. They'll be fine, it won't destroy their business.

Speaker 3:

And it's really and it's very cheap to develop here in the county because impact fees in Hartford County are much smaller than they are in surrounding counties.

Speaker 4:

That's why they're coming here Much smaller and the impact fees just so you know, or for the listeners, are typically sold as fees that are collected to you know change the infrastructure and things by, because the new buildings impact the county and that impact needs to be offset. So every time I see some knucklehead get up there, like that woman just did, and said well, we have to look at the economic development is going to cost us money.

Speaker 5:

Well, two things. They both kind of mentioned it with the, the increased taxes that the county is going to receive from this because the increased revenue and that this is going to make money. You know these are money driven businesses that are coming in. Aaron, you know he's he's saying that you guys didn't provide me any data. Also, you didn't look into it either. You didn't prove your point either. So I'm not saying you know that these warehouses and stuff will not provide proper, you know, income to our community. But that's not a long lasting job, that's not a long lasting industry. It's going to die out, fizzle out and we're going to be left with another empty building.

Speaker 4:

Oh, I have data data, aaron Penman. The people do not want the over development. There's your data.

Speaker 3:

Well, in the county is full of empty buildings. I mean you drive around there's empty buildings. You know all over the place.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, how about some type of legislation that doesn't allow you to tear down a bunch of trees and build new stuff when there's old, unused stuff close by Something like that? Because it's it's ridiculous. That's how the root 40 corridor became such a mess. They? Ah well, this one's no good, let's go build another one over here and just abandon that. And then, well, it's bought for pennies on a dollar and turns into an adult bookstore or some other slag on society.

Speaker 5:

Well, they are down on that root 40 corridor tearing up a bunch of woods and putting in, you know, some more high density housing down there and I feel bad for the people that live there. There's a great article out about how you know those projects are really impacting the Chesapeake Bay and the livelihood of the bay itself.

Speaker 4:

According to to one of the lawyers that threatened lawsuits. That makes us bad Republicans that we give give a darn about people and the environment. It's too funny.

Speaker 5:

But again what it goes back to, and you know continuing. How did we get here? So who's the mentor for Aaron Penman?

Speaker 4:

I think he said well, he claims that um the Bob. Bob Barry Glassman's is mentor.

Speaker 3:

Bowtie Barry.

Speaker 4:

Bowtie Barry, and Barry has a long history of donating to Democrat governors, not just Westmore recently, but Anthony Brown before him. You know this is what he does. He's a Democrat at heart, he is. He is not a conservative Republican. And you know, word on the street is he's still behind the scenes trying to pull strings. Um, obviously he must be, because, him and Aaron. You know he's mentoring Aaron and those are, those are Aaron's words.

Speaker 5:

I believe that's that's strong, you know it's a strong word. It's, you know, not just a talk to him or anything like that. He's my mentor, yeah. But again, Barry's been doing this to the county for decades, whether it was here in Hartford County when he was a councilman, when we went down to Annapolis or when he came back as the county executive.

Speaker 4:

he's got some, you know, he's got a very heavy rubber stamp and you know just, he's not on our side, he's not on the people side.

Speaker 3:

You represents big money. He represents his donors and the special interests that are paying his lobbying fees. Now, the special interest, and he did that when he was an elected official as well.

Speaker 4:

And that's what we talked about in the beginning Special interest. The, the you know house is, is occupied by people looking out for special interests, just like Hartford County. But the people are getting tired of it. We're starting to wake up.

Speaker 3:

Well, he allowed the new points rehab facility to be built down there on Ogden by wheel road in violation of the of the zoning of the county is still operating in violation to this day. But he and he pushed it through and got it through planning and zoning so that one of his big donors, 10 Oaks builders, the dressers could make a bunch of money building that project. So that's, that's how it gets out, that's how things get done around here and as we get to a little bit later, one of the councilman last night said the quiet part out loud.

Speaker 5:

You know, even the folks in Hickory, barry Glassman, his signature is on those drawings. You know he's on that. You know put the final signature to put those apartments up on those drawings and again it's. It's happening all over the county. It's been happening for decades. It's even funny that you know you talk about these donors to team OG. You know some of them are popping back up with projects and all these different things kind of going on. But the good old boy network is really, you know, trying to rebuild, I think is the best way to put that.

Speaker 4:

I feel like it's one of those Star Wars movies and it's the Empire Strikes Back and they're trying to regroup and their Death Star's been damaged. But here they are, they're trying.

Speaker 3:

It seems more like the bar scene in Star Wars to me.

Speaker 5:

They were realizing, and so the people are realizing that these quote-unquote Republicans that they thought they had in this Republican county, that we thought we had in here in Hartford County, was just a bunch of undocumented Democrats. Absolutely, and that's how it's been funded for decades and 90s, 80s, those types of numbers for everybody.

Speaker 4:

And guys. There's one other thing here. There are so many more names in this that we don't bring up all the time. There's a lot of names we just don't say Doesn't mean they're not there, Doesn't mean they're not pulling strings. You got to keep digging. People are digging more, but from time to time we may drop a new name for you to go research.

Speaker 5:

I think one of Barry's old buddies and some of the destruction that's happened here in Hartford County, some of the people that were standing up with even last night from Perryman. How did these people get to this point? What type of development happened in their areas? What type of developments happening here? What kind of projects were approved? Who did all this stuff? And I think, as I mentioned before, some of the older names that have been popping around, like about Hockaday.

Speaker 4:

Bob Hockaday. Yeah, there's a Patty V. What do you think about Hockaday? You want to call it and let us know.

Speaker 3:

That's a blast from the past.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, buddy.

Speaker 5:

And that's where I go back to. We bring up Pat Again. I know I'm crossing over here on a bunch of different information. Pat abstained from the apartment bill last vote in June Interesting Him and Aaron Penman abstained. Why did Pat abstain from the apartment bill? I got so many questions around that I wish we had 10 hours to just talk about all the different corrupt interactions that has happened. But again, what is going on in your community? Who's behind these projects and what's going on? It's not just one or two people, it's a lot of people and they're all coming back out of the woodworks.

Speaker 4:

And it's not just a good old boy network but a good old boy and girl network. So I mean, I have a hard time not just blurting that out Every time I hear Hockaday's name. I don't know why those two are associated into my brain, but they are. I do know why, but I won't say it.

Speaker 5:

And there's a ton of, just a ton of information out there. But one thing that blew my mind from last night is sitting there. Were there any celebrities in the audience? Josh, there was one person that got caught out by President Vinceni. As you know, let's welcome. Welcome, boyd Rutherford to the big show. Come on down. Yeah, to the ex-Lieutenant Governor under Larry Hogan, so everybody understands who we're talking about. You know he was at the county council last night. He was also at the county council last Monday night when the community input, or, excuse me, the public hearing, was for the warehouse bill.

Speaker 4:

I wonder what his interest is in Hazard County here.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So again looking around the room, there was another gentleman there last week. He was a developer that drove all the way up on a really nice suit from Virginia, said that you know, I think it was like $10 million that his company's invested into Hartford County and we want to do 75 million more. So where was this guy sitting last night, right next to Boyd Rutherford leaning over, talking like they were long lost buddies. And then, you know, after that you have a prominent land-use attorney rolling in joining in the conversation. Did he speak? No, nobody spoke. They didn't speak Because he gets to speak last.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, every time he speaks, he speaks last. Prove me wrong, patty V.

Speaker 5:

But it was just very interesting the connections that were happening and why was Boyd Rutherford there? I got so many questions. You know. Is there ties with Boyd Rutherford to the warehouses, hogan to the warehouses? You know, these are just questions I have, but that was a weird scene last night and I wasn't the only one that caught on to that.

Speaker 5:

So, you know, the happenings in Hartford County, you know. I think the one thing that we really need to understand is the people, the people, the people. We continuously say this the people are the ones that are going to I shouldn't even say save the situation or save the country. We are the ones that are going to be the only people that can write this ship. Bring up the factual information, call our representation out, tell them they need to be accountable, be transparent, and if you're not doing the things that you need to do, you got to go.

Speaker 4:

And I'm smiling not just because this, this Freedom Pod, is awesome and it's fun pilot, but there's some people popping up in this county that are bringing the fire, yeah, and we're going to play a clip now from one of them.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, this is an awesome community member from the Fauston community. She's been speaking up against the apartments, been speaking up against, you know, the corruption, the not being represented.

Speaker 4:

I just there's a lot of people that pay attention and know what's going on, and now they're starting to speak.

Speaker 2:

Here we go that I can't be any more prouder of my fellow Harford Countyans with their impassioned comments at the October 2nd meeting here. Bravo and brava. It's living proof that one voice, when combined, becomes a roar that cannot be ignored. Now I pray that each one of you have heard our voices and will vote yes on these bills. Now is not the time for cowardice by voting no or abstaining. I come now to an uncomfortable issue.

Speaker 2:

I've attended numerous meetings as a constituent of District B. I hear very little acknowledgement from my representative regarding our community. What I do hear is passion in his voice regarding the Sheriff's Department whenever he speaks about it. Mr Penman, I truly feel that's where your heart is. It's palpable every time you speak. You have a strong connection there and perhaps you could persuade Sheriff Gailer to come and speak about the correlation in the uptick between crime and apartments. I honestly wish I could hear that same passion regarding the preservation of our rural community. It's simply not there.

Speaker 2:

You, sir, and others on the council are more concerned with continuing the policies and agenda of the previous administration and, if not halted, harford County will no longer be recognizable. What will you do then? Move on, I suppose Perhaps we're just a stepping stone into something else politically, but I guess your political hand-handlers have a grip on that and you. You, sir, could be a very valuable asset to your district. However, you've chosen to walk on the opposite side of your constituents. Speaking and writing to you is like talking to a brick wall. Your canned responses are a joke. You said you were excited that the developer reduced the apartments from 100 to 48. Sir, your constituents are saying no even to that. Business zones are for businesses, not residences. Have you seen those black and white signs throughout our community, or have they all disappeared from where?

Speaker 8:

you live.

Speaker 2:

That's further proof that you're out of touch with the community you represent. Earlier this year I spoke with Stephanie Taylor at the Board of Elections. I understand that Harford County doesn't have a recall provision and that only the council can remove a council member. Mr Vincenti, there is a lot of very unhappy constituents out there who feel they have no representation in Aaron Penman. Mr Vincenti, will you work with our county executive to help us obtain the representation we truly need? Thank you.

Speaker 8:

Mr Sadowski, just before you walk away from the microphone. The council has no authority to police its members. Okay well then I'm just. You don't have to respond. I'm just saying that now, so you understand. We sent a response back to the county executive. It's in his corner now, ma'am.

Speaker 4:

So I have a public service announcement. Many, many people think they're informed when it comes time to vote, and they think this because they grabbed up all the little pieces of mailers and things and that came on the table and they read them. Or they get on Facebook and they talk to a couple of the bots that pass on information. What I would suggest you do is, at the very least there are weekly or bi-weekly, sometimes multiple events in a week where candidates are speaking and having debates and talking about things. You attend half dozen of those and you'll start to get a really good picture in your mind of what's going on, instead of thinking you're informed because, look, when they send you a mailer, it's going to be a glowing endorsement of themselves. How does that make you informed? That doesn't make any sense. So that public service announcement has become an informed voter.

Speaker 5:

You also see a letter from their spouse or their wife talking about how awesome my husband is Again such a good dad. We hope that everybody's a good dad. We hope that's not what I'm looking for in a politician. I'm going to look for somebody that's going to have a spine, call them out when they're doing something wrong. It represents you, right.

Speaker 4:

You want someone looking out for you.

Speaker 5:

Exactly. It will be interesting to see what continues to happen with this. Aaron Pennon, dual employment with the sheriff and the county council. Again, we've harped on this a couple podcasts. I don't think we need to dive into it more, but I really would like to see some movement. Again, I'm proud that the people are standing up there seeing that they're not being represented or they're having an issue with the current situation. They are talking to the powers to be saying we need, we got a problem. Yeah, do something about this.

Speaker 4:

I promise you we're not putting these people up to stuff.

Speaker 3:

Well, the lady touched on a really kind of important point. Just as an aside, perhaps it's time to have an amendment to the county charter for recall. There you go, that would be a great amendment to the charter.

Speaker 5:

I think it would, instead of a referendum for two term limits.

Speaker 4:

You know, right, right, you know that term and thing bothers me because when the people finally do get a champion, they're going to have to get rid of them. There's very few champions and there's a whole lot of people willing to step up and do what the developers want. So you know you don't want term limits to get rid of the one or two champions you're going to get. That's what that is.

Speaker 3:

What a lot of people forget too is, like you know, local politics is the farm team for higher office. So if you're disgusted with what's happening in Washington DC or Annapolis, guess where all those people came from. Yeah, they came from your county council and your school boards. Most of them they moved up the rung. So I'm sure Mr Penman you know he's probably not thinking his prospects are so great for the future of district sneeze. So he's probably got some other office he's angling for in history in 2026.

Speaker 4:

History shows us that the ones doing the wrong thing move up the fastest. That's because of a lack of informed voters. I'm sorry to bring that to people. I don't like to pick on people, but that's kind of.

Speaker 5:

What can happen is again we need to talk about this today, tomorrow, you know, the next year, the year after that. But educate yourself, find the good candidates and then support them. A campaign is not easy. It really is not. You know there's door knocking, there's informing, but basically how you got informed? You need to inform the rest of the community of what's going on. That becomes the voters job as well. As you know, you have your politician, your candidate, out there trying to promote themselves. You shouldn't stand up for just a person. It's their principles, it's their morals, it's their values. Will they do the tough things or will they shy away?

Speaker 4:

and what a great lead into the next clip, because there's a lot of things that that certain people will say or do that do not agree with, but that doesn't mean I can't support some of the things I do or say. Are we playing another clip? Sure, all right, this is where things get fun, guys. I think Winston wants to say something all that beautiful bean footed.

Speaker 5:

Yeah give me, to give some context.

Speaker 4:

I think well, all right, we got. You said it earlier. He said the quiet part out loud. Okay, yeah, there we go, there we go and then they're gonna use him doing that because he's he's not experienced this was the public or the Input by the county council.

Speaker 5:

So they get free reign to say whatever that what they need to say.

Speaker 4:

And this is their time it starts. Yeah, this is why, as we said, they ought to be selling tickets to this stuff.

Speaker 1:

man, they have popcorn here we go, corn roll it I.

Speaker 6:

Went to Councilman Guthrie's office around 430 just to check in with him one last time, because the last time we had talked he said I just need to look at some more and think it over. When I went to his office to talk with him, I sat down and asked to talk about for a few minutes. His response was well, that depends. How do you feel about my hotel tax bill coming up? I said you know that's two months away. I really want to focus on tonight and focus on what's ahead of us. He said well, you know if you're not going to vote yes on my hotel tax bill, I'm not supporting your amendments. I I let him know I do not trade votes. This job is too important and too serious for me to play votes like chess pieces. It's about what's best for my community, step by step. I still have questions. I want to learn more about his hotel tax bill. I want to hear the public hearing. I have meetings with constituents coming up to talk about it more. I wasn't willing to guarantee a vote two months in advance. That's not how I go through the process. Councilman Guthrie raised his voice at me. He cursed at me and told me that he would not support any action that I put forward from here on out if I don't guarantee my support for his hotel tax bill. So it's unfortunate.

Speaker 6:

You know it's one thing to be against an amendment because you're against the amendment. I understand that it's part of the process, it's how it works. But to use something that's so vital to a community's Well-being as a pawn to get something that you're working on, I Take issue two and I'm not going to be pushed around, I'm not going to be bullied and I'm not going to be manipulated and to do something, doing something I'm uncomfortable with, just to try and make a win for my community. I don't want to bend my morals or my best practices in that way. That's not how I'm going to govern and I'm not going to be shamed for doing that.

Speaker 6:

But I do think it's shameful that tonight a vote could have been tarnished, and may have been tarnished Because I wasn't willing to play ball and trade votes. I might very well vote yes on that hotel tax bill. In November it could happen. If it's what I feel is best for my community. I'll vote yes once we hear from everybody.

Speaker 6:

This isn't going to impact whether I vote yes or no on that bill because what we do is too important for me to play that Type of game. But shameful that tonight that's the type of action and I would expect from someone with 13 years of experience Better decorum than that. So I hope that lessons learned there and that you don't shut off district F from support for the next three years, because I'm not willing to give you a two-month guarantee on a bill that hasn't had a hearing yet. I hope that you would care for the 40 plus thousand people who live in district F and Neighbor your district enough that that would not be the case, because what we do is so important and I'm not willing to play that game oopsie.

Speaker 3:

I went to oops Out of the mouths of babes, the.

Speaker 5:

Just so everybody knows.

Speaker 4:

That was Jacob Bennett from district F Commenting towards Deon Guthrie from district a right both Democrats by the way, the only two Democrat Well, I'm sorry, the only two um documented document Democrats are out of the closet. The rest of the Democrats are pretending to be Republicans.

Speaker 5:

I think the next one we should play is Deon's response a couple minutes later.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, you don't want to talk about this one a little bit more.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we can I just thought it was really interesting that. Look up this guy. I'm generally very conservative, I am. This guy had a set and he showed it and that's what needed to be said. He was, he directed it Straight. Adam told him what it was like. But you know, the really interesting thing Presumably because Jacob Bennett voted no against the bill, that's what he would have wanted in exchange and that's what Deon did. So it was Deon's threat, just a false threat. I Mean they both voted no, no.

Speaker 4:

Jacob voted yes, I'm sorry, I apologize. They both voted the same way. They both voted yeah, yes for the bill itself. I'm saying no because it was against the right. I understand evil empire, but you're right. Thank you for clearing that up, for people are gonna be like what John Smoking something he got in the future.

Speaker 5:

This was specifically about One of the 120 amendments that were proposed for this bill. Again, it's, I think, this one. This one was, I think, for the, the traffic study, you know the count of Vehicles going up and down the road from the warehouse itself. But again, yeah, this was just talking about the amendment. I think we should and didn't voted no against that.

Speaker 4:

I think we should have Tony G on to read all the amendments. What do you think?

Speaker 5:

Oh, no, I felt bad for that man you know, 120 and you have to read every.

Speaker 4:

Symbol yeah, that's gotta get, it's gotta get tough. I'm not.

Speaker 5:

I'm not picking on Tony for that, absolutely not, that I wouldn't want to do it either, but but I understand it was quite painful.

Speaker 5:

It's for him to. I know it was. I had to be. Yeah, but yeah, no, I look at this, you know, is it a good look or is it a bad look? Jacob, he made a decision to speak what would actually happen and tell his constituents and why they might not be getting what they they were hoping for, expecting, and why it made sense to him. Refreshing yeah Again, is it a good look or a bad look? Is it, you know, political suicide for him? I can't answer that question, but you know the people will answer that question when they start seeing the continuously bad things that happened, the responses, all this stuff We've been talking about well, I think what you'll see happen going forward in the future is that the council is gonna freeze Bennett out.

Speaker 3:

He's gonna be kept in the dark, he's not gonna be told anything, he's gonna be just sitting there. He's gonna find out about everything the night. It happens because the reason I say that is because the Councilman that dethroned neon Dion, mike Perone, was a very principled individual as well and really kind of cared about his district and was really Did the good government job and called them out, you know, on a lot of things, and they did the exact same thing to him. They completely froze him out. You try to get information from him about him. You know bill that's coming up and I mean he would he. They didn't tell him anything, yeah cuz.

Speaker 4:

It exposes them for exactly what they are and what they're doing and it goes against everything they tell when they run. If you would come out to these events, like I was telling you I was a Boy Scout for 20 years and all these things, they don't really give you much information, they just want to. You know, give give you the look at me, look how wonderful I am. And I do want to point out I don't know if the people heard it, but during that clip we were playing, the freedom pod was attacked. Our systems went off. I don't know exactly where the attack came from, because we destroyed it really fast, but um, yeah, so look at the next council meeting and see who's not there. That might have been where the attack was coming from.

Speaker 5:

Fafo there you go and they continue to mess around. You know mess around, they're gonna find out and you know the bullying tactics that you see. You know we talked about we've talked about it previously when you brought up Tony G before that, this warehouse moratorium, when it was a brought up last last council, he came out and said that he had to. You know he couldn't vote for the, the moratorium, because he was threatened. You know, and again, I think that we should continue to listen to what happened last night. You know, and just, I shouldn't say it wasn't a threat but it was a bullying tactic.

Speaker 5:

You know Jacob Bennett started off the, the comments and then, when it got to Deon's return, you know his response was you know this is a. These are men in, you know, in in a room together, and the way that they were. You know the way that he talked back to him and then the interaction. You just got to listen to it. You had to be there. So I also encourage everybody to start coming out to these county council meetings. They're, they're a good show, all right, so we're gonna let her rip.

Speaker 4:

Let her rip with another clip.

Speaker 10:

I've tried to help him since he's come in and got here. I know he's an inexperience. I know he teaches kindergarten and he's an experience in here and I try to help him and it's went to.

Speaker 6:

What does that mean? That I teach kindergarten? Are you calling me dumb Because I help five-year-olds every day?

Speaker 8:

Excuse me, mr Gothery, bring your comments to a close, please. Thank you, Mr President. Wednesday, October the 4th.

Speaker 3:

It was Deion drunk.

Speaker 4:

I can't answer that.

Speaker 5:

That was harsh.

Speaker 4:

Man, that was crazy. This is real life. Trauma folks, how can you?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

I think right after that. I don't know if it's in the recording, I think it is a little bit later, but Pat definitely called them into the principal's office.

Speaker 4:

Oh, they got called into the principal's office.

Speaker 5:

Mr Gothery, Mr Bennett, come to my office immediately.

Speaker 3:

Come here my little chickens.

Speaker 5:

The one thing that I think that this shows If you've gone to county council meetings for years or listened to them for a period of time, you understand that how tight of a ship they try to run that meeting. It's been happening for years. I will say it right now that Pat's losing control of this and it's definitely affecting the makeup and the interaction that's going on on this council. I think that having smaller government but also having a government that's going to keep themselves in check is a good thing. When you smack people down for speaking the truth or talking up, that's not a good look without constituents, smacking them down too.

Speaker 5:

That's not a good look. We need to all come together Again. It's the people he's on board, Timo D's not. We know that, Pat, I can see him now.

Speaker 4:

Bob, get my belt. I got to take my belt to these boys. They're not doing what we want. He'll now Look. I do want to point out during that clip Don't make me pull this car. I went out and did a little, Got to put the suit on and did a little fly around to check out what the hell might have happened to the Freedom Pod and those new tear tanks made from unobtainium. That fixed the problem. Whatever was launched at us, hit the unobtainium tear tanks and just bounce straight off.

Speaker 3:

That was a good investment.

Speaker 4:

That's hard to get, but when you know a couple people in the future, you get some stuff. Tell us what's up next.

Speaker 5:

I think a little bit more of housekeeping and then close this one out. There's still a lot coming up in the month of October. Thursday, October the 12th, very important meeting. It's adequate public facilities ordinance APFO meeting 6 pm at the County Council, which is 212. Here they come again.

Speaker 4:

I know that's all right, let's just let them get some night down 212 South Bond Street.

Speaker 5:

This is really focused in on the overcrowding of our schools. We talked about in the recent podcast that currently, once the school hits 110% capacity, then the building moratorium hits for new construction on residences. This is now to start the conversation of. We need to fix this situation. Here's another loophole that needs to be closed that we've continuously talked about On the 1017, the next County Council meeting. It's 7.30 pm again, 212 South Main Street. This could be when they introduce and read the apartment bill that's going to affect the entire County, which this bill is going to remove high, mid-rise and garden apartments from B3, the business districts. As you heard the speaker from Fauston Reference, this is a business district, it's not a residential district. They could be reading that 1017, or I think the next opportunity would be November 7th, just so everybody understands.

Speaker 5:

We've been telling everybody that there's a Development Advisory Committee meeting on 1018, and this is for the Fauston Apartments. The project that's being introduced at 1.52 and 1 to introduce 100 apartments. That's in the morning, 9 o'clock in the morning. That has been postponed. We do not have a date. The developer said that he's going to take it down to 48 homes. Again, as you listen to the speaker 48 apartments for 55 and over for a couple years. We don't know, these are all just games being played, distractions being played. We don't know the next DAC meeting to bring that up, but we'll definitely report that. But still we brought it up at the beginning. 1018, wednesday night, 7 o'clock PM, hartford Vineyard. Everybody come to the Hartford Vineyard to listen to Michael Prueger preach the Constitution, yes, and you need a good dose of that.

Speaker 4:

Tell them, winston.

Speaker 3:

Well, I would just say too that for this 1017 meeting at the County Council, even though you don't live in Fauston, this apartment bill is, like Josh said, is going to affect the entire county. So, even if you don't live in Fauston, if you don't want to have apartments in your neighborhood, you need to come out to this meeting. You need to find out more about what's going on, do some research. You need to speak up and speak out at this meeting and let these people know that you do not want stacked and packed apartment buildings all over this county, because it's not good development.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely Again. I'm just proud of everybody. I got to be positive here because what's happening is amazing and the community is coming together, this community is awesome it's looking and you've always talked about the community coming together.

Speaker 4:

It's kind of like a Mayberry thing, but it's happening, man, it's happening. So I don't know we're going to give Winston the last word. You got one. He's thinking.

Speaker 3:

Here we go. Well, I don't think I can top that.

Speaker 4:

Nice, perfect. Well, no need to thank you all for listening, and good night. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Rise of the People
Disappointment and Concerns Over Legislation
Corruption in Hartford County
Discussion on County Council Issues
Community Coming Together