Live Free - Die Last

Episode 29: Navigating the New Frontier: Politics, City Expansion, and Citizen Duty during Overdevelopment

November 03, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 29
Episode 29: Navigating the New Frontier: Politics, City Expansion, and Citizen Duty during Overdevelopment
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 29: Navigating the New Frontier: Politics, City Expansion, and Citizen Duty during Overdevelopment
Nov 03, 2023 Season 1 Episode 29
Live Free - Die Last

How do you navigate the turbulent waters of local and national politics without getting swept away? We're here to illuminate the path. We kick off with Mike Peroutka's stirring message at the We the People meeting, where he will be weekly constitutional classes. We also mull over the ripples created by Matt Gaetz's decision to sideline McCarthy, a bold move that has us examining the corrosion of values under the uniparty system. 

Turning our gaze closer to home, we dissect the implications of a proposed apartment complex project and whether its impact on traffic has been adequately considered. The Massachusetts Governor's controversial push to house illegal immigrants in extra bedrooms also comes under scrutiny. We aren't afraid to address the elephant in the room - the concerns surrounding overdevelopment in Bel Air, and what the upcoming Town Commissioner Election means for this. Our guest, Thomas, shares valuable insights on the Freedom Pod, a symbol of collective action, and the importance of standing up for our rights.

We round off with a look at the upcoming County Council Meeting, the importance of local involvement, and the ethics of the proposed transitional home project. Whether you're a seasoned citizen or just dipping your toes into the realm of politics, there's something here for you. So join us as we pull back the curtain on the political stage - one episode, one issue at a time. Get ready to be informed, engaged, and perhaps, a little outraged.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

How do you navigate the turbulent waters of local and national politics without getting swept away? We're here to illuminate the path. We kick off with Mike Peroutka's stirring message at the We the People meeting, where he will be weekly constitutional classes. We also mull over the ripples created by Matt Gaetz's decision to sideline McCarthy, a bold move that has us examining the corrosion of values under the uniparty system. 

Turning our gaze closer to home, we dissect the implications of a proposed apartment complex project and whether its impact on traffic has been adequately considered. The Massachusetts Governor's controversial push to house illegal immigrants in extra bedrooms also comes under scrutiny. We aren't afraid to address the elephant in the room - the concerns surrounding overdevelopment in Bel Air, and what the upcoming Town Commissioner Election means for this. Our guest, Thomas, shares valuable insights on the Freedom Pod, a symbol of collective action, and the importance of standing up for our rights.

We round off with a look at the upcoming County Council Meeting, the importance of local involvement, and the ethics of the proposed transitional home project. Whether you're a seasoned citizen or just dipping your toes into the realm of politics, there's something here for you. So join us as we pull back the curtain on the political stage - one episode, one issue at a time. Get ready to be informed, engaged, and perhaps, a little outraged.

Speaker 1:

We are, we, the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hello Harford County. This is your host, john Connor, broadcasting live from the Freedom pod high above Harford County. We are a product of the we the People studios and you can contact us at wethepeopleofmdorg. You can send an email to info at wethepeopleofmarylandorg. You can send a letter to PO Box 13 in Forest Hill, maryland. Sometimes that's the way to do it, because they can't be traced. How about we introduce our Patriots tonight? We've got the Josh, as always, good evening.

Speaker 2:

Patriots. We found someone wandering around outside on his horse. His name is familiar to you. His name is Thomas Jefferson. Introduce yourself.

Speaker 4:

Hello Patriots. You can call me TJ.

Speaker 2:

TJ, TJ. So the interesting thing this is TJ's first time in the Freedom pod Be gentle. I think the lights and the gauges and dials were a little much. But once we got off the ground he was all right. He promised his horse would be okay and be there when he got back.

Speaker 3:

He's good. Welcome aboard, TJ.

Speaker 4:

Is he ready for the ride? Great to be here. I've enjoyed every previous podcast so much. It's fun to be here.

Speaker 2:

All right, so let's start with, I think, what the first thing we should do. Well, let's ask TJ, because he was here, the we, the People meeting was special because there was a special guest, mike Perutka, and what did you think of it?

Speaker 4:

TJ. He was phenomenal. He's a former attorney general candidate for Maryland. When he spoke at the Republican Alliance meeting, my gosh. In five minutes he covered so much and was so inspirational. I don't think there's anybody in Maryland that knows more about the US Constitution, or especially the Maryland Constitution, than this guy.

Speaker 2:

He was phenomenal, yeah he's amazing, so we're going to quiz you guys tonight because he brought something up that's very important. And what it is is. You can ask people what's the purpose of the US Constitution and hopefully, when you ask a politician, they tell you it's to protect our God-given rights. That is what the message you wanted to hammer home that that Constitution is not for the politicians. It is for us to defend ourselves against them. They are not to overstep their bounds and take our rights. Can you hear all these people saying it's a democracy? The hell it is. It's a constitutional republic and there's a reason for that, lord. If it was a democracy, we'd have tarred and feathered a couple of those guys already at some of these meetings we've had, so they ought to be grateful they're lucky.

Speaker 3:

You're right. Amen, tj, you brought up a point. I think it was last summer when he spoke at that event Very inspiring, had all the people just clamoring around listening. Something happened last Wednesday or Wednesday before, whenever that happened at our meeting at the we the People meeting at the Winery, a monthly meeting. He inspired the crowd. There was a ton of people there. But one thing that did come from that was he sees how Hartford County is so inspired. We're involved and whenever he comes and speaks he gets the same type of questions and responses and it was awesome for him to offer weekly classes. I mean us, we the People, and Mike Barucho will be able to put on a constitutional class for local citizens once a week. It started this past week, but again, and runs for how many?

Speaker 2:

weeks, 12 weeks, 12 weeks. It's awesome to learn from this guy. I mean, he reads the Constitution all the time.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, if you guys want to know more about these classes, you should email info at WeThePeopleOfMDorg. We can let you know where they are, how much the cost is. You've only missed one class so far. So I'm telling you he's just phenomenal and it's not just the purpose of the Constitution, it's the purpose of government and even local government is to protect our God-given rights and I know our local politicians have no earthly idea that that is the case. You could tell by their reaction when he spoke at the Republican Alliance. It was like a local politicians literally wanted none of it.

Speaker 2:

They were like slug, losing your poor salt on them. Not that I would ever do that, that's cruel and horrible but they recoiled like that.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

Like holy water on a vampire Blood suckers. All right, let's get into something national to start with, because Matt Gatz took a lot of heat for getting rid of the guy he got rid of, mccarthy. All the rhinos were upset. See what you've done now. Now we have no representation that has an R behind its name. This is the worst thing on earth. Well, now, what do you think? Tj?

Speaker 4:

Like Dan Bungino says, you can't trust really any of them. I don't care what's behind their name anymore nowadays.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

But we really did. We were blessed. Epic Times said that it was prayer, not politics, that got Johnson into that position.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, now time will tell. Time will tell if he's going to be a good speaker, but so far he's got all the credentials way different than anybody we've had. I bet the Democrats are going, damn, what have we done? Because I mean McCarthy was their guy really.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what they were thinking, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

That's what gets us playing chess, and they were playing checkers.

Speaker 3:

Looking at it, this uniparty approach that we've been seeing for so many years with McCarthy, with Pelosi it's a uniparty. This discussion of the conservative values, all this other mumbo jumbo. While I'm telling you, if we mess around with this uniparty, it's diminishing our values, not only within our government, but also as a person. They will sell their soul just for a buck or a special interest group. That's not what the people need and it's all the way down to local government.

Speaker 4:

It used to be just in Washington, and then it was kind of in Maryland, and now it's in your backyard.

Speaker 2:

And to that point, local government does the same thing. Oh the Rhino cheerleaders with their pom-poms out going, yes, yes we need a. Republican. We need a Republican. They don't care what the Republican stands for. If they stand for anything, as long as they have an R after the name, they're happy.

Speaker 3:

It's totally ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. So why are these people? Why do they hate? And I'll use the word hate. It's a strong word, but that's what you're hearing in the All the Dems and the. Rhino's yeah, why are the? What are the Dems and the Rhino's saying about Speaker Johnson?

Speaker 2:

Well, they're hating on the guy, so he must be good.

Speaker 4:

They use all the terminology that's just totally wrong on its face, calling him an election denier. No one denied the election. By the way, there was an election right. You guys all agree there was an election right In 2020.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was a farce but there was an election. So questioning the accuracy of the vote, questioning whether or not there was fraud, is denying something that is utterly ridiculous. Their words, that they use the call us names all the time, are falling on deaf ears. Now they're failing. So when they start to fail, they start to flail, and that's exactly what we're seeing.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

So there's here reading an article and just quoting it from the Colorado Secretary of State, jena Griswold. She said the fact that there is an election denier now as Speaker of the House shows that democracy. There's that democracy where again Democracy is still facing a tremendous attack in this country.

Speaker 2:

It should, because we have a constitutional republic. Remember that. Folks Remember that Exactly.

Speaker 4:

And we're exporting, quote unquote democracy all over the world, right? Not really.

Speaker 2:

We're free that out of you with bombs and guns and coercion, yeah, freedom.

Speaker 3:

So again, they're just attacking him.

Speaker 2:

It's a quote Hannity they hate us because we're free. Really, Turbuckle, You're a mess. Go sit down. Your time is up.

Speaker 3:

There you go and again they're just using all the mainstream media approach of making attacks. Again, we see it locally. All we need to remember is the people. We need representation, but don't rely on somebody to actually represent you. Don't think oh, I voted for him, he's going to take care of me, Don't worry.

Speaker 1:

And go home.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, just go home. No, the first time that Mr Johnson steps out, speaker Johnson steps out of line, I hope there's a line of people standing there and saying, hey, dude Ain't doing this right now.

Speaker 2:

If TJ here dusts off his his wig and goes back into office, then maybe I will relax a little, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Speaker 4:

The wig is tired.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, blow the dust off.

Speaker 3:

So I mean, since we talked about the, the national stuff, and you know, we know it's here locally.

Speaker 2:

What do you want to get into? What happened? Anything going on here locally? I mean, it's been pretty quiet, isn't it not really? Oh, oh, oh.

Speaker 3:

Not really I mean again, but we've talked about the same things.

Speaker 2:

Let me just team OD's at it again.

Speaker 3:

Yep team over development. Here we go. Team OD they're just spreading their wings. You know they they messed with Perryman for the past few years. Now they've messed with Fauston in the apartments. You know They've got these apartments going up everywhere in Hickory. And again I feel like a broken record. We're constantly talking about this stuff but they're constantly doing new things. And again, oh, I gotta say you do dumb things, you win dumb prizes, and here we are talking about it.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's like Washington there. They're coming at us from so many places and so many sides. Team OD has got it going on everywhere. You can hardly keep up with it. To be honest with you, I mean, it's happening. For most people it's happening without their even knowing that it's happening. All of a sudden, oh, there's all these apartments in Hickory. Like where did that come from?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they were licking their chops with what they got done this election season and I think now they're they're licking their rear ends because they're really upset that people are actually waking up All over the place. That's the best thing about this people are mad.

Speaker 3:

And I'd like to talk about this week, Bel Air. So I don't think we've had a chance to really dive into we have not the Proposed project of the Hartford Mall.

Speaker 2:

Hold on. Let me just say one thing. Patrick Vincenti and the rest of the council members Sounds like you're off the hook for the next ten minutes or so, because we're gonna be talking about Bel Air, and Just so everyone knows, they have their own Commission, the, the county charter, the one, not lessons at County Charter, the.

Speaker 1:

There's the county rules, they have their own zoning rule.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so. So this is a different group of players. Just trying to be fair, I'm trying to give team OD a little bit of a break. Some of them I know it's their boys here, so they got their pom-poms out and they're cheering them on or is team OD having to try out? It could be so tell us what's going on there, josh.

Speaker 3:

You know it was a packed house, so there's a. I guess let's get back to the project. Yeah, get the purpose.

Speaker 2:

Surely the Nimbis and such are just Going in uproar over something small and simple absolutely.

Speaker 3:

You know this is we'll have no impact on anything and again, that's what they were trying to talk about at the meeting. This isn't gonna be that bad peasants. Peasants are revolting sire. So, you know, a couple hundred more apartments, you know, added to the county Just happens to be at the back parking lot of them all there's. There's a couple phases of the project and I'll get into it in a second here. On the first phase it's, I think it's two hundred and forty nine apartments. The weird thing about this is phase one. How many phases? At least two, I mean. I think you got phase one. You're gonna have to have at least a phase to right phase one.

Speaker 3:

There's more, but how many phases have already happened. I'll bring that up here right now, because the mall just had, you know, an, a separation where there's supposedly a grocery store coming in. There's a wax center. There, there's a Physical therapy place. There's, you know yeah. To make it a, you know, more walkable kind of area. Okay, but in the back parking lot they're gonna propose these two hundred and forty nine apartments that are Surrounding a four or five-story parking garage. It's gonna be four hundred plus cars in a parking garage.

Speaker 2:

Will it be higher than the one in Bella?

Speaker 3:

It'll be, I thought it's four stories four stories.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and again you look at the design. I'm not gonna get deep into this because there's still some questions about what's going on. There's gonna be some more information, but the designs, all it's a weird design. It's gonna be really high on one side and kind of slope down. They say it's to be more inviting to the mall, but again, that's only phase one inviting. I Want to say that Nobody During that meeting or you know, as far as you know the developers or anything like that all they talked about is this is how good it's gonna be. You know, we're gonna bring all this. We're gonna fix the, the roadways and extend the sidewalks, we're gonna put in a bike lane on Bolton Street. So anybody knows downtown Bel Air, bolton Street. It's a side street that's been exploited.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it's huge, it's busy, so busy it is, and so they're gonna continue to push that road, but they're gonna take care of that. They're not gonna worry about this. Not gonna be much more traffic, um what?

Speaker 4:

200 apartments, no more traffic.

Speaker 3:

Well, the funny thing was, the traffic study guy got up there and he was talking and One question was can you let me know, with the impact at the height of the mall, when the mall was really Jamming, you know, full? I remember Friday nights at the mall, you know, standing shoulder to shoulder, walking up and down the, you know, with all my buddies.

Speaker 2:

Welcome for Huey Lewis and the news records.

Speaker 3:

Um, but again, it's hip to be square. They didn't even consider when the mall was up and running. You know, they just wanted to look at the, the traffic studies right now of a dead mall and looking at it and trying to say that the 400 homes or the 400 parking spots wouldn't add any more traffic to it. There's a lot more that happened. I ask everybody, you can go to the Bel Air Town YouTube page and there's a recording of the meeting last night. Um, it's long, you can fast forward it. What was really good? It was a packed house last night. So last night was the time that the developer and the landowner and the landowner flew in from Massachusetts. I mean, I said that you got a chuckle. They didn't like it on the counts or the commission there. They had kind of quiet down the crowd.

Speaker 2:

Well, can I say something here? Yeah, massachusetts. So does everybody know what's going on in Massachusetts? If you have an apartment building, if you have a home with an extra bedroom, the Massachusetts governor Would like you to bring in some illegal immigrants. Although they don't call them illegals, they have another name for them. I cannot swallow. So, yeah, that's probably where this guy's thinking hey, I've got Apartment buildings, it doesn't matter if I can rent them out, because the government will pay me to house people. It shouldn't be in this country anyway.

Speaker 3:

And he's using the excuse that they make great neighbors. This is the only way that we can save the malls, meaning, like the old abandoned malls, you need to use, make them multi-use properties, and we need to revamp them with infiltrating them with.

Speaker 2:

Well, I'm glad he's here, then save them all.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

He's gonna do it with his apartments, though, and it's it's quite a shame you won't be able to go in the mall, you won't like them all, you won't want to be anywhere near it, but he's gonna save it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's. It was quite an interesting meeting, you know, and they were all up there just I Won't say lying out of their teeth it, but they were just feeding everybody.

Speaker 2:

Just a story and I bet everybody walked away like thrilled that they were there. No, oh yeah, cheering that they were there and drinking them if they still hate you, okay, they still hate you when they get to bring the tar and feathers because they heard it was a democracy. Watch out.

Speaker 3:

That's. That's a good one, but the result of it was the developer must come back Him, I think it was. He's gonna fly back in from Massachusetts. There was a crew there from Frederick Ward. There was also that. You know, those same old traffic stuck. I mean, I think I've seen this traffic study guy I forget his name, I forget the company's name. He's at the Fauston meeting. He's been at like literally the past four or five. You know zoning meetings I've seen, and you were giving it an opinion. It's quite interesting. He doesn't even live here, though, but he seems to know all about our roads.

Speaker 4:

I don't know what he was showing a study, but was it the study like from 2020, when they were showing for Fauston, when there was no traffic on the road at all?

Speaker 3:

That question didn't come up, but it probably should have you know, because I think things that's the same old, same old again.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean thinks he gets compensated for the Nonsense he spews Mm-hmm.

Speaker 3:

Well, the one thing that I wanted to bring up so we experienced this in Fauston and I personally asked questions of the fire department at a couple public meetings in the fire department here locally in Fauston specifically was very concerned about the fire suppression systems inside of a parking garage, especially involving electric vehicles. Oh yeah, so everybody's gonna get one.

Speaker 2:

Not me. I Hear the big, the big automakers are kind of walking back on that. They're going hey, nobody's buying these dumb things.

Speaker 3:

When you're using diesel generators to charge them. You know, I think I've read somewhere the largest charging station in California is diesel run right there's.

Speaker 2:

There's so many problems with them.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, belair took it one step further. Last night the fire department came in and said guess what? There is no Electric charging stations inside of a parking garage. So if you're gonna, if you're gonna put them up, where are you gonna put them? So again, that's a great question to ask, and putting it back on these developers and the landowners to say, hey, you can't do this, what else are you gonna do? Because there's still a ton of property left at the mall.

Speaker 2:

Don't worry, illegal immigrants can't afford electric cars anyway.

Speaker 3:

But you probably get a little bit of kickback of money to be able to provide a charging station and to make it maybe a charging hub.

Speaker 2:

I'm gonna pull my pickup truck back there, turn on the diesel generator and charge Teslas with it. Want to make a fortune. It makes as much sense when they get smart, like the Freedom Pod runs, I told you it runs on Democrat tears and and it and it runs. It even runs better when they start screaming at this guy. It's like a supercharger. Yeah, you're zooming around. Yeah, there's no lack of that stuff anywhere. Rhino tears.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but again last night community did, did amazing. The first room, the main room, the meeting room, filled up. It's standing room only they opened up an extra room filled up. They started streaming that live streaming, the YouTube video over there completely filled up. People were stacked outside. It was cold, you know, stacked and packed, huh, exactly. So again we said Fauston. In August you know we heard about over development happening. Fauston stood up and said no, showed up in droves. You know, this week Lair showed up in droves. We need every community To force that. You know at least they have a voice and say into what's going on. But we also need to continue to put pressure on team OD, pressure on these elected officials that continue to stand up and do it's right.

Speaker 2:

Well, and we did see that it's bothering those guys. So thank you for coming out, because guys like Joe sneer writing letters to all his friends saying we gotta come out and speak because the Nimbies and all the other nasty names we call them, they're all coming out to speak. They woke up.

Speaker 3:

And I think we'll talk a little bit later about the calendar coming up. But you know there's a lot that you can do as a community says citizen coming up.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you don't like the overcrowding, if you don't like the quality of life, that's. That's slapping you in the face now and dragging you down. There's people to yell at mm-hmm.

Speaker 3:

I think in Bel Air, looking at it specifically, tuesday 11 7, they're having a town town commissioner election. You know, if you didn't like what you're seeing in the town of Bel Air, you have a couple days to understand who you're gonna vote for. You know and understand what they stand for and what can happen in the town Of Bel Air, because it takes everybody to kind of coming together and well.

Speaker 2:

Yeah and listen. Folks come out and vote, because I think the last election there was like 800 people that doesn't.

Speaker 4:

It doesn't take A lot of people to sway and make a big difference in a small election like town of Bel Air. Yeah, doesn't at all. It's your. Your vote is very, very powerful if you're in Bel Air.

Speaker 2:

There you go, so get yourself educated and come on out.

Speaker 3:

And I think last night there was two candidates that they would make some pretty strong statements, you know, in their testimony Challenging the proposed apartment complex and you know, in making making them take action as a commission or asking them to take action as commission, I'm not gonna dive into it. You know, as our organization we don't, you know, endorse or anything like that I wanted.

Speaker 3:

they wanted people to look into things that were legitimate reasons within the code and also asking the tough questions that were not asked by any current commissioner to these developers saying, you know, specifically asking them development questions and pressuring them to say I'll bring up the one thing here. So this we brought it. We said at the beginning this is phase one I of these apartments at the Hartford Mall. If there's a phase one, there's a phase two. So in that's what was discussed last night, they were bringing up what is phase two and the developers were just jumping around and not really giving any decent answers, basically alluding to that they could tear down the mall and put another one of these up if this was successful. But also, what are they going to do within the mall?

Speaker 3:

Right now, they're going to have 39,000 square feet of the mall that they're going to permanently have to keep vacant because they can't provide enough parking spots on site to keep the rest of the mall open. So they're just going to close the doors and make it vacant. So this is part of the questioning that they were like, you know. So no, let us know what phase two is. What are you doing here? You're going to completely put this up and what the heck is phase two going to be, you know, is it going to do with this empty square footage? They keep the mall for a prison.

Speaker 2:

And they're going to need one.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, this is insane, or a hospital.

Speaker 2:

We don't have enough beds, for as it is, they killed enough people at the one we have.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's for sure.

Speaker 3:

And the last thing I want to make a comment on in the town of Bel Air, and the one thing that I hope the new commission can work on is within the over development, is the school issues that we talk about, that the schools are overpopulated. And last night there was a group of girls that came in from the Girl Scouts young girls and came in and I was proud of them for just speaking on what they wanted to say and providing the facts to the commission and saying I have a problem with this. You know, I'm in a school where we have rooms that are normally broom closets that we're using for school activities. I have 40 kids in a class, things like that that I'm being impacted. Well, the town of Bel Air and I'll come out right out and say they do not care. A couple of years ago, the commissioners, they do not care.

Speaker 2:

A couple of years ago they sad because they're elected by the people and they're supposed to represent the people.

Speaker 3:

And I'll be honest with you, if I was sitting on that commission, these girls came up and gave that testimony to me, knowing that we had changed their code, their zoning code. So a little bit of information here. Hartford County if the school hits 110% capacity of a school and a moratorium goes in, no more development until that number is reduced. You can build five homes or more on one property if it's allowed. Bel Air changed that in within their code and they said well, if this school is at 110% capacity but there's an adjacent school that has capacity, it doesn't matter, go ahead and build. So we have schools here in Hartford County that are over 100% capacity and even in Bel Air, the Bel Air area, hickory Elementary is 100%, red Pump is 103%, bel Air Elementary is at 111%. That should already trigger this building moratorium. But there's an adjacent school that has capacity that isn't at moratorium and again, moratorium is 110%, not 100%.

Speaker 4:

Which is already wrong.

Speaker 3:

They consider yeah, capacity is 110%. Basically is what they're saying. George Lisby is 107%, havity Grace is 106%, youth benefit is over excuse me already at 100% and there's a handful of schools that are 95% and above. So again, I go back and say that the commissioners of the town of Bel Air, they don't care about this and I hope that this can change.

Speaker 4:

But the big picture is that all of Hartford County seems to be waking up, not just the people that were previously politically involved, and I don't even like to use the word politically involved, because it's really just protecting your heritage, protecting your freedom, your quality of life. But there's so many people that previously just had no concept or clue or interest. No interest. Now our attending meetings. Filling meeting halls, overflowing meeting halls, a thousand people in Fauston this is one of the best outcomes that we could hope for, that we wake people up.

Speaker 3:

I'd say people attend and feel the energy. If you don't want to go to one of these meetings, or, excuse me, if you can go to one of these meetings and not walk out of there and feel energized and feel good about attending that meeting, you know you need to you must be a developer, you must be a developer.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oops, those guys aren't like in this?

Speaker 3:

No, not at all, and it's all because of the people you know Well what else we got tonight?

Speaker 2:

Do we have anything else?

Speaker 3:

I think we can continue a little bit more with Team OD. Let's make this Team OD podcast and then maybe we can do another one. You know, just because there's so much going on.

Speaker 2:

I have seen Thomas over there taking notes with his quill, so I'm sure he has things to add. But if I will say this public service announcement if you have seen the pod, the Freedom Pod, flying erratically over your house tonight, please don't call the sheriff. It's just Thomas, he can't keep his fingers off the buttons.

Speaker 1:

He's never seen anything like this.

Speaker 2:

So we're letting him play with it a little bit, but it's been a little hairy.

Speaker 4:

Well, the new guy, what can I say?

Speaker 2:

We appreciate the new guy from 1776.

Speaker 4:

We love your your writings by the way, the old new guy.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I got his autograph, since I saw him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I autographed my bill. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, they haven't changed that much yeah.

Speaker 3:

So, tj, you've traveled through Fawcett, haven't you? He's traveled through time. Fawcett, nothing that was easier than traveling through Fawcett, yeah or I should say what was it like when you were traveling through this area, you know, around the bush and all that kind of stuff, the Bush River?

Speaker 4:

Well, it used to be. You know a lot of horses, but today seriously if you're, if you work in Baltimore County and you're coming home and you've got to travel 152 at 435 o'clock, 530, you're, you're just you're in big trouble because you're just in a backup that goes for seemingly forever.

Speaker 4:

I mean I avoid the thing like the plague, but people have to be there and if there was apartments, if there was, I just can't. And plus people entering that roadway, you can't even go straight on that roadway much. I mean much less. If people were trying to enter the roadway come turn left to go south on 152, that'd be it'd be insanity.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the traffic there is disgusting, but I'll tell you, what also is pretty bad is the games that are being played in Fauston right now, and I'll come out and say it. You know, these are all smoke and mirrors that are going on. Didn't anybody read the?

Speaker 2:

newspaper. Oh, you're talking about Mike Mike Euler. I've heard that name before.

Speaker 3:

The Fauston apartments, I guess the Fauston Village Center, you know just that whole corridor right there and these threatening us with houses for halfway houses or something right. Transitional homes.

Speaker 2:

That's the nice name.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think that's the way you can get federally funded money coming your way. Name Right.

Speaker 4:

Or it's like proposing a toxic waste dump and saying, no, we'll just build apartments instead. Oh okay, great Thanks.

Speaker 3:

You know, here's where I want to. I want to take this one second Humanitarian the developers Good Buddy and Councilman Aaron Penn, and in their relationship. I can't understand this. We're back.

Speaker 2:

Is that? We're back, we're back, we're back to the county council. Yeah, I told those guys, we're gonna leave them alone for 10 minutes. I think we went a little bit. Feel free to fire we got a big break.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, half an hour break. Here we go have Adam Josh. Yeah, it's the dumbest thing I've ever read when I'm reading an article, when these guys are pairing back together, trying to compromise and trying to convince our community in our county to say, hey, it was a hundred apartments but it's down to 49 apartments. But then there's 49 apartments gonna be for 55 and over community, but we're only gonna offer that for two and a half years. But if I can't sell it out in two and a half years, we're just gonna open it up to the public. Well, now he's gonna say that we're gonna do this transitional housing stuff. These are all just games. We're not. We're not playing this game.

Speaker 3:

You know, and I want to talk about an article that he was just published, just to you know, to call, call to some of the Lever better term stupidity that we're being forced to to live with. And you know this is not good for us, it's not good for our community. I Want to bring up the first thing, fauston. In this article it says and again, this article is from the Aegis, I believe today or yesterday. This is after Fauston residents widely opposed a proposed apartment development on the property at on Mountain Road. I got a problem with.

Speaker 3:

No, widely opposed, widely proposed vehemently Sounds like dr Seuss is back. That was a packed house people sitting on the floor, people were pissed off. They were said no, so widely opposed. I Don't think that's quite the description that was needed there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah wildly opposed perhaps, but they may have tried to write that just well, spell check on them again here.

Speaker 3:

The next word. You got to be very careful with wording. A New plan is being considered, so you're gonna be writing about something that's being considered. So, knowing the track record, I guess he was considering the field house. As opposed to all our village across the street from there, there's no field house for sports, yeah, and you know which have. The project has now become this transitional housing complex. This type of housing provides temporary housing with supportive services to individuals, with the goal of interim stability and support to eventually gain permanent housing. According to the US Department of Housing and Urban Development, hud.

Speaker 2:

Hood the incentives.

Speaker 3:

favored organization Yep all of the money, exactly, but again, so it's continuing. Yollars said that he the project would have 238 beds and be a place for people in Substance use recovery to reside after being at a crisis center. He said he has been in talks in the past few weeks with two regional groups looking to establish more transitional housing. Again, I see these are just threats to the community, to stir up the community and you know, to be able to say well, you know, the hundred apartments or the 49 apartments aren't that bad anymore.

Speaker 3:

They look better by income right, yeah, but also I will throw out there.

Speaker 2:

I think he's just a humanitarian. I Sure of it.

Speaker 3:

I'm. I wish I had a big heart like you, you know, but I'm looking at this.

Speaker 4:

Well, they crazy. The amazing thing it's just so transparent is that team OD Council people and I say council people because not just councilmen when they talk about this kind of stuff, they never mention their constituents. They, they all they're questioning. All their statements are all about the rights of developers and the rights of property owners. Now they don't talk about the rights of the property owners, of their single-family home constituents. There, you know they're, you know the their voters. They don't, they don't consider them. They never even mentioned, they don't even give them lip service. It's like so obvious, it's, it's unbelievable.

Speaker 2:

That is a great point, very good point. Um, we had to have Thomas Jefferson on to think of that. Dear god, we should have come up with that earlier. Josh, yeah, man, that's good stuff.

Speaker 3:

Um, but to go back to what I was saying, you know, as there's smoke and mirrors, the reason why I say that is, you know, euler can be quoted again in this article saying that, um, he and his partner would prefer to go forward with the 48 unit senior housing project, but the transitional housing plan would be the path of least resistance. Really, resistance of what? Secondly, and the reason why I say that there's a great issue in this, he's continued to be quoted as it makes more monetary sense than 48 apartments.

Speaker 4:

Because the government will pay you for 238 beds. Ding ding, beautiful system ding, ding.

Speaker 3:

So again, I just think you know, quickly touching on, you know what's going on in Fauston. Stay vigilant. You know we are everybody. You know, stay vigilant. What we're seeing here is a um, a project pops up, the people pop up. Well, we can't go away. I'm gonna warn everybody right now. Within the next two years, the building envelope in the harper county is going to be reviewed. We need to make sure we know every single property that can be up zoned, down zoned, which really doesn't happen that much, but which.

Speaker 3:

What are the projects that are coming? Keep an eye out. You know, these people aren't going to be hiding this stuff, you know. But they're going to start hiding it when all the people start coming up in the community. I guarantee you, fauston, a project pops up in Fauston, the people are going to know about it. Bel Air, the people. A project pops up in Bel Air. Yeah, people are going to know about it. And I'm going to bring up something about Bel Air, the proposed projects in Bel Air. Besides the one we talked about tonight at the mall, you have the one that they proposed right up the street from the old Bel Air bakery. You're the one behind the clients. It's being disputed right now. There's two that are being looked at or they're being proposed across the street from the, from the library, and right across the street from the parking garage, uh, the, the current parking garage in Bel Air. You know, that's four huge projects in a little downtown Bel Air.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean these things don't just affect the residents of Bel Air. No, these things affect all or Fauston, they affect all of us. We have to pass through there, we have to go to businesses there, we have to, we have to live and work and and and bring our families there. It affects everybody. That's why everybody should be Everywhere. Everywhere is Bel Air, everywhere is Fauston.

Speaker 1:

Even if you live in.

Speaker 4:

Aberdeen, it doesn't matter, because well, aberdeen's got its own problems, perriman and I mean, but we, we need to protect Hartford County as a whole.

Speaker 3:

And I'll bring up Aberdeen. They should keep an eye out on on, like the old wetlands, golf course. You know, in the annexation of the property that was added into Into Aberdeen, you know there's projects happening every single place In the infrastructure can't support it, the schools can't support it, our, our, our sheriff's office can't support it. Um, ems can't support it, fire can't support it, but the people that that have this information, you know, that's why I'm so proud of the, the fire department in both in Fauston and Bel Air, standing up and saying to the developer we can't have this here. You know this is what you're gonna have to do. Um, we need everybody to kind of continue to come together.

Speaker 2:

Which means your taxes will go up there.

Speaker 4:

I said it very true, absolutely so your quality of life.

Speaker 2:

So, like Thomas said, even if you don't need to go to Bel Air to get your sugar in your wagon wheels, your taxes are gonna go up, folks, mm-hmm promise.

Speaker 3:

But there's so many things happening, I think in the month of November, um, and this is where it starts, you know.

Speaker 4:

This is why don't you go through the schedule because there's a lot of things that the public can't participate in um, so we talked about the, the planning commission in Bel Air.

Speaker 3:

Um, next, uh, uh, november the 7th, the county council meeting. You know there's a very important bill. Again I've said it many times, this is not the end. All be all. Don't think that you can vote on a bill and think that's going to fix everything. You still need to stay vigilant, you still need to stay involved. But bill 23, dash 27, uh, or 0, 27 Um, they're going to have amendments on this bill, the, the agenda just came out today.

Speaker 3:

Um, there's going to be amendments. So they're going to discuss the amendments or introduce the amendments and they're also going to do the final reading of the bill and potentially vote on the bill. All on tuesday, uh, november the 7th. It starts at 7 30 pm, the county council at 2 12 um, south bond street. Um, that's a, that's a huge meeting right there. That's going to have a snowball effect and I say everybody, watch the interaction, watch, um, watch these elected officials interact with the people. Look who's showing up these meetings, watch them squirm a little bit in their chair. You know, we got to remember last time that they had a vote. It was on the Perryman warehouses you had. We all have to remember that. Aaron Pennan he voted no and Jessica Boyle saddles those are the two no votes. Watch what they say. Watch what they do on Tuesday night it's going to be very interesting.

Speaker 4:

See if they even mentioned their constituents in one sentence.

Speaker 3:

You got that in my mind it's not going to happen.

Speaker 2:

Let's play a game Every time they mention their constituents, we'll drink.

Speaker 4:

That will be so sober.

Speaker 2:

The next meeting is. The people in the new halfway house can play that game. Oh, that was terrible. I'm sorry.

Speaker 1:

I have feelings and care about people that have problems and we want them to get better.

Speaker 2:

But we have to think about that carefully before we drop a whole bunch of government sponsored people into a I'll be honest with you.

Speaker 3:

you bring up a very good point. What's right across the street from the now proposed transitional homes? It's a bar, it's a restaurant. It's a concert hall. You know, I'm not, you know um close, oh no.

Speaker 4:

And the bar house, yeah, the bar house.

Speaker 2:

Okay, yeah, oh, the barrel house.

Speaker 3:

You know that doesn't make sense. It's like um, I think um Travis Sunday was here last week. It's like you know you don't put a um a porn shop next to a church. I think that's what he said in. You know, in zoning codes. You know these things you don't do. You know right, if you want to really help these people, why would you put a recovery place right next to a bar? But again, I don't want to digress into the weeds.

Speaker 4:

The reason is money.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go. We've all had issues and we've all had concerns, and we brought up very valid concerns about the hospitals.

Speaker 3:

I don't know if anybody wants to touch on just a couple they suck, they're over capacity, they're closing down hospitals and they're not providing more beds. Yeah, um, the 14th of November is another important county council meeting, you know, and that's where the um upper chest peak in the hospitals will be to give a presentation, um, to the residents. You can listen. Um, I doubt we have to ask questions directly to them, but, uh, email, email, email, um hit up our council. You know it's council at Hartford, or I forget exactly what their email address is, but, um, just email. Maybe we need to have the right questions answered.

Speaker 4:

And isn't there an ethics committee?

Speaker 2:

Finally, thank you. They're supposed to have had one all along.

Speaker 3:

So going back before we move into this council, at Hartford County, Councilcom is the email address. But you bring up a great point Monday night, the first of November, I think. I think they've only met one time since you brought up the fact that they hadn't met in years.

Speaker 2:

Um, they're John. Somebody knows we exist, Whoa.

Speaker 4:

We better talk about that.

Speaker 2:

And some of us don't live in the county anymore. Yeah, I think they fixed most of that, but um, and that was under the direction of the county executives are. Barry Glassman. Shame on you. You weren't doing your job. You were hobnobbing with the developers. You were not doing what you're supposed to do. You were actually mentoring Aaron Penman. So if you were, I apologize.

Speaker 3:

I think that's what he was doing too. I haven't seen.

Speaker 2:

Aaron, wear the bow tie yet but I bet it's coming. Oh, he's probably there. Listen, you're getting a body because, you're not wearing the bow tie.

Speaker 3:

You gotta wear the bow tie. Needs more sheep in his signs Right Um needs more sheep in his district.

Speaker 2:

They're starting a room group called we the Sheeple we.

Speaker 3:

The Sheeple. I heard they got a podcast coming out.

Speaker 4:

Um so how do they tune into this thing, this ethics committee?

Speaker 3:

it's a zoom meeting right, it is a zoom meeting. They normally meet in person, but I found out today that it is a zoom meeting. If you go to a Harper County Board of Ethics um webpage, just type that into any Google search or any search engine there and um type in or click on the agenda link and it'll be a message for um the 6th of November and it's at 530. And then right on the edge of that you'll see a little TV icon. Um you click that it'll give you a link to the to the zoom meeting. Um. I did speak with the staff today and they said that um the agenda will be developed a little bit further Monday. Um, that it's very vague. I called just to make sure that or see how I could listen, and they showed me that. But they also said I asked a couple of questions. I said they're going to be reviewing many violations, so I wanted to see like is there anything specific?

Speaker 3:

And they said that they they had violations. They didn't have a chance to kind of organize it yet but they would be updating the the agenda. So I'd be really happy to see, or interested to see, potentially what they're going to be talking about.

Speaker 4:

If you've been listening to this podcast, uh, for a while, you know there's a lot of conflicts of interest going on in Hartford County, and they have been for probably forever, to be honest with you. But now. But now it's come to light and it's gotten worse.

Speaker 2:

So, listen, this is great to hear because, look, josh is special to us, but anybody can call the council and ask these questions, any of you. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do. You can participate in your government Just like the Josh does. Again, he's not getting special treatment. He's far from it, actually. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

They don't like giving me information or talking to me. I really think. But you know, again, I think the big thing that we're seeing is people are waking up. You know, I might make one phone call, but there's five other people making a different phone call and as this information is kind of coming together, we're like oh, yeah, you know what they're doing.

Speaker 4:

You know you may think your email doesn't matter, you may think your phone call doesn't matter, and it really does, especially when there's numbers behind it.

Speaker 2:

I love how Thomas has picked up on modern terms so quickly. He'll be on Twitter, neck. Oh, it's not Twitter, it's X. Yeah, it's not.

Speaker 4:

Twitter. It's not Mac, that marks the spot I just got to get that quill out of his hand.

Speaker 2:

So, thomas, we're going to give you the last word, for the pod lands refuels on those tiers and goes back up.

Speaker 3:

Check up on your horse.

Speaker 2:

I sure hope he's still tied where we left him.

Speaker 4:

Remember the function of government, whether it's statewide and national or local, is to protect your God given rights.

Speaker 2:

You're a God given rights. You heard it right from the source, right there, folks. Amen, thank you.

Speaker 4:

Thanks for having me All right.

Speaker 2:

The boogies make. Every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Discussing Speaker Johnson and Political Discontent
Apartment Complex and Traffic Impact Discussion
Bel Air Election and Community Concerns
School Capacity and Development Concerns
Council Meeting and Ethics Committee Discussion
People Waking Up, Importance of Information