Live Free - Die Last

Episode 31: Peeling Back Layers: From Local Elections to National Debt - A Call to Action in Harford County and Beyond

November 09, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 31
Episode 31: Peeling Back Layers: From Local Elections to National Debt - A Call to Action in Harford County and Beyond
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 31: Peeling Back Layers: From Local Elections to National Debt - A Call to Action in Harford County and Beyond
Nov 09, 2023 Season 1 Episode 31
Live Free - Die Last

Today, we're drawing back the curtain on a slew of pertinent issues that are not only shaking up Harford County but the nation at large. Starting from your backyard, we dissect the process and outcome of the recent Bel Air Town Commission election. Take a walk with us as we critique the high-density housing proposal, its effects on our beautiful county, and the need for communal action to put a pause on this potential menace.

The conversation takes a sharp turn towards the national stage as we delve into the escalating immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border. We go beyond the headlines, revealing shocking statistics about drug seizures and illegal entries. Are we ready for the repercussions of this on our community? With the proposal of an initial 249 apartments at the Harford Mall, the impact could be closer than we think. Furthermore, we're spelling out the potential pitfalls for property owners due to ill-informed investments. 

But what does our future look like when our present is marred with election integrity issues and a mounting national debt? We're laying bare the disturbing realities of voter fraud and the inadequacies of the current election system. This segment will certainly give you food for thought about the credibility of the 2020 election. As we steer the conversation towards our national debt crisis, we hope to provoke serious reflection on the spiraling $34 trillion debt and its alarming growth rate. As we wrap up the episode, we make a strong call to action, urging listeners to actively participate in creating a better tomorrow for our community. Buckle up and join us on this informative journey.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Today, we're drawing back the curtain on a slew of pertinent issues that are not only shaking up Harford County but the nation at large. Starting from your backyard, we dissect the process and outcome of the recent Bel Air Town Commission election. Take a walk with us as we critique the high-density housing proposal, its effects on our beautiful county, and the need for communal action to put a pause on this potential menace.

The conversation takes a sharp turn towards the national stage as we delve into the escalating immigration crisis at the US-Mexico border. We go beyond the headlines, revealing shocking statistics about drug seizures and illegal entries. Are we ready for the repercussions of this on our community? With the proposal of an initial 249 apartments at the Harford Mall, the impact could be closer than we think. Furthermore, we're spelling out the potential pitfalls for property owners due to ill-informed investments. 

But what does our future look like when our present is marred with election integrity issues and a mounting national debt? We're laying bare the disturbing realities of voter fraud and the inadequacies of the current election system. This segment will certainly give you food for thought about the credibility of the 2020 election. As we steer the conversation towards our national debt crisis, we hope to provoke serious reflection on the spiraling $34 trillion debt and its alarming growth rate. As we wrap up the episode, we make a strong call to action, urging listeners to actively participate in creating a better tomorrow for our community. Buckle up and join us on this informative journey.

Speaker 1:

We are, we, the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 2:

Hello Hartford County, welcome to another episode of the Live Free Die Last podcast, broadcasting from high above Hartford County in the Freedom pod. Just tonight in the studio we have the Josh.

Speaker 4:

Good evening Patriots.

Speaker 2:

Glad to be back, and we also have Patrick Warren.

Speaker 3:

Hello Harco.

Speaker 2:

All right, so we're going to talk about a few things tonight. We're thinking like lawyers, guns and money podcasts perhaps. Why don't we start with the housekeeping and just say if you've got to check us out, you can go to we, the People of MDorg. If you want to send us an email, you can send it to info at WeThePeopleOfMDorg. You can drop us a letter at PO Box 13, forest Hill, maryland. Get on our mailing list. Check out our newsletter that comes out probably what once a month.

Speaker 4:

More than that, maybe even almost once a week sometimes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's pretty good too. Check it out. And our next live in person meeting is on December 13th at the Hartford Vineyard. It's kind of going to be a Thanksgiving and Christmas gathering, a little party. So don't show up this month. There's nothing going on. It's December 13th.

Speaker 4:

At 7 pm.

Speaker 3:

It's going to be a regular jamboree.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but it was a lot of fun last year, so let's get into the local stuff, josh.

Speaker 4:

I think we should try something a little bit different this time. We always talk, you know, just hint at a little bit of the national, federal, that type of stuff. But I think we should just hint at some of the local stuff from recent weeks, even really hammering home what's been going on in the past few podcasts, so just as a quick follow-up, and then I think we have a chance to get into some bigger stuff. But I think what we started is the Bel Air Town election that happened this week and everybody's been talking about term limits. You know, I think that there's they're trying to get a petition going on the ballot Bills are being talked about term limits, especially for the county council. But I'll tell you, this election that just happened this week, that is the ultimate term limit.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, those folks on the Bel Air Town council got term limited.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

That's extreme prejudice.

Speaker 4:

It wasn't even close. I mean it was over 900 votes to 275, 278 votes. I mean that's, that's a shellacking.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and we got results. We kind of thought we would see Perhaps that's because we don't have mail-ins and they vote one day A lot of things going on with that type of election that we used to do in this country before election fraud became prominent.

Speaker 4:

One day you can. There was absentee ballots, yes, but one place. Get your results immediately and continue on. I think the second thing to talk about is the in Hartford County as a whole, bill 23-027, basically call it the apartment bill, but that was to remove apartments in the business district B3. Just let everybody know, there was a last minute or last day amendment added to add garden apartments to the Chesapeake science and security corridor. So I want to open this up just a little bit. This bill was put on the agenda the very last day that it could be put on the agenda, so there's certain amount of time once it's introduced before you have to actually vote on it and any amendments. So they voted on it, excuse me. They added amendments, they discussed the amendments, adopted the amendments and voted on the bill all in one night, just like they did in Perryman. So to me, that's if I'm honest. It's wrong, you're right, it's just. It's just honest for the community to understand really what's going on.

Speaker 3:

They have no idea what's going on, because they're making amendments and the Tony G's sitting there saying, you know, amendment one, strike letter, a strike brackets, insert for delete three. Like you're supposed to know what that means.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and just to clarify so what a garden apartment is. It's a business underneath of a set of apartments. So right now in this bill we're they're still allowed to introduce garden apartments in the Chesapeake science and security corridor. So the second piece of that, the Chesapeake science and security corridor, basically, is the south side of root 40 across Aberdeen and Edgewood in that area. So now the only place in the business district is going to be in that area that can introduce garden apartments, and I understand that there's not a whole lot of land open in that area.

Speaker 4:

But you get a developer, just like they were trying to do in Fauston. I got a three piece acre land. I had a two piece acre land. I'm going to combine these together and I'm going to put up a hundred apartments. Now I'm going to put up this, um, this garden apartment. So you also bring back.

Speaker 4:

Why do the people need a voice? So the people in that area now are going to get these garden apartments added right back into their community and they didn't even have a say to come up and even know that this was going to be happening, but they voted yes on it. And again, it's still these mixed use properties. So what a mixed use is is when you integrate it into some businesses, you can throw up some apartments, making the walking cities. You know the 15 minute cities exactly. I will admit this bill, passing this bill, was a start, but more is needed. You know, for me personally we said it many times it's a broken record. We need a moratorium on, you know, these high density housings coming into Hartford County. It's not just false and it's not just sacred, it's happening everywhere.

Speaker 3:

Well, and the other thing that needs to be talked about here and I've mentioned it previously, but you know we'll have to, we have to keep talking about it the reason that all of this is happening is because Patrick Vincenti and people on previous councils, including the former county executive, barry Glassman, have been hauling in HUD money, and when you take the HUD money, you are beholden to the feds. And this all goes back to when Barack Obama was president and they pushed through Affirmative be furthering fair housing, and they do not want suburbs, they do not want single family housing, they want stacked and packed apartments, high density housing with low income apartments. That's exactly what this is all about, and if you take the HUD money, this is what you're going to get.

Speaker 3:

And he? He had to even know this. If he didn't know this, then he's ignorant. So he's either lying about it or he's ignorant.

Speaker 2:

Well, they didn't teach it in the Boy.

Speaker 4:

Scouts, and neither one of them, and I think the main piece from this is everybody needs to stay vigilant. This county needs to continue to wake up and don't get complacent. There's so many things. You know. This bill, again, it's the start and just like the warehouses, it's a start. There's so many more opportunities that need to happen. We have the building envelope being reviewed in the next couple of years. You know we need to make sure that we're on top of everything. So you know, it's just like the schools.

Speaker 4:

We had a whole podcast, a special episode last. In the last podcast if you haven't listened to that I'd definitely go back it was about the energy conservation contract. Well, as an update, it was denied. It was unanimously denied and that was, you know, again, a step in the right direction. But again, why did they deny? Why they say no? You know they were provided with a ton of information, with the podcast, with the facts, you know the links, everything. And they just said I talked to some guy and he said it wasn't a good idea, so I didn't vote on it. They didn't even go into the details.

Speaker 3:

So so you're saying that they didn't even look at the information that was provided to them?

Speaker 4:

Oh, I actually. You know, I sent them all the information from the last podcast and I got one email back from the president saying thank you. Now they did address it in the meeting. That says you know the president will speak for the whole board. But thank you, like I, gave you tons of information. You do the right thing but you don't tell the community or have the transparency to the community of why. Why.

Speaker 2:

It's good to talk about them a little bit. Let know why you decided this wasn't a good idea.

Speaker 4:

Right, and it was weird because it was a unanimous vote on the board of education, so again, that's locally. Didn't want to dive into too much, to spend a couple minutes A lot's happening.

Speaker 4:

A lot's coming up. I want to remind everybody. Next week on Tuesday at the county council, the hospital upper chest speaks, coming in front of the county council as the board of health to kind of give an update, and I know there's been a lot of questions asked in the community. If you have more questions I've definitely email the council and make sure you attend that meeting and make sure they're answered.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and typically the council does not ask very good questions. Absolutely not they. They tend to think that everything being presented to them is factual and up to date and, rather than asking questions and going back and forth a little bit, they just take it as fact.

Speaker 3:

Well, you know, and something else to remember too, and this is especially for the Fallston people and really for anybody you know here in the county. You know, with this development that they're trying to put in down on mountain road with Mike Euler and these apartments, if this is ultimately not done, you can't relax and just think, okay, well, this fight's over, I can go back to sleep and not have to worry about this. There's more of this is coming. This is not going to end. This is going to continue coming for the reasons that I just mentioned previously, and everybody in the county really needs to be involved and pay attention and go to the DAC I see music. Go to the track it app you know that's on the department of planning and zoning and look what's coming, because everything out there. And look at your neighborhood and see what's coming, because I guarantee, if you look hard enough at this map, something's coming near you. So you need to stay involved and be vigilant, like Josh said.

Speaker 4:

And there was a link to that sent out in our email Exactly, and I think that's going to be a consistent link in our email for moving forward.

Speaker 2:

Didn't one of the citizens really dress down the county council at this meeting? I don't think we have that clip right now, but we'll get it for the next podcast.

Speaker 3:

It was priceless.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, get your popcorn out for the next podcast and you know that'll be a good one for. But again we talk about the growth of the county. So now we've talked about the county, I think you know we finally have an opportunity to talk about what's going on in the world, and you know, especially the United States, or our nation. Why is our, is our nation have an increase in population going on right now? I guess it's my question.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, we have an increase in people coming across the border.

Speaker 3:

It's an invasion.

Speaker 2:

And we saw in Massachusetts they're making hotels and things house these people. So me thinks that that's what's going to happen in all these apartments they want to build around here.

Speaker 3:

Well, the governor of Massachusetts says if you have an extra room in your house, you should open it up to one of these illegal border hoppers.

Speaker 2:

Right, they got to be safe. I mean, it's just the humanitarian thing to do If your wife and children get raped. Well, we're sorry, help her brother out.

Speaker 4:

I hate the term. There's nothing we can do.

Speaker 2:

And, with that said, I'm sure there's some wonderful people coming across the border looking for opportunities. In fact, there's quite a few people that come to this country the right way and they do things the proper way and they get good jobs and they become very good, productive citizens. That's what we'd like to see. I don't think anybody here has a problem with immigration. It is the fact that it is illegal immigration, despite the fact that the Democrats and the left won't use that phrase. It is illegal to come into this country without the proper paperwork.

Speaker 4:

You're committing a crime Exactly and just to kind of. I want to throw some factual information out there. I've always want to back up what we're saying with at least some information. So in September 22 of this year, 2023, the US Customs and Border Protection released information. The first piece is that in August of 2023, the US Border Patrol recorded 181,059 encounters between ports of entry along the southwest border. The total encounters along the southwest border in August were 232,972. So the second piece to that is the Custom and Border Protection. They found fentanyl seizures also increased from July to August. To date in FY 2023, through August, CBP has seized more than 25,500 pounds of fentanyl, compared with 12,800 pounds over the same period in FY 2022.

Speaker 2:

So doubled of male fentanyl.

Speaker 4:

That's a lot of interaction of what's going on on our border. Really, what else is happening at the border, I think, is a major issue, and it's happening nationwide too. So we talked about the border nationwide in August. Seizures of other dangerous drugs cocaine, methamphetamine, heroin, fentanyl and marijuana increased 6% from July, including a 78% increase in methamphetamine and a 39% increase in heroin. Seized, Again seized. That's not even what's coming across.

Speaker 2:

Well, lucky for the White House, some of the cocaine got through.

Speaker 4:

I'm sure they're going to have a subpoena for that one.

Speaker 3:

But yeah, you can have a divisive issue and say that well, the war on drugs we have a war on drugs, while the drugs are winning.

Speaker 2:

Right, just ask. Joe with Hunter Dad, look what I found.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, no, it's getting out of control at the border and we wonder what's happening in our community, or where are all these people going to be going? Why are they building all these overdevelopment? It's not just Hartford County, it's everywhere. And, patrick, I think we were talking about it earlier of what county is this going to turn into, because there's so many you can list as Montgomery County, pg County. What are they trying to infiltrate into Hartford?

Speaker 3:

County. It's hard to say, I mean, when you look at kind of what's. I think what they have on the plans are. I mean, one of the things I thought was really interesting that came out of the torches and pitchforks meeting at the Bellar Town Council when they were talking about these apartments. It was mentioned that that what the 750 apartments that they have planned for the Hartford Mall was phase one 249 was phase one, and then the rest were coming in as phase one.

Speaker 3:

So to me that means that there's a phase two and you would think, and it was also or three or four, and it was also mentioned that there's there are empty stores in the mall and they have to keep a certain number of these stores empty because they don't have enough parking spaces to accommodate.

Speaker 2:

Well, they're doing a good job of keeping stores in the mall empty. I mean they are winning there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So if I was a deductive reasoning person, my what I would conclude from this would be that eventually, the goal is to have them all fail, close them all, knock them all down and have that entire area become high-rise apartments, phase two, just like thousand.

Speaker 4:

So I want to add something else from that meeting. Again, I know we're jumping back and forth, but the developer or the property owner was concerned because he didn't have like long-term contracts within the mall. They were only year-to-year contracts. So that was another reason why you know it's not a good business or in his best interest to continue with the mall because they're only year-to-year contracts. Well, you know there's things that you can do within that area. You know to Attract more. You know invest more, and they did talk about, you know, the last renovation of the mall and we invested all of this. And you know, here's where we are now. Well, not attacking this personal investor or property owner, but if you look at it nationwide, they're making bad investments and they're asking us to suffer for these bad investments. That's the one thing that we've talked about with false known as well. You know this piece of property here might not be the best piece of property to develop, so the taxpayers now have to be, you know, paying them back.

Speaker 3:

Again, I digress well, and just because something's zoned for a certain use doesn't mean that that's the use. That has to be, that has to go there. I mean it doesn't have to be developed at all, like you know, like you said. I mean sometimes you know you buy stock in a stock market. A stock goes down, you lose money. Sometimes you buy property, you lose money because if you, if you go and you look at what's being the projects that are being approved in this county, you can go right up to route one and 543 and if you take a picture, that is the future, in my view, of what they have planned for this county. And what they have planned for this county is To turn it into a high density within the development envelope, appalachian truck stop. So it's going to be high-rise apartments, convenience stores with gas stations and storage facilities.

Speaker 2:

I can see it now. We just built all these apartments, everybody, it's, the community's thriving, but we don't have a mall. We need a mall. Let's go seize a bunch of single-family homes under eminent domain to build a mall for the greater good. I Mean, you can't make this stuff up but I mean that that's what it is.

Speaker 3:

I mean that's, that's the thing. Every time you turn around, there's a new royal farms, you know, getting ready to open, with you know 20 pumps. You know it's gonna be an appalachian truck stop storage units too.

Speaker 4:

Again, I know we keep digressing, but I think this is actually good that we've brought this awful full circle. We talked about, you know, the influx in our population in Hartford County, but also the influx in the population of the country, the drug issues of what's happening at the borders. You know, we know we have drug issues here in Hartford County, so it's all kind of tying together. So instead of keep going down and you know what's going on in Hartford County, well, what else is going on in our country?

Speaker 3:

When it's gonna affect the elections in this county too Exactly. I mean it has to and you know it's gonna well, yes, the elections are.

Speaker 2:

nobody in this. Look, I have a problem. Nobody in this county, no elected officials are doing anything to try to solve election integrity issues. They're saying of you know, it's not worth it, we, we can just vote harder. No, one person. One person committing election fraud is one people were person too many. It is wrong. It takes away a legitimate person's vote. What happens when you go to get a license right now, fellas, you want to vote? They send you a voter card. You want to vote.

Speaker 2:

Here you go yeah that's 16 year old, goes and gets a new license, they send him a voter card and then that's 16 year old's wonder hey, am I allowed to vote?

Speaker 3:

This is really confusing, well you know what happens there too. I mean, they asked me that when I got my license renewed, they asked me if I wanted to change my affiliation, and you know they handed me the, the Document and everything.

Speaker 3:

And it asks you it's like, well, how do you know that I'm a citizen? It's like, well, you check this box right here. Well, I said well, what if you lie? It's like, well, you're not supposed to lie. She actually said that to me. You're not supposed to lie. These people are coached on what to do, mm-hmm.

Speaker 4:

You know, and I'll actually bring up something you know, we got to remember when we were all locked down, the MVAs were locked down too. They open back up, and as soon as they open back up and the reason why I know this is because I was tracking voter registration at that time when this, when COVID, you know, and the MVAs started opening up, those numbers were through the roof of people signing up to register to vote. And that brings up so many questions. You know, and again, we talked about on a last podcast or two, about Elections. You know this is, you know, the election integrity. You know you're You're a lunatic, You're. You know you're a conspiracy theorist to think that there were issues with election. Well, you know, you start stacking up little pieces and if you can say that, yes, this is wrong, then yes, you can question an election because there is compromises within that. And I think that you know that's what we're talking about.

Speaker 2:

Just the fact that cocaine Joe is sitting in a White House is enough to question anything. This is the most absurd, ridiculous thing that anybody's ever seen.

Speaker 3:

And he got more votes than Barack Obama left Obama's vote totals in the dust from his 2008 election, when he was at the At the height of his mania of Obama mania right.

Speaker 2:

I'm not buying it. No way that happens no.

Speaker 4:

I mean, I think, continuing down on this, we got so much we could talk about here, even locally.

Speaker 2:

You know it's not here in Maryland, but Right up right up pencil tucky right up the street, and, by the way, it's gonna be called pencil tucky At some point, and, and you know, being a time traveler, I know this.

Speaker 4:

So, yeah, a little tip, yeah a little tip, no, I think diving into this at the voting machine.

Speaker 2:

The company president or whoever came out, said, yeah, it definitely was flipping votes, and someone from our team program the election. Hello, we've been saying that about 2020 and what did they do? They started arresting people. People go to jail. They've made, they've codified it into the Maryland laws that it's illegal to use the voter rolls to investigate voter fraud. Mm-hmm, come on, guys, it doesn't take very smart person to figure this out.

Speaker 3:

Well, what was happening in Pennsylvania was that, you know they were voting for one just isn't a judges race.

Speaker 4:

Where this was discovered, they were voting for one judge and it was putting the totals on the other judge and they were saying well, the computer Reads it differently than what you see on the screen, so all your votes would be be good except for the guy that owns the company came out.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think. Um, yeah, what he's specifically. What he says is what you read and what the computer reads are two different things. The computer does not read the text that is printed out. I understand what he's saying. You know, in the background, encoding and that type of stuff, but you got to be kidding me.

Speaker 2:

Well, wait a second. So think about that. That means the other direction. To write you, moron You're. These machines need to get thrown away and they set this whole thing up when when, travis I mean Patrick, patrick you can tell us when they did this? I know you know bush, gore, the hanging.

Speaker 3:

Chad, the hanging Chad, the famous hanging Chad.

Speaker 2:

That's when they set all this nonsense up. Oh huh, System we have in place is not accurate and reliable. What have we had since then? A nothing but a mess. That's the alarm system in the freedom pod going off. But we'll be alright, we're heavily fortified. We're just gonna take this thing up to maybe 30 40,000 feet.

Speaker 4:

Didn't? Also, didn't the Democrats in 2016? Weren't they also claiming that there was fraud in the election? And you know it's back or forth, but you know they had no evidence claimed every election that they don't win his voter fraud.

Speaker 2:

It is illegitimate and none of them are riding in jail.

Speaker 3:

Whoever's elected is illegitimate right in every election they don't win.

Speaker 2:

Yep, but none of them are riding in jail. No.

Speaker 4:

Or being prosecuted, or you know, in sitting in court and all this other kind of stuff. Yeah, you're 100% correct.

Speaker 3:

Let's just mention this for a quick second because I think it needs to be mentioned. Do you realize that there are people that are sitting in Prison in the DC gulag and being moved around from various high security prisons in this country without a trial for almost three years, three years? Yeah, that's awful that sounds like something that happens in Central America.

Speaker 4:

It doesn't sound like America to me and land of the free right.

Speaker 2:

You know, can political persecution is. This is what happens in communist countries.

Speaker 4:

And where it starts is, you know, leadership, elected officials, you know. So something like this happens in Pennsylvania. You know there's there's an issue, an identified issue within their program and within the system. If you have the county executive at Northampton County executive the executive of the county, his name is Lamont McClure he calls it relatively minor glitch. Like that's what? Again, like you know, it's, it's a glitch. I want to investigate it as the county executive. I want to make sure that you know this is an issue and then we take care of it. This is just a relatively minor that.

Speaker 2:

That shows that the stain they have for the voters.

Speaker 3:

If you're a county executive and you think that that is a minor glitch, you just might be a Democrat.

Speaker 4:

For Rhino, but guess what guess what system they were using. Wait a minute, hold it, oh yes, and who wants to say why that is so important.

Speaker 3:

Because that's what they use here in the free state of Maryland, the free state.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and so the SNS senior VP states that it was a human error, based on someone from our team that programmed the election that programmed the election.

Speaker 2:

Go to sleep with that in your head tonight. That programmed the election Ding ding, ding, ding, ding ding.

Speaker 4:

That's how they responded when asked by a reporter why the voting machines had an error.

Speaker 2:

And I guess for talking about this we're now felons. I guess we're dangerous, we are threats to democracy.

Speaker 3:

It's kind of like when your pinball machine goes tilt.

Speaker 2:

Yeah. Yeah they're saying they're starting to see. Leave Malone long enough. They say the quiet part out loud, just like cocaine Joe.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, speaking of drugs and everything like that in elections, I think Tucker had a good thing, that he a good video that he put out. Do we want to try to play that clip? Oh yeah, jesse, jesse, jesse. Yeah, sorry, sorry Jesse. Oh man, sorry Tucker.

Speaker 3:

You know, but Jesse.

Speaker 4:

Jesse might be like Tucker soon, and Jesse.

Speaker 3:

Jesse water is going to be the next guy fired from Fox. I'm just going to put that out there.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and that was the clip that was on Fox news with Jesse waters. Huh, well, now we're having a minor glitch, technical difficulties.

Speaker 3:

Please stand by please.

Speaker 5:

Former CIA guy come on prong time the other day and he said the CIA makes money on the side with drug trafficking. It's like a side hustle because their funding isn't big enough. So they do some you know black ops in order to boost their budget and hide it from congressional oversight and then use it for dirty stuff. So that's what they're doing with the drug trafficking and one of the reasons, one of many reasons Donald Trump was defeated was because the CIA had had it with this guy, because he was threatening the cash flow that in the China tariffs, among many other things. So when you threaten the donor money and you threaten the Democrat voters and you threaten the CIA cash flow, it's a problem. Joe Biden is such an agreeable empty suit he's just letting it all happen. Wait, you saying the CIA is funding itself by the drug trade? Yeah, they take a cut. That's what the former CIA guy told me. Yeah, we had a former CIA guy come on prong time the other day.

Speaker 2:

They have another gig too.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and Bushy Dana Perino is flabbergasted that that could be something that would possibly happen.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm sure that a lot of this money that gets sent to foreign countries for wars does not end up where they say it. It does, just saying.

Speaker 3:

Well, there's American military equipment that was sent to Ukraine that is showing up in captured Hamas stash. Just saw that today. Pretty interesting.

Speaker 2:

Hamas. I've heard of them. Yeah, were they trying to immigrate into Israel? I'll say yeah, how's that border crossing?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, not good.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but you talk about all the money. We're follow the money. That's what we've been talking about Follow the money. Well, how much money are we talking about here? Holy smokes.

Speaker 3:

We're talking about in almost incomprehensible amounts of money. It was recently announced that the United States is over. There's almost $34 trillion in debt. Now We've added a trillion dollars in debt to this country in three months. Three months Now. A trillion dollars how much is a trillion dollars? You hear a trillion the trillion's thrown around like it's 50 cents you hear it all the time but a trillion dollars is $1,000 billion. $1,000 billion, so $1,000 sacks of a billion dollars. Or it's a million million, so it'd be one million sacks of $1 million, and that's just one trillion. We're talking about $34 trillion.

Speaker 4:

This is an astronomical amount of money, and that $34 trillion is more than the combined GDPs of China, japan, germany and India. You know from what I understand.

Speaker 3:

The phenomenal amount and the debt is set to rise by. According to the Congressional Budget Office, will rise by $20 trillion in 10 years, or $5.2 billion every single day, or $218 million an hour. $218 million an hour An hour.

Speaker 2:

Yeah Well, if it keeps raising that like that, that's going to be minimum wage. Can you say?

Speaker 3:

banana republic. We're throwing all this money around and giving all this money to. You know Ukraine and you know all this foreign aid. I'm going to call Andy Harris's office tomorrow and tell him I wanted to put a bill in to give me $2 million. That's nothing. I want $2 million Shouldn't be a problem. We're giving Zelensky hundreds of billions of dollars and it's you know going into his Swiss bank account. But hurry, why can't I get $2 million? Hurry?

Speaker 2:

while it's still worth something.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but you know the financial crisis in this country is not being talked about at all. And the banking crisis, you know you haven't heard much about it. You know in the news recently, but it's, it's not solved at all. The um, this, all this didn't just happen, you know, back in March with you know, when Silicon Valley Valley Bank and First Republic Bank and the signature bank went insolvent. This goes all the way back to 2019, when the Fed repo rate was the interest rate from on Fed repos was going into double digits. Now what Fed repo rates are is it's what the interest rates that banks pay to each other on overnight loans. So what this really means is when you get it's risk.

Speaker 3:

So when the rates started going up to over 10%, this meant that Fed member banks didn't trust each other's collateral and balance sheet. That's a big deal. So the Fed had to actively intervene to push these rates down. And you know they were throwing money into the system, kept throwing money into the system, and conveniently. You know, shortly after that, about a year after that, you know, covid was born and rates went to zero. So what happened then was the banks purchased to quote, unquote safe assets, which were US treasuries, you know, and these and the rates on these things were at the lower bound. I mean rates that had never been seen really in the history of this country, that you know were 1% or less. You know, long-term debt 10-year treasury was like at 1%. Three-month treasuries were, like you know, in the hundreds of a percent. I mean it was just insane what rates were. So all this excessive money printing obviously hiked double. You know we had double digit inflation. I mean inflation was running like up around 11%. So that's why the eggs cost so much honey.

Speaker 3:

That's right. I mean, I went to shop right the other day, bought two bags of groceries. It was 60 bucks. 60 bucks is unbelievable. So you know we got double digit inflation.

Speaker 3:

And so what happened? So the Fed intervenes again and they embark on the fastest rate hikes in history, from the zero bound up to 5.5% Like right now. It's like 5 to 5.25%. So the result of all this was a massive devaluation in bank assets due to these low rate treasury bonds which was what they mostly had and mortgage-backed securities and commercial real estate.

Speaker 3:

Because when you're holding a 1% asset and all of a sudden, the same instrument is at 5%, your 1% asset isn't even worth 1% anymore. Nobody wants it, you can't even sell it. So this is a liability that banks have to cover. So then they have to go out and they have to raise capital. You can't raise capital in that environment. Depositors look at their bank, investors are looking at the balance sheet. They're saying, holy crap, you know this bank's like going down. So they start pulling their money out. Depositors start pulling their money out and, sure enough, March of 2023, we had three major banks fail Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank of New York and First Republic Bank of California. Those three banks had more assets than Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers combined, and that's what sparked the 2008 financial meltdown. Too big to fail.

Speaker 3:

So think about that. So again, those depositors went and pulled their dough out and those deposits ran off until they were insolvent. And then what happens? Fed to the rescue. You know, they engineered the rescue of these banks, and Chase and other mega banks bought the assets of Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic for like 10 cents on the dollar.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

So what you're seeing? You're still seeing these deposits continuing to be drained. The Fed, seeing this, had engineer, you know, it's like we create a problem. Then we have to create a solution to the problem that we created, which creates another problem that needs another solution.

Speaker 2:

Sounds like the healthcare system in Big Pharma.

Speaker 4:

Just print more money though.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

That's all you gotta do.

Speaker 3:

So the big idea that they came up with was called the bank term funding program. So this was a fund that was created by the Fed for these banks to access when their deposits are running off, so that the banks don't go insolvent. This facility, as of yesterday, is at its highest use ever. These deposits are still running off. So, in effect, what you have is quantitative easing, also known as money printing. But as of yesterday, on November 8th, if you go to the Fed's website and you look at the bank term funding program, it was at $113 billion as of November 8th.

Speaker 2:

I'm sure to financial people that means something.

Speaker 3:

So bottom line here is you know you need to be aware of what's going on. You know we need I wanted to talk about this because it's not being talked about and you need to make sure that you are protecting your assets and getting your assets and how do you do that Into some place that is.

Speaker 2:

Stand over them with my nine.

Speaker 3:

You could do that.

Speaker 2:

That's how I protect mine.

Speaker 4:

I think the other thing that we need to worry about especially, you know, taking care of ourselves with food and being cognizant of that, you know everything's gonna. From what I learned you just explained, you know everything is gonna still go up in price. We're not gonna come back down and it's not gonna be affordable to live. And the way that they're gonna, you know, to fix the situation is print more money. Or you know force, you know, minimum wage to continue to go up. Continue to go up, you know, but then print more money and then it's really never going to.

Speaker 2:

So more cocaine.

Speaker 4:

I guess that's why they're opening up the borders.

Speaker 3:

Well, I think, and eventually, what all of this is doing is it's paving the way for the Fed to implement the central bank digital currency, which don't believe what people tell you that's. Oh well, it's, you know, it's just like Bitcoin. It's not like Bitcoin.

Speaker 3:

Nothing like Bitcoin, it's just like using your ATM card. It's not like using your ATM card. Once this is implemented, there will be zero financial privacy. There will be zero privacy at all because the Fed and anybody related to the Fed and any politician that wants to find out can know exactly what you spend your money on Right they're gonna feed you the hopeium.

Speaker 3:

They'll know how many. They'll know how many coax you drank this week. They'll know if you've bought ammunition. They'll know if you've bought gold. They'll know you know what food you're eating and you know this is gonna get to a point where you know you've got social controls in it's like, well, you know, gotta get the country healthier. So you're only allowed to have three coaxes a week.

Speaker 2:

Right now. How many people raised their hand?

Speaker 2:

to tell me we're aware that last week there was a major glitch in payroll. I was. It hit me, yeah. So there was. Some of the major payroll companies across this country had some sort of problem and the deposits that all the businesses and all sent them their money it got. That money went into the central banks but it didn't get deposited into the workers' accounts because of some unknown glitch that they're trying to tell us about, and it took better than a week for a lot of people to get their money. So think about that. Not only can they control and monitor every transaction, but they can create all sorts of havoc for you too.

Speaker 3:

Well, and something else to be cognizant of as well is just they table-gamed the COVID crisis for a year before it happened, and it happened exactly the way they gamed it out. So the Davos folks have been doing gaming of a cyber attack on financial institutions. So they always telegraph what they're gonna do. So we're in several wars right now, we're supporting several wars, and illegally, by the way, and what could happen is there's a false flag event, attack on the financial system, they'll blame it on Iran or North Korea or Russia or China, or all four, and next thing, you know, we got a crisis. We got to have CBDC.

Speaker 2:

And I say illegally, and Trump did the same thing. When you start firing missiles at foreign countries, that's an act of war. You need the Congress to declare an act of war. That is not the president's prerogative. He does not get to do that by himself. I don't care if he's a Republican, a Democrat or a frog, he does not get to do that by himself. It's in the damn constitution. Everybody should read it. It's written at about a ninth grade level. There's no reason to allow these people to run amok.

Speaker 3:

But this game that the Davos World Economic Forum ran was called Cyber Polygon. You can look it up and they always tell you what they're gonna do before they do it. It sounds wild, sounds like a conspiracy theory, but all the previous conspiracy theories have turned out to be conspiracy facts.

Speaker 2:

If it's a lot of fun, they put it in a movie.

Speaker 4:

Well, and to right back to your point of the COVID game that they were playing, it happened right at Johns Hopkins Hospital with a big group of their team called just research Event 201. Event 201, exactly, and just watch it and literally, if you were living life in 2018, 19, 2021, and you read it's a short video, and you read what they were saying and read what they were doing, how the social media was gonna take control of this, so you know, it's exactly what they did.

Speaker 2:

Also pay attention to what Gates is doing, because he's releasing a whole bunch of mosquitoes. Now what he's saying is these mosquitoes are sterile and what they'll do is they'll lower the population of mosquitoes because they won't be able to produce offspring when they mate with the females. But oddly enough, a week later, there was another thing that hit the paper talking about I think it was the CDC. The CDC or something warning of some major mosquito-borne illnesses are gonna strike the United States soon. How the hell do they know that, unless it has something to do with Gates, or at least in all these mosquitoes?

Speaker 3:

Hmm, interesting.

Speaker 2:

So we are at About 43 minutes. Guys, we've got plenty of fuel, but I don't know if we want to fly this thing around all night. We got anything else you want to get to. I.

Speaker 4:

Think that. Uh, you know, we just Unpeeled a lot of onion, you know a lot of layers of onion there, you know, and a lot of people are gonna, you know. I'm trying to question and we always try to bring it back to you know, what can we, what can we guys, what can we do? Not just us three sitting here tonight, but you know, what can we as a community, locally, locally, locally, but also, so you know, let's do that for a second, because I like to end on a positive note.

Speaker 2:

I think we need this. First thing is gonna knock on your neighbor's door and meet them. You know, this spring we're gonna want to grow vegetables and things together. Let's not Look that's the other thing that I keep mentioning gates but they're spraying all of your produce now with this poison. That is the wax coating that preserves the apples and stuff. Look for in the store. It's horrible stuff. We don't want to be eating the things that they're sending out there.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, and I think, really, what really needs to, one of the things I think really needs to happen is that and you really need to get to know each other. I think we really need to also, you know, create a parallel economy so that we're not dependent upon large corporations for the things that we need. You know, get to know you know your neighbor. Get to know what they do do. It's a. Are they a plumber? Are they? What can you do? Learn it, learn a skill you know. Learn, get to know when you go to different events. You know. Get to know what people do.

Speaker 2:

I'll trade you to sheep to unclog my toilet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, there you go. But just you know when you just support fellow patriots and you know if they're a contractor, if they're a builder, if they're, you know, auto mechanic, if they're run a restaurant or a farmer, get to know your farmer. That's gonna be a big, big deal. You're gonna need to get to know your farm.

Speaker 2:

What do you do if they're a politician?

Speaker 4:

Well, I think you know, next farmer, looking at the politicians, that's a big thing that we talk about. That's a big thing that we're living in an environment. So Don't go away. As a community, be involved and keep it local, focus local, because that's where we're gonna have the most immediate impact. You know, you look at Bel Air on Tuesday or Monday, whatever day it was Tuesday night actually. You know the Shlaking, as I said earlier there. But we also need to look at it as not having.

Speaker 4:

You know, don't worship somebody, and what I mean by that is, you know, hey, I voted for this one. They're gonna do the right thing, or? You know, I did some research with this. This person says he's a great person. No, look at the information, talk to these people and be.

Speaker 4:

You know, you need to make sure that your next election that you vote in, that you have confidence in that person, that you can. And I see the two big things for me would be that person's gonna be Transparent and that person can be held accountable. That means you, as a citizen or a voter, can go in front of that person and say what are you doing with this issue, what will you do with this issue, and Hold them that be able to be held accountable when they do something that's wrong, not just push you to the side. You know you look at it from the national level. You look at it all the way down.

Speaker 4:

You know I Just say do you remember? You know who it was that declared you, your church and your small business were non-essential. You know, looking in it through that type of lens and I'm not going right back to COVID, but who cares about you, your livelihood? You know, in our community, in the well-being of our community, and who's gonna stand together, you know, to support our freedom and our liberty as we pursue, you know, the growth of our community. But our family too, no, you're right.

Speaker 3:

So, and are they gonna represent you or they're gonna represent their donors, exactly? But the one thing that you really need to do when you talk to these people and we're fortunate here like if you get involved locally and Become involved in these issues, you run into these guys. Oh yeah, run into them at the hardware store, you know, at the grocery store, and you can walk right up to them and you can ask them why did you do so thus? And so try a new.

Speaker 2:

Hammer out on them.

Speaker 3:

But the thing you always have to remember is, even if you think it's somebody who's got your back, if they're a politician you always have to ask yourself one question how do?

Speaker 5:

they feel lucky punk.

Speaker 3:

How do I benefit? How do they benefit, if I believe what they're saying?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I was showing my age. I Agree.

Speaker 3:

If I believe what they're saying that.

Speaker 2:

There's one more thing I want to throw out there. This week they Put some provisions in where every new car made I believe it's 2026 and beyond will have a kill switch that can deactivate that car, you know, from from outside your control. Let's just say that for now. If that bothers you, you might want to get your new car purchases over with real soon, or?

Speaker 4:

Start building some old ones. Another thing, you know not talking about taking control of your car, but did anybody see I think it was in San Francisco the electric bus, the Transit bus, that ran out of power going up the hill and came down backwards and hit a couple cars? Oh my sorry.

Speaker 2:

Good thing nobody lives in San Francisco anymore, except for the Pelosi's, yeah.

Speaker 4:

But again I digress some, just I. I love being able to talk, you know, openly, about how we can have an impact in our community. So you know, I'm just appreciate it.

Speaker 2:

I know that's your thing, man. I love it too. All right, guys. That concludes live local. Another episode from the mighty. We, the people of the live free Dial-Az podcast every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Local Issues and Government Overreach
The Impact of Immigration and Overdevelopment
Election Integrity and Voter Fraud Concerns
Leadership, Election Process, National Debt
Financial Privacy and Political Accountability
Impacting Community and Political Awareness