Live Free - Die Last

Episode 32: Harford County Uncovered: A Candid Discussion on Ethics, Education, and Immigration

November 17, 2023 Live Free - Die Last Season 1 Episode 32
Episode 32: Harford County Uncovered: A Candid Discussion on Ethics, Education, and Immigration
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Live Free - Die Last
Episode 32: Harford County Uncovered: A Candid Discussion on Ethics, Education, and Immigration
Nov 17, 2023 Season 1 Episode 32
Live Free - Die Last

Are you fed up with the political status quo in Harford County, Maryland? 

We are. 

They want a Nation of Workers and not Thinkers!!!

That's why we sat down with special guests TJ and Travis Sunday on the latest episode of "We The People - Live Free Die Last Podcast" to discuss the gripping topic of political accountability in our county. We dissected what's been happening with the local Board of Ethics, voiced our concerns over allegations of voter fraud in the recent elections, and dove into the January 6th Capitol incident.

The conversation didn't stop there. With immigration and law enforcement being hot-button issues, we felt compelled to shed light on how illegal immigration impacts local communities and the role party lines play in all of this. We also addressed the hypocrisy of politicians who play fast and loose with the constitution for personal gain. And we didn't shy away from talking about education, government representation, and the convoluted usage of language in our society today.

We concluded our discussion by talking about hope, freedom and quality of life. We explored how these concepts are more relevant than ever in today's climate. We emphasized the importance of safeguarding our children and grandchildren's rights and how each one of us plays a vital role in shaping their future. So, join us on this enlightening journey as we strive to make sense of the world around us. After all, it's our world, and we ought to understand it better.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Are you fed up with the political status quo in Harford County, Maryland? 

We are. 

They want a Nation of Workers and not Thinkers!!!

That's why we sat down with special guests TJ and Travis Sunday on the latest episode of "We The People - Live Free Die Last Podcast" to discuss the gripping topic of political accountability in our county. We dissected what's been happening with the local Board of Ethics, voiced our concerns over allegations of voter fraud in the recent elections, and dove into the January 6th Capitol incident.

The conversation didn't stop there. With immigration and law enforcement being hot-button issues, we felt compelled to shed light on how illegal immigration impacts local communities and the role party lines play in all of this. We also addressed the hypocrisy of politicians who play fast and loose with the constitution for personal gain. And we didn't shy away from talking about education, government representation, and the convoluted usage of language in our society today.

We concluded our discussion by talking about hope, freedom and quality of life. We explored how these concepts are more relevant than ever in today's climate. We emphasized the importance of safeguarding our children and grandchildren's rights and how each one of us plays a vital role in shaping their future. So, join us on this enlightening journey as we strive to make sense of the world around us. After all, it's our world, and we ought to understand it better.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are, we, the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the live free, die last podcast.

Speaker 2:

Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom.

Speaker 3:

Hello Hartford County. Welcome to another episode of the we, the People, live Free Die Last podcast. Tonight we have taken the freedom pod out and picked up some special guests. I think you're going to like this as always. Co-pilot, co-host, the Josh. Good evening Patriots. And even though TJ liked to play with all the buttons, we picked him up again. You got anything to say to us, tom? Welcome Patriots. It's nice to know Thomas Jefferson so well. You can call him Tom. And then, last but not least, in the other seat on the freedom pod, we have Travis Sunday. Travis Sunday.

Speaker 4:

Not to be corny, but we might need to pick up a horse trailer. You know, stop leaving your horse for these freedom pod trips.

Speaker 5:

Yeah right, Hauling the trailer is a lot of hay around here.

Speaker 3:

All right, so we often forget to do these things and I forgot to introduce myself. I am John Connor and we can be reached. You can look at our wonderful website at wethepeopleofmdorg. There's links to podcasts and all sorts of fun things there. You can email us at info at wethepeopleofmdorg. You can send us a letter if you're inclined, and that would be PO Box 13, forest Hill, maryland, and I hope you all are enjoying the newsletter. If you're not, you should drop us a line and get signed up for that thing, because it is the best newsletter in Hartford County. A lot of thought goes into it. It's excellent, absolutely.

Speaker 5:

Kudos to Travis Sunday for that. Excellent work, man, excellent work, thank you.

Speaker 3:

And does somebody want to introduce our next meeting?

Speaker 5:

Well, our next meeting is going to be, as always, at the Hartford Vineyard in Forest Hill, maryland, and it's going to be on Wednesday, december 13th, at 7 pm. A little bit different meeting. It's going to be a Thanksgiving and Christmas gathering. There's going to be fun things happening, not as many speakers as usual, just going to be more like a celebration.

Speaker 3:

Going to be some fun. Do some raffles, a couple of things like that Be exciting.

Speaker 4:

And just to remind everybody, our normal meeting would have been next Wednesday, at the 22nd of November, but that meeting is not happening. It is December 13th.

Speaker 3:

And that's a conscious decision. Look, it's family time. It's important for people to spend time with their families and we don't want to interfere with that.

Speaker 2:

Also the Constitution class the night before Thanksgiving. That is also off, so Ah, yes.

Speaker 3:

Good point, so you'll have to wait another week or two to learn about our founding document.

Speaker 4:

And just to plug that, I guess for a second class is still open. When we do meet, it's Thursday night meetings at the Hartford Vineyard, but that's with Michael Peruca. Michael Peruca teaching his Constitutional class, and we've been plugging that for the last couple of podcasts but wanted just to clarify what a nice event that actually is yeah, the feedback is awesome from that event.

Speaker 5:

He's incredibly learned, and if you've gotten a chance to hear him speak, I'm sure it's worthwhile, because we can all learn more about not just the US Constitution, but it's the Maryland Constitution as well, which is a really powerful document that a lot of people well, not one in 10,000 is familiar with. To be honest with yeah, you're right.

Speaker 2:

And the thing about Peruca is he's not just knowledgeable about the Constitution, he's a real statesman. I mean he can really give somebody a beat down and do it politely, as we've seen at some of our other meetings. So just a real, real great guy. He's been in the trenches for a long time. Real principled individual and I'll stop, no, you're good.

Speaker 3:

So normally, normally we have very detailed notes that we spend many hours researching and we put them up on the heads up display in the pod and we kind of keep ourselves on track. We're going to do something a little different, because we have some awesome patriots here tonight. We're just going to kind of ad lib freestyle, if you will. We're going to see where this takes us. We do have a very small amount of notes just to keep us from saying, um, but here we go, let's talk about something Josh.

Speaker 4:

I think we always talk about a couple of things locally and I think that's what we want to do. I think we can sprinkle local, national and kind of what we did last podcast of really expanding on the connections that you know. The stuff we're hearing locally and seeing locally is happening here, and it starts out with you know, how do we hold people accountable? The Board of Ethics in Hartford County, you know, just to clarify this, hasn't? They haven't really met in years.

Speaker 3:

Pretty much nonexistent under Barry Glassman they did the very bare minimum. Meetings were two, three minutes, just to satisfy the state's requirements and roll on.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, I'd like to say that Hartford County is Board of Ethics. Yes, b-o-r-e-d, as Travis pointed out.

Speaker 3:

And just so everyone knows, the Board of Ethics is a department under the county executives oversight. It's his department. So so we now have a new Board of Ethics and they've taken on some things right.

Speaker 4:

They have and they are appointed by the county executive, which is good to note. And putting out one other thing the last Board of Ethics members their terms actually ran out during the COVID lockdowns and pandemic and they just they would meet once a year, as you said, for a couple of minutes and then not talk about anything. And just to appease and one of them, didn't even live in Hartford County anymore.

Speaker 5:

Yep, I mean the meeting notes were. You know, we opened the meeting and someone made a motion and the meeting was adjourned. Basically, I mean, that was pretty much it. Yeah, seriously.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was like literally less two minutes or less. Yeah, something like that, yeah.

Speaker 3:

So before we get going here, you out there, your regular average listener, Hartford County citizen. You have the right to make Complaints to the board of ethics and they will look into it and they will get back to you and give you their opinion. If you're not sure how to do that, it's online you can. You can go look, but you could drop us an email and get help walk you through it.

Speaker 5:

And Harvard County. They should be really, really busy.

Speaker 4:

They should be very busy when I think you can see that actually, you know there's been a handful of In queries I will use that term inquiry into some of the local politicians, and it's not only for politicians, it's for the government interaction, you know, making sure it's done ethically. But at this last meeting there was two Big cases being discussed. They investigated this for over a month. It was against Aaron Penman and Jessica Boyle Sottles.

Speaker 4:

And not to get into the weeds, and I think that you know we have established that TMOD in Hartford County is is the destruction of Hartford County and as the people we do not need to be, you know, backing this and we need to be standing up and holding these people accountable, making sure that they're doing the right things and if they're doing the wrong things, again we need to hold them accountable for that. So, again, not to get in the weeds real quick, but just a summer. Jessica Boyle's ethics violation was her ties to her companies that she owns with her family and also any contractual work done within the county county contracts, things like that, the board and this is up for discussion. I would like to see more investigation into this. But they basically cleared her for some of the interactions but also found her in violation of not filing financial reports by request in a timely manner. There was discussion of a fine I don't know how much it was actually, you know enforced or anything like that, but again we're seeing them hold people accountable.

Speaker 3:

And listen. We know this only because we looked at the transcripts and they're available for everyone to look at. We don't have any special access. This is something all of you can do it's all public record.

Speaker 4:

I'm just going to board of ethics of Hartford County dot com. You know, just type that in board of ethics of Hartford County and search engine and you know it'll pop right up there and you can see how you file one. You can see the rules, the charter, the parts of the charter and that in act, the board of ethics. So it's actually very beneficial just to kind of reading, get involved. Hers was really long, penman, his was really short. They actually this was for him his dual employment with the Hartford County Sheriff's office and being a county councilman. They dismissed the, the the claim, but they dismissed it, saying that he Would. They say that he is arguably a state employee and that basically, with their dismissal, they strongly suggest something they recommend that the county attorney pursued the matter in the appropriate form.

Speaker 4:

Basically is what it says. So again, not to get in the weeds, but showing that you know people are reaching out, people are. You know our government is semi working again a little bit. Here's one, one aspect of a good thing. We actually have a board of ethics again, so let's use it Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Georgia, georgia.

Speaker 4:

I think we keep going. You know how. How is the the national government going to be held accountable if the federal government can be held accountable, if we don't have, you know, elections that are clean elections, without dispute? We've been beating this up, the passable podcast. You can question the issues related to an election, you know it's.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're trying to criminalize that. There is more and more evidence coming out if you're paying attention, that there was a lot of elections shenanigans.

Speaker 5:

A lot. I mean Hartford County was on the top 100 list of counties were yes elections In fraud or election integrity issues were like incredibly prominent. We have Right people that did investigations in there is unbelievable. If people knew how Corrupt or how you know how many problems we have questionable yeah, where people, where 10 people are voting from a house where only four people live right.

Speaker 3:

So that puts in doubt your you know one of the bedrock principles that we are allowed to A democratically elect the people that represent us in this constitutional republic. We're not a democracy, say constitutional republic, but we do have democratic representation. However, they've removed the democratic part of that by Instituting voter fraud.

Speaker 2:

And voter people been stealing elections for a long time, yeah 100% we're coming up on the 60th anniversary of the JFK assassination and you know I can't help but think of LBJ and how he won. There was an election, gosh, was it the late 40s? When he stole precinct by like 220 votes? Yeah, it was, it was. It was a very low number, but that that you know when, when you think we're picking at straws here, here's, here's a guy that was nobody knew who this guy was, from Texas and he was able to steal a state election by 220, 200 votes, whatever it was, and and then the guy becomes the president of the United States and and so. So these things do have consequences and people need to realize that.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, we weren't there, but I know you were pretty mad about your vote being stolen in that.

Speaker 4:

So the difference now is technology, you know what happened in 1940s to now. It makes it a heck of a lot easier, and I think that's something that we're seeing in the issues with the Georgia or potentially what's happening down in Georgia. The mail in ballots, well, also the destruction of some of these ballots yes, you know that's part of what they're investigating right now is where some of these ballots being destroyed prematurely and now the evidence is gone. Well, what happened in Hartford County? They prematurely got rid of ballots Right.

Speaker 3:

So I wasn't just singing to practice, if you can count that as singing in Georgia. No.

Speaker 3:

Agreed Skitting the hook. In Georgia they had a lot of ballots that weren't even creased. They weren't folded. The mail in ballots I should say they were run off of a copy machine is what happened. The dot was colored in perfectly and they were not creased or folded or anything. So pretty obvious that there was a problem there. Now those ballots, that appears, have been destroyed illegally and the defense attorneys have quit. The rats are leaving the ship in Georgia. So that's why we need to be paying attention, and it's not just Georgia.

Speaker 5:

Oh, it's all over. You're not hearing about the news, they're not covering it, but it's all over. I mean, it's so obvious, it's painful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah, and they've been trying to criminalize people that look into the elections. Well, why do you think that is? If you have solid elections that are working, there's no need to criminalize. Let them look, hey, help prove that we're right. So what else happened? We've seen the new speaker just did something.

Speaker 4:

He's releasing the January 6th videos. Wow, I think there was a batch that came out today, I think I saw. But that's a step in the right direction of standing your ground and being accountable.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the one particular article that I've been reading was with regard to the Capitol policeman who was African American and he claimed that he was surrounded and called the N-word and all sorts of things, and they've got him on tape all over the place and it never happened. It didn't happen. His testimony put people in jail. There's big problems there, folks. That's a big problem. Everybody should be worried about that, whether you're for Donald Trump or against Donald Trump. If you don't want this kind of nonsense going on, you've lost your country.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's the same thing that they claim the Capitol Police officer was attacked with the fire extinguisher Total lie, it didn't happen Right, and so I would encourage you to go to the websites and look at all the video. I mean, see for yourself.

Speaker 5:

The number of federal agents in the crowd, acting as if they were part of the crowd too. I mean, it's a huge problem.

Speaker 4:

Letting people walk right through. If they were really trying to not let people into the Capitol, why are they just why?

Speaker 2:

are they holding the door for, yeah, ushering them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and again, this is conversation. So for three years now, I guess, people have been locked up two and a half years a year. Now Disgusting. They're locked up in solitary confinement for 24 hours or 23 hours a day. It's horrible. What's going on With this information coming out? I don't want people to be scared to say I can't talk about this. They were insurrectionists. No, look at the video. All you saw on that day were videos on the news. Now you're going to see the inside information and what's going on and ask the questions.

Speaker 3:

And I think what you're really getting to also is that Republicans Republicans are constantly retreating from the truth and that's why they're losing. They're allowing Democrats to drive the narrative. I wanted to talk about something locally that happened Just a little bit.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to get too deep in the weeds, but whether it's real or not has been debated. There was claimed to be some sort of letter asking local leaders to house illegal aliens in hotels and things. Why do I want to get into this? I don't want to talk too much, but what I want to tell you is use this as an example of Republicans not holding their ground. We had, I believe, three prominent Republicans issued statements about it. None of the statements were horrible, but none of the out of the three statements they didn't. Some of them did not use proper language. Some of them called them undocumented immigrants.

Speaker 3:

Well, we need to hold the ground here. These people have come across the border illegally. They are criminals and they need to be dealt with. I'm sorry. There are lots of people that come through the border the proper way. It's not fair to them when we allow people to jump the line and do these things illegally. We have rules, we have laws. They need to be followed. When they're not followed, those people don't get special privileges. We don't reward that.

Speaker 3:

People are going to say, oh, you're not a humanitarian and all this stuff. Well, what we want to see the Republicans do is say this You're here illegally. We're not going to give you perks for being here illegally. Instead of trying to justify why we're not going to give them perks or you know all that stuff, that's no, you've lost. You've allowed the Democrats to advance. They never retreat, they always advance. The next argument if you keep letting them do, this is going to be well. We won't let the illegal aliens sleep in your bed. They'll just be in your house with your doors unlocked. I mean, that's where they're going. They never hold the line.

Speaker 4:

No, you're exactly right, and I wanted to dissect these mailers a little bit to try to say, or the the text messages yeah, one of them didn't one of them want one new, new legislation?

Speaker 3:

How about we just Enforced the laws you already have? We don't need millions more laws in the books. We don't need another law. Right, we've got laws. They shouldn't be here, they're illegal, send them home.

Speaker 4:

Then that was Aaron Penman's and I would like to dissect his, because there was doing three segments or three words that were used there, one that he learned that there was a letter. So he's speculating there now he's stirring the pot with speculation to Anything to deflect correct that he. He was thinking about writing some legislation. To your point, well, what is the framework of this legislation? And to your point also, why is it needed?

Speaker 4:

Then you had Bob Casley, and again here's the Excuse, my language, here's the pissing match going on between Aaron Penman. You know that he's causing with Bob Casley continuing Making threats back and forth. You know I'll tell Bob. You know, if I would have wrote his, his, his message back out to the community, I would have called Aaron Penman the undocumented Democrat and then also use the illegal, illegal alien or illegal immigrants to to clearly identify what's going on here. Because it is clear his day, even if this situation is real or not, the threat was that they're gonna bring the Overcrowding that it's being experienced right now and the mayor they're actually talking about it in the news in New York City and bringing those people down. So that's a direct threat, you know, to right the safety of our community. And then you have Aaron come coming out and saying well, our community can't handle it, the schools can't handle it, you know the infrastructure can't help.

Speaker 4:

Well, we would just argue about the reason for apartments in the over development of Hartford County, but you weren't good with it then. Now you're good with it here. So I'm not trying to get into the weeds, but the last one was the mayor of Aberdeen coming out and providing a lot of you know data, factual pieces of information.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, why it's not possible?

Speaker 4:

But again, no, we do not need this here.

Speaker 5:

It's illegal, even even if it were possible.

Speaker 2:

It's illegal.

Speaker 5:

And, and we need laws right.

Speaker 2:

Well, it's funny, like a couple months ago when they were sending all these guys up to Martha's Vineyard from Florida and Texas you know all the liberals that are supposed to be carrying and concerned and all and then you send. They got sent up to Martha's Vineyard there in limousine, liberal land and and and they're like no, we don't really want you here and let's speak to that, travis, because I think you're good, your person has a lot of empathy.

Speaker 3:

I none of this is. Look, we, we are a nation of immigrants. We really are. But they did this thing the right way and they came through Ellis Island and they followed the rules, and most of the immigrants that came here during different times were the subject of harassment, and they were. They were picked on, you know, and and it they had to earn their stripes, if you will, and they wanted to become American, and you'll hear story after story of German, irish, italian immigrants where their families would not speak their home language because they wanted to be Americans.

Speaker 5:

It was similar, yeah, it was very important to them. It's the opposite of what happened, what's happening today, and these aren't central. Most of them, a lot of them, aren't central Americans. These are people from all over the world. These are people from Muslim and Arab nations. These are young adult males with no family or their child trafficking, or they're bringing fentanyl I mean, this is and that's what they want to bring to Hartford County, I mean, or to anywhere. Yeah, it's ludicrous and it is. We need to have a local government that stands against that regardless, that cooperates with ice, that that yes exactly law and forces the law right.

Speaker 3:

And so when and this is another thing that happens so when an administration comes in and says, well, we're not going to enforce the laws, it's up to the local officials to say no, absolutely, we are gonna enforce the laws. You challenge us, instead of just backing down.

Speaker 2:

Backing down. I'm going along with whatever they say at at the state or federal level and that's you know. You know I hate to keep going back to coven every time I'm on this podcast but, like you, you look at the fundamental in ignorance about how our government supposed to work. And and that was typified During coven because absolutely you had all these people. You know we were talking about the delegate, griffith, before the podcast. How he, you know, instead of standing up to Hogan, he just kind of cheerleading yeah, he cheerleading, he passed. Every time Hogan put out one of his stupid press releases, griffith would would put it on his Facebook page. And oh, look, we're getting a little bit of our freedom back. And and, by the way, I'm getting, I'm getting fireworks restored. We weren't gonna have fireworks to celebrate my freedom in Bel Air, but now we're gonna. We're gonna have fireworks so we can celebrate all this freedom we have while our businesses are closed down, but you can't open your business.

Speaker 2:

And you can't have Thanksgiving with your family, by the way, but we're gonna have fireworks to send.

Speaker 5:

We're allowing our hospital workers are our hero, healthcare heroes to be fired, and because they won't take right, grandma dies alone. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 2:

But if you, you know, if these people had some knowledge about what, what their job really is. And a lot of these guys are just in line they get, they run for office at the local level because they want to. They want to be a congressman or they want to be a senator, and this is just. This is just a stepping stone, and they don't understand their their role as as a local official, to stand up for what's right, do what's right by the people and honor the Constitution.

Speaker 3:

Half these people don't even know what the Constitution says and they swear an oath to it and even worse, the people wanted Mike Peruca and Dan Cox to people that do understand the Constitution and will do the right thing, but your local elected officials and and the Country Club Republicans they weren't having any of it wanted nothing to do with it.

Speaker 5:

Hartford County's motto is not there's nothing we can do. That's the Vincenti motto by the way, and that's right the council's motto when all this was coming down illegal mandates.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing but. But they have no problem running roughshot over you if they want. If they want to build this place on 152 and route one, if they want to put, build a halfway house. If they want to build, you know, turn this whole county in in in de Baltimore City, no chicken for you multi-family housing units at every street corner?

Speaker 2:

They have. No, they have no problem with with doing stuff like that, as long you know if they're getting kickbacks and money off of it and campaign donations, but when it comes to defending your liberty, they don't care and they don't. They don't even understand. Like things like Article 44 of the Maryland Declaration of Rights when it says the Constitution applies during war or peace. Yeah, it always applies, and any Paraphrasing, any, any act of the contrary is is Tends toward anarchy and despotism. And and that's they're. They're causing anarchy and Despotism as they erode our liberty.

Speaker 3:

This is a good time to bring no public service announcement. What? It's? A question, but it's going to be a public service, but in the form of a question. What is the purpose of civil government?

Speaker 2:

Josh oh.

Speaker 3:

To protect our God-given rights. To protect our God-given rights. Everybody remember that. Get it tattooed on your arm.

Speaker 2:

It's not to make you wear a helmet when you're riding your motorcycle. Right, it's very important force you to put your kids in cars.

Speaker 5:

Protect yourself from yourself.

Speaker 2:

That's right. No, it's to protect your God-given rights and not to go back into.

Speaker 4:

You know the threats that were made here this past week of you know our liberties in this county and our county citizens, our safety. You know bringing these illegal immigrants into, but I want our all to remember that we need to come together. But also, does everybody remember what happened to Kayla Hamilton in 2022 when she was murdered in Aberdeen by the illegal a Documented illegal immigrant that was a MS-13 gang member? So, just when these people saying that you know they want to protect us, well, there's an instance and we have Rachel Moran.

Speaker 4:

You know these two cases are within the past year, year and a half, and Nobody's talking about them anymore. It's like you know, but now we get thrown at us with we're gonna get invaded by all these illegal aliens, you know, coming into our county, but it's gonna be okay. We're gonna protect you with this legislation, but, no, we're okay with these apartments coming in, these high density housing, because we need a place for these. It's all over the place. The message needs to be you know, stand strong, as you keep saying, as Republicans Grow a spine and if you go back to episode 29, you'll see where we predicted the illegal alien issue it's.

Speaker 3:

It's not because we have a crystal ball. It's pretty darn easy to see if you're paying attention, folks. One of the other things that that comes of all this is that we do need some legislation. You know what the legislation needs to be. We need to fix the immigration process. It's broken. It takes a very long time for good people to immigrate to this country the proper way. Um, I have been blessed with getting to work with quite a few people that have come to this country and done it the proper way, and they're great people and they work hard and they're a huge plus to our community and I don't think you can just assume that everyone wandering across the border is gonna be a huge plus to your community.

Speaker 2:

I'm really glad you pointed out kind of that humanitarian viewpoint, because I've had a lot of experience with immigrants as well and and I've seen so many of them that come here and they work, and they work, and they work and they save, and they save, and they save and they try to do things the right way and they, they stay out of trouble and they lawyer a tells them, do a, b and c and they still don't get citizenship and they get.

Speaker 5:

So so they do this for, you know, another seven-year period and and it takes them years and years and years and it shouldn't be a quick and easy process like they should Assimilate, they should understand our Constitution, they should understand what made America great and and why we're free but, at the same time, while there's thousands of people coming across the border and then being shipped, bused, airplane to all over the country and then losing track of thousands of children brought into the country, losing Track of Thousands of children being brought in the country every month, it's, it's unbelievably broken.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I think the problem though you know it's the same thing with the hospitals that we were talking about the hospitals a while ago the the problem is not a problem of freedom. The problem is that it's a problem of Socialism, or government intervention, if you will, because the government provides perverse Incentives to do things. It provides perverse incentives for people to come here illegally. It provides Perverses incentives for people to have children at a wedlock. You know, I was talking to somebody close to me that that had a child at a wedlock and if they got married they would lose their health care benefits for the baby that they just had. But if they continue to cohabitate, then they keep those benefits.

Speaker 2:

So our government subsidizes a lot of things that really aren't the best things, and if we took away these subsidies, you can go. This extends into a whole array of issues, especially foreign policy. If you look, you talk about people. Oh well, israel has a right to exist. Sure, they do, but we give X amount to Israel and we give 18 times as much money to the people, to the countries around Israel, that they don't like Israel. So Israel's got to spend more money that we're giving them on defense and all these other countries.

Speaker 3:

We shouldn't be giving anybody any money.

Speaker 2:

We shouldn't be giving anybody any of money.

Speaker 3:

We don't have any money to give.

Speaker 2:

We don't have any to give. We're $200 trillion in debt.

Speaker 3:

You're about to see what happens when you lose the world's currency here.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. Well, you see what happens at the grocery store. Our money's becoming worth less and less, and that's what inflation is Inflating the quantity of currency. So the currency you have is worth less and less, but the government gets it first, so it's worth more.

Speaker 2:

Well, several of the Sunday children got married this year and one of them I was reviewing a rent contract and I couldn't believe how much her rent was. Her rent was almost as much as my mortgage and by the time you add up all the fees, she was like, hey Dad, can you look at this? I'm looking at the rental contract. It's like 50 pages long for a stupid rental contract and they're paying more than our mortgage and they're in their 20s.

Speaker 4:

That's what they want in the apartments here locally and all this high-density housing that they're bringing to the county. It's more than any home and we talked last podcast very extensively in the financial situation. That's a real situation and it's also the greed that we're experiencing From the developers. They're greed of trying to force anything into our community and I look at any facet of the growth of our county is right around the greed. I value my dollar more than I value my morals, my principles, and I will implement whatever it takes. I want to bring up something.

Speaker 5:

That's, the developers credo and the local governments credo. Team OD.

Speaker 4:

Not only team OD, but I want to bring up something that we send out. Going back to the beginning, to our newsletter. It went out in the most recent newsletter that we sent out, do it the issues with the schools and the teachers unions and what didn't come out. Travis, I know you wrote about this a little bit, but that's an issue. Where is all this money going? We talk about every single. We're talking about schools. Now. We want our money to go to the teachers and the students. The students need the money, but is it going there? We want to make sure our roads are taken care of, but how many layers of BS does it have to? Or how much money does it take to actually get something fixed? It's a lot of money, but it's also a lot of greed.

Speaker 2:

One of the Fox News article that I put in the newsletter last time we went to In 2013, the Maryland State Education Association reported revenues of $19.8 million by 2022, they were taken in $26.5 million. And are the kids getting a better education than they were in the beginning? No, the scores are showing that they're not.

Speaker 3:

Say it, swirling the bowl. They're swirling the bowl and what they're going to do is they're going to here you go. Another prediction they're going to lower the standards to make the scores look better. I promise you that is what's going to happen.

Speaker 4:

They've already started doing that. They've already started doing it.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, it's so obvious.

Speaker 2:

But if you're a business owner, if you hire people, if you're a manager and you see these applications that are coming in, people are Just look at the handwriting on these.

Speaker 5:

They can't spell.

Speaker 2:

They can barely write Like stuff's misspelled. It looks I'm not too old, but I'm a child of the 70s and they taught. They taught you what it looks like. They taught penmanship in school and if you look at how the kids write, no idea what that is or where it's coming from. We've got interference in the freedom pod.

Speaker 5:

The teacher's union is trying to break in the NSA has infiltrated our communications. We'll go to club four.

Speaker 2:

If you look at the penmanship, though you can't even read what they're trying to put on the application.

Speaker 3:

He said penmanship.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I.

Speaker 3:

He doesn't have a ship. We have a ship he doesn't have a ship.

Speaker 5:

But anyway, as the money to HCPS and as the money to the teacher's union is like exponentially growing, the scores for testing goes exponentially down. It's an inverse proportion. It's insanity. It's the opposite of what you think should happen in a sane society.

Speaker 2:

And I don't want to offend anybody by using an old slogan here. But money talks, bs walks. But you look at people like Banana smoothies. You look at people like Barry Glassman and they're just throwing money at these people Instead of reining these people in.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, 31 million, but more than they asked for Extra above and beyond 33.

Speaker 2:

It's insane.

Speaker 3:

Speaking of that, we need to take a short break, because I understand that one of our people caught a conversation between the councilman from District Snea and one of his handlers, and while we don't have the exact clip, I am prepared to try and tell you what it was. Aaron, I am your father when something like that so anyway. Sorry, tj, I know you have no idea what we are talking about.

Speaker 3:

He's a worldly man Before we get into. I know what Josh wants to talk about, but I want you to think about this the reason guys like TJ and all were able to come up with such excellent documents. My opinion they were very smart, they had a lot of time to think, they weren't distracted. When you rode your horse from Washington DC through Philadelphia to Boston and you stopped at the Bush River in Maryland, it didn't have a radio, it didn't have a tape deck. So you pondered things and you thought and you stopped the case and got your quill out and took some notes.

Speaker 5:

Back in my day, 14 year olds were proficient in French and law and history, and today you see these interviews of people on the street and 25 year olds have no concept who George Washington is or when World War II was or anything in history. They're just not taught history so they have no appreciation for where rights come from. They have no appreciation for the constitution, for our form of government and on TV every night. Our democracy, our democracy, our democracy. We don't have a democracy.

Speaker 2:

It's not a democracy.

Speaker 5:

Democracy is mob rule.

Speaker 2:

It's mob rule yeah, these are not just men on the street interviews, these are on college camp.

Speaker 5:

These are college camp. Wait.

Speaker 3:

I think that's a different website.

Speaker 2:

Let's not go there. Just a little nod to L Rushbo there. Oh, there you go.

Speaker 3:

So I think we gotta get it back, bring the pod back in, hover over Bel Air and let Josh talk about something near and dear to his heart.

Speaker 4:

I think, before that, going right back to what you guys were just talking about, you know a statement of we're a nation of workers and not thinkers, and that is and that's the teacher juniors.

Speaker 3:

That's what they're here to do.

Speaker 4:

Exactly, and again Nation. As you guys, we haven't really touched on this. But there are the other options. You know, I know public school systems are a value of system to our community, but really consider what's happening. You know there are other options. Our community can support other options. Home school and home school. Exactly. It's going through the roof Absolutely, and we need to be able to foster that as a community.

Speaker 3:

And so wait, what's the favorite cry of the public school?

Speaker 5:

cheerleader. They won't be socialized properly.

Speaker 3:

They won't be socialized, or are? Don't you want someone smarter than your parents teaching your kids? They're gonna be the weird kids they won't know, so yeah they're not the kids coming to school with a gun and shooting each other.

Speaker 5:

If weird means they know how to count and know history and can read and write Right, okay, weird is okay.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, we need a litter box inside of school or any of that kind of-.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the weird kids are in the public school folks.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

But I also wanted to bring up something else what we're fighting against, what we don't want here and then this is going nationally. Did anybody see what happened in San Francisco, you know-.

Speaker 2:

Oh, my the.

Speaker 4:

China stuff. Yeah, it's Xi coming to-.

Speaker 3:

San Francisco.

Speaker 4:

So what happened? All of a sudden, they have enough money, enough time, enough effort to clean up the community. You know, clean up the streets. They pressure wash the sidewalks and the roads, got rid of all the homeless, cleaned up literally the crap on the ground?

Speaker 2:

Did they run them over with?

Speaker 3:

tanks. They were excited, very excited, to have the dictator Xi Ping visit. And it's kind of funny because cocaine Joe called him a dictator by accident. Okay, joe, and he got pissed off. Yeah, he got pissed off. But the flags and tell them.

Speaker 4:

There was more Chinese flags flying on the streets of San Francisco than they've had in San Francisco of the United States flags in the past 24th of July celebrations.

Speaker 5:

So it replaced all the rainbows.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that too, but you know, that's what are we doing.

Speaker 3:

They were very excited about the Chinese dictator coming and of course look, don't get mad at me, xi Ping, because we have a dictator too.

Speaker 5:

Right, absolutely Well, and it's paid for by China too, by the way.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean cocaine. Joe's a dictator. Let's just face it he is a dictator.

Speaker 2:

What was it 1994? When did Tiananmen Square happen? Like these are the people that are running people over with tanks. I think it was 1994, sometime in the 90s.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't remind this current administration.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, don't give them ideas, these are the people.

Speaker 5:

They welded people's door shut during COVID you know, yeah, they're terrible people and today they still enslave and organ harvest from Uyghurs, I mean today is terrible and they build Uyghurs. They build junk. Uyghurs? What Uyghurs? That's a Uyghur are they?

Speaker 3:

I believe they're are they a Muslim sect maybe? Oh, uyghurs yeah in China, travis is sometimes childish.

Speaker 2:

And while childish and naive and hearing loss from gunfire, explosions and aircraft well then, it's okay, let's go back to the smart, serious one, the Josh.

Speaker 4:

Hey, I like to have fun too, man.

Speaker 3:

And when TJ is here, that's saying something.

Speaker 4:

Yeah Well, again, I bring up those last two points just to say that you know, this is what we're standing against. We need to really kind of come together constantly say that. I understand, I'm sorry, guys, but it really it's the people. If you look at what happened to build this country at the foundation, it was the community coming together, standing shoulder to shoulder and pushing them back. So we talked about Bel Air. Bel Air, we talked about, I think, this last podcast or two, I don't know when, but recently there was a shellacking in the local elections in downtown Bel Air. Great word.

Speaker 3:

Shellacking. It's a fun word to say, shellacking.

Speaker 4:

There's three new Black Juck, shellock, but you know there's three new commissioners sitting that are going to be seated on the 20th of November. It's go time, you know.

Speaker 3:

You know you're going to see from them.

Speaker 4:

You kick butt. In the election you stood up. You know you actually had them say hey, only one of them was going to run again. I think we were talking about that before the podcast.

Speaker 3:

Let's not have another school board situation folks.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you look at point and kissing Bolson's butt right now and it's real disappointment. He's not such a bad guy.

Speaker 3:

Porn in the library is okay and DDIs teach all our kids a bunch of dumb stuff, and the white kids are worthless.

Speaker 2:

But it was really neat to see that election because you know, typically in the county wide elections delegates, county executive it's kind of personality based. You see pictures of Barry and Billy wearing high heels and going to.

Speaker 3:

Whoa. What websites are you visiting?

Speaker 2:

Doing. You know they'll pick some non controversial topic like we're against breast cancer. Well, of course everybody's against breast cancer.

Speaker 3:

Nobody wants to see that Just tell me there was no sheep in those pictures, please?

Speaker 2:

But you look these guys, rutledge and Taylor and Chismar they all ran on this over development issue. They all talked about adequate getting the numbers back for the schools to a realistic number and that was their issue. They actually ran on the issues and they won. It was. It was great to see a campaign of substance.

Speaker 4:

You bring up and that's one thing I want to kind of expand upon is that adequate public facilities. We've talked about this before, but when the schools hit a capacity that in or induces a more building moratorium for residences, what?

Speaker 2:

is it 110 percent 110?

Speaker 4:

percent. So will this new commission sit down and say, no, we're pulling that down to 100 percent? You know 100 percent is full. There's other things that you know that mean to happen as well. Is that number too high at 100 percent, does their check-ins need to happen? But also, I'm all for a building moratorium for high density housing in Hartford County. I've been screaming about this for weeks now. The legislation was passed, longer than that. Well, yeah, but the legislation was passed. But I still think that there's loopholes that need to be filled, and the every developer is going to know these loopholes. They sit up at night and they study this and we're behind the curve.

Speaker 5:

I mean we're totally behind the curve. You see what happens in Hickory.

Speaker 4:

So will the downtown Bel Air. You know new commissioners, will they introduce in their town a building moratorium against high density housing Because they're under absolute attack? Till they can sort this out Exactly, that's all I'm asking. Look at it, sort it out. We can accept this in our community only if it's done the right way. Yeah, that's not forced upon us.

Speaker 3:

That 110 percent thing is so dumb. I blame the coaches all over the country. You always see them on TV. Yeah, my guys gave 110 percent. No, they didn't coach there's. They can't give 110 percent. That's not possible.

Speaker 4:

And it's not physically possible for a building to give 110 percent.

Speaker 5:

And the whole thing is a function of the fact that local government loves to get federal money, and federal money comes with strings attached, and the strings are you've got to urbanize your community, you've got to turn Hartford County into Montgomery County, and that's the way we're going to give you money that's coming down straight from the government, straight from communism.

Speaker 3:

And we've heard Patrick Hudman, vincentie. He's not the duck man, he's the Hudman.

Speaker 2:

Yep, I never met a Hudman. He said he wants that he's out looking for the money.

Speaker 3:

Take me to the HUD money I want. The HUD money Comes with strings. I love strings.

Speaker 2:

What's that?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

I got no strings on me.

Speaker 3:

Oh, we got a few Pinocchios in Hartford County, don't we?

Speaker 4:

That's a whole other issue. Lion-cheating steel.

Speaker 3:

That's another team. I love your idea of a moratorium, josh. I think it's smart, and not because it achieves a goal, blah blah because we need to look at the rules and make sure that they're working for the people, for the people.

Speaker 5:

And these, I'm sorry, the team ODU, these councilmen, council people, when they give a testimony or when they cross-examine or whatever they do in council meetings, they never, as I mentioned before, they never once mentioned my constituents want me to. That is no bearing on their activity or their actions.

Speaker 3:

And just the same crazy guy keeps showing up for the traffic studies. Yep From 2020? No, the traffic's fine and they never go. What Are you serious? Have you ever driven up 543?

Speaker 5:

The guy's from what? New York or something.

Speaker 3:

He's not even from near here.

Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, pasadena, pasadena, oh, pasadena, close enough. They'll use stupid things like hey, I'm going to put 200 apartments or 100 apartments in Fauston with all these residents, but I'm going to reduce the traffic. That's the stuff that they're saying, and they're saying it in testimony. This is ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

And nobody questions it.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Remember when there was only one case of flu. That's right.

Speaker 4:

Nobody's going to say that that's because it's a two, I'm sorry two. Two cases of flu seriously.

Speaker 3:

Tom this, Jefferson and John Connor are on the same wavelength.

Speaker 5:

We are and the whole audience in the county council that night just burst into laughter.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it was unbelievable Hudman gavilled everyone down. Stop that. Stop that.

Speaker 3:

There will be no laughter you know what you know what this county reminds me of. Have you ever watched the Wall, the Pink Floyd movie? I hear the Pink Floyd music in the background and I see the hammers marching. This is what this is like. That's what they think their role is. I think they watched the Wall to learn how to govern instead of reading the Constitution.

Speaker 2:

You ever listen to C-SPAN? You ever listen to the British Parliament? Those guys are screaming and yelling at each other all the time. It's like give me a break. You know somebody claps or laughs at a county council meeting. That is tame compared to what's going on in Europe right now.

Speaker 3:

Did you see the clip? Bernie Sanders had to break up the supposed fight between one of the congressmen who's like an undefeated MMA fighter. Some union boss challenged him to a fight and Bernie Sanders had to break it up. It was hilarious Better than any sporting event I've seen. I think the Josh is about to say something profound and you can't see it, but we're all looking at it.

Speaker 4:

It's percolating. I had a couple of things to say there, but I'm kind of slipping my memory, I'm just going back to Something to say software is going to fart. Oh my God, Not quite there yet, but it's the same look.

Speaker 5:

But no going back to the free died last unplugged yeah.

Speaker 4:

But no, going back up to what you brought up, you know the people laughing at the county council meeting when the hospitals came in front during COVID. Well, I'll tell you one thing. It happened again in Bel Air a couple of weeks ago when the room was packed. It happened, you know, in August with the Fauston.

Speaker 5:

So encouraging.

Speaker 4:

So encouraging People showing up and putting pressure on these people. They don't like it for a reason because they don't know how to act or react, because they don't know how their handlers would want them to act or react.

Speaker 5:

Our county was asleep for a long, long time.

Speaker 2:

These guys are used to operating in the shadows.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. I will say that. You know you go to a county council meeting. You see a sense of power. You know the people that are sitting on the dice. They want power over the other people as opposed to representing the people and standing for the people. So we talk about. You know we've attacked Team OD. You know, with Aaron Penman and Pat Vincenny and Jessica Boyle.

Speaker 3:

Like a great white shark on a baby seal.

Speaker 4:

But what else? So we want this building moratorium. We know Team OD is not going to do it. So, tony G, are you down for a building moratorium? I mean you introduced the amendment to allow garden apartments within the Chesapeake Science and Research District, or I probably butchered the specific name. But do you guys understand the impact that you know these small decisions like when you say I think that this would not be or I think this is a good idea, I think is not good enough to represent the people, that is not a definitive enough. That goes right back to what I said at the beginning of I learned or I intend to do.

Speaker 5:

It should be my constituents want me to yes, blank, exactly.

Speaker 3:

The Constitution says Absolutely yeah, freedom demands. That's one thing.

Speaker 2:

Just a little pet peeve that Travis has here when we let it rip, Travis. When we. Jenny one before. Well, I've got a lot of them, but I'm just I'm going to focus in on one of them. One of them is that we call these people our leaders. We are a representative Republican. Those Republic my mother. People are supposed to represent us. They're not there to lead us Right, they are there to represent us.

Speaker 3:

Great point, good point, and that's the one I was making before. We all need to be thinking about it, because we do use the wrong language quite a bit and that is harmful. We need to use the proper language. We need to define the roles of these people properly.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Mm, hmm, and when you speak out, you should talk into the microphone, okay, because you have wonderful things to say. We want to make sure they're heard.

Speaker 5:

Yes, you have the perfect voice for radio. We just Josh.

Speaker 3:

by the way, we have a lot of bugs on the windshield tonight. Anybody want to eat them? Nope Me either, Eat.

Speaker 4:

Z bugs.

Speaker 5:

No bugs for me, exactly.

Speaker 3:

We don't have any lab girl meat on the windshield though.

Speaker 5:

Bioengineered no.

Speaker 2:

Well, maybe we can get a little roadkill on the landing.

Speaker 3:

There you go. Maybe land on a deer only if you're going to eat the whole thing. Still natural, I don't know. Do we have any other topics?

Speaker 4:

I don't think there's any other topics, I think it's just you know how? About some?

Speaker 3:

hope, Josh. Yeah, let's end this thing with some hope. The people need their hope.

Speaker 4:

We all do hope and is don't be afraid and don't be scared to talk about this. I think that's one thing that we're seeing right now. You know the old adage was you know you don't talk about politics and religion. You know you don't go to work and talk about politics and religion. You don't go out in the community and talk about politics and religion. You don't talk about politics and religion to your friends. That ship has sailed. You know this is impacting us every single day. You know from the religious attacks that we're seeing across the entire world and I'm not going to get into the weeds specifically on any religion, but everybody's attacking, attacking, attacking. Once we realize that, hey, it's us against them and us as the people.

Speaker 2:

It is the us against the ruling class.

Speaker 4:

The ruling class yeah.

Speaker 5:

And it's about freedom and it's about the quality of life, especially when you come down to Hartford County. It's about quality of life, because quality of life is changing dramatically in Hartford County, and not for the better.

Speaker 4:

And it's not just you and you and you, my neighbors, my family, we have to look at our children not our grandchildren you know, and those are the people that we need to make sure that we say I stood up for them and I was not going to allow them to live in a world that hated them Right, they're not going to support them and it's going to drain their right to live in society and make it just a horrible place to live.

Speaker 3:

They deserve freedom Absolutely. So we need to make sure government's doing its job to protect our God given rights.

Speaker 5:

And the hopeium is that this broadcast first of all exists and that people are sharing this broadcast and I'm not talking itself servingly, because I've barely ever been here. I love it, but people are sharing this broadcast. People who were never involved before are now involved. People are showing up at meetings in Bel Air, people are showing up at meetings in Fawcett and people are aware of the corruption that's going on in Hartford County and Timo D and it's super encouraging, awesome.

Speaker 3:

I love it. Amen, brother, and you know I was just going to end this with a solicitation. So if you like what you've heard tonight, go to weedthepeopleofmdorg. Otherwise, the four of us are going to have to start an only fan's beat.

Speaker 5:

Don't let it happen. Don't let it happen.

Speaker 3:

Please don't. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Holding Politicians Accountable in Hartford County
Concerns About Election Integrity and Accountability
Debating Immigration and Law Enforcement
Concerns About Housing, Education, Government Greed
Concerns About Education, Democracy, and Overdevelopment
Discussing Government Representation and Language Usage
Hope, Freedom, and Quality of Life