Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 - Episode 1: Guarding the Homestead Against National Overreach in Harford

January 29, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 1
Season 2 - Episode 1: Guarding the Homestead Against National Overreach in Harford
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 1: Guarding the Homestead Against National Overreach in Harford
Jan 29, 2024 Season 2 Episode 1
Live Free - Die Last

Can we safeguard our local communities while facing the national outcry over border policy and federal overreach? This pressing question takes center stage as we examine the coalition of states, including Texas, that have challenged federal immigration policies. We discuss the heavy toll these policies take on local resources and public safety, scrutinizing the dichotomy of foreign border funding versus our own. The conversation also spotlights uplifting immigration stories and delves into the contentious Bill 24-001 on Accessory Dwelling Units, questioning the influence of donor money in local politics and the potential overreach into family lives.

We're not just observers; we're participants in the tapestry of Harford County's political and social discourse. This episode peels back the layers on the complexities of border security, the unity among states supporting Texas, and the political chess game unfolding nationally. From the personal tales that underscore the job security and healthcare pursuits across various communities to the profound reflections on the bright and dark sides of immigration, we offer a nuanced discussion that brings home the national debate.

Our final thoughts are a clarion call for vigilance in the face of educational spending and potential indoctrination. We examine controversial bills that challenge parents' rights and children's exposure to certain materials in schools. With a focus on preserving the family unit and individual freedoms, we critically analyze the direction in which our institutions are steering the next generation. It's not just another conversation; it's a battle cry for engagement and advocacy, ensuring your voice is heard amidst the clamor for change.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Can we safeguard our local communities while facing the national outcry over border policy and federal overreach? This pressing question takes center stage as we examine the coalition of states, including Texas, that have challenged federal immigration policies. We discuss the heavy toll these policies take on local resources and public safety, scrutinizing the dichotomy of foreign border funding versus our own. The conversation also spotlights uplifting immigration stories and delves into the contentious Bill 24-001 on Accessory Dwelling Units, questioning the influence of donor money in local politics and the potential overreach into family lives.

We're not just observers; we're participants in the tapestry of Harford County's political and social discourse. This episode peels back the layers on the complexities of border security, the unity among states supporting Texas, and the political chess game unfolding nationally. From the personal tales that underscore the job security and healthcare pursuits across various communities to the profound reflections on the bright and dark sides of immigration, we offer a nuanced discussion that brings home the national debate.

Our final thoughts are a clarion call for vigilance in the face of educational spending and potential indoctrination. We examine controversial bills that challenge parents' rights and children's exposure to certain materials in schools. With a focus on preserving the family unit and individual freedoms, we critically analyze the direction in which our institutions are steering the next generation. It's not just another conversation; it's a battle cry for engagement and advocacy, ensuring your voice is heard amidst the clamor for change.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Hartford County Patriots. It's the Live Free Die Last podcast Broadcasting from we the People Studios, high above Hartford County. I know we've been away for a little while and it feels like forever, but during that time we took we took the opportunity to refit the freedom pod. We don't have 50 cows anymore Now. We're using shotgun cannon much larger. We put some X-ray vision in there and a couple other goodies that we'll show you a little later. We got a drone deterrent system, since that's what the government seems to like. But if you want to email us, it's info at we, the people of MDorg. So you just want to check out the website. You can get to the contact us there or donate lots of money. It's we, the people of MDorg. And tonight we've got some excellent patriots in the studio. You know them, you love them. We have to bring them back. I'll start right to left and we're going to go to the Josh.

Speaker 3:

Good evening Happy to be back Right. Next up is Patrick Warren.

Speaker 5:

And back in the house.

Speaker 3:

Hey, hey. And then we've got the undisputed world champion, travis Sunday. Thank you All right, and of course, your host, john Connor, time traveling the last three months, as usual. We got a fair amount of things to talk about tonight there. Why don't we start with this border invasion?

Speaker 5:

Oh, where to start.

Speaker 4:

It needs to end but yeah, where to start.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the border invasion has been going on for quite some time. Borders have been wide open. Recently we've got some some movement here because the the the of unlikely source of the governor of Texas, who was a member of Weff, which is the world economic forum, is actually standing up to the Biden administration, which I find surprising. But hey, until the other shoe drops and we find out why he's doing this, let's run with it, because now we've got how many other states? 25.

Speaker 4:

I think it's up to 27. Actually, I think Kentucky joined, and was it New Hampshire? Wow. That was over the weekend or late Friday.

Speaker 5:

Free or die state.

Speaker 3:

Free state should be joining. And let me tell you guys, if your state doesn't join because you're overrun with some idiot like Westmore, you got to go push your councils and your county councils and city councils to join, to stand behind these guys. They can make a statement, there's nothing wrong with that. And if they go, oh, that's not our job, yes, it is, it is their job. The federal government has abdicated their responsibility and it's your local government's job to protect you.

Speaker 5:

You know I'm pretty tired of hearing people talk about how there's nothing they can do. It took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution and the people of the United States and we are being invaded. There is no other way around it. December 370,000 people illegally cross the border, and that's the ones that we know about. So think about that. That's a city about the size of Pittsburgh, one of the third times the size of Hartford County. Every month coming into this country and we have no idea where they're going.

Speaker 3:

Right and meanwhile, or who? They are our troops that are illegally occupying other countries get attacked with drones and we're supposed to go to war, but we're supposed to forget about all the people coming into this country. They've caught terrorists. They've caught all kind of bad people down there. I've seen clips on the YouTube with a couple of really bad dudes coming into this country. The guys that have done the clips have gone up in research too. They were. We really don't want them in this country?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely not. And taken here locally to Hartford County we've had multiple murders. One confirmed that was an MS-13 gang member. It was a two years ago that raped and then killed that autistic young lady in Aberdeen. And then also you have Rachel Moran here on the mom pot trail. Again can't confirm that it was an illegal alien or an illegal immigrant or whatever you want to call the invader, but again it's happening here locally.

Speaker 3:

Hey, speaking of the one in Aberdeen, isn't that mother suing the US government for $100 million?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but guess what? I'll give you two to one that that suit goes absolutely nowhere because they're going to claim sovereign immunity, you know it's still nice to see that she found a lawyer to do it. Yeah, I mean, there's not too many lawyers with backbones anymore. That will in the stand up for the government so you're right that that is good.

Speaker 3:

She must have called Saul.

Speaker 5:

They're going to claim sovereign immunity guaranteed.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think you're probably right, but it's nice to dream a little.

Speaker 5:

But you know the thing is to use people are they are here, coming in to, you're baiting. You know you're county, you're city, you know your neighborhood and they're illegal aliens. They are illegal aliens. They are not migrants. Migrants at some point returned to whence they came. They are illegal aliens and they are invading this country. And not only are they invading this country, they are criminals because they cross the border illegally and then they commit follow on crimes, theft, by stealing tax dollars and resources from the citizens of this county, of this state and of this country. These people come here, they're given hotel rooms or given subsidized public housing, they're given a cell phone.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

They're given, you know meanwhile they're given food. They're given, you know. They're given everything. We're educating their kids.

Speaker 3:

So that's a joke. But? But meanwhile we've got tons of money we're dumping into the Ukraine to protect their border. We've spent a ton of money for Israel. They have a fence, They've got walls, They've got all sorts of things to protect them. Why can't America protect itself?

Speaker 5:

Well, and the thing that really bothers me, too, is like you know the next thing, you know when you start bringing these things up, they're like oh, you racist, you hater.

Speaker 3:

Yeah right.

Speaker 5:

It's like hey, I'm for America, I'm pro-American, I'm pro-American citizen. I want somebody who defends this practice. I want Wes Moore or Pat Vincente or anybody to stand up and tell me why the illegal alien is above the citizen. Because they are, you know, and we're in. The Biden administration is hiring 87,000 IRS agents to harass all of us, to pay for this. So the illegal alien gets to invade the country, break all of our laws. They're above the law, they're never prosecuted. But, boy, you make a mistake on your IRS form and you better pay the penalty, interest and the penalty, like right now.

Speaker 3:

But I think the good news is most people are waking up when we say they tell us, nobody believes them anymore. They have no credibility left, they being the US government.

Speaker 4:

Well then, if anybody wants to get involved I think we're working on a call to action and visit our website or email us at info at wethepeopleofmdorg. I mean, if you visit the website, you can sign up for our newsletter. It's a really good newsletter. It comes out a couple of times a month and we will be sharing a call to action to get vocal with your local representatives, your state representatives, to stand with Texas and protecting this border.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely so. And if your local government won't do that, perhaps it's because they think there are no problems. I don't know. Does Jeff Gaylor say there's no illegal aliens here? Are they not a problem? Oh, except for poor Rachel Warren and the other girl who I forgot her name, and the other and the other and the other. They're a problem.

Speaker 5:

Well, you know, quite frankly, the sheriff should be leading the charge on this, 100% Yep, because there's there's capital crimes being committed by illegal aliens in this county against his citizens that elected him. There are property crimes being committed. He had to be out leading the charge on this.

Speaker 2:

It's a problem when his buddy Penman wants to use it as a as a political wedge against the county executive. Then he'll talk about stuff like that.

Speaker 3:

Well, let's see Penman put his money where his mouth is and make a statement. See the problem he's got. It's a problem I'm going to tell you right now. The problem that Aaron Penman has. His campaign manager was Joe Sne. Joe Sne supports Wes Moore. He brought him to town for a fundraiser. He says, hey, I support anybody that'll make me a buck. Well, that's a problem for you, pal. That's a problem for Aaron Penman. You going to stand up here, guy Joe Sne, or what?

Speaker 5:

Well, and all the you know.

Speaker 4:

Andrews buddy Jeff Giller adding that in too.

Speaker 3:

Not only that, but Patrick and. Sanpei is implicated in this too, because they're buddy buddy and I haven't heard him say boo. Only thing he'll tell you is oh, I was a boy scout and that's why I'd like to do this job.

Speaker 5:

Well, and the the clients brought them to town.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

The developers brought them to town, the chaos brought them to town. So Wes Moore town, and you know, had a fundraiser for the guys, so they're invested in yeah.

Speaker 3:

And Wes Moore. He's doing a lot of other stuff. I don't know. Are we getting into this in another podcast, probably. But don't forget, wes Moore is anti gun. He's trying real hard to make it difficult for you to defend yourself. So not only is he making Maryland more dangerous, but he doesn't want you to be able to defend yourself.

Speaker 2:

Well, these court rulings you know we've had a couple in our last year and our favor for those that believe in the right and the natural right to self defense.

Speaker 3:

It doesn't believe in. It is your natural right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, Well.

Speaker 3:

I don't give a damn what the court says.

Speaker 5:

Only problem is the Maryland state police don't obey court rulings they don't like right.

Speaker 3:

So we do have a Supreme Court ruling with Biden versus Texas. So somehow Joe Biden is trying to make Texas safer by pulling the bar bar down the razor wire to give access. To give access so the illegals can get in here.

Speaker 4:

So no, so we can access. The Department of Homeland Security can access. You know, get in there and get these people out of the water.

Speaker 3:

And cocaine. Joe cannot tell the truth to save his life, his whole family. Is there someone in the Biden family that can tell the truth? Find them, that's. We'll give you a prize if you can find a truth teller in the Biden family. I don't think you will.

Speaker 5:

Well, you know, something else that's kind of interesting about this whole Texas thing too is you know we got everybody screaming. You know we got to go have a new war. We haven't had a war, new war in a while, so we got to go have a new war based upon this drone attack. That's what you want to call it. We still don't really know what the what the whole story is.

Speaker 3:

Let's have a war.

Speaker 5:

But interestingly, the government of Jordan said that there was no attack on their on their side of the border. So this Tower 22 is actually in right on right on the line of Syria and Jordan, and it's in Al Taf province, which is what the U? S government is illegally occupying in Syria, which covers the main border, or there should say the main road from Damascus to Baghdad the illegitimate U S government, by the way.

Speaker 5:

So anyway, interesting thing about this. So you know you have all the neo cons in the Republican Party that are screaming, you know, to attack Iran right now. So Joe Biden's got a whole lot of problems, you know. He's he's unpopular. The economy is imploding, despite the fake government statistics. He's got lots and lots of problems. He's got lots of personal problems. He's got ethical problems. He's got financial problems, you know, with the Congress with the Congress. And what's what's a good thing to save? What do most presidents rely on?

Speaker 3:

War war. So, big Michael save them.

Speaker 5:

So think about this for a second. So we got this border problem, so we have a new war. The National Guard, the Texas National Guard, gets sent to where Syria, Iraq, wherever you know to fight this. Take it to the Iranians on this, uh, this new attack. So what then? What happens? Well, borders wide open again. Yeah, Interesting.

Speaker 3:

Go ahead Travis.

Speaker 2:

The, the Border Patrol Union, put out a statement um that their rank and file members uh, support what Texas is doing and uh, and they made it clear this is the rank and file guys, not the, not the brass that are there for political reasons.

Speaker 3:

Right, the brass is too worried about their pronouns and what shoes they're going to wear to the Sunday Buffalo bang.

Speaker 5:

The regular guys said they weren't going to uh, participate in cutting the wire. Right, we're not going to comply. It's basically what they said.

Speaker 3:

Well, I wasn't the ruling that the feds can cut the wire and and also, but also you got to get guys to cut the wire right, but also cocaine.

Speaker 2:

It didn't. It didn't preclude them from putting it right back up again either at the state level.

Speaker 3:

So cocaine Joe's going to have to cut the wire himself.

Speaker 2:

Your tax payer dollars at work.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Utterly ridiculous. So we have a uh, a quick break for a commercial. Um, you know, I wanted to let you know that this broadcast is brought to you by Bud Light, which is the preferred tranny fluid of Lesbary drivers everywhere. All right, let's get back to the broadcast.

Speaker 4:

Well, looking at the, the 25 or 27 states that are standing up, they're not just writing on a piece of paper that hey, ra Ra, I'm supporting this guy. Some are sending um, some, some people, some are sending resources, um, you know that's. This is a big event that's happening at the border and it's we need to stop this invasion.

Speaker 5:

Florida is sending National Guard troops to Texas. Kentucky is sending National Guard troops to Texas. Nice, uh Georgia, I believe, is sending National Guard troops to Texas, uh, south Carolina. So this is, this is becoming a thing.

Speaker 2:

And I think you know, florida and Texas have been working together for a while. But, just as an aside, some of the people that I've met that have come from other countries, that that were worse than ours and came here and they were. They were able to live the dream. They worked hard, they went to school and they learned the English language and they assimilated. They, they assimilated into the culture.

Speaker 3:

You're talking about people that have come here legally.

Speaker 2:

Correct Sure.

Speaker 3:

We have no problems.

Speaker 2:

I mean that's. Those are some of the most honestly. Some of them are more patriotic than natural born Americans because we take all our freedoms for granted.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there's no doubt about that. So so we all say, oh, it's a federal problem. Well, we got a bunch of states, participating States are stepping up, so now it's time for the counties to step up. Obviously, the counties in in the states that are already stepping up are probably good, but the counties in Maryland can step up with a statement. Let's talk about that, boys, come on.

Speaker 5:

Well, you know, I would think that you know state delegates, you know the usual suspects. That would be somebody who would be supposedly supporting something this like this, a conservative Republican delegate or a Senator in the general asylum would probably be able, you would think, to find some allies from delegates in Baltimore city, montgomery County, possibly because these people are really being harmed by this. I mean, the city of Denver is going broke on illegal aliens. Logan airport has illegal aliens living in it, so it's, it's harming the people of Baltimore city. You know the citizens of Baltimore city, especially black folks. It's, it's taking resources away from them, it's taking jobs away from them. They are being harmed. So you ought to be able to find some allies.

Speaker 3:

So think so. Admittedly, I get to talk to a lot of black people. They all have jobs. I work with them. They don't like this either. They don't like it at all. I, I, they're just like us. They have the same wants, the same needs. They want to take care of their children. They want good healthcare, you know, and they're fed up too. So when you see Joe Biden saying, well, if you don't vote for me, you ain't black, that's BS, cause all the people that I know are fed up with this guy.

Speaker 5:

When the other thing, too is is that you cannot have an open border and a wide open welfare state, because you can't bring there here without here becoming there.

Speaker 3:

You can't have a warfare state either, Cause they're going to creep in and be right at your back door. You're not even. They're behind enemy lines.

Speaker 5:

But when I say you can't bring there here without here becoming there, meaning the country, the United States, is going to turn into a third world country.

Speaker 3:

with this I mean it's a banana republic now.

Speaker 5:

You have 350,000 people a month crossing the border illegally that we know about. That's not even counting the gotaways, so it's this is this is. This is a systematic destruction of Sure civilization of this country.

Speaker 4:

And TMOD is okay with it because they're making a lot of money off of it and getting whatever you want for it.

Speaker 3:

So are we moving on to TMOD, or did Travis have one more thing?

Speaker 2:

Well, you, you touched on it, you know, and I I've heard other people talk about this before the the problem is not it's it is an immigration problem. But to me, the problem is that you have all these incentives for people to come in and not only that, but you have hurdles to people that want to come in legally.

Speaker 3:

If system sucks correct can't process people fast enough.

Speaker 2:

But if you take away these incentives, these perverse incentives, and not just with immigration, like I was dealing with a it was an unemployment case today. The guy was in subordinate, a no-call, no-show. Then we get a letter from the Maryland unemployment commission saying well, you're liable for so many thousands of dollars. It's like, well, what are you talking about? We sent him all the documentation the guy had been written up. He didn't show up. But let this guy is, is going to get thousands of dollars.

Speaker 3:

Yes, westmore wants to bankrupt companies in Maryland. Westmore does not like business. He likes backdoor deals where he can hand out money to people like Joe Sne.

Speaker 2:

And you look at. You look at what they're doing with the schools, just the money that they're pumping into the schools, regardless of whether the enrollment goes up or down every year.

Speaker 3:

We need billions, millions more Well they're indoctrination centers, not schools, and it's a way to pay their constituents Just to the crazy. A lot of the crazy whack job people that you see supporting these dumb policies working your school system folks not all of them. There's still some good people in the schools, but it sure is a breeding ground for them.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and they openly admit that. Yeah, like when you, when you hear you know Project Veritas just had another expose on an administrator in Connecticut and wide open say that you know if you are a conservative teacher or if you have anything. If you're not down with the woke agenda, we are not hiring you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and if you're, Catholic, or you're for old, you know, because if you're old you might be conservative. And he was just saying well, we're not, we're not. I'm going to interview him.

Speaker 3:

So let's, let's get on with some local stuff, because there's some real whoppers that are happening here with team OD. Tell them what just happened, josh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the the clients family, if not everybody's been following this. There's a bunch of historical properties behind their shopping center in Bel Air, five of which they were threatening to tear down to build apartments, which is under under review right now. It's. It's a whole different podcast, whole different story. But there's a sixth one, and just out of nowhere was it Monday, friday, yeah.

Speaker 3:

They had a track loader in there.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the track loader in there just tore down the whole house in one day and the next morning there was a stop work order because they didn't get the approvals from the permits or approvals from the from the town of Bel Air to tear down a historic property.

Speaker 2:

These here to ask for forgiveness than permission, I guess.

Speaker 3:

I've seen. I really hope these guys get some balls and go out and financially bankrupt the people that did that. Make them rebuild that building brick by brick.

Speaker 4:

Now and I think that you know what this shows is. You have these, these huge donors that are funding and have funded a lot of local politicians for years. They're, they don't, they're not scared though. They will just do as they please and they think they can get away with whatever the heck that they want. I mean, you look at the Bel Air Mall, abingdon Woods, abingdon Woods. You look at all of these different projects that are being proposed around Hartford County, bel Air, that you name it new points recovery.

Speaker 4:

There's another one. This is all of team OD, and again We've covered team OD and the one thing that I want to say is don't back down, don't be intimidated by them, because they're coming full force and they just don't care. One thing that I want to cover in a future podcast is their financial reports that just came out of the, maybe two weeks ago or a month ago. All I got to say is team OD is taking in a ton of money right now and Spending it like it's like it's going out of style. Thousands upon thousands, tens of thousands of dollars going through the doors right now.

Speaker 5:

So the money laundering operation is alive and well. Can pain contributions for favors?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely and I think one of the the big favors that has come coming up is there's a public input meeting on February the 6th at 645 at the Hartford County Council chambers. This is a bill 24-001, the very first bill of legislative session in 2024, and you got Aaron Penman, you know, supporting a Westmore initiative, of course he is. And he's joined in line with his other buddy, jessica Boyle, saddles with this bill. And again you talk to him. They give you generic answers. And what is this bill? The ADU.

Speaker 2:

Accessory drilling unit.

Speaker 4:

Yep, basically, what that's gonna do is allow you to put or give access to people outside of your family to have a rental property Orner, within your own property, whether it be like an in-law suite, because so currently in Hartford County you can only have these in-law suites, or an apartment above the garage or something for somebody that's within your own family. Now they want to open it up because they say we have a housing shortage and a a Affordable housing shortage in the county, and that this will help stop the sprawl With the over development that's happening.

Speaker 3:

You, you watch what's gonna happen. What are they doing? Massachusetts, the governor, begged everyone to house illegals. They're gonna make them do it. You're gonna open one of these in your house and it's not occupied? Bam, they're gonna put somebody in it for you but I'm not gonna say what I'm gonna say.

Speaker 4:

I shouldn't say what I'm gonna say. Is you know I, I would benefit from this bill. I have this setup right at my house. I don't want this bill to happen, because I understand that it's. One, it's a bad bill and two, the ramifications gonna have not only on us, but our roads, our schools, our children right, everybody's a rental now.

Speaker 3:

Now you move into a real nice neighborhood and you got a bunch of renters living all around you well, you know, let's be real here.

Speaker 5:

I mean this. This whole thing is a bunch of hot air, because If this bill passes, it's not gonna solve the housing problem in Hartford County.

Speaker 3:

What housing problem in Hartford County?

Speaker 5:

The supposed housing problem that we have. There's a for affordable housing.

Speaker 3:

Those of us that moved here to get away from that are happy right, but people that have ad use.

Speaker 5:

If you have an apartment over your garage, if you have an attached ad, you you are not going. The chances of those people that have those properties currently in Hartford County Renting them out to somebody that they don't know is effectively nil. So why is this happening? I'm gonna say that there's probably a project or two out there that Timo D has that they're working on that is gonna be able to Do these ad use, I'm sure. Guaranteed just hasn't come up yet. But the reason that they're putting out here is not the real reason, sure?

Speaker 4:

well, the funny thing is in the public responses From Aaron Penman and Jessica Boyle Saddles, they they mentioned that their constituents and people that they talked to during the campaign trails and stuff like that have been talking about this and want this. Everybody's been asking who has wants this. We've stood up and fought for no apartments in Hartford County in these two squandered, you know, to the side with the rest of Timo D. Again I bring up the financial reports and we need to cover this in a future podcast, because that's the people that told him I want this bill done and I'm tell you right now the 40 some thousand dollars that I've already looked at, 75% of it's coming from Non people but organizations, sure, you know, LLC's it's.

Speaker 4:

LLC's packs.

Speaker 3:

You know those types of things that the car for County is for sale and the people that make the rules and decide what can sell and who sit on that council. That's why the developers love them.

Speaker 5:

Well, if they're, boyle, saddles and Penman are standing up and saying that they've talked to people that want this, what does that mean? They didn't talk to regular homeowners that want this? They're talking to their developer friends, sure that want this? Because if they're trying to say that regular homeowners want this, I'm sorry I gotta throw the bullshit flag on that one.

Speaker 4:

I want to add something else to that. If uh just boyle saddles, what campaign trail did she have?

Speaker 3:

did anybody ever see her out Campaign from her basement?

Speaker 4:

Oh, so she did. Her four walls told her that we need to do this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it was the Joe Biden cocaine Joe strategy and her and her campaign website said effectively nothing.

Speaker 2:

I don't know anything about government but I can learn fast and pro business and if you called her campaign to ask she's like well. I don't know what that means, well, you'll have to wait and see.

Speaker 3:

They told me to say that. What a ridiculous, ridiculous person.

Speaker 2:

It's kind of like Nancy Pelosi when she said what was it? Obama care?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, you'll have to read the bill to see what's in there.

Speaker 2:

Vote for the bill, to find out what's in the bill. It's like what you just got a vote for me to find out one in Texas.

Speaker 5:

They say when you're full out BS, they say you're all hat and no cattle. In her case we have to say she's all hair and no brain.

Speaker 4:

But again, you know, public input. This is a very important bill to stand up against. February the 6th, hartford County Council chambers, 645 pm. Be there. But it's also Everybody needs to understand. You know, we've talked about Bel Air, we've talked about Faust and we've talked about Abingdon. Was we talked about all these little communities? We have to and I know I've said this a million times we have to have the entire county come together and say that we're done with this stuff, we're done with Tmod, get the heck out of here you know you need to stand up against this stuff now, because by the time you find out that's made its way to your neighborhood, it's too late yeah.

Speaker 3:

Amen to that, patrick. Well, I don't know where else we want to go on this podcast for For this county. Do we have any other topics on here, mr Josh?

Speaker 4:

I think it's something very important. We've talked about it before. It's, you know, quite extensively is about the education system here in Hartford County, but it's also we just talked about protecting our children. You know, that's our future and there's still things that we need to discuss. There's things still things that we need to be aware of one and there's things that are coming up very soon that can have an impact for these government school systems. Travis, I don't know if you want to kind of talk a little bit on the bloated budget of the Board of Education, but you know again, spending, spending, spending for what.

Speaker 2:

It's always, always more and if you look we're going to be putting, we'll have something out in the newsletter about this and it'll have links to the budget request. But it's always more and it does-.

Speaker 3:

It's because our politicians supported more, more, more, More, more more.

Speaker 5:

So we spend all this money and then our our third through eighth graders are at 38% of their of their level for reading and math.

Speaker 3:

That's exactly what they wanted them to be at.

Speaker 4:

While they're promoting woke agendas through and through.

Speaker 5:

The solution is more money. If money was the problem, the problem would be solved.

Speaker 3:

Well, what they like to do is indoctrinate our children. I'm not even calling schools anymore. They're indoctrination centers.

Speaker 2:

And don't think that because you send your kids to you know private school that they're they're immune from this either because some of them are, though Some of the private schools are immune to it. On the whole, though, don't, don't think, don't think that you can just check out of your kids education.

Speaker 3:

Oh no.

Speaker 2:

You sent them to, you know whatever Christian school or whatever. Catholic school and and and you. You think that they're not going to get this garbage because it creeps in, and it creeps in before people.

Speaker 3:

Sometimes it's worse than that. You can drop 40 K a year to send them to St Paul's and they're going to come out of there walking, talking, woke and efforts.

Speaker 5:

I'll tell you something, man Really, the more expensive it costs, the worse it gets the worst it is with the wokesterism. Because I had a niece that goes to or did go to Holt and Arms. You got to go into their website and see, man, it will curl your frigging hair with their into with this woke stuff. I mean it is unbelievable and you know, josh can talk about St Paul's.

Speaker 4:

But, yeah, no, I can say personally. You know, I've personally pulled my children from the government school system a few years ago and you're a hundred percent right, travis, you have to stay vigilant, you have to be on top of everything, but it's. I shouldn't say that it's not a job. This isn't anything but being a parent and being involved in your child's. You know education in their life. This is something that every parent has to do and it's as you said, john, it's everywhere and brought up St Paul's.

Speaker 4:

So here's the in the story of St Paul's. I think it's on our website, definitely been shared on our Facebook page and other social media platforms. But this their gender surveying. They're doing these surveys within St Paul's school, the same thing that we were arguing about in the public school system. But again, it's not just. Everybody looks at the one question they see are you cisgender or are you transgender? You know, and they start freaking out about that. You need to look at it, at the big picture.

Speaker 4:

The rest of the questions that they're asking. It's very clear. They're trying to invade the family. They're trying to dissect the family and separate the family. Drive a wedge yes, drive a wedge right in there and they're going to identify the people that are vulnerable and go on a full on attack mode. So what do I mean, patrick? You and I were talking about this with the divorce question, like what is the marital status of your parents? Are you kidding me? You know all these types of questions are an invasion into what's going on in the family. You know you have some great single parents out there, but you know they might see all this. This person is divorced. They need a father in their life. Us, as the school system, can be that father figure for them. And here's our agenda. Well, we don't want that agenda.

Speaker 5:

They think they're going to be a function in local parentis and you know you'll have people come out and say, oh, you know, you're just crazy. You know they need to have that information in order to be able to better serve the student and all that. That's a bunch of crap. I mean, I'm a child of like the 60s and 70s and reading English, math, science, it's all well, science isn't the same.

Speaker 5:

But everybody, every science the other subjects are, and you know we never had any of this kind of stuff, you know, going on when I was in school. So I mean, math is still math. It's the same all over the world.

Speaker 3:

English is still English. They're trying to mess up math too, with common core.

Speaker 2:

Well when, when we were kids, they were telling us we were headed for another ice age?

Speaker 5:

Right, remember the Time magazine with the earth and a big ice cube.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, Well, look again. Schools have discredited themselves, the government's discredited itself.

Speaker 5:

Medical professions. I was just going to get into that.

Speaker 3:

Elections. I mean, this country is discrediting itself fast and furiously. And then they're going to wonder why the rest of the world doesn't look to us as leaders. Because we're not. We're going to need everybody right down the wrong trail. Co-king Joe is the worst thing to ever happen to this country because everything is fake, everything's fake.

Speaker 4:

The whole world's laughing at us. All the people in the world are laughing. Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And you love them or hate them. Look at what Putin's doing. Putin's making moves to so better his country Russia.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, those people. They are Russian lovers, they love Russia, they're including against. America? No, we believe in freedom, jerk.

Speaker 2:

Look what he's doing with the currency Like they're not. They're not doing fiat currency like the sound money a lot of gold he's invested in a lot of gold, he's opened up the pipelines, he's selling a lot of oil and and, and those are moves. You know I'm not, you know. I'm not saying Putin's good or great or anything, but if it doesn't matter what you say.

Speaker 3:

the people that hate us are going to claim that you're a Russian Right.

Speaker 5:

Well. I would just go and step out on limb and say he cares more about his people than our government cares about us.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and that was the broader point I was trying to make Our government's harvesting us.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we don't want to be part of the new world order. That's not what Americans want. The tiny small group of pink haired knuckleheads yelling that stuff needs to just be kicked to the curb because they are a tiny little group. But when you echo them through the media and the mockingbird media, you know, with the CIA's propaganda machine then people start thinking well, maybe they're bigger than we think.

Speaker 5:

John, you must not have had your ration of bugs today, right.

Speaker 3:

I mean no damn bugs.

Speaker 4:

I'm not doing it either.

Speaker 5:

Eat the bugs. Eat the bugs, you would like it.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I guess we should be closing this thing up soon. Nothing can be done. We got a little more to do, but one of the things he just brought up. Guys, I know we're all over the place tonight, but start thinking about how you're going to feed yourself and how you're going to avoid getting this lab grown. You know cancer meat, green sludge meat that they're going to try to feed you.

Speaker 5:

Well, jump into that real quick. The the Wephers just came out and said that you know backyard gardens bad for, bad for carbon.

Speaker 3:

We are carbon based creatures.

Speaker 5:

So you can't have coffee and you can't have a backyard garden.

Speaker 2:

They don't want people either, because you're killing the friggin planet, so says the guy that flew to that conference on a private jet and then flew from the airport, whereas private jet landed to the conference in a helicopter.

Speaker 3:

So wait, what do they say? What do they say? Well, these birds are going to melt and the seas are going to rise and be underwater. So what are all these people doing right now? They're building bunkers underground. They ain't afraid of the water rising.

Speaker 2:

people, they also need to try property for a property.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Stop buying the stuff. The reasons they give you a bull. They made them up to try to make you think that that's the way it is. Yep, Fear not. Let's go back to the Josh, because he was talking about important stuff and we all went sideways on them because we haven't taken our ADB meds.

Speaker 4:

No, I'll get into the boring stuff, but again it's. This is a couple of things that are coming up. Patrick, you know you brought up the. The General Asylum is in session again, so this 2024 legislative session is is already hopping. It's got over 1200 bills already filed and wanted to talk we were talking about schools. So this is what I wanted to bring up because there's a couple of bills out there that are very interesting and things that would like to see being pushed through.

Speaker 4:

So SB 0355 or House Bill 0671, it's called criminal law, display of obscene material to minors to making that prohibit that and basically this would modify the existing law to include the prohibition against displaying or distributing obscene material to minors, to include a drawing or illustration and prohibiting certain public schools from displaying certain obscene material under certain circumstances. So basically, the books that we've been talking about, the obscene books where there's sexual acts being displayed between minors and adults and all different other kinds of things. This bill would be something that you know would go against that and never happen Again. It won't happen, but it's very interesting in these types of situations to see who's for it and who's against it, who's standing up and who's being vocal, because it's easier for somebody to say, oh, this is not going to pass, we're in the blue state of Maryland, fight for it. What are you going to do to protect our children?

Speaker 3:

Right, instead of being a white flag waiver, we've got a couple of them down at a gray haired lady with the white flag. Been there 30 years, so rent. She's really good at surrendering, as that's all she's ever done.

Speaker 2:

Well, you're talking about the one that said little kids look cute, they're masks. Yep, ok.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, I mean that would be deli delegate McComas, that's name names here.

Speaker 3:

I surrender. Well, I don't even know what we're fighting against.

Speaker 4:

The hearing on this is in the Senate on February the second at 1 pm. The second bill is SBO 438 and House Bill 0553. The Family Law Fundamental Parents Rights this one's kind of interesting as well, you know. This would legally establish that a parent has the right to the upbringing of their child. Like are we? Why are we even having this discussion?

Speaker 3:

That's ridiculous. They already have that right. That is their God given right. That is their child. We're not going to discuss that. Whoever brought up that should be punched in the mouth.

Speaker 4:

So what is their agenda? What? Why are they completely trying to steal our children that we need somebody to put up a piece of legislation to say John Conner's advocating violence against the state.

Speaker 3:

I'm sure that's what we have.

Speaker 5:

We have a piece of legislation that says that you, you know we're going to codify the rights that you already have.

Speaker 4:

naturally, Right, it's quite a sick world that we're living in, it's just another way to claim that you don't have rights, right.

Speaker 2:

That's why some of the founders didn't want a bill of rights by the way because they were afraid stuff like this happened and that people would think they had to pass all these laws to give them rights and like no, if it doesn't say we can't, if it doesn't say the federal government can do it. They can't do it, but people don't look at it that way.

Speaker 3:

Great point, Patrick. If we had Thomas Jefferson here tonight, he'd tell us I guess horse through a shoe.

Speaker 4:

Might have. And the last one, this one's. Another bad bill or bad bill is House Bill 0558. And this one's would basically codify that this health curriculum that the public schools, in the health framework that the Maryland public schools, has put forth with the blue wind, kerwin or the Kerwin blueprint program, would have to be implemented To its fullest. So you couldn't opt out, you couldn't modify, you couldn't change it, and this is the bill that basically you're going to be teaching gender identity to kindergartners by middle school. You know you're going to be comparing sex assigned at birth to in gender identity and explain how they may or may not differ to the identity. So so low vaginal anal, all these different sex positions. So wait, who assigned?

Speaker 3:

the sex at birth. Who assigned it? God the doctor.

Speaker 4:

So what they're saying is God made mistakes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I tell you these people are the dumbest people I've ever met in my life.

Speaker 5:

This is nothing more than the state trying to trash your child's mind. Cater to mental illness Lenin said and not John Lennon. Lenin said give me a child for four years and the seed that I plant will never be uprooted. Why do you think this is happening in third grade, kindergarten? For that exact reason, when these 20 years, when these people are coming out into the world to start work, their minds are going to be completely destroyed. So, josh, what's that last part mean?

Speaker 4:

Where it says in high school, oh, in high school students are required to differentiate between sexual or gender identity, to differentiate between sexual orientation, sexual behavior and sexual identity, and to explain the steps to using barrier methods correctly.

Speaker 3:

What is barrier? Methods? Barrier Is that like a wall? Those are bad Furry, I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Walls are bad. Barbed wires Bad. Or a diaphragm. But anyway, these are conversations that a family can have and we start talking about. We've talked about this a million times on our podcast, so not to get into the weeds on this, but this is literally an attack on the family again. Sure, you know this is saying no, your parents are wrong, your parents don't know what's best for you. We, the government, are here to help.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they'd like it if you went to the hospital, had a baby and they brought it back to you 10 years later.

Speaker 5:

It's an attack on the mind of the child.

Speaker 4:

So this one is going to be so you're. The hearing for this one is Wednesday, february the 7th, at 1pm and you can also send in oral or you can offer oral written testimony and the window for that is Monday, february 5th, from 8 to 6pm. Basically, these are all on the state website and they're happening quick, february 2nd, february 7th for these bills and again, will this stuff happen? I would say that this bill right here has a high chance of being passed through this last bill where they're going to codify this sex education to our children, unless we have more and more people aware and stepping up the first bill that we talked about, the alphabet mafia.

Speaker 3:

So, real quick, while we're doing this and I'm not going to rant too far, but I want to tell you who supports the alphabet mafia. Lots of organizations do One of them. You've been paying attention to an awful lot on TV the NFL, they are all on the internet. They are all about shoving this stuff down your kids' throat. What's it going to take to abandon them, folks? What?

Speaker 4:

It's a good point. You know there's a lot of the Hollywood world that needs to be reviewed and discussed as well. Again, another podcast. But it's that mindset of the culture of you know you put them up on a pedestal. No, they're everyday people, you know, and I remember the days when you went to a baseball game and they had people there. That was their second job. They had other nine to five jobs and they busted their butt, you know working, and they enjoyed the game. Now they've exploited all this, just to you know, prostitute themselves for greed. But again, I digress. I know we're getting long winded in this one, but uh.

Speaker 5:

Well, you know and this doesn't occur in a vacuum either because this isn't happening just here in the United States, this is happening in Canada, this is happening in the European Union. So why Right? Why? Why is this happening in Western civilization?

Speaker 3:

Because it's the purposeful destruction of Western civilization is the goal and a shout out to the European farmers who are raising cane with their local governments. They get it.

Speaker 5:

When this started, probably six years ago, with the yellow vests in France, they were the first ones that stood up against the crown government and what they were doing.

Speaker 3:

Did you see? I don't remember if it was the French or the German farmers, but they were stacking the giant hay bales right underneath of the overpass so they couldn't light them on fire to get rid of them. And then they took their equipment and got out, so there was no way to move these bales. We're gonna move one piece of straw at a time.

Speaker 5:

It was brilliant. I like the Dutch farmers that were spraying manure on the front of the parliament.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yes.

Speaker 4:

Bring it in by truck loads. I'm sure Greta didn't like that one, greta.

Speaker 3:

It's another child that's being exploited by the government. Oh damn Leo. And they've exploited her. You know, they've probably planted mental illness in her and then exploited it.

Speaker 5:

I think she's autistic to start with.

Speaker 3:

Probably They've done. They've harmed these children and they do far worse to children, but we won't go there. God, your hair smells good. Give me another hit. I need a bump.

Speaker 4:

How dare you? That's our leader here, the free world.

Speaker 5:

You shall not defame the leader, but Co-King Joe.

Speaker 3:

All right Well.

Speaker 4:

That's all I got for the bills. You know, I know the serious stuff's out. I'm just I'd like to say man, guys, it's been good. It's been a while, but it's good to get the band back together. And these people aren't going anywhere. T-mod is not going anywhere. They're just, you know, still thinking that they can get anything passed through, guess what we're still going to be here too.

Speaker 3:

We aren't going anywhere either, man. We're going to land the Freedom Pod and end this episode, unless Travis or Patrick have anything left to say.

Speaker 2:

I'm good.

Speaker 3:

All right. Well, we thank both of you Patriots for taking time out of your busy lives to be here. Thank you one and all. And there's one more thing. We have to make an announcement when is the next we, the People, meeting, where you can come here, find fabulous things. February 21st. I was out of town, but I understand that the financial learning that Kirk Kindred did to all of our crew he learned them was out of this world.

Speaker 1:

And a lot of people loved it. Very good, good stuff.

Speaker 3:

Very good. Know what to do with all the money you don't have if you find it Somewhere.

Speaker 5:

Find it in the couch cushions.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

In different places like that.

Speaker 3:

Good night Harvard County. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Border Invasion and Government Overreach
Border Crisis, Immigration Reform Push
Funding Concerns and Proposed Bill
Concerns About Education Spending and Indoctrination
Controversial Bills and Children's Rights
Discussion on Various Topics