Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 - Episode 2: Between the Lines: Disease X, Election Integrity, and the Call for Vigilance in the Face of Government Overreach

January 30, 2024 Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 2: Between the Lines: Disease X, Election Integrity, and the Call for Vigilance in the Face of Government Overreach
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 2: Between the Lines: Disease X, Election Integrity, and the Call for Vigilance in the Face of Government Overreach
Jan 30, 2024
Live Free - Die Last
Could the shadow of Disease X be looming on the horizon, heralding a future where government overreach becomes the norm in the name of public health? This episode peels back layers of concern, from the echoes of COVID-19 to Bill Gates' polarizing prophecies, to spotlight the potential for authoritative encroachment as we gear up to tackle pandemics yet unseen. We dissect the uncanny similarities between combating digital and biological viruses, cast a critical eye on the disputed origins of COVID-19, and challenge the opaque agendas of health narratives woven by influential figures.

Tune in as we pivot to the bedrock of democracy, urging a closer examination of local political engagement and the sanctity of our elections. With a nod to our insightful guests Travis, Patrick, and Josh, we rally Patriots to scrutinize their candidates, from school boards to the Senate, and to apprehend the ripple effect of local politics. As we recount the ironies and allegations of election fraud, the conversation intensifies around Lynn Garland's forewarnings about Maryland's voting machines and the paradox of her connection to Attorney General Merrick Garland, spotlighting the convoluted entanglements of voter registration, immigration, and election security.

In our closing segment, we confront the contentious debates of voter fraud and Second Amendment rights in Maryland. Exposing the challenges and potential loopholes of mail-in voting, we question the strategies of local Republicans and the state's policies on undocumented immigrants. The dialogue culminates with a call to arms for active civic engagement, emphasizing the power of supporting candidates and causes that resonate with your values. Stand with us, fellow Patriots, as we remain vigilant in our quest to ensure our leaders embody the integrity and principles that define our great nation.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Could the shadow of Disease X be looming on the horizon, heralding a future where government overreach becomes the norm in the name of public health? This episode peels back layers of concern, from the echoes of COVID-19 to Bill Gates' polarizing prophecies, to spotlight the potential for authoritative encroachment as we gear up to tackle pandemics yet unseen. We dissect the uncanny similarities between combating digital and biological viruses, cast a critical eye on the disputed origins of COVID-19, and challenge the opaque agendas of health narratives woven by influential figures.

Tune in as we pivot to the bedrock of democracy, urging a closer examination of local political engagement and the sanctity of our elections. With a nod to our insightful guests Travis, Patrick, and Josh, we rally Patriots to scrutinize their candidates, from school boards to the Senate, and to apprehend the ripple effect of local politics. As we recount the ironies and allegations of election fraud, the conversation intensifies around Lynn Garland's forewarnings about Maryland's voting machines and the paradox of her connection to Attorney General Merrick Garland, spotlighting the convoluted entanglements of voter registration, immigration, and election security.

In our closing segment, we confront the contentious debates of voter fraud and Second Amendment rights in Maryland. Exposing the challenges and potential loopholes of mail-in voting, we question the strategies of local Republicans and the state's policies on undocumented immigrants. The dialogue culminates with a call to arms for active civic engagement, emphasizing the power of supporting candidates and causes that resonate with your values. Stand with us, fellow Patriots, as we remain vigilant in our quest to ensure our leaders embody the integrity and principles that define our great nation.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Hello Harford County. This is another episode of the Live Free Die Last podcast brought to you by we the People Studios, from the we the People Studios, high above Harford County, hovering in the Freedom Pod. We've got four well, three, two extra patriots in the house tonight. So we're going to start. I'm going to go left or right, we're going to hit up the Winston Smith, say hello Winston. Uh oh, it's Travis Sunday. Winston Smith is not here, sorry to get all the Winston Smith lovers excited.

Speaker 2:

I'm a Winston Smith lover. He's got a better beard than me. Uh, travis Sunday is here, though.

Speaker 3:

Travis welcome.

Speaker 2:

The prolific.

Speaker 3:

Travis prolific. Let's move on to the infamous Patrick Warren.

Speaker 4:

Good evening. Everybody Glad to be here.

Speaker 3:

The brains of the outfit, and then we've got the mastermind, the guy that can do it all. The most popular man in Harford County is a Josh.

Speaker 5:

I wouldn't say that. But good to be back Patriots and glad to be back in the saddle again, because speaking the truth to Harford County and to our country and inspiring people in the world, you know it makes me proud to do.

Speaker 3:

The ladies love them, and the politicians fear them.

Speaker 2:

That would be the Josh, definitely the sexiest man in the freedom pod.

Speaker 3:

Amen, oh man. So, uh, you know, and I'm your host, john Connor, pilot of the freedom pod. Uh, it takes many years to learn how to have a fly, one of these things. So we got some interesting stuff to get into tonight. Let's start off with our crystal ball. And in our crystal ball, like like Miss Sally and romper room, she used to use it to say hello to all her audience members, and I really want to do that. But let's do something else instead of saying hello to hey Mark, do a hello to all of our audience members. Let's go out and look at what's coming next.

Speaker 4:

Crystal ball is tight.

Speaker 3:

Crystal ball is saying you know, disease X is on the horizon.

Speaker 5:

Well, we can't forget about COVID COVID, right? What about COVID COVID? Guys, Put your mask back on. We think there might be some COVID happening.

Speaker 3:

They don't seem to be scared of COVID anymore.

Speaker 4:

Let's bring up another one which even has a better name Disease X.

Speaker 3:

Right, right. What was your favorite speed racer character, if you're not lying? Racer X Right, he was cool, he was edgy, he might have been a little dangerous, and that's what the ZX is all about.

Speaker 5:

I got a question Will Elon Musk? Will he be suing for trademark infringement on this one?

Speaker 2:

Oh nice. Yeah that's a great question.

Speaker 5:

But you know, disease X, it's for X for something. So they're planning for something they don't even. They haven't even identified it, just like COVID, they never isolated it, but they're working on a vaccine? Yeah, they're working on a vaccine. We're talking about legislation against disease X.

Speaker 3:

Well, if we do a really good, job with the vaccine. What vaccines we can kill 10 or 20 million people over the next few years.

Speaker 2:

Oh nobody, they don't really mean like Bill Gates. Bill Gates didn't actually say something like that. He's not on video saying that.

Speaker 3:

He's on video. And then there's the people that are like, well, you took it out of context. Nobody took that out of context.

Speaker 4:

Bill Gates found time, you know, to figure out a way with disease X to kill people because he wasn't satisfied with his crappy software. He's killing everybody Right.

Speaker 5:

And the only thing with that is you see memes and stories all over the place. You know how he made. All of his money was, you know, not only on the computers, but creating the antivirus software and forcing and on creating these, the viruses on the computer. It's the same thing. Now he's just practicing on human beings.

Speaker 4:

Right Took it up a notch.

Speaker 5:

But again, you know they can do it freely. You know they get mind control of all these people.

Speaker 3:

Well, they're wargaming this right. Right, they're wargaming before COVID. What was it?

Speaker 4:

Event 201.

Speaker 3:

Event 201.

Speaker 5:

Right. Who did that? Our beloved what? Johns Hopkins University? I think it was done in Boston. It's a great hospital.

Speaker 3:

Where they met, yeah, but it was back behind them and Weff and then, like a month or two later yeah, I think it was October Bring me our parents and we will kill them with remdesivir and vents.

Speaker 4:

But the COVID op went down exactly like Event 201. Exactly the way they game it out.

Speaker 3:

Well, that's scary as poo poo, because they're the game in for disease. X is gnarly.

Speaker 5:

And they're only getting started. And again I'll bring it up again this is nothing. X means nothing. There's, no, it's. They have no idea what is. It could be a bunch of people getting broken legs X marks the spot.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, the thing about this is, too is, like you know, the where all the stuff is coming from is from DoD labs. Now, these bio weapons research, you know, and that's a lot of it happens overseas.

Speaker 3:

Like the ones in the Ukraine.

Speaker 4:

There are all the all the US bio labs that were in Ukraine, that they're happening in other places like Brazil, places that are just not anywhere even close to having the kind of technology and and safety that well that would be available.

Speaker 3:

And don't forget. They've come out now and admitted that. You know COVID was lab designed and it was leaked out of a lab in China. All those things that they were claiming was crazy came from bats. They knew that was never the truth. That was a lie from Jump Street.

Speaker 4:

Conspiracy theory became conspiracy fact.

Speaker 5:

And have their mitigation practices were just kind of made up and fought around a table like this hey, if you stand six feet over there and I stand right here, you might not get as much infected as me, but you know, oh yeah, that sounds like a good one. Let's go tell the people that we can stand six feet apart. And oh, we need to all drive our grocery carts down the same way in an aisle because you can't cross, you can't pass somebody. So let's tell them that too.

Speaker 4:

Didn't Fauci say, that was all made up yeah he said recently.

Speaker 3:

He admitted it was all made up. Now I'm going to give you know I think we're hand. Paul is on to something and he needs to make Fauci and others pay before they do this again.

Speaker 4:

There's dudes need to go to jail.

Speaker 3:

They need to go to jail. Lots of people need to go to jail For lots of people need to hang from the gallows.

Speaker 2:

Can I say that on this we?

Speaker 3:

can. We can get, we can call for people donate money to build the gallows.

Speaker 4:

I was a capital crime. Look how many people died.

Speaker 5:

Mm, hmm, and they're not stopped. You know the scary thing was you know the immunity was taken away from. You know these manufacturers and these companies. You know if there were any bodily harm to you know the citizens that took it or were forced to take it, and I wouldn't say a lot of people were forced into taking the vaccine and you're dealing with this. A lot of people did quit their jobs, but so we were put in hard times and they didn't do that and nobody stood up for them either.

Speaker 2:

It's. You know, you ever just think about the free market kind of principles. If somebody makes something that you want, if somebody makes, you know, a new kind of razor or a new coffee maker or a new car, that's the right price and it's got a lot of features. Does anybody have to come and make?

Speaker 3:

you buy it.

Speaker 2:

Do they have to force you to buy a new gun. But the thing about tyranny you know they got to make you make the right decision.

Speaker 3:

Well, look at the commercial. So my children and I have laughed at the television for years. They have some new drug. You know, a lute draw no acetal. They could make your grandmother die. Fire come from your eyeballs and blood bleed out your forehead.

Speaker 2:

Side effects Right Death. But there was random parts falling off.

Speaker 3:

No side effects listed on any commercial for the job, but they are Dad كن Children. This is an ARB question. Is the job perfectly safe? Or did the companies that make the job get immunity so that they can't be sued and they don't care to tell you how dangerous it is? B.

Speaker 4:

B B. Well, you know, it just came out. They found emails at the CDC where they knew that myocarditis was a problem. It was going to be a problem with children and young adults and they totally covered it up. They wrote a memo that they were going to release, but they never released it, and the reason that they didn't release it is they didn't want the pharma manufacturers, like Pfizer and Moderna, to be upset.

Speaker 5:

And the other thing that's a major concern is the what's happening to the children that you know, to pregnant mothers and these children that are being born, and how shot their immune systems are now. They didn't even get the jab. You know this was happening all in the womb and it's going to be a struggle for these, for these children to, you know, live a healthy, long life because they're already set back so far. And then you also have the children that you know when you went into lockdown. Look at all these diseases and how sick people are these days. You know, you can, you hear about these, the sniffles and the cough and everything in the stomach bugs and everything like that that are going around.

Speaker 5:

It's happening more and more to these children that were put in these isolation, you know, forced to sit in their room for eight hours a day by themselves and do school work. They are being, they're increased, being sick right now. So we talked about it in the last podcast, being involved as a parent. Well, I'm looking at this right now. The government is still trying to put this, put this stuff out to this, propaganda out there, the fear mongering out there. If you don't care about it yourself, at least care about the children.

Speaker 3:

We have a hero coming in it's masks. They didn't work before, but somehow they're going to work this time.

Speaker 5:

Right and, as I mentioned before, you know none of the local politicians here in Hartford County stood up for this tyranny, you know some said you know a couple of things. You know we had a health officer from hell. One can or one councilman didn't vote for him, but everybody else welcomed him right in. He was right Part of this I shouldn't say directly part of the event 201, but he worked for the public school of public health for Johns Hopkins University. Is this the same?

Speaker 2:

Hartford County Public Health Officer that had a devotional votive candle with Dr.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Anthony Fauci.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Fauci's picture on it. Yep, that's the same one, that's. I mean, that just shows you what a cult, cult like mentality these people have. And also, we got to remember not only did this same health officer, but also the these, the team OD, the county council.

Speaker 5:

You know the county council. You know the sitting county council. Back then they petitioned Larry Hogan to use Aberdeen Iron Bird Stadium as a max vac vac site. You know they were actively petitioning to bring this stuff right into our community, right in the back door, to service this, the Eastern Shore and Cecil and Hartford counties. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

And then all those same people did nothing. You know they were all shouting about healthcare heroes and what great people the doctors and nurses were, and that's fire all our heroes, and then any of them that didn't want to get the jab, genius got unceremoniously fired. Yes, I was trying to think of the PG word.

Speaker 3:

And then they started. Then they started just bringing in replacements that were cheaper, because you know cheaper is better.

Speaker 4:

And they didn't speak English.

Speaker 3:

And now you hear you know hospitals, they're on the fritz as far as money goes.

Speaker 5:

How I don't understand that. Because they were, they were given so much money.

Speaker 3:

Doctors don't manage their money very well.

Speaker 4:

I'll tell you one thing If you have to go to the emergency room, you're screwed. If you're not taken there by an ambulance, you are completely screwed, because you will be sitting there for 10, 12 hours.

Speaker 3:

I recommend bringing yourself some Alka Celsius crumbling, putting it in your mouth so you foam while you're there.

Speaker 4:

I mean, just so we're clear on like this kind of past references here, that that health officer and doctor in Hartford County was Dr Beshaw. I don't even like to hear the name David Beshaw, we got the boot Finally.

Speaker 5:

That's bolt the boot. But again, you know, we need we, the people of our state, of our county, we need some people that are going to stand up and have a backbone. Amen, brother, they're going to do it again. They're doing it again and we've talked about this for many other reasons.

Speaker 3:

There's an election coming up. Of course they are.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

I'm just going to step out on a limb here and say it's probably not going to be anybody on the Hartford County Council.

Speaker 2:

Oh, now well, we have a delegate. He will protect your right to shoot fireworks.

Speaker 3:

Build whatever you want, wherever you want.

Speaker 4:

Is that the Pillsbury Doughboy.

Speaker 3:

Wait, wait. Josh had a great thought. Let's let him finish.

Speaker 5:

No, what I'm saying is we talk about all these people that are already elected. You know we have a presidential election coming up next. It is time for the people we, the people of Maryland, hartford County and the United States to band together and find candidates that will support us, that will not be bought, that will not take this, this money from Big Pharma or from the developers, and just the people that will bring in the evilness and the evil agenda to our communities. And until that happens, we are not, we're not going to be setting this path right. You know, writing the ship that's taking out our election process, which I think we'll cover here in a little bit. You know we still have to have safe or fair elections, right, but if we don't have candidates, we're screwed. We're screwed.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, and everybody loves to complain about what's going on in Washington DC, and rightfully so, because there's like not much going on. That's good down there. But where do you think all those people come from? They come on start right start off at county councils and city councils and school boards, that's where they all come from.

Speaker 4:

They're not happy with the way the country is going. You need to get involved and you need to start supporting local people that are gonna be principled and that are gonna stand up and protect you and protect the Constitution in this country.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and right now my crystal ball has really bad news about that next election in Hartford County. Folks, y'all need to make my crystal ball liar, mm-hmm, start finding some good people to run find good people to run and ask tough questions.

Speaker 5:

You know, don't let them say well, you know, I'm a good person and I really want to care and I'm gonna work really hard.

Speaker 2:

Or I want to give back or I'm pro business right.

Speaker 3:

What do you mean by that?

Speaker 2:

or I'm cuz. They might even say I'm conservative.

Speaker 3:

They just use them buzzwords. What does?

Speaker 2:

that mean? What does that mean define Conservative? What does that mean to you?

Speaker 3:

and if they had a chance to stand up and do something and they did nothing, give them a hard pass You're out, right?

Speaker 4:

if you want to confuse them and totally freeze them so they look like they're lost as lost as Joe Biden Ask him what the purpose of civil government is, right that you'll freeze them like a deer in the headlights.

Speaker 3:

You will not hear one say to protect our God-given rights.

Speaker 4:

You do whatever the developers tell me.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, well, they paid me the most money, so I'm gonna do that.

Speaker 3:

I'm here to protect you from yourself.

Speaker 5:

But again, you know, ask the tough questions, but also know that Just because an election is happening doesn't mean that it's going to be a fair election. For so many reasons and I'm going to talk about some stuff right now and maybe play a little clip, because stolen- elections.

Speaker 3:

You mean that? Well, they can't be. They tell you now it's impossible. There's no such thing as a stolen election. We've got people rotting in prison over this. Trump's being prosecuted because he dared, questioned the election. They brought evidence to court. There's, there's, tons of evidence. However.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 3:

Are we gonna talk about 2016?

Speaker 5:

I think we should, because we're called the crazy people for bringing up the.

Speaker 3:

Well, to be fair, we are crazy. We have evidence and they had none. Yeah, that makes us crazy.

Speaker 5:

They had no evidence and we are showing them actual evidence of this.

Speaker 4:

I'm gonna play set the way back machine to Totium, into the freedom.

Speaker 5:

So if we're all agreement that it is incorrect to say the 2020 election was stolen. What about the 2016 election? Look, I'm not gonna go back. It was a stolen election.

Speaker 4:

It was stolen, stolen.

Speaker 5:

He's an illegitimate president.

Speaker 4:

He's an illegitimate president you know, pretending to be president.

Speaker 5:

Why do you think the president is going to such great lengths to essentially prove that he beat you?

Speaker 1:

because he didn't one third of Clinton supporters say Trump election is not legitimate.

Speaker 5:

I don't think he's an illegitimate president. That didn't really win. You are absolutely right.

Speaker 1:

You can run the best campaign, you can even become the nominee and you can have the election stolen from you the 2016 election was stolen got a nicer way to say that say Russia hacks the election, russia hacked our election, russia hacked our elections.

Speaker 2:

A little louder, please.

Speaker 5:

Russia hacked our election. That was a 9-11 scale event.

Speaker 4:

This was a kind of cyber 9-11.

Speaker 1:

Yes, Russia hacked our election. You know first our election here. Half of Clinton's voters believe the conspiracy theory that Russia hacked election.

Speaker 2:

Dave votes.

Speaker 5:

We know that they were into voting rolls, actual interference with the elections themselves. We know it happened.

Speaker 1:

Despite no credible evidence. 7% of.

Speaker 2:

Democrats believe Russia tampered with vote tallies, hacking the.

Speaker 1:

US election hacking the US election. Russia hacked our elections. The Russians hacked our election.

Speaker 5:

Russia hacked our election. Russia hacked our election.

Speaker 4:

Russian hacking of our election. Hacking of our or our election.

Speaker 2:

Russia hacked our elections. Russia hacked our elections stolen elections.

Speaker 3:

Russia hacked our elections. Universal assessment that Russia hacked our election 2016 governments.

Speaker 2:

Most young Americans consider Donald Trump an illegitimate president. Illegitimate president.

Speaker 3:

Marsha, marsha, marsha.

Speaker 4:

You know, it's really ironic and hysterical. He said Iran listening, listening to Hillary Clinton whine about the stolen election. She totally hosed over Bernie Sanders and stole the nomination from him. He was smoking her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's true. There's a lot of people that were happy with commie Bernie. I See I still see his bumper stickers on cars of, but, but I will say that every Car that has that bumper sticker, the occupants all need a haircut in a wash.

Speaker 4:

She dropped him so far down a well, and then he was such a wuss that he came back, and then he endorsed her, and then ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

Well, he didn't want to get locked up. They do that now.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, we got people rotting in a cell in the DC gulag and various federal prisons in this country for saying the exact same things and have never even seen a judge.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, three years that whole. Thing.

Speaker 5:

One thing I wanted to bring up with this, too, is there was no article that came out earlier this month.

Speaker 3:

There's the piece that hits home, josh a piece that hits home.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, so the question in this article is Maryland elections have been illegally administered since 2015. What does the United States Attorney General, merrick Garland, really know about Maryland election fraud? That's a. That's quite the question and quite the you know the teaser, so what it really does that mean. So I'm just gonna read a couple of couple sentences in this article, but basically it's.

Speaker 5:

It starts out today was revealed that on May 13th 2015, a concerned Maryland voter named Lynn Garland Sent an email to the Maryland Board of Elections and Basically, she was concerned about the legality of the the state of Maryland using the e, s and s ds 200 tabulators Es and s we've been talking about that for for a while now but with modems attached. Voting machines yes, that's the voting machines. That's basically what tabulates the votes and you know, send them to a central. That's how they change them over the internet, right? So what she was concerned about was that these Systems had the modem and then they could be hacked and that you know, going further and further, who's Lynn Garland? Josh, well, that continues. Lynn Garland is the wife of United States Attorney General Merrick Garland. Oh boy.

Speaker 3:

There's some anger in that household.

Speaker 5:

The guy that's been completely Attacking President Trump for his questioning of the election and prosecuting him. You're a bad man, merrick Garland.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yes, and this is owned by Dominion, by the way.

Speaker 5:

Yeah. So I mean, it's pretty amazing. You know the information, you know that's right out in the open and what it's. What it's talking about is, in the 2016 elections, the concern was there was a an update to this system that would allow them to to go online, and what Lynn Garland is arguing is basically, this now makes the use of these machines Illegal and they cannot be certified To be able to be considered to be able to protect the vote. Their E&C certification For this voting system would be null and void because they actually can be hacked right by not just Russia, but by all sorts of people.

Speaker 5:

Now, if Russia hacked our election while on earth when they put Donald Trump in office instead of Hillary Clinton yeah, that's the dumbest thing I ever heard, but we digress so, basically, what it comes down to is the ESNS, what they state is also may have violated section 516, basically by failing to warn purchasers that adding a modem to the DS 200 will void the E&C certification of the voting system. So, again, this is stuff that was happening well before the 2020 election. You know this is what they were talking about, right? You know, attacking President Trump. Well, again, no evidence. Now we have evidence saying you guys use these systems and you manipulated the information.

Speaker 3:

I've known him about it for years. I guarantee all the writings from Russia and from Vlad and his boys. Not one of them went for Trump. Hey, go back to that, travis, tell me what you see. This is a letter from the Gulp, a little bit from the US Election Assistance Commission, dated March 20th 2020. Take it from there, travis, the address. What's the address on this letter?

Speaker 2:

11208 John Galt Boulevard. Who is John Galt?

Speaker 3:

Omaha, Nebraska. I kid you not, we didn't make this up. This is not the CIA mockingbird propaganda agenda. That is exactly what the address says 11208 John Galt Boulevard. Folks, you can't make this stuff up.

Speaker 4:

It's crazy man.

Speaker 5:

But yeah, I mean. So what's interesting is you have the person now that is prosecuting and you know attacking the last president that questioned, you know, election integrity and his wife, just five years before that, was writing letters and you know improving that the systems that they were using and how they were going to use them is illegal.

Speaker 3:

And I guarantee she did that to try to discredit Trump's presidency.

Speaker 5:

Yup, and you know coming back to haunt you.

Speaker 3:

Ah, we forgot about it.

Speaker 5:

When is mainstream media going to start talking about this stuff Did she get a good citizen award for that.

Speaker 3:

It's the CIA propaganda media. The CIA is not your friend, despite what the movies on Netflix try to tell you.

Speaker 4:

Locke is striking 13 in the freedom pod yeah.

Speaker 5:

And the other thing, with elections coming up, um, did anybody receive their uh unsolicited letter in the mail that uh, do you want a mail-in ballot?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, of course.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

My mother thought it was because she was old.

Speaker 1:

And she rightly said.

Speaker 3:

Well, how do they know people won't vote twice?

Speaker 2:

The Sunday family got theirs, and all the little the young Sundays as well, well, have you had anyone get a driver's license lately?

Speaker 3:

Because, even though they're not 18, they get a voter card and then they come home and go. Hey, I thought I was too young to vote, but I got a voter card. Can I vote? Well, only if you're a Democrat son.

Speaker 4:

Well, and guess what you know, if you all these illegal aliens that are streaming into the country, they're all getting driver's licenses. And voter cards and what happens when they get driver's licenses, they're automatically registered to vote. So anybody that says these illegal aliens are not voting in our elections is completely naive. And the other thing that's really interesting to think about all you hear about like our democracy, or whenever you hear democracy, even even on Fox News, which totally shocked me all you hear about is our democracy our democracy our democracy.

Speaker 4:

Our well, we're going to have a democracy because when we finally get to 51% of these people being able to vote and there's already like 47 point something percent that don't pay any income taxes at all, just in general population and these people finally get registered to vote, they can't wait to redraw the districts. We're going to have a census coming up in six years.

Speaker 2:

Got plenty of time and there and all the people that don't want to work will vote to take from those that do, and it's a democracy.

Speaker 4:

And then you're going to have 51%, and then they will rule in perpetuity.

Speaker 5:

Nope, just be clear. We live in a constitutional republic, guys Right.

Speaker 4:

Yep Precisely.

Speaker 5:

Supposedly With the democratic vote, but guaranteed.

Speaker 3:

people are getting fed up with it and there are millions and millions and millions of armed people that love the constitution in this country.

Speaker 4:

You can't bring here there without here becoming there.

Speaker 5:

Amen. Wanted to dive into a piece of that, that meta, that letter you guys got in the mail and everybody else got in the mail. I never really looked at it because it was just something that I would immediately shred, burn or do something and you know, curse at it and say these people are idiots.

Speaker 3:

You're creating carbon when you burn that.

Speaker 5:

Well, I'm also creating melts, yeah. But I finally opened it and I looked at the second page and you have an option so you can have them mail a mail in ballot to you. They can have them email a mail in ballot to you or they can fax a mail in ballot to you. Fax guys, you know, wow, on an antiquated machine. But then I read further down and it said if you choose option B or C the email or fax they would take your ballot or I can't even call it a ballot and they would transcribe your vote onto a scannable ballot and then scan it. In. That there's, there's no such thing. That can't be fraud. There's no way that can be hacked. There's no way that that can be manipulated. We are, we're guaranteeing that that vote is going to count and it's going to count for the person that you voted for. I don't really ridiculous.

Speaker 4:

And it's going to count two or three times Right.

Speaker 2:

It's BS. Well here's. Here's the other thing too, On the licenses that the illegals get. It's a Maryland license, it's not a real ID license, so it's not going to look exactly the same as a normal citizens license. And it's also going to say on the back not valid for purposes of federal ID and not valid for the purposes of firearms purchases. And so people could say well, see, it says right on the ID that this can't be used to vote.

Speaker 3:

You don't have to show your ID to vote.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. It's against the law. If you go back to the Voters' Rights Protection Act I think it was in 2006, 2008. It's against the law for an election official to ask you for ID. So if you go there and you try to show an election judge your ID and prove that you are the person who you say you are, they're going to be like no, no, no, no.

Speaker 3:

Travis, I'm showing it to me.

Speaker 2:

I don't want to get in trouble.

Speaker 3:

Travis, you are not lying. I pulled my license out and made the witch look at it and you thought I was pouring water on her because she was recoiling in fear she was starting to melt and disappear. I do the same thing every time. Here's my license. I'm an American citizen.

Speaker 5:

Look With my kid in tow.

Speaker 3:

No, I can't melting.

Speaker 4:

Well, and what this does is it institutionalizes a vote fraud Right.

Speaker 3:

And wait. So that's even better. You just said something that's huge. What is the brilliant Maryland Republican plan? What did the so-called Republicans in Maryland come up with? Vote harder, vote harder, no, what the? They're going to go out and insist that everybody do mail-in ballots. So let's take just what he said. Let's institutionalize the voter fraud. These are the dumbest people in the world that we have representing us. I'm telling you, they are the dumbest.

Speaker 4:

They have the weakest spine of any creature on this planet.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they're not fit to clean your house because you'd probably see something laying out and take it.

Speaker 4:

And you can't get a signature verification bill passed in the Maryland General of Salem. So in other states like Arizona they have signature verification on mail-in ballots and you have to be at least 80. You have to have at least an 80% verification, not in Maryland.

Speaker 5:

Well, and let's not forget that they also have now made legislation that you can't use the voter rolls to double check and start door knocking and say, hey, can't use the voter roll to the voter fraud yeah you can't use the information, the facts, to actually prove the fraud you know, so you know that the government is trying to hide stuff from you.

Speaker 3:

When you see stuff like that, I don't even think Russia, at the height of their what we all thought was ridiculous propaganda, was ever this dumb. They were never as ridiculous as the US government is now. I mean, it would be laughable if we weren't living in the nightmare.

Speaker 4:

I'll tell you what. I've met a few Russians in my life, and they're not stupid.

Speaker 3:

All the ones I've met have come here to get away from that mess, and now they're thinking about going back because they had enough.

Speaker 5:

You know, so is Sleepy Joe gonna. You know, it's the new. It's the new big thing to. You know, poop yourself in your diaper. Is that what everybody else is going to be doing now? And just because the big man said cooking.

Speaker 3:

Joe, give me an ice cream, yeah.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but there's some freedoms that we still have left.

Speaker 3:

I love the smell of little girls in the morning.

Speaker 5:

I'm offended what you're saying, but I thought you were going to say I love the smell of, of, um.

Speaker 4:

Stop making fun of our dear leader.

Speaker 3:

Co-King Joe. By the way, there's no new updates on who's cooking that was. That's a valid point, but I'm sure it was Joe's.

Speaker 2:

Can't figure it out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we don't know.

Speaker 3:

We, we got cameras everywhere. We know everything, but we don't know that new people are incompetent. You should be fired.

Speaker 4:

Speaking of our inalienable rights.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's what I was gonna get into is I thought you were gonna say instead of little kids on smell of gunfire in the morning.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, it wasn't me, it was Joe Tommy Sorry.

Speaker 5:

Well, if it was you, then we'd be talking about guns in the morning, right, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

So I love a good ping when a steel target.

Speaker 5:

What are these crazy Democrats doing in in Maryland now?

Speaker 3:

well, since somehow the Supreme Court that they love Let us, you know, get guns in Maryland for carry with, with only Some flaming hoops to jump through. They decided that you know, and this is, I'm sure, wes Moore he doesn't want you to have anything to protect yourself against the illegals bringing in. So now the latest scheme they've cooked up is to require you and this hasn't passed yet a bill to require you to carry $300,000 of insurance For before you can legally carry a gun. And that's to, you know, save the people from damages arising from an incident or something you know property damage, bodily injury. If you have an accident now, it's not gonna pertain to law enforcement. They don't have accidents. Well, it's no accidents there not fell federal law enforcement federal law.

Speaker 2:

But it does apply to state and local law enforcement.

Speaker 3:

Well, and why the feds don't have any accidents. I remember the FBI agent.

Speaker 2:

It was it was school and he shot himself in the foot.

Speaker 3:

Oh, no, that's another one. I was thinking the one in the nightclub that was doing back flips and his gun came out and discharged when it hit the dance floor.

Speaker 2:

Oh great.

Speaker 3:

Oh, two things here. Kind of dumb gun was that. I dropped mine all the time. They never go.

Speaker 5:

It's for storage and the use of a firearm.

Speaker 3:

Oh, you can't store them either without fruit. So yeah, you can, even if you're not carrying right there.

Speaker 5:

So it this from the person's use or storage of a firearm.

Speaker 3:

This proportionally affects poor people once again.

Speaker 2:

I would love to see a Republican with some Cajones introduce. Introduce a bill that says car thieves must carry $300,000 liability insurance or that would make sense, yeah, but the

Speaker 1:

second home invaders.

Speaker 3:

Oh my god, look what that says in the next paragraph.

Speaker 5:

Well, I'm while we're reading that. What they want to do is, with this in delegate Terry Hill is the the demon craft that introduced this one. They were. They think that they're gonna be able to have control of the law enforcement and stop the police brutality and Make the police officer second gas pulling a gun on a criminal. And give a shot, but let alone attacking us is, and our God-given rights, or, second amendment, right to bear our arms, you know, and have guns. Whatever we want, they want to make us all victims.

Speaker 3:

You're not allowed to stop anybody from stealing your merchandise at your store, which is completely ridiculous. Now you're not gonna be allowed to defend yourself.

Speaker 5:

Just you should have let them kill you and that's what it says in the next one. The bill does not exempt state and local law law enforcement.

Speaker 3:

It shouldn't exempt anybody. That's a dumb bill that shouldn't be around. Yep, don't even. Don't even consider this. I'm all about what's good for the goose is good for the gander, but this is bad for the goose and the gander.

Speaker 4:

Hmm, the hell's a gander be interesting to see if our illustrious sheriff was gonna be down in Annapolis testifying against this bill. He always is touting his 2a Credentials.

Speaker 5:

Well, in another interesting piece, a gentlemen Gentleman named Frank Duffy, who's a who's a gun advocate in this article and this article is from blaze media that basically what the fourth, fourth circuit court did. You know, in striking down the Maryland HQL gun regulation, that this is one in the same kind Of thing. This is sure you know a hoop to jump through, but it's. It is an Undue burden and I love that word. It's an undue burden on the citizens constitutional rights to not only obtain, own and possess a firearm like that's. That's very important. This is attacking anybody and you brought it up. So if you don't have enough money, you should have enough money to buy a gun. But you can't buy a Ford 300, a thousand dollars worth of insurance, so you can't protect yourself anymore.

Speaker 3:

It is your God-given right to protect yourself that you will not go on as a tool.

Speaker 4:

Yep, you will not find an insurance company in the state of Maryland. I'd be right that policy. That's we sell that's where it's gonna come in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, it's just one more thing that Westmore, brought to you by Aaron Penman and Joe Snea, has done to us and the clients. And the clients. They don't claim to be conservative. That's why I'll use their name all the time. It's the ones that are lying to you constantly. Yeah, so, and Joe thinks we're all so dumb we don't even know what we want, what we need. I'm gonna call all my friends, these guys, these nimbies, not in my backyard. Sorry, I digress.

Speaker 5:

Well, as we talked about in the last podcast, with some of the bills, with the school and protecting our children. Here's the same thing. Which Republican or Any politician, democrat or Republican, because this should be a bipartisan issue, you know. Just the fact that the Democrats, you know, are completely against guns is ridiculous, but this should be something that you, every politician, needs to be vocal about on both sides of the aisle. We need to figure out.

Speaker 5:

You know, don't be quiet, don't be silent, take your lickings, you know, and something dumb you know, say it because the people, as we talked about at the beginning of this politics podcast, need to ask these tough questions. So I Love it.

Speaker 3:

It's getting fired up.

Speaker 5:

Who's? Who do we have down in Annapolis? We have. We have Griffith and Riley and Galleon. Who else? We've got all these guys down and we got the Johnson. Johnson bros yeah, andre Johnson, who are worthless, sorry, had throw that in there Come us.

Speaker 3:

She's too busy waving her white flag to testify.

Speaker 2:

Jennings I surrender.

Speaker 5:

Jv Jennings and most recently senator in the state of Maryland all these people, what are your thoughts and feelings calling you out here right now? Who's gonna stand up and say I could ask my statuettes. Delegate. Delegate Hill. Go pound sand. You are ridiculous and I want these people. They can't say. I went to Annapolis and I said I don't want this bill. I want them to be public with this stuff but you don't understand, josh.

Speaker 3:

I might need a Delegate Hills Support on some bill to bring a couple school board members to Hartford County. How's that helping us at all? Huh?

Speaker 4:

No, you know what, you know what it goes. Here's how it goes, because I've had these conversations before with these clowns. It's like, well, if I oppose her bill, then no, she won't, yeah, she'll oppose some bill that I put in. It's like, first of all, they don't put any bills in very few, because they're afraid, and if they do put something in, it doesn't matter. And it's about something that doesn't even matter.

Speaker 5:

I wish we had that clip from a Jacob Bennett going after Deon Guthrie a couple couple meetings ago in the Hartford County Council and exposing Councilman Bennett. Yeah, County Councilman Jacob Bennett and some in Guthrie and Councilman Guthrie in Hartford County.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Yeah, they went after it and Jacob Bennett Put it all out on the on the floor right there and said this is how deals are made, and I ain't making deals. He said the part you weren't supposed to say exactly talking about that too.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't want to get way out of line here, but Madison Calforn was a brand new, youngest senator, I believe a couple cycles ago, and he said you know, there's all this sex and all this debauchery going on and they blackmail you with it. And everybody said and they got rid of the guy somehow. And guess what? There's a whole bunch of people saying it again. It's true, the, the aid for the, for there's a couple aides there that they got Caught, like making a sex flick or something, and they're talking about that stuff and that was, that was Phew.

Speaker 5:

Nobody needed to see that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so, so that does go on. They do Use, they blackmail each other with these debauchery and these parties. So if you, if you've got your senator, your congressman, that's going to parties. Hmm, mm-hmm, you wouldn't catch me near. What the hell party with these crazy people for I know?

Speaker 5:

No, actually you know, thank you for bringing that up party. One party that people should be attending and Kind of keep an eye out on what the politicians are doing is this upcoming summer at the, the Mako, the Association of counties, counties in Ocean City, their convention, yeah that's her all.

Speaker 4:

That's where all the deals get cut.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Oh yeah, the one.

Speaker 2:

Is that the same one that's in Criswell? No, that's a crab.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's, yeah, I was crab but this is another one.

Speaker 5:

But no, there's that. That's where Aaron Penman was photowed with with his good buddy and apartment buddy, mike Yerlex, at JB Jennings his event down there this past summer, just days after standing in front of his whole constituents at Fromalion yeah, getting hammered for the apartments that they wanted to bring in.

Speaker 4:

Just for just for the folks out there that don't know, mako is the organization that brings all your representatives, your state, your state delegates and your senators together, senators together.

Speaker 3:

It's a Maryland Association of Counties.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, to tell them how they can like, tax and spend you into oblivion, right? Well, what do?

Speaker 3:

we got next folks.

Speaker 5:

Nothing on the list, you know. Quick little rant.

Speaker 3:

Keep it going. We got a couple of minutes here. The pods got plenty of fuel.

Speaker 4:

You didn't drop the mic yet either.

Speaker 3:

No, there's plenty of tears.

Speaker 5:

No, I would like to say one thing. I know I got a little fired up here, but I love it. The only reason is because, if I have to live in this situation, I'm not going to stay silent and I'm going to say you know, this is wrong, and if somebody does something good, I have no problem telling them it's something good. But what I do have a problem with is the complacency of our community. You know you can't just say well, you know I got a problem with this or I don't like the way this is going.

Speaker 5:

There's things that you can do from the smallest piece, and we talked about it before. We need some candidates to run. We also need the people that are voting to be involved and ask the tough questions and don't take no for an answer. And when they say, well, that's kind of out of my jurisdiction, I don't know, but I work on it. That's not good enough. You need concrete information and you need them to take a stand. And if they don't, and they are elected and they get up there and they do something that they said that they weren't going to do, blast them for it Well, and they act like they didn't even know.

Speaker 3:

Well, why do I know more than you? That's your job to know.

Speaker 4:

Well, and all you have to do is follow the money on these guys too, because if you follow the money on them, you'll find very quickly that there is no way they're representing you Right. They care about you once a year, maybe twice a year once when they think they can get you to write a check to fund their campaign, and second, on election day, when they hope to get your vote. After that, you can drop dead as far as they're concerned.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you look at the history of societies, apathy always precedes the downfall of a society. When people just think that they're too busy, or they're too busy with sports or working on their car, whatever. And, believe me, everybody in the freedom pod right now, all of us just want to live our lives, we want to raise our families, we want to go to work, we want to enjoy vacations, we want to live life with our families and be left alone, but unfortunately, that is not the environment in which we are operating and we need people to step up and it's going to be outside your comfort zone. If you're waiting for some kind of lightning bolt to tell you some calling from God, if you're hearing this, this is it. I'm a God, but I'm telling you we need righteous people to stand up and run for office Men, women, people of character, people that can't be bought. And if you're not willing to do that, if you're not willing to put yourself out there, then you're. I mean, I hate to antagonize a portion of the audience here, but you're part of the problem. You need to be willing to step up and if you absolutely can't do it, you need to get behind somebody who is they might be an underdog, but maybe with your help, with your financial support, with maybe you have administrative skills, maybe you can get on the phone, maybe you're elderly and you can send emails and make phone calls all day long to promote this person's candidacy.

Speaker 2:

But you've got to do something. You've got to get involved. You can't just take your kids to sports and go to church and think that you're doing enough and just show up on election days and think that that's enough, because it should be. It would be great if our elected officials honored their oath and they honored the Constitution and respect. Shoot, half of them don't even know what it says. Unfortunately, that is not the hand that we've been dealt, and if you care about your freedom, about your civil liberties, you've got to step up, you've got to get involved and you've got to help these people that are already involved. You don't need to reinvent the wheel. There's lots of people out there doing stuff. If election integrity is your thing, doesn't matter. If defending the unborn, if this getting this rot out of the schools is your thing. There's lots of people doing lots of things and they need your help and get involved.

Speaker 4:

And don't be intimidated by getting involved either and think you couldn't do it. I couldn't run for office. If these clowns can do it, anybody can do it, and you couldn't be any worse than what's happening now. And if you're a principled person which I'd hope anybody that would run for office would be if you're a principled person, you will be far better than any of these clowns.

Speaker 3:

And that's the news for January 29, 2024. Good night. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Government Overreach and Vaccine Safety Discussion
Local Involvement and Election Integrity
Voting Machines and Election Concerns
Voter Fraud and Gun Control Policies
Gun Control and Political Responsibility Discussion
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