Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 - Episode 3: Tilling the Seeds of Freedom: Unearthing the Struggle for Food Sovereignty and Honesty in Harford County

February 07, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 3
Season 2 - Episode 3: Tilling the Seeds of Freedom: Unearthing the Struggle for Food Sovereignty and Honesty in Harford County
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 3: Tilling the Seeds of Freedom: Unearthing the Struggle for Food Sovereignty and Honesty in Harford County
Feb 07, 2024 Season 2 Episode 3
Live Free - Die Last

Embark on an aerial journey with us in the Freedom Pod as we cast a spotlight on the French farmers' valorous stand for their rights and the parallels with American agricultural challenges. This episode welcomes Josh, TJ, and Travis for a robust discussion on food sovereignty, the undercurrents of global governance, and why your backyard garden might just be an act of defiance against the World Economic Forum's controversial views on personal cultivation. Together, we unite in solidarity with those who till the land and delve into the implications of Bill 3589 and the Harford County Council's decisions for our fundamental freedoms.

As we navigate the murky waters of media narratives and international conflicts, we dissect the public's dwindling engagement in activism and question the depth of integrity in our political arenas. The war in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson's NSA saga, and local legislative debates stir a cauldron of skepticism, demanding a closer look at the strings pulling at the fabric of democracy. Join us as we sift through the noise, seeking clarity and accountability amidst allegations of corruption and the unsettling erosion of public trust in the post-pandemic era.

In the heart of Harford County, we tie the threads of community resilience, medical mistrust, and the specter of 'Disease X' into a tapestry of awareness. It's a call to arms for civic engagement, an invitation to question the status quo, and a reminder that every act of local support weaves strength into the fabric of society. Tune in, be part of the resistance, and remember—the integrity of our collective future rests in the power of informed and engaged individuals like you.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Embark on an aerial journey with us in the Freedom Pod as we cast a spotlight on the French farmers' valorous stand for their rights and the parallels with American agricultural challenges. This episode welcomes Josh, TJ, and Travis for a robust discussion on food sovereignty, the undercurrents of global governance, and why your backyard garden might just be an act of defiance against the World Economic Forum's controversial views on personal cultivation. Together, we unite in solidarity with those who till the land and delve into the implications of Bill 3589 and the Harford County Council's decisions for our fundamental freedoms.

As we navigate the murky waters of media narratives and international conflicts, we dissect the public's dwindling engagement in activism and question the depth of integrity in our political arenas. The war in Ukraine, Tucker Carlson's NSA saga, and local legislative debates stir a cauldron of skepticism, demanding a closer look at the strings pulling at the fabric of democracy. Join us as we sift through the noise, seeking clarity and accountability amidst allegations of corruption and the unsettling erosion of public trust in the post-pandemic era.

In the heart of Harford County, we tie the threads of community resilience, medical mistrust, and the specter of 'Disease X' into a tapestry of awareness. It's a call to arms for civic engagement, an invitation to question the status quo, and a reminder that every act of local support weaves strength into the fabric of society. Tune in, be part of the resistance, and remember—the integrity of our collective future rests in the power of informed and engaged individuals like you.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

Hello Harford County. Welcome back to another episode of the Live Free Die Last podcast. Once again we are broadcasting from the Freedom Pod, hovering high above Harford County in we, the People Studios. We've got some guests here tonight. I'm your host, john Connor, fresh back from the future. We've been monitoring the situation in France with the Freedom Pod, so we're going to bring you some interesting stuff from there. I will say that several times I dipped down and tried to pick up a guy to bring him over here to interview. But every time we pick one up they just talk this nonsense. I can't even understand them, so we drop them back off. You know, and we're not going to interview anyone. But let's talk about who we are going to talk to tonight. We're going to go right to left and we've got the Josh Good evening Patriots Next up. We've got your favorite. We talked about him last week. He was out shooing his horse or something. Tj.

Speaker 4:

A horse is in good shape tonight. Thank you, gentlemen.

Speaker 3:

Awesome. And then the ever present Travis Sunday.

Speaker 5:

I feel a little bit put off that you call me a guest.

Speaker 3:

Sunday, sunday, sunday, you guys are guests, You're Patriots.

Speaker 5:

Frequent flyer. We are aboard the Freedom Pod.

Speaker 3:

We have no guests, we have no hosts, we are just. We just say that for the peeps out there. They can, you know. But we got some good folks in here tonight. We got some good topics. Let's start off with those crazy farmers in France. They want to talk about what's going on. Just give them a little snippet of what's going on, because we know if you watch the normal news media around here you're not getting it.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, that was my question. Has everybody seen the videos of what's going on over in France?

Speaker 4:

No, if you watch, if you watch that network thing on that little square thing where people see faces right, you'll never hear about it on most of those channels. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

So I think we have a forklift of some sort, rolling in bales of hay and crap into a McDonald's in the one clip. You know why are they doing this.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the farmers are going all out. I mean, there's pictures of tractors as far as the eye can see, blocking the highway. They're riding up and down the streets of Paris because I can see the Eiffel Tower in the background. So it's got to be Paris, right. And they're putting bales of hay up and they're really smart about it. They're putting them under underpasses, they're putting them on the side of the road, close to buildings. You're not going to be able to just burn these bales of hay out and if you don't have really large specialized equipment, it's going to be hard to move. So these farmers are putting it all out there. I tell you what I wish they were here. They're doing way more than the truckers in Canada did, not that I'm belittling those people. This is the real deal, unlike, you know, january 6th where the government made it all up. This is the real deal, folks.

Speaker 6:

I think the big piece of this is you don't eat if you don't have farms and you don't have farming, right, you know, and that's the big battle.

Speaker 3:

And you're right and let's get into it. So so some of the farmers are saying they're not being paid enough, and they're, and they're being choked out by excessive regulation from the EPA. What's that sound like? So they live in a socialist country where there's price controls and what the farmers are allowed to sell their food for is not enough to cover their costs, and that's all in supplies.

Speaker 6:

It's on, you know, just producing. It's throughout the whole gross season, the growing process, as a farmer. It's not just you know they can't sell their stuff or they're not being able to sell it for a reasonable price. They're being hit by the government. You know and this goes back to what we were talking about in the last podcast where now the WEF is, or in World Economic Forum, is telling you that your garden, in your yard is bad for the environment.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's all part of the global push against the new word they came up with, which we'll cover later. But ecocide. Farming and fishing is now a crime against the environment. Feeding people is a crime. Imagine that.

Speaker 3:

So we're people. We need to eat. Think about this. This has nothing to do with the environment. Folks, these people we've been telling you this they want to control you. They want to get rid of you. There's too many people here as far as they're concerned, using their resources, so they want us gone. How do they do that? They tell us that you know we're ruining the environment and we have to go. Oh, you know, the first thing is we, it's not the people. We don't need to get rid of the people, but we need to get rid of what you eat. How many of you out there raise your hands can survive with no food?

Speaker 5:

We're bugs. Right so oh, don't worry, we got a plan for you.

Speaker 3:

We're growing meat in a lab. You can have that. Nope, we're not made with cancer cells and stuff. But who cares? We know it's perfectly well, we don't know anything but we think it's perfectly. We actually don't give a crap if you die when you eat it. That's kind of what we want.

Speaker 4:

It falls in line with their whole goal to depopulate the whole globe by 90%. Yeah, bill Gates said it, it's satanic, it's satanic, it is satanic.

Speaker 3:

And speaking of satanic, we'll get into that later, but the Weff and their recent meeting had all sorts of satanic images all over the place, so oh, I think it's funny that they're trying to take, you know, their farmland away.

Speaker 6:

Not only tax them more, take away tax breaks. You know they're literally, you know, pillaging the farmers and you know saying this is not going to be an existence. So what are they going to plan with all this land?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this, this is they want it for themselves, that's true. So they're going to destroy the farmers, destroy all of these things. Go back to the French Revolution. I don't know exactly what went down, but these guys are. They're pretty upset, so they have all sorts of new requirements for their farmland and they're not happy. Socialism that's the problem. Okay, but you couple that with fake environmentalism and dumb policies and you got a mess. And that's what we got going on here too.

Speaker 5:

You were talking about how evil this stuff is. It really is. It's not just a difference in worldview. It is, but it's it's an anti biblical worldview If you look in, if you look in Genesis, where God said he's going to make man in his own image. Didn't say that about the fish, he didn't say that about other parts of creation. He said let he's going to make man in his own image and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the foul of the air, over the cattle, over the earth, over every creeping thing. And so God created man in his own image, male and female. And so there's there's a difference.

Speaker 5:

And if you, if you go back to this evolutionary thought that's been peddled in in public school, where you know you, you came from a fish, you came from a fish, you know you came from an amoeba, you evolved. You have no purpose, there's no plan for your life, there's no grand picture, you know you, just you're an accident, basically is. Is what that line of thinking? And then you wonder why kids are confused about what gender they are. Or they're confused or they want to kill themselves. You're basically telling them they're just dust in the wind and their life doesn't matter. Their life has no purpose.

Speaker 3:

Right, you're speaking about Charles Darwin in theory of evolution.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, from goo to zoo to you, right.

Speaker 3:

And the same thing that that Hitler used uh, he was a big fan of Darwin and he used a lot of the, the teachings, to tell his people how you know he, they, they were the uh, chosen ones, and other folks from other backgrounds were, you know, less than human and could be killed. So it's got a really bad history of things.

Speaker 5:

Right, but this, this whole thing, it's not. It's not just good people trying to protect the environment, it is a not at all. It is a worldview that is contrary to, to Christianity, traditional Orthodox Christianity, and putting you know people lower, lower than the animals, lower than than the creation.

Speaker 3:

It's. It's satanic, and their goal is not to protect the environment, it's to destroy man.

Speaker 4:

No, just the, just the ignorant followers are trying to quote unquote protect the environment. These people know what their goal is, and it's total control of the globe.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

That's totally it. It's not, it's about control, it's not about environment.

Speaker 3:

It's not about recycle. No, oh, sorry, that was just that's what they teach the kids in school reduce, reuse, recycle, and then they just get them that's. We don't need them to understand the plan, we just need them to be pawns in our right.

Speaker 5:

And you look at. You look at the, the great Patriots. You look at, you know Patrick Henry.

Speaker 3:

Tom. Brady.

Speaker 5:

Oh, patrick Henry and All the, all the things that he went through. The give me liberty or give me death. You look at Ben Franklin and the founders. John Paul Jones all the things that's right, all the things that they talked about.

Speaker 3:

I have not yet begun to fight.

Speaker 5:

Amen. And then you got. You got the Frenchies over there, yeah, which we used to make fun of. The Frenchies are more American, they've got that revolutionary, they've got that 1776 spirit more than we do. Yeah, just over here.

Speaker 4:

There've been assemblies of millions of people in other places around the globe carrying American flags, talking about the US, and of course we don't see it on our, on that little square tube with the people's faces on it. But I'm telling you it's happening. Yeah, happens all over the world.

Speaker 3:

We don't see it because they're more American and they're looking for us, they're waiting for us. They're like when are you gonna Hacks all Jim Dugan? Where are you? That's what they want, that's who they think we are, and that's what they want and we better start. Hey, we better start that stuff soon, man. Oh, and one thing I want to point out.

Speaker 6:

So where are all the people that during the lockdowns, you know, came out and they said you know, open up our businesses, put our kids back into school, which again, I think is a whole another Conversation. Now I was one of them that said you need to at least open up the schools because you're robbing our kids of an education. And again I digress. But when are all the people that stood on the streets? And here in the United States and here in Hartford County? I understand, life gets busy, you know, and things are happening, but these people are looking for us to stand up against the tyranny within our government and we're not doing it. The small number of people are. Majority of people believe the same, you know life, liberty, freedom. You know, but where are these people? Again, we need all these people we talked about at the last podcast. We need candidates to run, we need a clean election, but we need people now. That's don't be afraid to talk about it, don't be afraid when something is bad is happening in your backyard and in your community. Stand up.

Speaker 4:

Hold our leaders accountable Absolutely. I've said before, every difference of opinion is not a difference of principle, but right now, on the issues that we talk about here, it is a difference of principle for sure.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think I think you're right, tj.

Speaker 6:

Uh, they don't have any morals no, no more, I mean right out the door to be elected.

Speaker 4:

You don't have any morals. They're bought and paid for it Exactly.

Speaker 3:

Right, and generally, when people are warm and they're fed, they don't complain too much, and I think that's what's going on. The farmers in France are realizing it's going to be really tough If we don't get out there and start making some noise, and I agree with them and I think it would be smart for us to join them. So so what else we got going on in the world? And there's some place, uh, to ukraine, or our laundering system, the money laundering system for joe biden.

Speaker 3:

Exactly, cocaine, joe and his family um, yes, I don't think there's near as many people that are are rah, rah, rah. Let's go to war. Ukraine, great russia bad, I mean. I saw the flags for a while when I think these people are starting to go. Wait a minute, something's wrong with this whole narrative, yeah and People are.

Speaker 6:

I think what they're seeing is the the dog and pony show that is being paraded around on your Little box with the people on the people's faces. Yeah, um then you know who is this? Uh, zlensky guy, you know, and why is he the chosen one to lead ukraine through this? You know? So, speaking, of him.

Speaker 3:

He's a conman.

Speaker 3:

He's actually trying to eliminate all of the people speaking out against him, which is everyone in his cabinet. He's trying to get rid of them, just like cocaine joe does here. I mean, that's how these people are saving democracy, but what they're really trying to do is become tyrants and eliminate everyone else Absolutely, and zlensky's trying to do that. Now. There's also this little matter of millions and millions of dollars. It's gone missing, like where is it at? You know? Well, I think we could find it if we looked in cocaine joe's bank account.

Speaker 6:

Or or talk to hunter, you know, uh, he seems to be Uh non protective of information.

Speaker 3:

All right, the whole, the whole. You know russia bad narrative, I'm not saying russia's you know a world, the great, the great guys in the face of the world. But we certainly aren't. And uh no we've put biological weapons.

Speaker 4:

The production all over ukraine. Yes in violation of everything and then we invite them into nato, which is an invitation for excuse me, for, uh, for russia to like oppose that. I mean, it's like it's just so obvious that it's just completely poking the bear.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, on purpose because the uh military industrial complex needs you to be afraid and then need you to pay. So what else is going on with that particular issue?

Speaker 6:

This is something that came out in the last couple of days, so who's been hearing about Tucker Carlson and his journeys? God, last week, tucker Carlson, you know. So he's at it again. Tucker Carlson took a plane trip and supposedly he's going to be interviewing and releasing an interview with Vladimir Putin, which is setting everybody off. They're comparing this to Jane Fonda, and you know, and they're saying, you know, don't let him back into the country.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he could just walk across the border.

Speaker 5:

Ding ding. Bill Crystal said that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:


Speaker 3:

I got a lot of things I could say about him, but we won't. It's a family show.

Speaker 6:

But I want to read this little little excerpt that was was exchanged here and it's about Tucker Carlson going over to doing this interview.

Speaker 3:

Before you do that. I think the reason they're really, really upset is they don't want any truth to come out and they're afraid that Putin might make some sense. Why would other people have interviewed him, but Tucker Carlson's not allowed to, because he might actually tell the truth. It doesn't fit their narrative there's.

Speaker 6:

I thought there was always two sides to a story. There usually are.

Speaker 3:

Oh huh.

Speaker 4:

Unless it's gender. And then there's 57.

Speaker 3:

Oh, it's a non binary story, we're going down to 57.

Speaker 4:

I am as woke as you.

Speaker 6:

But in this clip it's talking about Tucker Carlson and says the NSA broke into my signal account. So signal is a is a messaging system for text messaging communication. We use it when we want to send messages to the feds. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Oh shoot, don't say that out loud.

Speaker 6:

But yeah, it says the NSA broke into my signal account, which I didn't know they could do. I got a call from somebody in Washington. The person said are you gonna come to Washington anytime soon? Yeah, actually, I'm gonna be up in a week. Meet me Sunday morning. So I go and this person's like are you planning a trip to go see Putin? And I was like how would you know that? I haven't told anybody, I mean anybody, not my brother, not my wife, nobody. How would you go? Or how would you know that? Because NSA pulled your text with this other person you were texting. So that's a communication that Tucker Carlson has put out.

Speaker 3:

So the NSA is admitting. Was it the NSA they were talking to? Because I mean, that's monitoring an American's surveillance. You know that's illegal.

Speaker 4:

And they've already done it. They've done it in the past with his email, so who's going to jail?

Speaker 3:

Who's going to jail? I think when we, the people, take over, we need to build the gallows and start sending a lot of people to jail. We need to have fair trials, fair trials and then click, pull the levers. We need some action, boys and girls. We're letting tyrants get away with tyranny. This is wrong.

Speaker 6:

Well, and that's why I want to keep my eye on this interview so much. You know when it comes out, I know we'll be talking about it, but you know, if they're scared so bad or and they're already trying to attack a person you know degrade this person, and this must be something that they really, really, really don't want to know what happens if the boogeyman comes across as intelligent and salient, and you know then what.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, what are we going to do?

Speaker 4:

Now we find out that we're the bad guys.

Speaker 3:

What Right? Because I mean US. Everybody comes across as intelligent, compared to cocaine Joe. I'm talking to a dead French president. You know, this guy's a moron. He's not even a moron, he's worse than a moron, he's. I honestly feel bad for him sometimes. Yeah, I think it's like weekend at Bernie's and they've pumped him full of their satanic goons words just spewed from his mouth that that may be pretty close to the truth.

Speaker 4:

I think that's what the cocaine's for.

Speaker 3:

And then the ice cream is his reward, his treat.

Speaker 5:

Ah, the good dog.

Speaker 6:

But I know we've embassioned, you know, with saying that us, as United States citizens, you know, americans patriots, we need to continue to stand up, you know we you know, look at France, look at all this other stuff. But I will say that there is some hope. You know slowly, kind of, you know they're opening up their eyes and you know reading. This week we are learning about how Americans are losing trust in almost every major profession.

Speaker 3:

I see London, I see France. Oh, never mind.

Speaker 6:

But you know, looking at it that way, you know got to build some confidence in people. You know you were moving in the right direction of questioning. You know these professions and things like that Everything.

Speaker 3:

Oh, so yeah, how you're talking about America's losing trust. Yeah, how many people raise their hands out there, show hands, don't have any trust or faith in the government, your doctor, you know all these people have proven to us since the pandemic I see hands. Two hands up, I see hands everywhere, and none of them are way you're telling me. I'm number one, which is unusual.

Speaker 3:

Usually when something's waving at me. They're telling me I'm number one. But this is sad. The government has lost its credibility. The medical profession has completely lost its credibility. You know, very few people believe what the doctors and things are telling them, and I don't think every doctor's evil, but most of them were trained and in the same system and they just don't want or don't know how to buck it.

Speaker 3:

They're forced to comply or lose their privileges there are good doctors out there, folks, and you should seek them out, because they'll tell you the truth and they're out there.

Speaker 6:

So in this article that we were looking at, it basically rated the honesty and ethical standards of people, or, excuse me, how you rate the honesty and ethical standards of people in these different fields. So that's, that's pretty. You know it's not like are they nice or whatever.

Speaker 3:

You know it's, these are meaningful, you know they just took a poll asking people if they thought different these different professions. You know how they thought about their honesty and ethical standards. I know I said the same thing that the Josh says, but I wanted to emphasize that that was the question Are the people in these fields ethical?

Speaker 4:

So and the people that took the biggest hit the people that took the biggest medical doctors, like you said pharmacists, bankers and journalists, obviously wonder why?

Speaker 6:

Well, and I will. We brought it up in the last podcast and brought up in many podcasts event 201, you know they planned all this stuff out. They know what they're doing. They do know and this is honestly a good thing to see, because when they you look at event 201, they were hoping that you were going to say that these medical doctors, they're the heroes. We're not going to question anything that they ever say. You know the pharmacists. We're not going to question any of these drugs that are going to be put out to us. You know the banking system, digital currency you're an idiot. No, we have people that are continuously bringing this to light.

Speaker 3:

Stick with the doctors for a second, because I saw where somebody made the comment that you know this next wave of COVID is going to cause a heart problem.

Speaker 6:

Disease. The globe.

Speaker 3:

really, they did the same thing early on. They said, huh, remember New York City? We're watching the television and they're showing people going into these clinics and they're saying, oh, this, this flu or COVID or whatever we were calling it is causing people's lungs to collapse. It's, it's unheard of. That was your vents and your remdesivir, and you knew that was going to happen because that was the method you were using to kill people. That proves right here, that these people are planning this. They're planning this and now they're trying to cover their butts because their vax is what's causing the heart problems. How many people have been hearing about children with heart problems? That didn't happen before.

Speaker 4:

Young healthy athletes dying on the field.

Speaker 6:

Well, that's what I was going to say. Next, what's the next disease? X, is it all? You're just going to die.

Speaker 3:

suddenly they're trying to tell you this is normal.

Speaker 4:

But yeah, now they've just lost any, any creativity about what they're going to call this thing. It's COVID too, but they they called it disease X because they didn't really have a name, because it's coming, but they just didn't know what they call it. And then they realized, wait a minute, disease X, that sounds pretty good. We can, we can market disease X. That sounds good, and that's what they're doing. And it's it's the results of the experimental gene therapy vaccine. One recent real medical symposium figured out that probably 17 million people around the globe died from that experimental gene vaccine At least, at least more than in a world war.

Speaker 4:

I mean, this is, this is huge.

Speaker 3:

I keep telling people that you know this, we are in the fight of our lives. We are fighting evil, but At least the evil is basically Dr Dufendschmerz. I mean, these people are dumb. They're dumb. I mean, this guy, who do they make the face of this thing? Klaus Schwab, that guy's an idiot. Yeah, always rich Doesn't mean he's not an idiot. He's an idiot. He's an evil satanic. He's an evil satanic, bloodthirsty idiot, absolutely so.

Speaker 6:

Right next to him is his buddy, george Soros.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, yeah. So the next people that took the biggest hit were dentists, stockbrokers, insurance people. I'm sorry that's the people that took the smallest hit. Okay, these are the people that fared the best Dentists, stockbrokers, insurance people and car salesmen. Okay, they fared better than Congress and all of those other people.

Speaker 5:

I want to be a dentist.

Speaker 3:

Right, I remember.

Speaker 5:

Hermie from. I'm Hermie the Drill.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, the yeah, he's rid of the red nose.

Speaker 3:

Yes, no I don't.

Speaker 6:

People finally realized that. Your trust in the ethics of your senators and your congressmen I would add in there your local government too. Yeah, they took a huge hit too.

Speaker 1:

Not only did they take a huge hit, especially not for county.

Speaker 6:

Okay, well, ding, ding, but are they on the level of used car salesmen now? Yeah, that would be my question in the next survey. Do you think that your local government or your government representatives in a used car salesman?

Speaker 5:

rank them. We're going to go with the used cars.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 4:

I trust the car salesmen more too. In Hartford County we trust the used car salesmen more, yeah. Right. Yeah, no one's paying them to Every car salesman. Visper-recent voters.

Speaker 3:

Yes, yes finally Been working for this my whole life.

Speaker 6:

Do we need to just talk about WEF, since we were talking about that just a second ago?

Speaker 3:

We did Tell people what WEF is, because it was just WEF to me.

Speaker 6:

The World Economic Forum? Yes, thank you, you know. So, just for everybody, if you've been under a rock, they meet once a year in Davos. This could be a whole podcast on the shenanigans that go on over there. But Right, the WEF. This year they went all out Again. If you look at what's happening, they're doing it right in front of all of our faces. They don't care.

Speaker 3:

Let me ask everyone have you noticed how little your representatives your congressman, your local representative, your state representative how little they actually care about what you think? The only time they even pretend to care is during election season, and after that it's like look, okay, thank you, but we're smarter than you, we're going to do what we want, and that's a lot. The lot of that reason that's coming from these World Economic Forum and stuff. Those guys are running the show with their money honey.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and they're and or they're already compromised, and I believe most of congress is completely compromised, compromised.

Speaker 3:

In what way? Tj.

Speaker 4:

They're blackmailed by what they've done and what they're into and they just have to vote certain ways to avoid Sure sure Exposure. And? But the WEF is a completely illegitimate, completely parasitic organization of but people with so much money and so much influence. I mean, these are heads of state, these are head CEOs of major corporations, these are people with power and influence like unbelievable, and they're using it for a satanic purpose.

Speaker 3:

And they are. And, just like the French Revolution, they'll just be heads if they keep this up.

Speaker 6:

Has Larry Hogan ever been there?

Speaker 4:

Believe he has actually Hmm sir, what you mean, our staunch.

Speaker 6:

Republican, yeah, former governor Things that make you go, hmm yeah. And his evil sidekick, barry.

Speaker 4:

Who had aspirations of being the president of the United States, which is really hilarious, sorry.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like how'd I guess when you go to WEF and they're all talking you up, you walk out of there going yes, and then you realize I can do anything.

Speaker 4:

Oh man, I'm the king of the world. I'm still Larry Hogan.

Speaker 3:

China, larry yeah.

Speaker 4:

Oh, my God.

Speaker 6:

Well, I mean some of the things that they discussed there. We talked about disease acts here a couple of minutes ago. You know that's something that they're promoting left and right and planning over there and it's basically just to normalize this stuff. Normalize, you know, democracy, you know.

Speaker 4:

Normalize world government taking over to protect you from disease acts or whatever. The next thing is Remember. And getting people to accept that.

Speaker 3:

Remember when we talked about the NWO and people thought we were crazy? Yeah, I think people get it now.

Speaker 4:

Well, the New World Order, they talk about it all the time. At Davos, I mean, they just actually come out and just say it all the time. The music group.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. So, so somebody poked Travis and see if he's awake. Hey, buddy.

Speaker 5:

What's going on?

Speaker 3:

I don't know if he got real sad or he's just looking out the window. We were hovering above something and he was looking at it.

Speaker 5:

I was looking at the constellations as we. Cruise through this there's a warp speed.

Speaker 4:

I got it. You guys want me to run through like the major six points at Davos. Please At the World.

Speaker 3:

Economic Please. Tj. Tj was there and then we had him hiding in the back. He got this horse outside tied up, some nice.

Speaker 4:

No rebellion is.

Speaker 3:

Swiss girl watched it for him I couldn't have been there, things would have happened.

Speaker 4:

People took his sword out and things would have happened. The Tree of Liberty would have been watered, Watered right.

Speaker 3:

John Paul Jones would have been right there with you, brother.

Speaker 4:

Like you talked about, josh. Obviously, they talked a lot about disease X, which is COVID, round number two, and how they're planning for it, how Bill Gates is planning for it, profiting from it making. Well, first of all, he's making mosquitoes that carry whatever, as well as vaccines as well. They're talking about brain implants to where you are not human anymore, basically, and so they can not only control you, but they know what you think, and they don't have to have voting anymore. By the way, that's their big goal. It's like you don't even have to vote anymore because they know. They know what's going on.

Speaker 3:

Well, they already do. They do that for us now, so that's really great.

Speaker 4:

They do that with electronic rigging of voting machines Absolutely.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they don't. Let us choose right now anyway, but we don't really. We choose wrong. You know, we choose Trump or something.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely. And then they talked about the digital idea and how awesome that is, how wonderful it is. So it's not just for financial, for banking, but it's for oh, it's for education and it's for government services and it's to know if you've been vaccinated or not. And, just like China, they can use it as a social credit score to decide oh, you get to buy food this week, but you don't turn you on turn you off. Yeah, turn you on, turn you off. How come I?

Speaker 3:

think I'm on the don't list.

Speaker 4:

It's like being married.

Speaker 5:

And if you, if you hadn't, if you've gotten our newsletter, you should look at the link in the video Johnny's cash, the video that we played at the last winery meeting, to explain in a little bit better detail how it's going to work.

Speaker 3:

You're telling me Johnny Cash was a bad guy too, johnny.

Speaker 4:

Cash was a really good guy, but Johnny's cash is about a UK video that shows what can happen as they phase out actual currency, moving to digital currency, moving to only digital currency, moving to only digital currency that you can use within a certain mile radius of your home. Moving to digital currency, you can only use for a certain time and then it expires, or you can only use it for the things they approve of. So it's it's complete and utter control and loss of freedom.

Speaker 3:

And they want us to work for them and make them the stuff that they like. Eh.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely yeah, they need. They need some worker bees, but that's about it.

Speaker 3:

Pull the microphone close, listen up, because we ain't doing it. We ain't doing it. I got news for you, man. You are not going to like what's going to happen.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, do not let them take your cash when you go to a store. There's a couple. Somebody was telling me they weren't taking cash at a Walmart.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, a couple of local Walmarts. Aberdeen Walmart yeah, Aberdeen and Abingdon.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, do not. I don't care if you don't even use cash Start to. Even if you don't like using cash, do not patronize businesses.

Speaker 3:

What I'd suggest is that you just put the things in your cart and push it out the front door, like everybody else does. You don't take my money, okay, see ya.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, hartford County's sufficiently urbanized, we can probably just do that.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's perfectly legal now, I believe, seems to be.

Speaker 4:

Finishing up the world economic forum. Yes, please do the other point is disinformation, which is their term for anything that goes against their narrative, and we're disinformation, tucker, is disinformation Anything that doesn't say what they once said is disinformation.

Speaker 3:

Truth is treason. Man, Empire of lies.

Speaker 4:

That's exactly true. They want to control everything. And then, finally, what we already talked about ecocide. We're basically farming and fishing our crimes against the environment and you should be punished for doing so.

Speaker 3:

Well, speaking of ecocide, they discussed making up new words, Words that they could influence us with. Like ecocide? Absolutely. Did you see the clip from the girl explaining how it's like genocide? And it's just of the environment? People are destroying the environment by eating and living. Complete insanity, putting the creation the best way to help the environment is to kill yourself Right.

Speaker 5:

And these people are hypocrites because if they really believe for themselves what they are preaching to everyone else, they would kill themselves, right? And it's just like.

Speaker 4:

And they wouldn't take their private jets to all these events as well, right?

Speaker 3:

I'm going to help everyone that's worried about the ZZX. This is foolproof. It works every time. We've actually studied it. Take a plastic bag out of your drawer like you do shopping, get a roll of duct tape and duct tape tightly the plastic bag around your neck and then just breathe normally. You will not get sick or Get ZZX, I promise.

Speaker 5:

Or that little box that Jefferson was talking about, and cover up the box with the duct tape and put the bag over that box with the images that I think somebody called it a television once.

Speaker 6:

Take that television outside and shoot it with your gun. That would be better for that.

Speaker 3:

That's like they interviewed the Amish guy and they said how come the Amish community doesn't have COVID?

Speaker 4:

We want to.

Speaker 5:

Exactly Well, the prolific Sunday family does not own a television either, so that's how they're still prolificating Sundays.

Speaker 3:

This is a family show. I can't really tell you what I meant to say.

Speaker 6:

But you know it's not happening just at the World Economic Forum, davos, it's happening here locally too. You know, in the federal side.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tell them. Tell them about the new bill. Yeah.

Speaker 6:

There was a bill that came up.

Speaker 3:

I'm just a bill. Yeah Up on Capitol Hill 3589.

Speaker 6:

And basically it's preventing private paramilitary activity act of 2024. Huh, you know it's got quite a name to it, but really, when it breaks down, it would outlaw militias, which is literally a constitutional right Right.

Speaker 3:

It's part of the Second Amendment.

Speaker 6:

It's you boxing and or martial arts classes would be outlawed.

Speaker 3:

Wait, you can't take self-defense classes anymore, nope. Well, what's that all about folks? Obviously, come on. You can't even protect yourself on the government If they take your guns, if someone's going to beat you, you must lay down and curl into the fetal position and allow yourself to be destroyed.

Speaker 6:

Well, as far as you know, I'm all for women and girls. You know boxing and martial arts, but if you look at it as you know, structure your demasculate or whatever that word is. I'm not even going to stutter through that one. But the males in our community, in our family, you're going to say you can't go learn how to defend your family, get out of here. Right, and the craziest parts are speaking out of turn in any government assembly. So I know. Pat Vincenzi would love that one.

Speaker 6:

The local tyrant of the county council would be all over that part. This also includes local town hall meetings. You protest government functions. That gets outlawed too, so what?

Speaker 5:

That Presky First Amendment. Does this include applause?

Speaker 4:

What. Applause Does this include applause.

Speaker 6:

Well, that's already been cut out.

Speaker 4:

Speaking out of government functions, assemblies. I mean we already cut that out here. The tyrants have already cut that out in Hartford County. Yes, but, you know, again it's.

Speaker 6:

There's the big picture from the worldview. Here's the national view of them trying to say you have no voice. Now, you know, here's the world saying we're going to take control of your life, but you guys can't say anything about it.

Speaker 4:

And just from the worldview to the national, to the county where we are accepting money and handouts and HUD grants to implement Agenda 21, agenda 2030, where they want to urbanize people in 15-minute cities and basically destroy the quality of life. In counties like Hartford County, that's a prime example of the destruction of the quality of life.

Speaker 6:

That just happened at the last county council meeting, where they basically what they did was they doubted their teas and crossed their or doubted their teas? Yeah, doubted their teas and crossed their eyes.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I've seen some of them with cross eyes.

Speaker 6:

But doubted their eyes and crossed their teas on getting their paperwork together for HUD grants. You know, here we go again, the yearly dose of HUD grants. Well, that's what their handlers want.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, that's what their donors want.

Speaker 3:

Donors. That's what the people that own them want.

Speaker 4:

Let's be honest, absolutely.

Speaker 3:

So you know we've got a lot of stuff going on in Hartford County. Would you like to talk about some of it? Yeah, All right, let's do that.

Speaker 6:

Just so everybody's aware. Again, if you're under a rock you hear some information for you, but Hartford Memorial Hospital did close.

Speaker 3:

There's no more sick people.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, no, we're great, we're all healthy now. That's the shot.

Speaker 3:

It's cured everyone.

Speaker 5:

We only had four cases of the flu in 2021.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think it was only two. I think it was only two.

Speaker 3:

I think it was only two. Yeah, take it all back. We've been wrong the whole time. Everyone's been cured. The hospitals are closing.

Speaker 6:

There's nothing to worry about with disease acts, anything like that. Just yeah, we can close this hospital, but what they left us with was basically a glorified kind of urgent care facility in Aberdeen that they just opened up. It's nothing to replace Hartford Memorial.

Speaker 3:

Not to get into this too deep, but we've seen some stuff where a large hospital network in Boston was closing and it was a bit nefarious. The people up there have been giving them money, the government has been giving them lots of money, and now they want to know where all the money went and why they're closing. I'm not saying that's happened here, but I bet we ought to be looking.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I guess for sure you don't want to get second Hartford County, because if you have to go to Upper Chesapeake, you're just going to be there forever, absolutely forever. It's horrendous, well, unless they kill you.

Speaker 6:

Well, and then let's talk about that. Hurry up and die Upper Chesapeake's adding new beds. It's still going to be a net minus 10 of beds of what we've currently had two days ago, three days ago, to what we have today whenever they open up these beds. So what the heck is going?

Speaker 4:

on While they're pouring in more and more developed housing.

Speaker 6:

Yeah, moving more people.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, moving more people.

Speaker 6:

We hear nothing on the county council. So again, the county council here in Hartford County is the board of health. They constantly have had representatives from Upper Chesapeake, from the health department and everything in front, and during COVID they were there every single week spewing nonsense. All right, Look before you get too far, josh.

Speaker 3:

I just I'm going to say this. We have a habit of picking on the councilman from District Sneak. And we've said his name so many times. I don't think we should continue to say his name. I think what we should do is every time we're going to talk about the councilman, let's get a theme song. Let's come up with a theme song. Give me a second here. Let me run it through the the way the people computers. All right, here we go. Let's try this one.

Speaker 2:

Election today. I've been trying to influence the voters here, Sheriff. They're the lack of unanimous. Besides, they got no one else to vote for.

Speaker 3:

Once again, the Freedom Pods AI is spot on.

Speaker 4:

Unfortunately, the difference is that deputy dog writes his own stuff.

Speaker 6:

But yeah, now moving away from the hospital in that situation. You know there's still a lot going on and you know deputy dog he's been at it again too. We talked before about the auxiliary dwelling unit, bill 24-001. There was public input here recently on that and it was interesting. Again, I don't want to get into the weeds I sat through it. There's 23 speakers, I think, from the public that came in and spoke after we listened to Aaron Penman or deputy dogs presentation on this. The funny part about this couple of things Very few people spoke out against it or spoke in favor of this bill. They were most of them running from Hartford County Wait a minute.

Speaker 3:

People that aren't from Hartford County can speak in the council. So they ask you your address, presumably so that they know where you're from, so that if you're not from Hartford County you can't speak. Is that? Unless you're a donor? Is that what you're trying to say? So it's confusing. So let's ask the person that runs the council, let's ask the president of the council if it's okay, if you're not from Hartford County, to speak, because he's letting people do that now.

Speaker 6:

Looking at it, the people that came there spoke. They were from a pack, a realtor pack of some sort.

Speaker 3:

That's okay for them to speak.

Speaker 6:

But they're out of town speakers here. These people are giving TMOD money, right, and so my question to to D is hey guys, are you, is this gonna sway your vote? Are you already been bought? Is this? Does this you getting bought? Is this the evidence of you getting bought to support this bill and push this through on a community that spoke out a couple nights ago? We're smoke out this past County Council meeting and said we don't want this. This is bad legislation, and for many good reasons why it's bad legislation.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'd also like to know because my cousin from California would like to come speak about sonning this perineum and I want to know if, if you know, the council president will allow him to speak about sonning your perineum.

Speaker 4:

Now, our listeners may have not had the pleasure of watching that video, but just you tube it, you'll.

Speaker 6:

It'll be one of the first ones come out. It's hilarious.

Speaker 3:

It's about perineum, you can find the video.

Speaker 6:

But, since child friendly I.

Speaker 6:

Want to take a second to talk about this 80. You bill a little bit, you know, and we talked about it a couple podcasts ago, but this is the way it's written it. This is a bad bill. This is forcing something through legislation To overpopulate and overcrowd our community in our County, for really for no reason there's. You know. The biggest argument for this was Well, we want there's a community that wants to age in place, and the older community wants to age in place. They want to. You know, they've grown up here or they've lived here for a while and they want to stay in their home, and so they might not be able to take care of it, or, you know, so they want to have a caregiver come in, or they want to have a detached, detached home that they can rent and you can already have.

Speaker 3:

You can already put together a place for your elderly Mother or father to live. It just can't be permanent. They already allow that.

Speaker 6:

But what I'm saying is you, we can modify current legislation to protect that aging community. We don't have to bring in a new place that is going to stop the sprawl With rental properties in your backyard for people that you do not know. Right, you tell me a single person that is going to want to build a Up to 1500 square foot piece of property or building on their backyard to bring in some stranger that in that property is not regulated. So again, I'm digressing a little bit.

Speaker 3:

Look, I'm all for it, because I just bought two C containers that are 40 feet long and I'm gonna make beds for 100 illegal immigrants and house them, and they're each gonna pay me and I'm gonna get rich. So you keep your protesting to yourself, josh.

Speaker 6:

Well, I wanted to. You know this is paraphrasing, you know quoting one of the good speakers last night that was against this bill and they asked the question what is the cost of harford's soul to get this bill passed? That's the stuff that we need our community doing. We go back to saying you know we're waking up, you know we're questioning all this other stuff. We're looking at France and saying France is stepping up. Well, those types of comments when you're asking them on record, in front of them, saying how much is your soul cost?

Speaker 3:

Well, was that one of the developers from out of town?

Speaker 6:

No, that's somebody that was against the bill. Yeah, no, that's, that was good, so tire.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and, and I think we know who brought up the bill election today.

Speaker 2:

Reelect that, they don't. I've been trying to influence the voters. Yeah, sheriff, they're the lack me, you know. Oh, I got no one else to vote for.

Speaker 3:

Is that right?

Speaker 6:

that's right, we need to die, we need to take a time and podcast and dive into the last financial report of these, these clowns. I mean it's money's flowing, as we talked about, and it's. It's not for the people.

Speaker 4:

And I've said, follow the truth wherever it leads. And when you find that even all the people that you thought you could trust because they have an R after their name means Nothing, it means nothing in Hartford County. These people are bought and paid for their profiting from their handlers, whatever, whoever owns them, whatever, and you can tell they have literally no interest in Representing their constituents. I mean like none whatsoever.

Speaker 5:

It's unbelievable the only time the constitutionality of anything comes up is if they want to build somewhere and somebody's complaining about it. You know, the constitutionality of things didn't matter when they were putting people in jail for not wearing masks. The Constitutionality businesses didn't matter when they were putting grandma and house arrest in the in the nursing home or closing your church down or Closing your business down firing health care workers because they wouldn't take an experimental and gene therapy or or, or a paper's police on the side of the road because you know we got this thing called the fourth amendment.

Speaker 5:

You're not supposed to be harassed but like all the sudden, that gets, that gets suspended the the first amendment. You know, all these, all these Pieces of the Constitution are just completely ignored. But then you know, you, you interfere with One of these big money donors and they're and their money stream Boy. Then. Then, all the sudden, the Constitution is the most sacred document ever.

Speaker 5:

Absolutely. And and you look at this hotel tax I mean you're talking about not being able to trust the Republicans. You look at the state of the Republican Party in Hartford County. They're just they're out there defending more taxes. They're out there defending spending more money and it's like wait. Well, you go back to Reagan and he and he's anti-tax and they're talking about cutting taxes. Even Go to the 60s and Kennedy was a Democrat and he talked about Cutting taxes as a means of stimulating the economy. In here You've got the decoy museum that's getting tens of thousands of dollars per year from this hotel tax. That's not a conflict. We got the the duck man.

Speaker 6:

You're hitting all the good stuff but these guys are.

Speaker 5:

These guys are bought and paid for. They have, they have no Fidelity of the Constitution. They have no integrity. They they can't even say. You know what? I'm on the board of this decoy museum and it kind of benefits my profession to have all this money flowing in there. I'm gonna, I'm gonna step back. I'm, I'm gonna recruse, no you're not gonna do that.

Speaker 5:

You're not saying, oh, I'm in the real estate business or I own an excavating company and and if we vote to approve all this zoning, my company's gonna stand to benefit financially. I need to kind of back out of this one Ever underestimate tourism.

Speaker 3:

I mean, we got, you know, I can see it right now. We got, we got. John Claude and his wife are sitting around in France and they're going we be Jean Paul, john Claude. When this protesting is over, I would like to go visit the decoy, a museum.

Speaker 4:

Maybe we can find the real museum too.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and we will stay majestic offer county and spend lots of our hard-earned fresh money. We.

Speaker 6:

To your point, travis, you brought up. You know taxes, taxes, taxes. I will say this right now I've sat through enough of these council meetings. I listened to them enough. You're right. All they talk about is taxing, taxing, taxing. You know we need more taxes. We need more taxes. You cannot I'm anyone on the council, anyone in local government here in harford county If you continue to use this terminology on a regular basis, you must remove A fiscal, fiscal conservative out of all of your language, because I'm tired of hearing you say out of one mouth, tax, tax, tax. And I'm a fissile conservative. Um, candidate, or I'm a fissile conservative.

Speaker 5:

You know they're confused because Barry said he was well geez yeah.

Speaker 3:

Bo tie Barry said he was the most conservative guy around, and he.

Speaker 5:

Well, and we got. We got to throw buford tea galer into the mix here too, because when he ran against Jesse bane the last time, he lost to jessie bane the first election and it was, but it was close. Jesse bane lost because he was a democrat. That's, that's it. That's the only reason.

Speaker 3:

If you look at, if you look at the eight years. Because he had a d, he was a democrat on the the ballots and jiffery was a republican on the ballots. However, we know in reality that rhinos are not real republicans. There are people that pretend to be republicans. The democrats don't even run anybody anymore because they're getting everything they want. What's the point?

Speaker 5:

But you look at the increases that have happened other the eight, well, nine, years of of galer's administration, compared to the eight years when when the like Gailer Called him a tax and spend democrat, even though the sheriff has no. Taxing authority has no taxing authority, so it was a lie but he heard it on tv and it's good. You know it played well to the republican electorate and it worked. He got elected.

Speaker 4:

And and and then the budget increased. Go ahead, the budget has increased.

Speaker 5:

So I think it was 69 million or something like that per year when, when galer took over and in the 2024 budget request he wanted a 140, so he wanted in eight years he wanted to double the budget.

Speaker 4:

He didn't quite get it and I didn't complained, oh and cried like a baby.

Speaker 5:

He won the golden pacifier award. Big time, big time.

Speaker 6:

I want to bring back something back up with the hotel tax, and why this overriding of that bill is kind of interesting because you brought up the duck man, president mincendi, in his ties to the decoy museum. What this is doing is it's giving the council power now to control where a portion of that tax goes. The questions that are coming up with this or divvy out political favors right exactly, absolutely, that wouldn't do that.

Speaker 6:

So One the question is is that against the charter? You know, doesn't the county executive have direct control of the budget? But secondly, you bring up why didn't he recuse himself? What's this mean? He now voted yes. So what happened on this? On this Vote last night, two people Said no, we're not going to override the veto. That was diong-guthry and jim riley, aaron pennman, tony g, pat vincente, jessica boyle, saddles and jacob bennett. All voted to override the county executive Because they had some sort of interest tied to this money. That's an issue, you know.

Speaker 6:

It's a conflict of interest, but also is this an ethical issue within the county by president mincente voting yes last night? Should he be being investigated and reviewed by the board of ethics?

Speaker 4:

Absolutely Well. So let's look at this even further.

Speaker 3:

If the board of ethics did anything, they're, they're reviewing stuff, but again county executive castley Won by a lot, he won by a landslide and and in general, I can't think that the things he said, that he he didn't misrepresent himself. He's basically an honest man. Uh, that represented himself correctly. I don't agree with everything he does by any stretch, but I I am confident when I say that I believe he represented himself as accurately as possible. However, some of the people that you mentioned either didn't represent themselves at all because he weren't available, or they completely misrepresented themselves. Like you know, I'm a conservative republican, but there's nothing I could do.

Speaker 6:

That guy misrepresented himself or the deputy dog saying I'm a patriot. Yeah, he's patriot. I'm a patriot too. Well, he not only misrepresented, himself as a former marine.

Speaker 4:

There's another one. He stole everybody else's good lines here, right?

Speaker 3:

I I made the mistake one time of asking the See a little over a company if he was a former Marine, and he correct me quickly. He said there are no former Marines unless you've gotten thrown out.

Speaker 4:

Oh, there's just one.

Speaker 4:

There's the councilman from district I want to find him and tell him there's one now and that's, that's the other thing that is just so disturbing that people that we trusted and that you know used to come to patriot meetings and stuff like that have surrounded themselves and I'm talking about, yeah, I know, have surrounded themselves with people of obvious corrupt Principles who are not, who are proven that they will Do illegitimate, illegal things in their positions. And he's surrounded, without himself, with people like that. It's like why, why would you do that? Why would you do?

Speaker 3:

that, yeah, what's going on. It's really disappointing, because I really like that guy.

Speaker 4:

I did too.

Speaker 3:

I'm so disappointed. I'd yeah, it's really unfortunate. Government is corrupt man, it's just corrupt. I'm sorry. I'm sorry to break that to you all, but it's terrible thing. You got to come to grips with it and, like TJ and the boys did back in the day, it's going to be time to ride. You're gonna have to decide when that time is yep. What else we got the Josh? We got anything else to cover tonight?

Speaker 6:

I think it's you know. We covered everything we wanted to, just maybe a couple closing statements.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, tj, kind words of wisdom from 1776.

Speaker 4:

Well, as I've always said, the spirit of resistance to government is so valuable on certain occasions that I wish it to be always kept alive. It will often be excellent exercised when wrong, but better so than not to be exercised at all. I like a little rebellion now and then. It's like a storm in the atmosphere. It gives me chills.

Speaker 5:

Hmm, would you say it like like a thrill up and down your leg, my?

Speaker 3:

hair Stand and talk.

Speaker 4:

I think I got to go get on my horse. How about to cuz?

Speaker 3:

Crackers. Even his horse has a really cool name. I think his core horse rode away from Thermopylae or something. That's one bad Greek horse release the correcticus. Travis, have you any words of wisdom? Many godly words of wisdom for us.

Speaker 5:

Oh Do.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Comely with your god Love you, travis, and then because he's coming back soon and sure it looks like it so, and as the world's closing in on us.

Speaker 6:

You know, as we talk about all this doom and gloom stuff, you know I think that that's you know farthest from the what we're moving towards. Being aware of what's going on in your surroundings, what's going on in the world, is one thing, but banding together, you know, understanding the truth and speaking the truth and holding, you know, not only yourself Accountable and that's something important you need to hold yourself accountable. If you say you brought this up, you know you hit a campaign trail. You know they said one thing, now they're doing something other. But that goes back to your regular life.

Speaker 6:

You know, you, I can't sit here and say that I'm against this and then I go off on the backside and say no, no, no, let's do this. That's the backdoor deals and stuff that we're against. But our community and our friends and our family, you know those are the true people that you know that have our backs. You know, as our community grows and grows and grows, you need to let it grow. You know, plant the seed and watch it grow. And as those flowers bloom and as we get stronger and stronger and stronger as a community, this stuff they're gonna be scared. They're not gonna be bringing this stuff up. I'm honestly surprised that the first bill in Hartford County was another overdevelopment bill, but I guess we need to, you know, smack them back a little bit harder now.

Speaker 5:

Well, the other thing I think kind of along those lines is you need to support like-minded people. If, if Walmart stops taking your money, then you need to you need to find that farmer up the street. Well, by the guy that's selling eggs at the end of.

Speaker 3:

That's a great segue, because what I'd like you to do with your money is go to we, the people of MDorg. Find the donate button. We don't have any eggs push it and give us all your money. We'll make sure it goes to good use.

Speaker 3:

The other thing you can do is, if you want to talk to us, you can send us an email at info at we, the people of MDorg or if you are like Tucker Carlson and you're constantly being followed and and you know you're talking to Putin and things, you can send us a letter, a letter to Po Box 13, forest Hill, maryland. I will tell you this TJ loves his letters and if you get he gets one, he may send you one back and he's got a wicked cool signature. I'm just trying to tell you the quill is ready. The quill is ready now. Look, what I'm gonna tell you is gonna sound your. I don't want you to think this is just a corny line from a movie, because this is 100% the absolute truth. If you can hear me, you are the resistance. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching you.

Farmers' Rights and Food Freedom Battle
Public Action and Government Accountability
Controversy Surrounding Tucker Carlson's NSA Interview
Loss of Trust in Professions/Government
World Economic Forum's Agenda
Concerns About ZZX and County Issues
Speaking Rights and Legislation Debate
Community Growth, Truth, and Resistance