Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 - Episode 4: Grasping the Reins: Unpacking Foreign Aid, Vaccine Controversies, and the Call for Local Empowerment

February 13, 2024 Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 4: Grasping the Reins: Unpacking Foreign Aid, Vaccine Controversies, and the Call for Local Empowerment
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 - Episode 4: Grasping the Reins: Unpacking Foreign Aid, Vaccine Controversies, and the Call for Local Empowerment
Feb 13, 2024
Live Free - Die Last
Could our government's spending habits be fueling conflicts rather than solving them? This week, we scrutinize the staggering $95.3 billion aid package approved for countries like Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, questioning the priorities that allow for such hefty foreign aid while domestic issues like border security simmer on the backburner. We're not just voicing concerns; we're demanding accountability. With embalmers reporting unusual post-vaccine clots, we also bring Patrick Warren to the table, delving into vaccine safety, medical ethics, and the heated debate over the transparency of vaccinated blood.

Strap in for a geopolitical roller coaster as we dissect Tucker Carlson's eyebrow-raising sit-down with Vladimir Putin, scrutinizing the narratives woven by both the Russian leader and Western media. We raise the alarm on potentially compromised safety standards for political correctness, as diversity quotas sneak into airline pilot recruitment. And as always, we're keeping a sharp eye on the politicians who seem to forget their constituents unless it's election season or donation time. It's a candid discussion about leadership, or the lack thereof, and the urgent need for grassroots engagement.

Finally, we pivot toward a message of hope and action. We shine a spotlight on the grassroots level, celebrating community involvement, like attending local council meetings or supporting initiatives like the We the People of Maryland Monthly Meeting at the Harford Vineyard on February 21, 2024. We're here to remind you of the power of checking in on your community, the importance of informed voting, and the undeniable impact of local engagement. Tune in for a journey through the pressing issues of our time, punctuated with a promise of optimism in our next installment, featuring the 'freedom pod' liquor cabinet—a symbol of fellowship and local support.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers
Could our government's spending habits be fueling conflicts rather than solving them? This week, we scrutinize the staggering $95.3 billion aid package approved for countries like Ukraine, Israel, and Taiwan, questioning the priorities that allow for such hefty foreign aid while domestic issues like border security simmer on the backburner. We're not just voicing concerns; we're demanding accountability. With embalmers reporting unusual post-vaccine clots, we also bring Patrick Warren to the table, delving into vaccine safety, medical ethics, and the heated debate over the transparency of vaccinated blood.

Strap in for a geopolitical roller coaster as we dissect Tucker Carlson's eyebrow-raising sit-down with Vladimir Putin, scrutinizing the narratives woven by both the Russian leader and Western media. We raise the alarm on potentially compromised safety standards for political correctness, as diversity quotas sneak into airline pilot recruitment. And as always, we're keeping a sharp eye on the politicians who seem to forget their constituents unless it's election season or donation time. It's a candid discussion about leadership, or the lack thereof, and the urgent need for grassroots engagement.

Finally, we pivot toward a message of hope and action. We shine a spotlight on the grassroots level, celebrating community involvement, like attending local council meetings or supporting initiatives like the We the People of Maryland Monthly Meeting at the Harford Vineyard on February 21, 2024. We're here to remind you of the power of checking in on your community, the importance of informed voting, and the undeniable impact of local engagement. Tune in for a journey through the pressing issues of our time, punctuated with a promise of optimism in our next installment, featuring the 'freedom pod' liquor cabinet—a symbol of fellowship and local support.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 3:

Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom. Alright, hello Harford County and the world beyond. We've got two special patriots in the house tonight. The Freedom Pod is full Again. We're the People Studios. As always, we're broadcasting from high above Harford County in the Freedom Pod. You can reach us at info at WeThePeopleOfMDorg or, if you want to just send one of those little letters doing it, po Box 134, still Maryland. So on my right we've got the Josh. As always, good evening Patriots. To the right of him we have Patrick Warren.

Speaker 4:

The writer. The writer, the right writer. We.

Speaker 3:

We're the people of America.

Speaker 4:

Harford County.

Speaker 3:

I know that you're all sad that we don't have TJ and Travis Sunday, but life beyond the pod exists.

Speaker 4:

Travis had some preaching.

Speaker 3:

He had some preaching to do. Tj went back to 1776.

Speaker 4:

He said screw this Getting on my horse.

Speaker 3:

That was easier.

Speaker 4:

Head for the hills.

Speaker 3:

Alright. So, Josh, let us see what we want to do tonight.

Speaker 2:

There's so much going on Hard to start. It seems like it's coming in from all directions. I think the big thing that's happened here recently is more spending, spending and spending the federal government has to spend money they don't have.

Speaker 4:

Yep, just keep spending that money. And then the interest on the debt is already over a trillion dollars. But hey, what the heck? Keep going.

Speaker 2:

And what we're talking about here is the $95.3 billion that the Senate approved this week for aid to Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, sure I'll bet 20% of that shows up at those places and the rest of it goes to cocaine Joe and his mobsters.

Speaker 4:

It's being siphoned off by Ukrainian mobsters and Ukrainian Nazis and all.

Speaker 3:

Right, the Ukraine. Let's just say it that's the closest thing to Nazi Germany we have now.

Speaker 4:

Exactly, and it's being recycled back into political campaign donations.

Speaker 3:

So they're giving money they're laundering just like to the Nazis, the Jews and the Taiwan. I mean, what about our? Border. You can't make this up. Well, the border is perfectly safe, Josh Right. There's only terrorists coming through it in an alarmingly high rate.

Speaker 2:

I thought it was a couple of very interesting comments or quotes by some of our elected officials in Washington. Chuck Schumer was quoted as saying with this bill, the Senate declares that American leadership will not waver, will not falter, will not fail.

Speaker 4:

Yeah right, Tell that to the Vietnamese and the Afghans.

Speaker 3:

Chuck, I got news for you. Our leadership has already faltered and failed, and you and your buddy, mitch McConnell, are a big part of the problem.

Speaker 4:

When America is one of the only places in the world that you get to fail upward.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they do. You're right. Every time they fail, they get a raise.

Speaker 2:

So specifically I'm looking at you know we have the total 95 billion. 14 billion of that's going to Israel with the war against Hamas, 8 billion is for Taiwan and partners in the Indo-Pacific to counter China. That's again I go back. Where is this money? Why is this money going over the seas when we don't have the money to spend? Our borders are wide open. Our cities and our states are in crisis yeah, but no, we've got to fight for this border.

Speaker 3:

Well, when we talked about Zelensky last week, I mean, everybody's trying to get rid of him in his own country. We're the only ones propping this guy up. They don't want what's going on. They're literally killing all of the men in that country because Vladimir Putin's not going to give up. No, he's not going to give up.

Speaker 4:

Well, let's just put it this way what would the United States' response be if the Chinese started whipping the Mexican army and putting Chinese advisors and Chinese military and Chinese bio weapons labs into northern Mexico and then launching attacks against Arizona and New Mexico?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, no doubt, no doubt. But I mean, at the end of the day, we're not saving anyone. What did the one Zelensky said for us in Ukraine? Continued US assistance helps to save human lives from Russian terror. That is ridiculous. We're killing, we're killing Ukrainians by funding this war. They're getting destroyed.

Speaker 4:

Well, the thing you have to remember, too, is that all this money is going to Ukraine and there's no accounting for where it's going. We have no accounting for where these weapons are going. A lot of them are showing up, you know, in the Middle East, and these people are being systematically murdered by the United States government. The Ukrainian people are being destroyed by us because we are using them as cannon fodder in a proxy war against Russia. They're not going to. There is no way they can win. They don't have the population to win. They have no industrial capacity. Russia has far more industrial capacity. Russia has more industrial capacity than we do, because we don't even make anything anymore.

Speaker 3:

We have to ask China permission.

Speaker 4:

Those scavenging shells, artillery rounds from the South Koreans to send to Ukraine.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this whole thing is absolutely insane and it's funding the New World Order. That's where the money is going, folks.

Speaker 2:

And you bring up you know no accountability with the money. This just reminds me of COVID money. You know how much money was lost or just, you know, distributed around during that. Again not trying to get into that, but this is a constant cycle of we're giving out money.

Speaker 3:

We have no idea what the heck's going on Well, it's only lost to the American people. The people that are giving it out know damn well exactly where it's going to go. They are criminals. They should all be tried for treason Chuck Schumer, Mitch McConnell, all of them.

Speaker 4:

Well, the interesting thing is, you know we get a lot of static about. You know why? We're always hating on Republicans all the time, but Republicans just keep giving us fodder. I mean, it's not that we hate on them, but they just do stupid stuff that is counter to what they say they're for. Mitt Romney stood on this floor of the United States Senate and said that this vote to give this money to Ukraine was the most important vote that could be made in the Senate.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I think we're being physically invaded by 10 million people a year. We have no idea who's coming into the country. We have terrorists coming into the country. We have, you know, ones that are being. We have some that are being caught. We have some that are getting through. We have no idea who's coming here. It's bankrupting us. It's costing the United States $450 billion a year to take care that's just federal government to take care of these illegal aliens.

Speaker 4:

Well, it sounds like Mittons is getting something out of this, and Ukraine is the most important vote to give them this money so that their society can continue to be destroyed and their country can continue to be destroyed.

Speaker 3:

Right. Obviously, Mittons is getting something out of this.

Speaker 4:

I mean the average age of Ukrainian soldiers 45 years old. They're putting pregnant women in the trenches.

Speaker 2:

It's insane.

Speaker 4:

There's no way they can win.

Speaker 2:

No, well, and you bring up, you know, our invasion at the border, another article that was being discussed earlier this week. It's a small town in Arizona that's literally trying to protect our borders and, you know, protecting their community. It's Springerville, arizona. Has any of you guys, you know, read about this?

Speaker 3:

a little bit. It's a local I saw that. It's a local group.

Speaker 4:

It's a very small town, I mean it's like the size of Jarrett'sville, right.

Speaker 3:

So it would be like you know, the county council or something standing up and saying, hey, you know, we're not going to support this anymore. That's really what your local government is supposed to be doing. Folks, I know you live in Hartford County. You don't understand that, because you've got the Rino cheerleaders that worship the people that are destroying us, but that's the way it's supposed to be.

Speaker 2:

And these people of this town. They were willing to do anything, you know, just to protect themselves and protect their community. You know the buses that were coming in with the legal aliens. You know, blocking those buses, really whatever was going to come down, and even down to the. I believe it was the mayor, and I loved this quote from the article that said the only thing I'm pride myself on with this little community is we band together, we love each other and we take care of each other. You know, that's that's, that's the foundation of what a community is, and it's just so nice that they're standing together, you know, to protect themselves, but also, in the big picture, they're protecting us. You know, thousands of miles away from them.

Speaker 4:

Well, they have to stand together because their government is completely against them.

Speaker 3:

So this is the government in that local town. What is so? We have to do this all the time, folks. What's the purpose of your, of your, government?

Speaker 4:

no-transcript To protect your liberty right.

Speaker 3:

So that's what they have to do to protect their liberty. And God give them rights.

Speaker 4:

Yep, protect their God-given rights you know, I took the liberty of compiling some interesting facts on immigration, and some of these, some of this People have no idea what's going on. I mean they really don't. I mean Illegal immigration on the southern border. In December they apprehended I mean people that we know about. I mean, depending upon the Report that you read, between 350,000 and 305,000 were apprehended. Now, just to put that in perspective, that is the size of Cleveland, ohio Every month coming across the border illegally.

Speaker 4:

That's the one of just the ones that we know, and that's not even counting the gotaways. But the northern border with Canada is completely wide open. I mean illegal aliens walk across Canadian border Unopposed, and I saw this story today. That was just kind of blew my mind. Us Customs and Border enforcement showed that 12,000 illegals from 55 countries were apprehended in 2023 Okay, at the at the Canadian border, and most of those were in a sector of New York called the Swanton Sector, which runs from like upstate New York, like Lake Champaign, champaign region, through like Vermont and New Hampshire. 70% of those crossings Were in that sector of those 13 12,000 people when you know where they're going should be easy to stop them.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, well, they're going to New York City because they have a human trafficking ring was out of New Jersey was discovered that was busing hundreds of illegal aliens at $6,000 ahead from Canada, from Quebec into Vermont, and the ring leaders were actually detained by ICE. You can't make this stuff up, folks. The ring leaders were detained by ICE and then they were released.

Speaker 4:

Of course I mentioned that, yeah and one of the ring leaders was subsequently caught again and he was released again. Like you, can't make this up, so when you, when you look at it, we stand back and you look at it, the United States government is actively participating in the invasion of our country, instead of doing anything to stop it right, it's government against us.

Speaker 4:

That's what's going on notably, I said that most of the people that hire, like a large percentage of the people that cross the northern border illegally, are Likely to be on a terror watch list as a percentage of people.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm sure the people from ICE that said that were Reprimanded for giving out facts. I mean, what do we even have? I? Why are we spending money on these border patrol agents and stuff? Why? What's the point?

Speaker 2:

You guys are crazy. I thought it's. You know we're from the government, we're here to help, yeah.

Speaker 3:

Well, our government has been taken over. Okay, the elections were rigged, they have we. This country has been taken over. So when we say Us or we, we're not talking about the United States government. And, yes, they are correct. When they say the people on the right are are Actively undermining the government, that's because the government's been taken over. We're not act actively undermining the US Constitution.

Speaker 2:

That's still in place and they're attacking us, the people.

Speaker 4:

Well, and when you look at it really, I mean At just about at every level of government really, from national to state to local, the ruling class Rules counter to the wishes of their constituents. Hundred percent. The government has lost. The government at every level has lost its legitimacy. There's no legitimacy left because they do what their donors want, they do what their special interests want.

Speaker 3:

They don't do what the people that elected them one now, and they don't follow the Constitution, which is even more important than doing what the people want or the county charter.

Speaker 4:

They don't follow that either right they're.

Speaker 2:

They've sworn an oath to uphold the Constitution, but nobody ever gets punished for not doing that when they're sworn in, they must have their fingernails, your fingers crossed behind their back or something you know.

Speaker 3:

But? But let's just say this people are tired of it.

Speaker 2:

The American people are tired of it, yeah, and it's not a Republican or a Democrat issue. No, the people that are coming together, this is a bipartisan issue for them. They understand that the invasion at our southern border, the, the, the constant donations to the world of all of our resources and money, you know this cannot be sustained. We cannot continue down this path and the people need to have representation and need to be protected Against the, as I said before, the invasion that's happening not only on our border but, you know, in our pocketbooks, our children's minds are the attacks on our family.

Speaker 2:

You know the takeover that's happening in our, in every small community, it's. It takes towns like this town in Arizona to put their foot down. Yeah, you know, set the precedent and put your foot down. If you say there's nothing that I can do, your waste of space, your waste of time. Step aside and let's money to step in and do what they wanted to at least attempt to do what is right. It's very difficult these days to Find a single person that's been elected that still can stand on their principles and their morals that they first stepped into office with very few to say that they even had anyone. They stepped in the office.

Speaker 4:

Well, and if you, the thing to think about with regard to this, too, is that if more counties there's 3,500 counties in America If more counties stood up and said no to the state and to the feds, we would have a lot less problems, because they would be people would be doing like this, what this town in Arizona did no, we're not doing that. That's not happening here. You can't do that to us. We're not paying for it, we're not doing it. But that also means that you have to have a good, solid sheriff, too, true, and so here's the segue into the next piece.

Speaker 3:

Remember, very Shortly ago, not very long ago, they were insisting that we we had to have the jab and we had to have all these things to keep us all safe. No one cares the medical status of the people who are in the state cares the medical status of the people coming across the border and Exactly uh, let's hope that they're not jab, because they are human beings.

Speaker 3:

I don't want any more human beings to suffer. The jab is killing people. Now We've got all of these people, the embalmers, that are speaking up and talking about the strange fibrous blood clots they're finding in corpses. And we're not talking about a couple people, we're talking about a huge number of embalmers.

Speaker 4:

And this is happening all over the world too. This isn't just, you know, in the united states. This is happening in europe, this is happening in the uk, it's happening in canada. I mean, it's happening wherever the clock shot was introduced.

Speaker 2:

It's happening not just in the united states turbo cancers and yeah, when these Stories first started coming out a couple years ago, you know, not only were we considered Conspiracy theorists, you know, crazy beyond crazy, but when you look at these videos and you look at these pictures and you start listening and understanding the concerns that these professionals, you know, I understand we talked about professionals last um Uh, last podcast. I'm not sure where embalmers fall on the, on the, the level of uh, professionalism, with the ethics you know during that survey, whether or not they're uh, they're pros.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but I'm telling you right now the video in the the, the evidence that they're showing is of grave concern that these, absolutely this is in people's bodies right now. You know, you see people you know Talking about oh, he just died suddenly and you know all these, as you said, super cancers and All this crazy medical stuff that's going on right now that people in the medical profession they're like I don't know, I don't know, or they start just spewing stuff out like oh, it stands six feet apart and you know you won't get infected.

Speaker 2:

It was totally made up right, um, the fact that more and more people are coming out like this Again. More and more people need to open up their ears and listen and start understanding. Hey, is something really happening here? What is going on? What is happening, and can it be because of this?

Speaker 4:

jab. Well, and some. There is something going on here. But remember when david bishy, you know the former health department, uh director for harford county, and anthony fowlchee and Larry hogan and pat vincentay were all saying get the jab, it's safe and effective. It's safe and effective. Well, interestingly, moderna just came out and issued a paper that said you know, kind of screwed up. You know, the covet 19 vaccine does carry toxicity risks. So Now they admit that.

Speaker 3:

So wait, but oh, but it's safe. I thought it was a safe effect, but they're still. They're still advertising. Hey, come get your clock shot with no warnings. Pfizer's just out there. Hey, hey, hey. But you know what? Nobody's doing it. People figured it out and they're not doing it. And these companies are struggling financially.

Speaker 2:

That's why they went after travis kelsie and you know, taylor swiss. And so they're gonna hot lick of the uh yeah.

Speaker 4:

The no fun league um trying to get dumb jocks like k Travis kelsie to talk people into getting the jab.

Speaker 3:

Yeah. Well, when you see that the nfl really does not have america's best interest at heart, you can go and Use them to do all sorts of evil things. But I don't know that we want to get into all that right now.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but Moderna said that uh, they're, they're vaccine. Those carry toxicity risks.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yes, you try, you screwed up.

Speaker 3:

You trusted they were. They were adamant that it was the safest thing ever, which most people knew it wasn't. I mean, come on um what else you got there, josh?

Speaker 2:

I think, continuing right down this path. Here it's talking about the vaccine and in in blood donations. Um. Something very interesting came up this past week um from some lawmakers out in wyoming basically introducing um a piece of legislation want to see where this goes and in In voting and everything if it actually makes it anywhere. But the interesting thing is it basically would um that if you did get the covid vaccine, um it would label that blood as being contaminated with the vaccine or contain the vaccine.

Speaker 4:

Vaccinated blood? Yeah, and then I want that.

Speaker 2:

I'm not a lot of people out there that now I need to go through a blood transfusion or you know some sort of surgery, and they are asking I do not want vaccinated blood in my system, or please do not give me vaccinated blood.

Speaker 3:

This is protecting those medical freedoms of these patients, yeah nothing that the medical industry told us was accurate or true. They have completely lost their credibility, Not just with vaccines, but with all sorts of other subjects. It's it's laughable at this point. Uh, john's hopkins a joke. Well, you know they're going to try to put the kibosh on this bill.

Speaker 4:

Obviously, but really the reason, reason for it really is informed consent. You have a right to know what's going into your blood. You have a right to know what's going into your body and if you're unvaccinated and you didn't want to have this crap in your, in your system, what happened?

Speaker 3:

to do no harm, the Hippocratic Oath that went by the boards. The doctors that are taking part in this should be ashamed. They should be ashamed, and the ones that stood against it. We need to applaud them as heroes, because they risked it all.

Speaker 4:

Well, you know, the thing that people don't realize now too is that you know the reason. You know, like I said, we were gaslit through this whole thing, you know, with COVID and the scandemic and the VAX and all that. But you know you were talking about, you know, losing credibility. Well, the doctor-patient relationship has been totally put on life support because these docs, you know, most people don't realize that doctors are most doctors now are not self-employed, they're not self-practitioners, they're employees of a corporation, they're employees of, you know, upper Chesapeake Medical Center, the University of Maryland. You know Kaiser Permanente, kaiser Permanente, big corporation. You know they got to do what they're told and if you go against the quote-unquote standard protocol then you're going to get fired and lose your license.

Speaker 3:

So it sounds like the Nazis Right? Well, how did that happen? People doing what they're told. Man, you can't do what you're told if what you're told is evil.

Speaker 4:

I was just following orders.

Speaker 3:

Right, I mean I heard a story about a baby that was born at Upper Chesapeake while it was supposedly trying to be aborted. This is the saddest thing I've heard yeah, I'm telling you grown men crying, including me. This baby, apparently was born in the mother. I said, yeah, you know what? I really don't want that baby in there. And rather than save this baby that was born alive, they had to let it die. So basically, they let it starve to death. The baby was a Tortured.

Speaker 4:

The baby 24 weeks. The baby was born early and came out before they could really even get the lady into the delivery section of the hospital, but she said she didn't want the baby after carrying it in her body for 24 weeks. And they had to let this baby die. Had to because of what Satan's rules? Oh, it's the law in Maryland.

Speaker 3:

That is ridiculous, that is demonic. I cannot imagine that someone didn't say screw my job, I'm going to take care of this baby and feed it and not torture it to death.

Speaker 4:

The baby could have lived.

Speaker 3:

That is the most evil thing I've ever heard. That's going on at your hospital, folks.

Speaker 4:

Well, like I said when we were talking before the show started, you know our society is devolved into a death culture. It's a death cult, you know it's. You know we celebrate the Democrat party, like their reason for being is murder. They call it choice, but it's really about being able to murder a baby whenever you want to.

Speaker 3:

Well, I don't see the Republican party being vastly different. There are some people that are Republicans that are different, but the vast majority of them are not separating themselves. The R's from the D's.

Speaker 4:

But one of the main purposes of the Democrat party, their big thing, is choice. They will go to the mat, they will go to the death to defend the right to murder a baby.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sorry, I got to stay quiet on this one, this one kind of touches deep in the heart. Yeah, let's move on it's awful.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, no, it's medical freedom. You know, for the past few years now has been really in the spotlight for so many, so many reasons. And I think, to summarize we were just talking about you know it's. It's sad that you know you can't have personal choice to protect your life, but you can have personal choice to kill somebody else's life. But they used used that against you basically back during the COVID days. They said if you didn't get the vaccine, you're going to kill me.

Speaker 3:

It's because demons are in charge.

Speaker 2:

So again, I don't want to digress too far there, in that you know.

Speaker 3:

I can't just do. What's what? What the demons tell you folks, you can't, don't give up.

Speaker 4:

We know. What's interesting about this, too, is that there is a law in Maryland where, like if you are a passerby or somebody who is in a position to assist somebody who has has been injured and could possibly you know die, you can be prosecuted for not rendering aid or trying to help that person. So you can be prosecuted for that, but this baby that was born alive, you have to let it die.

Speaker 3:

That's awful. It's just awful. Was there anything that anybody wanted to mention about the? The evil Tucker Carlson and his interview with you know, the villain of all time, vladimir Putin.

Speaker 2:

I tell you that interview caught me by surprise, you know, in a good way. I think I didn't finally listen to it all. It was long, it was over two hours long and I will be honest, the beginning portion of that was very dry, but I was the reason why I think I was happy to that. It took so long and it was so such a slow process of giving the information is. There's so many people in the United States, in the world, that do not understand really what Vladimir Putin was talking about because they've never received that part of history or that discussion, especially in the dummy down schools, you know.

Speaker 3:

Did you see that the the US, somebody high up in the US government, came out, and so everything that he's going to say is a lie. Do not listen to him.

Speaker 4:

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

Speaker 3:

Basically his narrative is different than ours, so he's lying.

Speaker 4:

Well, it's not like our own government has ever ever lied to us Right? I watched the interview and I thought I thought it was a very interesting interview. I'm a student of history so I appreciated the beginning part which kind of talked about the history of Russia and how Russia was founded and what happened. What happened there Like and the thing that people really don't and you can go and you can look, you can look it up, you can find it on the interwebs. Until 1991, there was never a country known as Ukraine.

Speaker 4:

Ukraine has been parts of various different countries and empires over the course of history. Most of it has been part of Russia. It's also been part of Poland. It's also been part of Hungary. It's been part of the Poland, the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. It's been part of Turkey. So there was never any country known as Ukraine. Ukraine and Russia in Russian, actually means border or borderlands, and that area, Ukraine, is where Russia has been invaded through several times over the course of history. So they're sensitive to this part of part of Europe being used to invade their country.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's a huge farming area and it also turns out that there's lots of labs there.

Speaker 2:

Biolabs, biolabs. The other interesting thing was, you know, putin wasn't really diving into you know, jumping into the weeds on a bunch of other things, but there was a discussion, you know he said, or Tucker Carlson asked him about Sleepy Joe and Putin was like why don't you go interview Sleepy Joe? You know right. That's what I want to see now. There was a bunch of conversations in there that this person was brought up. This person I want to see Tucker Carlson interview Joe Biden and actually see Joe Biden get through that conversation.

Speaker 3:

It never happened in a million years. He can. He's not even cognitive. He's a mess right now. It's sad that they're torturing an old man too here An evil old man, but nonetheless he's being abused.

Speaker 4:

Well, the other thing that sticks out in that interview is like when you, when you listen to Putin talk, he's only 10 years younger than Biden, but this dude is like on point. I mean the guy never, lost his place, knows what he's talking about. I mean, the difference between him and Sleepy Joe was so stark, it was unbelievable and like we want to get into a fight with these guys and that's what they really don't want you to realize. You want to get into a fight with these guys. I'm anti-war.

Speaker 3:

I don't want to get in a fight with anybody. I think we should be concentrating on paying off debt and improving the life and protecting liberty.

Speaker 4:

What and when, when and when you bring out the facts and you talk about things like what we're talking about, the very first instinct is like so you want Putin to win? Are you a pro-nopologist?

Speaker 2:

No, I'm an.

Speaker 4:

American, I'm America first. I want what's best for America and there is absolutely no interest, in the end, of the United States in that fight at all, except for the fact that we have a lot of multinational corporations now that are in Ukraine and trying to, you know, loot the country. Yeah, prior to the to the overthrow of the government of Ukraine the Democratic elected government of Ukraine in 2014 by the CIA and the Nazis that we worked with there, you were not a foreigners, were not allowed to own farmland in Ukraine. Guess who the number one Farm land owner in Ukraine is today? Bill Gates, archer Daniels, midland, god, black Rock, hmm, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 3:

Sounds far for the course, yeah, so so, like you said, we're going to have to start distinguishing between the United States and the people that live in the United States, because it's not in the people that live in the United States interests? No, not at all. We're being we're being harmed a great deal by all these ridiculous wars. We've ground up a lot of our best and brightest, and it's wrong.

Speaker 4:

Well, and and looking back on and looking at you know, taking like the 10,000 foot view of everything, I would have to say that it seems to me that, you know, Putin cares a lot more for his people than our rulers care for us, because he's not letting his country be invaded, he's not letting his country be in stripped. You know, we can't say that about our leaders.

Speaker 3:

That's yeah. If you just go and look at these things. If you were an alien that flew your spaceship in here, who's the good guy and who's the bad guy? It's going to be hard to make a case for the United States being good.

Speaker 4:

Oh, but we're defending democracy in Ukraine. Don't? Didn't you remember democracy? You know they've. He's eliminated the elections. He's throwing priests in prison. He's throwing well, that's open, it's in prison, it's kind of what we do here. He's, he's throwing uh journalists in prison.

Speaker 3:

Exactly what's happening here.

Speaker 4:

They killed an American journalist. This guy named Gonzalo Lyra. They actually killed him. He was held prisoner by the Ukrainians and had pneumonia. They would not give him medical treatment and the Biden administration did absolutely nothing to free this guy and bring him back home. He was a Chilean American, but yet you know. You got the uh. What was her name? The the uh, the transsexual basketball player that got caught with weed in Russia. What was her?

Speaker 2:

name Brittany Greiner.

Speaker 4:

Brittany Greiner. You know they made a huge fuss about her.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I mean, and you know what, as much as I disagreed with all a lot of the things there, I'm glad that the US State Department was standing up for an American citizen, but uh, they're picking and choosing and obviously they're not doing that well.

Speaker 2:

And this just goes to show that the United States, you know government itself, um, you know the, the ruling class, it's a free for all, just completely out of control, and you know if they've gone any conversation you have. It's like are you kidding me? They they went there. Are they really said that? Or they're trying to do something like that or implement that.

Speaker 3:

So you're going where I want to see this thing go DEI, diversity, equity, inclusion. Our government, our government's obsessed with it, Yep. So now the plan is to reduce the number of white males in aviation.

Speaker 4:

I thought it was diversity, exclusion and intimidation. Yeah, exactly, exactly.

Speaker 3:

So there's been this whole, you know, uh, big meeting, one of the airlines and, and you know, some people rattle them out there. They want to see more baggage workers in the cockpit. I mean, that sounds safe. I was slinging baggage the other day and now I'm going to fly the plane. Yeah, I'm all for people picking themselves up by their bootstraps, but let's make sure we have the best people flying the planes, the best people, regardless of their skin color, their religion, their sex, any of that stuff.

Speaker 4:

I do everything I can not to have to fly.

Speaker 3:

I'm not interested in flying anymore.

Speaker 4:

They're, they're they're trying to kill us. It's too dangerous. I mean, between the jabbed pilots that are like passing out behind the, behind the controls to now, you know, putting people in to the cockpit based upon you know some bean counters like D I score. You got to be out of your mind.

Speaker 3:

This is not in the best interest of people, human beings.

Speaker 2:

And the people down in DC making all these decisions. I truly think that they've forgotten what the word safety means. I mean they. They say the the jab was safe and effective got that wrong, but they, you're too. Diversity over safety.

Speaker 3:

That's the right way to go to your two kind. They are evil, they are Satan's minions. I'm telling you this is evil. Come to life on earth.

Speaker 4:

We're going to see it. I'm going to step out on a limb here and say that the Russians and the Chinese probably don't make decisions on who their airline pilots are going to be based upon. You know somebody's uh diversity or equity, or inclusiveness.

Speaker 3:

Right, they, they want us to do that, though cause they want to destroy us.

Speaker 4:

We're doing it to ourselves. Right, yeah, I know Well well that wasn't something that they thought up.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, while they are, they planted the seeds, and whoever Johnny Apple seed here was, planted them and ran with them.

Speaker 4:

So it's dreamed up in the ivory towers of, uh, the Ivy league.

Speaker 3:

So we're an industry that had a an awesome safety record cause there's kind of an irrational there's been an irrational fear of flying, so they've countered that by having a wonderful safety record. That's been their primary concern. Now they're shifting focus and their primary concerns diversity. What do you think is going to happen to their safety record? It's I chill. It's going to go up, right.

Speaker 2:

It's chilling to me to think that it's not, it's not going to go up.

Speaker 2:

Um, it's very scary and to continue this conversation and not doom and gloom. But you talk about this diversity, equity and inclusion. You know this being indoctrinated into our society and especially our children. How many of these um mass, mass casualties that we've seen around here recently have involved some sort of discussion underneath this, guys, of diversity, equity, inclusion? Would it be transgender or um mental illness? You know you're constantly seeing this. Um, I know. Um the church down in Texas here recently, the the murder in the school in Tennessee. Um, you know this is all you know part of this diversity, equity, inclusion that the government's trying to force down our throats.

Speaker 3:

Well, that baby got no equity or inclusion, that's true.

Speaker 4:

Well, one of the things I can't get past that is killing me it's, it hurts, it hurts. Well, one of the things you can always count on, like when you see these stories about these mass shootings, is like when they do not say who the mass shooter was and they don't say that he was like a white magma male. You know that it was somebody who was, you know would have been on the DEI pecking order. No, it's exactly what happened in in Tennessee.

Speaker 3:

There's been a lot of those.

Speaker 4:

So it was a transsexual person who was totally off its rocker and had this big, long, hate filled manifesto. That that's that the Memphis police fought so hard to not release. Now, if that would have been like a white magga dude, you would have. You would have known everything about him from the time he was born until the time that thing, the event, happened, and everything that he ever wrote. You would have seen his Facebook pages, his Twitter account. You would have seen. Everything in the manifesto would have been released. So just you can tell what's what by what they're not.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, it's always been like that. They don't say here, here we have a group of people that we used to try to help, because there's there's more mental illness in this group than others. They're just. The facts are that that's, the statistics are show that. But but now they just encourage the mental illness rather than trying to to help.

Speaker 4:

That's why, we're getting more and more of this stuff and you're disrupting all the hormones in their body. I mean they just, it's just not meant to be. Yeah, it's. It's Making drastic physical changes to your body and then they go well.

Speaker 3:

But we have to talk about this because they're committing suicide, then you're making it worse.

Speaker 2:

Well, and I'll even add to this not to try to go too far out in the sticks, but this also is an issue with the family. You know the, the family itself and the core values within that family. They're you have to be a parent. You know that's where it starts. You know you see all of the in the attempts at the public schools and the government schools to indoctrinate and force us upon the kids and they're gonna come home. You need the parents to step up, but you also need to be able to foster the family and making sure that. You know I see here so many people that counter this, you know, or support the transgender community and say well, you know, it's okay for my kid to have feelings and you know I'm gonna support them just to feel whatever they want to feel. Well, you know, as a parent, you need to also provide them with some core values and some support systems beyond just letting them be a free-fraud.

Speaker 4:

Like you know, we just talked about our federal government being do not let the federal government raise your children exactly or let your the librarian or your you know fifth graders music teacher decide that they're a different sex, and then they are yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

No, and stop relying on the government, whether it be a Republican or a Democrat, you know. Don't just falsely just support them. You know, we've talked about this for years now. You know the rhinos and you know the getting attacked for calling out Republicans or getting attacked for calling out Democrats. I'm sorry, guys. Versus our situation can go right out the door. It's a unit party.

Speaker 3:

Hartford County is a rhino country. Yes, the same people that complain about us attacking Republicans Attack Bob Cassley because he's not doing what their Democrat Friends with the R, as if their rhino buddies want them to do. That's exactly what's going on.

Speaker 2:

Don't support Dan Cox, didn't support Dan Cox for governor or anything like that, or support any candidate that spoke out against their best buddies.

Speaker 3:

And again, the people in Maryland Overwhelmingly supported Dan Cox. That's why Dan Cox beat the tar out of Hogan's hand-picked Predecessor, or Kelly Schultz.

Speaker 4:

Kelly Schultz yeah.

Speaker 3:

Who was all for the jab by the?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Yeah, he beat her badly because that's what the people wanted. But when it came time to support him and try to put him over the top against that progressive nut job Westmore, yeah, they abandoned him. They abandoned him. The Republican Party here in Maryland abandoned him, it's disgusting.

Speaker 4:

Well, they, the ruling class in Hartford County abandoned him because they were Trying to get Westmore elected. They had a benefit for him here, had a fundraiser for him Exactly and he's got bills in the state house now that are going to expand a Barack Obama's Affirmatively furthering fair housing efforts here in the county so that all the illegal aliens and you know the so that can destroy the county and the indigent can be shipped out of Montgomery County, out of Baltimore City, out of Prince George's County, out into the to the Country counties.

Speaker 4:

If you want to call, if you want to call it that your way of life is going by the wayside, and they don't care. Look up affirmatively furthering fair housing. This was under the Obama administration in 2014, and that's why you see these apartments being built here. This is why you see Pat Vincente going for all the HUD grants.

Speaker 4:

This is why this is why you see Barry Glassman applied for a unbelievable amount of HUD grants. They are going to change this county and they All they care about is making money right. And he's going to make money off of it because he's going to grease the skids for all the team OD is all the developers are Going to make money off of it.

Speaker 3:

You know destroying your life.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, people in the county council, they're going to make money off of it with their excavating business and everything else.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so they don't care what the people want.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's like, like we said they, it's an illegitimate government. They don't do what the people of this county want, they do what their donors and special interests and do that.

Speaker 3:

I'm look folks. I hate to blame our listeners, but there are people you know voters they're doing the. They're not doing what they should be doing.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry yourselves.

Speaker 3:

We yeah, we all need to do a better job at educating ourselves and paying more attention. If we, if we can pay more attention to the Super Bowl and the specs of football players, we should really Flip that around and spend more time learning about who's running and who's paying who's running and figuring it all out. That's what we do.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, man, well, I gotta do is follow the money and if you go to our website we, the people of MD org you can get on there and you can go to the campaign finance websites and you can look up these candidates and these delegates and these county council people and you can see who's donating the money to them and that's whose interest they're gonna represent. Because it's not gonna be you, because folks I hate to tell you this but the politicians in this county and in this state and in America, really they don't really care about you at all. In fact, the lot of times they actually hate you because they consider you to be, you know, a rub, inconvenient you don't understand, care about you two times. They care about you if they think they can get a campaign donation check out of you and then they care about you on election day.

Speaker 4:

You don't rest the rest of the time you don't matter.

Speaker 3:

That's what they say. You don't understand. There's nothing we can do, guys, is that? Where is that? Was that what you think how this country was formed? Heck, no, that's why TJ went back.

Speaker 4:

Had enough of this if you don't vote for us, you'll get something worse. How's that even possible?

Speaker 2:

right, no, that was their argument. This. You know this past election cycle, you know you can't do that. We're gonna, it's gonna get worse. Huh, no, we're gonna stand up for ourselves. We're gonna do what is right and put good over evil and, I'm sorry, well, and that trains past, because a lot of the people that we're running ain't gonna run again.

Speaker 3:

You're gonna have to figure it out for yourselves.

Speaker 2:

The good thing is, though I sound mean tonight, I don't mean to.

Speaker 3:

I'm sorry, you know it's good. It's who's gonna step up?

Speaker 2:

who's gonna step up? The good news is Timo D they're. They're their rosters expanding. You know their cheerleaders are now coming out. You know being relentless. You know the team o' D's, you know, coming out of the woodworks one and two and they just don't care. But also we have, you know, rhinos like Larry Hogan and these rhino groups. You know.

Speaker 3:

He's gonna forget. Well, he's now running for Congress. He should be hiding because he's a Never mind. I guess I gotta be careful what I say.

Speaker 4:

I call. I call Hogan supporters the Hogan crats Hogan crats, that's, love that's a good one.

Speaker 3:

The Hogan crats there's this guy's got a lot of shady accusations against them.

Speaker 2:

That that you know a lot of skeletons in the Closet. That, um, yeah, I know, which mean you know Couple stories from the Eastern Shore probably need to be talked about, but again, we don't have the time tonight, yeah, but.

Speaker 3:

It's it's. He certainly never did anything for freedom. He said just wear the damn mask. And the mask has been proven not to do anything. I'm sure didn't stop you from eating, did Hogan?

Speaker 2:

He, I remember. Do you guys remember the little lottery guy again, larry Hogan? He's the one that did the. You win $25,000 or whatever if you get the jab and we pull your number out. Yeah, yeah, yeah you remember that poor dude that was standing behind him during those news press conferences, dressed up in the lottery Little ball thing, dancing around while Larry Hogan's up there spewing out. I, I didn't know which one to laugh at more, larry Hogan or the guy dressed up in the lottery outfit promoting getting the vaccine. It was absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker 4:

Well, the guy in the lot of all died from the facts. We don't know that. It's possible that's called gallows humor.

Speaker 3:

Just you know.

Speaker 2:

But again, you know, keep an eye on Larry Hogan, because we he's been very vocal against president Trump. He's been very vocal.

Speaker 3:

Trump or never.

Speaker 2:

Trump or anybody that has spoken up against government control over your complete lives. You know, and don't forget what he's done, but also, as we continue to grow this, don't forget what all these people are doing that are evil throughout. You know, we talked from the apartments and the over development here in Hartford County to not having feeling that you are living in a Safe environment because of the invasion at our southern border. You know, and it's happening everywhere and it's happening. You know, in every state, it's happening locally and it takes Communities like Hartford County, takes communities like the community in Arizona to do small things and you stack these wins together, the people will be represented. But I'm telling you right now you just said it a couple minutes ago If people don't run, it's pointless.

Speaker 4:

You're gonna keep getting the same thing that you got before, only harder.

Speaker 4:

But, you know the thing about, you know these rhino cheerleaders, these little sick of fans that like to stick up for these rhinos Because they got an R next to their name so that they can get invited to the next party or they can get a ticket to the next Event. You know, or whatever See the thing is with between Democrats and quote-unquote Republicans. You know, with Democrats, at least you know what you're gonna get. You know, you know that they're gonna come after you. You know that they're gonna do everything that they can to destroy the way of life that you know normal, regular people have grown accustomed to and and Really want to retain. You know, in this, in this state and in this county and in this country, but the re, the Republicans and the Republicans, they'll look you right in the eye and tell you that you know they're for you and that they believe in the Constitution, all these principles. And then, next thing, you know they're sticking it, putting a dagger in your neck.

Speaker 4:

Oh, yeah, and then is it people turn around and say, oh gosh, I can't believe he did that.

Speaker 3:

I had to support the Democrats because I wanted to get my stupid little school board bill past. It's good for business.

Speaker 4:

Yes, it's good for business you know, being business friendly is not the same as being market friendly.

Speaker 3:

Ain't nobody anybody that thinks Harvard County's business friendlies out of their mind. They shut down businesses, barry Glassman Shut them down so they could not run. So this whole ruling class we have is the opposite of business friendly.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think that you know, always trying to look at a positive light on this. You know, coming up in February 21st it's the third Wednesday of the month now it's seven o'clock, harvard Vineyard, that's our we the people monthly meetings again third Wednesday of the month. Now you know the fact that we're bringing Dan Cox back into our meeting. You know, and I think it's gonna be a breath of breath of fresh air. It's gonna. It's somebody that's gonna be able to answer the questions and the tough questions that you're gonna ask and Since he's running Dan's running as well as again, but he's very well in tune, as a former state delegate, of what's going on inapolis and being in session Right now. Like these are the conversations you know that I think that people need to be engaged in and not be scared to have as well.

Speaker 3:

And that's what we're looking for out of Dan, and we are in no way, shape or form, endorsing him. If you want to know what he's about, come out and listen. He does have a lot of insight as to what's going on in Annapolis. But again, we, the people, it's just about education. So we don't have a whole lot of politicians. We don't like to give them a voice, but we do know that Dan is a straight shooter. So I don't feel as bad about giving him a voice as I would some others.

Speaker 3:

But this is definitely not an endorsement. He's gonna have to earn that. He's gonna have to earn everyone's vote and I hope people Pay attention and follow what's going on so that they can make informed choices. Because let me tell you, when you grab the stack of Mailers out of your mailbox and then you go read them and say, well, I'm gonna pick the one that you know had the best mailer, you've made a huge mistake. You've made a huge mistake and that's, I'm afraid, how people think they're Informing themselves. They're reading the, the politicians mailers. You want to inform yourself. Go look up their financials, follow the money, follow their votes If they've already been in office and see what they've supported and what they have, and it takes some time, but obviously it. I mean, I'm sorry, it's not it's not any more difficult than than remembering the stats of your favorite football player. Okay, exactly.

Speaker 4:

That's called connecting the campaign season with the election season.

Speaker 2:

It's a movie, tommy boy growing up, you know you want me to take that box and write guaranteed on go, take a crap in it and market. You know, guaranteed piece of crap.

Speaker 2:

That's basically, what you know taking that approach is. You know? Let me look, read this mailer. Oh yeah, he's hitting all these notes and we know, you know Tmod loves to snag the opponents and you know the things that they feel are good and they sound good. No, this will get a vote. This will get a vote. I'll throw this on there. Okay, man, you put on here that you know you want to fire dr Bolson. What are you doing about it?

Speaker 3:

Nothing right, what, what have you done? You can say you want to do things. What have you done? I mean this, this this past few years there's been, it's been right for county councils to make statements. If you're a real Conservative organization, your republicans, you could have made all sorts of statements. We got bupkus out of our county. Nothing, nothing but cheerleaders for team O D.

Speaker 4:

When people's lives were being destroyed during COVID, nobody stood up. And For our liberty, for our right to assemble, for our right to free speech, pat Vincenti does nothing but gavel people down and in his Council meetings that people that he doesn't like and people he doesn't like to hear what they're saying. There's no free speech. He runs that county council like a dictator and and they have they. They don't even care about what you have to say. They have public comments at the end. But if they really cared about what you had to say, they would have the public comments at the beginning, before their bills are being voted on we, the people, stood up.

Speaker 3:

I'm gonna say that we, the people, was in those chambers constantly given testimony, a lot of people, that's, who stood up for you, not the government, and there's still people standing up now and I think that we should all encourage each other.

Speaker 2:

So, absolutely over development that's happening now, team O D's introducing crazy bills. This week they or at last week they had the public input meeting for the Auxiliary dwelling units and we talked about that in depth. Well, it popped up, you know, as a edited agenda this week that they were gonna add that in with amendments and start discussing that, potentially voting on that bill. So staying involved is is is monumental in protecting not only your family but also your freedom and your liberty and against what they're saying you well, these developers have property rights. Well, you have property rights too, and you have a right to live in a safe community, and they don't get to tell you what that safe community is. They don't get to tell you what the community that you're gonna live in is. The people get to just decide what the community is going to be like.

Speaker 4:

Well, yeah, and then they also, you know, commit the the Really just kind of a false paradigm where they're Amending a bill the night that they're gonna vote on it, so they're sitting up there reading off 50 amendments saying strike you know, whereas, because you know, striking all these different words out, and they're. They're mentioning the parts of the bill that are gonna strike, but they're only saying the sentences, or the parts of the sentences of the bills, of what's gonna be stricken out of the bill or added into the bill. You have no idea what the bill is actually going to say, what's it gonna when, it's what it's gonna mean, and then they vote on it that night. So, instead of, I mean there should be a rule that if you're making amendments to a bill, you have to post that bill for at least a week so that the public can see what the amendments to the bill and what impact those are gonna have.

Speaker 3:

So let me go back to a comment that the Josh made. He's to. You know people Keep saying that the developers have rights. Everyone has rights. If you have a car in your driveway in Harvard County and doesn't have tags on it, they can come tell you to get rid of it. Okay, presumably the argument is whether that's a quality of life thing for your neighbors. You can't just go and put a lion pit in your yard and that's probably also the argument would be quality of life for your neighbors. So that's the type of things that there are rules for and it's all about the quality of life, mm-hmm. Now when the developer wants to destroy your quality of life, they say, well, we have the right to do that screw you the developer.

Speaker 2:

Here's my interpretation of this. We as citizens value our property rights and value our property for longevity, of of Wealth. You know it takes us years to gain that wealth back. As we're paying off our mortgages and things like that, these developers are making the quick buck. They're getting the quick hit. It's like a drug. You know a drug addiction. Oh, I can make ten million dollars on this project. Give me that project right now. I don't care what it's gonna do to me as a developer in a couple years because I got ten million bucks in the pocket, but I definitely don't care what it's happening to my neighbors. And really, that invasion you know talk about the invasion of the southern border. Well, this overdevelopment and invasion you know in your backyard of in right here in the community. So you know standing up against that and that's a that's doing good over evil, putting right over wrong.

Speaker 4:

Well, and a lot of times these. These developers don't even live in the county. Know that when they were talking about the warehouse thing and you know the Perriman Peninsula, no, all these people were coming in here from Annapolis and Virginia and all these other places, like you know, talking about how this bill was important and they had property rights etc. They weren't even from around here.

Speaker 3:

I promise they wouldn't have any homeowners from from Virginia coming here and speak out.

Speaker 4:

Not only that, like the, when the accessory dwelling unit bill was being discussed, that night I sat there and I listened to it, and the people that were all for it were people that had a financial interest in it. Arp was there, you know, the realtors pack. The realtors pack was there people that were gonna make money off of this or for it? The regular people whose lives and whose neighborhoods we're gonna be impacted, or not for it?

Speaker 3:

And and we're the ones that matter, folks, and that's the tail of the tape, there you go. Take your power back, take it back. I Will give you guys the last word.

Speaker 2:

I got anything there, Patrick?

Speaker 4:

you know, just pay attention and be involved. I mean, you know and live, enjoy life.

Speaker 4:

Some yeah, and enjoy the time with your family, enjoy the time with your kids if you have kids and they're, and they're small even if, even if they're in high school, you know Spend the time with him, because those that time goes by so quickly. I mean, my daughter is 29 now and I would love to have those those years back. But you know, you just have to enjoy life while you're. You know, standing up for your interests and standing up for the Interests of your friends and your neighbors. And you know, become involved. Go to these meetings, go to the development council meetings, find out what's going on, because I'm telling you, by the time you find out, that your neighborhood Is going to be impacted. It's too late.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I'm gonna apologize everybody for the very A downward tone of the entire broadcast late. But I promise, if you join us next week we're gonna have the liquor cabinet open on the freedom pod and we're gonna see what we can do to improve the mood around here.

Speaker 4:

And there'll be juggling.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, well, to build on what you're saying, patrick, you know it's not only Doing something but it's also, you know, checking on your friend, your friends, your family, your neighbor, making sure that they're doing well. It's okay to ask somebody hey, man, you you doing okay. You know we, we get into all into this fight and we get so tied up into you know what, what, what we're being attacked on this week or what they're doing now. But you know people are struggling, but people are doing some really good things, you know. So be positive, but you know, be a community, be a good friend. You know they're not a good friend. You know the government and you know our elected officials are not good friends. They don't have our best interests at heart. So we need to really take that step and do it a you know, one step further and help protect our friends and our family and our community, and last thing we need you to do is to tell everybody when the meeting is one more time.

Speaker 2:

It is Wednesday, february 21st, 7 o'clock pm At Harford vineyard, great venue.

Speaker 3:

They have wine, they have cheese. Very nice building.

Speaker 2:

Yep Down to earth. You know community driven.

Speaker 3:

You know that's what's so good about it Come out to the meeting, meet some like-minded people the fellowship is really great.

Speaker 4:

I mean you get to meet some people and you can Learn, you know what everybody does and you can support your local community business with like-minded people and you know. If you have any information or any tips or if you just want to send a small donation, you can do that and you can send it to us at info.

Speaker 3:

We, the people of MDorg or our post office box and you can meet us and find out that we're not the evil nightmares that I know cheerleaders say we are.

Speaker 4:

Was it PO Box 15 13 for a still Maryland.

Speaker 3:

So, in light of all that good stuff and the fact that we are 59 minutes and 20 seconds into this Good night and, god bless, every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Government Spending and Border Security
Vaccine Safety and Medical Ethics Concerns
Tucker Carlson Interview on Putin+
Government Actions and Aviation Diversity
Politicians' Indifference and Shady Accusations
Government Control and Politicians
Importance of Community Engagement and Support