Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 Episode 5: Echoes of Revolution in the Fight for Modern-Day Liberty

March 06, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 5
Season 2 Episode 5: Echoes of Revolution in the Fight for Modern-Day Liberty
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 Episode 5: Echoes of Revolution in the Fight for Modern-Day Liberty
Mar 06, 2024 Season 2 Episode 5
Live Free - Die Last

Is the Republican National Committee still under the thumb of Trump's influence, or has the political landscape shifted since his presidency? Tune in to our in-depth discussion where we, John Connor, Josh, TJ, and Travis, scrutinize the ex-president's sway over the party and its ripple effects on election integrity, media portrayal, and the immigrant vote. We're not shy about asking the hard questions: Will Biden replicate his previous voter 'turnout', and what truth lies behind the election fraud claims that continue to stir public concern?

Dive headlong with us into the murky waters of local politics right here in Harford County. We don't just talk national; we're on the frontlines of our own backyard, revealing the corruption that often plagues our council chambers and Sheriff's office where personal agendas can overshadow public service. From the power struggles of council members to the debate on political symbols in schools, we shed light on the issues that hit close to home. Discover how community activism is shaping governance and how you, too, can be a force for transparency and integrity in the civic arena.

To cap things off, we draw parallels between the fiery passion of the Boston Tea Party and today's need for unwavering commitment to liberty. The Live Free Die Last Podcast isn't just a platform for discussion; it's a battle cry for all patriots to step up, engage with local government, and demand accountability. We honor the unsung heroes who toil tirelessly to safeguard our freedoms, and we want to light that same fire within you. So, fellow patriots, join our mission—after all, it's your voice and action that will help preserve the freedom we hold so dear.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Is the Republican National Committee still under the thumb of Trump's influence, or has the political landscape shifted since his presidency? Tune in to our in-depth discussion where we, John Connor, Josh, TJ, and Travis, scrutinize the ex-president's sway over the party and its ripple effects on election integrity, media portrayal, and the immigrant vote. We're not shy about asking the hard questions: Will Biden replicate his previous voter 'turnout', and what truth lies behind the election fraud claims that continue to stir public concern?

Dive headlong with us into the murky waters of local politics right here in Harford County. We don't just talk national; we're on the frontlines of our own backyard, revealing the corruption that often plagues our council chambers and Sheriff's office where personal agendas can overshadow public service. From the power struggles of council members to the debate on political symbols in schools, we shed light on the issues that hit close to home. Discover how community activism is shaping governance and how you, too, can be a force for transparency and integrity in the civic arena.

To cap things off, we draw parallels between the fiery passion of the Boston Tea Party and today's need for unwavering commitment to liberty. The Live Free Die Last Podcast isn't just a platform for discussion; it's a battle cry for all patriots to step up, engage with local government, and demand accountability. We honor the unsung heroes who toil tirelessly to safeguard our freedoms, and we want to light that same fire within you. So, fellow patriots, join our mission—after all, it's your voice and action that will help preserve the freedom we hold so dear.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 4:

Hello Harford County. This is another broadcast of the Live Free Die Last Podcast coming to you from the we the People Studios, high above Harford County. I am at the controls of the board tonight. My name is John Connor and to my right we have the Josh.

Speaker 5:

Good evening Patriots. Always good to hear from you.

Speaker 4:

And the ever popular, always fun to have on the show TJ.

Speaker 2:

Thanks for welcoming me, gentlemen. Yes, great to be here.

Speaker 4:

Awesome to have you in the Freedom Pot again. And then we've got Travis. Sunday, sunday, sunday. Thank you. Always a pleasure to have you on board, travis. Let's start off this podcast with some national stuff. I think we're going to talk a little bit about the DJ T. Looks like he's taking over the RNC and making Haley his Well now, this is a kid friendly show because we want the kids to learn some not going to go there, but Nevernicky, nevernicky.

Speaker 5:

I think that works for the kids.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 5:

I think it's personally very interesting what you hear in the mainstream media today and what's really going on and what's happening with the people during this presidential election this year. We are in an election season. It's very interesting to see what everybody's throwing out there.

Speaker 4:

The media is looking really stupid, because the media spends all their time bashing Donald Trump and he is obviously the clear people's choice and he was the last election cycle. Everybody knows it was stolen. It's not stop, stop, stop, stop. We're prosecuting people for January 6th, which the FBI and all you know come on. This is a travesty. People are sick and tired of all this stuff. You have gone too far.

Speaker 5:

Well, I think, if you really look at it, you know, back in 2016, when Trump won his first election and was president, you know it was relentless to attack him, attack him, attack him. You know. Then he ran for reelection. We went through that whole cycle and it's like, literally, are we? Is it Groundhog Day?

Speaker 4:

The media election that Joe Biden got more votes than Barack Obama and any previous person in history. Right, right, come on people. No, we're not stupid, we're not stupid.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and in 2016, the Democrats had a fit that there was election interference, there was election fraud. They didn't want to accept the results of the election. And then, when we do it, rightfully so, because it's so provable, wait, wait, when we do what Prove that there is election interference? Okay, I wanted to make sure you weren't insane when we, when we committed election fraud.

Speaker 5:

I just want to make sure that was clear to everyone.

Speaker 3:

No, we're going to build the biggest. We've got the biggest election fraud organization.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

Thank you, Mr Biden. We need more mail-ins.

Speaker 5:

Oh, and it's interesting, you bring up mail-ins and I know we covered this on our a couple podcasts ago, but that is an absolute joke of what they're trying to put out there. You can send a fax or an email and you're going to trust somebody to take your fax and email and transcribe that into a onto an actual ballot and scan it in for you. No, no, thank you, I want to vote for myself. And you know, looking at this whole situation with Trump versus Biden because that's what's coming down to now, it's going to be Trump versus Biden until you know, obama gets involved in this.

Speaker 5:

You know, is he too old? Is Biden too old? Is he too senile? So we're going to throw somebody else in there at the last minute. Get rid of all of that conversation. It's Trump versus Biden again in this next election cycle. There is no way I'm going to say it right now there is no way, in watching Joe Biden the past three years, to think that there is another 81 million people. That's stupid to vote for him. There wasn't the first time.

Speaker 5:

It wasn't the first time I agree, there is no way they can justify that anymore. Yeah the whole thing is just unless they use the illegal aliens and give them the voting rights. That's the only way that they're going to be able to steal this election.

Speaker 4:

Man, you're going out and saying illegally that aliens are stupid and they're not.

Speaker 5:

That's the thing that the DNC doesn't get. No, I'm saying the DNC is stupid. Yeah, they think that. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't care if you cross this border illegally or legally Doesn't mean you're dumb.

Speaker 2:

Right, but these are the guys who are weird. The Democrats are giving them everything. They were $10,000 on credit cards. I mean free hotel rooms. I mean, that's what they count on, that they're going to be voting Democrat.

Speaker 3:

Did you?

Speaker 4:

hear about that. They're really trying to.

Speaker 3:

Up in New York the $10,000 credit card.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but what they're really trying to do is make the average person believe that it's possible that enough people voted, because the reality is they're switching the votes with the machines, of course, not just mail-in ballots. Of course it's been proven. They've never seen it, but they continue the story that they have to. They've made it. That's funny to me. The people that scream about democracy all the time right, the Democrats, we are a they're the people that have made a mockery out of the Democratic part of our constitutional Republic. They've made a mockery of it. It is a joke and people aren't stupid, they're not stupid?

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. It's going to be a free and fair election again. Until it's on paper and counted.

Speaker 4:

Like remember when the Iranians or whoever it was, that you know we bomb. We bomb the hell out of freedom. They went and got like purple ink on their hand after they voted and they all came out showing the ink on their thumb.

Speaker 5:

Something that simple yeah.

Speaker 4:

It was pretty simple way to keep you from voting twice.

Speaker 3:

But I don't think everybody talks about better access to voting and things like that, and I don't know that it necessarily should be dummy proof. You know, like you're thinking as somebody that doesn't have the aptitude to voluntarily request a absentee ballot, like they, if you know you're going to be out of the country or you're going to be having surgery that day, so you want an absentee ballot for a legitimate reason. If a person isn't willing to do that, if the person isn't willing to take an hour off of work and forego an hour's worth of pay to go and vote, is that person really going to do the research that needs to be done to make a well informed vote? Absolutely not. So you know we don't want people.

Speaker 4:

Well, be careful when you say that, because you're going to put the people off. That's exactly the trap that they're trying to lead you into.

Speaker 5:

Just to build on what you're saying. You know I do challenge. You know fellow fellow citizens of you know Hartford County, the nation, the state. You know we go through life, whether it be as a parent, as a worker or just going through life, Free loader people yes, free loader or trying to find a shortcut. What's easy for me? I don't. I don't want to be, you know, any extra stress added to my life. You know, with all these lockdowns and having to work from home, you know people don't leave their homes anymore. You know it. You can get a lot more work done sometimes when you show up to work.

Speaker 5:

What I'm getting to is we need to dedicate ourselves as a society to go back and say, oh, it's election day. Election day means something. The kids get off of school not just because we need to use the school systems to vote, but we need to make a commitment, not only to make sure that we're voting for the person that has our values and our morals and our principles, but we're dedicating the time that say, hey, no, this day is election day. I'm going to go vote for my candidate. I'm not just going to sit at home and say, oh it's. It might be raining tomorrow, so I'm just going to get, I'm going to, I'm nailed in my books, I don't have to do this anymore, you know or just take the complacency out of the whole situation of society and really get back involved. That's the only way in addition to what you were saying, tj, of how we can have a free and fair election if the people really care about an election anymore and they just don't see it as a burden on them.

Speaker 3:

Right, it's like jury duty. I mean, I'd be excited about having the opportunity to defend the rights of your fellow man on an on a jury. Like what if somebody's wrongfully convicted and all you're thinking about is just getting out of there? It's, it's. It's an honor to be selected for jury duty. It's an honor to be able to go out and vote.

Speaker 4:

It would be at the judicial system, wasn't such a mess? Well, yeah, I mean it's a sad thing that they've done to the system.

Speaker 3:

Your cynicism aside, my point is that people need to be educated, and, and my point is that people need to have skin in the game. And if you're not, if you're not even spending a couple hours reading the candidates websites or going on, you know, looking at a few articles or looking at a few interviews or or attending a forum, if you're going to vote for president of the United States and you don't even know who your county councilman is, you shouldn't be voting until you educate yourself about the issues. And I know people are going to hate that I said that oh, that's, that's terrible. You shouldn't vote. No, I'm telling you not to vote. I'm telling you get educated before you vote.

Speaker 3:

so that you have some skin in the game so that you know what's at stake. Don't just believe the pablum that these candidates spew out every two or four years and tell you what they want to hear. Tell you what you want to hear.

Speaker 4:

That's a problem across all walks of life.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, that's something we brought up before. Is these politicians the fund, raise a lot of money and they'll start lit dropping. You know, send a mailer here and a mailer there. Well, read that mailer. If it's something that you agree with, communicate to them and really find out. Is this something that they truly are passionate about? You know? If they say that, you know, I want two a rights, okay, candidate a. What do you mean by you support two a rights?

Speaker 4:

show up at a forum and constitutional carry. Look at their voting record right.

Speaker 5:

Don't just look at this little piece of lit. That lit is to get your vote. What do they really mean in the core values of their soul?

Speaker 2:

And especially, we've learned the hard way, especially with local elections. We've seen the consequences of just trusting the fact that there's an R behind someone's name or that they were a former Marine.

Speaker 4:

sorry, it pains me to say it, but you know I'm referring to. Yes, we know, once a Marine, always a Marine. So it struck us as odd when someone said that, except with one person.

Speaker 2:

But yeah, you just, you can't take for granted that someone is a constitutionalist just because they're a Republican, and the bigger, the more power they get, the less constitutionalist they are.

Speaker 4:

And what was that? The more corrupt they were. I think you had a saying way back in the day TJ, Give us a modern version.

Speaker 2:

Basically, I said, he who is anxious to rule should never be given the opportunity.

Speaker 4:

Amen, ding, ding. That's why he's the smartest man in the room. Folks, I know we're way out in the weeds and I'm gonna stay in the weeds for a second, because one of the things that kind of upsets me is entitlement and people. When the government gives you something, they take some dignity from you. You may not realize that, but when your subsubstitutes and everything you have comes from the government, they're taking your dignity and that's a sad thing and we see it with society. You know how many times we pull up TikTok and see some crazy person behind the counter at McDonald's or Chick-fil-A just going crazy because their milkshake was too full or something. That is ridiculous behavior and I believe it's brought on by all the entitlement programs. People are claiming the DNC swears that certain groups of people are all victims. That's not true. Stop.

Speaker 5:

And it goes back to you know it's a very deep kind of comment, but you know you have the right to be born, but you don't have the right to live necessarily. You gotta struggle for it, man. Yeah, you know, raising kids, whatever it may be that brings upon you, it is a battle, but it is something that morally, deep down in your soul, you want to thrive and succeed, because you want your offspring to thrive and succeed. You want your society, you want your community Well, and it gives you pride in all sorts of good feelings.

Speaker 4:

It's set up that way. You're supposed to look at your accomplishments and be happy. And I don't mean that you got the best score on Xbox that day, although there's nothing wrong with that as an accomplishment too. I mean, that's great if that's your thing. But guys, working for a living makes you feel good.

Speaker 5:

It's satisfying it is, you know, and keeping that satisfaction kind of going. Did anybody hear about the North American Rhino that was spotted in Kentucky?

Speaker 4:

on the trail cam.

Speaker 2:

I wish we were on video.

Speaker 4:

What's it of the McConnell clan? It was.

Speaker 3:

How does the people of the state that elected Rand Paul and Thomas Massey, how do they keep voting for that clan?

Speaker 4:

Do they? I don't know, they're confused. They're talking politics.

Speaker 5:

He's a rhino mixed with a turtle. Like what is this? Is it like a post turtle? A?

Speaker 4:

post turtle. We have our own. But wait, wait, I am not a McConnell fan law and I thought it was fascinating and odd at the same time that he came out and endorsed Trump Immediately. Like it just could be senile here.

Speaker 2:

It could be some old age stuff, I guess, since he's stepping down, he's not under any corruption, bribing, you know, threats by whatever, so he can finally say something that he actually thinks. I don't know.

Speaker 4:

Well, I think you're giving an awful lot of credit, but I hope you're right.

Speaker 3:

Lindsey Graham to stay, endorsed him too, so even a broken clock's right twice a day.

Speaker 5:

So I was just going to bring that up in a very interesting point during their conversation. I don't know if it was Graham or Trump that made the specific comment, but it was based around hey, if I have a problem with the Democrats, I call Lindsey Graham. I was like that's a little odd, you know, because he gets one Right.

Speaker 4:

But I digress Well you do, but you do it well. So wait, we just had Super Tuesday.

Speaker 2:

He's not regressive, he's digressive.

Speaker 4:

But I thought he was digesting Super Tuesday, right, and we had something interesting, I thought on the Democrat side, why did they even have a primary in American Samoa if they can't vote? I don't understand that concept, but they did, and some guy that nobody ever heard of beat Joe Biden. Last name Palmer or something like that.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

In the Democratic primary.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you were a Democrat, had to vote Democrat. Wouldn't you vote for anyone else but the?

Speaker 5:

guy that got the most votes in history, suppose that we're supposed to believe, because they didn't get the update on the machines.

Speaker 4:

Their whole narrative is just falling apart. All the mainstream media has disgraced themselves, including Fox News. Everybody sees through their BS now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, their modems weren't working in America.

Speaker 4:

The modems weren't working.

Speaker 2:

So the routers were down. Where's that mail truck?

Speaker 4:

Wait, I heard today he won because a ship full of mail and ballots showed up.

Speaker 5:

But looking at this, so Haley only won two states right, Washington DC, and then the Wombs For the sewer.

Speaker 4:

I'm sorry. Democrats are allowed to vote in Vermont, Vermont.

Speaker 5:

So where you go? I'm glad you brought that up.

Speaker 4:

So one state Well, it's maple syrup seasoned up there, so they're all a little crazy right now.

Speaker 5:

But they are allowed. If you're a Democrat, you can vote either way. If you're a Republican, you can vote either way. You know, here in Maryland you're a Republican, you vote for the Republican. Am I saying which way is right or wrong, but I'm just bringing that to light, that the only way that Trump lost was in a state that the Democrats were able to out vote and vote for Nikki Haley.

Speaker 5:

And it was first fight, obviously. And then you have DC, which is, I think, that, what Trump said. You know, I stayed far away from DC and the RNC of DC because that is a cesspool.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, if you win DC, it's a bad sign.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, but she could.

Speaker 2:

Today it was great, back in the back of my day, back in your day.

Speaker 4:

Yes, that's why you chose it for the Capitol. I heard you were. You know, I really don't know. I was making that up. Well, I did, I did ever see the Louisiana Purchase.

Speaker 2:

We doubled the size of the country.

Speaker 4:

I want everybody to know that when I am making stuff up, I will tell you I'm a terrible liar.

Speaker 2:

As opposed to all the other politicians.

Speaker 4:

The Louisiana Purchase Excellent move, excellent move.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you very much.

Speaker 4:

So there's some other stuff national, before we get into the local stuff that we're known for. The CDC's got egg on their face too. We're seeing all these people that we call morticians not Morticia, but Mortician's people that embalm bodies. When you embalm a body, the way I understand it is that you pump, you drain the blood from the body and then you pump an embalming fluid through the arteries and veins to fill, fill them up to keep keep people from rotting so quickly. I guess Is that the word? I don't know.

Speaker 5:

I think that's a good synopsis.

Speaker 4:

Right. So think of the heart, I'm sorry, yeah, the heart, the veins and the arteries as a plumbing system. If you're going to fill this plumbing system, you got to make sure there's no clogs. And what they're finding is these really odd clogs, these clots, long, fibrous clots in, actually sometimes even in arteries, not just veins, and apparently that's very unusual. And they're finding it a lot and they had never Mortician and bombers are saying they hadn't seen this pre-vax. So there's quite a few fascinating things out there on it.

Speaker 5:

This isn't new, so like this isn't groundbreaking to the listeners. We've been talking about this for over a year now year and a half now when these videos and Morticians really started coming out and saying hey guys, I'm seeing something that this isn't right, we've never seen it before, and it fell on deaf ears. Here we are again coming back out and more and more people are coming to light. Here's where I look at this. It's the same thing that we're fighting for when we talk about the schools or the over development, you know being locked down, whatever it may be, the struggle that we have personally, as far as you know, being ahead of the game, bringing this to light to the community and to people. It's a constant cycle. Again I brought up before is it Groundhog Day Like? How many times do we have to revisit an issue or a topic to wake more people up?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, these are the things we were speaking in front of the county council about two years ago.

Speaker 4:

Three years ago. Three years ago Three years ago.

Speaker 2:

Three years ago. Three years ago. Three years ago, three years ago.

Speaker 5:

And that's when it becomes our job. Sadly, and I don't mind doing it on a regular basis as well, as as long as more and more people are waking up and joining on the bandwagon and saying, hey, we ain't doing this stuff.

Speaker 4:

Well, let's look even further, because there's a lot of news out about this RSV vaccine too. I don't believe it's the same type of vaccine. I don't think it's a Myrna vaccine, but a lot of people are being injured by it and not many people are taking it, and I find out that there's a lot of kind of weird circumstances by which they bring some of these vaccines. The American people would like to think that they're all very well vetted and all sorts of, but that's not the case. That is not the case. It is really sad. If you start, you want to, you want something to do, you want to get interested, start learning about how some of our food preservatives and the chemicals and things in our food system and the drugs start digging into how, how, what they have to do to become viable. Fd approved.

Speaker 4:

Yeah a government approval. Some of them do go through rigorous channels, but a lot of them don't. And the ones that don't, you can look at the names of the companies behind them and go. Hmm.

Speaker 5:

And here's something we brought up too All this money that was giving out during COVID. Where did this go? You know we, the CDC, is now walking back on the quarantine. So if you have, you know, quote unquote COVID, treat it like the flu treat it like the flu so finally coming on saying hey, if you have COVID, treat it like the flu.

Speaker 4:

Why is it different now than it was? It's not, it's not, it's not Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

Just like Ward stood in front of the, sat in front of the county council saying, oh yeah, incidents of flu, we had to to.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, he's ready for next year. It's coming back.

Speaker 2:

They screwed up and they don't want to tell us Because everything was COVID because we only so we only had two flu. I mean, the whole room erupted in laughter because it's just so, so ridiculous.

Speaker 4:

And just as a public service announcement, when these people do start admitting their failures and things, there will be people like me standing there saying you need to pay the price, you need to be tried. We will never let you forget. You never get a pass ever. You killed people, you murdered American citizens and you knew it in your scum and they stole money.

Speaker 5:

They literally stole money and again going back. Where is this money? I have a problem if they're shutting down hospitals right now because the hospital is saying I don't have enough money. If we're laying off actual doctors, like they are here locally, and going to contract employees for lesser pay and lesser benefits, I have a major issue, especially if you look at the school systems. The school systems are asking for so much more money. They got a ton of money.

Speaker 2:

Where did it go Well locally? I mean, we know that it was very well spent the CARES Act money here in Hartle County because our illustrious county executive at the time, barry Glassman, spent almost $300,000 on statewide TV ads to tell you how to wash your hands Just before he was getting ready to run for a contract.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, as long as they mentioned his name, he's happy to do that, oh yeah, and the school spent over $2 million on Plexiglas that I think was used, maybe once. Yeah, a lot of ridiculous stuff.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because viruses can't go around Plexiglas. I don't know if you knew that.

Speaker 4:

The same people want to be your leaders again. They want when I talked to the council about this. When these guys run, they're not necessarily aware that they're going to be involved in very stressful situations, but you better be ready for them. Don't run if you can't handle it. And we don't have people here that can handle it maybe one or two.

Speaker 2:

They have no interest in protecting the rights and the freedoms of the citizens they represent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and then they're going to get upset when we come up there and yell at them. Well, guess what? That's what you signed up for.

Speaker 2:

They don't like yelling or applause.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and it's one thing I think we're going to get into a little bit later is you talk about getting in front of the council and holding them accountable? That's one thing that we're winning at right now. This current council and this current local government is hearing the people. They might not be representing the people, they're not on the grand scheme of things, but the people that on the council Team, od, for instance, they bring up something, it's like whack-a-mole. As soon as they say something stupid, they go wham, wham, wham, wham and just getting beaten down.

Speaker 4:

And then they get off the dice, they run back to the man behind the curtain and they go hey boss, what's going on, man?

Speaker 2:

You said it'd be OK. Yeah, it's never happened before help. They don't run to their constituents, by the way because, they are not representing their constituents. They're not even making a pretense. Thereof I mean insanity.

Speaker 5:

Do we want to continue? Local, you know. Get off of this man.

Speaker 4:

I can't segue into local much better than that? I don't think so.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, we're kind of there already.

Speaker 4:

You know what I got to say. Travis has been oddly quiet. I don't know what he's doing over there.

Speaker 3:

Oh, just you know. Wait until I see the weights of their eyes.

Speaker 2:

He's up in anchor.

Speaker 4:

That's all right, man. So I'm fondling some of the controls in the pod. I don't know what he's doing.

Speaker 3:

Just give me the signal when you're ready for me to let loose on Buford T Gaylor.

Speaker 4:

Oh man, fondling was a bad word to use, I'm sorry.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 5:

Well, before we chime in about Buford there, I think we need to set the stage on what's going on Again let's talk about the World Heavyweight Championship bout of Aaron Penman versus Bob Cassily.

Speaker 4:

Ding ding.

Speaker 2:

One's a lightweight, by the way, let's get ready to rumble.

Speaker 5:

You know I'm sorry this is getting ridiculous and out of control. I will be honest. This week we had a county council meeting that I attended. Aaron Penman got on there when he had a chance to say whatever he wanted to say during input from the council and he started spewing. He said facts about why he's attacking Bob Cassily.

Speaker 3:

Air quotes. Noted when you said facts, yeah, air quotes noted.

Speaker 5:

Thank you, yes, everybody's fed up with this. There was a large number of the people that were in attendance, you know. Probably a dozen people stood up as soon as he started spewing this and just walked out. You know, in saying we're done listening to this, you can say whatever you want on the council, and this is what you're doing. You're bringing. He actually brought in the Baltimore Sun to the council meeting to listen to his spiel. I haven't seen the article yet from the Baltimore Sun this week, but again, this is a joke I haven't here in front of me.

Speaker 5:

Well, no, no, that's not the article. That's Buford's letter to the editor about the situation.

Speaker 4:

Well, one of the situations.

Speaker 5:

I just have a problem, because it's constant battle. Aaron Penman represents District B here in Hartford County and I feel bad for the residents and the citizens of District B because they have zero representation. They told him no, and I'm in District B. I will just be 100% honest here. We went to a community advisory board meeting last week. We've had hundreds of emails being sent saying we don't want this type of stuff. We don't want this type of stuff. And here we are. He continues to plow through, plow through, plow through, even leaves it on the agenda to be voted on at this last county council meeting and at the last second he pulls it back and says oh, I'm pulling this bill. He's playing with the people and he's just wasting time.

Speaker 4:

And before the last election there was tons of people out giving testimony. He never once came before the council that I heard to give testimony.

Speaker 2:

He wasn't out there telling? Did he even come to listen to testimony he?

Speaker 4:

very much misrepresented himself to the people. And now I think what happens now is the man behind the curtains telling him what to do and he's like OK, I'll do it boss.

Speaker 5:

And the other part of this argument is why did Aaron go after Cassley again? Well, because through all of this Aaron said that Bob Cassley illegally signed a plot Signed off on a transfer.

Speaker 5:

Signed off on a transfer which, again, I'm not the court of law, I'm not the judge, jury executioner, but from the evidence that's been provided to the public, it has been explained that that was not the case and that is false information. But Aaron now excuse me, bob Cassley, his rebuttal is something that is of worthy of discussion. It's because Aaron Penman is a sheriff he's now employed again the past six months at the sheriff's office as well as the council, and the inquiry has been sent to the board of ethics of Harper County to say, hey, is this in violation? And he's double dipping.

Speaker 4:

And interestingly enough right, and he got a raise too.

Speaker 2:

Plus, you got a guy whose boss is obviously going to run against Cassley as the county executive. But didn't the. And this is your boss. So you're the spearhead of attacks against the political opponent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Didn't the health department?

Speaker 2:

I mean your boss.

Speaker 4:

Didn't they cut loose the guy in the health department because he was double dipping Yep.

Speaker 2:

Yes, he did.

Speaker 4:

And that's the council. Who is the health department? Mm-hmm.

Speaker 5:

And that was um what's his name.

Speaker 4:

Good old um.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it sure looks like Votive, the votive candle guy.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it sure. It sure looks like like TJ is absolutely correct, because while Jeff Gaylor has not declared that he is running for county executive. Most people think he is.

Speaker 2:

And Aaron.

Speaker 4:

Penman seems to be going after Bob Cassley for anything and everything he can figure out to do, although I think it's backfiring. I think people at this point are laughing at the guy.

Speaker 2:

I see you can watch faces on the dais and they're laughing at him, I mean come on, and, by the way, this has been the history of Hartford County over the past 30, 40, 50 years truly Corruption at a under the radar level, so that the planners that be, and we know who they are, you know who's?

Speaker 2:

Disney are setting up, who they want to be the successor to this guy and who's going to success to this guy, and it's a laid out plan. But the plans now are being exposed and the corruption is being exposed and it's interesting to see this.

Speaker 5:

It's an interesting time. What's also interesting to see is we had Barry Glassman and sidekick Billy before you know, you always need a sidekick, some not as intelligent person just to go along.

Speaker 2:

So that's what seems to happening now is you have Gaylor and Penman.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, but again I want to add to you know a lot of people less intelligent than the post turtle.

Speaker 5:

Oh golly. But so really, what's around this is, penman not only had input on the sheriff's budget, but also voted on the sheriff's budget. That's where this whole ethics violation, you know, question comes in. You know that's his employer. Well, and it's the county charter we're talking about. Right.

Speaker 4:

The county charter literally forbids what's happening. Yeah absolutely. The same thing with the school guy Bennett, but I mean they did. It's Maryland, you're going to find some corrupt judges. It's not hard to do.

Speaker 3:

So I'm not Bennett Speak out Travis. They're both still. They're both in the same boat, they're both getting a paycheck from the government And-.

Speaker 4:

Two paychecks.

Speaker 3:

Both, yeah, both of them should be disqualified. But I think in Penman's case it's even worse because Bennett, in his situation as a kindergarten teacher whatever, he is fifth grade teacher no disrespect and regarding I don't believe this is what he-.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I don't remember which grade he teaches, but nevertheless he's not in a position of authority, he's not working for a branch of government, he's not working for the executive branch, he's not. He is working for a government agency, which is Hartford County Public Schools, but he, whereas Penman, as a sheriff's deputy, he is working for the judicial branch of government. He is working for the judicial branch and he is working for the legislative branch in Hartford County, which is not only prohibited by the county charter it's antithetical to the whole American system. Well, in the Maryland Constitution. So you have Jeff out here.

Speaker 4:

You know, give her to the sheriff who's the sheriff? And should be a constitutional-.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and, by the way, Buford was arguing that the office of the sheriff is an independent office and he knows that it is not what gives him the authority for his office. It's article four, section seven of the Maryland State Constitution. That is where the authority for the sheriff exists. So there are. You know, maryland Constitution defines what independent agencies are and like, I think, maryland School for the Blind, some, you know, maryland Insurance Commission, those kinds of things are considered independent agencies. The sheriff is not. The sheriff is a state constitutional officer. It is required by the Constitution, by the law of the land, that we have a sheriff and that can be changed. The duties of the sheriff can be altered by the legislature. But that is what it says. And so what Buford DeGaler is depending on for his interpretation is what the Democrats do.

Speaker 3:

It's called judicial activism. He keeps citing what these judges, these liberal Maryland judges, are saying about it and completely ignores what the Maryland Declaration of Rights say. In section eight of the Declaration of Rights. He ignores the plain language of section 207 of the Hartford County Charter. He ignores Article Four, the Maryland Constitution, and he's greatly misrepresenting himself. And if he doesn't know this stuff, he has no business occupying that office If he doesn't know all this stuff already and people don't understand the process matters. So, like if you start making these exceptions in the law because you're getting your way, then that always comes back to bite you in the butt. People need a set of rules to play the game. You can't add extra innings. You can't have four outs in a baseball game for one team and two outs for the other, or just on a graduating scale. And that is exactly what our chief law enforcement officer of this county is doing. He's not enforcing the law at all, he's pursuing judicial activism to get his way.

Speaker 4:

And they've all taken a note to defend the Constitution. The county charter means something and they're just ignoring it. It's absolutely ridiculous.

Speaker 3:

And let me. I got another rant here too.

Speaker 2:

Because he woke. Mr Sunday woke up. In case you didn't see it, I woke the sleeping giant.

Speaker 3:

All right, so Jeff Gaylor, buford T Gaylor, he does this press release. It was published March 6, 2024. That is today, wednesday, right? I'm probably not supposed to say what day it is. Doesn't matter, doesn't matter. Okay, so we are recording today, March 6, 2024. What happened Friday, March 1, 2024? What do we? What happened on US one?

Speaker 4:

One of the big guys in the sheriff's department had had a got a DWI from an accident.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I believe it was the head of the, the sergeant in charge of the internal affairs unit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, okay, you think this is a distraction.

Speaker 3:

Which they call the office of professional standards. They don't call it IA officially, but so OPS, office of professional standards. Ops, he works for OPS.

Speaker 5:

Well, you bring that up and you know, is it a, is it a cover up? I can't answer that.

Speaker 5:

All I can answer is I don't think he's taking the stand in, jumping on the bandwagon of his employee. Is sitting County Councilman defending him, not not only in the news but also we talked about. Is Gaylor running for county executive and what's Penman doing? Because we know that he's a dead man walking as far as being a county councilman, you know, is he running for delegate, has been, you know, a conversation has been thrown out there.

Speaker 5:

But I want to bring up one other thing that was during this county council meeting and you talked about Jacob Bennett. He had a very interesting comment last night during his public input from a from a county councilman. He said that Aaron did not say anything about my case. So I'm not going to say anything about his case, but I will leave you with this. I wasn't paid for four months and he's still getting paid. And I want to add to that he gets paid well into the six figures that's Aaron Penman well into the six figures from the sheriff's office. I don't know what other jobs he has and we're not going to go down that route, but I know between the county council and the sheriff's office he's put pushing $200,000 a year. So it was very interesting to hear Bennett say that, that I went through all this and I didn't have a paycheck for four months. Well, now we have the are. Who's in the same situation?

Speaker 4:

and they're both getting double paychecks. They're both wrong.

Speaker 5:

They are, and I think you look at that on the state level. You know. You look at the judge. Now we went all the way to the Supreme Court. The judge says it's okay. Well, the charter doesn't say it's okay. All the different layers doesn't say it's okay. Why isn't this being challenged? Why is the? Why is the people of Hartford County sitting stagnant? When is the Board of Ethics going to rule something? When is this going to hit down in Annapolis? When is it going to get escalated and when are we going to actually see results? Is it going to take four years and he's just going to get a free ride on the council for four years?

Speaker 4:

Frankly, the charter is what gives them the authority to rule and govern. If they're not going to ignore the charter, then they have no authority.

Speaker 2:

Yep absolutely. Look at what's happened around the country, with local governments being basically toppled by the people and locked out of their own chambers.

Speaker 4:

TJ you know this better than anyone. It's a nominal thing that's going on around the country in some places when people start, when governments lose their credibility and the people say we're not listening anymore, you've got a real problem in your hands. Real problem and I think, tj, what you're speaking about was one of them was what? Michigan, michigan, yep. They changed the locks. They changed the locks on the door, they locked the council out because they were illegal. It's a beautiful thing.

Speaker 2:

It's the spirit of 1776.

Speaker 4:

Right. This country was founded in a revolution, a real revolution, and what's going on now is it's got to be tipping the scales towards something like that again. I mean, I didn't live through all the different wars and things, but I can't imagine that it's ever been much more many people who are fed up with government than there are now.

Speaker 5:

I want to give an example of that because we just experienced that this week, in the past couple weeks, as many of our listeners known. As many of us know, bill 24-001 here in Hartford County was for the accessory dwelling units was to be able to put a so current legislation. You can have a family member inside your house and, as a quote, unquote rental property. This bill that was introduced by none other than A A Ron Penman, would now allow you to do a separate building on your property, as long as you had an acre up to 1200 square feet, and rent that out to anybody. The people push back. I mean, we push back, we push back, we push back. You know, and as the facts were coming out, you know, just in my community, my district, there was over 3,000. There was 3,282 homes that were eligible to put a rental property on their house.

Speaker 5:

Justin, your district, justin, my district, that's not looking at this all the districts A through F in Hartford County. I'm just talking about district B. It failed, as I mentioned before. You know he pulled the bill last, this past meeting. He wasted our time. But, going back to what you're saying, the people are winning. We are winning when we're saying that, hey, we stood up, he pulled the bill, but we're not going to give up and say, oh, thank you. No, we're already looking at it, and I'm speaking from talking to the community they're already looking at it. Oh, he pulled this because he's got something else up his sleeve. Stay vigilant, stay active. Don't let these people pull this crap anymore.

Speaker 4:

So, josh, you're doing a great job of getting people aware and to do things. Tell us about the next big thing going on that they should be aware of, that they can actually participate in. There's little I said big thing. There's little things that the people can do, and we're going to start doing some training, I think at the we, the People meetings, but one of the things coming up is to do with the schools. I won't steal your thunder, josh.

Speaker 5:

No, I think this is a group discussion, because what the school has proposed right now and they're asking for public input and this is where it comes down to us as the people. This is when it becomes, you know, the evil versus good. The school is looking at getting rid of all the other BS flags. You know and looking at you can only have the United States flag and the state flag and the county flag inside the school system.

Speaker 4:

Can't have your day-learn heart flag anymore if this rule passes you can't have your rainbow flags.

Speaker 5:

You can't have, you know, all these other flags flying around. Black lives matter. These have been distractions in class for many years Gatsby flag. Yeah, you know, and there's compromises on both sides, you know. So I would have liked to have a Gatsby flag inside of the school. As somebody else would like to have a rainbow flag, okay, I won't put my flag in. You won't put your flag in. We're going to keep an American flag in here.

Speaker 4:

It doesn't make sense in the school system to just have the three flags you mentioned and let's leave all that other stuff. It doesn't belong in school.

Speaker 5:

It's a distraction to the kids.

Speaker 4:

Yes, they need to be learning, not debating the merits of cutting your penis off.

Speaker 5:

Well, I'll even say, not even just a distraction to the kids, it's a distraction to the staff and to the teachers. Because if we remember last year I think it was I forget what middle school it was, but we had a teacher there was video of a teacher dancing down the hallways with a rainbow flag and throwing it in people in the students faces and waving it around them Like we don't need that stuff in the school and they're always talking about oh you can't offend us.

Speaker 4:

Well, there's other people that are offended by your actions. It really is a two way street and there's no reason to go out of your way to offend each other at school.

Speaker 5:

No no, it's absolutely not, and you know talk about bullying and all that type of school. That's a form of bullying. It is absolutely a form of bullying. So what can the people do? To have a say really quick takes your five minutes. If you go to the HCPSorg, which is Hartford County Public Schoolsorg, you go to the little menu bar the three little bars you know, for the drop down. You go to the board of education, click on board of education and it'll give you more selections. Underneath of that it says public input on policies. You click that button and it'll open it up.

Speaker 5:

I think there's two or three policies right now that are open for the public. This specific policy that they're reviewing is open till March 28, I believe. So it takes you five minutes. Get on the internet, find the website again, hcpsorg, go to the board of education tab, drop that down and hit the public input on policies, and all it takes is put a sentence or two. You can just put I'm in favor of this bill. I'm not in favor of this bill, but you should give a little bit of context to it, because this is very impactful. This is a situation where the board will use. Well, we had 50 people saying yes and we had 51 people saying no, so we're going to vote no. That's how basic this could possibly be, but if you give good input on why you feel this way and why it means something for your family, that's something that goes a little bit farther. But again, this is a small way to participate to taking back our community and taking back our county.

Speaker 2:

But very, very important.

Speaker 5:

And, as I keep saying, we are winning, we need to keep putting the pressure on don't take our foot off the throat of freedom and pursuing what is best for our community, ourselves and our family. And I say community because everybody's involved in the community. I'm not trying to dictate what somebody else does or to say what they need to do to live, but to coexist in a society. We need to have stronger people with stronger backbones, saying that this infiltration into taking over our familial life, taking over our homes, taking over whatever the government wants to take from us, is not right.

Speaker 3:

Your health choices, your parental controls?

Speaker 2:

Yes, Dividing people is part of their strategy. There's no question about it.

Speaker 4:

And let's get on the bigger stage here and look back. I know we've started with a national and local. There's all sorts of articles now where they want to ban you having a backyard garden. They don't want you to be able to feed yourself, they don't want you to be self-sufficient. So you better believe that you better be getting self-sufficient.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

They don't want to ban you from having a backyard garden for your own good. Okay.

Speaker 2:

No, you will own nothing and be happy.

Speaker 1:

You will grow nothing and be happy. You will eat the bugs, you will eat the bugs and the artificial meat.

Speaker 4:

It's eye-opening. I am a Christian, I believe in Jesus, so I don't go putting a whole lot of faith in the astrology and things like that. But I have a friend that years ago was telling me that remember when everybody was upset about or anxious about the end of the Mayan calendar. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 4:

You know, the Mayans kept very good track of the celestial movements for thousands of years and then abruptly, I don't remember how many years ago, it stopped, it was the end of it. But he was telling me at that point and again, I'm not putting a lot of other than it was interesting Okay, he was saying that you know, that was the age of kings or something is what we came out of, I believe.

Speaker 4:

He was saying and when we're going into the age of enlightenment, and I thought you know, like I said, I don't put a whole lot of faith in that type of stuff, but it sure is interesting that here we are. It kind of feels like we're getting dumber In 2020, no, I don't think so. Look around, man Like. Donald Trump's great contribution to America was to flush out all these wackadoodle leaders and show you what their real interest was. The swamp, the swamp, yeah, he's real. I mean, how many more people know about the corruption in government now than did before?

Speaker 5:

So Would we be here doing what we're doing without those occurrences in our history? Because I feel that that's what we are doing. We're enlightening the county, the community, on how bad. Don't just trust these people because their name or you, you know whatever. Get involved, understand what's going on and make sure that you stand up for yourself and your family too, because you know what's best for yourself. And, deep down, if you have a gut feeling saying I don't know about this, trust your gut.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean, those local leaders are falling exactly in line with the agenda 2030 with 15 minute cities, with urbanizing the county and bring, basically bringing in sure HUD money and grants and all that kind of stuff. But there's only a very few people that benefit from that and we know who they are because they're their team OD. But the quality of life is significantly impacted and we've seen, we see it already see it every day more and murders here and there, it's like well, just driving out onto the roads, we see it.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, absolutely and the time is now to do this stuff. We have a 2024 election. You know that's a national election, a presidential election also, you're gonna have, you know, some local people getting elected. These people need to be vetted out. They need to be put on the hot seat and make sure that you know, you feel comfortable, you know whether it be the presidential election, whether it be, you know, congressional or senate, whatever it may be, but this is followed up. Right around the corner from this is 2026, when the local election happens again. This is a cycle. We are right in the middle of this cycle.

Speaker 5:

We came out of 2022, you know, the last local election, and here we are right now. You know, a year and a half later or two years later, saying that, hey, our community, our county is corrupt. Here's what's going on and here's how we can take a stand as a community and fix this stuff. Well, our first choice we messed up in 2022. We got 2024 to fix a little bit, but we need to be prepared not only double down on 2024 and hit 2026 hard and get rid of all of them. You know we, we, we praise that. You know Mitch McConnell. You know the, the, the, the north american rhino from Kentucky is now stepping away. Well, we need them all here locally to get to get out of here. We need the people themselves to have representation and not the special interest groups well and the other candidates john yes, john, I was going to steal your thunder.

Speaker 3:

John, take it on on. Uh, at our last meeting, john. Well, he does this frequently at our meetings and says hey, you know, people need to get up and run.

Speaker 3:

You got to step up and run for office you can't be the guy that's always waiting for somebody else to do stuff, and sometimes you know when you're, when you're down and you see something bad happen and and you seem to be the only one that realizes that something bad is happening and nobody else is doing anything. You know, god might be telling you to get up and do something and I'll tell you something else. So not just running for office. We we'd need candidates and but we also need uh when he. We need people to show up to some of these meetings. Nobody, nobody goes to these county council meetings. They don't go to the uh board of elections meetings, they don't go to the board of ed meetings and there's a small group of people that routinely do well yeah, yeah, but I mean there's not massive amounts of right and what they should need a bigger room in this county what influences?

Speaker 3:

what influences politicians is large amounts of angry voters.

Speaker 3:

You are 110 percent correct travis and if we're not many hands make light work. There's a lot of love it. There's a few people doing a lot of work right now and you know it could. It could be a whole lot better if a lot of people were doing a little bit of work. You know, if you took an hour, you know half hour every day to to do some kind of activism, to get involved, to figure out what you can do, you know, talk to people that are doing it already. You know chances are if, if you see people that are involved in activism, they're probably getting burned out because they're probably not getting a lot of help.

Speaker 3:

Good point, and I'm not saying just you know, definitely, uh, that applies to our group, but if you're involved in some other group, you know. If you're in baltimore county, if you're listening to this podcast in minnesota somewhere. Find out what your local people are doing. Find the people that believe the way that you believe. Don't try and reinvent the wheel. You don't have to start a whole new organization. Find. Find people that are already active in your area, standing up for individual liberty, standing up for the constitution, standing up for your, your, the bill of rights and your way of life.

Speaker 4:

If, if we have a listener in minnesota, please go to we, the people of mdorg, and let us know. Yeah, we'll send you a hat. You know we we do have merch. If you want to know how to get involved, go to we, the people of mdorg. My favorite, my favorite way to contact us is to drop a letter at po box 13 in forest hill, maryland. Uh, our guy will. Will go in there and he looks over his shoulder. He doesn't want to have anybody know that he's getting the mail. He doesn't want to be followed. But one day there's going to be something important in that mailbox.

Speaker 2:

You could be the one that sends in to us and you can even follow us on facebook at we, the people of md, as well tj.

Speaker 4:

Look at tj with all the technology. Yeah, I'm doing with that guy would have done the new box. Now the tea party would have been taken to a whole new level. And, by the way, go to boston and check that stuff out, because if you think the tea party was not a violent act of revolution, you're nuts, those people. They put it all on the line in that city. They put it all on the line to do what they did stay.

Speaker 4:

It took a lot of courage. So, when everybody's sitting around going, well, what can we do? What can we do? We need a lot more courage, we need more conviction. We need people that are ready to go that mile. I will be a free man. I will die a free man. So if you feel that way too, let's you know, let them all know, don't be scared.

Speaker 5:

And that's why our podcast is named live free, die last. There's no joker behind that there. That is the message.

Speaker 2:

There's nothing like freedom you can share that with everyone you know in any way you can at live free die last dot org. Live free, die last dot org I love it, tj bringing it.

Speaker 4:

Travis, you've been amazing tonight. We're going to give you another last. Well, wait, did anybody else have anything to say?

Speaker 3:

then let's give tj the mic on the last notes oh boy, because the pressure is enormous well, we could lower the pod and come down to, you know, 20 000 feet, if that helps yeah, I just uh thankful for all the patriots that we have here in harvard county and the people that do uh work and attend those meetings and and uh, you know it's not easy, you take time away from your family and uh, the people that go to those meetings the county council meetings, the board of elections meetings, there's there's a lot of people doing stuff behind the scenes and I'm really thankful for them yeah, there's a lot of good stuff going on.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, amen, and and I know it's corny man, but if you can hear this, you are the resistance you really are. Yep, yep. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching.

Election Integrity and Civic Engagement
Political Corruption and Vaccine Dangers
Local Politics Corruption and Power Struggles
Community Activism and Government Accountability
Local Activism and Political Engagement
Live Free, Die Last