Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 Episode 6: Rallying for Transparency: The Struggle for Parental Rights, Community Voice, and Defending Freedom

March 18, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 6
Season 2 Episode 6: Rallying for Transparency: The Struggle for Parental Rights, Community Voice, and Defending Freedom
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 Episode 6: Rallying for Transparency: The Struggle for Parental Rights, Community Voice, and Defending Freedom
Mar 18, 2024 Season 2 Episode 6
Live Free - Die Last

Government overreach isn't a myth—it's a pressing reality that Marylanders are facing head-on, with alarming redactions from the CDC on critical health information. Patriots, if you're tired of being kept in the dark and fed half-truths, this is the episode you can't afford to miss. We're rallying around the flag of freedom, and with guests like TJ and Josh fueling the debate, we're dissecting the lack of transparency post-FOIA request to the CDC on myocarditis and questioning the complacency of local officials during the pandemic. It's more than just a conversation; it's a battle cry for standing our ground against invasive mandates and unwarranted government control.

Schools were once safe havens for learning, but now, they're battlegrounds for the hearts and minds of our children. When Dr. Seuss books get the boot, replaced with content that challenges the core values of many families, it's time to speak up. We're not just talking about the books on our shelves—we're delving into the very essence of parental rights and reflecting on the importance of protecting our children from sensitive topics better addressed within the home. 

Harford County's greatest generation left a legacy of community engagement and participation—a stark contrast to the challenges we face today, where leaders may not have the county's best interests at heart. Against a backdrop of political corruption, budget concerns, and the echo of our forebears' civic duty, we're issuing a rallying cry for a return to integrity in leadership and proactive involvement. As we honor the past, we are determined to shape a future where the community's voice reigns supreme, and the pillars of democracy stand strong. Join us as we honor our heritage and take responsibility for the direction of our beloved Harford County.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Government overreach isn't a myth—it's a pressing reality that Marylanders are facing head-on, with alarming redactions from the CDC on critical health information. Patriots, if you're tired of being kept in the dark and fed half-truths, this is the episode you can't afford to miss. We're rallying around the flag of freedom, and with guests like TJ and Josh fueling the debate, we're dissecting the lack of transparency post-FOIA request to the CDC on myocarditis and questioning the complacency of local officials during the pandemic. It's more than just a conversation; it's a battle cry for standing our ground against invasive mandates and unwarranted government control.

Schools were once safe havens for learning, but now, they're battlegrounds for the hearts and minds of our children. When Dr. Seuss books get the boot, replaced with content that challenges the core values of many families, it's time to speak up. We're not just talking about the books on our shelves—we're delving into the very essence of parental rights and reflecting on the importance of protecting our children from sensitive topics better addressed within the home. 

Harford County's greatest generation left a legacy of community engagement and participation—a stark contrast to the challenges we face today, where leaders may not have the county's best interests at heart. Against a backdrop of political corruption, budget concerns, and the echo of our forebears' civic duty, we're issuing a rallying cry for a return to integrity in leadership and proactive involvement. As we honor the past, we are determined to shape a future where the community's voice reigns supreme, and the pillars of democracy stand strong. Join us as we honor our heritage and take responsibility for the direction of our beloved Harford County.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we are, we, the people of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 3:

The Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom.

Speaker 4:

Hello Harford County and welcome once again to another episode of the Live Free Die Last podcast. As always, we are broadcasting from the we the People Studios located in the Freedom Pod high above Harford County. We've got two wonderful patriots in the pod with me tonight. I'm here, I'm John Connor, I'm the pilot, we've got the Josh. Good evening Patriots and back by popular request TJ.

Speaker 3:

Distinguished colleagues.

Speaker 4:

Distinguished. This pretty gives me chills up my spine when TJ says stuff like that man, I wanna see his quill. I wanna see him sign something with his quill pen. Maybe we'll get him to do that one day.

Speaker 3:

I've upgraded To a ballpoint.

Speaker 4:

That's for another episode.

Speaker 3:

These modern contraptions.

Speaker 4:

I guess we should do the. You know, if you wanna send us something, you can always go to our website. It's pretty good website, we the people of MDorg. You can send us a note if you want, at info at we the people of MDorg or you can drop it off at PO Box 13, forest Hill, maryland. And this Wednesday, march 20th 320, at 7 pm at the Harford County Vineyard we call it the winery we're gonna have a we the People meeting.

Speaker 2:

Should be a good one.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Our monthly meetings are normally engaging, you know whether it be local or whether it be national events and stuff like that, yeah, and we've had a lot of guest speakers lately, so this time we're gonna pull away from that and just kinda do some housekeeping and talk about different fun things.

Speaker 2:

And try to get the crowd involved a little bit too. I think is a good push for us.

Speaker 4:

Hey, maybe some twistered. Now I'm kidding.

Speaker 3:

Well, we've got some great homegrown speakers. Yes. And they're gonna cover things that are really important for Harford County. For sure, Perfect.

Speaker 4:

I love it and, as always, we are blessed to have those hosted by the Magic man, the Magic Bartender. So come out and see him if you want. Anybody paying attention these days to the CDC? There was a news agency that actually cares about news they're not mainstream so they had FOIA, requested the CDC about myocarditis, and wouldn't you know it? After a while they got 148 pages from the CDC about myocarditis and how it relates to COVID vaccine. However, every single word on the 148 pages was redacted. I'm not kidding every word.

Speaker 2:

That's ridiculous. I mean, we're now three years in, four years in however long it is, it's years in nothing. So this just tells me that there is something that they're hiding. We've all talked about it before, we've been talking about it for years. But if Jane Doe walking down the street Plain Jane doesn't see that the CDC is redacting all this information, there's no problem with that.

Speaker 3:

It's unbelievable. I mean, it's like you'd have to have 148 pages of just black paper.

Speaker 4:

This page intentionally left blank. I mean, that's the problem. There is a lot of information coming out, but you have to be paying attention, you have to be looking for it. They're not putting it. No, barry Glassman's not using Hartford County's money to put an ad on the air that says hey, wait a minute, don't take the vaccine. It's really bad for you.

Speaker 3:

But we're sure glad he spent $298,000 of the CARES Act money too.

Speaker 4:

Tell us how to wash our hands. I learned a lot yeah we all have the cleanest hands in town.

Speaker 2:

You said the ABCs, while you do it frontwards and backwards, you know.

Speaker 3:

I don't know what he says.

Speaker 4:

Right. So in general, there's a lot of information coming out. I would like to say something to everybody that look, the government doesn't have your best interest at heart. You cannot rely on them for health information and question your doctors find yourself a good doctor, because if they're just following along with what the government wants them to do, you're not gonna be very healthy.

Speaker 2:

Two things with this. The first you look at it here in Hartford County, our county council's the Board of Health. So there was not one elected official during the lockdowns or during this COVID pandemic that stood up against this and stood up for our constitutional rights or stood up for our liberties in picking and choosing. And I wanna say the second piece to that is I wanna make sure that the people understand we are providing you information that you know. Hey, there was a Freedom of Information Act request sent out. It was responded with 148 pages of redacted information.

Speaker 2:

You need to continue to answer or ask questions about this, but this is not pointing fingers. Oh, you took the jab, so you're evil. No, no, no. This is the government came to you and said you do not have a choice. You're gonna be forced to take this vaccine or your employers or whoever. You can't attend this party unless you show me your passport. This is really what we're talking about the government control that. They took over our lives and try to force this stuff down. Thank God for the people that stood up against this. Or where would we be today if there weren't people out there fighting and just let the government come through and steamroll you?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, and our local county council had literally hundreds of hours of testimony to bring these things to light. They did nothing, I don't care what letters after their name. They did nothing to protect or interposition themselves between the citizens of Hartford County and illegal mandates letting healthcare workers be fired. This is everybody is at fault when they knew better.

Speaker 4:

I wanna take it one step further. Not only did they not do anything, they didn't even take the time to educate themselves well enough to ask intelligent questions. When people came before them making presentations about COVID or the hospital, they were literally sitting up there like a bunch of idiots. I mean, they had no. There's so much information. They were spoon fed from all over from citizens that could have at least asked some questions. But they didn't do anything.

Speaker 3:

They were the only ones that didn't laugh. When Mr Ward said, oh yeah, last year there was only two cases of the actual flu, the whole room erupted in laughter, except for the county council.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it is so obvious that they are 100% laser focused on team OD. That's the only thing they can ask a question about. It's sad, I mean. These people are exposing themselves. They're not very smart, they're definitely not qualified to lead. You know there's I don't know exactly what the saying is, but we talked about it last week because TJ was mentioning it but if somebody really wants to be in charge, you might not want them to be in charge.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, I mean the power hungry surge, and I can go one at a long tangent about what the heck you know, this power hungry surge that's going on here locally, but also you look at it nationally, not getting into those types of weeds, but what they're looking to do is, you know, control our lives. But these local officials, they're now looking at different things. You know, again, I don't want to get out into the weeds in this, but you know the overdevelopment, you know, forcing this, this overcrowding of our population on us, is the same exact thing. We are here pushing back against them and what are they doing? They're continuously force feeding it down my face.

Speaker 2:

And I wanted to bring up one thing, because I sat in a meeting one time this is during COVID and you know, an elected official said well, I need to trust our health officers and our, you know, and we looked at them and we're like this guy. You know, this is the time Dr Beshai was our health officer here in Hartford County and that was a bad time and he'd come up there and spew just hateful information and he's like I need to trust this guy. Well, they later fired them again. They wouldn't disclose why they fired them, but I can tell you why they should have fired them, because up there maybe it ding ding. Yeah, I think that's the easiest way to Sorry.

Speaker 3:

No, he was a Fauci aficionado.

Speaker 2:

For sure.

Speaker 4:

So so this is the way it works. We've got the federal government pushing a lie, then most of the local governments and the state governments do nothing about it. So people are confused. They don't know where to go. Look, people have lives. They don't have as much time as we have to research all this stuff, obviously.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we didn't even ask them to correct the lies, we just asked them to protect citizens from illegal mandates from our Republican governor.

Speaker 4:

Imagine that.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

Yeah, who bought a whole bunch of COVID kits from China.

Speaker 3:

Oh, he grandstanded because he, you know we planned to run for whatever president or whatever it was, it was Korea, it was.

Speaker 4:

Korea. Hey, wait a second. This is me of leaving things out. Trump didn't really do us any favors either. He fast tracked the vents that were killing people. You know he had Ford making vents and all this stuff Trying to shut them down. Yeah, Maybe take a second there and go wait a minute. This is like the cold virus they even called it the coronavirus and let's, let's take it. Let's slow down a little bit.

Speaker 3:

You're looking old textbooks and the coronavirus is the flu. I mean it's for years and years.

Speaker 4:

That's what it was. No wonder everybody tested positive for the most common virus on the planet.

Speaker 2:

Well, if you trust the test genius, and I think in their marketing scheme when they started throwing the bats in this. The story at the very beginning there's, you know, a scare tactic to scare people yeah. Yeah, but you know, again, I want to bring it back up you just mentioned Trump. You know, even as of this month, you know the I think it was last week he's even bringing up.

Speaker 2:

You know he's thanking. You know Biden should thank me for you fast tracking the vaccine and you know project warp speed. You know we're going to fight cancer now and I'm like dude.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, no, you've caused a lot of cancer, that's for sure. Yeah, but anyway, we were beating the health donkey to death here, but it's definitely important for the health elephant, by the way, just to know.

Speaker 4:

And look, this has done one thing that's really good for people. A lot of people had started researching and opening their eyes and there's a lot of alternative health things out there without getting into that, because that's for another podcast that we were talking about kind of having a side, a side hustle, where we do some health stuff and bring in some alternative health professionals, but it's opened the world up for them. There's a lot more people paying attention to them and a lot less people paying attention to the government.

Speaker 2:

And one thing I wanted to bring up is Robert F Kennedy Jr, you know, and he's another person that's running for the presidency and he's standing his ground against a lot of this medical freedom or for this medical freedom stuff. And the funny thing is there's a football player, aaron Rodgers I mean, you know, heard of him, yeah, it was even in the news these past couple of weeks that he might be running for vice president. You know, I looked at that article headline and I'm like this is ridiculous Wait running for vice president.

Speaker 4:

vice president of what?

Speaker 2:

United States with RFK, with RFK.

Speaker 4:

Oh, he might be his running man. Yeah, it's not going to happen, it's not going to happen.

Speaker 3:

But Aaron Rodgers did destroy ESPN. He destroyed the announcers when he went to COVID and then back to the US.

Speaker 2:

But again, did he sound insane? Did he sound like a lunatic? No, he was down to earth and he said exactly what you're saying just a second ago and that's why he brought it up. You know, I want to have the choice to. You know, to protect my body. You know, just like I'm on the football field, I'm going to protect my body. I want to have being in control of, protect my body from this virus or this, and put what in my body, or put in my body what I want and where he described it. You know everybody's trying to. This guy's a lunatic. You know he's far out there. No, no, no, no. He just was down to earth saying I'm done with this government overreach. Just let me be myself.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I tell you what is Aaron Rodgers, john Wick? Is John Wick Aaron Rodgers? I don't know, I don't know. Think about it. Think about it. They're looking awful lot alike.

Speaker 3:

Football is pretty violent, but it's not. It's not, it's not.

Speaker 4:

Right, that's true. We could use a good man like John around or two or three, just don't kill his dog. No, I'm not even a pedditt. Well, since we're talking about how wonderful the government is, let's just you know I want to bring something up. It's not news, but we've never really talked about it. You know that there was. There was a great doctor, Dr Seuss. Okay, I know he's not a doctor. Don't, don't, don't write, Don't send it in the hate mail.

Speaker 2:

Hey, Joe Biden can be a doctor.

Speaker 4:

Right, dr Joe Biden, I see better have Seuss treat me yeah.

Speaker 4:

I've seen people raising their hands and I know they wanted to scream at me. So, um, oh, they're not raising their hands. They're telling me I'm number one. We must be over the sheep farm, all right. So so you know, dr Seuss, they pulled his books from the shelves of the schools. Uh, you know, we all grew up with these, these goofy rhymes. It was good, fun and uh. But you know what they put back? In the places of those books? They put the gender bender books. So no more green eggs in him. Right, we can't talk about green eggs in hand, but we can talk about Billy doing really bad things to his neighbor, you know, during a lawn mower season or something I don't. I tried not to read them, but I know they're really bad. I have read pieces of them. And here's the sad thing, can you say it? On our clean show.

Speaker 2:

You know, if you look at it, you know I understand artistic freedom to write and draw whatever you want to do, that's fine. But my problem is there is that disconnect to say that.

Speaker 4:

well, wait, not Dr Seuss shouldn't have that freedom though. Well no, because he's conservative, so he shouldn't be free to draw or do what he wants.

Speaker 2:

But no, I'm saying in the big picture. You know, you look at the whole gamut of of of topics in a book, right, and you're going to say that you know some of these gender, gender, queer, some of these books that are out there, that people wrote those intentionally for a child. That's where I need to draw the line, that I have a problem. You can write whatever you want, right, you know you got 50 shades of gray and all this other crazy exotic books and stuff, but they were written for an audience. Now they're writing these books for an audience that is the youth of our over future, and that's where I have a problem. I don't care that they're writing these books, but they're now forcing these over to our children and we bring up Dr Seuss.

Speaker 2:

I want to let, I want to, you know, say that I didn't experience that. You know, we pulled our kids out of the government schools in doctor nation camps and they actually had a Dr Seuss day at school where they got the dress up, bring their favorite book in, read it to each other. You know it was. The kids had fun with it. That's cool.

Speaker 4:

Sounds like fun. I mean, look, we're not complaining because it's a gay pornography, so to speak. I don't. I don't want to see books about what Jack's doing to Diane in the back seat of the car in public schools either.

Speaker 2:

Or the pedophilia pedophilia, that's another issue. When a grown man having sexual intercourse with a child being described, and even in a cartoon setting in a book that's intended for a child in our school system, no wrong, that is wrong.

Speaker 4:

Exactly. These are topics that parents need to tackle Absolutely and, in some cases, police.

Speaker 2:

Well, I think we're going to get to some of the police involvement in some of this pedophilia later in the show. But you know that is a big thing. The parental rights are not only being attacked and have been attacked for years now, the fact that you cannot even as a parent I think in the state of Maryland they're now again getting out in the weeds a little bit. We're talking about gender and you know, health curriculum and stuff like that. They're now making it to where the parents can't even opt our children out of these classes. Yeah, you know that's wrong. You again, you go back to the 148 pages of myocarditis being redacted. You taking the parent out and saying the parent can't even being involved. We're going to redact the parent out of this situation. It's the same thing to me, it's. It's wrong on so many levels. It's called grooming.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and they've been doing it, for they've literally been working at it for decades. It's just been mostly under the radar, right Mostly. We just didn't know was happening, but it is. It is a tactic and a strategy of the of the left, of the progressives, them social emotional learning, and what's their goal?

Speaker 4:

What is the goal of the left? Sorry, josh, do not mean to interrupt you. I apologize, you're good.

Speaker 3:

Go left to take your children from you To destroy the country Destroy the country, absolutely.

Speaker 4:

And and bring up out global communism. These people are stupid.

Speaker 2:

Well, they understand that. You know people like you and I. They're not going to get to us. You know they're not going to get to. They're going to have to kill parents above us, you know, or people that are a little bit older than us. That's not who they're trying to get to. They're trying to get our children. You know these kids coming out of college, you know, in higher education. That's why they really, in these past three or four years you mentioned the past couple of decades, but they've cranked this up to two to eleven Absolutely In the past couple of years on every single level, even in the private sectors.

Speaker 2:

You know, I wouldn't, you know, to pull your kids out of. Speaking of public schools, I wouldn't pull your kids out of a public school and just throw them into any school and think they'll, they're going to be hungy door.

Speaker 3:

It's everywhere now.

Speaker 2:

It's everywhere.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and, and eleven's one louder. So, yeah, so we have that. That's what I'm talking about. Let's use this to segue into all. There's a lot of distractions in public school, especially, so you know. From time to time, boards flirt with the idea of maybe people wearing uniforms, things like that. There's another distraction that has come up in public schools recently and that's teachers running around with, like LGBT, abcd, alphabet, mafia flags.

Speaker 2:

Or Black Lives Matter flags or, you know, right now, any flag besides the American flag, the county flag or the state flag.

Speaker 4:

Now let me just tell you, though, I have not heard of anybody running through the halls with Confederate flags or a Nazi flag or anything like that, and I did not mean to put those two things in the same sentence, folks. It was just using what the mainstream people media will tell you as offensive. Apologize if anybody took that the wrong way. There's, you know, a lot of Confederate heritage people that would would be upset with me for mentioning those two things.

Speaker 2:

I will bring it up that last summer at the private high school a kid flew a Confederate flag in the back of his truck and he couldn't even walk it. At graduation they took a major stand against him.

Speaker 4:

That's right, that's right. But again, that was at a private school, by the way.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, but does that private school still have the other flags flying as well?

Speaker 4:

Good point, so. So what is the policy, josh, that they're going to be?

Speaker 2:

I don't have everything written in front of me right here, but basically they're going to reduce the use of all these crazy flags, and wherever they may be inside the schools, to just the United States flag, the Maryland flag and the Hartford County flag. Now you can petition or, you know, ask, you know for teams or if there's something specific within the curriculum to be able to use.

Speaker 2:

That could be a gray area because, again, right, but at least they just can't wander in with your flag and then his flags offensive and who knows what I mean, how many times during the lockdown, when the kids were on computers online at home, did we see in the classrooms or different places, where they'd have a Black Lives Matter flag, they'd have a gay pride flag, they'd have a United States, or they might not even have the United States flag inside the classroom? So I think this is a good step forward, but this needs to be a place where you put your heels in the ground and you continue marching forward to taking back the parental rights that you know to protect these children, really provide the education that they need.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I would like to see parents, you know, call and speak out in favor of the policy. It'll send a clear message and I know it may not be the most important thing that people are thinking of, but it might flip the switch in some of these people's head, so they'll start going hey, wait a minute.

Speaker 2:

Give them confidence to say I can do something else, you know, and with that, before March 28th, you can go to hcpsorg. Underneath of the banner where it says board of education, it should say public comment for policies. If you click on that, there'll be a link over to the flag policy and what they're asking is for public input between now in the 28th. They're gonna close it out on the 28th of March. Right? Also, I would say, come to the winery on the 20th. You know, the Harper Vineyard on the 20th. I think we're gonna be talking a little bit about sure and, you know, trying to get more people to get involved again baby steps.

Speaker 4:

And even if you're not that interested, let me tell you the alphabet mafia is out in force, making the phone calls. I promise they're activists. Oh, absolutely many of them are paid by George Soros and they live in their mother's basement.

Speaker 2:

They live for times like this.

Speaker 4:

That's exactly what they do, and we're talking about a group of freaky people. Man, these are some. These are. Look, I usually don't talk about different groups of people in disparaging way. These folks deserve it. They're wackadoodle.

Speaker 2:

I will say that you know, they are a small echo chamber you know, they might seem big, but they're just a small.

Speaker 4:

And again, I'm not talking about gay or lesbian people. I am talking about the group the alphabet mafia. There are plenty of very normal gay and lesbian people.

Speaker 3:

You're talking about radicals that want to radicals Takeover groomers groomers.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, yeah, believe me, man boy, love will be the next thing.

Speaker 3:

They want to normalize everything that's against the laws of God in nature.

Speaker 4:

Speaking of man boy love, do we want to talk about Larry Hogan at all?

Speaker 3:

Oh well, yeah let's that was quite a segue.

Speaker 2:

I just jump on down the notes a little bit here. But yeah, let's climb right on in Larry.

Speaker 4:

So who.

Speaker 2:

I know we've talked about this on the, on the podcast a couple of times. You know not as in depth, but it's come out again. I think it was On launch Liberty, a couple other places, slingshot news and even covered on Info Wars about some of the questions here we have in the state of Maryland and some of the things that have been going on. So it was brought up that is Larry Hogan a pedophile, because he has been associated with so many known pedophiles that have been charged, convicted within his inner circle.

Speaker 4:

So this all are executed, not associated with people he put in positions exactly, so it's just come up again.

Speaker 4:

Again, it's election season and he's also been accused of being in his own situations, that there's lots of questions about that too. Exactly, it's not just guilt by association, which, let me just point out, that the mainstream media, if Anybody associate, they will go to two or three degrees To associate a conservative with something that is has a negative connotation and then try to completely cancel that person Exactly. So when I say this, I'm not trying to do the same thing to lock down Larry. I'm saying there have been very interesting accusations sent his way that, to my knowledge, haven't really been looked at very carefully.

Speaker 2:

And here's the interesting piece of this. So Larry Hogan is running for Senate. Two of the fellow candidates, laurie friend and John Myrick, they're calling Larry Hogan out to. To address this information, address these articles and, to your point, what are we talking about? So this starts all the way back in the 1990s where his an aide in Larry Hogan's election, a gentleman named Kevin Lee Hall, and he's running for Senate. He's running Hogan's running for Senate. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

We should get one of those other two people on to tell us about that.

Speaker 2:

There you go. But Kevin Lee Hall was convicted. This is the gentleman in the 90s we can have locked down.

Speaker 4:

Larry on to, if you want.

Speaker 2:

I guarantee you he would love to be on the show.

Speaker 4:

But I tell you, what we're going to have to land the pod, because I don't know if it can carry all that.

Speaker 2:

That's a load. But yeah, kevin Lee Hall was convicted of kidnapping. I think it was a 17 year old boy in raping him and he was an aide. He was an aide to Larry Hogan. He was living with Larry Hogan and they were asking they were asking Larry Hogan and some of his other support staff during the time hey, this Kevin Lee Hall guy, you know what do you say about this. You know he's your roommate, he's going to be able to come live with you again. They weren't saying no, we condemn this, you know. They were like, well, you know, it's Kevin Lee Hall, like we kind of a stepping side of the conversation. Well, continuing this, governor Hogan appointed a person named Luis Luis Barunda as his deputy state secretary and had named Barunda to his initial transitionary team when he was first elected back in 2024.

Speaker 4:

He's transitioning 2014, 2014.

Speaker 2:

sorry yeah.

Speaker 4:

What's he transitioning to A Democrat? He's already a.

Speaker 2:

Democrat, but this gentleman was just recently arrested in charge with distribution of child pornography in August of 2023. And he was, literally a couple weeks ago, indicted federally on these same charges. Another appointee, another appointee continuing down the road.

Speaker 4:

Fidelity indicted and the feds don't like to indict these people when they're politically connected.

Speaker 2:

No, it takes a lot. So you've got another one, matthew Palmer. He was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2021 for distribution of child pornography, and then we've talked about this a little bit and people need to do some research.

Speaker 4:

He was another Hogan official.

Speaker 2:

Yep, another Hogan official. Hogan appointed Jonathan Null, so he's the judge Judge Null.

Speaker 2:

Down in Caroline County is circuit court judge. This is a whole big story around this. You know what happened with Judge Null at his fishing cabin and stuff like that, but basically the long story short was Hogan appointed Judge Null. He was found dead in his house during a September 2021 raid by the FBI and they were intent. The FBI was intending to charge Judge Null with sexual exploitation of a minor in possession of child pornography before his death. Again, it's really interesting the story, who's involved, but also his death too, and the reason why I bring that up is because the last piece of this doesn't really have to have the sexual ties to it or the pedophilia ties to it, but it has the death ties to it. It's Roy McGrath with Suicided by the FBI, yeah this is the gentleman that was shot.

Speaker 2:

He was yeah, you can't make this up.

Speaker 4:

Listen very closely to what the Josh is going to tell you.

Speaker 2:

He was on the run. The FBI found him in Tennessee and the officer testified in court saying that he shot Roy McGrath in the head to prevent him from killing himself.

Speaker 4:

Like prevent Roy from committing suicide.

Speaker 2:

He shot him in the head, yeah and the semantics are an amazing thing, they couldn't determine which bullet actually killed him, so everybody got off Again. I bring this up because there's did. What did Roy know? Yeah, he was on the run for something. It wasn't for the little bit of money that he was quote unquote laundering, which is a whole another conversation People need to dive into. Judge Nolan Roy McGrath.

Speaker 4:

We talked about this guy before and he was not the type of person that would run. As soon as I saw that he was running like wait a minute, something's going on he's running for his life Way more to this than meets the eye. By the way.

Speaker 3:

I must take this opportunity to say this I'm pretty sure that Josh and John Connor, and I'm totally sure that Thomas Jefferson, are not suicidal. None of us carry drugs in our vehicles. We are not suicidal and I want to put that on record because some of the things we talk about people won't like.

Speaker 4:

People won't like. Yeah, but you know what, once some come, get some. No, speak the truth. Maybe I'm speaking for myself, but I'm tired of all these tyrants.

Speaker 2:

Speaking of the truth.

Speaker 4:

And let's look at McGrath, because he's got ties to team OD. We see a red dot out there.

Speaker 2:

I see some people lining up.

Speaker 4:

All right, because we're going to focus the 50 cows. I Feuerhead is a tracking sp军, ev提拉射西瓜 being with, with his ties to to Harford County and you know the the team OD, particularly Joe Sne, barry Glassman, of course, is very close to Lockdown. Larry, you know they were in the middle of the road together but the ties are valid. All everything is, these are all valid.

Speaker 2:

You know I'm sure that they broke bread. They had dinner. You know we've seen them parade around. You know shaking hands and you know laughing and hugging on their shoulders.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, like you know, we've seen them, you know, interact and we know that their ties aren't just political ties, that these people have an agenda. They've been working the agenda for a while. The reason why I bring that up is because Barry Glassman has been known to bring Democrats. You know where did Butch Tilley come from, in Harford County, from a Democrat to a Republican. Was that through Barry Glassman? How many? And again, I'm not picking one butch, but there's so many other people that were once Democrats Now that Republicans are, vice versa, coming through Barry Glassman and Timo G and Larry Hogan here, in the state.

Speaker 2:

It's the trickle down effect that we're experiencing.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I mean, even calling them rhinos probably isn't fair, because I don't think they were really ever Republicans to start with they just played. They just wrote the R because they knew Harford County and no one was going to get elected if you weren't a Republican.

Speaker 3:

They certainly don't respect the Republic.

Speaker 4:

They, these, this group, literally brought Westmore to town. Westmore is an absolute radical. He is extremely radical left wing operative that they're going to try to turn into a president.

Speaker 2:

Watch it Watch it happen and look what's happening within the first year. You know our taxes are going getting ready to go through the roof. You know, again, that's not Westmore, but that's all his cronies.

Speaker 3:

You know, in the state legislator trying to push through tax raises or tax hikes and everything like that, he's not going to veto it and push through stripping local counties from being able to determine what happens on their own line in their own proper oh yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4:

He's TJ's talking about the you know.

Speaker 2:

Take, take away the local counties rights to handle their own zoning so that they can put the you know the ADU's, the accessory dwelling units, the apartments, the section eight housing, whatever the high density housing wherever they want, yeah, so this is not real folks.

Speaker 4:

This is all real. We're not making this stuff up. You need to pay attention.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, and I really think that people you know they might write us off for what we were just talking about, about Larry Hogan. They're like no, it's Larry Hogan, he's. You know he can never do this stuff Again. We told you at the very beginning this is the same gentleman that spent millions upon millions of dollars for faulty test kits to try to make us feel all hunky dory within the COVID lockdowns.

Speaker 3:

You know we're completely wasted by the way Completely wasted.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, now I'm going to say this Larry, I don't think is being convicted of anything, but there's just a lot of craziness swirling around him and that's what we're trying to tell you folks.

Speaker 2:

And he's out on the limelight now shaking hands at every party. You know his Facebook. His social media is now lighting up. He's spending all kinds of time and money. I just saw a new. He didn't get a bus. He didn't pull the Nikki Haley and get a bus. He's got a really nice little camper that's going floating around Maryland now with his name and everything down the side. I guess we'll have that for a couple of weeks and here he literally locked down the stage.

Speaker 4:

He decided who was a worthy and who wasn't. You know who was essential and who wasn't.

Speaker 3:

Well, and during COVID, when you're the pandemic, let's put it that way. When you're the darling of the mainstream media, when you're the darling of the socialist progressive media, you know something's wrong. Yeah, absolutely, he was everywhere.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and he did all these things and nobody, except, well, nobody in Hartford County, stood up to him. The only person I know, even in the Senate or anything that anything was, was Dan Cox, who tried to impeach him, which was absolutely the correct thing to do because he destroyed the Constitution. So you know, people say, oh, dan should have done that. Well, you know what. Well, she did it sooner.

Speaker 4:

Exactly you better pay attention to the Constitution, folks. We're not radicals. We're actually trying to live by the book that TJ and the boys wrote back in the day, and it was not Going to lead us to communism or lead us to to chains and bondage. It was to lead us out of those things.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely and I think if you know you want to continue down. You know our personal rights in all of this is protecting ourselves, you know, and we talk about protecting our medical freedom. We talk about protecting our children, you know, but ultimately, protecting our families and protecting ourselves is our God given right. It is written the number two thing you know. Next number two, in the Constitution. It says you know we can protect ourselves, we have the right to bear arms.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, which protects the number one thing in the Constitution.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so you know those are being under attack, and that's another thing that I want to bring up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, Governor Moore has been very much attacking firearms.

Speaker 2:

But who's been?

Speaker 4:

standing up for them? Nobody in Hartford County. So here's what I got to tell you. You keep running around during election season and all these people tell you how conservative they are with the exception of a couple but they're not. They don't do anything conservative. We even have a sheriff that claims to be a two-way sheriff. Lately he's been talking about how unsafe the trail is.

Speaker 3:

What are you gonna do to solve an unsafe trail?

Speaker 4:

Well, if and if you, if you do, go up to the trail, they have the signs inviting criminals to prey on people in the trail. What do I mean by that? They have Some signs that say no guns allowed on the trail. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 2:

Really, you know how the? Rezone's are working down in the city.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, not very well. That says, oh, I'm a victim run.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, this is the place for victims out in the woods.

Speaker 2:

So for better listening outside of Hartford County and everything. I mean this is national news with Rachel Moore and mortar. That happened last summer. But the mom pod trail is a is a beloved trail in Hartford County. It's been expanded. You know wonderful recreation area. Yeah, it gets used by. You know all ages. You know kids through. You know senior citizens, everybody uses this trail. And I will admit I don't like the cameras on the trail. I really just don't like the idea that having cameras observing you on a trail. But we talk about this. You know we're supposed to be safe and happy. You know, don't worry about everything. Everything's happy, go lucky here in Hartford County.

Speaker 3:

Call the police if you're attacked on the trail yeah if you're being raped on the trail, do you call for a camera?

Speaker 4:

You don't need your gun right Wrong wrong, but yeah, where?

Speaker 2:

where's the sheriff? You know, here's an opportunity again. We're talking about election season. It's not a sheriff's election here in Hartford County, but anyway, here's an opportunity for the sheriff or anybody to say we need to protect our 2a rights. And it's a lost opportunity. Every single elected official has Floundered on this and has not even brought it up and it's not just about 2a right, it's about the people of Hartford County Protect.

Speaker 3:

There are thousands and tens of thousands of law-abiding citizens with with Maryland carry permits who are ready and willing and able to defend not just themselves but anyone else who is being attacked, and they're being prevented from doing so in Hartford County. It's insanity.

Speaker 2:

Well, even our rights to you know to carry and everything they're still being infringed upon. You know we need a constitutional carry, you know. But again we're here in the state of Maryland being such a blue state that we're light years away from that. But where are the people down in Annapolis fighting for, for stronger legislation to allow us to to carry and protect ourselves? Because even if you do discharge your gun, you know, God forbid, you have to. It's not gonna be easy here in the state of Maryland. Protect yourself and protect your family. You're gonna be jumping through a hundred hundred hoops, even if you were 100% in the right.

Speaker 4:

Correct. If Rachel Moran had been carrying and shot her attacker, she would probably in legal hot water right now. Mm-hmm but she'd still be alive, but she'd still be alive and and I don't mean to, I'm not trying to use this politically, I think it's a shame what happened to her.

Speaker 3:

We're trying to prevent it from happening to someone else.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, a lot of people use that trail and they keep saying well, there's no guns on the trail. Now Is that just a sign in one spot and somebody I I didn't go to the website and look it up If we get a bunch of hate mails, you know, then I apologize, but I have a feeling that's probably Accurate that you're not allowed to carry on the trail. There shouldn't be a sign anywhere, right? And and here's something here County council, you have a chance, Declare. You know there's a. There's our county or a town in Georgia when they've declared everyone must own a gun.

Speaker 3:

I saw Georgia yeah.

Speaker 4:

I don't know how enforceable that is, but there's the big signs out on the highway and things. They could do something like that in Hartford County. They could do a lot of different things because they're also concerned. But oh well, if they were really conservative they could do a whole lot of things, you know if they were really concerned.

Speaker 3:

Instead, they take their marching orders from TMO D, I mean I me and TMO D is determined to turn Hartford County into Montgomery County, right for profit. Yeah, Hartford County is for sale for profit and there's no getting around it. And the and the representatives that are supposed to be Representing the people are representing the developers and there's millions.

Speaker 2:

I'm not saying like one or two, three, four, five million, there's hundreds, tens, tens millions, hundreds of millions of dollars on the line right now. Absolutely what they're what this county is gonna look like in the next two, five, ten years. People are on the path of making tons of tons of money, and it's not the common citizen, it's not just you know the people, it's not just the community.

Speaker 4:

This is out against us as a community, and mark my words, folks, when you, if you go out and listen, these people speak oh, we need the revenue. They speak as if somehow Doing what they're doing is gonna keep your taxes low.

Speaker 3:

I promise you your taxes are going to go way up if they are successful the infrastructure needed for the amount of people and buildings and apartments and and developments that they want to implement, and take every piece of federal grant money and any kind of HUD grants and stuff and and bring, bring all that to Hartford County. And you can't bring that to Hartford County before Hartford County becomes and they there do not care that your quality of life is suffering.

Speaker 4:

I don't know if you live anywhere near. You know Hickory or forest Hill or Bel Air. Your quality of life is starting to suffer. It's becoming noticeable to people.

Speaker 2:

Well, I wanted to bring up a couple things here. You know, recently there was a, an 80 plus year old lady in downtown Bel Air that she was. She was robbed. I mean, the guy came up, punctured her tire and she was in a parking lot. You know, luckily there was a community member that came over, made sure that she was safe as this guy was running away. But you know, this is reality that we're living in and this is not, this is not a safe environment. You know, with the Sheriff's Department now saying on the trail you know, the Mamaha Trail. You know, change up your routine. You know, go with a friend, go with a. These are things that should tell everybody. This is not a safe environment. You know, absolutely. Head on a swivel, keep.

Speaker 4:

Be alert, folks. There are predators in Harford County. They have imported predators and these predators are going to go to places like the trail to prey on you.

Speaker 2:

And they don't care, they'll do it right out in the open. You know it's not just, you know, at the middle of the night anymore. You know this is broad daylight kind of stuff.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the problem is not just that the border in Texas. The problem is all over the country, all over the state. It's all over the county. You go in office depot and there's signs all over everywhere like free riding a police car. We didn't have to have those signs two years ago.

Speaker 4:

Well, but that's all they're doing. We don't have, we don't have the county council standing up and saying you know, we got to do something for public safety. Nope, we're just going to keep bringing them in because that's what our team, od, wants. We're not even going to address this. I mean, the fact that they had Jeff Gaylor or Jeff Gaylor decided to go out and say something about it baffles me that they actually did that.

Speaker 2:

But I would like to bring up, so you know you bring up the Sheriff's Department on the council. You know we do have the Sheriff's Department on the council.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I know you know we're well represented. I know, I know and nothing, nothing, crickets. Public safety does not matter to these people, they don't care. They haven't even taken a pause for a minute and said you know what? Maybe we got to think about what we're doing because we're destroying this county. They don't care, they don't care.

Speaker 3:

No, and more crime, sadly and I hate to say. It is more money and more power for the Sheriff's Office.

Speaker 4:

This is what we're dealing with. Folks and I know everybody moved here because they wanted to be in Mayberry.

Speaker 3:

And the Sheriff's Office. Their budget has increased almost doubled in the last six, seven years, while the county population has only increased by six or seven percent.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and the school board's budget's been going up, up, up too. Oh yeah, it's ridiculous.

Speaker 2:

And that's one thing to bring up that the budget is coming up. The council will be voting on that, I believe, in June. So they're going through all the let's meet here and let's meet here. This is the time to get engaged with your community. You know the budget's outside of the school right now. The school's already submitted their requests. It's sitting within the county to process this budget.

Speaker 2:

This is the time to kind of get involved where, I will be honest, inflation in our lives the price of gas, the price of milk, the price of just cost of living has gone up so much To think that we can now live through this inflation and force this money through and have enough tax-paying money in the coffer, in the kitty right now to distribute all of this money around and be able to pay for it without increasing our taxes astronomically. It's ridiculous To think that we're going to have enough money to pass around. And the reason why I bring this up is I've heard elected officials from our school board members to other people saying well, the county has more than enough money, they just need to get up off of it. Well, if the county has enough money and they need to get up off of it. I don't even know what that means. Give it back to me as the taxpayer. I want a tax break. Give me my money back.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, don't just you got enough money to start blindly giving. No, we're not playing that game.

Speaker 4:

And we spend a lot of money on taxes, a lot of money.

Speaker 3:

Or you could be like Glassman and give the Hartford County Public Schools $31 million more than they even asked for.

Speaker 2:

Just for the blueprint. Yeah, to involve all this, but yeah.

Speaker 4:

Just to destroy the kids even more. And while grades are swirling the bowl and they didn't say oh please, we need more money to fix the grades. Now we don't care about that anymore.

Speaker 3:

Oh no, it's not even a concern. It's not even anything they address, they don't address it at all. Only people are addressing it are the people that's being at the board of education?

Speaker 4:

We've got to put the Kerwin Blueprint into play. You don't have to do anything Further. Suck the life out of their minds.

Speaker 2:

I had a conversation at one of the community meetings recently and a lady came up to me. She was you know, we have to have a diversity supervisor in the public schools. And no, we don't, no, we don't. Diversity, we don't. You know that $100 plus thousand a year isn't necessarily. Where does it say you have to have this? You don't. Even if it says that in here you can say no, yeah, they're not going to give you money, but that's okay.

Speaker 4:

The money comes with strings.

Speaker 2:

Right and don't play the puppet game.

Speaker 4:

The strings have parasites attached to them.

Speaker 3:

And our county council loves money and loves strings. They don't care where it comes from. Pat Vincent he loves every HUD grant he can get his hands on.

Speaker 4:

You're telling there's a HUD grant on top of the beanstalk and he's going to. Well, I'd say he'd shimmy up, but I don't think he's going to get off the ground if you want to the truth. But yeah, he'd be wanting to go up that beanstalk.

Speaker 3:

Well, the money's already flowing down to.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, they just roll it down to the.

Speaker 3:

Decoy Museum anyway.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and look, if you think about Ty Berry went away. He did not. He is still working against you behind the scenes, like he always has.

Speaker 2:

Well, I will bring this up. I thought it was funny. You say he just kind of lurks around. Well, he's been down in Annapolis.

Speaker 4:

He's a lobbyist now he's a paid lobbyist. Yeah, he's a paid register lobbyist. Yeah, registered lobbyist.

Speaker 2:

There was an article that came out in the Baltimore Sun of the the Aegis in the beginning of this month. The funny thing about this article. So now we're in fighting again in Hartford County, bob, cassie and Penn we've. How many times have we brought this up? And again, I'm not.

Speaker 2:

I'd rather them see them go after each other. And, you know, bring factual information out, right, but one side's bringing in some facts, the other side's just slung in mud. And I will say that, you know, in Bob Cassie's defense he's literally being attacked for every minuscule little piece of something that could have, possibly, could have whatever, but Aaron Pennman sitting on the council as a sheriff's deputy, and that needs to stop. So this article started diving all into all this other stuff. But the funny thing was the the reporters show up to the county council meeting invited by, presumably, aaron Penman, but then this whole article comes out and it's the community kind of saying we're just done with this, he needs to just stop.

Speaker 2:

And I think that's where everybody is right now. You know the infighting that we have in Hartford County that they're trying to say is going on. We need this all to stop, we just need representation. And if they're gonna go, you know, in this pissing match back and forth, I Want this, I want these resolutions, I don't want to. You know, each argument to continue, continue, continue, that's, let's get them in front of each other, that's. You know, duke it out. You know, for lack of a better term, you know for for Aaron Penman to sit in front of the county council in bash for, I think, 10 minutes or something. You know the county executive with him not even sitting there. I'd rather them both sit in that same room and let's have the discussion and figure this out.

Speaker 3:

I'm not here to play these games and this is a perfect example of why there are separation of powers Built into the US Constitution, the Maryland Constitution and our whole fabric of this Republic. This stuff should not be happening, because two wrongs don't make a right. You should not be in one branch of government and be in another branch of government, being paid by both, because you've got too much power, absolutely Well, plus, it's so, it's so, so ready for corruption. Basically and and I like Jeff Gaylor, he's a very likeable guy Absolutely- done a lot of really good things.

Speaker 3:

He has done a lot of good things about the Second Amendment I'm doing it now on the trail in Hartford County. But the point of it is is that if you're going to bring someone on board and create a position for someone who is already a proven proven with the ability to be corrupt and and do illegal things- we're talking about. Roby.

Speaker 3:

We are and and someone who, whose business is called insider management, and I'm telling you right now, and if you don't understand it, insiders in the political system are not there to represent we, the people. Okay, in case you didn't understand that, so so he brings that, that piece to the puzzle. Then you've got Aaron Penman, who gets elected to County Council somehow, and Then he's re-hired by the sheriff's department. So you've got the sheriff the elected sheriff has an underling and drinking buddy who is attacking probably your next political opponent in the upcoming election. And if that doesn't, it seemingly looks incredibly bad. It looks bad Whether it's planned or pot and whatever. It looks really bad.

Speaker 4:

And they don't care.

Speaker 2:

He's accusing you know, bob Cassley, of trying to for abuse of power and misconduct in office, seeking revenge against him and engaging in unethical and bizarre behavior. I'm I'm sorry, pot calling the yeah like I'm sorry they learned from the Democrats exactly what they do.

Speaker 2:

But that's the most insane comment that I've ever heard. I just wanted to kind of quote that from from one of the articles in the Sun that you know, this is how delusional we are, you know, in Hartford County, to think that, you know, you know Timo G can even exist anymore, you know.

Speaker 3:

This is where the people need to stand up and say guys, the light of the old and with the new, the light of day should make these cockroaches run Exactly, seriously, exactly.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, what it made the cockroaches do is lawyer up.

Speaker 3:

Well, yeah, well, the pet cockroaches a lawyer. I'm sorry, that's what I heard cockroach in charge.

Speaker 2:

But you know it's incendiary. What's going on here in Hartford County, you know, and I think is the people wake up and the people you know understand what's going on. It's, it's simple.

Speaker 4:

Yep, and they better start paying attention because the budget's budget season Budget in the budget.

Speaker 2:

Everybody's understand it only goes one way, really only goes up, it doesn't come back down very often also funded by your money.

Speaker 4:

Yep, so you have all these people dealing with other people's money. It's not their money. They're trying to get their own piece of the pie In different nefarious ways and what people don't realize is during COVID, when all this money created out of nothing, which is inflation it comes trickling down into Hartford County.

Speaker 3:

when that dries up, who else funds the next budget, which is always going to be not just even equal, it's always going to be more?

Speaker 2:

We do, we do we do and the schools are. You won't be able to get it up.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and you? It's gonna flip the switch real fast to where, oh, everybody wants to live in Harvard County, to where nobody's gonna want to and you won't be able to sell your house.

Speaker 2:

It's, it's becoming that way you know yeah, it is, if you try to sell your house here in Hartford County and just move, you know, to the country a little bit, yeah, you better be bringing you know six figures for any little piece of property here in Hartford County and you know, god forbid, you want a couple hundred acres. You're not gonna find it. You know. I think in one of the recent meetings I was listening to, the average farm in Hartford County is about 27 acres. Hmm, that's that's tiny.

Speaker 2:

you know, when you, in the grand scheme of things, oh yeah, it's very.

Speaker 4:

They used to be three-figure years. Hartford County was was able to feed many, many, many people. What a, what a wonderful legacy I don't the legacy. What a wonderful heritage Hartford County has there's. If you are fortunate enough to meet some of the old farmers or some of the people that were dealing with farm equipment back in the day, this, this area, was stunning. This area was a Mecca. It was a huge farming area and it's really sad to see what's happened to it.

Speaker 3:

It was just an amazing. There's still parts of Hartford County that are amazing communities. It's beautiful. It's a beautiful place. That's why people wanted to move here.

Speaker 2:

Well, and tell now and I think also Just looking at the people, you know the people that have have Built the foundation. As you look at Bel Air, you look at Hartford County, you know the municipalities, just the county in general. These people you know that live through the Depression and and fought in World War two and, you know, fought in for our freedom in our, for our liberty here in in Hartford County and they they chose to to continue their lineage. They chose to raise their family and provide for a really good community. And you know what they really did is they were involved in their community. They understood what it took to be involved with your family.

Speaker 2:

You know we always have soccer and baseball and all these practices, and you know this and that and After school activities. But they also understood that they hadn't an investment into their community, that it was worth their effort to show up at a meeting or to write a letter or to interact with an Elected official or interact with your neighbors to say, hey, I got your back, man. You know we're not gonna let them do this to us or this person's gonna stand for us. So we need to make sure that this person you know is is Given the the right path forward. That's the foundation that these people built for our community. We don't see that anymore, and I think that that's where we need to fill this gap.

Speaker 3:

Well, we got. We got used to people of integrity, building positions and and really preserving the heritage and the quality of life of Hartford County, and While we were sleeping, that Switched, got flipped, mm-hmm. And now the people that we relied on to protect our for County and preserve it Are not doing that at all. They're there. They're on the wrong team complete opposite.

Speaker 2:

You're correct.

Speaker 4:

Well, folks, that ends another episode of the live free, die-last podcast. Wish I had something really witty to say right now, but I don't do. Either of our two patriots have a last word. I. Can give that quote again give any quote you want, your freakin TJ.

Speaker 3:

He who is anxious to rule should never be given the opportunity.

Speaker 4:

Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take will be watching you.

Government Overreach and Freedom Advocacy
Government Overreach and School Distractions
Suspected Pedophilia and Political Corruption
Safety and Budget in Hartford County
Political Corruption in Hartford County
Community Involvement and Civic Duty