Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 Episode 7: Guardians of the Homestead and the Pillars of Freedom

March 30, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 7
Season 2 Episode 7: Guardians of the Homestead and the Pillars of Freedom
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 Episode 7: Guardians of the Homestead and the Pillars of Freedom
Mar 30, 2024 Season 2 Episode 7
Live Free - Die Last

Property rights and personal liberties are under siege, and we're pulling no punches in exposing the threats! In a world where the sanctity of one's home can be so easily violated by squatters and government overreach, we thrust into the heart of Florida's legislative counterstrike and historic defenses against home invaders. As we unpack the gnarly knot of property laws, we don't shy away from the hard truths about the bridge collapse in Maryland or the chilling implications it holds for infrastructure and political maneuvering. We're not just talking about the foundations of concrete and steel that keep our society standing, but the very pillars of freedom that our nation is built upon.

If the power plays of the music industry and political elite leave you feeling queasy, you're not alone. We're pulling back the velvet curtain to reveal the unsettling alliances and the steep price of fame. Our dissection of the culture of power is raw and unfiltered, as we tackle the allegations that circle high-profile figures in entertainment and politics. When it comes to education funding, we're holding feet to the fire, questioning the dubious decisions of local school boards and the questionable use of taxpayer dollars, all while championing the efforts of those who genuinely put children's best interests at heart.

We wrap up with a big salute to the warriors of the Choose Hope Women's Center, who've thrown down the gauntlet with an invitation to VP Kamala Harris to witness their life-affirming work. And let's not forget about the elephant in the room – illegal immigration in Maryland is a hot potato that we're not tossing aside. We're demanding accountability from our state's representatives with the same fervor as a three-alarm fire. Buckle up and join us as we confront these issues head-on, because when it comes to protecting our liberties and demanding results, we're relentless!

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Property rights and personal liberties are under siege, and we're pulling no punches in exposing the threats! In a world where the sanctity of one's home can be so easily violated by squatters and government overreach, we thrust into the heart of Florida's legislative counterstrike and historic defenses against home invaders. As we unpack the gnarly knot of property laws, we don't shy away from the hard truths about the bridge collapse in Maryland or the chilling implications it holds for infrastructure and political maneuvering. We're not just talking about the foundations of concrete and steel that keep our society standing, but the very pillars of freedom that our nation is built upon.

If the power plays of the music industry and political elite leave you feeling queasy, you're not alone. We're pulling back the velvet curtain to reveal the unsettling alliances and the steep price of fame. Our dissection of the culture of power is raw and unfiltered, as we tackle the allegations that circle high-profile figures in entertainment and politics. When it comes to education funding, we're holding feet to the fire, questioning the dubious decisions of local school boards and the questionable use of taxpayer dollars, all while championing the efforts of those who genuinely put children's best interests at heart.

We wrap up with a big salute to the warriors of the Choose Hope Women's Center, who've thrown down the gauntlet with an invitation to VP Kamala Harris to witness their life-affirming work. And let's not forget about the elephant in the room – illegal immigration in Maryland is a hot potato that we're not tossing aside. We're demanding accountability from our state's representatives with the same fervor as a three-alarm fire. Buckle up and join us as we confront these issues head-on, because when it comes to protecting our liberties and demanding results, we're relentless!

Speaker 1:

We are, we the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last Podcast.

Speaker 2:

The Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom.

Speaker 3:

Wow, Welcome to another episode of the Live Free Die Last podcast. We are broadcasting from the we the People studios, high above Harford County, coming to you live once again. If you would like to check out our website, it's wethepeopleofmdorg. If you want to drop us an email and tell us something naughty that your favorite councilman's doing, it's info at wethepeopleofmdorg. And if you're really afraid and you just want to drop a letter, it's PO Box 13, Forest Hill, Maryland, 21050. Anything I missed guys, All right, let's bring you in. We got a special, special Freedom Pod episode tonight because we have four. Every seat in the Freedom Pod is occupied. To my right, we have the Josh. Good evening.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

And quickly becoming the fan favorite TJ.

Speaker 2:

Distinguished gentlemen glad to be here.

Speaker 3:

Thank you. Thank you, and one that we haven't had in a while Winston Smith.

Speaker 5:

I got to say hi to all my fellow right-wing nutjobs.

Speaker 3:

There you go, we're all here. Well, there's been a whole lot of stuff going on. We got tons of stuff to talk about. I'm looking at the heads-up display in the the freedom pod and I think we're gonna go to the josh to bring this one in you've got two things, john.

Speaker 4:

First to welcome yourself.

Speaker 3:

Oh, welcome myself, john, thank you. You know, back and forth and fighting damn robots and I'm tired all right.

Speaker 4:

Um then, the second piece was when you go to our website, we, the people of mdorg, definitely sign up for the newsletter um, yeah great stuff in that just stay in tune with what's going on here locally and nationally. And then, um, just as a reminder, monthly meeting in april will be april the 17th yes, our very own travis.

Speaker 2:

Sunday slaves hard all week to bring you that newsletter you will never read a better written newsletter than that newsletter. It it's phenomenal.

Speaker 3:

Does it remind you of a publication or two from your day TJ?

Speaker 2:

Back in the day. It's a lot of common sense. Yeah, I'm thinking common sense.

Speaker 3:

I'm loving it. I'm loving it. See, you guys had some ideas. We're still using them. Thank you for not giving us a hard time about that.

Speaker 4:

Appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

It's a lot easier with ballpoint pen right?

Speaker 4:

sorry, I had to bring it up from last time, that's right he's got the.

Speaker 2:

I don't even think you guys are using pens I, I see how you work have you ever seen this quill?

Speaker 4:

I have yeah have not all right, but yeah, no, before we go completely out of control. Um, I think the two crazy things that are going on is going back to the, the illegals up in New York and what they're, what they got going on in the subways and you know them locking down the subways with almost like militarized efforts to try to make people feel safe.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, let me just help the Hartford County people. A subway in New York is not a store that you could get a sandwich at. Subway is an underground station that you hop on a train and ride, and there's a lot of uh, bad things going on in the subways because they're kind of little creepy, hidden places they're secluded.

Speaker 4:

You know you can. You know, duck in, duck out, good crime spot they run 24 hours a day, so that there you go and the second piece of that was, you know, the squatting

Speaker 4:

out good crime spot. They run 24 hours a day. So there you go, and the second piece of that was, you know, the squatting issue that we're hearing about on the news. You know more and more and you know, once we start hearing about it on the mainstream media. You know it's a, it's a major issue kind of going on, because normally it's when a democrat's throwing up their arms saying, hey, all these illegal immigrants, like they are in new york yeah they're causing. We need to fix this situation.

Speaker 3:

No, they have people that are teaching them how to steal houses in this manner. And that's what it is it's theft. So and then I guess the big thing this past week TJ was going to chime in, but he has no idea what the hell a squatter is. He's like someone was in my house back in the day.

Speaker 2:

We took a musket. We had musket. We had squatters back, we took them out. Yeah, we, we already had. They're called the british. We had a plan for that we had a plan for that and I don't know why they're getting away with the amendment was the plan yeah, exactly you know why do we need legislation now?

Speaker 4:

to protect a homeowner from somebody squatting or, you know, taking over their house from someone that doesn't own their house living in it.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, stop, we don't.

Speaker 4:

We don't need legislation, we need what we had in the old days the police look the other way but you know, I guess in a good thing you know you got, governor de san is kind of leading the way against this and trying to protect his citizens. You know their property rights. Um signed uh hb 621 it's called the anti-squatting bill down in florida. Um, this was signed unanimously and rather quickly pushed right through um again, why do we need legislation? But this situation that we're dealing with right now, um what this will allow its homeowners to call the county sheriff immediately to get squatter removed. Um, it's made squatting into a second degree felony, along with intentionally damaging someone else's home, so more than a thousand dollars worth of damage. And it's now a first degree felony to sell or lease someone else's property. So that last one is crazy. You can literally sell or lease somebody else's property. So you know it's now a first degree felony. It's crazy that we're talking about this type of stuff, which means it's happening we don't have a law unless it's happening.

Speaker 4:

Yeah we're going too far down the pike, letting people get away with stuff and the and the last piece of the bill before you can move on here, is it allows the courts to expedite any squatter related civil procedures of civil proceedings. This is basically if the sheriff can't figure out who owns or is telling the truth about the property. You know, they have documents. What?

Speaker 3:

does this make any sense?

Speaker 4:

Well, in the digital world that we live in right now, does that mean that the forgery is that good and these criminals are that smart, like they're literally able to steal your property from you?

Speaker 3:

yeah, yeah, and you can't protect yourself yeah, don't try it well I mean I got, I got a plan, yeah, and you ain't gonna like it.

Speaker 5:

They do it with tenants too. I mean, there there's the laws are stacked way in the tenant's favor in this state.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely so. You're saying illegal invaders have a plan to do things illegal. They're advertising it to each other.

Speaker 4:

Yes, Well, and then you have here in Hartford County all the talks of we have a housing crisis, we need affordable rental properties and stuff. Well, you know squatters we just talked about the renters but kind of genius maybe. Um, there's companies out there now that specialize in squatter removal and prevention services. Like again, why do we need this type of stuff? But it's all happening. This is, it's pretty nuts that's almost like ghostbusters.

Speaker 3:

And and you know, harford county. Do we need another dollar general store or five below around here in forest hill? No, no, but I'm sure we're gonna get more they're everywhere.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, it's kind of irritating.

Speaker 3:

So let's talk about the darling of harford county Harford County Republicans that are in office. Love them, wes Moore, the next Obama.

Speaker 4:

Brought to Harford County. It's just business.

Speaker 3:

I bet that same group is going to be on the other end. Should we tell them yeah, they're bringing Larry the sleepover kid Hogan to town.

Speaker 4:

Stay tuned for that one.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, that's what I hear Lock your kids up. They're going to have a little fundraiser for him at Maryland Golf and Country Club. Geez, I don't know what else is going to go on, but you can take your guesses.

Speaker 2:

It should be protested.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely Well. They're pretty smart doing it at the country club, where it's a little difficult, you know. But we could, you know, get horse and buggy or something over there yeah, there's no sidewalks no uh no good place to uh stand and be be heard right? Well, we just should put some signs up to warn the children to stay away that day yeah, that's, that's going to be.

Speaker 4:

You know, speaking of of the, the hoagie man, larry Hogan, um, the the new guy in town, wes Moore, you know what's he been up to. You know this is this. This article we're looking at here from the hill is kind of interesting. You know it was. Um are rising stars, you know is he done?

Speaker 3:

is he done with chest feeding, or yeah, well, don't, don't forget uh, you know, the darling of baltimore city, brandon scott, because the, the, the pair of race hustlers, is going to be a lot more wealthy this time next year than they are right now. You watch, check out their bank accounts.

Speaker 4:

I wonder how they grew that's a good point, you know. But you look at westmore, you know I'm going to bring this in and I want to bring this in lightly into our discussion. All right, westmore, he's got aspirations. The, the democrat party has aspirations for him way above, you know, being the mayor, uh, or, excuse me, the governor of maryland. Um, but I want to, I'm really watching him right now in a tragic situation that you know our community here in maryland is dealing with. And that's where I, how I want to start bringing this conversation to light.

Speaker 4:

You know, this past week, in the middle of the night, you know, a major bridge in this huge bridge right down the road from the freedom pod where we're flying tonight, you know, collapsed. There is this huge bridge right down the road from the Freedom Pod where we're flying tonight, you know, collapsed. There is this huge structure in the middle of the Patapsco River, right now, right outside the Chesapeake Bay. You know there were lives lost. There is so much to discuss about the situation. It's going to impact not only our community and our families, and you know Baltimore County, hartford County, you know the whole east, the whole east coast, the nation. But what is Westmore up to in this? And to your point what are these guys? What's the end game? What are they going to gain from this? Where are they, where is our representatives in this kind of discussion and what's being done? About this so.

Speaker 4:

I wanted to be kind of light, bringing it in because it is a soft topic, but there's still done about this. So I wanted to be kind of light, bringing it in because it is a soft topic but there's still so many questions, and I think that's what we want to talk about. Is all these questions that are going on around this whole situation, sure?

Speaker 2:

Well, there's so many questions and we know so little information. We don't know the names of people running the ship or the pilot, we don't know. There's so much we don't't know. But instantaneously the news media said well, this is not terrorism, this is not a planned attack, this is, I mean, how do they know? How do they know it's well?

Speaker 3:

I, I, oh, oh, oh, I know how they know mr connor. Well see, um they? What they're doing right now is it's called gaslighting us. They know exactly what. They knew exactly when it was going to happen, how it was going to happen. And the thing that really is silly is their stories suck. I mean, the people they put out in front of of the, you know, different agencies don't have any answers to any questions.

Speaker 2:

So, but they have the answer that it's definitely not terrorism, right?

Speaker 3:

Well, let's let's ask her. Let's let's take this apart for a second. What is the first thing? And to any questions, but they have the answer that it's definitely not terrorism, right? Well, let's ask her. Let's take this apart for a second. What is the first thing? And Josh has been talking about this Cocaine. Joe came out and said oh, the federal government's going to pay for the whole thing and everybody's mad at that and they're talking about it. But think about it, boys and girls, why? It's very simple. The answer is very simple if the federal government pays for it, then nobody's going to do an investigation. See, because if you let the uh, the ship and their insurance company pay for it, they're going to want to investigate and the government doesn't want them to investigate exactly, and the second part.

Speaker 4:

To this, you know, I will add well, yes, if the federal federal government paid to replace uh this, it probably would get done quicker as far as being funded because going through all of the insurance and stuff. But again, that's a very valid point what's going to? What is going to happen in the investigation, you know, is every single cargo container going to be investigated, pulled off, looked at, investigated, pulled off, looked at? Is the ship going to be looked at? Is every single um standard operating procedure going to be looked at that they were supposed to be following? You know, every little aspect of this needs to be investigated and the transparency needs to be reported back out to the people.

Speaker 2:

They don't want to do that are the pieces of the break points going to be investigated? Right, because I I watched a good video. There's this really cool tube that you can watch nowadays. I love it. But there was a gentleman who's been a part of the destruction on purpose, the demolition of over 50 bridges in Texas and his expert analysis of the videos. Basically, he says that these breakpoints look like thermite small bomb induced breakpoints that happened all at the right time, which he said could be a I'm not saying this what. This is what happened we got you tj.

Speaker 2:

You're passing on what you heard but all that stuff could have been installed by a team in less than 12 hours without anybody knowing, because you know who cares, what's at, who's at the top of a bridge or whatever. Any different time nobody's looking or caring or whatever. But his analysis analysis was the way it broke down.

Speaker 3:

It definitely looks like controlled demolition after the the ship hit the, I wouldn't have any frame of reference or knowledge of any of this I have idea, but he's the expert.

Speaker 2:

So, it's worth considering.

Speaker 5:

And I will say Mrs Smith is she, she works in news and she was she was concerned about you know, just going off half cocked with these theories, but I did watch the video and if you watch the video, everyone you can see on the right side of the bridge. If you pay attention to the top of the right side of the bridge, there are three different, distinct plumes of smoke that come off of that and it's, it's odd I think some of that's probably power lines.

Speaker 5:

It could be you know, and that's what I said, I said to her, you know, maybe it's just power lines, but why would they smoke? Is the question.

Speaker 3:

I guess I mean, yeah, I have other questions, like you know, um you fast forwarded on me oh, I'm sorry, sorry, sorry yeah, so I know what it was. Did everybody see the movie? Uh, um, you're not alone in this world, or you left this world at the end of the world, the end of the world, the end of life.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, it was a an obama netflix right. Everybody knows that obama's has a huge amount of input into the content on netflix. It's a movie where this giant cargo ship just comes crashing into shore and they all are standing on the beach watching the cargo ship come in and it's as if it can't stop for miles and miles and miles. And the reason they do these things, folks, it's not because of uh, you know the secret rituals and and they have to have, they have to pre-warn you. Now. It's really simple. They need to put this idea in your head that this is plausible. They need to pre-warn you. No, it's really simple. They need to put this idea in your head that this is plausible. They need to put the idea in your head that they can't get this giant ship to stop by dropping the anchor or anything else. So that's why they run these movies.

Speaker 4:

Well, to that point. That's why I want everything to be reviewed and everything to be, investigated because okay.

Speaker 4:

Were they on their primary? Were they on their primary? Were they on their secondary? You know, whatever it may be, the um, their generators, the engines, you know what was happening. You know, did they? Were they able to steer? Were they not able to steer? What was the? The coal that was rolling? Was you know what was happening? Was there a major? What was going on with all of this? There's just too many questions. If you watch the videos.

Speaker 3:

This ship wasn't even close to being in the center of the channel.

Speaker 2:

Not even close. It's toward the pylon.

Speaker 3:

The bridge has been up what 50-some years and no one's had done this before. I mean, now that we have all the modern things that we have, now is when they run into it. Stop, just stop. Let's talk about the other thing we've talked about investigations, investigations, investigate. Now, who is the person in charge of the, of what we're going to see now? Good point, who is that person?

Speaker 4:

well, you're jumping ahead of me a little bit here now, but uh, another question that's kind of very interesting. Um, the gentleman's name is um william del bagno um, and he was appointed as the special agent in charge of baltimore's field office for the fbi just the day before this incident happened that's amazing coincidence oh, who is he though?

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

he's a clinton cleaner right yeah, right, yeah, you can find him in the Benghazi Bill. If you look at some of the emails in the Clinton email stories that were popping up, you'll find his name quite a bit. But I thought it was very interesting when you started looking at the news release from the FBI regarding him and kind of his history of where he's been throughout the FBI. It started back in 2005, you know, but everything, not everything, but 95% of the stuff that he was working on was anti-terrorism, anti-terrorism projects all throughout the FBI throughout his whole 20 year career, terrorism um projects all throughout the fbi, throughout his whole 20-year career um. So again, it's just a thought, it's a question. It's like what is the guy that's got 20 years of experience can come out and say immediately this isn't, this isn't, you know correct. Again, is that part of the narrative? And you know the calming down of society oh, this guy's, he's an expert.

Speaker 3:

But yep, if you watch and you dig and you see these things, you got to start asking are these coincidences? There's too many coincidences. We're at war. This is what war looks like, folks Now in the 20th century.

Speaker 2:

It's what it looks like today, because you look at the results of this horrific disaster or horrific action, either one, both the same. But if you look at the results the crippling of a port, the crippling of the transportation, the trucking, the shipping industry this is going to cost billions and billions of dollars. How about the lost jobs? I mean this is like blowing up the Nord Stream pipeline.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and if you do this like this once in a while, you don't have to carpet bomb baltimore to do it. This was easier, it was cheaper and it doesn't bring an immediate retaliation or throw up as many red flags, and that's kind of thing.

Speaker 4:

The questions that we're asking are there are still red flags here? Yeah, but not to the fbi, because instantly they said it's not terrorism, instantly tj, you just brought up something really um big about the hazardous material and I wanted to kind of dive into that just a little bit more. That bridge was built specifically to haul the hazardous material, because it can't go under the tunnel.

Speaker 4:

And it's so long to get around 695 to get back over to 95. It was so easy to kind of do this right at the port, be able to get the fuels and everything that they need right around up and down the east coast corridor. Um, this is a huge hit to the nation because of that, you know. So what are the impacts? How are they going to fix that? Um, it's going to be now down for how many years too? Yeah, it's not, it's not just a baltimore disaster.

Speaker 2:

It's not just a maryland disaster, it's a us disaster, because of the infrastructure and what happens, what passes through that bridge.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it's probably even worse than the Ohio train disaster.

Speaker 5:

And I mean imagine just. I mean I'm speculating here, but imagine what happens if we have an actual hazmat vehicle that like tips in the tunnel or something, or there's an accident, or on 695.

Speaker 2:

If you drive 695, you already know it's as bad as you ever want to see it.

Speaker 3:

It is terrible.

Speaker 4:

And you add the expansion of 95 and everything to that, it's just going to be tough. But again, what is the media? What are they trying to push through this? You know it's an election year, all this stuff that you the politicization of this event. What I see so far is I see Biden coming in driving. I can't believe he said that he he rode a train over the key.

Speaker 3:

Wait, I sent an investigator look into that. And it's true, I'd love to bash cocaine Joe as much as you guys, but I do hear that he rode Thomas the tank engine across the Bay bridge. So we have that. Yeah, I hate to correct you, josh.

Speaker 4:

I saw that same picture but but again now I see them trying to make Westmore look into and um look into my eyes. Yeah, uh, westmore. And then who's the guy in baltimore city? Uh, brandon scott, you know to be the saviors. Um, you know, is you joe biden's coming in, you know, to a fellow west, uh, fellow democrat run state in westmore. You know, if this was, you know, a a red state, would joe biden be here doing all that he's trying to do?

Speaker 3:

those three are fake.

Speaker 5:

No, no he didn't, because he didn't do anything for ohio, thank you, that's why I want to bring that up. Those three are fake. No, he didn't, because he didn't do anything for Ohio, thank you, that's why I wanted to bring that up.

Speaker 3:

Those three are fake, as you know what? Look? You got the two race hustlers Wes Moore and Brandon Scott, Then you got the racist Joe Biden, and they're all going to be hugging and talking this stuff out. They all hate each other.

Speaker 2:

They hate each other. And, as you pointed out, josh, just like the Ukraine. And, as you pointed out, josh, just like the Ukraine, this is the biggest slush fund dirty money corrupt thing that's going to happen with all this money going to rebuild this bridge.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. And we don't have the mafia in Baltimore, we have the government.

Speaker 5:

And they're also catapulting Pete Buttigieg into the limelight again.

Speaker 3:

I don't know why they're doing that, but that's interesting. Well, because he's like the first man to give birth to a baby or something. No, he that, but that's interesting well because he's like the first man to give birth to a baby or something.

Speaker 2:

No, he's breastfeeding. Oh, he's breastfeeding, jeez. By the way, corruption is a maryland tradition absolutely.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, ask nancy, nancy p, there you go, but yeah, no in. Watch these bank accounts, watch, you know, watch all this construction, watch what's going on. You know these people are going to become rich and it's sad because, again, this is a tragedy. You know, there wasn't the mass tragedy that you've seen in uh, other other instances from you know 9-11 and stuff like that, where the major death happened, but this just crippled our region this is the new way going forward.

Speaker 3:

When all the people die, there's too many eyes on it.

Speaker 2:

Without all the deaths, without a mass casualty event, you'll get less scrutiny yeah, every death is a tragedy and we all, we all agree on that, agreed 100 for everyone who's involved in this, but the fact that, like you said, they have it happened at zero. Dog 30 yeah where there's less casualties, where the government comes in instantly, just basically kills an investigation because they're going to pay for it anyway yeah yeah you know, and it's just sad.

Speaker 4:

You know. You look at the overall community that we have going on and you know people are getting um led down the wrong path or they're getting lied to. You know, and as more and more people are waking up and to understand that there's a corruption, our government, that the they will sell us down the river for a dollar, yeah, People are waking up.

Speaker 3:

People are waking up.

Speaker 4:

And we're becoming a better community, I think, around this, you know, we're helping each other out. You know, I know that they're doing a lot of good things down in that region. I know a couple of the restaurants are really supporting the first responders that are trying to, you know, clean it all up and everything. But as people as I keep saying people are waking up, they're walking away from this. You know what's a good term for their narrative, you know, or their agenda. You know that they're trying to push here on us, you know. I think that's kind of what we need to discuss Disinformation campaign To use their own language.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 2:

Nationally. Nationally, it's the mockingbird, media disinformation but, but people are. People are waking up to the fact that it's nationally, but people are waking up to the fact that it's statewide. And now it's baltimore city and now, as we've been bringing out on this broadcast over and over, it's harford county. It's right in our backyard. Corruption and evil and evil with major leaders and major media is is just incredibly. It's beyond belief for the average individual. The evil that's happening, that's being discovered by people who are checking these things out, it's it would. It would fry your brain if you understand how much really evil is in the world. These are the days of Noah.

Speaker 5:

Well, I have to say this, but if you trust anything the government tells you. I'm sorry, I would have five, six years ago I would have said some of this speculation is nuts. But just since COVID our eyes have been opened so much to what they can actually do and the lies that they tell oh you, look at the supposed reasons we got into.

Speaker 2:

Any war in the last 60 years of tunkin incident never happened. All these things are just let's get weapons of mass destruction and false flags in this country are almost always by the deep state, the cfa yeah, let's get back on topic.

Speaker 3:

Sorry, no, you guys are good, don't be sorry I loved it but, but I I think it's important that we talk about what's going on in in the rap hip-hop community. I don't profess to be part of it, so I apologize to people that, if you are that I've mislabeled it. I don't know exactly what to call it. Um, we've got uh, some, some people coming out and what's? The guy, cat williams, kind of predicted this stuff and all of a sudden p did.

Speaker 4:

He's in a lot of trouble for doing some, uh, really perverted things yeah, no, cat williams said the year of 2024, you know, would expose, you know the pedophilia and the sex trafficking. You know a lot of people are going to be, um you know, having to come up.

Speaker 3:

And here it is. And I'm going to predict something here because, let me tell you something, I work with a lot of you know people that listen to rap and they are not interested in pedophilia. That is not their thing. It pisses them off. This is going to be a huge break for that that. I'm going to use the wrong terms again. Maybe that ghetto culture that was was really a bad, a bad thing. I think this is going to be the end of it. It's not cool to be a loser.

Speaker 4:

No, but I think to clarify what you're saying, so there was ghetto rap, like that was a genre of rap. They did was what the media was putting out there and everything like that. You know, not talking the whole gamut of the, the, the music industry there as being ghetto rap. That I to help, I think, clarify that. No, they, they were from the hoods and everything like that and that's what they were building themselves upon. So, but the whole culture, you know the whole, and this is bigger than just um. You know the rap culture, this it's also in hollywood, so it is, you know, not racial, it's not anything, it is like a, a power hungry culture. Um, and the crazy thing, when you, once you bring um, you look at it from the entertainment world, the influence that they have on their words. You, you know, in this sense, in their music, but also in movies or TV shows, what they're putting out there. You know they have an influence on us as a society.

Speaker 4:

But I think that that's where, you know, bringing it back to that people are getting hurt and they're waking up and they're losing their trust in just just hey, did you hear that x, y and z put out the new song, you know? Oh, I'm gonna buy that right away and everything like that. No, who is this person? Again, you know? It's just like, I think, what we're asking everybody to do when you look at politicians. Even hey, don't just go vote. Who are you voting for? Hey?

Speaker 4:

and why and why don't go buy this song, you know, because it sounds cool. Um, there's that one country guy I forget his name, man, this is gonna bother me. But again he has a couple really funny cool songs, but again he is the most um, left-leaning country guy I've ever seen in my life. Um, it's gonna bother me all night not to be able to remember his name but I think that's really what there's an awakening.

Speaker 4:

Yes, and I'm not going to be accepting that in the that the Hollywood community has been very tight knit. You know for many years the rap community has been very tight knit from. For many years you know us, you know communities have been tight knit and the stuff that I think is coming out and the people are getting investigated for nobody's willing to just brush that under the rug anymore.

Speaker 3:

No, when you find out these people are using pedophilia to blackmail each other. This is satanic, is what it is.

Speaker 2:

It's 100%, and you hear the stories of people who have resisted what is an almost overwhelming proposition. To become famous and have all your dreams come true if you're willing to basically sell your soul to the devil, I'm just going to come out and say it.

Speaker 5:

I feel like I don't want to be too preachy here, but I do feel like the Lord is starting to reveal the truth, absolutely. And I love that. I want all of the worst actors to be completely just in daylight.

Speaker 3:

Exposed. Yeah, yeah, well, it's happening. More and more people are waking up, more and more people are seeing it. I mean, this guy did he's in a lot of trouble, man.

Speaker 4:

Uh, his, his folks are bailing on him left it right and him being on the run a little bit is not a not a good look. Um, again, we'd like to see all the information come out and I think that's one of the themes I think we can have about podcast, or podcast tonight or the episode tonight is we want transparency, we want accountability, um, and we want investigations. We want the information to come out, but we don't want it to be redacted like we mentioned on the last podcast or two podcasts 148 pages all redacted no, we're not dealing with that anymore.

Speaker 4:

You know, um, but also shame on us. You know we've been seeing this trend happening for years and thank god it's happening and we're we're seeing it more and more open, uh, opening of eyes of people. You know we look at oprah winfrey for for decades now, from bill cosby, her relationships to, you know, harvey weinstein, oh even p diddy. So again, there's been trends. I'm not accusing Oprah about anything, but I think our listeners understand what we're talking about turning men into pedophiles for 40 years. Yeah, um and. I would agree with that.

Speaker 5:

I wish you all could see the pictures on the head up display right now and just her kissing Harvey Weinstein and hanging out with Bill Cosby. And who's the guy there?

Speaker 4:

No, the right picture I'm not sure, right, okay, I couldn't name him by name.

Speaker 2:

He did, I mean whether whether the P did anything is just a distraction to take us away from the key bridge and the other things that are happening. You crank whatever, but it's. It is opening a lot of eyes, I think you should use your quote, john connor.

Speaker 3:

I think you should. It's open more. It's opening eyes faster than a dolly. Pardon, wardrobe malfunction at a middle school. Assembly them some wide open eyes oh my them boys didn't want to leave the assembly.

Speaker 4:

I'm not even gonna say what I was gonna say keep it, keep it. Uh, family oriented a little bit absolutely, we love families, um, but also I want I want to kind of look at it this from shift five times it says do you want to turn on sticky keys?

Speaker 4:

turn it off. Yes, turn it off. I'll turn that off. Sorry guys, guys, clean them. But just kind of looking at the overall narrative on the national level, you know, I'm just happy that the people are talking. But to your point, tj, you know, is this a distraction? No, I just think that there's a lot of evil stuff happening right now and I think there is good people fighting against this, you know, from many different levels. You know, you look at it here locally. You have people that are fighting on the school level and we've been to the board of education for a while. You know the county council. We have people that go down to DC and, you know, give testimony or march or protest. You know it's happening all over the country in very different types of levels. I'm just happy that it's, you know, not just getting, you know, lost in the in the weeds. But I also to the point. I don't think that there's, you know, to use the term distraction as much anymore. It's no, this is just literally it's all coming out and it's all really happening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hey, let me throw this out there too, since we're talking about things coming out. General flynn has a movie coming out. It's supposed to be very revealing. He's quite a resource. If you recall, this is the guy that, as soon as Trump appointed him, the left went after him hard, and that's because he knew where all the bodies were buried and he was going to be able to really do a lot of good things. Obama warned Trump, interestingly enough, to stay away from this Flynn guy, and Flynn is a registered democrat, or was?

Speaker 2:

so if the mockingbird media is going after you big time, then you're probably an ally of freedom yep so.

Speaker 3:

So his movie's coming out and he claims there's going to be a lot of things revealed. Now I know people always say stuff like that for movies, but we'll, we'll look at it and see.

Speaker 4:

I'm definitely gonna watch it absolutely absolutely I mean, I know we always like to end the show with something are we near the end I think we're closing it out. At least we're moving into the time for hopium.

Speaker 3:

Already we're circling, we're circling the field.

Speaker 4:

I think we still have some more news to talk about here locally.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we don't want to get the hope yet no, um, something I wanted to bring up.

Speaker 4:

I thought it was really interesting um choose hope, the women's center here in harford county. Um is a bel air in bel air you know it's. I think there's a couple locations actually, but yeah, yeah, um, there are pregnancy, um medical clinics and resource center, you know um, for men and women no, no, no, no.

Speaker 4:

I can speak to this if you guys need sorry, I can't stop I just wanted to bring this up, that um you know, their executive director sent out a message to vice president camilla harris um this past week, because camilla harris um toward a planned parenthood abortion center and this letter was basically inviting um, camilla harris, to come to harford county to visit, uh, the choose hope women's center here. Um, you know, if you're going to go to a an abortion clinic, at least come to a resource for pregnancy yeah, but she was getting her card stamped because if she gets a 10th one it's free, I think I can hear the cackling now no it's.

Speaker 5:

You know, I have to speak to this because this is, this is I if I can say that this is my issue like I don't know. I've always been a. I've always been very pro-life. So it's interesting, though, to to see, like kind of the language that she used, because she said maybe you've never been invited to a clinic, to a, to a you know pro-life clinic, so she's inviting to a you know pro-life clinic. Uh, so she's inviting her, you know extending the invitation. Um, these, these clinics, I mean, I, I'm on the board of one it's not this particular one, but I'm on the board of one and they provide tangible resources for women, men and children until I mean sometimes until, like even almost into their teens. So when everybody says, you know, pro-lifers don't care about children, after they're born.

Speaker 2:

It's not true.

Speaker 5:

It's complete garbage Because I can tell you, the one that I am on the board of is very much active in the women's lives all the way through. You know, after the child is born, through. You know, after the child is born, providing you know, diapers, materials any kind of you know like. I mean cribs, car seats, whatever is needed to raise that child we give away.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, there's the Women's Center, the Gabriel Network. There's so many really great local organizations that do this and support people who make the choice for life. Amen.

Speaker 4:

No, I don't think that there's a good way to kind of transition over. But you know, just looking at our children, you know, and I think that's something big, you know thank you for making those comments being, you know, pro-life, that you know our children are our future. And you know I have two young girls right now. You know, every day I get to look at them in the eyes, you know, and I will run through a brick wall for them, you know, just to just to protect them Absolutely. And it's even as they grow.

Speaker 4:

And I think that you know, the easiest way into looking and transitioning into the next topic here is, you know, once they hit school in this, what's happening to them.

Speaker 4:

You know, I know we, we as a group, are really against the government schools, you know, as of late here, especially because they become indoctrination camps, and I'm sorry, I will argue that to the day I die that you know what's happening right now is wrong and it's bad.

Speaker 4:

But what's also happening right now is they're trying to re-up their funds right now. You know the budgets are being discussed right now and that's this whole county-wide stuff. This is talking about our taxpaying dollars, but also what is happening to our children and I just really wanted to kind of bring up a couple of things to our community members just to bring them aware to where this money has gone in the past year, couple of years and everything like that, and just what's being what's being asked from our board of board of education. And I know that, patrick, you know he's been really talking about, you know the sheriff's budget and I don't know if we need to go into that again tonight, but you know that has doubled or potentially would double since Sheriff Gaylor has taken office in the past eight years.

Speaker 2:

Right, Seven years, while the population has increased by six or seven percent, correct?

Speaker 4:

But you look at the children, you know what's happening in the schools. Um, I wanted to bring up a couple things and I actually brought these up at a recent falston community act. Uh, community community advisory board meeting to a board of education member with really no response or no, you know, no answers to hey, all this money that you spent last year. You guys are asking for more money, but this is the stuff that you guys do. You don't give it to the teachers, you don't give it to the children. It's going to a very top heavy school system and I can rant on this stuff for a while because this stuff it really bothers me. But a couple of things I wanted to bring up. Last year HTPS spent our taxpaying dollars to install a brand new recording studio in the lower level of their central office. You know, basically they got rid of a technology lab and put it in a news studio.

Speaker 2:

You mean they got rid of something that was going to be educational and just made it a propaganda.

Speaker 4:

Exactly you know a place to the where they can train their staff. Now they're going to use it to spew out their information. Why was it built? Like you know, I know, during the pandemic they were, you know, on the making videos all the time is now this, their new news studio it's their answer to their freedom pod they have nothing on us, uh-uh, um, here's the second thing to this um they have a huge budget, so they do have something on us.

Speaker 2:

That's all I'm saying. Yeah.

Speaker 4:

Well, 54, 55% of the taxpaying dollars here in Hartford County, um, the second one was the manager of communications Now, going back to the news studio. But the manager of communications now needed a, an assistant. I'm not going to pick on the money here, but I'm just going to mention it could be up to six figures, you know, in salary. And I want to mention that this wasn't a position that was, you know, previously had. Like you know, the communications manager of communications didn't really have an assistant focused in on giving input on what needed to be discussed or put out there. This, yes, this could have been a, just a repositioning within hcps, but again, why does the manager of communications need a?

Speaker 3:

news outlet, and I can explain it, because when the superintendent of public schools is hell-bent on introducing all sorts of woke ideology while at the same time has allowed the grades to swirl the bowl, the kids aren't learning anything. You've got to hire somebody to try to spin that load of crap so that you can keep your job. And that's exactly what Sean Bolson's doing, same guy that isn't following the rules and being a resident of Hartford County properly.

Speaker 5:

I mean he insulated himself by becoming the superintendent of the year, and we all know that was a farce. I mean absolutelyulated himself by becoming the superintendent of the year, and we all know that was a farce.

Speaker 3:

I mean absolutely so ludicrous. It's like blue ribbon schools. It just means they tow the line better. It means they follow the exact government standards to the letter better than the other guys do so.

Speaker 2:

your testing scores can just go so far down the tube the whole apparently that it's. It's ludicrous, it's embarrassing. And yet you're a superintendent of the year.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

It's unbelievable.

Speaker 3:

That's how ridiculously woke and left wing the public school system has become.

Speaker 4:

Well, speaking of you know, woke, this is the one thing that's. During the Boston community advisory board meeting. I brought this up in the um. The response from the budget person was well, this is spread out across three years, so it's really not that much money. So what I'm talking about here is HCPS put out a wellness needs assessment survey. We've talked about this many times on the podcast Don't let the public schools survey your children. Just if you hear that your children is getting surveyed in the Hartford County public schools, opt out, write to the administration. My child is not doing this survey because they took this health, the wellness assessment of your child in a contract across, yes, three school years to send it to a third-party research firm called Hanover Research Council LLC to analyze the comments by your children. Look at their logo. I'm sorry. Well, it's not. Even that's disturbing. They're taking your information, they're selling your information off about your child and they're not even analyzing the information what they're really doing.

Speaker 4:

They're spending our tax-pay on this.

Speaker 3:

They're funneling our tax money into left-wing hardcore organizations that they then mobilize during election season. That's exactly what they're doing. They are skimming money from the public to use how they want to use it.

Speaker 4:

That's what the public school system is guilty of doing and the last thing that they're doing also and this has been happening for years is fully funding grant jobs and absorbing those grant positions into your standard operating budgets. You know it's been happening forever, but since COVID this is unsustainable.

Speaker 2:

Sure, yeah, absolutely. Once the positions are there because of federal government money, the positions are already there, so we're on the hook to cover that for the next year and the next year, and they won't answer what these programs are and how much they're going to cost and things like that.

Speaker 4:

But we do know that last year that they absorbed 107 grant positions into the operating budget that us, as taxpayers, would now have to permanently fund. How can we pay for this? We were struggling with the gas pump. We're struggling with the groceries. They're asking for $40 million more this year.

Speaker 2:

What do you think is the benefit to students? What do you think is the benefit to students to any of this high level? Top heavy positions. This is unbelievable.

Speaker 5:

Josh and I had actually attended a meeting last week or this past week, and it was interesting because you know, I actually did the math and I had actually attended a meeting last week or this past week and it was interesting because, you know, I actually did the math and I looked at their budget and I did the math as how many students that they actually have.

Speaker 2:

Wait a minute, you can do math, I can yeah. I can?

Speaker 5:

You're not a current, it's around 10K per student per year, which to me, I mean. I mean I would say that private schools are probably more expensive.

Speaker 3:

Now it's more than that. Is it more than that?

Speaker 5:

I calculated 10, but that maybe they were overstating the county.

Speaker 4:

You know you have to look at it from the state, yes, state, well, right.

Speaker 5:

I was only looking at county numbers.

Speaker 1:

So you have to you add in the state. Then you've got to double that.

Speaker 5:

But what I was going to say is that you know you have a. We had a representative. Carol Mueller, who is used to be the president of the school board, was there and she was just I mean, she was straight up arguing with the like the whole administration of the county schools. Instead of actually like, her job is to be like kind of like a watchman for the spending and to oversee the superintendent, and that's not what they're doing. He comes to the meetings with an agenda and she supports him.

Speaker 3:

He comes to the meetings as if he's in charge as if he's not an employee of the board of education yeah, I'd love to go back to the first live free die last podcast, where we warned you that these uh, if you were, you're not to sit down and relax because bob castley got to appoint three people because it wasn't going to amount to a hill of beans, and I'm going to tell you we were right. Okay, uh, those three folks haven't done anything, the elected officials haven't done anything and all they're going to do is cry. There's nothing we can do, and if and but. Yeah, they suck. It's hard to be so professional.

Speaker 4:

And we're just. You know it was bad about all this and I'll close this out. I think we need to talk about a little bit of Team OD stuff before we close out tonight. Team.

Speaker 3:

OD. How much is the little? Just a little. Are we going to get into the soap opera stuff or are we going to fly above the board?

Speaker 2:

Let's fly above. Yeah, we'll fly above the board tonight.

Speaker 3:

Only if you promise we can talk about it at a later date.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, let's figure it out a little bit more. I agree, I don broadcast, let's figure it out. Yeah, no, I agree, I don't want to be totally ridiculous, but no, what I want to say is you know, we look at this, we. I hate having an argument about funding something for our children, but I think we can all agree it needs to go to the children.

Speaker 4:

And in this conversation that we're having right here, it is the administration level. It's a high level conversation where the parents have been, you know, completely removed from the discussion. They really don't care what the parents have and they think that they have the ability to say your child needs this education, or they need this training, or we need our teacher to have this training. No, we need to now open up, you know, open up the curtain and say this has got to stop, pull this out, this has got to stop, this has got to stop.

Speaker 4:

And to your point, john, there's people in place and until they do their job you know here we are you know they need to be held accountable and to the community, put their feet to the fire more. Amen, you know, put their feet to the fire and attend meetings, because the meeting before the last meeting that you mentioned to Winston you know Wade Sewell, who is actually the board of education representative here in District B he said oh no, the county just has the money. Just get up off the money and give the school the rest of the money, and that's what Carol Mueller said too.

Speaker 4:

No, we don't have the money. I don't have the money to pay as a taxpayer anymore.

Speaker 3:

The taxes are higher now.

Speaker 5:

And it's amazing If you really watch a meeting, if you watch one of these Monday evening meetings with the school board, they have absolutely nothing but disdain and contempt for the parents that come 100% 100%, you're right.

Speaker 3:

It's disgusting. You are correct, Winston, and I'll tell you what. If you think that your kids are getting a great education in the public school, you're. You're fooling yourself. You're fooling yourself.

Speaker 2:

And if you think this extra money is going to benefit your kids education, absolutely not.

Speaker 4:

Nope, Before we move into team OD I guess this is the start team OD. Talking about that A few Fawcett community advisory board meetings from the past week.

Speaker 3:

They're still pissed off over there in Fawcett.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we're pissed, we're pissed. No apartments in Falston. They love Falston.

Speaker 3:

Well, that was A-Ron and Euler. It's like they took a yardstick over and whacked a giant hornet's nest.

Speaker 2:

Falston's awake, Not woke but awake.

Speaker 4:

You know, I thought it was interesting, we were missing. You know, looked at the agenda there. I thought it was interesting we were missing. Looked at the agenda.

Speaker 4:

There was just one line crossed off and we're like, oh man, one, one line. Who didn't show up there? Winston Aaron Penman. It was a good conversation again about the budget and everything I think he could have learned from the community, but again, just was interesting to find that he wasn't at that meeting. He might have been otherwise engaged, we don't know. Just was interesting to find that he wasn't at that meeting.

Speaker 5:

You know right, he might've been otherwise engaged, we don't know. You know he might've been in having a grace.

Speaker 4:

He didn't want to get hit with the stick anymore but I guess, looking at team OD and closing out the night, I I just want to rant for one second on this, go for it. So we talked about and excuse our young listeners the pissing match that's going on in Hartford County between Team OD and it seems like Cassley, you know, has been the front person because he's the county executive, but again, I'm not here to you know, jump right on Bob Cassley's shoulders and say let's ride right through the night. I have a problem with the bullshit attacks that are happening right now and again I apologize for my language. So what happened here this past week is you have Sheriff Gaylor now releasing information. So Sheriff Gaylor put out a Freedom of Information Act request to Castley regarding an investigation and he basically wanted to know six pieces of information. Bob Casley gave him five of those six pieces of information and it's right.

Speaker 4:

Here I'm looking at the state of Maryland's Public Information Act Compliance Board's opinion and what bothers me about this whole situation is Sheriff Gaylor put out this whole Facebook publication and email or whatever it was, and he's the sheriff you know he's talking about. We need accountability and transparency and you know we have the county county executive wiretapping and all this type of stuff. And I'm just trying to be the upstanding sheriff and get this information. Well, once you get through the first paragraph of the actual opinion, it says here, in the last couple sentences, the complainant now challenges that denial, basically that you know denying of the information that he requested. So basically it continues on and says in response the complainant, the county indicates that while it believes it has authority to comply with the PIA request, basically the county says I think we, it has authority to comply with the PIA request. Basically the county says I think we should be able to do this and we're legally allowed to do this. It is precluded from doing so because the sheriff has taken the position in a different matter, that searching for a and retrieving emails from a county-owned server constitutes illegal wiretapping.

Speaker 4:

Based on the information before us, we conclude that the county has improperly denied inspection of public records and thus violated the PIA. And they explain further. So right there in that second to last sentence, the county is saying hey, we think we can get you this information, we think we have the authority to give you that information. We think we can get you this information, we think we have the authority to give you that information, but we're not, because this person that's accusing us of not giving us that information has already said that we wiretap them for the same thing. So what are we supposed?

Speaker 2:

to do so.

Speaker 4:

They're asking for illegal wiretapping information quote unquote yes, so that's my biggest problem in this whole situation here is you know, you got mudslinging happening, happening, but it's not the whole, all the information coming out. When you're throwing the mud, I don't care. You know, if you're going to argue, argue with the facts. Don't don't make it a middle school argument here yeah, it's not good for the county.

Speaker 3:

It's not a good look for the county and it makes most people question the. It makes most people question the, the authenticity and the honor of some of the important offices in our county well, it just looks like, and we're no.

Speaker 2:

We're no cheerleaders for republicans just because they have an r after their name hell that's the opposite of what we stand for. We stand for freedom, we stand for, for the Constitution, the Maryland State Constitution, the Hartford County Charter. But this infighting which, when we're accused of accusing Republicans of not doing the right thing, we're the bad guys, but these Republicans are attacking other Republicans for frivolous, ridiculous things which are obviously politically motivated.

Speaker 3:

And they're making stuff up.

Speaker 2:

It's disgusting.

Speaker 5:

Personal too.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, oh, it's personal, yeah. Well, when you look at the aspirations of people who you formerly were your friends and good people, the political aspirations, and then the machinations of people that they employ attacking your next, uh, candidate prospect, your next opponent in the next election probably it's it's really, it's really swampy I gotta be honest, like I mean, I'm sure this is the same way in every jurisdiction in the, in the state of mary Maryland and in every state in the whole union, but like maybe being a part of one.

Speaker 5:

No, I'm talking. I'm talking about specifically the whole hierarchy and the, the, the, the organization of who's going next, who's doing this next?

Speaker 2:

The good old boy. I mean, I've been a part of this.

Speaker 5:

I've been kind of a part of it since like four, 2000, like 99 maybe, and it's crazy. I mean they, they're all planned out, they all have their own. You know, they've got their whole career planned out, what they're going to run for next and all that stuff.

Speaker 2:

So it's just, I mean it's yeah, and they can plan anything they want, but when they use nefarious means, illegal means, corrupt means and hire corrupt people to do corrupt things, it's, it's not a good look, it's not at all.

Speaker 3:

No, and let me interrupt for a second. Boys and girls, did you hear the word that thomas jefferson used machinations? We're gonna go to winston smith and have him tell us what machinations are it's like the inner workings of something I didn't even use surreptitious machinations I didn't know. Syrup went good on macadamia. All right, that was your almost a lesson for the week. Yeah, back to the josh no, I think we.

Speaker 4:

I think that's the news for you know, for this podcast, you know in what we really wanted to talk about. But I think we always get so far into the content and really what's going on and pulling back so many layers of the onion. I hate when we get to the end of these podcasts, leaving it in such a term of there's no hope. Well, back to your point, it's time to have some hopium, john.

Speaker 4:

You know, I really think we need some hopium here, you know, and absolutely light up the hopium and pass it around every single person sitting here, I think, can say something to this.

Speaker 2:

So who wants to go from, go for the fact that this podcast exists and that people are listening to it. It is a point of a huge hope, because most of what's happened in the last 50 years of Hartford County politics has been so behind closed doors. No one really has put the whole picture together, put the puzzle pieces together, and now we see it and it's like, once you see it, you can't unsee it.

Speaker 3:

The toothpaste is not going back in the tube, that's right.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and I think, when it comes down to it, we talked about the children tonight, you know, and that's that's the foundation, you know um, they are our future. They, you know, look at them in the eyes. You know I will do anything, as I said earlier, for our children, but also for our community, and I really think that that's what we can see here. So many people we talked about at the last podcast for generations, you know, have made Hartford County a great place. It's time for us not to stop that. You know, we are here. We are more powerful than any elected official here in Hartford County, the state of Maryland and the entire country.

Speaker 5:

Amen, and they need to fear us for the power of the vote we.

Speaker 4:

They need to fear us for that. They need to be held accountable and they need to be transparent. If they're not, they have to respond to us and until we actually put our foot down, we're not doing our job as citizens and as a community.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely, Winston. Winston, give us some last word, man.

Speaker 5:

A last word.

Speaker 3:

You're not here a lot. We need to get a little. I know no.

Speaker 5:

Well, I do have one, actually. Um. So, going back, I know we're kind of going way back to the front of the initial broadcast, but, um, uh, who is that? Patrick warren and I actually had, uh, sent a letter to all of the delegates and state senators for that represent harvard county, asking them about this whole illegal immigration issue, um, and demanding that they take action, particularly in light of what happened with Lake and Riley. Maryland is definitely going to be a state that's impacted by the amount of illegal immigration we have coming in Absolutely, and I mean, not only is our is our health and our property rights impacted by this, but our lives. So I'm hoping that our representatives are listening to this, because we're going to call you to account if you don't take action this legislative session or next to stop this from happening.

Speaker 3:

All right, told you so Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, we'll be watching To stop this from happening. Alright, told you so. Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, we'll be watching.

Freedom Pod Addresses Property Rights
Bridge Collapse Investigation and Theories
Impact of Infrastructure Disaster on Society
Exposing Power Hungry Culture
Education Funding and Pro-Life Advocacy
Misuse of Taxpayer Dollars in Education
School Board Politics and County Administration
Demanding Action on Illegal Immigration