Live Free - Die Last

Season 2 Episode 8: The Crusade for Honesty in American Governance

April 22, 2024 Live Free - Die Last Season 2 Episode 8
Season 2 Episode 8: The Crusade for Honesty in American Governance
Live Free - Die Last
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Live Free - Die Last
Season 2 Episode 8: The Crusade for Honesty in American Governance
Apr 22, 2024 Season 2 Episode 8
Live Free - Die Last

Is freedom just a word, or is it the bedrock of our society? We, John Connor, Josh, and Travis, confront this question head-on in a powerful discussion that ignites the Patriot's spirit in every listener. As we navigate the murkiness of government overreach in Harford County and beyond, we're not just commentators—we're defenders of the core values that form the foundation of our great nation. We take a stand against the worrying trends in local governance, from the manipulative tactics used against General Flynn to the alarming bias infiltrating our education system.

This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a rallying cry for integrity and accountability. We dissect the Harford County budget debate, unveiling the harsh realities of financial mismanagement and the push for increased funding that could spell disaster for the taxpayer. We pierce through the noise to bring you unfiltered truths about the actions of our local council president and the ethical dilemmas plaguing our officials. Our commitment to preserving our constitutional rights has never been stronger as we challenge the silent subversion taking place in council chambers and school boards alike.

Join us as we cement our position as truth warriors, unwavering in the fight against the politicization of law and the shadowy tactics that threaten our republic. We draw a line in the sand, urging you to take a stand with us, to bolster our community's resilience, and champion a return to honest leadership. With each revelation and every call to action, we're not just sharing insights; we're inspiring a movement to "Make America Honest Again." This episode is more than a podcast. It's a testament to the undying flame of American patriotism.

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Is freedom just a word, or is it the bedrock of our society? We, John Connor, Josh, and Travis, confront this question head-on in a powerful discussion that ignites the Patriot's spirit in every listener. As we navigate the murkiness of government overreach in Harford County and beyond, we're not just commentators—we're defenders of the core values that form the foundation of our great nation. We take a stand against the worrying trends in local governance, from the manipulative tactics used against General Flynn to the alarming bias infiltrating our education system.

This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a rallying cry for integrity and accountability. We dissect the Harford County budget debate, unveiling the harsh realities of financial mismanagement and the push for increased funding that could spell disaster for the taxpayer. We pierce through the noise to bring you unfiltered truths about the actions of our local council president and the ethical dilemmas plaguing our officials. Our commitment to preserving our constitutional rights has never been stronger as we challenge the silent subversion taking place in council chambers and school boards alike.

Join us as we cement our position as truth warriors, unwavering in the fight against the politicization of law and the shadowy tactics that threaten our republic. We draw a line in the sand, urging you to take a stand with us, to bolster our community's resilience, and champion a return to honest leadership. With each revelation and every call to action, we're not just sharing insights; we're inspiring a movement to "Make America Honest Again." This episode is more than a podcast. It's a testament to the undying flame of American patriotism.

Speaker 1:

We are, we the People of Maryland. Our mission is to advocate for your right to control your livelihood, your property, your family and your destiny. Our vision is to provide an organized outlet for Americans who are frustrated by government overreach. Thank you for listening to the Live Free Die Last podcast.

Speaker 2:

The Lord is getting ready to smite the enemies of freedom.

Speaker 3:

Hello Harford County. I am John Connor, high above harford county in the freedom pod broadcasting from the we the people studios, once again the most popular podcast in harford county government circles if you will if they're circles.

Speaker 3:

Anyway, if you want to send us a tip, as you know, you can go to we, the people of mdorg, you can go to drop a card into po box 13, forest hill, maryland, or you could show up at third wednesday of the month at the winery and just tell us what you want to tell us and to clarify it's info at we, the people of mdorg for the email and the website is we the people of mdorg.

Speaker 3:

And, adding to that, make sure you sign up for the newsletter correct, and if you want to drop a whole bunch of money on this, you can send us that at the website. Yep, lots of people seem to do it. So we got a lot of things to talk about. We're going to get into, uh, local stuff. At the end, we're going to talk about some, um, federal, some national things that have been going on and at the end I'm just gonna, you know, stick around to the end, because the board of education went to new, or wow, we're going to talk about that. All right, you're not going to want to miss what the heck was going on down there. So let's get into the federal stuff first. Ah, but before we do that, I want you to know this is not just John Connor flying around by himself in the Freedom Pod. We have the Josh.

Speaker 4:

Good evening Patriots. And I think it's just, you know, common practice now that we just get together and we think we're going to just let it rip and everybody knows what we've got going on. So appreciate it.

Speaker 3:

Right, like they could see us or something and then we got. Well, they could. If they look up and you hear the, you know the the whir of the plasma engines above your head.

Speaker 5:

Not to be confused with the Chinese balloons Right.

Speaker 3:

Now we'll shoot them down if we see them. So does anybody know who the mystery Patriot is that just spoke? Oh, I see some hands out there. All right, yep. Travis, sunday, correct, that's me. All right, glad to be back. Well, back to that, uh, donate button on the website. Travis, sunday, correct, that's me.

Speaker 5:

All right.

Speaker 4:

Glad to be back, well, back, to that donate button on the website Donate. Maybe one day they will see us, you know, working up to a video in this podcast, I think.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

I don't know if they want to see us, but you know.

Speaker 3:

Right, I was told I have a face for radio Me too. Yeah, I was told I have a face for radio Me too. Yeah, me too, anyway, yeah. So let's get on. We've got a really lousy Congress we want to talk about. I'm just going to say it Mike Johnson sucks. These people are not accountable to us, just like your local politicians. They don't care about us. They don't do what we want. It's probably because they rigged the voting system so badly that they know damn well we can't vote them out. That's what it seems like.

Speaker 4:

The sewer system. You know the swamp, whatever you want to call it, it runs deep. But I will be honest anybody that puts their you know puts their hat and or signs up with you know Mike Johnson here and you know puts their name right behind him, say, oh, he's going to be perfect, he's going to do this. You know it's any politician. You're starting off on the wrong foot there. You know they're people just like you and I. They do make mistakes no, they're wrong.

Speaker 3:

They're not like you and I no, that's.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Hell, no, that's we're honest, honorable men and that's where I was getting at.

Speaker 4:

you know, it's the honesty, it's the the moral value that that is instantly lost amongst politicians, that I think that was what we're really seeing. And it's national, it's local, it's all across the board, and that's where the people are not being represented. And it's a simple thing Tell the truth and have just basic morals. And we're not asking for anything you know godly like.

Speaker 3:

so I want to have Maha make America honest again. That's where we need to go, maha, I can get on with that. Yeah, I mean, look, whether these people are being blackmailed, whatever it is. Look, I'm telling you there are people like us that cannot be bought, cannot be blackmailed, none of that. You're not going to stop us from talking. We're not doing anything wrong. We're going to do the right things and you're going to appreciate that.

Speaker 4:

hopefully so I guess, why does he suck now? Or why does he just need to be? Why?

Speaker 3:

does he suck? Travis might know, but um, john, mike johnson just led the charge, joining with the democrats to send a whole bunch of money to the Ukraine so that more Ukrainians can die fighting an unwinnable war against the Russian machine, wasn't?

Speaker 4:

there a portion of that millions of dollars that went for Ukraine's border, where we can't even get any money to protect our border here in the United States.

Speaker 3:

Right, and that's a big deal, because we know we've got ask them. In harford county they're suggesting that an illegal immigrant is the person that killed a woman on the trail last summer, whenever that was so and for sure two years, two summers ago. Yeah, it's really. Uh, it's quite messed up that we're not protecting our own border and I think people are fed up. People are fed up, whether they're your run-of-the-mill democrats or not. I mean, I know there's a bunch of communists that don't give a darn. That's not who we're talking about, they're the enemy. But regular americans are tired of this. The economy sucks, the grocery store and inflation and all that stuff is just killing people. And here they are printing more money to send to the ukraine like we haven't sent them anything already.

Speaker 3:

But let's talk about that bill, because inside there was not just funding for the Ukraine, there was also funding for Hamas. Yep, they literally give money to Hamas and they give money to Israel too. Nothing like funding both sides of the mess, folks.

Speaker 5:

Well, just a few years ago I was doing opposition research and looking into how much money we give to israel. And you know, everybody says well you know, israel's our ally. We should support them, we should give them money, and that's you know that certainly is something that's open for debate, but if you look at how much they give to the countries that surround Israel that want to wipe Israel off the map, and they don't believe in Israel's right to exist, they're given 18 times as much money.

Speaker 5:

This was more than 10 years ago, but I'm sure all the amounts have gone up. They never decrease the amount of money that they're giving away to people. Once that funnel gets turned on, it never gets shut off Right.

Speaker 3:

And this is not their money, it is our money, and you're seeing it in inflation. You're seeing it in higher prices for everything, interest rates They've destroyed the economy. The economy is toast. So we're going to talk a little bit about that coming up. What kind of things can you be doing? Prepping is no longer for crazy conspiracy theorists. You better all be doing some preparing, yep.

Speaker 4:

Well, and it's also, you know I think we'll talk later about the budget here locally you know the money that's being spent here locally and just the inflation on that, and it's one and the same on that, and what's? It's one in the same, what's it is, or what is it going to? You know, you look at Ukraine, you mentioned, you know, funding both sides of the war, you know, and going against the taxpayer or spending the taxpaying money. Well, the second piece to Congress, you know, in here recently. You know, what are they doing for the taxpayers? Well, this FISA bill, you know, it's a complete attack on Americans, you know, and as taxpayers. That's the way that I look at it. So, here we are, we're funding this unwinnable war, as we've mentioned, yep, and now we're going to attack and I think this is something else that we're going to be talking about here locally in the state is how is the government attacking the people?

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, the FISA bill lets them spot. It expands their already destruction of the Fourth Amendment Right. These people have no shame. They have no shame. Mike Johnson is a traitor. He is committing treason, along with everyone that voted with him. I guarantee that if all of these people had made some kind of noise like this back when tj and the boys are around, they'd had the gallows bill and the trap doors would have been swinging absolutely.

Speaker 4:

And what was there? 18, I think. Um, uh, people that stood up, congressmen or women that stood up against and voted against the fisa bill. So we got 18 that's out of 400 out of 400, something absolutely they took a stand, you know, or taking a stand against mike johnson as well, in in these 18.

Speaker 3:

That's it I should say one of them was andy harris. I don't give him a lot of love. He's done some things in the past I don't like, but at least he got he got these two things right. He didn't vote for the ukraine either, absolutely. I mean, why are we sending them money? We could use the money here. Money here we need to fix our border. It's a big problem.

Speaker 5:

We need to fix the border. And one thing going back years ago, you could tell the difference when you left the state of Maryland and went to another state by the roads, Because the roads in Maryland were always good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, but that's not federal spending.

Speaker 5:

Well, some of it is. You get the. You get like 80, 83 and 95, but yeah, that's, that's not the case anymore. You look at, you look at how they take care of the roads and all the money we're paying them in tolls. You know it's not going, it's not all going to fix the roads wow, we just had a major bridge collapse in this country.

Speaker 3:

A major bridge was knocked over by a ship.

Speaker 4:

So well, one note on that I wanted to make. I know this was not a topic for tonight, but something that I thought was not positive, but you know I was happy to see. That, I think was this baltimore city, um, is now saying that uh, the owner of the dolly should not have left um port with an unseaworthy uh boat and now is telling them that you know you need to be held liable. So back to our podcast. A couple, a couple weeks ago, we wanted to see an investigation. We want to see that. We still want to see all the information come out, but at least we're starting to see a trickle out of hey, I don't want to have to pay this or they might have done something wrong. You know what else did they do wrong? But again, I'm not going to dive into that tonight.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the printing presses are going to have to stop. You will see, your standard of living is being destroyed before your eyes. You don't realize it, yet Some of you do. Of living is being destroyed before your eyes. You don't realize it, yet some of you do. Many of you don't. Uh, our kids are not going to grow up like we did. No, they have.

Speaker 4:

They have no shot and it's attack against the people, you know, our children, everything but it's also attack against our thought and our speech. You know, I think that's a constant thing that we're we're saying here's freedom absolutely freedom.

Speaker 4:

You know ukraine people are saying we cannot afford to fund this. You know this war. Now we have them attacking us through FISA. Well, what is the state doing against us? You know, here in the last session I wanted to bring up House Bill 333, the election law, election disinformation and improper influence related to voting. The reason why I'm bringing this up right now is because Disinformation.

Speaker 4:

Think of that word, folks and that's a major word right now. You know you got the democrats using that word of against. You know elections and you know all these conspiracy theories, disinformation, disinformation.

Speaker 3:

Well, now, right, well what we're fighting is election propaganda spewed by the government.

Speaker 5:

So now what they say, and when you refute their information, they call it disinformation well, if you look back, uh, remember a couple months ago when we were talking about the board of elections and how they changed some of the language. Um, and if you're not, if you're not familiar with it, candidates and issue groups typically will get voter rolls and now the voter rolls tells you who voted which elections.

Speaker 5:

They don't tell you who they voted for, but that information can be used because if you're going door to door, whether you're trying to stop gambling or you're doing the amendment issues, you you you don't want to waste your time with people that don't don't even bother to vote, so you target these people that vote in primaries and there's a lot of information in there that's publicly available that people use well. Well, I don't know if it was at the state level or just in baltimore, yeah, so they changed the language. Uh, when you sign the disclosure that you want to receive that information, they forbade. They made you sign a disclosure that you will not use the information for any kind of voter roll election integrity issues.

Speaker 3:

Correct election integrity issues correct.

Speaker 4:

So what you're basically saying is you know, on this list you can have the listing of people that live at a house and now maybe how many people live at that house, for instance. So, um, you house a might have had 12 voters you can go knock on the door and ask them, and then you'll find out what do you?

Speaker 3:

what do you mean? Uh, 12 people live here. No, it's just me and my wife, who've been here for 30 years. That's's the type of thing that they're doing, folks. This is called voter fraud, and they don't want you investigating it.

Speaker 4:

So now there's, you know, election law basically making this you know, illegal and you know the attorney general can file criminal charges against you if somebody says basically hey, john, you know you're spewing disinformation about the world because of your opinion right, but you also cannot prove to them that, hey, I used this piece of information to prove that.

Speaker 4:

You know. They said 12 people voted, but when I talked to them there was only two people. I'm sorry, you know. So that's basically what's that around. And found it very interesting here in harford county. Uh, specifically, that know, we had a senator that voted for this bill in JB Jennings.

Speaker 3:

JB Jennings. So, JB, we're going to bestow upon you the rhino of the month.

Speaker 5:

Well, if you go back to the mid-2000s, I mean we're going back, you know 20 years almost. I mean we're going back, you know 20 years almost. You had the Voters Rights Protection Act, which made it illegal for an election judge to ask for ID, and there were a lot of Republicans that signed on that bill too then. So I mean this it's what's? What does it say in Ecclesiastes? There's nothing new under the sun.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, they are desperately trying to codify voter fraud, and that is one of the reasons I think that so many of your elected officials do not care to represent you.

Speaker 4:

They don't care and they don't educate themselves. They don't take the time, they don't care, they don't take the time to educate themselves on really what the implementations are of their decisions especially this bill.

Speaker 3:

Clearly, if you look at them, most of them are much more well off when they come out of government service than before they went in. That should tell you something, folks, I can tell you. I hope you can hear it in my voice, because I'm fed up. I've had enough. It is time to take these people to the woodshed.

Speaker 4:

I'm right there with you. And where were they? There was three affordable housing bills that were out there. I'm sure there's plenty more, but there was three. One specifically would revoke pretty much every county's planning zoning departments and take that under the purview of the state. So the state now, as opposed to Hartford County, saying you can't build those apartments here, the state's just going to say, hey, you can high density housing, you don't have enough, You're not meeting your quota. Where were these people when all these bills? You know? Why weren't they knocking on every door, on all you know, every news you know, screaming for the people to come out and support? No, they just.

Speaker 3:

Right? Where was the call from JB jennings to his constituents saying, hey, we got to get out here and protest this. This is awful? Not even a peep. So what we have again is a group of people that don't work for you and me. They work for themselves. They could care less about your life and the struggles you're going through, which many of you don't pay attention, and obviously the people that are listening to this do pay attention. But to those that are not paying attention, uh, you still don't deserve what's being thrust upon you.

Speaker 4:

Well, and to the people that do pay attention and listen to this podcast, one share our podcast high and wide. You know, talk about it. You know, and that's the second piece of this, don't be afraid to speak the truth. Um, and talk to people about it. You know the old conversation of you never talk politics at the dinner table, or you never talk politics at a party. No, this is now common conversation when you, as a person, are being attacked by your government. And that's exactly what's happening.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, when you're huddled together next winter, burning the chairs that you used to sit on so you could stay warm, you know that stuff's worth talking to people about.

Speaker 4:

We've got real problems, folks, real problems john, you brought up something a couple minutes ago that I think is very important just to touch base on and I have a question, you know, for us to kind of discuss but what did? What is it meant by? You know the us is heading into a major turmoil and you specifically said you know prepping is not a conspiracy theory anymore so like. What are we? You know what turmoil's financial collapse war?

Speaker 4:

right, you know this stuff is true, it's happening. You know the the invasion at the southern border. I'll be honest with you. These people that are coming in, they're all not bad, but there are cells of people coming in that are here that that don't for nefarious like us and they're here for nefarious purposes. Just look at, uh, was it yale um? Where the? Um? The students, you know, were literally screaming uh death to america. You know, on the campus columbia university.

Speaker 4:

Columbia, maybe also yale I think maybe it was yale that um wasn't allowing people to. I think they were blocking Jewish students from actually entering the classroom. Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, but again, these are attacks. So inflation, who can afford your taxes when they're going to be raising taxes? You cannot go to war without raising taxes, especially when they're talking about two, three wars that we're trying to fund here. But what type of prepping does that mean? You know the simple making sure you have your garden and, and you know till your garden and and and plant some vegetables. You know.

Speaker 3:

But make sure you, make sure you can communicate with your loved ones when, when your phones don't work. And let me just talk about taxes. They've already raised taxes. Inflation is a tax. Okay, it is literally a tax. You will be paying more. Guess what folks the few people that are selling their houses in Hartford County and seeing the high prices. If you're not selling your house, guess what? They're going to raise the value of your house, which means you pay more taxes. They already did mine. That is a truth bomb folks.

Speaker 4:

That is a truth bomb, folks. That is a truth bomb. Mine have already gone up here considerably since buying my house.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, hardly any houses are selling, but believe me, the one in your neighborhood that sells for three times what it did two years ago. They're going to use that value to raise everything, and that's how governments go. Oh, barry glassman was great at this. We didn't raise any taxes.

Speaker 5:

You are a moron and then they just raised all these fees, the tobacco taxes, you know anything, oh?

Speaker 4:

maryland maryland going back to maryland.

Speaker 3:

Maryland added tax to probably 100 items, yeah, services and things that weren't taxed before automobile dealer processing charge fees, uh, transportation.

Speaker 5:

So if you take an uber or lyft you're, you're gonna pay more for that yeah, that's just suffice to say it's a lot of stuff what's really I? I do want to mention this one here, uh, because you know, if you have an electric vehicle, um, or a zero emission vehicle, you know, you've been kind of like oh, you're, you're, you're the, you're doing the right thing, so you get all the tax breaks. Well, they're jacking up the fees for um, they're imposing 125 zero emission vehicles and 104 plug-in vehicles.

Speaker 5:

So it's emissions when you, when you get mr diesel yeah, but but that you know. It just goes to show you, even if you play along and and you buy the hybrid, you buy the prius, you buy the, the, the, the tesla, and you, you do the, the correct thing, you know you do what the state wants you to do, eventually there's they're going to turn on you too, and you see, you see it in california where, oh well, don't, don't charge your vehicle, and uh, rolling blackouts at night when everybody charges their vehicle and I went.

Speaker 5:

I was at the wawa the other day and and all the little tesla thing, everybody's sitting in their teslas for like a half an hour waiting so they they can keep going up and down 95 and and like everybody, you know everybody else that's getting gas. They come in, they're there for five minutes, they leave and you see all these teslas that are just lined up there wasn't.

Speaker 4:

There wasn't an empty space there looking at it back, when the just overall taxes and I I I want to be honest with everybody. You know I'm not in favor of taxes, especially raising the taxes on the already ridiculous taxes that we have to pay. But the one thing that I was concerned about hearing coming out of Annapolis Post this last session, that tax rate or the tax increase that they were talking about, was something like 1.2 billion dollars at one point I think it was like a, you know, a month, a month and a half ago and and now it was down to, I think, 350 million dollars or I forget exactly the numbers, but it was substantially less. And you know you, you hear all the, you know the republicans, you know, parading that, hey, it could have been worse. Well, we're still getting text beyond the leaf on ridiculous things and you know, only a moron is saying that I can hear a win is a win, but this isn't a win.

Speaker 4:

I mean, you still lose and you're going to celebrate let me guess.

Speaker 3:

No, that was in jb jennings letter he sent everybody probably probably you know.

Speaker 4:

I saw it from a couple of the delegates coming out to um clowns, all of them yep well, it's, it's the same thing with the, with the budgets we are tired of you.

Speaker 5:

The Board of Ed asks for $60 million more. They get $30 million more. Oh, they cut, they cut. You know they're still getting more money than they did the year before and their enrollment is still flat.

Speaker 4:

And I want to say something else here, locally, you know, adding on to that, you know to stand up. We've got the johnson and johnson crew that these delegates are fighting, that you know. The johnson and johnson's are those steve johnson and um andre johnson are the ones down in annapolis, toes johnson right toes johnson. But you know, that's who they're fighting against. You know, I've, I've seen these guys man I think they're fighting with them yeah, if you can't, you know, stick it to these guys and say no. Then what are you doing?

Speaker 3:

Get out of there, right, right, and they always oh well, we have to go on to get along or we can't do these wonderful things like get you this stupid bill where the county executive gets to pick three board members for the board of education. Well, that was a genius move. Let's see how that worked out. Let's go look. Oh, we still have sean bolson still there teaching our kids dei and all this other garbage worked out real well, way to go yeah that's uh man so much for going along and getting along it's all.

Speaker 3:

It's just business, right yeah, but we're supposed to be nice, be nice. I don't want to be nice anymore. I'm tired of being nice, and I hope there's a whole bunch of you out there that are tired of being nice too. I'm not. You see these guys. Let them know. You think they're clowns?

Speaker 5:

absolutely they should be embarrassed to go out in public clowns are nice people, though I mean that clowns have a, have a purpose.

Speaker 3:

they're I, they so we can't even call them clowns anymore. Wow, have you ever seen it? What are we going to do? It's not a nice clown.

Speaker 4:

But that being said, john, I think you bring up the perfect segment into taking this locally. Okay, let's do it. We've been talking on the past couple of podcasts. You know the county council. They stepped all over the First Amendment when they interjected Council president interjected and literally told a constituent, you cannot say the name of your representative, aaron Penman, at this council meeting. Um, I was proud that, uh, that a handful of Patriots came out and gave some men some scathing speeches that night. Uh, the file at the following meeting and really put them in their place.

Speaker 4:

It wasn't all the same old faces either. No, Um, I think we have a little bit, you know, if you haven't heard these, come to our Facebook page for sure. Probably see um a couple of links in the newsletter. But our Facebook page is we, the people of Maryland, and also we have, we the people of um, Maryland, Hartford, counties, chapter Um, those, those videos are posted there, but I do have a little montage that I would love to be able to play, If it's cool with you guys, let's play the clip what is your main job?

Speaker 5:

It's to defend and protect the God-given rights of the citizens who elected you. If a councilman can't handle some constructive criticism from a constituent, he either needs to grow a thicker skin or resign, especially after that councilman spends his entire time allotted at the dais, not to talk about the important issues facing his district or the county, but whining about the county executive.

Speaker 6:

You've since been informed, as you said tonight, Council President, that you are trying to maintain the civility of your council and preventing a speaker from using names. I would be inclined to believe that if I hadn't seen you remove people from these chambers via the sheriff's deputies, including myself. In Maryland, citizens are allowed to use the names of public figures in speech. To rise to the level of slander, the public official must prove the existence of actual malice on the part of the speaker. The same does not apply in the other direction. These are public meetings. You can't silence citizens. You can't kick people out nearly for their speech. You are subject to us, not the other way around. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Tonight I want to address the madness from the President's seat with not only cutting off a constituent and silencing them last meeting, but also restricting our public comment on specific topics, because it makes not only you but the entire council look bad. You cannot let your buddy go on a rant, then tell a citizen whom you work for they cannot address the same topic or person. I think we're warning on about the corruption and scandals that occur in this chamber building and on this council.

Speaker 7:

I have a sense of fairness and devotion to American liberty and our inalienable rights to speak out on the ethics of this council and the manner in which it is administered by Council President Vincente.

Speaker 7:

I've been a citizen of this county for the past 25 years and all my time here I've never seen the amount of ethical conflicts displayed by this council, nor have I seen the vile acrimony that developers, attorneys, donors and even Sheriff Gaylor use members of this council, specifically Councilman Penman, to attack the perceived political enemies, namely the county executive.

Speaker 7:

You are elected to advance, or not elected to advance, your own narrow political interests and feather your nest in that of your donors, friends and business partners. You are elected to this council to safeguard our liberty and the liberty of the citizens of this county and advance their stated interest. Yet, in time and time again, you fail in this duty. You violate your oath of office. You routinely violate the rights of the citizen and deny their stated interest and, ironically, the Orange Heart of Hartford County shows a citizen at the top, mr Vincente. You violate the rights of free speech at almost every meeting by censoring and shutting down the citizen's right to speak, though those citizens address this council in an ordinary and professional tone. Just because you don't like the comments of the speaker doesn't All right.

Speaker 4:

So I thought that was some pretty good stuff, you know, and it's facts, yeah.

Speaker 5:

The thing when the one speaker talked about civility of the council. It's like where was the civility during COVID when the council was up there saying, oh, there's nothing we can do as judge, jury and executioner? Making the laws, enforcing the laws? Uh, and I say laws in air quotes because there were no such thing and and none of the electeds in harford county had the stones or the courage to stand up against these illegal. They're completely unconstitutional. If you look at article 44 in the maryland constitution, if you look in a lot of other places, the executive is not allowed to discharge the duties of the legislature. That's what the legislature is for. The legislature passes the laws. The executive enforces the laws. There was no law passed that grandma couldn't leave her room at the nursing home. There was no law passed that you couldn't have Thanksgiving dinner with your friends and family as you deemed fit. There was no law passed that you couldn't go to church. But people like People like Vincenti, aka the decoy dictator, the decoy dictator.

Speaker 5:

Stand there and they had no courage, they had no moral compass to stand up and say this is wrong. Harford County is going to be a sanctuary where we're going to protect the constitutional God-given rights as en enumerated in the constitution. We're going to protect our people's rights. We're not going to stand for this garbage. No, they went along with it, all of it and so. So now, now he's this big tough guy, you know he found his backbone when the citizens speak up. So he's, he's gonna stop a little 120 pound woman from from free speech at the council. What a tough guy. What a tough guy dictator yep.

Speaker 4:

Well, I want to bring up even another point to that. If you go to maryland judiciary case search, you know you will you will find a, a declaratory judgment. Um, so, a new, new case filed against harford county from aaron penman, you know, just days after this lady was cut off from trying to address her, her council person. So yes, I can understand why. You know you want to get some civility in in his meeting. Well, your, your council, is doing wrong things using.

Speaker 4:

You know they're they're, they're using names. Um, so you got aaron penman literally going off on bob casley for 11 minutes I think it was 10 minutes or something like that. The next meeting somebody tries to bring it up gets cut off. Then later that week or early the next week you have aaron penman now, you know, having a court case. You know we refiling a case against the county for a declaratory judgment on his dual employment, one with the Harper County Sheriff's Department, the other with the county council. You know you cannot cut people off on. You know active, truthful information. And I will add to it nobody knew what this person was actually getting ready to say. Nobody knew what this person was actually getting ready to say. All she said was she has problems with the greed in our country and she finds that it's here locally and simply is referencing Mr Penman and is getting ready to ask him a question or address him and is immediately cut off.

Speaker 3:

So how did Mr Vincente, president Vincente know exactly where she was going with was going so. So here's part of the problem too. Before we get scolded there, you do have to keep the meeting civil, and there are ways to do that, but speaking facts is not an anti-civil behavior. I mean, no one's threatening you. There wasn't bad language being used. I can understand there are reasons you can shut someone down absolutely, but not for saying a person's name or saying something that you don't like. There wasn't bad language being used. I can understand there are reasons you can shut someone down Absolutely, but not for saying a person's name or saying something that you don't like.

Speaker 4:

Well, actually in the meeting rules, which is, you know, there's a document I forget.

Speaker 3:

You mean the same rules that give a group five minutes.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that they don't allow that to happen, that he decided we're not going to do that anymore. We don't do that we don't do that anymore well, did you vote on it?

Speaker 3:

did you write it down? That's not how this works. You moron sounds just like he is a moron but.

Speaker 5:

But is he or are we? Because?

Speaker 3:

we didn't vote for him.

Speaker 5:

Well, we let him do it we, he's a moron, trust me well but then you get, you were talking about penman. Go back to pen. Penman, go back to the redistricting. Who was on the redistricting committee?

Speaker 4:

His campaign advisor.

Speaker 5:

His campaign advisor, eric Roby, who also works for the sheriff's office. So you've got this huge conflict a guy that's openly working for a candidate who is responsible for drawing the district lines of the district in which his candidate will run. So essentially, the candidate is able to choose his voters rather than the voters choosing the candidate. And so he knew the decor dictator knew about that. He knew about that conflict. Before he says he didn't know about it at the beginning, I doubt that. But let's say he found out somewhere throughout the process. He knew about it during the process and he could have gotten. He could have gotten rid of it.

Speaker 4:

I would simply ask President Vincente did he know about the conflict of interest when he was giving money to insider management as well? About the conflict of interest?

Speaker 3:

when he was giving money to insider management as well. Good question, right? Just saying so, I'll say this, and this is right get your papers and pencils out, folks, because I don't often say something good about barry glassman, but at least he tried to hide his uh, his bad behavior behind a smile and a handshake, whereas dictator and the fellas uh around him have are just swirling the bowl. They don't care. They don't even care that they're not talking about things that the people want anymore. They're just going to go after the duly elected county executive, because he seems to be blocking some of the things that their donors would like done you, you.

Speaker 5:

You actually saw him hiding behind a smile and a handshake, because normally the situation was that the what people normally experience was that he was hiding behind cindy mumby's skirt because it was unavailable for comedy.

Speaker 3:

But he's a christian, or dave? Oh, I don't know how many times I called to talk about things and all I could hear was well, he's a christian really. Well, now, that's not for me to judge, but forcing the jab on people and killing them ain't very christ-like.

Speaker 5:

But I digress misappropriating uh money for um public announcements to use.

Speaker 3:

Wash your hands. Brought to you by Barry Glassman.

Speaker 5:

I'd also be interested in knowing how much money he spent in changing letterhead and decals on county signs and county-owned vehicles to match his campaign colors.

Speaker 4:

Since we're talking about county money, let's just move right into the county budget battle that we got going on.

Speaker 3:

The county budget battle. Yeah, all right, people want more money.

Speaker 4:

We don't have more money to give them and they're going to try to make everybody feel as bad as possible why they need so much money. And you know it's here we go. But I bring it up because money, money. You talk about glassman and he was the, you know, going to the strip club throwing them dollars up on the, up on the um figuratively yeah, figuratively, that we know of um

Speaker 3:

but yeah, because I don't think they actually have places where sheep take the clothes. Sheep wear clothes. I'm just saying but no, it's.

Speaker 4:

It's pretty crazy that you see, you know we talked about inflation. We talked about, you know, to our listeners. Make sure you're preparing yourself, because you know we're in turmoil here but then you have people thinking that they can literally come out and ask for 47 or 40 million extra more dollars on top of their, their, budget, when we have to run a lean budget and I'm not saying we have to how are we going to afford it without astronomically raising taxes? We have the blueprint Kerwin blueprint coming in here in the state that is, you cannot fund that. We've screamed that from when they were down in the legislators, you know, arguing about it. There's no way they can implement that. We've got the wars on the federal side that you know that we're going to have to fund. We have no money to do this, but we have people now yelling and screaming for more money. Right, travis, you brought up about the sheriff's office. You know literally being twice as much since Sheriff Gaylor took office. You know his budgets, you know, doubled.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, it was. It was 69 million, I think, in Baines last year and and and and I got a. I got a bone to pick because I remember that campaign and and Gaylor won that campaign because he was a Republican and Jesse Bain was a Democrat during during.

Speaker 3:

Tea Party times.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, and he, he called, he called Bain a tax and spend Democrat. And if you look at the eight years that Bain ran that agency, the budget was pretty, pretty flat and there there was one year where where it actually went down a million or two.

Speaker 3:

He still spent a lot of money at the time. What we all we all looked around said this guy's spending too much money, and that's what we were looking for somebody that wasn't going to do the same thing but he made a big deal about the helicopter.

Speaker 5:

He did, and they and, and, and I'm not- now that seems like small.

Speaker 5:

Yeah, they got the helicopter for free through some federal grant. It was an old Army helicopter surplus and I don't want to downplay, maintaining aircraft is expensive. It's not cheap. But he made a huge campaign deal about this and now we're spending $1.6 million. $1.6 million on one vehicle, I mean that would probably buy, you know, between 20 and 20 and 30 police cruisers. I mean it give, give people. I mean it's 1.6 million is a lot of money, especially for a guy that's out there screaming about being defunded well, and one thing that I think is crazy.

Speaker 4:

So I want to follow this up with. You know some information and review of the school budget. But the reason why I say this is I've put out some information and analysis of the school budget and people like, oh, that's just pennies. You know I'm talking. You know a million dollars. I'm talking $10 million, $2 million, whatever it may be, and they're like, let's just pennies. Well, yeah, when 500 and some million dollars is, you know, in, in, in the big pool, it's not a whole lot of money. But I'm telling you right now, if we're starting to talk that a million dollars is not a lot of money and $500 million is not a lot of money, we're screwed as taxpayers because these people, your checkbook's open to them and they're going to spend it on anything that they want.

Speaker 5:

Well, if you look at your budget, like a normal person does, from time to time, the little things add up and when you start looking at your budget you're like well, I'm spending a lot on alcohol. I need to cut out some of the bourbon maybe or maybe not eat out as much.

Speaker 3:

What you're saying is you evaluate and determine what's necessary and what's not Correct. You don't constantly go and say well, we're just going to have to print more money to increase the budget, maybe we should start stealing. Maybe that's the answer for your family. You go to the grocery store, fill up the cart and push it out the front door. I'm not advocating for that, but I mean what else are you going to do if that's the type of things that are going on here? Now, I wouldn't advocate for that because you're probably not going to get away with it. Now, the guy that just walked across the border without any license or anything, he will get away with it. Now, the guy that just walked across the border without any license or anything, he will get away with it. He's fine to do that, but you are not. So don't say well, you know, john connor said I can fill this cart and push it out of the grocery store. It's probably not going to work out well for you, absolutely yeah, I mean.

Speaker 4:

But you look across the board. You know you talk about the, the sheriff's budget. You know I look at the school budget. You know you talk about the sheriff's budget. You know I look at the school budget Before I dive into that one. I look at each one of the other departments, like parks and rec, and you know public works. You know these, these are not forgotten departments that do have a service to the, to the county, that we do fund as taxpayers those projects or those budgets. They're not getting as much funding as the, the, the big two. You know the, the sheriff's department, and the schools. So you know that's what everybody all the buzzwords are. You know that you're hearing around the County. You know they're not funding the sheriff and they're not funding our kids.

Speaker 3:

You know they're going to, they're going to cut the teachers or the schools are completely underperforming, so give me a good reason to fund them. I mean, let's not even just talk about money for the kids. It's never done any good for the kids and they're not doing a darn good thing with it now.

Speaker 4:

Absolutely, absolutely, and that's what one of the things I want to touch base, and I hope you guys give me about 90 seconds to read something that composed about the school budget.

Speaker 4:

I want to clarify something. All the propaganda that the, the, the Hartford County teachers unions you know the educators, I forget what they are you know the, the bad apple, all this propaganda that they're putting out, they're basically saying that the county executive is going to be firing teachers and cutting these positions. That's what they're trying to correlate here in their message. It is not the county executive I'm not here to you know, to in this statement to praise Bob Cassley, because his name shouldn't even be in this conversation. It is the superintendent, sean Bolson, who is the one that is threatening to cut the teacher's positions. And I think what we're saying is you need to reevaluate your budget, where your money's going and who is it going to and I think he'll find that he doesn't have to fire the teachers. But again, that's his job, it's his decision, that he's doing but that is an age-old tactic.

Speaker 3:

It's been going on forever. When they don't pass a budget whether it's a federal level, the state level, the people that wanted the budget go ahead and try to punish you. And that's exactly what's talking about. Not only does he hate Harford County and he thinks it's racist, but if you don't give him all the money he wants, he's going to punish your children. That's exactly what he's going to do. I am not talking out of my butt. I know this for a fact. I know how it works. They can fix this. They don't have to fire any teachers, but instead they will punish your children, because that's what they do absolutely they're not gonna.

Speaker 5:

They're not gonna get rid of any of the high paid administrative positions that that are bringing in dei and telling all the kids that that you know your five-year-old's a racist and he just doesn't know it. Yet they're they're to take away from the art budget, or they're going to take away from the band budget, or they're going to take away from the football budget. That that's, that's what they do.

Speaker 4:

Well, here's something that I wrote and, you know, put on social media and shared with a bunch of friends. You know, just trying to people, get people to look at the information Just don't jump on a narrative and go open up the document and read it and you know there's questions within this information. So what I said was everyone is complaining about the cuts to the HCPS budget. Really, the budget was not cut. The maintenance of effort was funded and the current economical state cannot support the ridiculous 40 million additional dollars requested. The school system is top heavy and I think we want to discuss and you know, John, I think we want to clarify you know that a little bit because you have very good information Funding too many or, excuse me, is top heavy, Funding too many unsustainable grants and pushing an agenda that is failing our children Just look at the test scores. More money is not the solution. Let's look at a few of the budget line items. The Board of Education legal services went from $372,000 in FY22 to $529,000 in FY25. What is the educational value in this Executive administration? In FY22 was $2.35 million compared to $4.08 million, which is about a $1.85 million increase. Why no-transcript? What is the organizational development department there, for In FY 22, there was not a budget line item for this and in 25, it is projected to be $617,000. In the human resources, they got talent management. Now the department at $1.22 million in FY 2025, and there has not been a line item for this. Before, Same thing with staff relations department. Before, Same thing with Staff Relations Department They'd get $993,000 in FY25. Next is Safety and Security. The Safety and Security Office itself received $802,000 in FY2022, but in 2025 is projected to receive $2.37 million, which is about $1.56 million increase, which is about $1.56 million increase. Then there is a safety and security school-based, where in 2022, the budget was $443,000 and now projected to be $1.23 million as well.

Speaker 4:

The next category is student services, which again is not educational-based and most of these items should be controlled by the parent and not a school system. In this category, there are three major increases in funds. First, health services went from $4.2 million to $8.2 million in 25, which is almost a $4 million increase. Is this to implement the new gender identity and health curriculum that is sexualizing our children? Second is the psychological services, which went from 3.59 million in 22 to 5.64 million in 25, another $2 million increase. For what? Lastly, the school counseling services went from $9.15 million in 2022 to $16.53 million in 2025, which is another $7 million increase.

Speaker 4:

What destruction did the school system cause during the lockdown that requires them to increase these services so much, and why are they taking this responsibility on when it should solely lie on the family? What surveys were sent out to students, and who or how interpreted the data? The last school system administration increase to cover would be the Office of Technology and Information, with the Application Development Department increasing their budget from $2.5 million to $10.1 million and 25, a $7.5 million increase again. For what and how does this improve the failing system and failing grades in our school? So thank you for letting me read that. You know there's a lot of information there to dive into and I hope we can take a second or two, but that's a lot of money.

Speaker 5:


Speaker 4:

Yep, but we're going to fire teachers if you don't give us more money and, john, I know you wanted to clarify the top heavy portion of that all I wanted to say is you're correct, they spend way too much money for silly things at the administrative level.

Speaker 3:

The other side of that, those they could take all of the people in the roberti building and fire them, and they wouldn't have enough money to give raises, significant raises, to everyone.

Speaker 4:

So, but that's where all the the leeching of the tax money and kind of comes from.

Speaker 3:

So it's just the argument that would be made. But look, scores suck. They spend a bunch of time doing things parents should do and they are cultivating mental illness across the country and that's why we keep seeing mentally ill people go and try to shoot up schools and do things they are promoting that.

Speaker 4:

Well, I want to bring up one thing also that was just discussed at the last board of education meeting. That you know leads into a question. I have, of what you brought up, the very beginning of. You know, what did the board of education do in new orleans?

Speaker 3:

well, wait, let's lead into this slow oh yeah somebody go get sean bolson and aaron pointon and melissa han and all the people on the board and all their top officials and get them to come. Come in the room and listen.

Speaker 4:

Go get them well, no, they were in the room when you know this happened oh yeah, they all know, but they don't want to let us all know well, no, yeah, well, I nobody's talking about it, but at the last board of education meeting, the student member made it a point to say that the race bias surveys this goes right back to what I was saying before what other surveys are being given and interpreted and by who they're being reintroduced. Now to um, um, to the schools. So grade five through 12 would have received a email from the board of education, um asking them you know race bias questions and they're going to use that as a survey to get the temperature of the racial problems that are in Hartford County public schools, and made it a note that, hey, they haven't done this since 2021, but it's time to do it again.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 4:

So again I bring it up. You know they just went, the board of education just made a trip to the national school board association conference in new Orleans. Did they learn about race bias surveys or what else did they learn down there?

Speaker 3:

Let's talk about the, the, the national school board association conference agenda, but first what I want to tell you is any race bias that's been created has been, in large part, created by the school system. They are creating the problems. When you take children and you go and you ask them these questions and you tell them things that, uh, you know that they don't, they wouldn't even think of, you are creating the problem and that is the what has been going on this country. It is intentionally creating racial tension in this country and the school system does it better than anyone oh, here's the, the website of the 2024 annual conference, and x uh expose.

Speaker 4:

Oh, we have the agenda equity and diversity.

Speaker 3:

So wait before you read this. This is the conference that the entire well was it just leadership?

Speaker 4:

uh, it was. There was definitely a bunch of them, because I think at least two people mentioned in the last board of education I don't know, it's definitely board leadership at school, the school systems leadership.

Speaker 3:

They spent taxpayer money to go to new orleans and josh is going to go ahead and read you some of the uh, the topics that were discussed yeah, you know, but what for what?

Speaker 4:

why did they go down there? Well, you know, you had equity and inclusion. There were seven different breakout sessions I saw listed at just this weekend event, which was um august 5th through the 8th, I believe, monday. Um, so yeah, in equity and diversity. Equity and diversity, you know, there was a seven different breakout sessions. A system approach to language and culture, immersion, um insights from rural students on the path to educational excellence. You, you know that sounds great and all they also had bridging the workshop gap, a title, one district's opportunity to turn classwork in real work opportunities. So, again, these all sound great.

Speaker 3:

They don't really to me. Where's math and science? Where's your STEM, the things that they talked about before? Where is that? I don't see anything about a math. Well.

Speaker 4:

I can see, see, you know, just being a community. You know, again, I'm not asking for the schools to do that. I start learning in culture. You know, school and district, transformate, transformation, like you know what, what do they want to transform from a learning institution to a propaganda institution.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like.

Speaker 4:

So it starts what I'm saying, you know indoct, now it's starting to get really you know how, uh, how anti-racism or how anti-racist is your district? So, like the, go to this conference. And now we have a bias survey coming out again.

Speaker 3:

Next one what works in building and sustaining equitable learning outcomes. Everybody isn't going to have the same outcome, Morons. Sustaining equitable learning outcomes. Everybody isn't going to have the same outcome, morons. Some people are smarter than others. Some learn better than others.

Speaker 4:

Yep, yeah, education for liberation. I'm so done with all this stuff? The role of racial conscious educators in combating oppression.

Speaker 3:

So again I'm not going to go read down all of them. They have to be racial conscious. I'm telling you the kids in first grade grade. They don't know what color little danny is. They don't care. They don't care until their teacher tells them they need to care. Until the teacher tells them that little danny isn't getting what little danny needs because he's not the right color what you know.

Speaker 5:

It's interesting. I I think you you kind of have to teach kids how to be racist you absolutely do, and the school's good it.

Speaker 3:

That's the only thing they're good at.

Speaker 5:

When we lived in Korea for a period of time, my youngest well, my oldest we only had me and Mrs Sunday only had two children at that point, whoa, but they little Korean kids, were running around top story of this restaurant. And little Korean kids were running around top story of this restaurant and Korean people are very laid back when they're eating and they kind of let their kids run wild. And my kids are all strapped into their high chairs and kind of watching these. These kids are literally doing laps around the restaurant and my kids are watching them. They don't know a lick of Korean and finally I can see it in their eyes. They're just longing to get down and play with these kids.

Speaker 5:

We finally let them out of their high chairs, they take off, they're running and every once in a while they bump into each other and one of the little Korean kids would say something in Hangul and they kind of like look at each other strange and be like I don't know what you just said, but we're having a good time and they just carried on and it's like I think that's how kids are. They're absolutely 100%. They just want to play, they want to have a good time, they want to be indoctrinated with all this crap about you. Know what your great, great, great, great great grandfather did, or what my great, great, great great grandfather did? They're just they. They love each other. They're having a good time. Let them be kids. Let them have a good time.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so. So look, the next thing was new scored school board member training. So they, they new board members. They love to take you in and do their best to indoctrinate you and tell you how to think and how to vote, like putty in my hands.

Speaker 4:

So you're ready, set govern for these new people that was the topic of the. You know the theme of their, their, their training. You're ready, set govern?

Speaker 3:

roles and responsibilities. So you know none of the things that your people talked about, why what they're going to do on the board to help you all, that's out the window now what's the engaging with families through advocacy?

Speaker 4:

I don't know, because I'm pretty sure that they've kicked us out of quite a meeting, quite a few meetings here throughout the time in harford county and you know yeah, I literally attacked the parents yeah, the board definitely doesn't want the parents involved.

Speaker 3:

Um, you know they used to. They certainly don't now. Leader governing and leadership through policy. Leadership is very important if you have leaders that aren't doing the right things. If you have, and leadership starts. I'm going to tell you where it starts at the school system, it starts with the board president, yep, and the leadership trickles down from there. The superintendent's definitely a leader. If these people are not doing the right things, they need to go. You need to get rid of them. If they are not spotless, they need to be fired. So let's pay close attention to that, folks.

Speaker 4:

You know they can be cordial, but they're not friends, they're not going out. You know partying or hanging out you know going playing cornhole and stuff like that.

Speaker 5:

You know, but um who's not part of you the leadership.

Speaker 3:

They shouldn't, they shouldn't be, that's for sure.

Speaker 4:

You know it's just same thing, the fraternization that you, that type of stuff, especially when it deals with our children. You know if you're going to be, you know, supposed leader of our school system. And again, I hate using the word leader because there is no leader that I see here. Yeah, they're not my leader, um, but the last two things that they were being taught on they're leading children down the primrose path towards misery and pain.

Speaker 4:

Sad but true. Um, Sad but true. Ready set govern board, self-evaluation and the last one, self-care and conflict management. You know so like there's a lot of information that this board was given there. What are they going to do with it is my question. We already saw the race bias survey that's popping back up again. You know who's going to be the first one to say guys, I oppose us doing this survey. Guys, I oppose this fraternization that we have amongst the board. I would even say this to the county. I'd say this across the board, in all of local government Stop the fraternization, stop the happy-go-lucky, good-old-boy clubs that we see going on.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, the little cliques within government are wrong. They are abhorrent to good governance.

Speaker 5:

Well, just an aside. Okay, we're looking at all this stuff up on the screen. The radio listeners can't see what we're looking at on the screen here with this agenda. Uh, I'm sure we can make that available, but uh, couldn't, couldn't they have maybe done this. We got nine people on the board, plus the superintendent, plus a powerpoint presentation, a powerpoint president. Hey, hey, check out this powerpoint presentation. Uh, overnight, or over over over the weekend, you know, read up on a few of these topics, you know, assuming that they were topics even worth discussing in the first place. But why are we? Why do the taxpayers of hartford county need to pay for at least 10 people, and I'm pretty sure eric davis was down there too. I'm gonna assume you're gonna be. Second, taxpayers of Hartford County need to pay for at least 10 people, and I'm pretty sure Eric Davis was down there too. I would assume.

Speaker 5:

He'd be second in charge, so we've got at least 11 people, and it's possible that not all the board members went to go to the educational juggernaut that is New Orleans. Yeah, we're buying plane tickets. We're buying meals. Who's paying for it down there, new Orleans? Yeah, like we're, we're set.

Speaker 4:

We're buying plane tickets, we're buying meals. You know who's paying for it down there, you know. You know, if we're not paying for it all, who else was paying for this down there? I don't get so many questions. All I care about is our children.

Speaker 3:

I don't want them going for free education. I don't want them going.

Speaker 4:

If it was that they're learning is not good, right, and what are they going to do that self-care and conflict management and the board self-evaluation guys, evaluate yourselves and what do we have going on in our schools? You, you, you might want a bunch of money and a bunch of this stuff, you know, but we can't afford it.

Speaker 3:

What you guys are doing is implementing not only that, practices that are not helping our children the reason we have local school districts and local school boards is because they don't all look the same and we don't want them all to be the same. But the goal of the teachers union and the communists that run it is to make every kid vote red. And I don't mean red for the republicans, I mean red for the communists.

Speaker 3:

Prove me wrong no, there's just so much to dive into, and you know right, and I'll tell you this I don't think it's a good idea to be going places where there's all sorts of opportunity for, uh, nefarious behavior or nefarious isn't the right word for things not becoming a school system. So new orleans, uh, would be probably the second choice to las vegas. If I was trying to pick a place that I would not say about key west a school board three.

Speaker 4:

What was?

Speaker 5:

the third one key west.

Speaker 3:

I've never been there, so I can't comment yeah but I mean the opportunity to misbehave in New Orleans is prevalent, so you probably shouldn't put leadership in that type of position because, lord knows, if there was anything that's going on down there, then they need to resign Absolutely. But we'll see.

Speaker 4:

Well, that's a lot of information to unpack there for our listeners. Sure is, we did over an hour in the Freedom Pod and it doesn't even feel like we took off yet. We'll see.

Speaker 3:

well, that's a lot of information to unpack there for our listeners. Sure is, we did over an hour in the freedom pod and it doesn't even feel like we took off yet I feel him, I mean it's been a little while though, but uh, and we apologize to the listeners, you know I know,

Speaker 3:

we try to do it weekly, um well we're running on those democrat tears and this tank is still full. Man, I mean, trump's got them. Uh, they're screaming trying to prosecute this guy every which way to sunday. We didn't even get into all that. We didn't even get into the fact that we now live in a banana republic where the the law is used to go after your political opponents. This crazy witch, hillary, is out there saying that donald trump wants to kill his opponents and imprison them.

Speaker 3:

It's like she's just projecting it's the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard in my entire life. Um, I guess the listeners can tell I'm kind of fired up, I'm kind of tired of this mess well, how can we motivate the listeners?

Speaker 4:

you know, I think that's the one thing we need to let's close this out positive.

Speaker 5:

You know, we always try to have a great meeting, had a great meeting oh yeah, watch the flynn movie.

Speaker 4:

The flynn movie, you know, that is something.

Speaker 3:

I think it was powerful general flynn, the he was a lifelong democrat and he is. He was the full force of the justice system went after that guy for doing nothing wrong. They even and how did they get him to plead guilty? To start with threaten. Threaten his kid, threaten his kid. But look, the media will stop talking about it, right?

Speaker 4:

Because he retracted that plea and he won, because the man was innocent. Well, and I think the name of the film really tells all. You know, I think there's the inspiration from tonight's. You know, deliver the truth, whatever the cost. You know, like that's where we are. You know we will truth warriors, absolutely. You know. We, we stand for ourselves, we stand for the people in our community and we, we bring the difficult information but we also try to vet the information out and we ask our community to help us. So if you know something, reach out to us. You know we talked about the beginning input with the people of Marylandorg, po Box 13 in Forest Hill. You know, drop us a line. You know and give us. You know we're here to help you as we build this community to a stronger, closer knit community for our freedom and our liberty, you know, and our God given rights.

Speaker 3:

Amen, and we are working on lots of things. We have our detective type abilities are growing exponentially. Man, we're getting stronger and we're going to be hopefully bringing you some all kind of good stuff. And you know, our outro is something that I want you to listen to very carefully and take these words to heart Every crooked move you make, every corrupt breath you take, we'll be watching.

Advocating for Freedom
Government Corruption and Voter Fraud
Council President Mismanagement and Corruption
County Budget Battle and Allocation Discussion
Discussion on Education System Bias
Truth Warriors Unite for Freedom