Story Time with Mama V - Children entertainment and a welcomed break for the parents.
Victoria Pellegrino aka Mama V reads children's stories in a dynamic story-telling style that's sure to catch and keep your child's attention. Whether you're in the car with a bored child or at home, exhausted at bedtime, a story read by Mama V is only a push play away. The stories read on this show are a mix of brand new stories as well as retellings of fairy tales and other children's classics. Let Mama V be the other voice that reads stories to your children.
Story Time with Mama V - Children entertainment and a welcomed break for the parents.
Lily and the Vale Cows Adventure
# 3- Join Mama V as she takes you on a journey of Lily and the Vale Cows Adventure written by Kristy Glazier. Lily is about to attend a hall party with some four-legged friends of hers but before they get to the party, Lily gives them a makeover of a lifetime. This book is available for purchase on Amazon: