Story Time with Mama V - Children entertainment and a welcomed break for the parents.
Victoria Pellegrino aka Mama V reads children's stories in a dynamic story-telling style that's sure to catch and keep your child's attention. Whether you're in the car with a bored child or at home, exhausted at bedtime, a story read by Mama V is only a push play away. The stories read on this show are a mix of brand new stories as well as retellings of fairy tales and other children's classics. Let Mama V be the other voice that reads stories to your children.
Story Time with Mama V - Children entertainment and a welcomed break for the parents.
The Tale of Peter Rabbit
Bonus Episode - Peter Rabbit goes exploring in Mr. McGregor's garden even though Peter's mother cautions him against it. Get comfy, and listen to how Peter's adventure went. With so many Spring holidays at this time, its my pleasure to share with you the Tale of Peter Rabbit. This story was originally written in 1902 by Beatrix Potter and there have been various retellings of the story over time. I'm excited to lend my voice to the Tale of Peter Rabbit today. Happy Listening!