Certain Success™ Podcast

How to Become a Super Human Dad with Kyle Carnohan

Matt Fagioli Episode 18

Being a dad is a life-changing adventure, filled with both joy and challenges. To become a super dad, you need to fully embrace this role.

In this episode, we talk about the incredible journey of Kyle Carnohan, the mastermind behind Superhuman Fathers. We discuss his own transformation and how he's helping men become the best versions of themselves. We also share thoughts on discipline, embracing suffering, and the power of authenticity in personal growth.

Tune in for insights on getting fit, finding your focus, and creating a tribe that'll help you level up!

Specifically, this episode highlights the following themes:

  • Kyle's journey to becoming a superhuman dad
  • The power of discipline and authenticity
  • Stories of transformation from superhuman fathers

Links from this episode:

Kyle Carnohan [00:00:00]:

We focus on the basics right out the gates. The basics are your wake up times, your workouts, and your nutrition. Because if you're not doing that, you can't move forward. That boulder is in the way. And I don't care who you are, you are feeling whisperings of, hey, get your health together. That's the thing. Like, you're not going to get more information until you deal with that. We want to start with that because that's guaranteed what you're supposed to do. And then two, we want to help guys find that one thing, the real one thing.

Matt Fagioli [00:00:24]:

You. Hey guys, welcome to the Certain Success podcast. I'm your host Matt Faggioli, and today's interview is with Kyle Carnohan. This guy is a freak. He's an absolute ball of energy. Just love the guy. Just met him a couple weeks ago. We had an amazing experience together at an event in Dallas. But he's running a group called Superhuman Fathers. He's leading men to a more powerful life through physical fitness, business, coaching, spirituality, the whole package. And not all of them are even fathers. He's got some young men in that group who are just like, man, I want to get on board with the discipline and the organization that he's bringing to things. And his business is just absolutely blowing up while he's following Jesus. And it's a story that I had to bring to all of you here at the Certain Success Podcast. So enjoy my conversation with Kyle Carnahan. Hey, guys. Welcome back to the certain Success podcast. I'm your host Matt Faggioli, and today I've got a new buddy. We just met in Dallas. I was just blown away by this guy's energy and what he's working on and what his life represents. And just like, I got to get this guy on the Certain Success Podcast. So let's welcome Kyle carnahan. How you doing, man?

Kyle Carnohan [00:01:54]:

I'm good, man. Thank you. Amidst the chaos of life and sick kids and school starting and trying to keep the gym time going in the mornings and everything, man, we're here. We're right here. We made it, dude.

Matt Fagioli [00:02:08]:

Well, I want you to tell everybody a little bit about yourself. Certain Success audience is entrepreneurs, business owners. We talk about the intersection of business and faith so very much a faith conversation. I want to hear I heard this much of your faith story. I want to hear a little bit about your faith story, but tell us who you are, man.

Kyle Carnohan [00:02:28]:

Yeah, I'm Kyle Carnahan, and currently, I guess I would say I'm the founder of Superhuman Fathers, which is a men's group that started as fitness and man. As we know, the physical body and the health bleeds over in every other aspect family, spirituality, and your ability to produce. And we're seeing that the effects of that so drastically and clearly that we started to lean into that and started to get guys to have massive transformations in every aspect of life. So recently a firefighter, paramedic for the last 15 years. Just left that job recently skateboarder musician. Love jiu jitsu, martial arts, surfing. Grew up punk rock 90s in North County, San Diego. Five kids ranging from 17 to three. Married 20 years. And we are doing it all. My whole goal in life is to be the example of what's possible. Like a strong, lean, physical body, an amazing on fire marriage, leading your children by example and producing at a high level at the same time. Having it all.

Matt Fagioli [00:03:46]:

Is that it? That's all you got?

Kyle Carnohan [00:03:48]:

That's it, man. Yeah, put a fork in it.

Matt Fagioli [00:03:52]:

I love it, man. I loved your energy when I met you. And tell me more about superhuman fathers. You said you were a fireman, and you recently, I think if I understand it correctly, you were able to leave that behind because you're crushing it with superhuman fathers. So tell me what's going on in that group.

Kyle Carnohan [00:04:11]:

Yeah. So I started working with a guy named Wes Watson as a coach who I used to skate with him when we were kids. He went to prison for ten years, got out of prison, and then I started seeing him, his transformations for guys. And I was in shape and lean, but he was getting guys that were really out of shape and in better shape than me. And I was like, Bro, hook a guy up, man. I'm in. Show me your stuff. And he just was super aggressive, like, almost more aggressive than I thought you could be. And what I found was with him, there was just a little click that I needed to go to, that I was right there, and I wanted to, but almost didn't have permission. So when I got around a guy like him, he gave me permission to go full psycho on my authentic self. I felt so free to be like, Wait, I can just be me. And I don't worry about what anybody thinks anymore. I just be me. And he's like you must. I was like, oh, that feels good. And so I just went all in on that and just became crazy. Obsessed me with the things I was obsessed with. Which turns out most men are obsessed with it as well. Family, business, physical being, connection to God. These are the things I'm obsessed with, which I was holding myself back, because the most of the world is so damn complacent that you think you can't go that hard or you're like a weirdo. I realized you want to truly be happy in this world, you better be a weirdo.

Matt Fagioli [00:05:53]:

That's it, man. The freak.

Kyle Carnohan [00:05:54]:

That's it. So that was the fire that I got. And immediately I was like, I need to learn business. I need to learn business. Why would I not do that? I was able to get my physical body here. I have an amazing wife and kids. I'm a fireman. If I can go through all that, why couldn't I build a big business? And so I hired some coaches. I started a supplement company. I started Superhuman Fathers as an instagram to hold myself accountable because my stress now was going up, because now I added business on top of the fire job with the kids and the wife and the physical fitness. I was like, Whoa, this is pressure. That was part of just my training. And so now I'm, like, going into this instagram, and I'm sharing my life, and I'm sharing my weaknesses with the world when I come home from work. And I'm, like, so angry and irritated and apathetic and dead inside from not sleeping for three days and maybe scraping somebody off the ground right before I got home. And I'm like, how do I deal with this juggle of now being an epic father and husband with this plus building the business? I was like, this is too much. And I realized these are just stories I tell myself. And I thought I hit burnout a couple of times, and I decided that it wasn't real. And I just kept going, and I just skipped it. I was like, oh, that was a lie. There was no burnout. Actually, that was a story I was telling myself because I was unwilling to sit in the fire. But when I changed my story and was like, no, I can sit in this all day. I can burn in this. I'll be fine. In fact, this is the medicine I need to become the man that I need to become. This is no different than doing an extra rep in the squat rack when I'm done, and it hurts. So I'm going to sit in this pain, and let's see what happens. And what did it do? Exploded my life. Because most people are just not willing to sit in the suffering like that.

Matt Fagioli [00:08:01]:

Dude, that's so it, man. And, man, I wish I knew you're a young man compared to me, and I wish I knew at your age what you just said, because we spend most of our life just running from the pain, and if you could just sit in it, it changes everything. And I think most people never figure that out, but to figure it out at your age and for you to be leading a bunch of people that are figuring that out, that is monster.

Kyle Carnohan [00:08:30]:

Yeah, I think that's the message, man. That's the message is like, hey, come sit in the suffering with us. And when guys are like, they're like, man, I'm having a trouble with the drink. I was like, that's because you're afraid to suffer, my friend. And I'm like, come suffer with me. I'm in it right now. This is where the magic is. Then I get to show them my life. I get to show them my house and my family. I get to show them the growth of my business. I get to tell them hey, man, listen, I was a fireman working five overtimes to pay the bills, and we pulled in a quarter million last month. So I have the results that you desire, which means, listen to me, I'm telling you, this is the road. And they go, okay, man, you've proven it. I feel the fire from you. I like the words you're saying. I feel good around you. Let's make the move. And so my specialty is to get men to take action. I'm very good at that. And then having them hold the line. The hard part is getting a guy to hold the line long term. And that's where I'm playing right now, is this place where I can get a guy to change and I can get a guy to lose weight, and I can get a guy to start a business, and I can get a guy to be disciplined. A lot of guys, they get to a certain point of battle fatigue and they start to loosen up and get complacent. So the systems we're creating now are to provide men with a place where they can never slip back into their old ways.

Matt Fagioli [00:10:07]:

Man so tell me about what's the main entry point, connection point? Is it Instagram or how are you?

Kyle Carnohan [00:10:17]:

Instagram was the beginning. People freaked out because I started with, like, 300 followers. And I think by the time I had 4000 followers, I was already doing 100 grand a month. And people are like, how do you do that? Because I know how to speak to my people and I'm very consistent and I'm very honest. Meaning, you heard me speak on stage. There's nothing you're going to get me. That's it. And if you hate me, so be it. But if you hate me, it means the guy next to you just fell in love. So it's polarizing, because you are you. I'm not here to please anyone. I'm here to please God. That's it. That's it. Anybody that comes up to me and is like, you should do this or you should do that, or The Bible says this, or The Bible says that, I'm like, thanks for your input. I'm directly connected.

Matt Fagioli [00:11:19]:

I got a direct line.

Kyle Carnohan [00:11:21]:

Yeah, I got a direct line, man and I believe that discipline, leveraging discipline, is the way to spiritually connect. And so when I see someone, especially when they're out of shape and I know they can't control their drink or their food intake and if they're doing that, I know they're jerking off too, and looking at porn and you're trying to tell me the spiritual secrets of the universe? Maybe look in the mirror first and look at your life and see if it's someone that I want to be like. Before you start telling me the secrets of the universe, my friend, I don't always say it right then and there, but if that person continues with me, we will have that conversation. Because people say, don't judge. Well, I'm judging the information that I hear based upon the person that gives it to me.

Matt Fagioli [00:12:10]:

Man, everything you say just resonates so much with me. I got a book coming out called Dirty Disciple and I think you're getting the T shirt, bro, because it's this thing, man. It's just like direct line to the Lord and it's what he's telling you, man. It's not what these other clowns are talking about and all this half ass stuff. It's just a straight deal and he wants you exactly the way you are. I'm going to get on my soapbox. But man, I love the way you bring it, man. I love your energy, man. So tell me, how do people get involved? What's next on Superhuman Father? I guess you got to be a father to qualify. I guess.

Kyle Carnohan [00:12:58]:

Actually, not really. We actually have a lot of young kids that hit us up because they're like anywhere from 17 to 25 that don't have kids. They're not even married. They just never had a dad. They don't have any father figure. And they're like, do you guys have dads over there? Because I need one. And I'm like, we got 700 of them, bro. We'll prepare you for fatherhood. Get your ass in here. And then we got a bunch of grandpas too. Quite a range.

Matt Fagioli [00:13:29]:

So what's the deal? Is it a monthly thing or like, how do people get involved?

Kyle Carnohan [00:13:34]:

Yeah, we do a membership for either the year. Right now it's a year, six months or 100 days. And as of today, there'll be massive restructuring. But as of today, it's 6000 for the year, 3500 for six months or 2000 for 100 days. And immediately we focus on the basics right out the gates. The basics are your wake up times, your workouts and your nutrition. Because if you're not doing that, you can't move forward. That boulder is in the way. And I don't care who you are, you are feeling whisperings of, hey, get your health together. Get your health together. You're like, Lord, what should I do with my business? He's like, get your health together. And you're like, how do I fix my marriage? He's like, get your health together. And you're like, no, it can't be that, can't be that. More donuts. More donuts. Like, drinks donuts. Drinks donuts. And it's like, that's the thing. You're not going to get more information until you deal with that. He's just going to be like, well, I mean, that's it. I gave you the answer to all of it, is that. But a lot of people will sit in that for decades and then they'll die. And they never actually made any progress because they never listened to that one thing. And so for us, we want to start with that because that's guaranteed what you're supposed to do. And then two, we want to help guys find that one thing, like the real one thing. A lot of times it's drinking a lot of times. For some guys, it's freaking hiding. Reese's peanut butter cups in the pantry. Some guys it's porn. Sometimes it's a mix of everything. But we try to help our guys because we're so honest in this group that I don't hold anything back. So if I'm struggling with something, everybody knows. If I'm slipping on something, everybody knows. If I'm going to fight with my wife, everybody knows. So there is this place where it's like, everyone knows that from the top to the bottom, we speak the truth here. And so I always wanted that. I wanted that in church. Couldn't find it. I couldn't find it. And so I created it here. I didn't know it was going to create here, but it did. So a lot of guys will just raise their hand in our roundtable zoom calls and be like, hey, I'm ready to declare. I'm like, okay, we'll take a deep breath and make sure you're ready, because there's a standing joke that if you declare and you go back on your declaration, that we'll sneak in your house and kill you in your sleep. I don't think anyone's done that here, but it is kind of funny. We're like, make this is a serious thing, dude, don't mess with this. If you're ready to declare, do it. If you're not, then just wait till you're ready. But it turns into something that's pretty cool. And then everybody follows up with them and they get to report every week on their declaration. Big levers. Like, we're looking for the big movers. It's like, one of my guys quit drinking. His big declaration for the year was he's going to quit drinking, and he's got a lot of other plans for the year in his business and his physique and his spiritual connection, his family. And I'm like, hey, just so you know, if all you did this year is stop drinking, it would be the most massive win. So just understand, don't pile too much on this year. Focus on that one thing and then add a couple of little details here. But if we could just hold the line this year, you'll make so much progress in every aspect of your life. Don't overdo it. Don't overwhelm yourself. This is it. This guy in particular, he's already lost, like, 40 pounds. If you keep off the alcohol, you will get ripped. Your business is going to flourish. Your marriage is going to get better. So it's like, let's focus on that one leverage point.

Matt Fagioli [00:17:13]:

Thank you so much for sharing all this, man. So I guess it's superhumanfathers.com. Is that where they go?

Kyle Carnohan [00:17:19]:

Yeah, you could do that. Or you can just DM me on Instagram and then all over my content. My cell phone number is on there, too. I get calls on my personal cell phone number all the time from people that hate me.

Matt Fagioli [00:17:34]:

You got 700 members texting you?

Kyle Carnohan [00:17:37]:

Yeah, those guys. But then I just put it out to the world. So I have guys I got a call the other night at, like, 730 at night. This guy's like, he's all pissed. He's from what was he from North Carolina? He's like, you got to knock it off with this fatherhood bullshit. Trying to talk like you have to be all ripped to be a good dad. Like, this is bullshit. I go, really? Why is that bullshit? Sounds like you're triggered. And he's like, well, listen, I've been trying that over a long time, and you can't expect every father to do that. I go, Sounds like you're getting bad advice, man. And it sounds like you're not part of a tribe. It sounds like you don't have the right coaching. And he's like I go, do you have a coach? He's like, no, you're trying to do it on your own. That's why it's not working. He's like, I just think the way your message is just too harsh. I go, well, you're on the phone with me right now talking about it, right? I don't really care if I hurt your feelings, bro. What I care about is you to change. That's all I care about. And you're talking to me right now, and I'm inviting you to change. So are you going to change, or are you going to keep bitching and moaning and making excuses? He's like, I really want to change. And I'm like, well, I'm right here, man. So sign him up. Winning at life, getting what he didn't think was possible. And it's like, why do you think I talk so clearly on Instagram with my messages? And I trigger people to get you to like it's funny. People come work with me, and they're like, oh, man, he's going to eat you alive. And it's actually the opposite. People come in, they're like, Dude, Kyle's so mellow and loving and easy to work. Like, I thought he'd be, like, a hard ass. It's like, no, the message needs to be hard to get you to move. And once you move and you're here, why would I beat you up? You need love. You need to be built up, man.

Matt Fagioli [00:19:31]:

Anyway, dude, you're the best, man. You made my day. Thanks for being on the certain success podcast. And we'll have you back here soon, bro.

Kyle Carnohan [00:19:40]:

Yeah, absolutely, man. Thank you.

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