The Journey To Win

How to Grow Your Relationship with God and Walk in Your Greatness With Rex Crain - Episode 1

April 05, 2023 Brandon Season 1 Episode 1
How to Grow Your Relationship with God and Walk in Your Greatness With Rex Crain - Episode 1
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
How to Grow Your Relationship with God and Walk in Your Greatness With Rex Crain - Episode 1
Apr 05, 2023 Season 1 Episode 1

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"Don't let your weakness talk you out of your greatness."

"We can decide to be pitiful or powerful."

"You are not what you feel you are what you decide."

Are you ready to step into your greatness and live your life to the fullest? Join me as I sit down with Rex Crain, a transformational coach and speaker who helps individuals and organizations unlock their potential and live powerfully. Rex shares his expertise on how to overcome limiting beliefs, tap into your inner strength, and create a life that aligns with your purpose and values. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to live the life you were meant to live. Tune in now on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube!

Rex Crain is an Acclaimed Speaker, Author & Personal Development Coach.

Rex has over 20 years of experience as one of the nations top Performance Speakers. Rex is well known for inspiring and empowering people from all walks of life, from executives, athletes and entertainers to adults and children in the most affluent and deprived places in the world. Rex has visited over 35 countries and has spoken to millions of people. He often meets privately and counsels high profile leaders in various industries to maximize performance and achievement.

Rex is committed to helping people create the future they desire and deserve. Using foundational principles and humor to get real with people so they can overcome the obstacles that are holding them back. He has the ability to enlighten, empower and accelerate people through his speaking style to translate ideas and insights into meaningful action. Rex maintains an international rigorous speaking schedule, as well his weeks are filled with life coaching clientele.

Today we go deep into what it takes to win in every area of your life. From start to finish, Rex delivers INSPIRATION and POWER that will help you elevate and accelerate your life! 

Instagram: @rexcrain

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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"Don't let your weakness talk you out of your greatness."

"We can decide to be pitiful or powerful."

"You are not what you feel you are what you decide."

Are you ready to step into your greatness and live your life to the fullest? Join me as I sit down with Rex Crain, a transformational coach and speaker who helps individuals and organizations unlock their potential and live powerfully. Rex shares his expertise on how to overcome limiting beliefs, tap into your inner strength, and create a life that aligns with your purpose and values. Get ready to be inspired and empowered to live the life you were meant to live. Tune in now on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube!

Rex Crain is an Acclaimed Speaker, Author & Personal Development Coach.

Rex has over 20 years of experience as one of the nations top Performance Speakers. Rex is well known for inspiring and empowering people from all walks of life, from executives, athletes and entertainers to adults and children in the most affluent and deprived places in the world. Rex has visited over 35 countries and has spoken to millions of people. He often meets privately and counsels high profile leaders in various industries to maximize performance and achievement.

Rex is committed to helping people create the future they desire and deserve. Using foundational principles and humor to get real with people so they can overcome the obstacles that are holding them back. He has the ability to enlighten, empower and accelerate people through his speaking style to translate ideas and insights into meaningful action. Rex maintains an international rigorous speaking schedule, as well his weeks are filled with life coaching clientele.

Today we go deep into what it takes to win in every area of your life. From start to finish, Rex delivers INSPIRATION and POWER that will help you elevate and accelerate your life! 

Instagram: @rexcrain

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Hey, idiom Thank you. Thank you. I really appreciate that I enjoyed meeting. We met under great circumstances and you know with somebody, but we both really respect that he's done some great things in the world. He said, There's one person you got to connect with and meet And it's Brandon Thornhill, because he's a leader of leaders and he makes people better. And that gentleman, I really respect his opinion in man, because I, he was absolutely right. We met on a roof top and we got a conversation and that whole trip was worth just meet. So this is an honor to be here. Thank you, my friend.

Yeah, I think he was definitely worth it. You know when when I first met you, Rex. I remember we obviously talking about husband, Los Vegas, And then you know we, we went and had coffee the next morning, And you know then we went to California and hung out, had dinner with our family together, and then you and I had coffee the next morning and I couldn't think like. every time I've had a conversation, I'm sitting here thinking man, I wish like I'm getting so poured into right now. I wish I could record this. I wish


like I had a video camera right here so that not just I could you know, not just Me like I don't want to be the only one benefiting from this. I want to beale to help the world, so I'm really excited that finally that conversation can happen today right now.


they're in the right place at the right time and I'm very confident that they're going to have the know. We've got the right message for him. You got the right message for him.

Well, it's an honor and you can give me a little bit of grace. My, my throat is a little bit weak. But so you're gonna? I'll give you my best that I got today. That's for sure.

Awesome and well, you know I want to start off. this podcast is called The Journey to win Right And you know we were just talking about what that means to me is that you know it's not just one pillar. You know. there's so many people on fake book on social media. You know, winning big and business, But the, but there are marriages and shambles, our spiritual lifes and shambles and you know they get the control the narrative that don't We never really know truly what's going on in these individuals lives. And so you know you're one of those individuals that when I met you, I knew right away like you are winning in every area of your life. And so you know, I just want to hear what is winning to Rex Crane. What does that mean to you

To me, winning is living out. I believe purpose, and I mean that, with all my heart, I mean without purpose, life, I think is just an experiment. I think that's such a great quote and I think it's true right people. that of purpose kind of wonder and wander through life, and never kind of concentrate. Anything but for me it's living purposeful and also showing up excellent because I think the quality of any relationship I have is the way that I show up in it, and so to me to really win, I don't look at it in terms of doll Is in sense, I look at in terms of who am I becoming? How am I showing up for the people that I love the most and care about and want to serve the most? And am I living by purpose, or am I living by my feelings? What's going on around the world? And as you can tell, we've watched so crazy, So many powerful people in the world right now are living with a sense of powerlessness. You know, they used to be slim. Now they need a gym. You know, people used to have great relationships. Now the Strain and a sense of powerlessness has really began to seep into so many wonderful people that we're doing something with life and our lives doing something with them. and that you know, sense of powerlessness makes people start accepting things. They accept Alergies that they could change. if they wanted to. They could accept, start accepting their physical condition. They accept their financial condition, or they look at other people to determine who they're going to become the economy they're going to create for their own self. There may be their own health care plan, rather than Pending on simile different fake people we've watched on T. V. Tell us what to do with our health and our life. I think there's no more encouraging fact that I don't have to lease my life out, but I can lead it and be very, very purposeful. and seeing that there is so much powerlessness, I started doing a little research on this, Brandon. What I found was people who feel powerless to change their past. They feel guilty and condemned, And when you see that happen all of a sudden, it's a spiral, steels or confidence, their joy, energy strength, You can see it in their posture. You could see it in their voice, Ucceed everywhere and then, if people feel powerless to do something about their future, they're worried, they're scared, their nervous. But when people start to feel like they can do nothing about their present, they get angry, and then all of a sudden or depressed, and all you start watching all those negative states of emotion they cause someone just to start accepting and tolerating a weak life. And for me I feel like you know what if I'm really going to win. I can't allow all Other things to go on. I have to be purposeful on the inside, and I got a Not only that how am I going to show up for the people that I care about, am I going to show up? You know, what's it like to be in a relationship with me? What's it like to be in a relationship with you? What do people get when you show up? Is it a relationship that things that experience that people want to have again? Do they want to invest than it? Do they want to be around you? How is there like? better? easier, happier healthier just by being in your presence. Or is it kind of blows? You know goals, Or is it Eve in? Maybe worse, is it depressing because you just dump your stuff all over somebody else and throw up on them about what you don't like about life and how hurtful life is, And I believe in these times we can either be pitiful or powerful and you can't be both. You get a chance to choose pity, which makes a monument and an idol of your pain, or what you don't like, or you can be powerful and a powerful place is. I'm in a reclaim that I can win. Even if I've been on a losing streak, I can win back and I can get on New streak that wins. And how does it happen? not from the outside but comes from the inside.

Man? there's so much to unpack there like I could ask like twenty questions on that one thing.

I hope

I didn't go too far on that.

no it was amazing, so okay, so I heard. I heard a quote one day from Ed Mylett, he said You know we're born to win, but we're program to lose, and it kind of goes into what you just said. So do you want? Do you believe that's true to how do you? How do people get out of the programming? Like? like with all the negativity that spreads six times faster than positivity. Like what is Rex cranes? You know way to be able to show people not to live in their current results or their past, but to get them into the future

Yeah, I think number one fall out of love with your feelings, fall out of relationship with your feelings, Because your, your, your feelings lie to you. The word emotion is the word exmovetrit, means in Latin to move you away from the driver's seat. And I think so many times we're allowing our feelings based on things. we're focusing on current events, past events, potential negative outcomes To determine what we become, I think you have a responsibility. there would be no greater robbery in this world than to deprive the world of what you're capable of becoming. Achieving a Tributing. And most people I found they don't have a vision to do any of that. Their vision is how do I get through. I need money. Their vision isn't what I'm going to become, what I'm going to create, what I'm going to give or contribute. So as a result they live susceptible to their feelings and their emotions, their slaves of their whims, a mentor of mind said this to me years ago, Going through a really period of life that was very difficult. Going through a divorce, somebody left that I loved and cared about, and they didn't come back. They went to get help and they didn't come back, And a loss. not because I chose to lose, but because I was a victim of something, and in that place I felt very victimized and I began to talk so much about what I was going through, the hurt, the pain, and at some point he said, you can either be pitiful or you can be powerful, And if you're going to be powerful, you have to recognize Rex. You're not what you feel. You're what you decide. You're what you choose, and I thought that from it like, Oh, my goodness, you're right. I can feel Happ. I can feel angry. if I feel depressed. I can feel excited. I feel all these different emotions and probably two minutes. and yet they fluctuate the pinning on what's going on. I had to come back to the place that where God gave me a spirit of power. I can choose life, I can choose death. I get to decide who I become, what I achieve, what I contribute, and ways that I can add value to people. So I became very purposeful in that because I felt like it was given back a set of keys that I can drive a car and not let my life be drill By all these negative things, Because when you feel like you're in a set back man, you want t nurse it, You want to curse it and rehearse it and I did it. You know what I mean When you feel powerless or life's hit you, You want to nurse it because you get pity, You get people want to. Oh my gosh, I feel so sorry for you. That S okay for a day or two, maybe for a month If you're going through something heavier two months, but at some point to sit there and nurse it, that starts to become a part of your identity and to break out of that shift Or something changes is. I can't let issues or conditions or things that I've gone through become my sense of this is who I am. At some point I got to recognize I'm more than what I've gone through. I'm more than what's coming at me, more than the temptations, I more than the conditions, I'm more than my bad decisions. and for me that has to start with, that's a spiritual. Come back. I got to go back to my manufacture. I got to go back to God. and not only because if I do it my own way and the Frank senate, I did it my own way, then Left to my own ability to pull it off, and for me, I'm a god guy. I'm a faith guy and not a religious guy. I'm a god guy, Meaning he loved me. He gave me birth and life, and he knows my future and it's a good plan. So going back to him and getting his perspective on it. his perspective frees me from the prison of my pain, and it lets me to have a passport to my future.

So good. Well, so so you weren't always a God guy, so

No, I wasn't

let's so. let's go backwards here. Let's talk about because man, you are a major league baseball player. Play for the Boston Red Sox like you made it to the pinnacle. Like every every you know, a little kid's dream I feel


like like I want to be a major, like baseball player or some sort


of professional player growing up, and and you got to experience that, so so walk us through that journey of what it took You to get from you know, childhood to Major league baseball, and then maybe some of the challenges you have to grow through and then and then walk us through how you met God.

Yeah, you know, growing up I had just incredible desire to play baseball and I loved it. I fell in love with it and I was the kid that slept with my glove. Was a kid that you know, I would have sleep in the grass. I could. I loved, it, gave myself to it and worked really hard at it. When I found that I could do it really really good and I had some ability to work with. I realized you know early on and this, my translate for all of our viewers and listeners. I couldn't want a hundredfold return and be a thirty percent person. I realized that at a young age that I needed to kind of really invest in this and invest in that. I invested the time. The coach is the talent, and I really built that. And so at eighteen, Joe Stevenson, a hollifeam catcher for the Red Sox. He was the agent that signed me and he said, You have a rocket for an arm. He goes, You have an okay bat, but you have a rocket for an arm. You got you got good. you know certain things. that other things I did Well, he said to be an honor for us to sign you to the Boston Red Sox. And so I signed at eighteen years of age, And I thought as a kid you know, like, Oh my gosh, I'm gonna go. It's goin be great. It's going to be going to professional baseball. And what I realized was when I got there. This wasn't like Little League high school or these really special, like Connie Max or Babe Ruth legs. This was a business, and as an eighteen year old I did not understand. It wasn't just about playing baseball anymore. I walked into a man's world, and though I had man skills, I had a boy mentality, I had a boy And said, You probably can relate a little bit of a navy seal going in one way and then you step into a whole another place, and all of us suddenly like, Oh my gosh, there's a massive growth gap here and I'm with grown freak in men, Guys. I was collecting their baseball cards two years ago and I'm in the locker room with them and they're paying me to say, not the same amount of money, but they're paying me to play. There's hose, can saco. There was Roger Clemens or some of these great cowripkin was still playing front, Thomas, Some of these great players you know in baseball, Jim Abbot and one arm guy picture, just amazing people. And so for me there was a quickly an awareness that I needed to be able to not just grow in my skill in my ability, I needed to grow in my mentality, I needed to grow how I handled myself, which caused me to realize that where I was and where I wanted to go was much bigger than where I was, and I had to be honest with that, and it wasn't something that deterred me, Was something that challenged me. I needed to Grow in my character. I needed to grow up a little bit. I need to let go some of the childish things. If I was going to not just play professional baseball but live as a pro. I think there's a guy. would. I think his name is Eric War. He might even be a friend of yours. I've never met the gentleman, but he, he wrote a book, said Go pro. I think it was Go pro or going pro, or something


of that nature.

go pray.

I heard some years back and I remember there was a moment for me. This was way before He think he probably wrote it, but I don't ever read the book, but he said that I remember thinking I go Go pro. I got to go there in my mind, I got to go there in my dedication. My commitment. What got me here is not going to keep me here. I needed to go pro, so that really challenged me at that phase And it was my second year. I was on my way to spring training and I had a seventy six year old woman on a airplane and I was sitting there listening to some guns and roses. I think I was chewing tobacco and she knocks. She hit me on the shoulder and talked to you and I was trying to be a really nice you know guy to her and she goes, Listen, she goes. I don't know who Are, but I think you're going to really help millions of people across the world. Then you're going to help bring freedom to them And I said, I think you got the wrong guy. I go. I said you're really nice person, but I think you got the wrong guy. She goes. No, I got the right guy and for five hours on the way to Fort Myers, Florida, she began to tell me about things in my future that I walked out that plane brand. I was in. What the? What just happened to me? I don't know what just happened. His grandmother told me that I'm goin Do all these special things, but something happened on the inside of me and she left me with this idea that you know it wasn't your good ideas that we're going to count, but God's idea for your life. that's going to matter the most, and that's where on to find the most joy, the most fulfillment. Because that's what you're called to do. You might be doing something for a career, and she would write me letters. At that time, we didn't have phones yet, so she would write me letters every week and she would say, Don't quit. people that're waiting for you. Don't quit hurting. people are waiting for you. Don't quit. People are waiting for you And I get those letters. I become emotional and I remember thinking it was a trigger. God put somebody in my path that saw something in my future and didn't relate to me just where I was or want to jump on a band wagon of success, but someone that could see down the road. Oh my goodness, you can really make a massive difference and I don't need anything from you. Just want invest in you. That opened me up to a relationship. Go.

So, did you have a previous at all type of relationship at all with God? Or was it just kind of like

I think it was a religious

that? Was the intro?

one. I think it was a religious one. I think you know you go to. I went to church and wonderful parents. They were in to God, but I never had an experience with God And it's tough like people could tell me about you, Brandon all the time. But until I experienced you I didn't have that connection that energy where, Oh my gosh, you're carrying a trustworthy or integras. You're powerful. You make a difference for people. I got to know that we experiencing you, And so I remember, on March seventh of nineteen, ninety six at eight, forty Four P. M. I said this prayer and this was for me. I said Jesus. If you're real, I really want to experience you and know you if this is not real than I don't want to if you're real, And I remember that night something happened for me. Something got anchored in my heart. This was real and I felt different. On the inside. I felt guilt lift off me and I felt shame lift off me and I felt like I was different. Nothing had changed on the outside, but something changed on the inside, and for once I knew I wasn't just God's creation. I knew Is God's kid. I think that's something I wish every person would know that God didn't make people to just do great things. God only make people to love them. God is love. Love's not love. God is love. No matter what Starbuck says, no matter what other community says loves love. I call the B S card on all that God is love, and when you connect with God, love comes into your life because you can't get love without being around him, and when his love comes in fear, start to dissipate, and securities you know, weaknesses Change, and all of a sudden you have a new reference point for who you are, how valuable you are and once I started to see that value now I wanted to add value.

Okay? So so if someone right now is listening to this and they're like okay, that's great.


but how do I have you know? I've asked God over and over and over to have a connection with him to be able to feel his presence, but I just haven't,


and I know you know, I teach my team and I teach people in general that the mind is like apparetntlyi. works. if it's open, I think some peoaple are going into that conversation, most likely with no real expectations of anything happening there. you know what I mean, so like, I'm wondering, from your standpoint how do they have Break through of actually experiencing what you experienced?

Yeah, I think that's a great point for me. You know, you're as close. I believe a person as close to God as I want to be. And if God seems far away, we're not the ones that moved. I can say it in a clean way. So I look at that is, I'm probably as close to my wife as I want to be, and the reality is I can always come closer. So I came close. Not on a one top shop that you got to show up in five minutes. I really was committed to. I want to experience you. I want to know you. And actually, Jesus actually said that eternal life is not just going to heaven. One day, eternal life is knowing God. and when you know God, man is so attractive, Church people do a really bad job misrepresenting him. He's so incredibly kind and nice and the mercy, the forgiveness. But the inspiration I get that when I read the scriptures, I get that when I spend time and I talk with him and I can feel I love, inspire me. I see people in a new light. I want to love people, care for people. I want more for people than from people. All of that can I can genuinely tell you that comes out of the holy ground of life, My relationship with God where there's not just information, spiritual information, but something drops from your head and do your heart. Does that happen overnight and usually not, but it can, but usually it's from your head to your heart where it becomes a revelation. That man, God's with me, He's for me. He's not judging me, because he already judged his sons so that I could have freedom. I could have favor and I could live a really fun, productive, fruitful life in the midst of challenges.

I love that

Fate doesn't make things easy. It just makes things possible.

Well, I'll tell you, you know, if anything, I think, probably for you during that time, because I've been in, you know a similar environment. I guess you can say have top high achievers those types of personalities with the seal teams, And


you know, when you say that you're going to go believe in Jesus, You know, some people do right. Like some. I'm sure there's other believers. I talked


to a. I talked to a alignment, who awesome guy you know, and we were at. We were out in Park City not too long ago and he said you had your different sub groups. You had your Christians over here. You had your middle of the road, people, and then you had like


the what he called, Not my words, but he said the thugs like they were still actually living that life style, Even other profession, a football players. And and so, I guess my point is is you know for someone like you being in the baseball, you know at the top of the of the baseball chain with all the top pros, and by the way, a lot of those individuals that you looked up to, probably at that time That could have been called a personal hero growing up.


Um, it would have been very easy for you to say. You know what I don't know. I'm not not throwing out names, but Roger Clemens doesn't believe, and so I'm


not going to believe. So like, how did you get through that Because I think as soon as you become a believer, that's when the real challenges start.

It's a great point. I think it's a really really great thought. I began to feel in sense in my heart how much value I had in his eyes. I don't know how to say that, other than I would pray, and at night like I remember coming from spring training, and I would open the scripture and I would read it out loud. And then I remember I talked to the Raiders chaplain from the Oakland Raiders at the time and he gave me some of the best advice. he said Rex. He says, Don't try to go member As all the rules and try to become like a rule follower. O. You're going jack yourself up. There is a reason that you were a mess before. Let God just work and said, Do yourself a favor. Go and read the miracles of the Bible and read one every day out loud. and after every one say if you can do it, I can do it, he said, Because when you start getting God's miracles in your mentality, when you get them inside of your heart in your mind, then all of a sudden you see life a whole different perspective where other people see obstacle, you see Tunity. when people see sickness, you see opportunities for health. When people see mental or emotional turmoil or addiction, you see opportunities for freedom And I can say that's true. I started to do that and I remember planting those investments of seeds. I'm gonna invest thirty minutes of spending time, and when I did I started feeling a new strength. My mind started changing, my perspective started changing, so I started having different fruits show up in my life. I was more patient, more gentle people that might have kissed me Before I had a longer views. I was more merciful because I realized I had received mercy. Now I wanted to give it because I realize man, if he had been merciful to me, I'd be a freak and you know, and a lot of trouble. so I think it gave me so much perspective, and as of that there was so much appreciation and I think that's the biggest thing. if you start to look at all the things that you have in your life. Most people look at what's missing in their life. what's missing in their business. They become paralyzed by what they don't have, And when you start inventoring all the blessings you have in yuour life today, and you realize, Oh my goodness, look at how good God's been to me and I remember this going. I was in Africa, and I was with speaking there for about two weeks and think, at about seven point nine million people, we did on a live radio show in the Congo, and burned anew broundi in different places. But I went into this hut made of absolute dung. It was awesome. Maybe you saw something Ike that when you're in a rock, but I went in and there was this beauty African lady in Tansania. she said, I can't wait for you, man Zouga, which means white boy. I can't wait for you to come to my beautiful home. Now her home was surrounded by all this thicket and they had all these thicket built so that the lions couldn't get in there and the elephants couldn't get in there. That was her secure fence. That was her. That was her private entry way. She took me into her home that was made of dung made of craft, and it was sitting there and she brought me and she goes look at Beautiful


kitchen. Now, her kitchen was probably as big as my desk. Care in my office here and she goes. This is where I eat and I'm so grateful that I get a meal or two meals. Sometimes a day isn't life rich and I was like, Oh my gosh, she looks right Next to this kitchen is a bed that lays on the dirt. and she goes. There's bedding and what not? she goes. Look at. this is where I get to lay my head down and I get to think of all my wonderful Dreams, all the people that love me in my life, all the experiences and conversations I've had, all the things I've been protected from. She goes. When I lay down, I don't lay down in a bed of you know, distaste or discouragement, I'm goin a place that's so grateful and I'm like, Oh my gosh, she goes, and then over here she had a little type of a hanger thing and she had like three or four pairs of clothes, I said, and she goes look at. I look at my wardrobe and look at how enriched I am. I remember walking That young house going man. That was the richest person I've ever met in my life, because a couple o weeks prior, Brandon I had been in a self made millionaires home. It's a true story. He bring me in once a month with all of his friends, very wealth, well known famous gentleman, and the first time I got there I remember, I got lost. The butler had to confine me and I got lost in a bathroom. It was a forty six thousand square foot home and this gentleman had plans. He had boats. He had everything now a couple of weeks later in the middle of Africa, and This gentleman, he was going through stuff, but he was so unsettled and unhappy and unfulfilled, and now this woman was so grateful and so happy and rejoicing. It gave me a perspective. that man, you know what, what's wrong is always available shows all the goodness of God available. And so I like to take clues from people. It's a cheap code. They say, success leaves cluesting. Jim Rone the famous teacher taught that, I think it's a cheat code and David, one of the great kings of The world, said, Surely Goodness and Mercy chased me down every day of my life. If you look for it, you can find it

That's powerful. you know. And and I think I think it's Tony Robins that says You know, when you trade your expectations for appreciation, things start to change for you and

Brilliant. brilliant.

ye. That goes right in line with that. It's like you got to appreciate where you are. I think that's part of winning right. It's like it's like being able to have gratitude and appreciation for for where you are, but just knowing where you're about to go. And and how do you balance that though, Because you know some people like, like, Tony also says that life's about Growing and it's about giving righ. You got to continue to grow and expand


because you're on moving forward. You're going backwards by law and where they're creating or disintegrating Right. And so okay, We want to keep growing in every area of our life. But how do we you know in a world of consumerism in a world of social media? How do people you know? How do they find themselves to be grateful for exactly where they are if they don't have really anything that they want at this moment in their life, knowing of Where they're


trying to get to

no, I think that's great. So here's a way and this can actually be great. May be a great bridge from people where people are to where they want to go, and actually can actually help people spiritually that, maybe till distant or the disconnection or they, they're filling it to a static connection to their creator. And also this would be a great thing. There's a. There's a scripture in in the Bible and palms sixty seven of five through seven, It says, As they gave thanks, Then God released in cry, And so I said, I'm going to use this and create a strategy. Ros. I started thanking God for all these things. I write him down. And how many know you and everyone's watching. How many know that you always get better than you give. If you were to create a piece of paper and write down the middle, and on one side you wrote everything that you get in life. People love you, They encourage you say nice things. You got likes on Instagram. Whatever that that is, you know that you could feel grateful for you have two eyes that you can see. You can walk today when there's a lot of people who can't you know? I mean you have heart health to day. you have long Health, whatever that may be. If you got by the way, Do you know that one million people died in the last six days? You can be happy that you're still here. If you have your own house, you're in the. If you have our own house, not the one you want with the one you live in, You're in the top twenty four percent people in the whole entire freak in world, and if you have twelve American dollars to your name, you're in the top fifteen percent of the richest people in the whole entire world, So you could right. It's a matter of perspective in the richest and wealthiest people and the people that are most thankful. So I thank God for who he is. Number one. I usually think God like God. thank you that Yu're a provider, thank you that you're a protector over my family, thank you that you're a healer of our hearts, our minds and bodies, My wife, you know, my wife went through a situation where they took her heart out of her chest, Cinder, death certificate. They gave her no chance to live, and God healed her. I met with the doctors after they said we did everything we could, but God made that heart, Ump, and they usually don't do that when they talked to medical science, but God did that well. He's a provider. He's been a way out for me when I've been struggled with things. he Freedom. so I started telling what who he is then and thanking him for that. When I thank him for what he's done, I thank him for all the past blessings. I try to remember that, and then I start thanking him in anticipation. Most people pray out of anxiety, not out of anticipation. anticipations, power for a leader, anticipations power in business, its power as a co, its power as a co is an operations operator, anticipation, not just where we currently are, but if the not just a current trend, but anticip What's to come, and I believe that's where real faith is where you start anticipating and thanking God for what you're believing him to pull off. That will actually allow you to get into a place of faith and pull you out of anxiety. That really drags down your faith, your confidence, your courage, your love, because when you feel less, you risk less, love less, give less, you become less, become less. you live less about that, but all


of a sudden, when you start to see how wealthy you really are, you stop looking at all the relationships in your life. The place to get. Then you look at them as a place that I'm gonna contribute here. I'm going to tribute to creativity. You start thinking things, and even I think Jobs said this Steve Jobs That creativity s connecting dots. The more you start thanking God for what you're expecting him to do. You become very creative in your mind how to put things together from the past to where you want to go in the future, you're able to draw upon lessons. you're able to draw upon experiences that. maybe you weren't positive in the past, but the pain of the past becomes power in the present When you start being thankful that way Because all of a sudden you see, here's how I can use it to help somebody else out, because the masters of healing are usually the people that experience the most hurt in life. And maybe that's a really great little segue here, too, Brand. If I can throw this in there, you want to know what you're called to? Do you want one element? If you really want to find a clue to your calling in your life. If you want to discover that, find what draws the compassion out of you. If you discover what draws the compassion out of you, you can recognize what God's qualified you to bring hope, healing and care to it. What do you mean by that? I hate watching people suffer with sickness, Mind sets at work against them. So therefore I just don't dislike it. I hate it. and usually what you hate, Hate is energy. Its ability. If you don't hate something you tolerated, I hate. I got to a point where I hated nicotine. I was able to stop tolerating it in my life. I hated not feeling enjoying my life. There was a period of my life. I was success, but I did not enjoy any of it and I remember saying, God Teach me how to enjoy my life, And I realize I could not even joy my life, And so I stopped tolerating certain things and behaviours and not appreciating things that flip. Okay, here we go. So if you recognize what draws the compassion out of you, I hate watching people suffer in certain ways. As a result, I don't sit there and watch people in pain. It moves me to do something about it. It calls me to do something about it. to invest in it. Help them heal him. whatever I can do in my power to to increase the qua Ity of life for somebody unlocks calling. Now I got a mission now I got a calling. I ain't driven by money. I ain't driven by. I got purpose to my life that brings hope to my present, and when you have hope come on, you're so much more creative. You're so much more influential with people. Let me say, if you go, whoever has the most hope has the most influence. If you're in a business where you're around people, It doesn't matter your degree. You've got the most hope. you've got the most influence. I coach some pretty great businesses in the world, Golf Calloway Golf, Travis Matthews, There's a bunch of different businesses over two hundred of them right now that we're active Part of. I can tell you, the person that has the most influence, S the person with the most hope Why? Because they see something better in the future, they don't tolerate certain things. Then all of a sudden it simplifies life. two men. All of a sudden, you start to see this element of calling and it gives you that kind of hope. Simplifies life. What you do. what you don't do what you say yes to and not to. you. Got a foundation to make some decisions, and I think for all of our viewers, Man, if you Locate that element of calling man, what draws the compassion out of me and what you feel called to create and build, and I can start to be thankful for that right now in the cresent, and anticipate that you bring everything around something you start getting out of having compartmentalized in your life. Now you become more whole, you become more of my spirit, my soul, my mind, emotions, body, my, By everything is working. It's working towards the goal. You are created to solve a certain problem. Shouldn't you discover what? S?

That's amazing man. So literally people, the Bible says, Without vision, People parish, right, So


when you have purpose, you get to wake up and that gives you the vision to continue to move forward right, So that's


that's so powerful. Um, you know, Bob Proctor was one of my mentors before it passed away recently, and

Great guy.

um, yeah, I love the Bob man. He was awesome. so let me ask you this. You used to say when you're when you're thinking of your goals and you're looking to achieve whatever it is you're looking to achieve. You need to get very clear and concise and what it is, and you have to start saying things like I'm so happy and grateful now that I am,


and then implement whatever that goal is, So essentially Kind of what you're saying Is something very similar here you're taking. you know, I guess more of a Christian based, I guess psychology. and it's I don't. I don't know if he was. I don't know what his belief was exactly, but either way he kind of put the law of attraction,


you know aspect of it in there. What's your belief on that?

Um, well, Bob liked principles and I liked Bob. We had chance to work with some of the same people and Bob. I love that he had a heart to really help people and improve people. Bob actually gave his life to Christ a couple of days before he passed away through a gentleman that I know, and so I'm gonna see him one day in heaven. So I hope you guys are gon to join us there. By the way, Let me say this very very thing. What I loved about Bob was, he took a concept out of the Book of Problems, as a man thinks in his heart, James Allen was First poet or writer that wrote about it, following his head of the Bible, As a man thinks in his heart so easy, and so does he become, And it talks about the idea of you're not really limited by your ability, Your limited by your psychology. Your mind has to focus when your mind has reasons why something has to work. Something has to be achieved. Something has to develop. Something has to love. All of a sudden, those reasons become an emotional magnet. What you focus on you notice a lot more you pay attention to and you move towards your And it focus. I think that's the way God created to even the word focus Is the word hearth comes from the word, which means burning place, fireplace. You got the most passion where you are most focused, whether that's on the wrong thing or on a good thing, depending on where you choose to point your lens, But in that same element and Bob drew attention to it was proverbs twenty three and nineteen, he says, To guide your mind in the way most people let their minds go crazy. They wonder they wander. They have board meetings in their mind. They don't take direct control of their mind. If you're going to achieve anything of significance, you're gonna have to be able to concentrate your energy and effort on what matters most. That means that need need to be vague. but as you said, I need to become really clear, purposeful insted of vision for my mind, who it is exactly I want to become, And maybe that's a really great place to start. Because if you just achieve and you don't become, or you're hoping to become something by without intention, the reality is you're going to become What other people want you to become. That's a problem because he. now you're not leading your life. you're leasing your life. So I think having a vision here's I'm gonna become. How do I do that? I personally choose three character things I want to grow in each year. That doesn't mean I don't have them in my life. Now that's my greatest vision. Not how much money I'm going to make, not how big the business is going to be, because I feel like if I constantly grow and who I am, I will outgrow what I do, and if I can be trusted is the kind of person that grows to handle it, then I will use it. Well, I won't Elated. I won't mismanage it. I'll handle it with with integrity and character, which means that sustain ability T's one thing to get a bag, or you can get a purse. You can get a bag. you can get a trophy. T's another thing to keep the bag. It's another thing to keep the trophy. It's another thing that get the relationship. It's another thing to have the relationship and you're more passionate thirteen years in, And you can you know Wat. I mean, you're still freaking into it. You know what I mean? that's that's cool to me, so I look at that as three character traits that I want to become, and I use them as a Trick. I put them on my phone so I'm able to measure each day. Was I more this at might be healthy. It could be merciful, It could be more generous in your life. It could be more peaceful, and all of a sudden, when you begin to focus on and Bob taught this, you start to notice there you start. distinctions, or what would ask? a more dominant question Helps you focus your mind like. Okay, What would I need to be more peaceful? Whtwhat, I need to focus on here. What would I need to focus on to be more merciful? If maybe I've not been merciful. that ful that something I really wanted to be, or compact, And our healthy, whatever that may be, haves different options. Then I go. Okay, Okay, whom gonna become? But what am I going to build? Having a vision for what I'm going O build? You're going to build something. If you don't build something for yourself, you'll build some somebody else or you'll build. Spend your time tearing down something from somebody else. What do you want to build? Maybe that's your health. Maybe what do you want to build in the areas that let you become clear that you are a builder. you are created to build, and Faith if it doesn't have any work is only an idea. Faith works when you work it. You got to Work your land. If you don't work your land, you're going to have poverty and it's not God's fault. Is yours? Greatness doesn't go on sale. businesses don't go on sale. Come on, great contracts, great relationships. God gives you the ability and the opportunity You got to show up with an attitude. You got to show up. I'm ready to work and develop it. Come on, but having an idea. what do I want to build? What do I want to create This phase. If you're goin, arrive a year from now, and you will come on. You're going arrive a year from now. The questio Aware, What will you have created in these next twelve months? And then finally, what am I going to give? Have a vision for what you want to give and will actually stimulate you. You'll actually do more for other people. If you can link what, having a vision to what you want to give. My wife and I do this every year. We want to give more away every single year and not throw money away, but invest money we sow it into the other day. I think we gave had the opportunity to help over five hundred children have food in the middle of substaharin Africa, Where their bones are sticking out. or we've been able to pull kids out of the dump, buy a home. It, children with Aids and get them. There's nothing more rewarding that drives you in business To build something that pulls you to become more, and what that does. And actually there's more joy in that than there is. and just okay when I build this, I'm gonna have this freak in cool posh life That's great. That's cool to have all that I know. A lot of people have a lot to live on. They don't get nothing to live for. I've been in their freaking homes.




been in


their homes this. Yeah,

true, So true. There's so much power in that you know. it's you know. Like Jim Rone said, You said that you know you got to weed your garden or the garden will take over right, And


you know




sitting talking about how some people have success, but they can't keep the success because you know you look on. It's so easy to create momentum in your life, But can people sustain a long term


And and so, let me ask you this Because you know you made it to the top Baseball. You, you know, you lived every kid's dream literally, youknrtremely, successful business man right now, Um, you know you have a happy marriage, happy family. Your, you know, care loves you right like You can't say that with every



she does.

can't say that you know, because maybe they. they've struggled with their kids. You know, you have your spiritual life connected directly to God. You're very spiritually gifted, And you know I was telling you before that before the call that. I think there's a lot of people who they get out there and they push The narrative on people. But you live it like you don't have to like. like, like you attract people, you natch. people just want to be around you because you're living everything that you're preaching, And I think there's a lot of stage speakers out there who get on stage and they tell you what you want to hear. And and they're really good at putting words together. It sounds really good and inspiring. But then when you see them out in town or you see him on social media, you know office social media, it's a completely different narrative because they can control it when they're in a controlled environment. And so I just my point. It is a saying. You know when? When Will Smith you know, hit a


H. What was his name? He hit that




Chris Rock. Denzil


said, At your highest moment, Be careful. That's when the devil is going to come for you. So what is your advice for someone who's winning already an extremely high level and you know, like right now they don't know. But the devil is coming for them. It's a target. so like, what's your advice from?

I think, rather than fear evil and fear, the negative challenges come to you when you start to embark on new opportunities when you're growing and you're successful. I think don't lose what got you there. I think you go back to stabilize. It's a strategy we use a lot in different businesses that allow them to scale. Most people always want to get into the innovation or maximization of resources or maximization of products or services. I like to always go back to stabilize, because when you stabilize, you go back To your foundation. What really matters? What really? what's sensing, what's vital of real value, and giving myself to that and going back to that. and I think, if you're at the top of your game, you have me know there's more of a target on your head, So the reality is both for criticism, negativity, but also opportunity, and a lot of crazy temptation to do stuff that might violate your morals, your principles and who you are. So I think there's a difference between the holy ground and the battle ground, and I think The holy ground. That's not just sitting and meditating and doing that all day long. It's not what I'm talkin about. Holy Ground is investing in your family, growing in your own life, and finding a way to give and contribute in such a way where it's very intentional. It keeps you grounded in your principles and then the battle ground of life. I think that you start to use a lot of wisdom, and just because everyone is pumping you up and blasting you out, are attracted to your success. their fondlers there Forwarders. there are people who fondle you, not forward you and I got to be able to recognize who's a parasite and who's a partner.


What do you mean by that? If you walk with wise people, you stack up wisdom and there's wealth in that. there's richness in that band, But you hang out with fools, you suffer harm. Fools aren't necessarily horrible people. There's people that don't have vision from where you're going. They're always looking at just touching your influence. They fondle you, They want to touch your influence, but they don't want to forward and be a part of you. They just care what's in you. That's okay. It's like a parasite. They want what's in your hand. They don't want what's in your heart. Partners want what's in your heart. I like to partner and keep grounded by people who have integrity because the people that I'm around and you teach this so well, is everything because it anchors you and anchors your vision and anchors things you'll do. If you hang out with people we really lose morale or loose ethic, then you start living that way, too. You hang out with people that have healthy habits, people that eat well, All of a sudden, you start ordering different Restaurant. You hang out with people that are in passionate marriages. They grab each other's but they're all over each other even after ten years, and man, like all of a sudden, you find yourself wanting to do the same thing were creatures of habit, so I think that proximity really helps with that in choosing people that make you better, and in places to where it challenges you to grow. I've invested in people in my life that they don't always ask me. Hey, how many people got loved you? They don't ask those questions. They ask me more Questions like Hey, how did you treat your wife? How you handling your money? How are you investing how you treating God's presence on somebody? How you treating people that aren't doing you right? How are you handling that? They ask those qruestions and I allow it, and that takes a little humility, because once you start to get arrogant puffed up like Oh, you're invincible, Colo, you're butt is in. You're a target. You're open, because if you're proud, pride always goes before some type of a fall. I would rate, Go low and stay humble. Come on, I don't need. I'd rather go stay on the low road and serve people and filling. By the way, humble people don't feel less of themselves or think less of themselves. They just think of themselves a lot less. And so when it stays about other people, it's just yet. wait a second when I go home. I want to have peace. When I put my head on my pillow. That's not gonna give me peace. How much money I got my bank account or how many people I know, or if I was at Eddy Murphy's house yesterday, or if I was with Denzil. If I was doing this with open window. If you were with Grant Card, Own, or that doesn't going to give you peace. That might give you popularity Ain't gonna give you. freak in peace. To me, wealth is having peace, and I think when you have enough wealth and enough opportunity in your life, you start to weed out because you see so many freak ing opportunists and you look at. Okay, I'll serve you, but I'm going to keep you at a distance. I learned that from Jesus, he talked to the multitudes and parables. he talked to the twelve a lot closer. He only talked to three a lot more Tailed, and he told everything to his father. Imagine if you only have the right set of boundary lines, because when you only a fool tells his whole heart, you get in trouble. We ou start sharing everything with everybody.

Yes, yes, you know, and man, that's so good. I'll tell you I've experienced it. you know, when I was in the military, like a young cat, you know, just got in the seal teams and I had an older individual teach me one time after going through the process and and struggling.


I guess you can say that character is more important than reputation, because we had a saying that reputation is everything in the teams. Like your reputation is everything. Well, The challenge. what that is is when when reputation is everything, you do what everybody wants you to do because you want to be liked.


But when I realize that character was the most important part of that like it changed everything for me because I did live my life as reputation. Everything in the beginning when I switched it to character was a character of a reputation. You know, because then your reputation follows right,

Yeah, I think that something ally, you live out really really well that I've seen Is you choose a good name and most people don't they choose reputation, popularity and so freak and fleeting, And you know I'm in a privileged place where I get to see a lot of people that people watch on T V, both in the sports world and the entertainment world, And they think that life's so. it's not the popularity. It's a. it's a freak and drug that actually drowns people in so much misery. But I love that about you. You've chosen a good name and you keep choosing a good name. Every day I got to choose a good name and I would rather have favor. Favor is attached to having a good name. Riches are attached to just choosing popularity. But riches are fleeting. Wealth is not riches are what you get. Wealth is who you are And so you can't take wealth from someone who's wealthy. You can't take that from somebody who chooses a good name, And it might be longer, but I would rather go longer, and as a mentor said to me years ago, he said, If you let God raise you up, then no man can take you down. If you let man raise you up, then you got to keep yourself there. Don't do it. The Frank Senate way I got to build. I got to show how, let the connections why, Because there's a gift that every human that's already created space and room for God, already recognied your life to be something known for, recognized for and beautiful for. And if you do it that way, you'll actually enjoy who you are and enjoy how you could serve people with the gift, and you will have a great time. You have fun. The pressure won't be like. I'm only as good as my performance because that's a freak in trap that burries great people. And I'll tell you what you choose that. and I think that's a challenge for every person that would listen Today Is I want to choose a good name? Maybe you lost your integrity last night, but today is a new day. Thank God you can overcome evil with good. you can choose again. And if you've lost And you've been on a losing streak cause you've been maybe dabbling in things or diverting things, or maybe been hiding things, and come out of that freak ing closet a little bit and come back into the light. And you know, except forgiveness and make make a new decision. You know. I think it was Tony Robins who said the decisions of your life, not the conditions of your life, determined how your destiny plays out. If you lost your integrity, get back in integrity. If you're you lost it in your family. come on, man, freaking up, woman up. come on, find your freaking backbone. It ain't good enough just to have Funny bone or a wish bone in your mind, wishing for something to be different, Become the kind of person that somebody wants to have a relationship with at this phase in your life, Become kind of person somebody wants to do business with and continue to do business with. Come on, make a decision that you're gonna enjoy your life or decision how you're going to be a healthy person. Entegras, honorable person. That you actually mean what you freak and say, Because your customers, your clients. If you're a business owner, they're asking number one. not in your product or your service. Benefit me. They're asking number one. Can I trust you? Your kids are asking. Can I trust you If you lost integrity thing? Get it back today and reclaim that sucker. Get on a winning streak. Come on, you lost it with your spouse, Freak and get it back. Come on, get it back. Come on. you got another things back in your life. Follow your own successful habits. What do you do? You made a decision that I ain't going to tolerate this any more. I'm goni'mgonna do something about it. Challenge myself. You'll

I love

find your


potential. That's for sure, because as you know, Brandon, man, if I got Chased by a little puppy, I ain't gonna probably run too fast, but if I got chased by a people, there gonna be a whole nother side of Rex that comes out when you get challenged enough. It's amazing the potential that comes out of you

Yeah, yeah,


I bet you're

yourself. Recapture your name.

I bet you re fast to. You know what you? what you're telling me takes me back to. kind of like the thought of you know you were a baseball player, right, You have people go into a batting slump and I think that some people a lot of times there's when you're driving in a car you got to win. Show you got your ear view mirror, and most people are wrecking the car because they're living their life out of the review mirror right,


constantly, look in the past, And and when I grew up, I had a football coach. He was awesome man. He still is awesome guys cool. He had a saying, Play the next play now, In matter in the background of Like what happened previously, There's nothing you can do about that, that, miss tackle, or that you know flag that just got thrown on you. Like play the next play like that's. That's what we got to do in life. And so I teach my team that all time and that, just that brings a lot. Your conversation brought a lot a lot of that back to me. So thanks





play. What a great slogan. And you said, Because you write the Rear View Mirror and for everybody, it might not be a place of defeat, but other people is a place of success. And I think that paralyzes people the most because they succeeded in the past, and they think that that equal success in the future, so they don't play the next freak in play. They want to watch the highlight reel and build a monument around the highlight. How many people do you see in? They think they're on S. P. N. playing the greatest. You know, the success stories of their life. Well, That was then, now is now. And the question is what's the next play Because there's a play to be run now and success is progressive. It's giving birth to everything that's in you, And I think that's the friend of my Miles Monroe. He's in heaven today, but he was the ambassador of the Bahamas, Lee through a lot of speaking engagements for companies together, and he said Rex, the richest place on the planet just around around the corner from your house. What do you mean the richest places? Because it's not nessarily own diamond fields. It's not the loyal fields of rock. No, it's in the graveyard, I says where great men and women never became great. Great ideas were never shared songs, never saying, businesses never went beyond the drawing board of somebody's mind, because people did not give their ability responsibility. They didn't want to own it. And I like what you said, Play the next play, Work your land, And if you don't have a vision plan vision, a generous eye of generous vision per Vision comes from somebody planning it, and I love it. You make the vision. The vision makes you make a vision that's compelling enough to say, you know what I'm gonna get up. Serves somebody, Let it be bigger than you to. Because that's where I want to play the next play. If I got something big enough to pull me into the future.

Man so good. Yeah, tell us, how did you become such a good speaker like you had? It's a skill that's developed over time. And you, you know you? you're You're so amazing at speaking. Like walk me through that process from from where you were maybe growing up to where you are today.

I didn't like to. Well, I love people, but I wouldn't say it was in this speaking at all by any means, but when I, when I really made a decision that I was going to give my life to helping people, I realize I needed to become skilled and I think this is good for every person. No matter where you are. Talent fails you. If you don't get skilled, because you either got to modify the vision or you got to maximize the skilled. Let me say that again, you either modify the vision of the dream that you have in your heart, or you have to Surmise the skill. And if you, if you, if you don't get skilled, then you find yourself in a place of I got talent That just talk about the potential of things that never goes anywhere for most people. So I realized I couldn't rest on my laurels and say well as a professional baseball player. I succeeded that I needed to work my land. I needed to cultivate it. I found a couple of models that I felt. Oh, this was really good and I like the way they communicated and connect it about communication is not communicating, and how well you communicate. How well do I can Nect with you? And that's the goal of communication is connection. And to do that you actually have to learn how to believe that that person's You have to believe they're worth it. They're worthy of something great, and you care about them, Because if you don't care about them, you're not going to deliver at a high level. I've had to be in the middle of prisons where people have done crazy acts. They've done horrible things that children. They've done horrible things and I've had to sit there, and in my natural mind I wanted to like, probably punch some of them because I'm a dad. Maybe do other things To them, but I had to realize that still God's creation and I have to find a way to pierce them. That means I can't just communicate at them and tell them what they did wrong. I got to pierce through. So what I used to actually do? I signed up when I left professional baseball. This is. I don't encourage other people to do it, but I did it. I wouldn't worked as a janitor in a church for five dollars an hour. That's a big pay jump from professional baseball to being a janitor, but it gave me access to a stage in the middle of the night. I had S, too, and there was two thousand empty seats and I would get in there and I would practice speaking to the carpet. I would speak to the chandelier. It was an old church. They had pews they didn't have like chairs. I would try to motivate the chairs would try to like, Make the chandeliers laugh. If you get it okay. I think you just had you had to prosper where you're planted and begin to work. I used to go in front of a mirror and practice and I started looking at people don't look. Remember things. anything beyond threes and fours. You'll never hear me do any type of a speech without one, two or three points or four points, Because they don't remember. If you have eight steps to freedom, twelve steps to building your business, People don't remember. You might think it's the greatest freak in speech ever. You might be the greatest speaker ever. People don't remember. That's a problem because when you're out of mind, you're out of sight. And that's a problem if you're a business owner or people have done business with you before and now they're out of sight. Rekindle. Go back. but if you're a speaker, then I want to make things memorable and so always try to go back to three things. And so I would practice hat in front of a mirror, And then no one would hire me to come speak right away, So I went and started working in the church that I was a genitor, at. I said Can I go and talk to the kids, and I cussed a lot. At that time I do a little bit better Now. sometimes it still comes out, but I always think God takes shaky people and give some sturdy projects the pro I as bigger than the person. but what it gave me was I would go in there with six years old and I would teach them and they would tell me to teach him a thing about Jon O, the way I teach him about Free William Flipper, and or like sham, whatever it was, and I would just start where I could. If I could volunteer and speak. I wanted to be able to start where I was. I was talking to this. a friend of mine's Un Fortune Five president spoke for many times, he said I would do. I had he said, I had a uhnutrocytical business, and I would do present Tiens every single week, and no one would show up for a whole year, but I still showed up every single week and delivered because I became good at what I practiced And so then when you start practicing you realize, Oh, this is where I connect And so that's what I've done and I've done that consistently and I work at my craft. Um, you know, they say an hour on a stage is worth about eight to ten hours being of work, and I usually put about anywhere between fifteen to twenty hours into every speech. It's not exaggeration. Look for pity on it. It's a calling, so I want to Estimate, and I realized to be great, you have to work greatness. You know, if I put golf clubs in my hand doesn't have the same value as Tiger Woods's hands. Why? Because he's developed those golf clubs a lot more than I have. I play once a month. He's played since the age of four or three, whatever it was to whatever it was, But why he spent so much time practicing that now he's rewarded in that sphere, because that greatness was developed and I think that can happen for anybody, and I double Proverb says, a skilled man will stand before kings and not obscure people. I know, every one of us wants to stand in a place, not sit in a place and watch, but stand in a place where there's influence opportunity and to do that, especially in the speaking realm. Care for people. want more for them. And if I could say this because this may be help somebody on the other end and I know we're close in on time. but let me say this. I didn't event recently and it was me and a very well known basketball player. Ill put it that way. Hello favor. He got Paid, I think a hundred and fifty thousand dollars for his speech, and his speech was thirty to forty five minutes, And I think I got paid twenty thousand dollars for money or fifteen thousand. whatever it was. Kay, whatever, So I remember, and as soon as his was done, his guys whisked him away. Great speech to the great job, Whisked him away. Jumped on that jet. He was off on his G six and he was heading somewhere else to go back to his big old life, whatever that looked like. But I remember something. It stuck with me and I saw it modeled in people that I cared about young. and so I always I do that. To this day I stayed for two hours in fifteen minutes, maybe even a little bit more, and i shook hands. I cared. I hugged. I prayed for people, and I was sick as a dog. When I did it, I was sicker than get out, but I stayed and cared about people. Let me tell you who are they going to remember? Are they going to remember the flash or when they're getting trouble or wanted to do business, or they on? member, The guy that cared, he had sparkle, He had pazz. I had substance. They want to do business with me. They want to do life with me. So it wasn't just in the delivery, it was the service of it that I'm not just going to deliver a speech I'm going to deliver myself.

I love that and you do, because I've watched you speak, you know, and and I think people. I learned this a long time ago. that because I was used to be so worried about what what I was going to say on my speech and I was, I was used to be terrified to speak in front of people like you have no idea. It's crazy. But then I did it repetitively over and over and over and then eventually it just became like another thing, Right And



you're great at it,

and so people, people, you know, they care more about how you made them feel than what you actually said. They're going to remember that mor. Right,

Hundred percent and I do. I take a strategy into it, and this might be helpful for people who present, whether it's in small businesses, home businesses, virtual businesses, or in board rooms, And I do this in board rooms and help work with different people, Because you have to, you know, money moves at the pace of speed, and you got to make decisions fast, So you had the best information available, and you know, have times. So I work with a lot of executives on this little model and something simple. Maybe it's a great. It's a delivery dynamic. I call it a delivery dynamic and it helps Define development. Deliver a little quickly. As I said. What do I want my audience to see? Because number one, eighty nine percent of all that's learned is visual. What do I want them to see? Because you turn an idea into a belief through what you can see. Number two, What do I want them to know? And this hilly helps with people that are more legistical buyers, rather than emotional buyers. I know people buy emotion, they buy feeling. that's the major. but if you answer their logical questions, it will bring substance to your business where you're not built on hype. You actually can be very very. he Full. Get a statistic, Understand what your service, your product or your mechanism. Does your system does? how it will improve the life for somebody. How it's already helped. somebody. be able to be quick with that where you have a reference point to be able to give it okay because the knowledge makes somebody strong makes somebody confident and you build that up. If it's just built on hype, they might get in on Hye and they leave on. the hype. leaves into your business, your system, They, they're in for a month, or they want to do business for a month. They buy your system for him. They buy your technology for a month. They're out. But if you be able to supply knowledge for what they need to know, then all of a sudden there, Logistically it kicks in that they have some foresight and some structure. how to build number three. What do I want them to believe? Why? Because the only future people have and they invest in is the one they believe in. If people don't do business with you, it's because they don't believe at life's better with you, easier with you and more joyful and your job. If you're a business owner, If you are a entrepreneur, you're a creator. You're a facility At, or you're in sales, whatever, to make life easier better faster, more enjoyable and healthier for people. That's your goal. That's a c, e o mentality. That's the show cold on your brain. Don't look for the company to do it your service to do it, your product to do it, your system to do it. No, No, it has to happen through you. You're the communicator. What do I want them to believe? This will give you really clear how to deliver to them. And finally, what do I want them to do right now? Number four, What do I want them to do now? Now? what will I call them to do Now? If you don't call them to do Anything, now that you'll never convert, you'll always be in the cycle of frustration and you can convert, because if you take that strategy, you put enough from down whatever kind of business you have or opportunity thing you have in these all kinds of people that follow you brand and have all kinds of diferent businesses. But let me tell you something, you will be able to attach people to something secure in a structure. If you build the structure, then the substance can come in. I learned that from the Bible, I'll end with this idea that in the beginning God took dirt and he wanted to make a human. He built the structure, He was lifeless, but he built a structure, he built arms, he built a head, he built eyes, holes in our nose. Come on, he built teeth, he built lips. come on, he built, he built black hair. all of it come on, black skin, white skin, orange skin, red, skin, yellow skin. he built all the structure, but there was no life in it. Then he breathed oxygen into it and it became Take a structure. First, you built the structure and stabilize your structure, and how you Communicate to the world how you want them to think. Believe, because that is influence, guiding people's thinking about who they are, how they interact with other people and themselves, and how they act, interact with the world, and how your whatever you serve makes life better for them and easier for them. And if you build that structure now, you can breathe passion into it and people will think and they'll know it's out of conviction, not out of information. As a result, Now you're valuable to people. That's a power to create. Well, you want to create your own economy. You better in the stage, Why? Because A is coming for every single one of us and that's about thirty five, forty per cent, Maybe of jobs in the next five seven years, Don't think that's just an idea floating out in the middle of the sky. What an opportune time to be able to pivot are position yourself, own your own stage in your platform. You have when, even if you're shy or you think your shy, I'll call B. S on that you ain't shy. You just haven't find the proper environment how to communicate yourself Yet, and the confidence to release yourself yet joined Brand. He'll teach you how to do it, but you have a platform. Take the mice in your hand and use the mice in your hand. You have a voice. Don't live voice list. Always wondering what could have should have would have been. Nothing would be worse than getting their life and thinking about what could have been man. There's nothing like you talked about. I talk to Olympians And if I would have trained harder if I would have worked a little bit more if I would have ate at a better pace, instead of maybe holding a cup of cold water and be holding a cup of victory, I'd be holding a trophy in my hand. This is where you win. So if you're going to win right now, what do I need to do? Let's run the next play. Let's choose a good name and let's own your stage.

I love it. I love it. Thanks so much, Ricase. I mean, and you're so right. I've seen people literally. who've told me You know. Hey, I'm so shy. you know I don't. I don't want to talk in front of people, and then six months later after we pour


power, speak power into a belief, and all of a sudden now they're speaking in front of five hundred people. Just you know, crazy like shouting and having fun, and on stage like living living their power right, So pretty awesome to see. Um, you know, and then we could talk. We could talk about a I for like another two hours. That


is insane. What's about to happen?


But Rex. I appreciate your time and thank you. O. Today's your day off than your family. Thank Katrina for me. Tell her I appreciate her so much. And and Kara so can't wait to spend some time with you guys here soon.

Yeah, and thank you for the privilege. I really love what you're doing and how you're making a difference for other people and men go. people listen, Go join what Brandon and his wife are doing. Their building leaders and they build, takes a certain kind of person to build a leader. There's a lot of people that can build people at thirst, the struggling in life. But when you talk about building a lead or the kind of person that can get results out of themselves, you need people that have had that already done in their life, and I love that you guys have not just had a great cause, you've also carried across. That means you let people cut in on you. You let people cut out and weed things. And so you care about people in the development process. So what a great opportunity in an incubation place for people to discover and manifest greatness through you. So this is cool. Thank you so much for having me. I enjoyed our conversation. This is great and thanks for being gracious on a day off. My throat is on on






side. So sorry about that.

you couldn't tell at all. Thanks for the kind words. That means a lot coming from you. It really does And you know where can people find you? So like


you know, you got you, got your event flipped the switch right, Your your mentor ship program.


You got books. Tell them how to find you.

Yeah, go to Rex Crane gemailgreat mail, Rex crane dot com. You go all the different mail coms dot coms. If you wanted to, My assistant will get bactto. You actually wanted to, But let me say this tribe on social media and the site is actually under construction because we have a brand new thing. Call, flip a switch and we've Aready had a whole beta group of people. We did a whole event with so many great people from Grant Cardon's camp, and let's camp in some those people, And it's a Great program and it'll help people boose people. But I'm excited what we're gonna do together, so I think there's gonna be some opportunities that that we can may be put on the board for middle of this year. Later on this year, Brand, where you myself, my wife, your wife, Can, we can get together and make a difference for a lot of people and help people build their life, build their economy, build their intimacy and build their freak in destiny. Let's do it.

Hey and Katrina has a book too, right.

She does. Yeah, my wife's story is remarkable. You talk about every reason why someone shouldn't be alive, shouldn't be happy, Shouldn't be peaceful, Shouldn't be in their right mind through every kind of trauma. And my wife has turned that flipped that switch and turned that pain to power, And she's remarkable because she has such a delicate, easy way to deliver that to people, and she makes life better for people. She just she expands them and enriches him. That's for sure.

She's incredible. Yes, it's so how they find her? how they find her book.

Yeah, you can. you can find her on social media. She doesn't have a side out for her book, but you can find up her book if you, Katrina Crane on Amazon or whatever, and is called Warrior Heart and it's fantastic. We're actually gonna do an event together in a couple of weeks, which is a woman's event. I'm doing a woman's event. I'm totally excited to come on on the one man. I freaking love it. I can't wait, but


she's She's the key

I love



and then they got a little side piece and the whole thing. But so anyways, a warrior hearts Fantastic, It's a easy digestible book and it lets people locate where they are, work through things that are in their way, especially trauma or mind sets or attitudes or situations. Relation lay, that would be easy to sit there and just tolerate a weak life. And she's able to, I think, give the proper knowledge and the ability to not just the knowledge but the strength to pull somebody out of that.

Yeah, absolutely well, guys, I highly recommend do anything you can, To my opinion, Is mentors or everything, And


you know you got to buy Able. That's the number one mentor out there that everybody should be diving into daily. But you know Rex, He brings a completely different flavor that speaks to me. And so if you guys got value, which I know you did out today is called, Don't stop here like go to his website. order the books. Trust me, it's an investment into yourself. it's investment into your future success. it's an invest. It's an investmet And to becoming the person she always wanted to become, Get Katrina's book. You want to hear a story of overcoming That is a person who overcome and


continues to overcome all the time. So really excited to do to do a lot of different things with you guys, Rex. And thank you for having for being on the podcast today and I'm


really excited

you so



the future.

Yeah, let's make some moves. Come on, let's run the next play. Let's do



right brother, thank you.

all right. I'll talk.

What is Winning to Rex Crain?
We are Born to Win But Programmed to Lose
You Can Either Be Pitiful Or Powerful
Rex Journey of Becoming a MLB Player
How Rex Built a Relationship with Jesus
Theres a Difference Between a Religious Relationship and Spiritual Relationship with Jesus
How You Can Experience God Today
How Not To Be A Product Of Your Environment
Inventory The Blessings In Your Life
How To Balance Your Current Results Not Being Where You Want Them To Be
How To Find Your Calling
If You Don't Hate Something You Tolerate It
Bob Proctor Giving His Life To Jesus Before He Passed
Faith Works When You Work It
How To Continue To Win Even When You're Winning At A High Level
Recognize Who Is A Parasite And Who Is A Partner
Choose Character Over Reputation