The Journey To Win

Unleashing the Warrior Within: Navy SEAL to Business Titan With Sean Matson - Episode 13

June 21, 2023 Brandon Thornhill
Unleashing the Warrior Within: Navy SEAL to Business Titan With Sean Matson - Episode 13
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
Unleashing the Warrior Within: Navy SEAL to Business Titan With Sean Matson - Episode 13
Jun 21, 2023
Brandon Thornhill

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In this captivating episode of the "Journey to Win" podcast, join host Brandon Thornhill with Sean Matson, former Navy SEAL, co-founder of Cardomax and CEO of Matbock, as he reveals the transformative power of unleashing the warrior within. From his experiences as a Navy SEAL to building a thriving business empire, Sean shares invaluable insights on how to harness the warrior spirit to conquer obstacles, overcome setbacks, and achieve extraordinary success in both business and life. Prepare to be inspired and motivated as Sean takes you on an unforgettable journey of resilience, leadership, and the relentless pursuit of victory.

Follow Sean on social media: @sean.matson

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Show Notes Transcript

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In this captivating episode of the "Journey to Win" podcast, join host Brandon Thornhill with Sean Matson, former Navy SEAL, co-founder of Cardomax and CEO of Matbock, as he reveals the transformative power of unleashing the warrior within. From his experiences as a Navy SEAL to building a thriving business empire, Sean shares invaluable insights on how to harness the warrior spirit to conquer obstacles, overcome setbacks, and achieve extraordinary success in both business and life. Prepare to be inspired and motivated as Sean takes you on an unforgettable journey of resilience, leadership, and the relentless pursuit of victory.

Follow Sean on social media: @sean.matson

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Thebrandonthornhill (00:00.438)
What's up legends, welcome to the Journey to Win. I am your host Brandon Thornhill. Today, I'm not gonna bring on a guest for you guys, I'm going to be your guest. So I'm excited to go into what I believe is a very important topic because this is called the Journey to Win. And every day when we bring somebody on here, I literally ask them, I say, what is winning to you? That's one of the first questions that I ask. And there's many different views of what winning is.

Thebrandonthornhill (00:29.27)
You know, I've had quite a few different people on here go over what they believe winning is. And I figured it's only time for me to give you guys my perspective of what winning is. And listen, guys, I've won, I've lost. I think winning is both losing and winning because when you lose, you're still winning because you're learning and you're growing. And you have to be a river. It's constantly moving. It's flowing. It's not a pond of, you know, stagnant water where disease starts to set in, right? You know?

Thebrandonthornhill (00:58.518)
Those who feel like they're losing are those that they marinate in their losses. The winners, they're too busy having a winner's mentality. Winners are busy building, they're growing, they're giving. And they will lose many times on their journey to win. Like it's going to happen. Ultimately though, they know and they believe that that's what's setting them up to win. And that's what they believe, that's what they're living in. It's not the living in the past of the failures.

Thebrandonthornhill (01:26.322)
and marinating in that. You know, John Maxwell, he says, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn. You never really lose. So I think losing is really just all about perspective. Winning is all about perspective. If you think you're losing, then you're probably gonna continue to lose because that's continuing to marinate in your mind. And I think that if you reframe that up and you say that, you know, I may have lost this battle, but I'm not gonna lose, or I may have lost the battle here, but I'm not gonna.

Thebrandonthornhill (01:55.082)
lose the war, I'm gonna win this war. And that's completely different message than what the opposite is of the internal conversation, that dialogue that goes on in your head. And ultimately, the only thing that really matters, guys, is what you believe. That's not what your brother believes, that's not what your sister believes, that's not what your negative friend believes, it's what do you believe yourself, right? And unfortunately, most people tie their definition of winning to their current results, right?

Thebrandonthornhill (02:25.438)
if they're losing in a certain area or they're not where they wanna be in their skillset, then they tie that definition to their current results they're getting right now. And I remember a mentor of mine, Grant Cardone, he said something one time that really resonated with me. He said, you can't live in your current results. You have to live in your potential. And that stuck with me, that hit very deep. Everyone that I know that's winning at a very high level and continue to win at a very high level, they had to be bad before they could be good.

Thebrandonthornhill (02:51.978)
and then elevate to their greatness, right? It takes time. You have to allow yourself to go through the journey. You have to be, you know, you have to operate in faith of just knowing that it's going to happen for you. It might not happen right now. You might not know how it's gonna happen or when it's gonna happen, but you just have to know that one day, guaranteed if you stay on this pipeline for yourself, that it's gonna happen for you. And you know, unfortunately, a lot of people get knocked out of the box because

Thebrandonthornhill (03:19.954)
it's hard for some people to stay focused and have that belief in themselves and knowing that they can do it because they buy into the beliefs of everybody else that's surrounding them, they buy into the dogma, the limiting beliefs of what all these people surrounding them have for them. And that's the challenge guys, because if you buy into their beliefs, you're gonna get into their results. And most of the people in this world that are telling you guys what you can do and what you can't do, they don't have the results to back up the opinions.

Thebrandonthornhill (03:48.618)
So we got to be careful whose opinions we're actually being, whose opinions we're buying into, right? So before I go into the definition of winning, here are some examples of some of the greats that their definition of winning is. And I asked chat at GPT, which if you guys don't know what that is, it's just artificial intelligence. So the first one's gonna be Jim Rohn. It's talking about, or sorry, Dexter Yeager, then Jim Rohn is talking about what their definition of winning would be. And Dexter Yeager,

Thebrandonthornhill (04:18.486)
the legend, he explains it as the progressive realization of a worthy ideal. Okay, what does that mean? It means you're constantly making strides towards the fulfillment of a meaningful goal or vision, right, it emphasizes like the importance of setting ambitious objectives and steadily working towards those goals, you know, one step by one step, one step by step, right? Does that make sense? So Jim Rohn, he would explain winning the game of life is about

Thebrandonthornhill (04:48.434)
living a life of purpose, fulfillment, and personal growth. It involves setting meaningful goals that inspire you and developing the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve them. Winning is about taking responsibility for your choices and actions and continuously striving to become the best version of yourself, key. It means embracing a positive attitude, cultivating healthy relationships, and contributing to the wellbeing of others. Here's another one. Winning is not a destination.

Thebrandonthornhill (05:16.866)
but a daily commitment to learning, improving, and make it a positive impact. It's about living with integrity, gratitude, and leaving a legacy that enriches the lives of others. Bob Proctor, who's one of my personal mentors, rest his soul, guy was amazing. His perspective would be the art of consciously and consistently aligning your thoughts, beliefs, and your actions with your desired outcomes. It involves setting clear.

Thebrandonthornhill (05:44.386)
compelling goals and developing an unwavering belief in the ability to achieve them. Winning is about embracing a growth mindset, persistently learning and taking courageous actions despite the fear of setbacks. It means adopting empowering habits and disciplines that propel you forward while continuously expanding your comfort zones. Winning is not limited to external achievements, but it encompasses inner fulfillment and living in alignment with your purpose. And lastly,

Thebrandonthornhill (06:12.67)
It says that Bob would say, it's a lifelong journey of self-discovery, personal growth, and reaching your fullest potential. I'm telling you guys this because I want, I want you to see the trends, right? Lifelong journey, winning is not a destination. I mean, those two right there, we could do a whole podcast on. Okay, you know how many people that I've seen hit their target, and ultimately they win by hitting that target?

Thebrandonthornhill (06:39.582)
and then they take their foot off the gas pedal and then the decline starts to happen. You see, you're either moving forwards in life or you're going backwards. If you're not moving forward and you don't see yourself moving backwards yet, don't worry, I promise you, you're drifting. And when you're drifting in life, you never drift to the top, you're always drifting to the bottom, right? It's a gravitational pull that always begins to pull you backwards, sometimes slowly without you guys even noticing. And we've all had it in different areas of our lives because you can't win in every, every life. Like,

Thebrandonthornhill (07:08.754)
Every single time there's always going to be temporary setbacks So you can you know, you can't settle or rest on your laurels. The bible provides principles guys And whether you're a believer or not, I think it's one of the best leadership books in the world Um, it is my opinion the number one leadership book in the world to how on how to lead you and lead others but the bible provides principles that caution against Some of these things we're talking about like complacency self-satisfaction It's constantly encouraging

Thebrandonthornhill (07:38.286)
continual growth, perseverance, stewardship of your talents. In Philippians 3, 13 through 14, the apostle Paul urges believers to press on toward the goal, not dwelling on past achievements. Proverbs 1, 32 warns against complacency, leading to destruction. Similarly in Matthew 25, 14 through 30, Jesus tells the parable of the talents. If you haven't heard of that, go look it up. All right, emphasizing the importance of using and multiplying one's abilities rather than burying them.

Thebrandonthornhill (08:04.662)
these teachings as they highlight the need to avoid becoming stagnant or complacent instead, you know, pursuing growth purpose and making a positive impact. Right. So let me, let's give you another example. Okay. I'm going to give you an example of even something I've experienced. Like if you've ever been in the ocean or anywhere where there's a current, you know, if you're just relaxing and letting the current pull you and, and maybe you're relaxing and just, you know, looking up at the sky.

Thebrandonthornhill (08:31.89)
and you know where you started at. Like you can see maybe a hotel or maybe you see a family member or a friend that's on the beach and then you're kind of hanging out chilling, the current starts taking you. You don't really realize how the current's taking you depending on how fast the current is moving and how long you allowed yourself to drift will determine how far you were away from where you originally started. Guaranteed if there's a current you're going to be moving. Okay so like that's life. If you are setting your goals in the gym.

Thebrandonthornhill (09:00.558)
and you slowly start to not go to the gym and eat bad foods, you're drifting away from where you need to be. And it could just be a small little drift too, by the way, small things done daily over time are going to get you good results or bad results. It's the compound effect. So when you win, just remember John Maxwell says yesterday's yesterday ended last night. Yesterday's home runs don't win tomorrow's games. Right. That's that's Babe Ruth said that's legendary baseball player.

Thebrandonthornhill (09:23.974)
And it's just a reminder that past achievements or successes do not guarantee future victories. Yes, you showed up and yes, you won and you should be happy in that moment, but you can't marinate in it because you have more games in this game of life that you have to show up for. It's a daily, sometimes an hourly game that you have to play. And the Bible addresses this, you know, consequences of laziness and lack of diligence and various passages as well. Think of Proverbs 6, 9 through 11, which states, how long will you lie there, oh, sluggard?

Thebrandonthornhill (09:52.394)
When will you rise from your sleep? Says a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man. This verse guys, it's incredible. It serves as a warning against the dangers of procrastination and laziness, right? It highlights the need for diligence and hard work and responsible stewardship of time and resources. It talks about and emphasizes that laziness can lead to poverty and lack. The passage encourages

Thebrandonthornhill (10:22.738)
individuals to be proactive, industrious, seize opportunities rather than succumbing to complacency or inaction. Right. So just like the first individuals who landed on the moon, there, there had a remarkable achievement, man. It was the culmination of this big audacious goal. However, as you guys know the story, if you don't know the story upon returning without new aspirations, right. Without setting new mountains to climb, without setting a new objective and a new goal.

Thebrandonthornhill (10:48.534)
they faced a void that led some to self-destructive paths, right? Many, many times when we have a title of some sort, we might, that might be the definition of us. Like I was a Navy SEAL. I know some guys who that's what they're defined by. And when they get out, it feels like their rug is swept from out underneath of them. So they can struggle, right? That can be a huge struggle. If they don't set new goals, have new vision of new aspirations.

Thebrandonthornhill (11:13.842)
And so setting those new mountains to conquer guys, it keeps us engaged, motivated, evolving. It fuels our sense of purpose and prevents stagnation like that, you know, like that pond we talked about earlier. If a pond is just sitting there, man, it's going to get disease. It's going to, you know, it's, it's stagnant. It's going to start to stink. Well, if you're just sitting around all day, you're going to start to get stink and thinking, right? And that our thoughts are what really, you know, is the, is the

Thebrandonthornhill (11:41.758)
beginning of everything that we're gonna go accomplish good or bad, right? So point of it is you know, you want to be a river you want to be moving? You want to be flowing you want to be giving you want to be out there creating and by embracing these new challenges and visions guys We're gonna nurture our potential we can actually live in our potential and channel our energy Constructively and be able to cultivate a meaningful journey that transcends a singular achievement or accomplishment, right? So listen I'm gonna move on but

Thebrandonthornhill (12:11.062)
Think of Michael Jordan. If we were to ask Michael Jordan, what is winning to Michael Jordan? Chad GPT says this. Winning the game of life, Michael Jordan sees it as relentlessly pursuing excellence, right? Pushing limits and embracing challenges. It's about personal growth, resilience and using setbacks as stepping stones. Check that out. Using setbacks as stepping stones. We're all gonna have stepbacks. We're all gonna lose.

Thebrandonthornhill (12:37.074)
You know in certain battles of our life But we can't allow that one loss or two losses or three losses or whatever We have to look at it from a perspective of a setback It's just a stepping stone to help us get to where we're going and it's okay Okay So success extends beyond material gains and involves inspiring others fostering relationships to make it a positive impact on society Teamwork and collaboration are vital authenticity values and passion drive this journey Leaving a lasting legacy means inspiring future generations to dream big work hard and never settle

Thebrandonthornhill (13:07.178)
Right? Life's victories lies and pursuing greatness, achieving personal fulfillment and uplifting others along the way. All right, so that was Michael Jordan. Now we're gonna switch it in, go into a little bit more spiritual realm, right? Dalai Lama, winning the game of life as a Dalai Lama means cultivating a heart of love and compassion, living with wisdom and understanding and dedicating our lives to the betterment of all beings. It is through these actions that we find true fulfillment and leave a lasting positive impact on the world.

Thebrandonthornhill (13:34.626)
How about Jesus? I think if we're gonna ask anybody my opinion, I'm gonna ask Jesus, what is the definition of winning? And this is what chat GPT gave me. It said, to embrace love, faith and selflessness, it starts by loving God and loving others as oneself, treating them with kindness and forgiveness. Winning is not about amassing wealth or power, but serving others humbly and sacrificially. It's about seeking spiritual truth, finding salvation and living a life aligned with God's will. Winning.

Thebrandonthornhill (14:03.806)
means embodying virtues such as compassion, humility, and righteousness. By surrending to God's guidance, we find eternal life and bring hope, healing, and redemption to the world around us. Now, okay, so basically, I'm gonna give you a breakdown of this, okay? So winning the game of life according to Jesus is about embracing love, faith, selfness. It means treating others with kindness and forgiveness just as we would like to be treated, okay? It's not about chasing material wealth or power, but rather serving others with humility and sacrificing our own needs for their well-being. It's about seeking spiritual truth.

Thebrandonthornhill (14:31.138)
finding hope and salvation, living in a way that aligns with God's plan for us. Winning involves embodying virtues like compassion, humility, and righteousness in daily lives. By following God's guidance, we discover true fulfillment and become agents of hope, healing and redemption in the world around us. Okay, the Bible says without vision, people perish. And I think the first step is to figure out what you even want in life. I asked a lot of people that I coach what they want, and the majority of them don't even know.

Thebrandonthornhill (15:01.771)