The Journey To Win

Redefining Winning: The Power of Personal Growth and Taking Action With Brandon Thornhill - Episode 14

July 03, 2023 Brandon Thornhill
Redefining Winning: The Power of Personal Growth and Taking Action With Brandon Thornhill - Episode 14
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
Redefining Winning: The Power of Personal Growth and Taking Action With Brandon Thornhill - Episode 14
Jul 03, 2023
Brandon Thornhill

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Are you ready to redefine winning? Ready to break free from societal norms and understand what it truly means to be a winner in all aspects of life? Strap in for an episode that offers you a fresh perspective on winning, personal growth, and the power of action. We're challenging the traditional definition of success, discussing the perils of complacency, and exploring how setbacks and losses present opportunities for growth and learning.

On Todays' Podcast the host, former Navy SEAL Brandon Thornhill, gives you his insight on winning!

We're digging deep into the power of self-reflection and personal growth, highlighting how our past conditioning can impact our current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You'll discover how to create positive changes in your life and understand the importance of continually challenging yourself. You'll also learn why it's essential to be a river, not a pond – continually evolving, flowing, and avoiding stagnation.

In the latter part of our discussion, we focus on the power of action. We examine the dangers of inaction and the importance of setting and achieving goals. You'll learn how taking action can lead to personal growth and continuous learning, enabling you to redefine your definition of success. So buckle up for a powerful exploration of success, personal growth, and the importance of taking action in all areas of life.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

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Are you ready to redefine winning? Ready to break free from societal norms and understand what it truly means to be a winner in all aspects of life? Strap in for an episode that offers you a fresh perspective on winning, personal growth, and the power of action. We're challenging the traditional definition of success, discussing the perils of complacency, and exploring how setbacks and losses present opportunities for growth and learning.

On Todays' Podcast the host, former Navy SEAL Brandon Thornhill, gives you his insight on winning!

We're digging deep into the power of self-reflection and personal growth, highlighting how our past conditioning can impact our current thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. You'll discover how to create positive changes in your life and understand the importance of continually challenging yourself. You'll also learn why it's essential to be a river, not a pond – continually evolving, flowing, and avoiding stagnation.

In the latter part of our discussion, we focus on the power of action. We examine the dangers of inaction and the importance of setting and achieving goals. You'll learn how taking action can lead to personal growth and continuous learning, enabling you to redefine your definition of success. So buckle up for a powerful exploration of success, personal growth, and the importance of taking action in all areas of life.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Speaker 1:

Hey, what's up, family, Welcome to the journey to win podcast. I'm your host, brandon Thornhill, and today we're doing things a little bit different. I'm gonna be giving you guys my definition of what winning is, because I've brought on so many amazing people who've given their definition, so I thought it's only you know. It's it's time for me to come on here and just do an individual podcast with you guys and give you my definition. So, as you guys know, on the journey to win, we bring constant value to you guys with very high level people teaching you guys what it takes To win in every area of your life. I'm gonna show you guys that today. So let's get after it. If you guys, this is your first time watching, welcome. Hit the subscribe button, you know. Leave a comment, leave a review, download the podcast. You know, let me know. You can DM me on Instagram at the brand and Thornhill and let me know What you guys like about the podcast. Like, like, what episodes would you guys like me to do for you? So I would love to hear from you guys now listen. So as we get into this, there are many different views, obviously, of what winning is, and I've had quite a few different people on here going over What they believe winning is, because, you know, it's typically the first question I ask Each, every person that hops on is what is winning to you? So you know, it's my turn now to give you guys my perspective and listen.

Speaker 1:

Winning, like I said, guys, there's many different definitions to it, but I'm gonna give you guys my perspective today. So, some of you guys, right now, you might be winning in your business, but your family, you know, might be struggling. Or some of you guys might be winning, you know, crushing in your fitness and, but you're financially struggling. In fact, like I know a lot of influencers on social media That are crushing it and their ego accounts online and I'm not bashing on, i'm just saying you know they're vanity count is full, they're ego accounts full because they have all these followers, but their bank accounts are struggling, it's almost empty. Like I literally know many of them that are struggling, living paycheck to paycheck right now. In fact, a lot of NBA players are living paycheck to paycheck. A lot of very successful people. They make a lot of money, they spend a lot of money. So the point is, is many of these influencers that you guys follow on social media who are look like they're crushing it in their fitness game, they're struggling in their bank account. A lot of them are actually struggling with something called body dysmorphia.

Speaker 1:

Good friend of mine I had, you know We, we met up and it's crazy man. He looks better than 99.9 percent of people on the planet, literally, and He has like a hundred abs. And he came over on time He told me how disappointed he is right now because how soft he looks, and I was like, bro, that is not winning, that's a problem Like you got to fix that and you know we had a serious conversation about it. But the point is, guys, it's easy to win in life in one pillar. You know I don't define winning personally by just winning in one pillar. It's like what Ian procter said on the journey to win on the podcast, episode number two If you haven't heard it, you gotta hear it like he brought massive value. But he said what is it profit a man to gain the world but to lose his soul or lose his family or lose your health? Same thing for women, right? What does it profit you to have a great family life but be broken, miserable and unhealthy? and it's so true, all right, so I'm gonna go deeper. You know, later on I'm winning, but I want you to know that. You know I have won in life and I have lost in life many times And I think winning personally, i believe it's both losing and winning, because when you lose you're still winning.

Speaker 1:

You might say, well, how, brandon, like that doesn't make sense. Well, to me, when you're when you lose, you're learning and you're growing, and so many times you know You learn much more through the losing process, then you're gonna. And having setbacks in life, then you do through winning, and especially that's been the case for me. In fact, sean Matt's an owner of, ceo and co-owner of matbock And other businesses. He actually I just did a podcast with him recently and he said the same thing. He's like, winning to me is like and I'm paraphrasing him But he said, winning to me is actually, you know, having setbacks and going through some losses, but not looking at it as a loss, just looking at it as a setback, for you know, for a comeback it's, it's the ability to be able to lose a little bit, to know that you're gonna win bigger, like you're losing some battles now, to know that you're gonna win the war. Does that make sense.

Speaker 1:

So one thing I noticed about winners guys, as winners know that you know you have to be a River and not a pond, like it's. A river is constantly moving, it's flowing, it's not upon a stagnant water where disease sets in. So those who feel like you know they're losing are those that are marinating in their losses and their past. You know things that they've done bad in the past, maybe some mistakes that they made, or they're living in the guilt of the past. Okay, that's if they married in that, marinated in that they're gonna and they can continue to attract that.

Speaker 1:

So, from what I've seen and many of my friends who are winning at very high levels, the winners are too busy having a winners mentality and And the winners mentality is real winners are busy building guys. They're busy growing, they're busy giving like, they're actively creating and they're Actively moving the ball forward. They're doing things, are focused on result producing activity. It's gonna move everything forward in every era of their life and The law states it right you're either creating, you're disintegrating, you're either moving forwards or you're going backwards. And winners They're busy creating, they're busy, you know doing things. They're gonna help move the ball forward and, of course, yes, guys, of course, they will lose many times on their journey to win, by the way, right? So, ultimately, though, they know that that sets them up to win.

Speaker 1:

That's the difference in mindset. It's it's that mindset that they look at a loss as just a setback. That's it, and they know that it's just one step closer in the process of becoming who they need to become in order to Attract the level of success That they need to that they're that they're looking to attract, right? so think of what John Maxwell says. John Maxwell says you know, sometimes you win and sometimes you learn, and You never really lose, right? because when you're losing, you're learning, and so I think losing is all about perspective.

Speaker 1:

If you think you're losing, then you know most likely you're gonna continue to lose, because that's that's you know. You're saying that you're losing, but if you reframe it, reframe that sentence up and say you know, i may have lost this battle, but I'm gonna win the war, like I just talked about, that's completely different message to yourself, and You are the most important person that you have to convince. It's like whatever you believe is gonna happen, it doesn't matter what your brother says or your negative. You know, sister or Spouse or friends, it doesn't matter. Like that, none of that stuff matters, guys. The only thing that matters is what do you personally believe yourself?

Speaker 1:

Unfortunately, in today's world, most people tie their definition of winning to their current results at any given area. Right? So like, maybe you just started a business and you're not where you want to be. Maybe you just started fitness and You know you're like one month in and you don't have the results that you want to have And you're living in those current results, so you think it's never gonna happen for you. You know, i remember when I first started my business, like it took time for me to grow the skills, to grow the influence, because Some people get started in a business right away and they have the influence, but they don't have the skills, the influence. They'll get results pretty quickly, but it won't last very long because they don't have the skills to back up their influence. or vice versa, maybe maybe they have the skills but they don't necessarily haven't grown their influence yet. Okay, so you want to, you want to marry both, and that's gonna take a little bit time to do that For most people.

Speaker 1:

Grant Cardone even said it. You said something the one time that really resonated with me. If you guys know Who Grant Cardone is now. He said you can't live in your current results, you have to live in your potential, and you know that takes faith to do that Right. And and that stuck with me because it made me realize that every time that I've, you know, built anything or done anything, i lived in faith. I lived in my potential, like people when I was was telling me I couldn't be a Navy SEAL, i had my command telling me I couldn't go. I had so much stuff going against me, but I lived in my potential. I lived in the faith of just knowing that as long as I kept fighting, as long as I kept training, eventually It happened for me same thing when I got started in the direct sales game, in every other thing that I've done.

Speaker 1:

And so if you guys can live in the faith of knowing that one day, as long as you keep, you know, showing up, the law of consistency will set in for you of just knowing that you know It's impossible, that it's impossible to be bad at something. As long as you show up every single day, eventually you'll be good. Might not be on your timeline, but eventually you'll be good at it And and everyone that I know is winning at a high level Right, they bit. They had to be bad before they could be good and then eventually they could elevate to their greatness. But it takes time, you know. You have to operate, like I said, in that faith of knowing that's gonna happen for you guys.

Speaker 1:

But one thing that knocks a lot of people out of the box in that process, on that journey, is worrying so much about how and when. Well, i don't know how it's gonna happen. I can't see it clearly in my mind, exactly how. So I don't know if it's actually gonna be real for me, and all I got to tell you guys is is faith is being able to operate in the invisible. But, but you have to believe in, you know, the impossible, that something that you might not believe, that's even possible for you. If you can see it, though, if you can, if you can see other people having the success and this is what always helped me.

Speaker 1:

If I saw somebody else having this, having success in something, i was like well, if they can do it, why can't I? they're not that much smarter than you, don't work that much harder than me. It's just they went through the journey. They went through the process and they just went through the process. And so my question to myself was Okay, that took them five years to do that. How can I Condense that time frame if I immerse myself into it? Can I speed up the process of what took them five years? Can I do it into? and the answer, typically, most of the time, is yes, as long as you get the right mentors who can show you the You know the potential landmines that you might step on and speed up that process for you guys. Okay, so invest into you, invest into mentor, invest into people and surround yourself in the right environment, and all that stuff will help be the recipe to get you where you want to go.

Speaker 1:

But moving on, so some of you, you know this this might be a little bit hard to do because you've convinced yourself repetitively over time and it's become a paradigm for you that you know You might it's not gonna work for you, or that you know Maybe it's. It's become a paradigm for you because the thoughts that you've been thinking over time for such a long period of time, repetitively, for years, of Unworthiness or whatever issues you've had in the past, you have to eventually Be able to, you know, face those Thoughts and be able to reprogram them. Because your mind, guys, by the time you're 35 years old, you're 95% Just habitual, like you've done. You, what you thought You've like, like your thoughts, that you've thought every single day for 35 years, essentially has created a paradigm for you, because those thoughts have turned into actions. Those thoughts created a chemical that creates feelings, that turns into actions, which creates your habits. All right, does that make sense? And that's what dr Joe to spins even talks about. I'm gonna go a little bit further into it here in a second.

Speaker 1:

But you know Tony Robbins, you know he says the quality of our lives is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions that we ask ourselves. Unfortunately, most people don't even ask themselves many questions at all, especially tough questions. So if you guys can get in and start asking tough questions to yourself, man, it's gonna be a game changer. But I have a mint, i have a YouTube mentor. Like I said, joe to Spencer, dr Joe to Spencer. He also has Many books. I can't wait to get to one of his seminars. It's like every time he has a seminar man, they're booked up like immediately. So it's hard to even get in. But uh, this is what he says. Okay, you can look up some of his stuff on YouTube, but it says you need to start asking yourself What are your beliefs, what are your thoughts?

Speaker 1:

Because the way you think drives the way that you feel, and Every thought creates a chemical. If you have a good thought, it feels good, but if you have a negative thought, it signals the body to feel negative, unhappy or unworthy. When you begin to feel the way you think, because the brain is in constant communication with the body You begin to think the way that you feel, which makes more chemicals for you to feel the way that you think and then think the way that you feel. And You feel the way that you think and then you think the way that you feel, and some people do this for 20, 30, 40 years. Now, that type of redundancy over time creates a state of being, and What's happened is they have conditioned their minds to memorize these emotions as well as the conscious mind and whenever the body and the mind knows the Same, that's called a habit. 95% of you are, by 35, a set of memorized behaviors, set of emotional reactions, memorized beliefs, perceptions, attitudes that run just like a computer program. So 5% of your conscious mind begins to work against 95% of what you memorized. Wow, so the person? this is what he says. So the person wants to think positively, right, but they are feeling negatively. They want to create their dream board, like I'm sure you, many of you guys, have probably created your own dream board, right? but this is important, key for you. They want to create their dream board and put up their future life, but they feel unworthy, right? So the thoughts and the feelings, that's mind and body in opposition. We have to recondition the body to a new mind.

Speaker 1:

We all know people have memorized suffering. You asked that person Hey, did you read that book I gave you? or listen to that video I sent you? and what do they say? guys, i, i've done this to many people. They say no, all right, what are they saying to you? He says they're saying that I'm insisting on this neurochemical order, that no person, no thing, no experience can move us from it. Right? Most people wait for crisis, trauma or diagnosis or loss to really want to change. Wait, they wait to the point where the ego is brought to such a low level. They can't go on anymore. But why wait. We can learn and change in a state of pain and suffering, or we can learn and change in a state of joy and Inspiration.

Speaker 1:

The hardest part of all of this is making the time to do it, making the time for your precious self. That's Joe to Spenza. It's powerful man, if you guys just take that and Relisten to that a few times and marinate in that and ask yourself some tough questions like what were you, what have you been programmed on, You know, pre-programmed on throughout your life? What are some beliefs that you have? What are some, you know, limiting beliefs that that maybe you've just grown up through society, because society is implanted these beliefs into your head? powerful stuff, guys. So Don't worry, i'm gonna get into winning. All this stuff kind of goes into it, though. So I want to make sure I brought this to you. So every person on earth, guys, they, they need to continue to evolve and ask themselves these tough questions.

Speaker 1:

My opinion I don't care if you're, if you're already crushing it, you can be crushing it more in every area of your life, right? So if you're listening to this and you're saying this is a bunch of crap and you know you should, my opinion you should ask yourself Are you open-minded to new beliefs? I had a mentor who told me The mind is like a partially works. If it's open and if you're gonna have a closed mind, then obviously you know nothing's gonna change for you. And if you're, you listen because here's ready. If you're, if you're, if you're not willing to change your mindset, then nothing's gonna change. If you keep doing the same things, you keep Thinking the same thoughts and beliefs and you're gonna keep getting the same results. It's just like Jim Rohn talks about. If you guys don't know Jim Rohn, look him up. It's an amazing guy. He's the mentor of mentors.

Speaker 1:

If you want to have more, you have to become more, is what he says. For things to change, you have to change. For things to get better, you have to get better. For things to improve, you have to improve if you grow everything. If you, if you grow, literally everything in your life grows, guys, that's what he says. Okay, and and I've seen that to be true. Why am I telling you this? because winning is a constant state of becoming the next, better version of you. All right, you got to focus on you. So many people focus on what can I? why, what can I invest my money? that stock market? Oh, what can I invest my money over here? No, invest into you, and that's money, time, resources, everything, because when you grow, everything grows. All right, this is what he says. Another great quote. Check this out.

Speaker 1:

Success is not something that you pursue. What you pursue will elude you. It can be like chasing, you know, butterflies. Success is something you attract by the person that you become. Okay. So if you want to become, yeah, successful, you have to ask yourself and define what the successful mean to you. Like Who is that person that I have to become in order to be able to attract that level of success that I want to attract? Like what does he look like? What does she look like? How do they act? How do they show up? How do they treat other people right? What is their work ethic? What does this make sense? How do they communicate to people? do they look people in the eyes? like? these are all things that you have to ask yourself, because all of this matters, and the reality is is I can go and give you guys a hundred million dollars tomorrow? right, i don't have a hundred million dollars, but if I did and I wanted to give it to you.

Speaker 1:

If you don't have a money mindset, if you're not the version of you that knows how to keep it and be the best steward of it, right, then what'll end up happening is you'll be a bad steward of it because you don't feel like you deserve it. If you don't believe me, all you guys have to do is literally go look up what percentage of people that win a lottery that go broke. I'll read it to you. That go broke? I'll read it to you.

Speaker 1:

It is widely acknowledged that a significant portion of lottery winners end up facing financial difficulties. Some studies suggest that approximately 70 to 80% of lottery winners go bankrupt within a few years. 70 to 80% go broke after winning potentially millions of dollars. Why? Poor financial management? this is what they say. Extravagant spending, lack of financial literacy, unexpected challenges that come up with sudden wealth. The unexpected challenges is that they don't have the money mindset. They aren't the version of them that knows how to make money, keep it, invest it, grow it, all that stuff right.

Speaker 1:

So because their financial thermostat this is what Edmine Lent talks about their financial thermostat is set at, let's just say, 60 degrees and they just hit 100, it's always gonna come back to where their belief of money is right. Now, that's in every year of your life. That's your fitness, that's your marriage, that's your business, that's your health. If you believe that your whole family is obese, then you're gonna continue to be obese, right. But if you say, hey, i'm gonna be the one person in my family that is gonna make change in my family, then you'll make change, because there's many other people that have done it. All you have to do is look for. If you look for the negative, you're always gonna find it.

Speaker 1:

But if you look for the positive, if you look for the people that have done it and you start saying what did they do? How did they do it? What was the mindset that they brought to it, and you go search for the books from those individuals and you get mentorship from those individuals, instead of listening to all these people who tell you that you're just a statistic. It is what it is, it's DNA, right. So listen, guys, i'm not a doctor. You can't take my advice, whatever, but it's just my opinion. That's why it's important for you to focus more on who you're becoming than just trying to get the end result without any effort.

Speaker 1:

Okay, jim Rohn says work twice as hard on yourself as you do your job. So that's what winning is. It's a constant pursuit, it's working twice as hard on you as you are on anything else, because you are your number one asset and you are your number one asset in life. And I've explained briefly some points in my opinion what winning is. I'll go in a little bit deeper here in a second Before I go further my definition of winning here. I wanna give you some examples of some greats when I looked it up okay, so let's just talk about a few different people here.

Speaker 1:

I actually asked chat GPT what they would say, that their definition of winning is for each person. So the legend Dexter Yeager, if you guys know him. He said winning is the progressive realization of a worthy ideal, which means you're constantly making strides towards the fulfillment of a meaningful goal or vision. It emphasized the importance of setting ambitious objectives and steadily working towards their achievement, step by step. Okay, that's powerful. Jim Rohn you guys hear me talk a lot about this guy because he's an incredible mentor He said. Chat GPT said this is what he would say winning, the game of life is about living a life of purpose, fulfillment and personal growth involves setting meaningful goals that inspire you and developing the necessary skills and knowledge to achieve them. Winning is about taking personal responsibility for your choices and actions and continuously striving to become the best version of yourself. It means embracing a positive attitude, cultivating healthy relationships and contributing to the wellbeing of others. Check this out, he says. He would say. Winning is not a destination, but a daily commitment to learning, improving and making a positive impact. It's about living with integrity, gratitude and leaving a legacy that enriches the lives of others. How about Bob Proctor? Bob was one of my personal mentors and arrests a soul and incredible guy. He helped change the lives of millions of people across the world, and this is what his definition would be.

Speaker 1:

Winning is the art of consciously and consistently aligning your thoughts, beliefs and actions with your desired outcomes, and involves setting clear, compelling goals and developing an unwavering belief in your ability to achieve them. Winning is about embracing a growth mindset, persistently learning and taking courageous actions despite fear. Setbacks cause it's gonna happen. Winning is not limited to external achievements, but encompasses inner fulfillment and living in alignment with your purpose. It is a lifelong journey of self discovery, personal growth and reaching your fullest potential. Guys, why am I telling you this? Look for trends with these mentors, with people, just anything in life. The trends are this lifelong journey. Winning is not a destination.

Speaker 1:

It's very easy to get caught up in thinking that once you get the house and once you get the car and once you get the money, when you get the girl or the guy, when you get this, it's a winning, is a constant daily destiny. It's not a destination. It's a constant daily thing that you have to work on. So you know how many people I've seen literally hit their target, like they said, a target. They hit it and ultimately they get it like they win. They become an AV steel or they become a seven figure earner, or they finally get their car or get that girl, whatever And what ends up happening is they take their foot off the gas pedal.

Speaker 1:

Because as soon as they hit that rank or do whatever they just did and they take their foot off the gas pedal, decline begins. Remember, you're there moving forward or moving backwards. If you're not moving forward and you don't see yourself moving backwards yet, okay, because this happens. You feel like you're just. You're still moving forwards because the business is still crushing it or you're still in momentum. But if you don't keep your foot on the gas, okay, if you don't keep moving the ball forward every day.

Speaker 1:

And whatever area you're looking at, don't worry, you're drifting. You've become a drifter in life and you never drift to the top. Okay, you'll never drift to the top. It's gravitational pull. Drifting has a gravitational pull that begins to pull you backwards. So sometimes it's very slowly without you noticing. But I'm telling you guys, it's like you have to weed your garden. Like Jim Rohn says, if you don't weed your garden, the garden will take over. Those weeds are. You might just weed them yesterday, but they're still growing back. They're just growing slowly. You have to get out there and continually make sure you're weeding your garden and making sure that weeds don't take over. So you can't rest on your laurels, you can't settle on what you did in the past.

Speaker 1:

The Bible provides principles, that caution against complacency and self-satisfaction. And maybe you're not a Bible person I am, but I'll tell you this the Bible, in my opinion, is the best personal development book in the world. It's the best leadership book in the world And it's amazing. So, like I said, the mind's, like it personally works if it's open. So you have to be open-minded to learning and growing in different areas. So I think the Bible is a solid place to start for your personal growth, but scripture encourages continual growth, perseverance and stewardship stewardship of talents. Remember that stewardship of talents, you have to continue to work on your talents. In Philippians 3, 13 through 14, the Apostle Paul urges believers to press on towards the goal, not dwelling on past achievements. Proverbs 1, 32, warrants against complacency leading to destruction. Similarly, in Matthew 25, 14 through 30, jesus tells the parable of the talents right, emphasizing the importance of using and multiplying one's abilities rather than burying them. These teachings highlight the need to avoid becoming stagnant or complacent, instead pursuing growth, purpose and making a positive impact.

Speaker 1:

So quick story to illustrate this, or an example of drifting right. If you've ever been in the ocean, you know that there's a current right. So if you've ever just sat there relaxing, maybe you just walk out there, you go out, you know, and you're just relaxing and you can look to the beach, and maybe you see a hotel or you see your family or whoever that's still sitting there. You just you know, you see the same spot. Well, if you sit there for a little bit, depending on how long and how fast the current is moving right, and how long you've allowed yourself to drift is gonna determine how far you were from where you started, right? So if you're just relaxing for a while, you might be pretty far off, look up and say, holy crap, like how did this happen? Like I'm way over here, you didn't even notice because your head's been in the clouds.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and unfortunately this is what happens to a lot of people. And then they say, well, what happened to my marriage? Your head's been in the clouds, dude. Well, what happened to my business? Well, your head's been in the clouds. You've been drifting, you haven't been focused, you've allowed distractions to come in and kill your dreams, to kill your vision, to kill your family, to kill your marriage, to kill your business. Hopefully this is making sense to you guys.

Speaker 1:

So when you win, you have to remember this, because some of you guys on your journey, you're gonna win. You're already winning in some areas. But if you wanna continue to win, john Maxwell says yesterday's John Maxwell says yesterday ended last night. Another saying yesterday's home runs don't win tomorrow's games. That's usually. I've heard this be attributed to Babe Ruth, legendary baseball player, if you guys know him, but the quote serves more as a reminder that past achievements or successes do not guarantee future victories.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you showed up. Yes, you won. You should be happy in the moment and enjoy the moment. But, guys, you can't marinate in it, because you have more games in this game of life. You have to show up for it. You have to show up for it daily.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes you have to show up to an hourly. I mean, i remember, you know, when I was growing up playing baseball, we'd have sometimes double or even triple headers. Could you imagine if we played our first game and all of a sudden we said hey, guys, we just won the first game, we're done, we're good, we don't need to play set game two, game three. We would get demolished. Game two, game three. No, you got to show up again. And then you got to show up again.

Speaker 1:

If you just made a great play, you got to show up If you made a bad play. Our high school football coach amazing coach, coach Prince he used to say play the next play. You can't. Just you can't like. What you just did does not matter. If you did something bad, it's okay, get over it. You have another play that you got to show up for. The team needs you. Same thing for you in life. Your family needs you. If you just made a bad play, you can't sit there and worry about everything. You got to move forward and know, okay, what's going to get me closer to where I need to go. Okay, the Bible also addresses the consequences of laziness and lack of diligence and various passages because you can't rest on your laurels, right?

Speaker 1:

So Proverbs six, nine, through 11 states how long will you lie there, oh slugger? When will you rise from your sleep? A little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to rest, and poverty will come upon you like a robber and want like an armed man. That is such a powerful verse, man. Anytime I'm getting tired or feeling like I should be lazy, i literally think about that verse. This verse serves as a warning against the dangers of laziness and procrastination. It highlights, guys, the need for diligence, hard work and responsible stewardship of time and resources. Right. It emphasizes that laziness can lead to poverty and lack. The passage encourages individuals to be proactive, industrious and seize opportunities rather than succumbing to placency and inaction. And it's so true, right? Jim Rohn I brought him up so much today because he's so incredible has a whole audio on YouTube.

Speaker 1:

I want you guys to look this up when you get time called the diseases of attitude, where he highlights how inaction is a disease of attitude And we could do a whole audio on inaction I mean, in fact, he does right And how it affects people in like literally a major way and they don't even know it. Here's some of the things that I pulled from it that you guys can take notes on. But opportunity loss like he emphasizes that inaction leads to missed opportunities right, of course he does. Like, if you're looking to go to a networking event and you just say I'm just tired, i'm not going to go, well, dude, you could have met that one person that could have been your wife or your husband. You could have met that one person that could have been your next business partner. You could have met that one person that, if you're in the direct sales game, you could have helped mentor and grow and develop and become a potential six to seven figure owner. And the more you help them, the more you win, right? So the point is that's opportunity loss.

Speaker 1:

How about regret and unfulfilled potential? He points out that inaction breeds regret, right? He says that you either suffer the pain of discipline or you suffer the pain of regret And, unfortunately, if you don't have discipline to show up because you're not taking action or too lazy, well then you're going to have eventually have regret for not showing up right And you're going to end up having the hot end question of what, if right. Taking action gives you guys the ability to open doors to new experiences and it just gives you the ability to have personal growth because there's learned knowledge and there's applied knowledge. So many people just go through life just trying to learn and learn and learn and learn and ever do. You're going to learn way more through doing than just by learning. You should learn and then do, learn and then do. And there's a lot of other stuff. You guys can go listen to the audio, but I mean I wrote down lack of progress right, overcoming fear and uncertainty, learning through experiences. You know it's the power of small steps. I mean all of this stuff, guys, is powerful. Okay, you guys can go listen to yourself. But here's another thing I want to give you guys another little key.

Speaker 1:

I was on a mentorship with with call, with Ed Milet and his Airtate group one day, and he was talking about growth and scaling And this is what he said It stuck with me. He said, by the way, there's a flip side to to not growing. Okay, he said what are the consequences of not growing and expanding? And this is by the guys. This is, this is gold. This is for your business, for your family, for whatever. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So the lack of expansion and lack of growth not only hurts you, but it hurts the people that you're working with. It hurts the potential family and clients that you're not going to help with your product. It hurts your community, the country and even the world, because you're not becoming the best version of you. He said there's a tremendous amount of carnage that comes from someone who isn't obsessed with growing. And he said what feels worse to you the pain of staying with a status quo, trying to operate as things are now in your life, or the growing pains of scaling yourself, scaling your business, scaling your marriage like what does scaling means me growing? right? Then you have to think what am I really doing to cause explosive growth in all these different areas? What are the things I'm doing that make it almost impossible to grow right now? And so what I want you guys to do is you can ask us questions to yourself, but also think about it, man.

Speaker 1:

Like I said earlier, tony Robbins said that the quality of our life is a direct reflection of the quality of the questions we ask ourselves or don't ask ourselves. Ed Milet's asking a very quality questions. That could be why he's where he's at. He's crushing life, right? And when I say or he says they're obsessed, usually as a negative connotation, like people think it's a bad word that when you start talking about the word obsession, i think if you're going to be obsessed with anything, it should be with your personal growth, because, by law, if you're not growing, you're what You're dying. If you're not moving forward, you're moving backwards. So you should be focused and literally obsessed with you growing every single day in different areas of your life.

Speaker 1:

All right, so let me illustrate this one time. There's been people out there have done amazing things. Even though they've done amazing things that have accomplished some of their highest goals that they've ever wanted to accomplish. If they don't stay focused on growing, by law, what are they doing? They're going backwards. If they're focused on growing, the weeds are going to start in, start setting in And just like a stagnant pool that creates disease, red and water.

Speaker 1:

What happens? The same happens to the mind, because the mind literally the mind that you have to continue to shower it every single day. The mind's like the mind, and personal growth is like showering You have to do it daily or you start to stink, literally, and that stinking thinking starts to occur. All right, so, just like the first individuals who landed on the moon it was an amazing achievement, i mean talking about an audacious goal back then I'm going to go to the moon. But what happened when they returned?

Speaker 1:

Like, without new aspirations, without a new mountain, without a new moon to accomplish and try to climb to, just and that could have been something else What are they? what happens? They fall on a self-destructive path. They need to set new mountains to conquer guys. That keeps us engaged and motivated and evolving, it fuels our sense of purpose and it prevents stagnation. So, by embracing new challenges and creating new visions, new seasons, new reasons, we nurture our potential, we channel our energy constructively and we create a meaningful journey that can transcend like a singular accomplishment. Does this make sense, right? So, like, let's look at what chat GPT says we're gonna move on. But let's look at what chat GPT says about the Dalai Lama, right? Like? just really quick about.

Speaker 1:

You know what is winning and the winning the game of life is cultivating a heart full of love and compassion, living with wisdom and understanding and dedicating our lives to the betterment of all beings. It is through these actions that we find true fulfillment and leave a lasting positive impact on the world. That's powerful. I had to ask about Jesus, right, cause I didn't wanna just give successful you know people in the world. I wanted to give you know also successful spiritual people. And winning the game of life, according to Jesus, is about embracing love, faith, selflessness. It means treating others with kindness and forgiveness, just as we would like to be treated. It's not about chasing material wealth or power, but serving others with humility and sacrificing our own needs for their wellbeing. It's about seeking spiritual truth, finding hope and salvation and living in a way that aligns with God's plan for us. Winning involves embodying virtues like compassion, humility and righteousness in our daily lives.

Speaker 1:

So before I go on, i have to add this in, because you know I've heard people say that you know you shouldn't be wealthy if you're a follower of Christ. Right, like they start manipulating the truth in there. in my opinion, when Jesus says that winning the game of life isn't about pursuing material wealth or power right, but serving others with humility and sacrificing our own needs. He isn't discouraging financial success. My opinion is he's emphasizing that. You know, wealth should be seen as a means to make a positive impact on the world, like it should be. Jesus encouraged us to use our resources, including our wealth, to help those in need, uplift and marginalize, and contribute to the greater good. Think about it. If you really want to make big difference in the world, money can help. You really can. You know that, and it's about shifting our perspective from self-centered accumulation to a mindset of generosity and compassion. By gaining the wealth with a heart to give back and not just for self, you know your own personal reasons We can make a substantial difference, in my opinion, and influence the lives of others in a very meaningful way.

Speaker 1:

All right, the Bible says without vision people perish, and I think that's so true. I think the first step to figure out, though, is what do you even want in your life? I ask a lot of people what they want in their life, and the majority of them they don't know how to give that definition a proper answer, so you got to get very clear and concise on what you actually want in your life. Or else if you don't have an in-state you know on your life GPS, right, then you know you're never going to know exactly if you're going in the right direction. Like you have to find an exact direction that you want to go and start moving in that direction because you have an in-state mind. Okay, so a lot of people, man, they just go through life and they don't have an exact direction and that is not winning, because they're just kind of wandering through life.

Speaker 1:

And Rex Crane, if you guys go back to the first episode of The Journey to Win, he gave an amazing definition of what he believes winning is And he talks about this. He says you know everyone has given or hold on. He says winning is living out. And this is what he says winning is living out. I believe purpose And I mean that with all my heart. I mean with purpose life. I think it's just an experiment, i think that's just such a great quote And I think it's true People without purpose kind of wander and wander through life and never kind of concentrate anything. But for me it's living, purposeful and also showing up, excellent, because I think the quality of any relationship I have is the way that I show up in it, and so, to me, really winning. I don't look at it in terms of dollars and cents, right. I look at it as terms of who am I becoming? How am I showing up for the people that I love the most and care about and want to serve the most, right? How am I living by purpose? Or am I living by my feelings? What's going on around the world? And, as you can tell, we've watched, so you know, we've watched things get crazy. So many powerful people in the world right now are living with a sense of powerlessness. And you guys can go listen to the rest of it because he gives a lot more definition on it. But it's so true I mean, he literally says it right here that people, you know you have to have a purpose. That's your in-state GPS. That I'm talking about, right, excuse me. He says next thing another great definition On the second podcast was with Ian Prokner.

Speaker 1:

He said I look at winning as a sort of like a whole, right, and there's a lot of people that are really really great at pieces of that whole. It might be finance, it might be fitness, it might be the relationship. But I sort of look at the 5Fs faith, family, fitness, finance, future self. Who are you becoming? And we've got to be winning in all those areas that we're not winning at all. It's not a win to be successful in one area but to lose in other areas. That's not a win, right, that's a loss. What does it profit a man to gain the world but lose his soul or lose his family or lose his health? What does it profit you to have a great family life but be broken, miserable and unhealthy? And so they all work together And with those five things I don't think we really can be whole. Without those five things I don't think we can really be whole. We're always gonna be empty in some area And that one area that we're empty in is actually gonna impact negatively on all the other areas that they have to work together in synergy.

Speaker 1:

So winning to me is putting Ws on the board and all five of those areas in the same time, and that's easier said than done. It requires you to know what you want, why you want it, make tough choices, honor your commitments and be consistent over long periods of time. You can't win in those areas overnight. Some of those things. They're not given, they're earned and the only way there is through the path, through the journey And I love that definition man You guys can go listen to second episode as well, and he gives out some gold, and so I'll give you guys this is my definition of winning. So we've done this whole podcast today Just so I can finally, almost 40 minutes in and give you my definition. I've hit on a lot of stuff. I've hit on a lot of stuff for you, but here's my definition of winning And on my pursuit of finding out what my definition was, i actually have evolved it over time And I'm sure it's gonna continue to evolve over time, because I'm constantly a student, i'm constantly gathering more information, i'm constantly learning and growing.

Speaker 1:

I'm never too cool for school to think that I know everything. That's the problem with a lot of people is they think they got it all figured out And it's like if you truly feel like that, then you're just getting started on your journey, because the ego is way too big for you right now, like you have to be able to reset yourself and know that there's so many people that are winning so much bigger in every era of their life, and I'm gonna go over that And like what can I do to get better in these areas, to become a better version of me? And that's, to me, is my focus is just becoming obsessed with learning and growing and implementing. All right, and listen, i was winning in many of the pillars that Ian discussed. It really related with me, but I forgot on my journey to win financially.

Speaker 1:

As I started in the direct sales game and I started building and growing and winning, i realized that I wasn't really having a lot of fun, right. So I love the fact that he talked about five pillars, you know faith, family fitness, finance, future self. But I had to add in one more for me, and maybe this works for you, maybe it doesn't Pick what everyone works best for you, but for me I added in faith, family fitness, finance, future self and then fun. So cause, what is it to win? you know, if you're not having fun at all, like, i think winning isn't one dimensional, i think it's. I think it's literally winning in your faith and your spiritual life. It's like mastering the mind, it's not having, you know, not being a slave to anything, not being a you know, not allowing anything to control you, not having any, any vices. Right, when it's winning is winning in your family.

Speaker 1:

I see many people winning their finances but their kids can't stand them. I don't care to be famous outside. So many people care to have all these followers on social media and they'll let that distract from their family life. Like I want to be famous in my house. I want my kids to want to hang out with me. I want my wife to want to be with me. I want to. I don't, i want to not just be, you know, rich in my finances, but I want to be rich in my love of my family. Right, that's, to me, is truly winning in my life. Like I want to be able to, you know, have when my girls grow up. Like I'm excited for them to want to hang out with me and not say, oh, i got to go hang out with mom and dad, no, like I want to have a great loving relationship with me where they're excited to come hang out with us.

Speaker 1:

Right, it's winning to me is winning in your fitness and health. Like fitness, health, fitness and health is very important to me And there are some people that look like they're winning the fitness game by their pumping themselves full of steroids and only doing it to fill the vanity tank, i don't feel like that's winning. I feel like that's I'm sure you're feeling your ego a tank, but I don't want to be healthy. You know, i want to be healthy and live a long life. And I'm not saying steroids are bad as long as it's done properly. I'm saying, you know, if it's done just for a vanity measure, then maybe we got to look at it and see if that's truly winning or not. For me it's not. So it's not that I've never done it. I've done it before, of course, and it was my younger age. But I'm not saying that I would ever do it again. As far as you know, for vanity measures, for whatever reason, if it's doctor driven and I'm having, you know, some medical issues then sure, why not? But you know everybody has their own beliefs on it. So you guys do what you think is best for you, just do your own research.

Speaker 1:

But you know, again, going back to it, i think winning is winning in your finances and health. It's about winning the financial game, right, like we talked about. I don't. I'm not money motivated, i'm freedom motivated. I want to be able to do what I want when I want, with who I want and have the freedom of choice, to not have to be stressed out about anything Like I don't want to have to go to a store and worry about a price tag. I don't want to have to go on a vacation and worry about a price tag to a hotel And I don't want to go on a vacation and say it's too expensive, or rent that yacht And we've been able to build a lifestyle where we don't have to do that anymore And it has been life changing, all right. Going from 20, almost $40,000 in credit card debt in 2015 to where we are today is insane.

Speaker 1:

It's also about the ability to give back to charities. For me, financially, you know I've done it. Robin says life's about growing and giving. I want to be growing in every area, but also want to be giving back right. I want to be able to help the people who are less fortunate than I have been. I want to be able to help literally give like seven figures to charity donations and do sponsorships, and one of my big motivations is to be able to make a dent in sex trafficking right. It takes money to do that And that really motivates me because you know I talk about just a grimy, you know, human being Like man. If we can at least help the people who have been, you know, victims of that and then start targeting, if I can fund people to go target those individuals, oh, man, like, i'm talking about big money, like seven figure donations.

Speaker 1:

So you know, winning is about just continuous growth and become the next version of me, right, that's so my future self. It's like identifying yearly who do I need to become, the person that, like, if I look at where do I want to be by the time I'm 60 years old, okay, if I do that now, i can start saying who do I need to become now to get to that level? And then next year I can say you know, did I get closer to that goal? And if I didn't, i have to refocus, right, i have to redial it in. And you can do that, you know, reverse, engineer that right down, you know, like right down, who the person is, what are, like we talked about earlier, and then do that quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, and have those targets to be able to set to make sure you're hitting them.

Speaker 1:

And lastly, guys, it's about having fun, right, none of us get out of this life alive. So it's about not being too hard on yourself for things that you've done in the past And I've been there, i've done that And it doesn't serve you, it only hurts you. And so for me it's about like letting go and letting. And it's there's a saying, just it's called let go and let God. It's like, dude, just let go, it's okay, forgive yourself, move on. There's a belief out there that you know God is this unforgiving individual. No, like, my friend shared it the best to me. He said, brandon, you're a father. He said do you think if your daughter makes a mistake, you're not gonna forgive her? Of course you are. You're gonna. You're gonna bring her up to you, you're gonna love on her, you're gonna, you know, let her know that she needs to change her ways, but you're gonna love on her.

Speaker 1:

And and I think every one of you guys on this call, no matter what you've done in the past, like you gotta let go of some of that stuff in the past, man, and be willing to just give it up and move forward. And that's the best advice I can give to you guys, because having fun is crucial in life. You only get one life. If you do it right, it's worth it. If you don't, man it's, it can be a very miserable existence, but but I don't want you guys to live that life. I, you know life is too precious. Get out there, have fun, enjoy it and work hard on the way. Work hard and, you know, spend quality time with your family, be present, present. Being present is the present. So don't forget that. So many people they look in the rear view mirror of life and they just live in guilt and think of all the past things that they've done. But you gotta learn how to live in the future. Look through the windshield and be present while you're hanging out with family and be excited about where you're about to take your life. And so I'm excited for you guys to do that.

Speaker 1:

So I hope today's podcast you guys got some value. If you did, please like, subscribe and share it on your stories on social media and tag me And I'll show you guys some love by sharing it as well. Feel free to DM me and, you know, let me know. Like I said earlier, if you guys want some other you know topics, i'm more than willing to do it for you guys. So hopefully you guys got value today. I know you did And looking for the next podcast, hit subscribe, download it, share it in your stories and we'll see you guys in the next episode. Cheers.

Defining Winning and Overcoming Setbacks
Self-Reflection for Personal Growth
Winning and Continuous Growth
Take Action for Continuous Growth
The Definition of Winning