The Journey To Win

The Key to Effective Leadership: Self-Growth and Emotional Maturity Episode 17

August 15, 2023 Brandon Thornhill
The Key to Effective Leadership: Self-Growth and Emotional Maturity Episode 17
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
The Key to Effective Leadership: Self-Growth and Emotional Maturity Episode 17
Aug 15, 2023
Brandon Thornhill

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Are you ready to step into your full potential as a leader? Brace yourself for a transformative journey as we explore the essential aspects of leadership and business management. The first step is self-leadership; understand the power of personal growth and emotional maturity. Discover the art of having tough, growth-fostering conversations and handling disagreements with grace. Not only that, but we also delve into the significance of genuinely caring about your team - it's crucial for building strong, efficient units.

We also dive into the often-overlooked arena of personal development and mentorship. We reveal how investing in yourself and your relationships can yield massive dividends. From finding the right mentors in marriage, fitness, faith, and more, to surrounding yourself with a success-minded tribe, personal growth has never been more accessible. But, let's not stop there; we share how life-changing YouTube mentors can be and how they can be part of your daily routine. Finally, we spill the beans on the secret weapons of successful leaders: leadership books, growth-oriented conferences, and joining masterminds. You want to grow as a leader? This episode is your launchpad. Get ready to transcend your limitations and embrace your leadership potential.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

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Are you ready to step into your full potential as a leader? Brace yourself for a transformative journey as we explore the essential aspects of leadership and business management. The first step is self-leadership; understand the power of personal growth and emotional maturity. Discover the art of having tough, growth-fostering conversations and handling disagreements with grace. Not only that, but we also delve into the significance of genuinely caring about your team - it's crucial for building strong, efficient units.

We also dive into the often-overlooked arena of personal development and mentorship. We reveal how investing in yourself and your relationships can yield massive dividends. From finding the right mentors in marriage, fitness, faith, and more, to surrounding yourself with a success-minded tribe, personal growth has never been more accessible. But, let's not stop there; we share how life-changing YouTube mentors can be and how they can be part of your daily routine. Finally, we spill the beans on the secret weapons of successful leaders: leadership books, growth-oriented conferences, and joining masterminds. You want to grow as a leader? This episode is your launchpad. Get ready to transcend your limitations and embrace your leadership potential.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Speaker 1:

What's up everybody, welcome to the Journey to Win podcast. I am your host, brandon Thornell. As you guys know my background former Navy SEAL got in the direct sales space, built a massive team and now I launched the Journey to Win to help you guys win in a massive way. So I'm just bringing value to you guys here and today. You know, on all these podcasts we talk about the six pillars, which is faith, family, fitness, finance, future, self and helping you guys have fun in the process. Okay, so six pillars.

Speaker 1:

And today I had a question that come up from a good friend of mine who is a great guy, great leader, and he messaged me and said hey, I got a personal development question for you. And he said what are some of the best leadership and business management conferences you have attended? I'm looking to grow as a leader and just being a better manager of people and I figured what better time than to answer this question on a podcast, because I know that he's probably especially at the level that he's at. He's probably not the only person that's, you know, asking this question, because I do get this question quite a bit in my direct sales. You know space so when I'm mentoring people in that space. So here we go, guys. I'm going to bring value to you guys on. This is going to be a quicker podcast, so make sure you guys hit the like button, subscribe to this podcast. I'm going to be bringing you guys constant value like this, and then, as you guys know, we bring some really high level friends of mine onto the podcast. We got some great people. That's already confirmed over the next few weeks. So, with that said, we're going to dive in. So listen, here's my advice for you guys.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, as you guys are going through the process of growth and you're wanting to, you know, be the best version of you so that you can lead other people, the number one thing that you guys got to focus on, I'm going to give you guys seven, seven different aspects here that I think are probably the most important, and then you guys can, you know, type in the comments let me know if you guys have any others that you want to add to it. But but I literally just got this question today. So I said, let me just create something off the top of my head that I think everybody can benefit from. If I was coaching this person, you know, one on one, and this is what I would say. Number one is the number one person. You have to know how to lead before you can be a great leaders. You know a great leader of others is you. You know so many people want to lead other people, but they forget that they have to lead themselves first. Okay, so I think that you know.

Speaker 1:

This question that he asked me is a great indicator of whether or not he's moving in the right direction, because he is, because he's asking the question. The Bible says seek and you shall find. If you're open to seeking, if you're open to growth, then naturally you're going to start moving towards that direction and finding things, finding people that are going to help you. And so him even being willing to drop his ego and ask the question is a step in the positive direction. So, number one, you know grow. You help find people that are going to help grow. You make everything in your life about growth. Okay.

Speaker 1:

If it's not growing, you then cut it away. Things are either moving you closer to the direction of where you want to go or further away. Every decision that we make every single day is either getting us closer to becoming a better leader, closer to becoming a better version of us, or further away. And you guys know it. You're not give yourself some credit. Every single one of you guys listen to this know that that decision that you're making right now is gonna get you further away or closer to where you're trying to go.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and if you don't know where you're trying to go yet, then you got to get very clear and concise on where. That's where that is. So, number one, get very clear and concise on where you want to be as a person, as a leader, as an individual. You know where is your faith need to be? Where is your? Where do you want your family to be? Where do you want your fitness to be Right? Where do you want your finances to be Right? Who do you need to become in order to be able to have all of those accomplished Right? And then you know, as I said earlier, you got to find the process. So find some things that are going to be able to pour, you know, enjoyment into your cup. So grow you, grow yourself through personal development, grow your emotional maturity.

Speaker 1:

In a world today where there's so much cancel culture, emotional maturity, I think, is something that separates, you know, a basic leader from a very high level leader, and I'll get further into that here in just a second. But you know, you need to become an emotionally mature individual, all right, you need to be able to have tough conversations. You need to be able to handle the ups and downs. You need to be able to handle disagreements, because if you can't handle basic disagreements, I mean, how are you going to lead other people? That's the problem with humans. Humans have problems, they have challenges, and when you are a leader, you have to be able to handle those challenges. You have to be able to come to them and show them that you actually care about them. Or else, you know, if they're just a number, if they're just you know somebody that's in your system just to produce for you, then, cool, you're going to have a lot of churn and burn inside your business and you don't want to have that anyways or inside of your you know the team that you're trying to grow.

Speaker 1:

So if you want to have true retention, if you want to you know, be able to truly be the people's champ and lead them the right way, then you actually have to care about them, okay, and you have to be willing to have these tough conversations. For example, you know, if somebody shows up late to work, how do you handle that? If somebody you know pipes off in the middle of a meeting, how do you handle it? Do you instantly come at them in front of everybody, or do you pull them off of the side afterwards and say, hey, you know, joe, what's up, man, is everything okay with you? Like, how's the wife, how's the kids? Is there something that I'm not noticing, because this doesn't seem that just didn't seem like a characteristic of your, you know of your character. Like what's up, dude? Like is everything okay? So, like, coming to them and having that conversation with them is going to go a much longer way than just piping off right then and there in the meeting. And that comes down to emotional maturity, okay, and there's many other examples I can give you. But you know, if you can't have tough conversations, you know your ability to lead effectively is going to be capped, and so you want to grow your leadership cap every single day. But the number one person that you have to grow is you, because you can't grow others to a level higher than you. Right, you are the leadership cap of your organization, so you have to just know that people are going to be able to hire.

Speaker 1:

You go up in a leadership position, the more you become a firefighter. You're putting out fires and you're dealing with human personalities and you're going to have issues, and it is what it is. How do you react when the issues come up? Most of the time, I see people react the way that they were led. This doesn't mean that it's right. It doesn't mean that just because the way that you were brought up in a leadership team, the way that your leader led you, the way your boss led you, doesn't mean that that's the way that you should lead others.

Speaker 1:

So you always have to ask yourselves is there more effective ways of handling the situation than the way that I think is the right way to do it? I'm going to show you guys. There's ways that you can ask yourself these questions by finding the right mentors. So we're going to be going, but you'll see here in a second what I'm talking about. Step two it's find a mentor that you connect with and pay for their mentorship. So there's different mentorship groups that I've been a part of and I've realized in my life that you either pay for mentorship, you produce for mentorship or you serve for it. Those are the three ways that you can get mentorship from some of the highest level leadership guys and girls in the game.

Speaker 1:

I've paid for most of my mentorship. I produced for a lot of it and I've served for some of it. So you are the number one investment in your life that you could ever invest into. So put some of your money that you make every single year just to I'm not telling you what to do with your finances, but I guess my personal opinion and telling you from my experience of what I've done.

Speaker 1:

When we were almost $40,000 in credit card debt 18% interest I started a side business, started making more money and then I started taking that money and not spinning it. I started taking it, putting some of it to pay down the debt and then putting some of it to grow myself and my wife. We'd go to different masterminds, we'd go to marriage retreats to grow us as a couple, because how can we lead other couples if we can't lead ourselves? So I knew, okay, if we're going to be in the leadership realm of leading people, leading individuals, leading couples, then we need to be the best couple that we can be. So we got to grow us individually and we got to grow each other together. What I've seen most of the time is that when one spouse is on their personal development journey and the other's not because maybe they're closed minded, small minded, whatever, or they're just lazy then one of them outgrows the other and it becomes a very tough situation for that couple to continue to survive, because it's like an anchor that's holding this other person back, who's ready to grow, ready to just break out and become the best version themselves, but they still got this anchor behind holding them back. So it's a challenge. So both of you guys need to be growing together, my opinion, okay.

Speaker 1:

So find a mentor and connect with them. Find a mentor in your faith. Find a marriage mentor or relationship mentor Okay, they don't have to be one person. I would suggest finding mentors in every category. Find a faith mentor in whatever you believe. Find a marriage mentor. Find a fitness mentor, somebody that you believe in everything that they're saying, that you believe in their workouts, you believe in their nutrition, you believe in all that stuff. Okay. Now, it doesn't necessarily mean that that fitness influencer or that fitness mentor that you have you're going to listen to them on marriage advice. Right, it could, but it doesn't have to be the same person. Find people throughout your different pillars that you're going to get mentorship from, Okay.

Speaker 1:

So next thing, guys, number three okay, level up your inner circle. Your top five to 10 people that you hang around with. That's the same goes. You're the average of top five people that you hang out with the most. Well, you're the average of their emotional maturity. You're the average of their you know their leadership capabilities. You're the average of their finances. You're the average of their energy, probably all of it. And I say that because it's been true in my life and I've seen it true in other people's lives, and because you hang around the barber for long enough, you're bound to get a haircut. You start to pick up certain things of each other's personalities, okay, and so if you're hanging around people with a limited mindset, then you're only going to continue to adopt a limited mindset, most likely. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So you want to level up the people that you're hanging out with. You want to level up your environment, your community, okay. So how do you do it? Number one go to networking events. Okay, with high level entrepreneurs. That's what I suggest. Why? Because entrepreneurs, you know these guys, girls, they are already leading people. They already have. You know successful habits. You know they already have. They have successful conversations around everything that you're probably looking to grow into. Okay, and I know this because I had friends that I hung around with and I know what they were talking about. And then I have friends that are successful. I know what they're talking about. Some of my older friends just wanted to go out to the bar and hang out and drink every Friday, saturday night. Some of my more successful friends they don't even drink. I'm not saying that you can't drink, but I'm saying that they're more focused on moving the ball forward. They're more focused on getting up in the morning and working out and being a better version of them than being the older version of. You know what they were doing in college and high school and stuff like that. So when I started hanging around those people, man, I started really changing the game for myself.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so find friends who have successful friends and taproot. What does that mean? You're making their friends your friends. I have went to masterminds and paid for masterminds with friends who have become my friends. Right, these people who are running the masterminds are now my friends, but what I've done is, I've made friends with their friends. They've introduced me to people, I've networked with them and now they're my friends. Or I've had friends that you know I've went to their different events or, you know, went and hung out with them, played golf with them or whatever, and now their friends that I was hanging out with have become my friends. Okay, so I've had some of my friends that introduced me to some of my high level friends that I'm investing with right now and you know, now that I've met them, I've leveled, you know, I've been able to grab a new, you know, group of individuals that I'm able to bring to the table and invest with, and it's helped really grow you know my net worth and it's been very powerful, all because of one individual that I met, you know, at dinner. So very, very, very powerful for you guys to do, okay. So next thing, number four find a YouTube mentor. Okay, listen to them every single day. You got mentors like Jim Rohn, alex Ramosy, john Maxwell. I mean, I can go on and on, but find YouTube mentors and listen to them.

Speaker 1:

When I first got started on my personal development journey of growing me, I knew it was a subconscious mind game. I had to get rid of old paradigms of thinking, to become a newer version of me, your personality. As you know, dr Joe's dispensers says is if you change your personality, you change your personal reality. So I knew that if I could just, you know, change certain limiting beliefs that I might have, it would change the game for me. But I needed it to kind of get a new perspective from new teachers. And so there was literally, you know, times where I would fall asleep with Jim Rohn in my ear. I'd put headphones in my ear, go to sleep and he would just be preaching to me all night long man, and he's, as you guys know. If you guys don't know him, I'd look him up. He's on YouTube, but he was the mentor of mentors. Bob Proctor was another mentor of mine that I paid for his mentorship.

Speaker 1:

But either way, the point of it is is you don't have to pay for some of this stuff, guys. If you're just getting on a journey, you can go to YouTube. Okay, that's the crazy thing is, as the saying goes, if you pay for it, you pay attention. That's why I've always paid for it, because I knew that if I'd pay for it I'd pay attention, even though most of these guys' content and girls' content is on social media, is on YouTube. They know that if they put it in their curriculum and pack it up, you'll pay for it, but also you'll pay attention. You'll probably grow more.

Speaker 1:

So number four is find a YouTube mentor.

Speaker 1:

Turn your car into a university on wheels. Stop listening to rap, country, all that stuff, and start listening to your mentor. Start listening to podcasts. Find a good podcast like this, or other podcasts that are all about growth and helping you guys become the best version of you, and just listen to that every single day, even if you listen to it over and over. Like Bruce Lee said, don't fear the man that kicks a thousand different kicks. He said fear the man that kicks one kick a thousand times. You don't need to read 10,000 different books, you just need to read a few books a thousand times. All right, so that leads me into my next one.

Speaker 1:

Number five read leadership books. They say leaders are readers, and I have friends of mine that don't read and they're worth a lot of money. But my point of it is is I think that if you have growth in mind and you're constantly seeking to become a better version of you, then why not read Like you're gonna become a better version of you, naturally. Okay, so great book for you if you're trying to become a better leader of people is how to win friends and influence people, because it helps you get out of your own way, like when I first got started in the direct sales space. I was a Navy SEAL, I had never worked really that much with women and so, as a huge paradigm shift for me to have to come in and lead women, I had to come in a lot softer instead of being very direct, and I was pushing a lot of people out of the business in the beginning because of my leadership style, and so over time I had to pivot. I had to realize and grow and get my ego out of the way and say, hey, I can't wish for this to be easier, I just have to be better. As Jim Rohn says, I have to get bigger than this, and so I have to become a better communicator. And then I read a book by John Maxx where it says everyone communicates if you connect, and then Extreme Ownership by Jocelyn. You know, there's so many books that you guys can read that'll help you win in this category.

Speaker 1:

Number six is Attend Personal Growth and Leadership Conferences. Which conferences should you attend? Google them, right. Google all of them and look up any and every one that you can find and find ones that relate to you and attend all of them. Have a personal, you know amount that you want to attend every single year and then reverse engineer it and know how many you have to hit every quarter in order to hit your goal. But I would recommend hitting every type of in-person event that you can hit Networking events, personal growth events, leadership conferences, whatever it is. Just go. You never know who you're going to meet. If the cool thing is, is every single person in these conferences. They're leadership focused, they're growth focused, they want to grow in that space. So why not go? Go to Tony Robbins events and if you can't afford it, serve, he has a serve team, so that's going to help grow you. Okay, go to Joe, to Spenz as events. Do whatever you guys can to get into any event that's going to help grow you. That's my point. Okay, number seven Last thing I got for you guys is join masterminds with leaders that you look up to.

Speaker 1:

Okay, you know, maybe it's Tony Robbins, maybe it's Brandon Beshard, maybe it's whoever you look up to Right. I mean, john Whalen has his lions then that you guys can get into and it's actually, you know, he's lowered the price. And if he's your type of leader, I mean I love Sean, I think he's great. If you guys, if he's your type of leader, then join his mastermind Right, why would you not? Why would you not get coached by him? If you know Dan Young, who's the owner of Zydex computers great guy, man If he's your type of leader, then join his right.

Speaker 1:

So, like everybody, there's so many different leaders out there with different personalities that you guys could attach yourselves to. Number one you want to join them so that you can, you know, learn from them and grow, because you know these are the type of mentors that you connect with. Number two is you're going to have a lot of like-minded people in there and you're going to make friends with a lot of people. Like I said earlier, you're going to be able to level up your inner circle. So that's going to help you do number three and level up your top five to 10 people that you're hanging out with.

Speaker 1:

What I would also suggest is fine, okay, so you find you know masterminds and mentors that you look up to but also find you know. If you're a male, maybe find a female that you look up to that you can join as well, because you need to be able to be open to being led by both and knowing how to lead both. Okay, and maybe you don't want to be led by a female that you know. Or if you're a female, you don't want to be led by a male because you're just an entrepreneur and you don't want to be led by anybody, sure, whatever, but you still need to know how to lead a female. You still need to know how to lead a male, right. And so that's where you know going to the opposite sex mastermind or a leadership group. I think there is some power in that because you'll learn a little bit of a different leadership style and how to communicate effectively to that individual.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, that's my podcast for you guys today. Hope you guys got value. If you let me know your guys's you know recommendations below. Maybe add some additional points that I might have missed. Remember I just put this together really quick within probably 15 minutes of I read it and I said, oh, let me put down on my notes section of my phone. I'll just do like a quick little five to seven point thing and then I ended up adding, you know, seven points and just wanted to hop on here real quick and bring some value to you guys. And if you guys like it, let me know, hit, subscribe, share it in your stories and that is for somebody who might be on a personal growth and leadership development journey. And you know, as always, we will continue to bring value to you guys as much as possible.

Speaker 1:

We try to get a podcast out once a week. Sometimes it happens, sometimes it's at once every two weeks, but at the end of the day, I'm going to keep moving forward with this and keep, you know, bringing content to you guys. So just let me know what you guys are like at most and how I can serve you. As you see, somebody sent me a question and I hopped on. I'm doing a video. So maybe if you send me a question, I might hop on and do a video for you and you know it's not like I'm saying his name. So, anyways, our guys appreciate you. Hit the subscribe button like this, download it. As you guys know, the algorithms on Facebook and Instagram are constantly fighting, so the more comments, the more likes, the more shares all that stuff. The more people will get eyeballs on this, the more people we can help. So appreciate you guys, get out there and let's crush it, and I'll see you guys on the next podcast. Cheers.

Leadership and Business Management Key Aspects
Investing in Personal Growth and Mentorship
Keys to Personal Growth and Leadership