The Journey To Win

Unmasking an Imposter: Investigating a Fake Navy SEAL and Power of Personal Transformation EP 22

December 03, 2023 Brandon Thornhill
Unmasking an Imposter: Investigating a Fake Navy SEAL and Power of Personal Transformation EP 22
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
Unmasking an Imposter: Investigating a Fake Navy SEAL and Power of Personal Transformation EP 22
Dec 03, 2023
Brandon Thornhill

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Get ready for a wild ride as we reveal a riveting tale about a man who created a facade of being a Navy SEAL. This imposter managed to convince even genuine SEALs of his authenticity. I break down this perplexing occurrence, feeling a strange empathy for the man who created this elaborate lie to experience a sense of empowerment. Don't miss the live video on my social media where I dissect the incident further. I also share my ongoing adventures in London, involving an angel investing syndicate, and emphasize the vitality of breaking free from perfectionism and taking the leap to execute your actions.

Let's embark on a soul-searching journey as we ponder the importance of personal metamorphosis and attracting success. You'll discover the power of visualizing the persona you need to evolve into, to accomplish your dreams and the critical role of confidence in this odyssey. We also delve into the transformative power of positive affirmations and setting defined goals to actualize your aspirations. We stress the need for self-faith and believing in your potential, even in the face of uncertainty. This episode is a stirring call to live as if your dreams are already a reality and share your vision unapologetically.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

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JOIN OUR FREE TELEGRAM GROUP with 6 former Navy SEALs coaching you daily:  Click Here To Join For FREE

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Get ready for a wild ride as we reveal a riveting tale about a man who created a facade of being a Navy SEAL. This imposter managed to convince even genuine SEALs of his authenticity. I break down this perplexing occurrence, feeling a strange empathy for the man who created this elaborate lie to experience a sense of empowerment. Don't miss the live video on my social media where I dissect the incident further. I also share my ongoing adventures in London, involving an angel investing syndicate, and emphasize the vitality of breaking free from perfectionism and taking the leap to execute your actions.

Let's embark on a soul-searching journey as we ponder the importance of personal metamorphosis and attracting success. You'll discover the power of visualizing the persona you need to evolve into, to accomplish your dreams and the critical role of confidence in this odyssey. We also delve into the transformative power of positive affirmations and setting defined goals to actualize your aspirations. We stress the need for self-faith and believing in your potential, even in the face of uncertainty. This episode is a stirring call to live as if your dreams are already a reality and share your vision unapologetically.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Speaker 1:

What's up team. My name is Brandon Thronnell. This is the Journey to Win podcast. Thank you guys for tuning in. As you guys know, as always, subscribe, download this podcast, share with your friends. Let's get the word out. I hop on here and give you guys information, bring on very high quality people to help you guys with your faith, your family, your fitness, your finance, become the best version of yourself, future self and just having fun. So today's going to be a very quick podcast.

Speaker 1:

I am in London and I flew out here for an angel investing syndicate Pretty amazing what we were involved in with this week and my mind is still blown. And I'm sitting here literally going through all the information that they went over and the different projects that they're launching, from decentralized banking solutions I mean things that nobody else is doing right now in the blockchain for mass adoption. I can go on and on, but that's not what today's podcast is about. So I do not have my microphone, but I wanted to get something out to you guys. So the quality might not be the highest quality, but just let this be a lesson guys you don't have to have the highest quality stuff to just get content out. Just get something out there, Help people. I have a bigger mission, more about helping people than serving your ego and making sure everything is 100% perfect. Should I have brought a microphone? Maybe I probably should have, but I didn't and I could have said well, it's not perfect. So I am not going to launch a podcast today, but that is not how I operate, I'd rather have. I always say perfection is the enemy of progress, Perfection is the enemy of profit. So many people man, they have a master's degree in life and they have to feel like, or they do feel like, they have to have a master's degree to do anything. And if you have a master's degree, that's great. But I don't even have a degree and I do a lot better and have a much better lifestyle than many people in this world today. And the funny thing is quick story for you guys. I was a first phase budget structure putting students through hell week from 2015 to 2018.

Speaker 1:

I got started in the direct sales industry part time, so I worked full time on my job, part time around my very busy schedule with something that could potentially create me wealth, and so got started in that system, started building work my nine to five Really, sometimes it was like three AM to six PM or six AM to midnight, but either way, as I was saying, go to work my nine to five, keep on working, my five to nine. I treated like a multimillion dollar business, so it paid me as such. And I tell you that, guys, because of many different reasons, but for one you know you have to. If you guys are trying to win in life, you have to go all in. You can't just play and dabble and think that you're going to win. Okay, when you are trying to have success in something, it's going to take time, effort. There's no get rich quick schemes out there. Okay, but I was broke, living paycheck to paycheck, and before I got out of the military I was making as much money as generals were. Again, I don't say this to brag. I just tell you guys this because you know, if I can do that, why can't you guys have the lifestyle that you guys want? Why can't you go from being where you currently are right now to where you want to be? And the answer is you absolutely can. And so trying to remember where I was going with that, but you know it's okay, I'm still a little bit jet lag. Okay, Either way we're going to hop into the podcast because I want to tell you guys the real reason why I'm here is to talk a little bit about what happened last week and, if you guys know, you're on my social media, you saw that we had an experience with a phony Navy SEAL who built a relationship with me, who built a relationship with many other SEALs, and he looked the parts, spoke the part, talked the part, and I'm going to give you a couple of lessons on this.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so he convinced literally probably 10, 15, 20 SEALs, maybe more many people his wife, his job, his and he's in the defense industry that he was a SEAL. So when you break this down one, I want you guys to know that why would somebody? I want you to think about this, and this isn't me here, I'm not doing this to burn down his house, I'm not doing this to make fun of him. I mean, I feel bad for the guy. I literally do, Because imagine being such a slave in life that you, in order for you to feel powerful, like you're living in power, that you have to be somebody else, that you can't be you authentically.

Speaker 1:

You, you have to fake a profession, you have to fake war stories. You have to fake purple heart stories and cluster bomb stories of how you were blown up in Desert Storm. You have to go search on the internet and look up real Navy SEALs who were operating in Desert Storm back in the you know whatever. It was late 80s, early 90s, it was a 100-hour war and say that that was you, that this guy looks like me. So I'm going to put it on social media and say this is me. I mean, imagine, imagine what type of slave you have to be to the opinions of other people, to the lack of self-worth that you have in order to do something like that. And so I just feel bad for the guy. I'm praying for the guy. If you guys can go on my social media, it's the Brandon Thornhill on Instagram or Brandon Thornhill on Facebook. I did a live on both of them. You can look it all up.

Speaker 1:

The long story short is I had my good buddy, Dan Daly, chief foreign officer, 30 plus years worked with him. He reached out to me and said hey, Brandon, who's this Ben Daly guy? And I said he's a former team guy. He's like no, he's not. I was at SEAL team five when he said he's at team five and he wasn't there. And I looked him up in the database which we have, a database we can look everybody up. He is not in the database for any graduate of Buds, In fact he never even went to Buds and also my wife is a federal investigator.

Speaker 1:

We looked his pass record up and he got, I think, something like removed from the military I don't know exactly if that's the case, but that's what he told me Removed from the military for fraud. I said, wow, okay, this guy has a trend. All right, Well, I still don't really believe you, Dan, but I am going to call Don Shipley because this guy literally looks the part, talks the part, he seems authentic, Like he's a nice guy. So let me just call Don Shipley and we'll get this figured out. And so I just thought maybe the guy changed his name or something like that, so called Don Shipley and Don's like yeah, you know, we see these guys all the time. He tells me some crazy stories. I mean he's verified 50,000 fakes over the past fake Navy SEALs, phonies over the past 13 years. And he said there was a study done, I guess, by the FBI, that out of 250 people who say they're a SEAL, only one is really a Navy SEAL and it was blown away.

Speaker 1:

So, anyways, we call, he says call him, Do not call him yourself, you go, mess it up, Call him, merge me in. So I call him, he answers, I merge him in. I'm like Ben, what's up? He's like what's up. I said dude, from one team got to another. You know, I got to trust but verify here, phenomenal, you know what? I'm sure you won't. You know, obviously your team guys is not going to matter. So did you change your name?

Speaker 1:

Or I'm getting phone calls from former team guys, former frogs, telling me that you were never an ABCL, you weren't in 156, we have a database Like what's up, dude, what's the story? And Don's like hey brother, how's it going? And he's like Don, before you even start. I was never an ABCL and I'm just like what the? I'm so mad at this point. And you know, I just I'm mad.

Speaker 1:

And then I also feel bad for the guy because I'm like dude, how, what a loser. You know, that's literally what went through my mind. I'm like why would you have to fake this in order to feel relevant in life? So you know, and he was my friend, like I built a friendship for two years, by the way, Anyways. So I tell you this not to destroy somebody, because I could care less. I mean I've already moved on from it, but I'm getting blown up still from it.

Speaker 1:

I've had people hit me up and say, oh, I'm just so distraught by this. I mean, how can somebody and I said it's like Jim Rohn said I don't sign up for that class, it just is what it is why is the sky blue? I don't know the sky's blue. We know why, scientifically it's blue, but I'm not going to sit there and worry about why it's blue. It's like it just just blue, right?

Speaker 1:

I mean, you know this guy. Why does he do it? Self confidence issues, self image issues? I'm sure he loves to buy into his own press. He loves the feeling of being part of a brotherhood that you know, because we do have a great brotherhood. He loves the. You know the feeling of being important and the feeling of going on a podcast to tell them war stories.

Speaker 1:

And you know, you see him on one of these podcasts and this guy talks about how you know he's a former Navy SEAL and you just see him light up. I mean that's like mini celebrity status, right? So, anyways, listen, he faked his whole life. His wife thinks he's a Navy SEAL. His whole being is surrounded by a lie. Now, let me tell you this, guys, let's move on from him for a minute because it really doesn't matter, Right? I tell you that story because I feel bad for the guy, for why he's using a lie.

Speaker 1:

But what is the he? He bought into the life so much, guys. He believed, he believed. What is the word believe Be lie, he, he, he lied to himself and believed in it so much until he became the lie. His whole life became it. This wasn't just a one year or two year thing. He was a great swimmer, he knew how to shoot, he knew how to talk to Congress, he read books, he was on podcasts, like absorbing the language. I mean, this is probably a multi decade, you know thing that he was doing.

Speaker 1:

So what can you do in your life to become a lie? And hold on. I'll explain what version of you right now, because most of us, most of you on this who are listening to this right now and I want you to write this down I learned this from Bob Proctor, one of my mentors before he passed away. He said I am what you think I think. Listen to this. Okay, I want you to. I'm going to. I am no, sorry, I messed it up. He said I am what I think you think I am. Okay, I am what I think you think I am. That's how people operate their whole lives, because they operate a certain way based off of what they think other people think they should be or do or act or feel. Okay, so you have become what you think. Okay, what you think that you think they think you are. Many times, this is the reality.

Speaker 1:

So what can you do today to become the best version of yourself? We're going to talk about future self today. If you want to get you know, let's just say you want to become a millionaire. Let's just say you want to become a Navy SEAL, let's just say you want to become whatever it is that you want to become, what do you need to do? Does this make sense? Like, what do you need to? What version of you? Like?

Speaker 1:

I want you to write down the exact person that you have to become in order to attract that level of success into your life. And then, what type of confidence do you have to have? You have to lie to yourself, right, you have to lie to yourself and tell yourself that you already have that One second. Yeah, I'm in here, I'll just keep you. So you have to tell yourself already that you already are that person. All right, Because you will have to live it before you can attract it. You have to be do, have the word be do, have. You have to become it every day, and then you do it relentlessly until you have it Okay, and you're only going to get it when you're vibrating on that same level as whatever it is that you're trying to achieve. It's like a cell phone. We all are vibrating on different frequencies, Okay, Some of us are vibrating on a frequency of lack, Some of us are vibrating on a frequency of abundance, and then we attract abundance into our lives.

Speaker 1:

We've always seen the person who has a limited mindset, that they're a victim and everything, as well as me. Well, what do they get? They always attract that into their lives because they have become that. That is how they, the level of vibration that they vibrate on every day, that's how they think, that's how they feel, that's how they act. Okay, so take his sorry, take his, you know, limiting beliefs and his lack of self-confidence, but with all that, his self-image issues.

Speaker 1:

What did he do, dude? He faked a whole life. He became a lot in a bad way. This isn't a bad way. I want you guys to do it in a good way. That is not going to hurt you, but it's going to serve you. Okay and I'm telling you this because I've done this before I've lacked confidence when I got in the direct sales industry and I've had to tell myself when I had no experience, because most people that live in their current results instead of their potential.

Speaker 1:

I must say that again, most people live in their current results instead of the potential of knowing where they can go. Why is that important? Because if you're making, you're just getting started in your side house. So you're just getting started in your business, just getting started in insurance or network marketing, or you're just getting started selling t-shirts or whatever it is, and you're going, or maybe you're trying to raise capital and you're going to these successful business owners asking them for money and they're like why would I give you money? You're not even successful. Why would I do business with you? You're not making any money. I make more money than you, right? This is real world conversations.

Speaker 1:

And then in our minds we go into a business meeting to try to recruit somebody or to try to raise that capital. We're like I'm not worthy because we see ourselves in our current results, not in our potential. And so when I first got started in the direct sales industry, I said I'm going to act as if, because I'm not making any money yet. I just got started, like a couple of days ago. So I'm going to act as if I'm the top leader in the company. Because I met him. I saw the swagger he had. I saw the confidence he had. I didn't have that at that time, even though I was an ABCL, but I didn't have money. I was almost $40,000 a credit card debt, 18% interest. And I said, okay, he's the month I met this dude. He made $800,000 that month.

Speaker 1:

And so I'm going to act as if. I'm not going to lie to people and say I'm making that money, but I'm going to have the confidence as if I was making that type of money. I'm going to walk into the meeting with the swagger as if I already had that type of success. I want to talk to this person and cast vision of what's possible as if I'm already having that success. I'm not going to lie to him. If he asked me how much money I'm making, I'm going to tell him. I'm not going to lie, never lie. Have personal integrity.

Speaker 1:

But there's a difference between you sitting in front of somebody and having the confidence of knowing where you are about to go and casting that vision and telling people where you're about to go. People love momentum. They love talking about the future, of where we're going. Every good leader, every great leader in the history they cast a vision and talked about where their movement is going. So you got to tell people where you're going, Okay, but you also got to tell yourself where you're going and you got to believe in, have faith in the invisible, because you don't have it yet right.

Speaker 1:

You have to believe, you have to be it and lie to yourself not to other people, but to yourself that it's possible for you and start saying things like I'm so happy and grateful now that I'm a seven figure owner, now that I am living in my you know, in my potential. I'm living the life that I've always wanted to live. You can get very specific. Now that I'm dreaming, I'm living, I'm writing or driving my dream car, right, no-transcript? Give very specific. You're not telling other people this, you're telling yourself that. But when you're setting your goals, you're saying I'm so happy and grateful now that I am Because those words have power. You're telling yourself that you already have it. You might not have it yet God's delays are not God's denials. You will get it. You will get it. It just might take a little bit of time to get it, but you have to act as if it's already here. The success is already here. It just hasn't caught up yet, but it's going to 100%. You have to believe that it's already on its way. It's already here. This is how you went.

Speaker 1:

Take his lack of belief in himself and then how he turned it into a complete lie to where he did believe in himself because he became somebody completely out, Somebody who wasn't him. It was a whole lie. It was a phony, it was a scam. Use that to serve you by telling yourself a positive lie of where you're about to go and who you're about to become, and then become that person today. Don't wait. Hopefully you got some value out of today's call. I think it's pretty valuable. My opinion this is pretty high level stuff that a lot of people don't really teach. But anyways, first you guys say listen, I got a group of Navy SEALs me and six other SEALs Awesome dudes, man. Some of these guys are multi-millionaires. Some of them are crushing it in the fitness world. Two of these guys have big, big, big big businesses already that they built from the ground up. All of them have value to bring, Every single one of them. One of them is on Fox, Hulu, Special Forces World Stuff. It's a test.

Speaker 1:

We're bringing free content to you guys every single day, Monday through Sunday. Sometimes we miss, but the majority of times we're putting up content every day. We just split it up and it's free. There's no selling, there's no upselling. We're just going to come on here and bring value to you guys. So, if you want, I'm going to put the telegram chat inside the Spotify channel here in the Apple channel. So just go ahead and click on it, Add yourself to the free telegram chat and just get your content daily, man, and do the things we're telling you guys to do and the call to actions, if there is one, you know get ready to grow. Life's about giving and it's about growing. We want to give to you guys. We want to help you grow. So, thank you guys. Subscribe, save, download this, send it to somebody that you feel like needs to hear this and share it on your social media so we can get the word out and we will see you guys on the next episode.

Exposing a Fake Navy SEAL
Becoming the Best Version of Yourself