The Journey To Win

Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Holistic Journey to Wealth and Personal Mastery

March 11, 2024 Brandon Thornhill
Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Holistic Journey to Wealth and Personal Mastery
The Journey To Win
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The Journey To Win
Unlocking Financial Freedom: A Holistic Journey to Wealth and Personal Mastery
Mar 11, 2024
Brandon Thornhill

Ready to unlock the door to financial freedom and personal mastery? Envision your life transformed as I take you on a journey of growth, where the richness of time and the power of a wealth mindset become your trusted allies. With an outpouring of gratitude for the incredible community we've built together, I'm thrilled to reconnect with you all. In the spirit of giving, I'm also excited to reveal an upcoming wealth e-book exclusively for our subscribers. Throughout our conversations, we tackle the six F's of fulfillment: faith, family, fitness, finances, fun, and future selves, and I share why success in one area alone isn't enough. I challenge you to reassess your goals and values, to focus on mental fortitude through practices like ice baths, and to consider the life-altering decision to forego alcohol for a heightened sense of well-being.

As we navigate the roadmap to prosperity, I'll share insights on reshaping your financial DNA and casting aside the shackles of a scarcity mindset. It's not just about learning money strategies; it's about transforming who we are to align with the wealth we desire. In this episode, I delve into the importance of surrounding ourselves with influential mentors and engaging in masterminds that propel us forward. We'll explore the crucial steps to becoming the architects of our financial health and the captains of our relationships. It's about more than money—it's about a holistic approach to life that starts from within. So, buckle up and prepare to confront the changes you need to make to realize your highest potential.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Ready to unlock the door to financial freedom and personal mastery? Envision your life transformed as I take you on a journey of growth, where the richness of time and the power of a wealth mindset become your trusted allies. With an outpouring of gratitude for the incredible community we've built together, I'm thrilled to reconnect with you all. In the spirit of giving, I'm also excited to reveal an upcoming wealth e-book exclusively for our subscribers. Throughout our conversations, we tackle the six F's of fulfillment: faith, family, fitness, finances, fun, and future selves, and I share why success in one area alone isn't enough. I challenge you to reassess your goals and values, to focus on mental fortitude through practices like ice baths, and to consider the life-altering decision to forego alcohol for a heightened sense of well-being.

As we navigate the roadmap to prosperity, I'll share insights on reshaping your financial DNA and casting aside the shackles of a scarcity mindset. It's not just about learning money strategies; it's about transforming who we are to align with the wealth we desire. In this episode, I delve into the importance of surrounding ourselves with influential mentors and engaging in masterminds that propel us forward. We'll explore the crucial steps to becoming the architects of our financial health and the captains of our relationships. It's about more than money—it's about a holistic approach to life that starts from within. So, buckle up and prepare to confront the changes you need to make to realize your highest potential.

To Follow the Host on Instagram: @thebrandonthornhill

To See The Full Video go to "Journey To Win" on Youtube

Speaker 1:

What's up everybody, welcome back to the journey to win. It's been a minute. I have been off the radar, really focusing on family, focusing on dialing my vision for 2024 and executing on some other areas. Not that I don't love the podcast, not that I don't love delivering for you guys. We had a great first year, man. I mean. We had thousands and thousands and thousands of pod podcast downloads. So I know that you guys got a lot of great content. You guys are enjoying it because clearly, you're consuming it, downloading it, sharing it, and I'm very grateful for that. So, if you're new to the podcast, please can please do that, please download it, please share it, please. Let's get this word out to people. Let's help them with that said, you know, I have really been thinking about the vision of what I want to do, what I want to take this, how much time do I want to spend on it? And and I'm just really excited to to pour into you guys I love I genuinely love the game of coaching people, because I love to see them break out of old, limiting beliefs. I love to see them become the person that they're supposed to become in life, and so I'm really excited to help you guys on your journey to win.

Speaker 1:

With that said, I have a lot of really cool things coming up. I just finished a it's about a hundred page wealth book. I mean literally, it's, it's next level, man. I mean what we put into this. I had my fiduciary wealth advisor, ubs, look at it to make sure he agrees with everything you know. So the financial freedom e-book break the cycle build your wealth will be out this Friday. I will make sure I release it. I'll put it out to my newsletter subscribers so if you are on my newsletter, you will get access for free e-book for free. If you are not on the newsletter, reach out to me in a DM. I'll get you a link to subscribe and if you are coming to my event in Las Vegas, to our event, to our team event, then you're gonna get access to that for free as well. So, with that said, guys, let's dive in. I want to make this very short, sweet to the point, bring a lot of value to you guys so you guys can take this and reflect on it and help you grow. So, as you guys know, on the journey to win, this is all about helping you win in your faith, in your family and your fitness and your finances and be in your future self, like becoming the best version of you, but also having fun in the process. So it's a six F's, the six pillars, that I call it the six F's, and you know those six F's.

Speaker 1:

You know I've seen so many people winning. Just because somebody is good at, let's just say, brazilian jiu-jitsu, doesn't mean that they're a great striker. Just because somebody is great at shooting doesn't mean that they're, you know, great at fighting right. Just because somebody is a very successful businessman or woman doesn't mean that they're a great husband or wife and they're their great father or mother. Just because somebody is successful in one pillar of their life doesn't mean that they have every area of their life figured out. That is why you see a lot of very successful multi millionaires commit suicide. I mean literally. You know they finally made it to the top of their financial world, of what they felt like they needed to accomplish in order to get to. You know the happiness that they felt like they were chasing, only to find out that you know, if you don't have the internal part of your mind right, then the external is not going to be. It's all gonna. It's all gonna project externally.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so you know, I heard a quote and I said no man is free who is not a master of himself, and I 100% agree with that. You can have all the money, you can have all the Instagram followers, but just know I see through it Right and hopefully you guys do as well. You're not just randomly following these social media influencers, not just randomly following advice from some of these people who might have money, but do they have a great marriage? Do they have? Are they happy? Do they treat people right? You know most are just a slave to the negative inner thoughts, guys, and no amount of followers and money can protect you guys or protect them From that.

Speaker 1:

Right like you have to decide every day that you're gonna go to war against yourself, not anyone else. It's not you verse everyone else, it's just you versus you. It's them verse themselves and most people get that wrong. They look external, they want to compete and compare and that's good for you know. Maybe if that motivates you to do that, but if it's gonna make you doubt yourself and and cause limiting beliefs and Make you feel like you're not worthy, then maybe you need to get out of that mindset and start thinking, hey, I need to get back to what's the most important thing. Like Dean Karnazis, who ran 350 miles in three days, he focused on running from telephone pole to telephone pole to telephone pole. If you're going through Navy Seal Hell Week, which I put like 15 classes through, you make it from breakfast to lunch, then lunch to dinner. It's micro vision, like like setting right micro goal setting. And I I say that because you know you guys are on your journey to win. You're gonna have setbacks, you're gonna have, you know, challenges along your way. You want to make sure that you're not letting those limited beliefs come in and knock you out of the box, like it's you versus you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, what can you do today to just get 1% better? What can you do tomorrow? Did you get 1% better? Yes, you're gonna fall off the track. Expect yourself to fall off track. It is not, if it's going to happen, guaranteed.

Speaker 1:

So Jim Rohn said inspect what you expect. You just have to expect that in discipline your disappointments. No that you're gonna get disappointed along your journey. But how long can it take you from negative disappointment to negative disappointment to rebound, to get yourself back on track? You see, when I first got started in the direct sales business, when I was reaching out to some people and they'd give me some negativity, it took me like a day, sometimes longer, to rebound off that. Now it's like a split second. It's just like next, next, next. It is what it is. I can't convince people, not in the business of convincing. I'm looking for the lookers, right. So what do I tell you that? For it's just because you have to be able to bounce back very quickly From negative disappointment to negative disappointment, and that's what's gonna help determine your ability to really grow at an accelerated rate.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so, with that said, let's talk real quick, guys. I'm gonna go over the six pillars. Let's talk about your faith. Okay, faith in times of Challenge and adversity. You guys got to remember that profound wisdom right of the Bible like this verse to me has always held True and I love to just pray on this and think about it is, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain move from here to there and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you. So that's Matthew 1720.

Speaker 1:

Right now, you guys might be facing mountains of doubt, right, mountains of Fear and uncertainty. The journey for you guys Might seem very daunting and the obstacles might literally feel like they're just overwhelming. Right, but take solace, and In the beautiful truth that even the tiniest seed of faith for you guys, like a mustard seed, like talks about in the Bible, has literally the power to move mountains. If other people can do what you're looking to do, so can you. Okay, your faith doesn't need to be, you know, overwhelming, it just needs to exist within you. You have to have that steadfast and unwavering Faith to know that it's going to happen for you. You don't have to know how, you just need to know that whatever it is You're looking to get or achieve, it's going to happen eventually if you just stay truthful and you stay faithful to it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so everything. Just remember this much like a mustard seed, everything starts small before it can have tremendous growth. Everything starts small before it can one day become big. So have faith in yourself, guys. I have faith in your resilience. Have faith in your power Of your dreams. Right, believe that you can conquer the mountains, guys, and the in your, in your path, because, yes, it's gonna feel like a mountain. Yes, it's everything that you're trying to accomplish. Nothing good in life is worth. That's worth anything came easy. So just know that. You know the Bible talks about this stuff. You guys need to, you know, get back to your roots, get back to the, to the basics of reading that one of what I believe the best leadership book, the best Self-leadership book in the world is, and that is to the Bible.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so let's talk about your family. Whether you have a family right now or not, this is still relates to you, right, like any of your relationships. Being present with your family, being present with your relationships, is the present. It's the present that this world that God gives you, in a world of constant distractions, in a world of Constant marketing trying to grab your attention, being present is the present. It is a gift and it's also a superpower today for you to be able to pull away and just be present.

Speaker 1:

Okay, don't forget, guys, that right now, no billionaire can buy back the time that they're currently half like. It doesn't. Can you? Can you buy more time in the future? Yeah, you can. You can have systems put in the place to where you don't have to. You know, for example, trade your time in exchange for money and you can go spend the time doing the things you want to do with who you want to do it with, but the time that you've already spent is already gone. You can't buy that time back. So you know, the most valuable asset on this earth is time. All right, the average person spends about three to four hours per day on their phones, and it's been another three to four hours a day watching TV. So my question is what can you give up right now in order to become the best husband or wife, or the best father, the best mother that your family truly deserves of you like being present with your family, you know, and if you be present with your family, I promise you the future. You will be very grateful.

Speaker 1:

So what does the Dalai Lama says? What surprises me most is man, because he sacrifices his health in order to make money, then he sacrifices money to recuperate his health, and then he is so anxious about the future that he doesn't enjoy the present, the result being he doesn't live in the present or the future. He lives as if he's never going to die, and then he dies, having never really lived. I mean, that's such a profound, such a An amazing quote right there to really meditate on. Okay, please let this Not be you All right. I Want you guys to never have to look back and know that you never really truly got to live life because you were never present. You're always so worried about and stressed out about the future and you're, or you're, always looking at the past, of past regrets. No, look at today and just figure out how can you be the best version of you today. Okay, fitness guys. What? What about fitness? Let's develop the mind first and the body will follow.

Speaker 1:

Not too many gurus are talking about this. You see, everybody that I follow talks about the body. So many people have only focused on developing their muscles. Right, to have that beach body for vanity when they go out there, and that's fine. You know you want to look good, but my opinion, you're focused on the leaves of the tree. You're not focused on the roots, which is the body. Right, you're not focused on the roots, which is the mind. Everything you do in life is determined by the mindset that you guys bring to it. So, listen, I get it.

Speaker 1:

I used to do the same thing. I would focus on working out my muscles to look good so I can perform good as an ABCL, and it's, of course, important to do so, like you, got to be able to perform. But when I got out of the SEAL teams and didn't have that structure, I used to. You know, literally it. Like it took me time to get used to this new lifestyle after I got out of the military and I struggled with my fitness until one day I had this epiphany I said you know, if I just focused on developing my mindset, the body will follow.

Speaker 1:

From that point on, guys, I decided to focus on growth in every aspect of my life, not just my body, but the six pillars. I talked about my faith, my family, my fitness, my finance, my future self and having fun. I was listening to personal development, sometimes going to sleep literally with earphones, you know, playing personal development on my ear, because I knew that you know it's a subconscious mind game. Like I got to change my subconscious mind. 95% of our body is controlled by our subconscious mind.

Speaker 1:

I started hitting, you know, the ice baths, not because of the physical benefits. I'd have people hitting me up saying, hey, you know, do you know that that actually helps, makes you not grow muscle as fast? Yes, of course, but I'm not in this game to grow muscle, I'm in this game to grow my mindset Right. Ice at 38 degrees might not help you grow your muscles because it might hinder the growth factor of your you know, of your muscle development. That's fine, but my whole goal in life right now is to develop my mind to do the things that I don't want to do. When I go into the gym to do a workout that I don't want to do, to push myself past, you know my inner voice telling me that I want to quit, my inner voice telling me that this is too hard.

Speaker 1:

Just because I was a Navy SEAL doesn't mean that I don't go through that same journey, right? I don't like the cold. In fact, I think I probably don't like the cold more than most of you, because you get a resentment towards it when you're forced to go do something that we had to do for so long. So the point of it is is, when I overcome that, there's this huge sense of accomplishment. Okay, so that's why I decided to go do a marathon, because I wasn't the biggest fan of running.

Speaker 1:

Even though I'm good at running, I don't like running, which is funny, because when I'm running, I actually like running, but I don't like the idea of running before I have to actually go do it. So it's like that whole process of oh man, I gotta go run five miles, 10 miles, 15 miles, whatever the mileage was. I just didn't like it. So I forced myself to go do that. You know it's why because I'm forcing myself to do the things that I don't wanna do, because that's where true growth really lies. All right, so, and then I'll tell you the last thing with your fitness is I gave up drinking.

Speaker 1:

I haven't drank since the end of July of 2023, why? Because I got tired of feeling like trash, literally. So I just one day said you know what I'm done, I'm just gonna quit drinking. You know, when we were in the SEAL teams, these Olympic coaches would come in and bring in their analysts and they would say like drinking just one time, drinking on the weekend, will throw you off hormonally for two weeks, literally. It takes you two weeks just to get back to normal. And you know, in the SEAL teams we had a very heavy culture of work hard, play hard and we played hard, and so that culture was kind of ingrained into me. And now that I'm out, now that I've been out for quite some time I think, coming up on six years, you know, I've realized that it doesn't really serve me. It just hurts me to be drinking. So I just one day decided to quit and I can't tell you how amazing I feel, man, like, if you're drinking. Trust me, do it for a month, do it for two months, do it for 90 days and watch to see how you feel.

Speaker 1:

Finances. Okay, let's move into finances real quick. Okay, I wanna breeze through this. I know we're at 15 minutes, so I've got about another five, maybe 10 minutes. Okay.

Speaker 1:

So finance developing a money mindset. Genuine wealth extends beyond the money you possess. Okay, it hinges on your relationship with it. The main reason people are shortage is the money is because of their belief and the scarcity of money. You are taught don't waste right. Money doesn't grow in trees. Watch your pennies. Money won't make you happy. This is what society tells you, and on and on. You can probably put in your own limiting beliefs into there that you were told as a child. These are all sayings by others that probably had trouble with money themselves and perpetuate a sense of shortage and difficulty around the topic of money, as we are told all of this. Growing up, we start to buy into these beliefs and it has a lasting effect on our relationship with money. So, to have a breakthrough financially, you need to break the current relationship you have with money and reprogram yourself to believe that you are a higher value person. We attract in life what we think we are and what we think we deserve.

Speaker 1:

If you're living paycheck to paycheck and it's simply because your belief around money is that's what you're supposed to do and that's what you're supposed to have, well, how do you break out of it? Well, you first have to have awareness to it right. Then you can go to war with it. So what can you do? Change your environment. Number one hang around higher net worth people. The conversations are much different, trust me. Number two find mentors that talk about money and listen to them. You don't have a mentors. Go on YouTube, find YouTube mentors and then get into masterminds. Masterminds are great because you're changing your environment. Number three read books around money and finance. You need to speak the language of money Rich Dad, poor Dad, money, mash the Game, many other incredible books.

Speaker 1:

Our life, guys, is a direct result of our collective thoughts up to this point. How? Because your thoughts turn into beliefs which turn into actions which yield your current results. Okay, if you wanna change your results, you have to change your thoughts, as you guys know, like, this is stuff that a lot of people they might understand, but at the end of the day, you got to go to war and change your whole environment. Change what you're listening to, change what you're watching, change the people you're hanging around so that you can change your. Really, you can change your personality. Like Dr what's his name? I can't remember his name now, but he has a book called Breaking the Habit of being Yourself. He says if you wanna change your personal reality, you gotta change your personality. Okay, so give yourself.

Speaker 1:

My homework to you guys is give yourself a score one to 10, on how well you're doing financially. How do you feel like your relationship with money is? Like, what are some of the beliefs you had passed down to you from family, school, society? Okay, and then you have to ask yourself what are you gonna do in order to elevate your financial mindset? Like what are you gonna listen to? What books are you gonna buy? What masterminds are you gonna go to? Don't just listen to this stuff that I'm putting out to you guys. Go out and apply it. There's learned knowledge and there's applied knowledge. You need to apply the knowledge. Okay, so, future self. Lastly, two more future self.

Speaker 1:

The term become is spelled exactly as you need to operate. You must be it before it manifests, before it comes in your life. As I said earlier, you can get the money, but if you don't become the person who deserves the money, then you'll lose it. Right, maybe you got the girlfriend or the boyfriend, but are you the person that's gonna keep them long term Right? Like, how do you show up in the relationship? How is your attitude? Like it might be, you might be good enough to get them, but do you have literally, are you vibrating on the level of frequency that can keep them Right? So who do you need to become to keep them?

Speaker 1:

Becoming is the most important key to your long term success here. All right, if you're single, write down the perfect person for you that you want to one day marry. Then ask yourself, who do I need to become in order to attract this person into my life and not just attract them, but also be able to keep them long term? Like, what type of emotional maturity will I need to develop? What type of emotional baggage do I need to get rid of from previous relationships, because a lot of times, we just project our own insecurities from past relationships onto other people. So how will I show up for them in an argument?

Speaker 1:

Write down very specific details of the person you need to become in order to attract them and, if you're married, write down who you need to become to take your marriage to the next level. Like? What bad and selfish habits do you need to give up in order to literally better serve your spouse? Are you still treating your spouse the way you did when you first started dating him or her, as in? Are you still dating your spouse or are you casual? Because casualness creates casualties in your marriage, creates casualties in anything's you're casual with. Okay, who do you need to become in order to be super intentional and start dating your spouse again? What excuses do you need to get bigger, then in order to serve them better?

Speaker 1:

I can go on and on. Tough questions, right, but the quality of your life will be a direct reflection of the quality of questions you either ask yourself or aren't willing to ask yourself. Right, if your marriage sucks, sorry, but if your marriage sucks or it's boring, it's because you're allowing it to get boring. Jim Rohn, great mentor says don't wish you were easier, wish you were better. He said one week of neglect will cause a year of repair. What have you been neglecting in your relationship, right? What have you been pushing to the side that you're not willing to confront? What are you allowing to come in between your relationship, my fellas? Is it pornography? What is it? Is it alcohol your first thing that you do whenever you're stressed with your relationship, or anything else, as you go and you drink, and then that gets in between you and your relationship because you guys get in arguments. I mean, I can go on and on. You have to ask yourself these tough questions.

Speaker 1:

Lastly, guys, remember to have fun. None of us get out of this life alive, man, enjoy it. While you can Stop living in the past, bury it. Stop redigging it back up. Give yourself a break and realize that nobody is perfect and neither are you. Go book something fun with your spouse this weekend. Take your kids individually out to do something fun with them alone. Or if you don't have kids, then call your parents. Go do something fun with them, or your brother or your sister. Get some quality time where you can be present Once they're gone. They're gone, guys.

Speaker 1:

I lost my dad in 2021 and, trust me, I took him out to the wind tunnel. I remember taking him to the wind tunnel and the look on his face. I'll never forget it how much fun he had. Don't just go sit around with your parents and your family. Go have fun with them. Live some real experiences with them and be present. Put your phone away. Do fun stuff, guys. Hopefully you guys have some value today. Or, if you guys like this, put a comment in the comment section. Download it. Share it with people. If you want my financial wealth blueprint that I've put together for free, I'll be putting that out on Friday through my newsletter. Reach out to me and I'll get that to you. All right, guys, be blessed and make sure you implement the things I'm teaching you. If you do that, trust me, your life will elevate and accelerate.

Speaker 1:

For those of you who want more one-on-one coaching, I'm opening up one-on-one coaching, not group coaching, but one-on-one coaching. Yes, you're going to pay, right, but without. If you pay, you pay attention. If you pay, you deliver. But at the end of the day, if you pay a little bit now to make 10X, 100x, why would you not do that? The reality is, if you're willing to put in the work and you're coachable and you're somebody that has the right mindset, I can help you win. I've helped thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands of people win big in their life, and not only have I done it once, I'm still doing it.

Speaker 1:

Okay, I'm still actively out there building teams. This isn't some old-school guru who's out there trying to teach you guys and coach you guys who did it one time a long time ago. Some Hall of Famers did something a long time ago and then they expect that's to come, that success to keep showing up. But All Stars continue to show up every single day. Okay, I don't want to just be a Hall of Famer, I want to be an All Star. I want to continue to show up and give you guys things that are working right now. So, with that said, reach out to me if you want private coaching, I'll give you guys. We got to see if you're a good fit. Obviously, you might be a good fit, you might not. At the end of the day, I'm not going to take you on if I don't think I'm going to get you the results that you want, because I'm going to get results for you if you have the right mindset. That's it, guys. Thank you, share this and I'll talk to you soon. See you next week.

Journey to Win
Maximizing Time and Personal Growth
Developing a Wealth Mindset