Once Upon a Conversation

Bite Sized Conversations with Chef Pam

March 19, 2023 Deborah Graham Season 1 Episode 1

Pam is a therapist and a chef and the founder of Fanjoy Culinary and Wellness Centre. In today's episode, she talks about using food as a therapeutic tool to start conversations in the kitchen that might be more difficult to have somewhere else.

"So what we really do is provide an alternative way to have safe conversations while also looking at how food can bring people together to feed, connection and nourish the body at the same time."

Pam talks about important conversations needing to be a series of conversations not a 'one and done' approach.

"I mean, it's like when you make a dish, a curry, right? It always tastes better on the second day. Once you put your ingredients together, you get everything stirring in the pot and then you let it sit for a while and you come back and it's more flavorful. The second day, you can add a little bit of rice to it. You can serve it up a different way. I think of conversations that way too. And the more we create space, the safer the other person engaged in the conversation."

Pam's conversation tips: Check in with the other person if it is a good time to start an important conversation and then take it in bite sized pieces and come back to it over a series of conversations.

"If you bake a cake, it might be your favourite carrot cake, but you can't have the whole thing all at once or you're going to feel sick. Right. Same thing with conversations. How can you cut it into reasonable pieces so that you can enjoy it over the whole month and actually have someone asking for more when they come back?"

To find out more about Pam and the work she is doing or to get in touch with her: