Once Upon a Conversation

A Grandma's Lesson in Right and Wrong with Nicolle Kopping Pavers

April 07, 2023 Deborah Graham Season 1 Episode 5

Nicolle is a mindfulness coach for lawyers having practiced law for 25 years both in South Africa and Canada.

She talks about her journey from lawyer to mindfulness coach and her hopes for healing a wounded system. 

"And I just think that what we don't realize is sometimes we're not helping our clients because we aren't even aware of our own triggers, our own biases, our own stories that are impacting what's happening in front of us."

She tells a story of being a small girl in South Africa and watching her grandmother courageously stand up for what she knew was right.

"For her, that person was a suffering human being who should not have had any of those experiences just because they happened to be born a certain colour in a certain country in a certain decade or a certain time. My grandmother did the most amazing things. Like, she's just my hero."

To find out more about Nicolle or to get in touch with her: https://lotus-law.com/