Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Exploring the Power of Sound Healing: A Conversation with Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott

July 12, 2023 Kelly Season 1 Episode 7
Exploring the Power of Sound Healing: A Conversation with Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Exploring the Power of Sound Healing: A Conversation with Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott
Jul 12, 2023 Season 1 Episode 7

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever wondered about the power of sound and how it can potentially bring about healing and balance in our bodies? What if you could turn trauma into a source of strength, or use music as therapy? Welcome to a fascinating conversation with Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott, two certified sound healing practitioners. Abby's journey began from childhood piano sessions, leading to her exploration of the therapeutic potential of sound and vibration. Martin, on the other hand, found solace and transformation through sound healing, turning his painful past into a wellspring of empowerment.

Together, Abby and Martin share their insights on the incredible influence of sound healing frequencies on our body and mind. Ranging from 174 Hertz for pain relief, to 528 Hertz for self-love, these healing frequencies are not just abstract concepts, but tangible tools that have brought about profound changes in their lives and those of others. From personal anecdotes to discussions on the possibilities of integrating sound healing into Western medicine, this episode is an eye-opening journey into a unique experience – one that explores the power of sound and vibration, and the innate potential for healing that resides within us all. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, an expert or a novice, this conversation promises to elevate your understanding of sound healing. Don't miss it!

Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott are Certified Meditation Teachers, Breathwork Coaches, and Sound Healing Practitioners with a passion for helping others heal and grow to their fullest potential.  With sound healing, breathwork, mantra and meditation, you can embark on a deep inner journey through space, conscious awareness, breath, tone and vibration to access the well of knowledge and self healing available to all of us. 

To contact Abby & Martin or experience a sound healing:


Abby Zukowski on Facebook 

To contact me:


@kellymatthews840 on Instagram

Kelly Matthews on Facebook

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever wondered about the power of sound and how it can potentially bring about healing and balance in our bodies? What if you could turn trauma into a source of strength, or use music as therapy? Welcome to a fascinating conversation with Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott, two certified sound healing practitioners. Abby's journey began from childhood piano sessions, leading to her exploration of the therapeutic potential of sound and vibration. Martin, on the other hand, found solace and transformation through sound healing, turning his painful past into a wellspring of empowerment.

Together, Abby and Martin share their insights on the incredible influence of sound healing frequencies on our body and mind. Ranging from 174 Hertz for pain relief, to 528 Hertz for self-love, these healing frequencies are not just abstract concepts, but tangible tools that have brought about profound changes in their lives and those of others. From personal anecdotes to discussions on the possibilities of integrating sound healing into Western medicine, this episode is an eye-opening journey into a unique experience – one that explores the power of sound and vibration, and the innate potential for healing that resides within us all. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, an expert or a novice, this conversation promises to elevate your understanding of sound healing. Don't miss it!

Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott are Certified Meditation Teachers, Breathwork Coaches, and Sound Healing Practitioners with a passion for helping others heal and grow to their fullest potential.  With sound healing, breathwork, mantra and meditation, you can embark on a deep inner journey through space, conscious awareness, breath, tone and vibration to access the well of knowledge and self healing available to all of us. 

To contact Abby & Martin or experience a sound healing:


Abby Zukowski on Facebook 

To contact me:


@kellymatthews840 on Instagram

Kelly Matthews on Facebook

Speaker 1:

Hello Soul Family. Welcome to another episode of Enlighten Elevate with Kelly. This episode, i interview a couple that are both certified sound healing practitioners. We are going to discuss all things sound healing. It is so cool. Sound healing is a form of vibrational medicine that uses sound waves to promote healing and balance in the body. Sound frequencies of sound can be used to stimulate different areas of the body and promote healing. When you listen to music or hear of sound, your body will respond on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. Sound waves create vibrations that can stimulate the cells in your body and affect your brain waves. The sound healing practitioner will use various instruments such as singing bowls, gongs, tuning forks and even their voice to facilitate a session. This is a discussion on a holistic healing method and is not meant to be medical advice. If you are unwell or need help, please seek the guidance of your doctor or a medical professional. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

Welcome Soul Family Today I am so excited to introduce. I have Abby Zukowski and Martin Endicott And today we're going to be discussing sound healing. Abby and Martin are certified meditation teachers, breath work coaches and sound healing practitioners.

Speaker 2:

I actually recently met them, both in May at a women's retreat, and they did a sound healing press, which was amazing And I really wanted to bring them on so they could talk to all the listeners about what sound healing is and what brought them to sound healing. So, abby and Martin, welcome to the show. Thank you for being here. Tell us your story. What brought you to sound healing?

Speaker 3:

Hi, Kelly, thank you for inviting us to be a part of the podcast. Well, i guess a short little you know. my story when it comes to sound is I grew up playing the piano. We all had to pick an instrument growing up, so it was really important to my parents that we knew how to play. And I was not great at reading music, but I could sit down, I could write songs.

Speaker 3:

It's been like therapy and poetry for me. I love to do something called ecstatic dance. So I even find, with certain music, the way that it moves the body, how it can release memories, that you know a song. you know when you think about a birthday or a wedding or you're in the car and maybe somebody has passed away, how it just can stimulate emotions and feelings in the body. So sound and vibration for me has always had many different meanings. But you know I am a partner at Unwind at West Clox and we're seeing. you know you're seeing, with the hospitals closing around us, a lot of people are turning to color, sound and vibration as what they're deeming the next form of next way of healing the body, and that is exactly what Martin and I have spent a lot of time going deeper on, so my story is super simple. Martin's, though, goes a little bit deeper as to what it has meant to him.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, my name is Martin, and sound healing has really turned my life around in many ways, i have to say.

Speaker 4:

About six years ago I started my journey consciously And I had, just before that, i had dealt with so many traumas that my life had just started spiraling out of control since I was a kid And things were just really hard for me to get out of because all I could remember it was the traumas, and I kind of just came to a point in my life where so many things were going wrong.

Speaker 4:

I had to stop everything and evaluate every single area of my life, and at that point in time I had to start taking control of my own vibration and the vibration I was putting out, and I started realizing that I was just letting a lot of people come in and just take, take, take from me, and I was always wanting people around me, so I was letting the wrong people come around me.

Speaker 4:

And so I stepped back and I kind of just started analyzing every single area of my life And I really got to, in those six years, create a bond with my spirit to the point where I started to notice it so much that it started speaking to me in many ways And I started seeing these reoccurring numbers And as I did research on these numbers, i kept seeing these were sound healing frequencies And the strange thing is then I came to find out through my research on these frequencies that my birthday is actually one of these frequencies. It's 528 hertz and it's all about self love And that's been a big part of my journey has been to show myself love. It's pretty much what my life has been about.

Speaker 4:

When I was a baby, i used to suck on middle finger and the one next to it Like the ring finger the middle and the ring, yeah, and I have pictures of me as a baby where I'm sucking on those two fingers And then later on in life I find out that means I love you and sign language. I just really saw a connection there. My spirit was just screaming out for me to get to know these frequencies more And I've had a lot of years dealing with them and really meditating on them and seeing where they bring me, especially the 528 frequency. It pretty much got me to a point in my life I realized I was creating a lot of chaos in my life with my thinking, and when I was able to take control of my vibration, you know, i had to figure ways on how to release a lot of that trauma and stuck energy And a lot of the ways it came out. Eventually I got to the point where I thought I was going crazy. I would cry and I would laugh and I'd be angry all in the same minute period. And then it got so tiring I would start yawning And then when I would yawn, it came out like almost like a beautiful opera singer's voice And then I started realizing I can sing And I actually.

Speaker 4:

When I came to that realization, i went to one of my friends in Colorado and he's actually a. He used to be a singer in the band Minuto it's like a boy band from the 90s that Ricky Martin was in And he told me to come over and he was gonna give me some singing lessons And me and him just went acapella back and forth. He was all happy about it And he was like see, everybody can sing. So that's one thing I like to do, is to teach people that everyone can sing. For the longest time I didn't like my voice And now I'm learning to love it And that actually is becoming one of my strong suits And kind of the chanting that I do in my sound healing. It's all improv, it's all from the heart And to me the vibration that I'm letting out when I channel that energy is just transmuting all that stuck trauma energy And when it comes out, the only way I can explain it is?

Speaker 4:

it just feels like pure joy through the sound of my voice.

Speaker 1:

And so.

Speaker 4:

I started working with other instruments. Like one day this like mother figure of mine in Colorado I was over her house and she told me hey, i ordered this instrument, but I ordered the wrong one, and at that point I had been going up and down with depression a little bit And I was about three days of being like really depressed. When I was over there And she's like hey, do you want this instrument? And I said, yeah, i'll take that. And so I went and I researched how to play it And it's the instrument I do the chanting with. I saw how to use it And I had already been doing chanting previously, so I started working with it And it like instantly took me out of that depressive state. So then I started like working with other sound healing instruments.

Speaker 4:

Mainly it's instruments that just come to me, like that one did. I keep having just instruments come to me And that's why I feel strongly like I'm meant to do this, because these things come to me with ease. But then I started noticing when I would play these instruments, especially my handpan. It would get me into this really calm state where I don't know if you hear people talk about 3D being in 3D and being in 5D. But like I felt this shift between those two states of mind where I was just in this place in my mind, where everything was always good, no matter what, i was always calm, and then the things that I was like daydreaming about or like wanting in my life was just coming to me with ease, and I say that's one of the biggest things I've noticed is that sound healing has done for me in my life.

Speaker 2:

That's fascinating. That's such a. I mean 528 is your birthday, how cool. Yeah, i mean, that is so cool. That is such an interesting I was gonna bring up. that's a sulfageal frequency.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 2:

And do you guys wanna talk about that?

Speaker 3:

the sulfageal frequencies and what they are and Oh yeah, absolutely Okay. So there are a couple of them. So a lot of people will start at that 174 hertz, which is for pain and stress relief. This is where people do a lot of breath work to help relax the body And even a part of the body. Healing is making noise So you will hear people moan, either in pain or they'll let out a gasp of air that they're feeling good. You know, when we yawn and we stretch, i always tell people it just intensifies that stretch in the morning. I think it's one of the best things to do. There's the 285 hertz, which is for healing tissues and organs and different types of the body. I know that there's the 396, which is for fear. It's for guilt. Would you put depression in that category?

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

For that one, some of the more popular ones. how about that is 639. And we always see that on our phone. Like we don't set alarms when we wake up and usually we're like what time is it? And it's really, oh, 639.

Speaker 4:

And that has to do with like your relationships with other people, not just romantic, but like friendships as well.

Speaker 3:

I guess you talked about the 528, but then there's 852, which is for awakening the intuition. My favorite one, though, right now is the 936. So we had a friend who was in hospice and we were playing this 528 classical music. We had put earbuds in for him And then all of a sudden, at 2.45 in the morning, i said let's switch the frequency, let's put on 963. And within a matter of 15 minutes the breathing changed and he had crossed over. And that was such a beautiful I mean death to me is a really beautiful experience, because it's just a doorway, and but that hurts as, like oneness, it's unity, it's God consciousness.

Speaker 4:

It's your higher self, it's your spirit. So it's like it was reuniting him with what he really is, you know, which is a spirit. I have another interesting story with 174 Hertz. A lot of my stories are about Colorado, but a couple of years back, one morning I woke up and I had some really bad pain in my leg And I was walking with a limp.

Speaker 4:

All of a sudden, and for a week, this persisted. And before I finally went to the hospital to get it checked out and the doctors there didn't know what was wrong with my leg, all they did was prescribe me some pain meds. Now, the pain meds they gave me, i tried them one night and they had no effect on my pain. They didn't do anything for me. The next day I started seeing 174 like everywhere, and I'm like I was thinking to myself isn't that a healing frequency? So then I looked it up, what it is? and it's for pain. So that night I actually listened to the 174 hertz frequency while I was sleeping. And the next day I woke up and I didn't have a limp anymore. I wasn't in any pain anymore. I just thought it was so cool how the doctors didn't know what was wrong with me, but my spirit came through and was like Hey, try this out.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, that's that is so fascinating. So I, when I spoke to Abby a few weeks ago, i had told her I'd seen recently this quote that Albert Einstein had said that the future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies. And how I was just like when I read that. I was just like blown away by it and how these healing frequencies and binaural beats and all this is very popular, or becoming more popular, and I think that eventually at least I hope that it'll sort of integrate with with Western medicine. You know like there'll be some sort of integration where they can be used together.

Speaker 3:

Oh yeah, And, like I said, people have been using vibration for ancient times I mean the Romans, Native Americans because vibrations will. They'll relax the mind, it will relax the body, it'll kind of alter the brainwaves, which is why a lot of people come in and they'll float in the float tanks. Right, They're trying to shift from, you know, alpha to theta, And when you're able to do that, then you're able to release low energy and guilt and fear and start feeling vibrations of you know what Martin would call our true self, which is love and joy and happiness. That's really where the body wants to be. Yeah, whether you're using instruments, even like, our voice is the most powerful tool that we can use. When I call somebody, based on the way that they answer the phone, it dictates how the rest of the conversation is going to go, And sometimes I just want to hang up on people.

Speaker 3:

So our voice matters And also people can read your energy. when you're walking into a grocery store, you know if you're smiling. I just feel like we can pick it up and it can either uplift people around us or you will see people scatter.

Speaker 2:

Yes, that's very true. Well, tell us some more about what you guys do. You do your certified meditation teachers and breathwork. You want to talk a little bit about how you incorporate that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or we can even go into some of the instruments too.

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, let's, yes, let's do that.

Speaker 3:

So we could probably start off with what a sound healing experience is when you come to unwind or one of me and Martin's sessions, because we've done groups and we've done one on ones. They're both extremely powerful, but individuals, they'll show up and they get to sit or they get to lay down and relax their muscles. We again play with lighting because I do believe in chromotherapy, which is color therapy, but we always start with the shrewdy box. Can you explain what a shrewdy box is?

Speaker 4:

Shruti box is Indian instrument and it allows you to explore your vocal range Not only allows you, but encourages you to explore your vocal range, and it teaches you more about what you have to offer in those terms.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, it is. It's one of those instruments that, if you see it, you cannot help. But, like we always say, wherever it goes, the eyes and the ears awaken because people are like what is that? It's almost like an accordion, but it is so fun to harmonize And so we like to do a sound convergence where people hum, or I tend to harmonize with Martin, but again, when you start moving the energy and the vibrations of the cells, it gets you ready for a sound healing, which is really exciting.

Speaker 3:

And then we're both pretty big into the singing bowls And you had found out something new about the Del Rémi, basso Latito. Okay, so different singing bowls correlate with different chakras of the body, and doesn't even have to be chakras, it can be anything. They really kind of promote like a dreamlike state, and they can. We'll put them on people's bodies, depending on where some of the stuck energy might be. And then different sounds are found to reduce stress and anger, depression, fatigue. You had a great story about somebody who had tinnitus that came to a session with us the ringing in the ears.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, ever since I started doing sound healings, i've noticed one thing is I always have one person from each sound healing reach out to me afterwards and tell me a story about what it did for him, and it's not like something I expected. You know, i did have this guy during the sound healing. He actually got up and left the room and I thought like he wasn't enjoying it at all And afterwards he told me he got up because his body was vibrating so much that he didn't know what was going on. He had to leave the room for a second, but he told me before he came he was dealing with tinnitus, which is like a ringing in the ear, and he said that it went away. So I sat there and worked with the shrewdie box with him and we chanted together, and I'm still working with the guy, mentoring him a little bit nowadays too.

Speaker 3:

But the reason that it works. So with the breath work and the meditation and the sound frequencies. So when you do these sound healing sessions, it kind of starts to shift the brain waves And the brain wave states by using something called entrainment. So entrainment starts to synchronize the vibration, so it's more of a stable frequency right. And so when you use rhythm and you use frequencies, then we can entrain the brain waves and it becomes possible to downshift. You know our normal beta state, which is that normal, you know, waking and conscious state.

Speaker 4:

So it's like going into homeostasis, like being whole, being complete, being balanced.

Speaker 3:

So then it'll take you from alpha, you know, which is where you start to be more relaxed, and then you know theta, which is this meditative state, which is the same concept that's utilized in meditation. So when you start to regulate the breath, the frequency, that's the frequency agent that influences the shift, you know, in meditation and breath work, it calms you down, where, with sound healing, the frequency will have the same effect on the brain waves.

Speaker 2:

It is.

Speaker 3:

It's really interesting And every experience is different. I mean, all of our sound healings are different. So, whether you come, every single time we do it. people have different visions, different experiences. They'll see visuals or colors, or memories will come out or they'll cry. It's such a unique experience and it's never the same.

Speaker 2:

So my first exposure to sound healing when I took Reiki levels one and two, my instructor we would often begin the class with sound healing. She had like crystal bowls and some Tibetan singing bowls and she has a gong And so that was my first experience with it. but it really does kind of like it resets you and puts you into a very calm state And you're just ready to do your energy work. So. but I definitely can see where you're talking about, how it changes the frequency in your body and brings things into balance, or you have a release, because anything that you experience it stays in your body unless you find a way to release it.

Speaker 3:

Right, absolutely, and that's why we always say like, even just using your voice, there's seven different tones based on vowels, and each one is connected to a particular chakra or the area of the body. When you allow those tones to access those points, that's how you can begin to heal it. So, for example, if somebody uses the tone well, that reaches the heart chakra, while a higher tone of like ee goes straight to the crown chakra.

Speaker 4:

And I know And me goes straight to the solar plexus, which is the 528 hertz frequency.

Speaker 3:

So it's all connected.

Speaker 4:

It's all connected And the cool part about that is it's about self love and the sound is me. That's awesome. But, also, it's about cellular regeneration, dna regeneration or no DNA repair, and so all your cells are vibrating at a certain frequency and a lot of us are out of frequent or are not vibrating at the right frequency. And what these sulfageal frequencies do is bring us back into tune with nature, with the natural order of ourselves, and back into homeostasis and balanced.

Speaker 3:

That's what I say. It matters what you're listening to and what you're watching. You can pick this up in TV. Right Things either pick us up or they throw us into a state of fear. We don't even watch TV. We had somebody stop by one day and they were like what are you guys doing? Cause we had classical music blasting. We're sitting in opposite chairs in this room and journaling. You just find what brings out the best in you and then you find more of it.

Speaker 2:

Right, that's awesome. Do you guys wanna talk any more about the instruments that you use? I know I loved Koshy chimes. Do you guys use Koshy chimes? Yeah, and what I thought was so cool is that they're assigned to like air, fire, water. I thought that was so cool. So how do you guys pick what you? is it all intuitive? You do it intuitively when you do your something, is it? I know you kind of said like, when you do your chanting, that's all intuitive? Do you just kind of? do you have like certain ones with a certain healing in mind, or is it just a general overall healing? How do you guys approach that with your client?

Speaker 3:

Well, i know that the gong is a favorite of everybody's. It's a favorite of Martin's. He loves to play it And people love to hear it. So the gong is a sound that can put people in this deeply relaxed and meditative state as quickly as 60 to 90 seconds, so it's extremely powerful. It's great for clearing fears and emotional blocks and improving mental clarity. It really leaves people transformed on this physical level as well as a mental level. Lately we've been kind of playing more shamanic music in the beginning and then going to intense sounds and then lightening it up towards the end. But we do switch it up And there's times where I've been teaching a class and then we've intuitively said why don't we do some sound healing? And you can just tell, based on when people walk into a room, what they need.

Speaker 4:

And sometimes I switch it up. I go rogue and switch it up in the middle.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 4:

But usually we like to start with the shruti box and kind of go into more calmer instruments after that. So we do the shruti box to kind of get people past their fears, kind of get everybody unified and their energy in the room, And then from there we usually go into a meditation and then work through the more calming instruments.

Speaker 3:

And they all have a purpose. So the tongue drum is another really beautiful sounding. I'm not even sure what I can compare it to, other than maybe a xylophone. It is a little bit different. But the tongue drum, again, that nourishes the forebrain, which governs 40% of our problem solving and decision making skills, and so it balances the hemispheres of the brain, that analytical side, and then our intuition. I mean just depending on if we're pulling in new instruments or we've been gifted something like right now we have a didgeridoo. Oh how cool. Oh, it's so beautiful. But I think we're still working on the circular breathing. But just different instruments show up at different times. There are the fan favorites. Everybody loves the singing bowl, they love the gong. We have the crystal quartz triangle, which is a super cosmic sound. I think you remember it from the retreat. Yes, martin likes to triangle, everybody.

Speaker 4:

But I think it's one of the most important tools. It is.

Speaker 3:

I would say so too, so it really is more intuitive. We always have a plan, but we just really speak a good language. We play off of each other's body language, we're telepathically sending each other messages, we're playing with each other's beats, so it's just a nice orchestrated session that really just flows.

Speaker 4:

But also, as we evolve, so does the music. So does what instruments come our way. There's instruments I'd like to work with, and I'm just waiting for them to come in my direction. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

So we usually do them once a month And we've been taking it on the road too, where there's like a big metaphysical fair down in Madison, indiana, a couple of events where people are asking us to travel. So it's really powerful, it's amazing. I would tell everybody, obviously, to come and see it local in the Illinary Valley if you can.

Speaker 4:

And there's local interest too. We had a sound healing session at the Peru Library.

Speaker 3:

And then we'll be doing some stuff out at the college as well.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that is so cool. Do you guys do things with children? Do you work with kids?

Speaker 3:

Yes, and we just had a drum circle in Utica at Bruce and Ollie's and we are seeing more. We're really family focused as far as it's important for this next generation to get involved, to find a connection with music, disconnect from the cell phones and, yeah, games social media. Yes, and really use these gifts and these abilities. And it's our job as adults to Lead and and teach them to never stop playing. I feel like they bring out our inner child as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, there's some something so pure and joyful about children and they're when they find joy and they laugh like there's just such a purity there. Yes, you know, i think that is so cool. And you're teaching people not only adults, but children how to heal their bodies, you know how to bring themselves into balance, because we all have bad days, we all experience pain, and you're giving them tools and and at a much younger age. Right, there's a lot of things that I didn't figure out or discover until I was, you know, in my late 30s, and I'm like I wish I would have known this 20 years ago, you know. So I'm like really passionate about sharing I'm, so that's why I really I wanted to have you guys on so you could share this knowledge with the listeners and they can share it with their Children.

Speaker 2:

And I listen to these This look like you know her. I listen to them every morning. It's like part of my routine. When I get up in the morning, i put it on or the binaural beats, whatever I'm feeling for the day, but that's how I start my day every day. I just I get ready before I go out the door and it really does. It really does for me Set a mindset and I think it helps it really does help people to feel good, right, it makes you feel good.

Speaker 2:

It really makes me feel good.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, or how to just channel, like you said. We don't have Perfect days. You know. There's moments in our day where these, these are just tools to help you handle that anger Or that depression or that loneliness and almost turn it into a, A creative state. Don't you feel like that's what you've done?

Speaker 2:

Yeah and you're gonna feel those things right. That's just how life is, god. It's ups and downs and you know we're gonna feel the human emotions, because that's what it is. We're all living a human experience, but to have these tools, it's so powerful. I mean very powerfully change both your lives and now you bring that beautiful Spiritual energy to now. You're sharing it with the world, right, you know, and you're sharing it with your community and I just think that's so beautiful.

Speaker 3:

And it's. It's amazing because you do see a transformation in people's. You know When they walk in the door they leave a completely different person. So you're seeing improvement in well-being and energy levels and performances at work. You know whether people are more productive or finding Where they could be better at. So I always we always tell people think about what you want to get out of your Sound healing session. You set your intention and then the music and the vibrations do the rest of the work.

Speaker 2:

Wow, how powerful is that. And I think so much of everything you're saying is so true. So much of it is intention. You know, when I, before I do a raking session with someone, i'm setting intentions, they're setting intentions and that is so powerful ever. The power of intention is just so. It's just amazing. And To speak to Martin talked about your thoughts And the words you say, and all of those things matter. Everything that we've put, you know, it all matters and Yeah, his vibrations at all, Yes, programmed into yourselves of your body.

Speaker 4:

So it's very important what you think, what you speak, how you act. What you watch because you're subconscious, your spirit is constantly taking notes.

Speaker 3:

Well, and even Martin, martin cooks, he does all the cooking. So you're even Putting energy into that food when you're cutting it and you're cooking it, and then you're eating it.

Speaker 2:

Yes, That's just amazing. Well, what else would you guys want to share with the listeners? Would you and you know? what would you want to share about sound healing and how they can Maybe just start to incorporate it in their life? What would you guys recommend?

Speaker 3:

Hmm, yeah, i. I guess my number one tip is to pay attention to the voice. I think that's the number one tool if you don't have something. There's a great quote by Nikola Tesla that says if you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy Frequency and vibration. It all matters. It affects how we carry our day. So the way that you wake up is gonna set the pace for the rest of your day And you can check in at noon and say do I have low energy? You know what is my vibration and you can pick that up by what's happening around you. Again, are you attracting people? Are you a magnet? Are you lifting them up or Are people avoiding you and don't want to be around you? look at any time. You can analyze that and pick that up. Or you can go in your car and turn on some nice music and in a matter of seconds It can increase or decrease your mood depending on what type of music you're putting.

Speaker 1:

It all matters.

Speaker 2:

Yes, 100% agree. What about you, martin I?

Speaker 4:

would say Working with sound healing, if you could start young and if you can't start now. But I see a lot of people like they come to me with their problems and they see how like calm and cool I am and They always are wondering how I'm so like detached to everything, a balance. I'm not like attached to certain things, like outcomes or anything. I'm kind of always balanced. I have a lot of people asking me for advice and I would say like just the biggest thing is to let your Inner child come out and play. You know it's okay to make mistakes, but what you should first do is just start start to sing, start the chance, start to play something, anything. I wish I would have had that knowledge when I was younger, because there was a lot of You know, really horrible things That I brought upon myself throughout life Because I didn't have a positive outlet like music. It's really helped me through a lot of traumas.

Speaker 2:

Well, thank you guys, so much for sharing. How can people get in touch with you? How can they Reach out to you, experience one of your sound healings, or hire you for an event or ask you to join an event?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, well, for you can find us both on Facebook under, you know, abby's Kowsky or Martin and the cat. We do do a lot of stuff with unwind at West Clock sets, where we do most of our sound healings there. So you know, you can send a message or you can. We have a calendar of events where we do a session Once a month. But yeah, you can always reach out and we're always happy to do group sessions. We travel the businesses and then Recently we've been partnering up with the pro homeless shelter and helping some of their residents one-on-one. So it's really for all ages, anybody and everyone, no matter what you're going through, and sometimes it can be even a really nice date experience, if you're looking for something unique and different and healthy and memorable.

Speaker 3:

We've had many couples where we've done private sound healing sessions for them, and that's such a beautiful experience.

Speaker 2:

Right, right, oh, that sounds. that sounds really amazing. Do you guys have any recordings? Can people go and listen to your sound healings anywhere? Are you guys going to be doing that in the future or Yeah, i actually started a YouTube channel where I'm gonna be.

Speaker 4:

I'm mainly doing sing bowl and gong work, but I'm probably gonna make some other videos as well.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I'm sure there's more coming in the future.

Speaker 2:

Oh, I'm sure I can't wait to see it. Well, thank you guys for coming today And I hope to have you again in the future. You guys were both a pleasure to speak with. I want to thank you so much for your time And thank you for sharing the wonders and the magic of sound healing with us today.

Speaker 3:

Yes, thank you, kelly, we look forward to seeing you in the future as well and keep it up with your amazing podcast, Oh thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

Thank you again, beautiful souls, for listening to this episode. Please follow, rate and review the show so you don't miss any future ones. Thank you.

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