Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Empowering Your Voice: Laura Michelle Powers Journey to Writing Success and the Legacy of Elvis Presley

Kelly Season 1 Episode 8

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever wondered how the power of your own voice could elevate your life? Join me as I embark on a riveting conversation with the incredible Laura Michelle Powers, a celebrity psychic who took a bold leap of faith to transition from a traditional job to psychic training and podcasting. She shares her inspiring journey and offers insights into how writing and publishing her own book not only boosted her confidence and business but also played a crucial role in clearing her throat chakra and setting her message.

We also dive into an intriguing exploration of the legacy and impact of the legendary Elvis Presley. Together, we dissect how Elvis, much like ourselves, used his voice to create an empire from scratch, leaving a significant mark on Americana and the world. We discuss his untold struggles, his role in breaking down racial barriers in music, and how his story echoes the potential in all of us to mold our destinies.

Lastly, we delve into practical tips for both beginner and advanced writers, breaking down intimidating tasks into manageable steps, and emphasizing the importance of action over perfection. Laura shares her experiences of taking leaps of faith and how the universe supports our big dreams with a bigger spiritual team. We don't just talk about dreaming big; we hope to inspire you to create something that resonates with your soul. So, tune in to this enlightening episode, and let the power of writing transform your life!

Thank you so much for being here! Wishing you love, blessings, and magic!

Episode highlights:

Elevating Lives Through Writing and Sharing


Elvis Presley's Impact and Legacy


Tips for Beginning and Advanced Writers


Empowering Creativity and Dreaming Big

To contact Laura or join her writer's retreat or 6 month psychic training course:



email: bookings@Laurapowers.net

Laura's Socials:



Laura's podcast:


To contact Kelly:

email: enlightenandelevatewithkelly@gmail.com



Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful souls, welcome to Enlightenment, Elevate. I'm so happy you are here. This is a bonus episode I recorded with Laura Michelle Powers, who has been a guest before. She's a celebrity psychic and host of the Very Popular Healing Powers podcast. We have a conversation about Elvis and how he used his voice to elevate his life, and how we all have the ability to do the same. We can be as abundant as we desire. The key is being aligned with your soul, path and purpose. I hope this episode inspires you to use your voice, write and create something that lights you up and share it with the world. We all have something powerful to share that can elevate and help others. Elvis famously said you've got to follow that dream wherever it may lead. Enjoy this episode.

Speaker 2:

Hello soul family. I'm so excited to welcome back Laura Michelle Powers. She's a celebrity, psychic actress, model author. She is here today to discuss Elvis and using your voice and how writing can elevate your life. She is hosting a writer's retreat in September in Memphis. That's going to include a tour of Graceland, laura welcome. Thank you so much for being here. Do you want to talk a little bit about your events and what inspired you to do it?

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. I'll just start with myself and writing because I think that's really important. Many people just went down a traditional work path and worked in government and politics and was doing a lot of what I feel like you're quote unquote supposed to do in your life for success and just to be a good member of society. I got my master's degree, I got married, I got a fancy government job. Then, during the housing bubble burst and recession, everything fell apart. But everything that fell apart fell apart for good reasons, meaning it wasn't a soul aligned for me, even though I thought it was the way I wanted at the time. As I got farther into using my intuition, I realized it really wasn't my dream dream. It was the dream that I thought I should have. I think a lot of people end up having that and had a quick, major turnaround and started taking psychic training classes and started my own business as a psychic and started my podcast Healing Powers podcast.

Speaker 3:

Pretty quickly I was being guided to do these things that were so out of luck field for me. Right away the message came up to write and share my messages through writing. I started an email newsletter and then I really felt to share about angels. Angels were a huge part of my path. As I shifted on my journey. I booked a talk at a local library to talk about angels. Immediately I felt like I needed something to offer, something to sell or share. At the event, the talk was six weeks from now. At that time I decided I'm going to write a book In six weeks.

Speaker 3:

I wrote my first book that I published. It was in that six weeks, not packaged like a normal book, it was spiral bound and just had a photo on the cover of me, a quick in Microsoft Word cover. We didn't have can, but then, or at least it wasn't very popular. I don't remember exactly when it started. Anyway, it was very messy and very amateur, but it didn't matter because I created it. I could tell the significance of that at that time. It was me putting forward my voice and sharing what I knew it was so significant energetically. Once I did that, I started to figure out well, how do I make this more like a book? I went to publishing conferences and there was a lot of indie self-publishing movement happening at that time. It was really great because I was learning about all this. Then I subsequently took that and learned that and started to release and publish more and more books. Now I have eight release books. I'm working on some more.

Speaker 3:

I've seen what it's done for me in terms of my business. If you have a book on something you know more than I don't know probably 99% of the world on that topic and maybe even more meaning you know more than that. Even Even if you don't know about something and you write a book about it, by the time you release the book on it, you are going to be an expert in that area. It did several things. It helped me release blockages in my throat chakra. It helped me really get clear on what I was learning and sharing. It put me myself out there as an expert.

Speaker 3:

Every time I released a book I felt like it elevated me, my business also my confidence. I've seen what it's done for me as I've grown my business from like little, tiny fledgling business during the recession to a very successful business in a very unusual field. This is not a typical business model that I have, where I describe myself as a psychic and a creative entrepreneur. And if I can do this and launch my business during a really bad economy, during the recession, and I use writing to help with that, then I think anybody can do anything. It's totally possible. But there's really something energetically significant about writing and publishing a book for yourself and for the world.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I think it's healing not only for you, the person who's writing it, but all of the people who read your messages. It's like it ripples out and it's just all that high vibrational energy out there.

Speaker 3:

I think that's a very good point yeah, and it's sharing your story, like we all have things to share. Our story is so important and through sharing our stories I think we hope other people feel like what's possible for them and also to normalize certain things. I can't tell you how many people have gotten comfort from reading about my stories as a psychic and learning how to tap into it in some of the struggles I had and some of the weird things that I experienced, just to make people feel more normal and like they're not alone. So I think it really helps unify us in a lot of ways and it's really so significant in terms of releasing energy blockages. It's not just about like the book being out there, it's also like you feeling faith and confidence. And feeling like you can put that message out into the world in a public way is really important. So I have seen and witnessed that myself and I know that it can be very hard.

Speaker 3:

There's a lot of persecution, fears that come up for people as it relates to this, and so I decided to do this, right as we're treated, to give people a little background. It's where every person who participates in their treat will write a chapter which is their story in the book, and so I've created this as a container to make it easier for people to write that story and feel like they're supported, and also because it's with a group. Doing anything with a group when it's new can feel a lot more comfortable and safe. You know, just like that's why I teach my psychic training program that way, where it's like with a group, so everyone is lovingly supporting each other on that journey, and then you feel like you're not alone when you're trying to undertake this thing. That can feel really scary.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. Not only and I can speak to this personally do you learn and tremendous amounts in your courses, but the community is unbelievable. Like every group course that I have participated in with you, I have made amazing connections and people from people around the United States, around the world, and they are still my friends. We still talk, we still messaged each other hey, what's going on? And you know, will you be a guest on my podcast? It's just we all share with each other, or everyone's kind of doing like there is everyone's on their own journey, right, and we're all doing different things, but we all support each other.

Speaker 2:

We had there's many artists that were in our, in some of the classes I was in, or other writers who published. Actually, there was one who published a book recently who's been out there. So shout out to Tamina, she's awesome. But yeah, I can speak personally to this like there is just something being in that energy and being with a group of like minded people, people who are all there. You're right, you all experience like similar fears, like will anybody be interested in what I have to say? Will I be judged? Or you know, everyone has these things that run through their mind, but when you're with other people. They just there's just something about working through that stuff. It just doesn't seem to be as big of an obstacle. When you're all there together going through something like that, it gets really powerful.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I think so much of the psychological fears are about rejection or persecution or being judged, and when you at least know that you have a core group supporting you and I think that's what they're trying to do and they're they want you to be successful, that goes so far in terms of feeling like, ok, then you can put that out into the bigger world as well. Like you're not alone. I think the more of us use our voice, speak our truth, you know, talk about all the things that are important to us, that it makes it normalize for other people to do that as well.

Speaker 3:

Like when someone sees you doing that, then they're like, oh, I can do that too. So it's not just even the group. It's like has this ripple effect all over?

Speaker 2:

I think, also speaking to the healing aspect of it, you're healing something in your own ancestral line. You are like your ancestors. When there comes up those persecution, fears, past lives, things that we've experienced that maybe that we don't remember, if you do use your voice in this life and you do put yourself out there, you are healing that in your ancestral line, in your DNA lineage, and then that means everyone behind you or coming after you isn't gonna have to deal with that, because you're healing that.

Speaker 3:

Absolutely. It's like stopping it at that point. And then I think for those who are parents or who wanna become parents, to model that for those coming after you is also so important to see that it's safe to use your voice and speak up. And in my case, my books aside from my podcasting book, my books on the psychic, spiritual topics we're definitely out of my comfort zone to share, like I was in government and politics before. But the fact that I was sharing those messages I feel like it made other people feel like they could also talk about stuff that was not in the mainstream. But in that way we actually change which mainstream.

Speaker 3:

And it's been fascinating to watch because I've been in business over 10 years how what's kind of okay to talk about has shifted so dramatically in those 10 years. And it's because there's more and more of us talking about those things that previously we're talked about. And this isn't just about the sort of psychic, spiritual realm. It can also be about talking about health or wellness. Like I see more women talking about women's health issues that were kind of hush-hush, like not okay to talk about these things in public. So the more we all do these things or narcissism, you know, whatever it is, there's so many of these things that are being brought to light, and then it helps everybody heal.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely. Well, we have to talk about Elvis, because it's gonna be a month, yes, so let's talk Elvis, okay.

Speaker 3:

so ever since I first started channeling and opening up the channel, I've been amazed at the celebrities that came forward and in my classes so I have a Woo Woo mastermind and a six month psychic training program and my six month psychic training program. The next round is also about to launch, in case you're interested in developing this ability for yourself. But when I first started opening that channel for myself, I was amazed at like all these celebrity spirits that started to come through. Elvis is one of the first ones. One of the very first that came forward for me was actually Abraham Lincoln, which I remember being like, wow, that is not who I expected. And then it was Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra, all these people in entertainment, and I just honestly, was really surprised. But I mean, that's who showed up.

Speaker 3:

And what I realized the more I did this work is, first of all, you don't know who your soul group is until you start to do this work. So it turns out I have a lot of soul connections, a lot of these souls, even if I've never actually met them in this human life. As me, laura, on a soul level, I do know a lot of these souls. And the other piece is that once someone crosses over to the other side, they often are still trying to continue their work. They're trying to share their messages, and who do they do that with? But those who are mediums, those who are connecting and channeling. So, because there's still not that many people as it relates to the whole percentage of the population that do these work, if you open up that channel, then they're like, hey, let's talk, because they're looking for an avenue.

Speaker 3:

And Elvis Presley was one of those that I started to connect with and he definitely is such a bright, beautiful soul, had a lot to share and he had obviously a lot of struggles. We know about things with him as it relates to addiction and there are definitely some sexual issues. There was a lot of struggle that he had, but also a deep desire to share, and one of the things that he was so incredible with was about he created such an amazing, wonderful music and creative work and also really built up this empire from nothing. So I see that he really wants to help others understand what's possible for them to create, and he's continuing to do that, even from the other side.

Speaker 2:

Oh, how amazing is that In preparing for this talk with you, I was looking over things and I did not realize how young he was. When he passed away he was only 42 years old and I thought to myself, wow and, but what a contribution he made in just those 42 years. I mean, people still know him today as the king. You know a huge part of rock and roll, I would say a huge part of a mark Americana. I mean, anywhere you go in the world, most people know who Elvis Presley is, but he's just an icon.

Speaker 3:

It's true. It is amazing when you think about how much he did in that amount of time, like he lived a lot of life in that time and was so creatively prolific, like how much he did with movies and music and just so much.

Speaker 2:

And he was poor. He grew up very poor and from very humble beginnings and it just does go to show that anything is possible. You know no, but Ann, you can do it at any age, it doesn't matter what age you are. Anything is possible, we can all. We all have the power to change and we should all share. I think it's so important to share. That's why I started my podcast to share things with people, and I agree with you you had mentioned this earlier in our talk that you know everybody has something to share and everybody does.

Speaker 3:

Everybody has something that can help somebody, absolutely that and what I feel really strongly from him when I tap into him is his desire for ever understand what's possible for them when they create and use their voice and also boundaries like and healthy boundaries and Learning how to have boundaries and, honestly, that if you have boundaries and you create Like, anything is possible.

Speaker 3:

You know you can literally change the world and how one person can have such an impact. Like you said, there's almost nobody, and at least the English speaking world, that that hasn't heard of Elvis, like he's so known, even Decades after he has passed, like his imprint on the world was so significant. He also did a lot in terms of opening up and helping to stop Racial discrimination, because he really made allies in connection Within a lot of the musical world that at that time was coming from African Americans, from black people in the United States, and was there were a lot of allies within the community. Frank Sinatra did this as well, like he was really good friends with Sammy Davis Junior and would like not play at a place where he, where Sammy Davis Junior, couldn't play. So I see that a lot of these teacher souls came in here to help inspire the world and also to break down Some things that really needed to be broken down in our society.

Speaker 2:

It is so cool how all these things come together, but I think that part of our Purpose of being here is to create. We're all Extensions of the divine creator and source and that's what we're supposed to create and we're supposed to live a joyful life. And but creating is different for each person. Some people sing, some people paint, some people right. Some people would work right. Some people create or build things with you. I don't know what engineers do, but you know all that cool stuff, but but I wish I could do, but I don't. But uh yeah, I mean, I just think it's everybody should do it. Do something, put yourself out there.

Speaker 3:

I agree, I firmly believe in that, that we are created in the image of the divine creator, in the sense that we are here to create like that's. What we came here to do is to enjoy, express joy, create, and that most people are Tapping into only a tiny fraction of what they're capable of. And a lot of that has to do with just societal programming about what's okay to do and what's not okay, or what's practical and not practical. And one of the reasons I wanted to include the Graceland tour and I specifically chose Memphis is because what I went there this past December.

Speaker 3:

I just felt guided to go and I went and it literally blew my mind To see this home that he had created out of nothing because, yeah, he grew up really poor. In fact, I believe his father went to jail for stealing to provide food for his family, like when Elvis was a kid. So very poor, very poor. And then you go to this, the Graceland, which is his House and property that he bought, and he there's like a whole building, that's just all his cars, there's a section for his planes, you know, in the house you just realize, like, how much this man was able to create and bring in, you know, just a purely materially interim, but like these fun, amazing, wonderful things, and it was literally all through using his voice.

Speaker 3:

And somehow there is this misconception in mainstream society that, you know, writing music, anything that is expressive, is like poor, like you will be poor if you do that. Like it's, there's not Financially supported and that's a projection, because actually there's many, many People who've come in and created this incredible wealth through the use of their voice and that I really feel Compelled to share that. That we need to break that down, that that is an illusion, that that is incorrect, that there's this kind of poverty, creativity, you know, art, artist, consciousness that we need to like, really break that sure.

Speaker 2:

It's like Old World Programming that you can't be a writer or a painter or any sort of creative and make a living doing it.

Speaker 3:

But make, become wealthy, become affluent, like and you know what, like not only did he make so much, but people were like they won, like people would pay so much money to go see him in concert and everything. Like it wasn't just like, oh, he made a living. Like people wanted what he was creating. And everyone has that in them. I've been shown this psychically that everyone has that capability to have, like wonderful, amazing fans who just can't wait to hear Whatever it is that you're going to create a release next.

Speaker 1:

Oh, that's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Well, what tips do you have for a beginning writer, or even an advanced writer? What tips would you want to share with them?

Speaker 3:

First thing, just start, just do it. Like wherever you are. There's probably gonna be a lot of resistance to this, but, that said, anything that feels like exciting or where you have this drive to do it and I started my Writer's retreat and Memphis to help create a structure for that where, like, you don't have to figure out of the technical side, like, I will get it edited, I will get it published, I I will get his photographer to do the hedgehogs. Whether you're coming to this or you're finding out, find a way to make it so it's not overwhelming for you, right? Because when you're undertaking something new like this, it can feel Overwhelming just because the amount of things that you have to figure out and learn. So find a way to break it down. Break it down into baby steps, but also just take those steps. Like, take that leap, go for it. You know, also, perfection is the enemy of progress, right? So, yes, if you just keep wait and wait to for your voice to be perfect or for you to know all the things or whatever you know, you will never put that out there. Just go for it. Go perform. Write something, release it. Do a blog post, write a chapter, release. You know, just take those steps and the more that you do it, the easier it gets.

Speaker 3:

I remember my first book felt like oh my gosh, this is so much. And like now. Honestly, what stops me from releasing books is just literally like I just have busy with other parts of my business and but like I don't have the resistance that I used to have to it, and also it's actually once you get that ball rolling. The writing helps affirm your knowledge, like I realize with every book that I released how much I actually know. And then it helps me to have that confidence because you write a book and you're like oh my gosh, I know all that stuff. I was like for yourself as well, and I guarantee every single person listening.

Speaker 3:

This has something that they know a lot about, that they don't even realize how much they know until they like put it on paper.

Speaker 2:

I was just gonna say when you were talking. What kept popped into my head is, when you share something to people learn, because it could be way more than two, but the person who you're sharing with, oh, and you yourself. So that's an amazing point.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I come from a family of teachers and by that I mean like, literally in a classroom teaching, and I am in a teacher inherently like I it's like I can't not teach, like whatever it is I do. I used to teach children's theater, I taught English in China, now teach psychic training and podcasting and now writing retreat. But there's an expression like if you want to learn something, teach, and writing a book is a type of teaching. Right, it's not in a traditional classroom, but you are. You have to like get it very clear in order to put into the words, to explain it to somebody else, so it actually helps you learn it to a much deeper level when you do that.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I wanted to share some advice with some of the people listening or thinking, oh, because we can easily get hung up on like some details, as you were saying, but start, ugly and done is better than perfect. Those are two things that I have taken from things that I've learned through Laura's classes, and it's just really, your just do it, just start and you know you're going to improve. What you put out initially may not be your the best you ever produced, but it's all those little things that bring you to your greatness. And you know, nobody starts out like. Elvis didn't start out and be, he was the king. He became the king through all these little things that he did.

Speaker 3:

You know absolutely, and if you haven't checked out the movie Elvis that was recently released by Baz Luhrmann, it's very good you get to see that progression. You know that he went through. But I have made a particular choice to leave a lot of my earlier stuff out there. And I have that first version of my my first book, life and the afterlife notes from a medium and angel communicator that is like literally spider bound, like amateur photo and like Just it. Just because it's like that's a part of. I wouldn't have gotten to where I am now with eight professionally published type of books and being on TV and having my own long running podcast and having celebrity clients and all these main things would not have happened if I didn't start from somewhere. So don't wait until you feel perfect already, because the truth is you don't even know sometimes what you don't know until you just go for it and then you figure it out as you go. And the same thing with my podcast. Like I mean, if you listen to my first podcast episodes, this is like 12 years ago now.

Speaker 3:

I was nervous and I also was dealing with a lot of people that were also new. Like podcasting was new. They maybe hadn't been there so we had like new two new people Dealing with it and it's not like I took a class. There weren't. There were no podcast class in the beginning, because it was such a new platform, right. So I literally I was just trying to figure it all out, but at one point I was like, should I Like pull these? And it's like no, it's a part of my journey. I want people to see that you know, you just start out, but it does get better and and that's beautiful. But also, at the same time, working with experts and coaches and teachers who have figured those things out is going to make your learning curve A lot faster and and it's going to get everything better, faster and easier, so I'm also a big advocate of doing that when you can.

Speaker 2:

Yes, I say do that and follow the people who are your mentors, or somebody that you consider a mentor, or the people that you the life that they're leading is what you want to do. I say follow those people and that's really what helps you to change your mindset and then, when you're can take the programs and it's going to magically transform your life.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I just want to share for people where they're like nervous about that, taking that leap of faith. I've had so many examples in my life where I took a leap of faith because something felt excited and guided, and a lot of times Our intuition works through a desire, meaning like something that we desire. It's like our higher self, our intuition being like who. That's something there, right, it doesn't even have to make sense, it's just like who some you know. And honestly, intuition doesn't make sense most of the time because it's like there's a bigger picture there that we don't necessarily see With our logical mind or with our physical eyes. So I had, you know, a time when I was first starting my business and I was felt really interested in taking a psychic training course. This first time was in Australia and I was unemployed and had been for over a year, and so it was like, you know, my logical mind said let me just see if I can get a job and then I'll save up some money, and then, you know, I'll try to do that. Well, a year later, guess what happened? I had dwindled down my savings and no job. So it was actually poor when that whole thing presented itself and I realized, okay, this approach isn't doing nothing for me, like it's literally not helping me, and so the Training came up, but this time it was in Hawaii and I literally thankfully I had a credit card to put 10 K on there For both the training and the travel to and from mainland, and it was literally the best money decision I could have made, because I learned the things I needed to learn and also, when we take these leaps of faith, financially and in terms of direction, the universe will Go to support us.

Speaker 3:

And so what happened? When I didn't take that leap of faith, that I was operating out of fear, and then I received more kind of fear, lack energy in my life, and then I had that happen also when I was guided to get my certification to teach English as a foreign language and I felt to do it in Spain. And then and then I wanted to travel afterwards and I literally went to Spain with only I think it was about four or five hundred dollars In my account to be there for a month, including accommodation, food, everything. And because I had taken that leap of faith, I got an unexpected some of money that just came in like a large sum and that funded my travels for the next three months and I got psychically that if I had not taken that leap of faith, the money would not have come in. So, just like what happened, what happens that other time, where I chose not to do the thing and then like the money didn't ever show up for me.

Speaker 2:

Right, because the path wasn't aligned.

Speaker 3:

I mean, there's something to be in alignment and when we're truly in alignment, the money shows up for us Faith and alignment and so I'm just sharing that and I have a.

Speaker 3:

I mean, if you follow me on social media or you take my classes, you see I have a pretty magic life, like I just was in Europe for six weeks. I was in a couple of places in Greece and Cairo and it was in Monaco and the you know, the French Riviera and there was a time in my life where that just seemed like cuckoo, crazy, like how on earth, and I was staying at like five star, really incredible places, right. So there was a time in my life where that would just seem like pie in the sky, like how on earth could I do that? And that has become like a thing that is like a normal thing for me and I just want to share that that is possible for everybody and, even if you don't see it on the surface, that writing and using your voice and being creative is a really important and key step to that for everybody.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, absolutely Well, laura, how can people get in touch with you, how can they sign up for this writers retreat, if they're interested.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, so the writers retreat is part of my coaching business, so it's on a power's hour and so that's my last name P O W E R S hour H O U R like hour of time, dot biz. So powers hour, dot biz. And you can go and it's under the courses. If you go under courses and it's under writers retreat, you can see it there. And then I also have my six months like a training program that's starting soon and that is on my healing powers dot net website. And you can also just reach out to me Instagram at Laura powers 44, or bookings at Laura powers dot net if you want to connect. But I just love to hear from people, see how things are changing. My own podcast is healing powers podcast, so you can connect with me there and I just I'm so excited for everyone to share their voice and see the magic that unfolds for them. And, kelly, thank you so much for having me on your show.

Speaker 2:

It's so incredible, yes, and I wanted to close with. I looked up a quote from Elvis and it said he's quoted a saying ambition is a dream with a V eight engine. And I wanted to close with telling everybody to create what makes your heart sing and just reiterating everybody has something to share and what lights you up is what you should be doing. If anything feels draining, it is not aligned, and just want to tell everybody shine the beautiful light that you have within you.

Speaker 3:

Yes, and I think that's one of the things I loved about grace. I just go and you see all his cars, his roll of voices and his Porsches and his whatever. So it's so fascinating to me. They made that quote, but I love that and it's true. You know your creativity, your voice, your dream is, it's like when you put it out there, it is supported, it's like you. But you have to take that step. You have to say I'm going to go, go do this, I'm claiming this, and then the universe supports you.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and I have heard you talk about this many times on your podcast and even in our classes that the bigger the leap, the more support you have. So we all have our spirit teams in the universe and the bigger leap to take, you are supported, even if you don't physically see it there.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I was actually in Egypt this is a couple of trips ago when I got this very clear message. I was reading a book. It's called Chase the lion, and there's an old biblical story about a man who chased a lion into a pit and killed it, which is you know. That's like the opposite of the traditional story, which is like the lion chase the man.

Speaker 3:

Right and it was just like the power of our determination and intention.

Speaker 3:

And as I was reading this, I was struck and I got a clear download for my angels and spirit guides that when we have like a bigger undertaking, something that is like a big job, a big something that we want to do, a big dream, a big vision, it's actually easier in many ways to accomplish that because we actually get more spiritual support, like we get a bigger spirit team to make that happen.

Speaker 3:

So if you're just doing something small, like you can handle that on your own, or maybe just your guardian angels there, but you're trying to change the world, you're trying to do something big and you get massive spiritual resources. So in that way, like doing something bigger is actually easier than doing something smaller. So if we can just reframe that when we feel intimidated or scared and when I started my podcast, for example, I had you know I didn't know anybody, so there was just like it was a new medium I had you know would get maybe like 15 downloads and you know my email news I was my mom and a few friends right and and then now I've reached literally millions of people in one video or something like that, so multiple millions. At the time I wanted to reach a million people, which felt so daunting, and then now that is very comfortable. So just know that over time, as you shift, you get a bigger spiritual team and it starts to feel easier and easier to take those bigger steps.

Speaker 2:

Yes, well, laura, I can't thank you enough for being here today and sharing this. I hope this inspires everybody listening to go out and create.

Speaker 1:

Thank you again for listening to this episode. Beautiful souls, please rate, review and follow so that you never miss an episode.

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