Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Activating Your Light Body and Embracing Abundance with Nada and Christopher!

Kelly Season 1 Episode 12

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Hello beautiful souls!  Have you ever wondered if there was more to life than your everyday routine? Step into the spiritual realm with Christopher and Nada, founders of New Earth Masters, The Ascension Academy. They will take you on a journey of awakening, exploring how aligning with the divine feminine and masculine within each of us can bring about transformation. Their personal stories of awakening will inspire and motivate you to tap into your own inherent energies for a more harmonious life.

Christopher and Nada don't stop there. They delve deep into the power of abundance and self-care, sharing valuable insights on how living in a state of acceptance and forgiveness can free us from negative energy and empower us to become creators of our own reality. They also shed light on the importance of caring for our physical bodies to activate our light body, and the role of abundance in shaping our lives. Their take on how money is just a byproduct of being abundant is truly eye-opening. 

Finally, be ready to get your hands dirty as we discuss achieving goals and taking action. Christopher and Nada value collective effort and emphasize its significant role in manifesting our dreams. They offer refreshing perspectives on how to leverage the masculine and feminine energy within us to harmonize with the source. As they recount their journey in creating New Earth Masters, be prepared to be inspired and empowered to take charge of your own life with their courses and workshops. Get ready to embark on a spiritual journey of a lifetime!

Thank you so much for listening. Sending you all lots of love, light, joy, and magic!

To contact Nada & Christopher:


@newearthmasters Instagram

To contact me:

@kmatthews840 Instagram


Speaker 1:

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of In Lined and Elevate. Our guests this episode join us from Bali. Christopher and Nada run New Earth Masters, the Ascension Academy. They teach spiritual courses, offer quantum healing, online workshops and global retreats. They are passionate about activating the divine, masculine or feminine, activating your galactic DNA, awaking your Christ heart and healing your darkness and shadow side. Enjoy this powerful conversation and the fascinating journey of these two beautiful souls.

Speaker 2:

Hello Soul Family. I am so excited to welcome today Christopher and Nada from New Earth Masters, the Ascension Academy. They both help people globally heal from trauma. They help women get in touch with their divine feminine and help men work alongside them. Thank you so much for being here, christopher and Nada. Welcome.

Speaker 3:

Thank you for having us, kelly. It's a pleasure for us to be here.

Speaker 4:

Yes, thanks for having us. It's a pleasure.

Speaker 2:

You guys have incredible stories. Can you tell my listeners your background and your journey and what brought you to start your Global Healing Academy?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, I'll start with my spiritual awakening and journey. It's been through many years. It's been slow and steady and consistent, which is a big part of the journey. It's understanding that the growth and self-development is a constant. What's born and raised.

Speaker 4:

I knew something was strange about reality the way things work, the way people live their lives, the way people played small in many areas. I couldn't quite put my finger on it, but I could tell something was off. And then, about 10, 12 years later, my mother got very ill and that's when my spiritual awakening started to really take place, because I started asking a lot of questions. I started receiving downloads from the universe and understandings about certain areas of life on a deeper level. And then when my mother passed is when everything really exploded for me and that's when I started the journey of leaving the corporate world and going into being a healing facilitator, teaching about different areas of life that people can master, people can improve on.

Speaker 4:

And then Nada and I met in 2019 and that is when we started New Earth Masters. So Nada will give you her story. Nada, to a bit of understanding, is we took both of our spiritual businesses and combined them together to create New Earth Masters. So that's where we created the 12 courses from. We have some very powerful stuff coming up that we'll share a bit later. That was pretty much my story.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for sharing Nada. Would you like to share your journey?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, absolutely. It was a bit of like a trauma wake up call. Like a lot of spiritual people, sometimes the universe wants to shake us in order to mold us or make us into who we always were destined to be. I was born into this reality pretty awake. I always saw like light energies and I always saw dark energies. And I didn't know how to put it in words because at the time, you know, I'm an 80s girl, so at the time, you know, there was no Google to really like see what I was experiencing and everyone I spoke to I couldn't really relate Like I can see light figures, I can see dark figures.

Speaker 3:

But then, when I was 14 years old, I was in the car with a few people that were related to me and there was a massive car crash and I flew out of the car and I hit my head on a rock. Now, in that moment my soul had left my body, so I died for a few minutes and when I was dead, I was floating in the ethers staring at my body and everybody in the physical world crying over my body. But I was in a very blissful state of peace and like in this, such a present moment, and I could really realize what the world was all about and how we are in a beautiful organic simulation called life and that we created this world so we can master ourselves in physical form. And I could see clearly how there were so many beautiful like light beings from angels, but also galactic beings, but I could also see how there were dark beings and how it all plays together as one big board game, if you want. And even though I was only dead for two and a half minutes, I saw all of that. It felt like hours and it felt like seconds at the same time. And then I just decided in that moment you know what? I need to go back to my body. So I woke up in my body like a split second later and my life was very different after that. You know, I made different choices. I made different decisions and that really catalyzed my spiritual path and I dedicated my life to just becoming that full version of myself, that pure divine light and love that I was, that I incarnated to be, and I'm very passionate about helping people come out of trauma.

Speaker 3:

I've experienced a lot of trauma myself and it's very revolutionary and there's so much freedom when a person's like on the other side, because when somebody experiences a lot of trauma, you can get sticky, it can get messy and there's so many doors to it. You know whether it's emotional, whether it's psychological. So I'm very passionate about helping people overcome trauma and I love working with women to help them really realize how divine they are. The world that we live in, you know, has kind of like shamed the woman's womb and has like silenced a woman's womb and has kind of like disregarded the woman's womb as inferior. However, the womb is the goddess and through the goddess we become God. There is no other way other than embracing the divine feminine in both women and men. So I'm very passionate about helping women remember themselves, remember their true natures, so they can, in return because women are community bearers, right so they can, in return, show up for their men and remember their masculine divinity, remember the God and the man that they are with, and then race conscious children and participate in creating conscious communities. So that's really where I'm at.

Speaker 3:

You know, I had my own business. Christopher had his own business. When we met it was beautiful because we were doing similar things. I'm working with women, he's working with men. We both work with a lot of people that have trauma. We both worked with a lot of people that are infiltrated with dark energy because we have the understanding of it. And it's beautiful. When we met, you know, we were kind of like mirroring each other with our work. So we formulated new earth masters, put our hands together and started this movement of mastery.

Speaker 2:

That's amazing. You guys have both such incredible stories. Thank you so much for sharing that with everybody. Whether you're a man or a woman, you have both divine feminine and masculine. But do you guys want to speak to that sort of mastering the divine feminine, mastering masculinity?

Speaker 4:

Yeah, absolutely. You know, everyone has masculine feminine in them, but what's important to always remember is that the male body has more dominant masculine frequencies than feminine, and same for women Women have more dominant feminine than masculine. I had a very strong passion of helping men remember their masculinity, because society has really distorted masculinity in many areas. For men, for belief systems, what they see externally, what they think you know it means to be a man, and a lot of these teachings, these understandings, are very distorted and they have not only been suppressed themselves, but the distorted masculine suppress the feminine, they suppress everyone around them.

Speaker 4:

What I do is I work with men and help men understand the divinity of masculinity and how to preserve00consciousness, integrate divine masculinity in their life so they can show up in integrity, they can show up in their own power, where they don't need to suppress others to feel powerful, and they can hold the space for the feminine in their relationship, their life, on the planet, so that feminine can feel safe to be herself, so she can open up into deeper levels of her own femininity. So he can rise even more into his warrior in king frequencies. When it comes to the masculine, it's really a process of stripping away the old, dissolving these belief systems, programmings, these ideas of what it means to be a man and to remember and reintegrate the truth, the divine masculinity, the divine integration of what it means to be divine man. So it's a very beautiful process, it's a very powerful process, and you know men that have been on this process. They are living a completely different life now because they're in their power, they're in their sovereignty and they are in their truths as well.

Speaker 2:

Thank you for sharing that. What about the divine feminine? Are you going to talk about that?

Speaker 3:

I love that Christopher shared that, because, you know, the biggest wound on the planet is the disharmony of the masculine and the feminine as light workers, as spiritual beings. What are we doing here? Yes, we're here to live in the moment, we're here to remember that we're co-creators, we're here to release generational trauma, all that stuff, but one very important element in this incarnation, because we've incarnated many, many, many times. But there's a reason why we're incarnating specifically now. Like there is a collective theme, right, and the collective theme is to embrace our Christ consciousness, which wasn't available to us in many other incarnations, because the collective consciousness was a bit, the bandwidth was a bit narrower. Like, if you realize, 20 years ago somebody says, hey, I talk to angels. People be like oh my god, that guy's a freak. Today, everyone's saying everyone's saying I talk to angels, everyone has tarot cards, everyone is somewhere, somehow awake to some degree. So because of that, the collective consciousness gives us the space to start embracing our Christed DNA, and that is what we all are. We are Christed beings and for us to embrace our Christed DNA, it is very important that every woman and man come into harmony within their own feminine and masculine, so they can become one with their own beloved, which is source, and you see that reflect outside you when it is within you, like in your relationship with your partner or your relationship with your family or whatever it may be. So and it goes hand in hand. Like the man and the woman actually need each other so they can dive deeper within the feminine and masculine within themselves. Because, just like men have a suppressed masculine that tends to suppress everybody around them, women have a suppressed feminine that tends to control everybody around them. So it's a different type of suppression.

Speaker 3:

And when a woman starts to heal her own feminine, what starts to happen is her masculine starts to relax. Most women on the planet are either very aloof or very controlling, and that thin line of being an embraced divine goddess is dismissed because there's so much fear in a woman's womb. The fear in a woman's womb has so many reasons to be there, right. One because of the collective. Two, because of how she was brought up. Three, because of religion. Four, because of you know what happened with ancestral because all that information is stored inside a woman's cervix. So when a woman starts to truly connect to her cervix and start to heal herself from her womb inside out, what starts to happen is she starts to shed all the falseness of who she is as a woman and starts to become a very fierce, yet soft, very graceful but loud, embodied goddess. And when she does that, her feminine and her masculine come into alignment, because she's guided from the oracle wisdom of her womb. But then her masculine helps her achieve everything that has been downloaded from the universe for her to fulfill in her life.

Speaker 3:

Now a woman plays a massive role in a man's life. So if a woman is broken and if a woman is in her distortion or if a woman is in her wounded feminine, she'll never really be able to be the, the priestess to her man. She would always either be aloof, control him, and a lot of women have a syndrome that I call the daddiless daughter, where the father was there but he wasn't really emotionally there, like he was physically present, but there was no emotional nurture from the first masculine in her life. If a woman carries these straits, you know she can really bring her man down, suppress him. You know it's not a flourishing, fruitful, blossoming relationship. But in reality we are all here to embrace our light and our power and our sovereignty because we're going home. We're all going home back to God, or the God within us brings the God outside us.

Speaker 3:

A priestess has a role with her masculine partner, which is to activate the divine, sacred warrior within him even further through the consciousness of her womb. So if the consciousness of her womb is dense, then she's only going to give this space for him to create a dense reality. If the consciousness of her womb is so fiannick and it is godly, then he will remember his divinity, his divine path, his divine mission, and nothing can deter him and steer him from that place, and that is his life purpose. It is the sacred warrior in masculine form, so in a man's body, that will lead the way to salvation. They are the leaders of the new earth.

Speaker 3:

Men and the women are the ones that are weaving that consciousness for the men to take action. So the consciousness that they weave is happening through the womb. So healing the masculine, the feminine is much deeper than I see a lot of people like. What I'm trying to say here is that healing the masculine, the feminine is much deeper than you know just using yonny eggs and yonny steams. Right, this is. We're creating a whole new era here. We're creating the new earth. You know this is creating a collective consciousness for all future generations.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and I know, when you guys had both spoke before, it's important for a man and a woman to master themselves so they can raise a generation. I mean, I'm a parent, I have three children. I talk a lot on my podcast about teaching energy and protection and teaching different healing modalities to children and just to navigate the world, because the world is kind of a crazy place and we encounter so many different things. But I think if you teach but mastering yourself is so important so that you have your, you know you're coming from a high vibrational space and teaching that to a younger generation and I just think that's really awesome for you guys to explain that. You guys talked about light and dark. I know we all live in a world of duality. Do you want to talk a little bit about the light and the dark and why there's dark? I mean, I know a lot of in a lot of spiritual spaces. There's a lot of positivity, which is great, but you do have to have acknowledged that there is still some dark stuff out there too.

Speaker 3:

You know, I love that you're saying that about the children, because as women, we have two divine roles, like. Ultimately, we have two divine life purposes. One of them is to embrace our so fianniqu frequency, which is our goddess, so we can be of service to our clients, our students, our partners, with ever. But the second one is that we make sure that the space is held for us to raise conscious children. So I'm happy that you brought that up, because the children are really the way.

Speaker 3:

We're not the ones that are going to bring world peace, we're not the ones that are going to bring the ascension. We're creating the bandwidth and the collective consciousness for them to do that. So just kind of like what our ancestors left for us, what are we leaving for our children? And what I've learned with children is if we create this space where there is no limitation, where there is no molding from the parents, where there is no conditioning on how much they are loved, then actually the children are our teachers and instead of us teaching them how to heal, they'll teach us.

Speaker 3:

Because they have so much light and love within their system. They know everything. But then, when they're molded with society's limitations, they start to go into the programming and they start to forget. But if we give them that space where there is no programming, you can be yourself fully and I'm going to love you as you are. Then their true self will show up and their true self is godly because they're still innocent. They have not gone through whatever trauma. We have experienced that now we are healing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, that's amazing. So when you ask us about the light and the dark.

Speaker 3:

There's so many different definitions of light and dark. Which ones are you referring to so we can respond?

Speaker 2:

accordingly. I was just, in a more general way, just explaining what the purpose is. The world, you know, we come here to learn and without the contrast, if you will right, you aren't gonna evolve, you're not going to. I mean, there is a purpose to both sides, I guess.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, you know light and dark is. There's a lot of different belief systems and ideas out there and you know, when I first started on my spiritual journey, there was a bit of time where I sort of got sucked into this paranoia, this fear of you know, all these beings, these entities, these collectives that are controlling the planet. And I had a moment one day I don't know who it was, it was probably my higher self smack me over the head but I had a moment where I realized that I was giving so much of my energy and power to this fear, to this idea that darkness has power over us, which is absolutely not the case at all. And when I started to understand that, I started to respect darkness and understand that it exists. It's there. It's something that we can't bury ahead in the sand and pretend that doesn't exist.

Speaker 4:

In everything's love and light, darkness has a role in creation. It's there. It has been there for a very, very, very long time, and one of the biggest reasons why it's there is that it is a tool for humans right now to remember their empowerment. What this means is that people have been giving their power to darkness for eons due to fear, due to, mostly due to fear. But now humanity is in a beautiful place where we are remembering our, we are remembering our empowerment, we are remembering that we are source, we are creator, and within source there is light and dark. So there is no longer a space or time to give one side more power.

Speaker 4:

So what we do as a divine being is we accept all areas of creation. We no longer give our power to one side or the other. There's no fear, there is just recognition that darkness exists. It is there, but that doesn't stop us from living our life, from stopping us from remembering our empowerment. And the second people accept the fact that it's there, they will notice that the darkness will start to dwindle out of their life. Because what darkness needs from people to continue is the darkness needs people's fear. The darkness needs people to feel like they need to go to war. They need to fight the darkness, they need to rid the planet of darkness. This battle ego mentality is actually what they want, because they are feeding it. What?

Speaker 3:

we love the darkness. What?

Speaker 4:

we need to do is to accept that they're there, love ourselves, remember who we are in our empowerment and that we are our massively powerful beings, and to shift the frequency into a more loving state. And they will have to go naturally or they will dissolve naturally. It's not something we need to go to world.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like loving the darkness, forgiving the darkness, accepting the darkness and actually diving deep within our own darkness is what will really bring our power online. There's a lot of fear when it comes to darkness, and I think the darkness that we're talking about here is like entities demons the opposite of what angels are but they can only stem from a person's level of consciousness. When a person dives deep within themselves and heals that, we have a lot of galactic karma. This isn't just a human life like. We've all had galactic lives. We've all had ancestors that have made contracts with darkness. If a person is experiencing darkness in their life and they heal those ancestral contracts or they integrate this galactic karma that they carry within themselves, then they will have more of a merge where the dark and the light become one and the person is living in neutral state.

Speaker 3:

We see a lot of healers that are like protecting themselves from darkness and protecting themselves from energies. But even protection is a form of fear, like what are you protecting yourself from? You're God. God is in your body, you are a source, but then it's the mind that I need to protect myself. This person is a low energy or this place is a low energy, but how about you become the source frequency that radiates out there and transforms all energies? So it's very important that a lot of people on this spiritual path. We live in a love and light paradigm and everything is love and light and sage and crystals and all that stuff. That's beautiful, but it's important to dive deep and heal our own darkness from the inside, because that's what makes us unshakable, powerful beings.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely. I actually watched a video that you had put out and you had talked about ways to protect yourself from negative energies and I thought it was really interesting. You talked about balancing yourself energetically physically or mentally and spiritually and how important that is. Do you want to talk to the listeners about that?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like if a person is experiencing a lot of darkness. What am I saying? When I say darkness here I'm not talking about like negative energy. I'm talking like if a person is experiencing like entities or experiencing like a lot of people attaching to them or stuff like that, they really got to raise their vibration. And to raise their vibration you got to do it with your light body, but you also got to do it with your emotional and mental body. So with your light body, you got to have your light body really switched on. Bats go to a dark room. So if a person's light body is off, the bats are going to come, but if you turn on a light in a bat's eyes, they're all going to fly away. So we want to have your light body very lit up and the easiest way to do that is to do like to actually spin your Merkaba every day and connect to your Soul Star and your Earth Star every day and really infuse your light body with all the different constellations of starlight and access your multi-dimensionality. Like everybody is a Palladian, everybody is an Andromeda, everybody has a dragon DNA. So infuse, like, wake up your multi-dimensionality.

Speaker 3:

Then, on an emotional level, you know if a person harbors, like resentment, rejection and, like this, judgment energy. This is a vibrational match to anything that's negative, even if it's just negative energy. So living in a state of acceptance and in a state of forgiveness is what's really going to make a person very like, disconnected from having energy latch onto them or stick onto them or whatever it may be, because the truth is, everybody is a co-creator. Everybody is creating their reality, like every single moment, like us being here together on this podcast. This is a creation on a soul level and everybody listening. This is a creation on a soul level, like there is no mistakes. The universe is too freaking smart it's a genius masterpiece to make any mistakes right.

Speaker 3:

So if we live in judgment and we live in resentment and we live in this regret energy, then we are literally saying that we're victims to a hopeless case, but we are empowered creators. So it's so important to upgrade our emotional body and be in that co-creating space at all times. Then we can affect the mental one, which is just live in the now moment. Like when a person is too worried all the time in the mind about should that happen in the past or things that are gonna happen in the future, then they're not present. And when a person's not present, then things can come into their space much faster. So put these three things together and then everybody can become like a spiritual Jedi, really powerful with their life.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, and the last piece of this that I wanna talk about this is something that we've learned on our journey. That's very powerful, much more powerful than we had understood previously is the physical body is made up of light, so your physical vessel is connected to your light body. So what happens is if someone does not take care of their physical vessel drinking high vibrational water, eating healthy foods, exercising on a daily basis, yoga, breath work, meditation, these sorts of Cheek Kong, cheek Kong exactly this will inherently affect the light body, because they are one in the same. So the more someone takes care of their physical vessel, it will allow the physical vessel to hold more light, which is going to activate the light body on a much deeper level. So this is something that is very important to really become in alignment with all versions of yourself your mental body, emotional, light body all of these bodies are all connected, so you can't take care of three and neglect one, so you have to take care of all parts of yourself. So the physical body is very important as well.

Speaker 2:

Thank you guys so much for sharing that. That's very powerful information. You guys both talk a lot about achieving your dreams in abundance. Do you wanna speak?

Speaker 3:

on that? Yeah, absolutely. You know, abundance is something I really had to work through my life. When I was about 15, like after I had that near-death experience and I realized that there's so much more to the world than what meets the eye, I started to notice how distorted my family was and I had a lot of trauma in my childhood okay, like a lot, like from every angle. So at the age of 15, I decided to leave home and I was like wherever I go is gonna be better, like even if I lived on the street underneath a bridge was gonna be better than what I was experiencing at home. So I remember I was so scared I took my toothbrush, because that's the only thing I owned and I left the house and I didn't realize how challenging it was, because I was a kid, I was 15, and I had to figure out how to make money and in the beginning I got five jobs because and there were little jobs, like I was teaching kids at home I was a waitress just to make ends meet. But it was such a hard experience.

Speaker 3:

But at the same time, I started learning how we are so abundant, naturally, but we limit ourselves with our mind. I started learning how the universe is just waiting for you to open up your arms to give you a lot of money. But do we feel worth it? Do we feel like we are worthy of it? And as I started learning this stuff, I remember I sold something and I got like a massive commission. I was like a $20,000 commission and I was like 15 years old. So I quit all my five jobs and I took the time to really understand what the universe was trying to show me when it comes to money. And I understood something very beautiful and I'd love to share it with everybody because I know that a lot of spiritual people struggle with money. And we struggle with money because we don't really understand that money is just a tool. Right, we associate money to the destruction of the earth. We associate money to the greedy people that broke all the jungles and the forests and raped the women and created like distortion for the children on a subconscious level, but actually money is just a byproduct of being abundant, like if a person is abundant. Abundance is health. That's your number one abundance You're healthy. Abundance is happiness. Abundance is joy. Abundance is having more than what you need. Abundance is shelter and abundance is physical money. So money is a byproduct of being abundant. So we can't be selective. Oh, I'm gonna choose the health part, but I don't want the money part.

Speaker 3:

On a subconscious level, right, we gotta accept that we are abundant in all forms, and the way that the universe showed it to me was very beautiful, and I'd like to share this analogy. It's like there is air for everybody on the planet. There is so much air Like if I sit here right now and breathe all the air in the room that I'm in, there's still gonna be air for Christopher, who's sitting right next to me, to breathe, and there's still gonna be air for you, kelly, wherever you are in the world, to breathe. Like we cannot run out of air, even if the 8.2 billion people on the planet sit down and breathe all the air that they wanna breathe. So that's how abundant we actually all are.

Speaker 3:

Now the question is how much are we breathing? So are we holding our breath when we breathe? Are we breathing deeply into our stomach? Are we welcoming all the air in or are we not being present with the air? So that is exactly how our relationship with abundance is. Do are we present with how abundant we want to experience our reality to be? Are we present with our state of abundance mentally? Are we present with? How much do we accept our abundance? Can we receive abundance? Abundance is there, but how much are we receiving it? This is the question. So it's very important to be grounded in your body if you want to experience physical wealth, because our body is our physical reality. So your relationship with your body is your relationship with your physical world, because there is nothing outside you. Everything is a mirror. So your physical body will give you your status of wealth.

Speaker 3:

If you're working with the universe for abundance and you're not like in a corporate job or money laundering or like doing something that working with, like the banking sector, taking a loan, et cetera, like if you are naturally looking to welcome your own abundance frequency in. You got to get your body healthy. Your body is going to tell you how much money you can make. That's number one. Number two you got to really remove everything toxic from your life, because if you have a lot of toxicity in your life, you can't really breathe. You're going to be like, oh, that smells, oh, that's it. You know you got to remove the toxicity from your life and a lot of people are afraid to remove toxicity from their life because oh, it's their sister or oh it's their best friend, or. But you got to choose yourself over anybody and anything. That's the only way a person is going to win in life and that's really the only way you're going to access your full self, not only your abundance. So be very healthy in your body, remove everything that's toxic in your life.

Speaker 3:

And I know that a lot of teachings in the spiritual path teach people to manifest with the universe, that the universe is the way to manifest, and that's great and the universe will help you manifest, because everything is stemmed from the universe, because everything is part of this organic simulation. But our physical world, like our physical world, is on Earth and I've only manifested using the Earth. Asking her like you're a mother, kelly, if your kid tells you, mom, I want a piece of chocolate, or mom, I want a Barbie, or mom, I want crayons to paint, is there any part of your heart that's going to say no, no way. Like if my kid asks me for something, I'm ready to climb mountains, go to the moon and come back to provide for my child.

Speaker 3:

Our real mother is the Earth. We call her Mother Earth. So when we connect to our mother and truly feel her love for us and tell her what we want like mom, mother, earth, I want my crayons, just like the innocence in her child that we are she's going to provide. She's 100% going to provide because she's a mother. And it's so beautiful manifesting with the Earth, because you can truly feel her nurture and there's not one time I just asked the Earth to provide for me and she didn't. And I teach this to women because women have a very strong connection with their wombs and the Earth. We have a womb inside, we have an Earth inside our womb, and it's so beautiful. And then, when you do that, your connection to the universe actually opens up even more because you're no longer in separation of your own ecosystem.

Speaker 4:

Yeah, another thing when it comes to achieving in life, setting goals, having drive, is understanding that what you want to create, putting out in the universe, is great. I want to experience this. This is my dream, this is my goal. But what's very important is for people to take action to achieve that goal, because there are collectives in every area on the planet. So there's a human collective, there's a collective of vegans, carnivores and all these collectives. This energy, that's a pool of energy, is coded. There's information, there's algorithms in these collectives. So a while ago I was connected to the spiritual collective. There is a collective for spiritual people on the planet and this collective is very aloof. They want to manifest, they have these ideas. I want to experience this, I want to experience that, but there's no drive. There's not this hunger, this thirst within the spiritual collective to go create it. There's a lot of belief systems where I'm going to put out in the universe, then I'm going to sit here and wait for it. It's going to show up one day. It may show up one day, but it will show up a lot faster if that person takes initiative in their life and takes action.

Speaker 4:

This is the big part of the masculine frequency in people. The idea is the feminine. The masculine is what goes out and creates it, the direction, the drive so this is also interlinked with the feminine, masculine within ourselves is what we're wanting to create, what we want to experience. We have to use both of these powerful frequencies within ourselves, bring them into harmony and take action. This is very, very, very important because we work with thousands of people, and this is something that comes up on a regular basis is everyone has dreams, everyone has goals, but they don't understand the depth of what it takes to get there.

Speaker 4:

So, having clarity, what steps do I need? Then? It's the drive. What am I going to do every day to achieve it? And this is how spiritual people that have come here to change the world will change the world, because they have missions, they have purposes. But if someone has a dream but they're sitting on their couch, not taking action, realistically, that dream is never going to come into manifestation. So that's another thing I wanted to share on how to achieve what you want to achieve in life is you have to take action and ownership.

Speaker 3:

Like the yeses that a person says to themselves and the noes that a person says to themselves. Like I always say, every decision you make and every action you take is very important. Everything has to be done from a conscious space, Like every decision we make, every action we take, every word we say creates. So what are we creating? What timeline are we anchoring ourselves on?

Speaker 2:

I've seen you speak about this too, about different timelines and healing, so that you can be in the present moment and so that you cannot bring. Do you want to talk a little bit about that, about the different timelines and?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, like Earth is a multi-dimensional library. I'm going to try to elaborate on that in like a linear way, but every single timeline that you can ever think of is available for you. When we come to Earth, from wherever we come from, you know we are now part of the Earth ecosystem, right? It's like when your children are born to you. Even if they've had different past lives and other realities, right now in this world, they are part of your family. They are now your tribe members. So, when we come to Earth, we are now part of our ecosystem and just like our children.

Speaker 3:

You know there are so many options, like when we decide oh, what school are we going to put them in? There's like so many options, but then we make a decision and we choose one. But there were so many options. So Earth provides people, on a quantum level, every single possible timeline a person can experience, every single one. Everything your mind can imagine and not even imagine. It's available for you and everything is happening vibrationally. This isn't happening with the mind or even the subconscious mind. This is happening vibrationally.

Speaker 3:

So what vibration are you carrying to experience the timeline that you are anchoring as your reality? And the vibration that you carry comes from four places your body, your mind, your emotions and your life. Body. And that's why they say mind, body and soul. Right, it's, it should be like mind, body, heart and soul, because the heart and the soul are two different things. You know, the soul is part of the light body.

Speaker 3:

So when we make the right decisions for ourselves, like, and we make the right choices and the words that we use, every word that we say has a code in it. Everything that comes out of our voice, we are like magicians, like the abracadabra, and then it appears. So our throat is so valuable and the words that we use have coding in them that can literally create a whole reality. But it's so important to be present and conscious and treat life as such, because only then you can really, like, become the coder of your own reality and not just flow with whatever timeline you're on, but you can actively walk on the timeline like the highest timeline possible for you.

Speaker 2:

Sure, and you would be essentially in that case then be living your dream life right, if you're coming from that high vibrational space creating your own reality. Thank you for that that's. You guys have shared so much interesting information today. Let's talk about your Ascension Academy. Do you want to speak to the listeners about what you guys offer, what you do? Let's share that, because if people want to take a class with you or work with you, do you want to talk about what you guys do?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, we are so passionate about the services that we have out there and we've helped thousands of people, if not more thousands of thousands of people. We have really three things going on, and what Christopher and I specialize in is really helping people become masters of their life. We are so special, we are so unique, we are so divine and a lot of spiritual people. Because we're empaths and we've come from traumatic backgrounds somewhere, somehow we've accepted to settle as long as it's not bad, then it's good. No, it can be great, it can be grand and it can be wonderful and it can be magnificent and you can experience your full self and you know whoever is listening you deserve to experience your full self. So what Christopher and I specialize in is we help people rise into their fullest mastery, and within that, we have 12 online courses that are digital, so people can buy them and watch at their own pace, and each one of them has a specific path of mastery. One of them, for example, is about opening your psychic gifts. One of them is about accessing your abundance. One of them is about really learning how to heal through the quantum space. One of them is about the divine feminine. One of them is about, like you know, the star seed and the multi-dimensional DNA. So each one is crafted specifically on how we achieve that mastery within ourselves and have helped a lot of clients get those goals, so we've packaged them in these digital courses. So that's really the first thing.

Speaker 3:

The second thing that we do is we have a divine union academy where we help women really rise into that fullest high pre-test that they are and show men the way on how they can embody the most divine, sacred masculine leader that they are and then share with them how they can have the most harmonious, soulful relationship, but on a deeper level, of a divine union where they can have soulful intimacy and sacred sexuality with the purpose of enlightenment.

Speaker 3:

So that's the second thing that we do. And the third thing is we do private mentorships, but the private mentorships were a bit selective. We have interviews before we take them on. It's really for people that are really ready and they really want to rise into their mastery, people that are done playing victim, people that are done being in lag, people that are done playing small and they really want, like, a fast track. We hold my hand, take me through the process. I'm willing to do whatever it takes. I'm ready to become the master of my life. We take like two month, three month mentorships with people. So that's putting it in a nutshell.

Speaker 4:

And the fourth thing that we do is we offer sessions as well. So quantum healings we have sessions to clear people's spaces If they have any sort of infiltration, business upgrades, clearing someone's home, especially because like an old property and old land, relationship upgrades. So we also offer quantum sessions as well, to really elevate and activate people's lives in many different areas.

Speaker 2:

It all sounds amazing. You guys are just a dynamic duo here with so many things that you offer. I'm so happy that you guys came on today. I wanted to tell you I loved this quote that I saw that you guys had on your in one of the posts that you shared. You said the ascension is an incension that nothing is outside of you. Everything is within, and I think on my spiritual journey, that is everything I mean.

Speaker 2:

If there's anything I could share with anybody is that you have all the answers. You just have to re find yourself, rediscover yourself or activate what is within, and I just wanted to share with you. That just really spoke to me, and I think you two are very special people and I'm honored that you spoke with me and my listeners today and I just want to thank you so much for being here. And do you want to share your socials so that people can look you up? And I will put all the links in the episode, of course, but if you want to share, how people can find you on Instagram or Facebook or wherever you guys are?

Speaker 3:

Yeah, I really love that you resonate with that code. It's one of my favorite quotes as well, Because it's true, right, like the ascension is an incision, like nothing can really happen unless it's happening from the inside first. So people can find us on Instagram I mean it's the easiest way to get in touch with us, Instagram and our website and it's easy. It's new earthmasterscom for the website and then it's new earthmasters is the Instagram handle. And then if people want to have like private conversations with us, like on our website, we have a link to our WhatsApp and a lot of people you know we have chats with our clients and our students when they want to have some personalized questions and answers before they book things in. So they can always also click that link and chat with us on WhatsApp.

Speaker 2:

Well, I just want to thank you guys so much for being here. I think you've shared some very powerful and insightful information today, and I just want to be just let you guys know how grateful I am for your sharing time with me today. So thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 3:

Creating this platform and, you know, creating this space for you know, more people to speak about the truth and, you know, bring this wisdom out to people. So, thank you, and we really appreciate you and we really appreciate your presence and you know you creating this service for your listeners so they can get the best of the best of how they can master their lives as well.

Speaker 4:

Yes, thank you.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely Well. Thank you so much.

Speaker 1:

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