Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Unveiling the Mysteries of 'Walk-Ins' and Energetic Healing with Pauline McGuire

November 15, 2023 Kelly Season 1 Episode 17
Unveiling the Mysteries of 'Walk-Ins' and Energetic Healing with Pauline McGuire
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Unveiling the Mysteries of 'Walk-Ins' and Energetic Healing with Pauline McGuire
Nov 15, 2023 Season 1 Episode 17

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Hello beautiful souls! What happens when your original soul departs and is replaced by a new one? Pauline McGuire, our guest, has lived this extraordinary experience known as being a 'walk-in.' She shares her intriguing journey from recognizing her changed soul to understanding the implications it's had on her life. She also sheds light on the pre-birth contracts between souls for protection or teaching, and what it means for their earthly existence.

Abruptly, we steer our conversation to take a profound look at energy and its interaction with us. Pauline's life experiences have made her aware of the urgency in recognizing and managing different energies. She shares her insights on the contrast between Western and Eastern medicines, and how substances like alcohol, drugs, and pharmaceuticals have become enmeshed in our societal values. Listen in as we explore Pauline's path to energy healing, and how she won the trust and respect of her parents through her heightened sensitivity to energies, despite the skepticism from conventional medicine.

Ending on a triumphant note, Pauline recounts her victorious battle with Crohn's disease. Harnessing her unique energy healing methods, Pauline underscores the importance of tuning in to our bodies. We delve into the realm of daily grounding techniques, the scale of human consciousness, and the power of the body as a healing tool. Pauline ends with a compelling discussion about her work with Lee Hay's book, 'You Can Heal Your Life'. Join us on this voyage into the realm of soul shifting, energetic healing, and a fresh perspective on life and health.

How to get in touch with Pauline:




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I am running a rate & review giveaway until the end of November. All you need to do is rate and review me on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify and screenshot that to me via the email above or via Facebook messenger. You have a chance to win a distance Reiki and card pull session with me and Laura Michelle Powers online Angels course! Thank you so much for entering!


@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! What happens when your original soul departs and is replaced by a new one? Pauline McGuire, our guest, has lived this extraordinary experience known as being a 'walk-in.' She shares her intriguing journey from recognizing her changed soul to understanding the implications it's had on her life. She also sheds light on the pre-birth contracts between souls for protection or teaching, and what it means for their earthly existence.

Abruptly, we steer our conversation to take a profound look at energy and its interaction with us. Pauline's life experiences have made her aware of the urgency in recognizing and managing different energies. She shares her insights on the contrast between Western and Eastern medicines, and how substances like alcohol, drugs, and pharmaceuticals have become enmeshed in our societal values. Listen in as we explore Pauline's path to energy healing, and how she won the trust and respect of her parents through her heightened sensitivity to energies, despite the skepticism from conventional medicine.

Ending on a triumphant note, Pauline recounts her victorious battle with Crohn's disease. Harnessing her unique energy healing methods, Pauline underscores the importance of tuning in to our bodies. We delve into the realm of daily grounding techniques, the scale of human consciousness, and the power of the body as a healing tool. Pauline ends with a compelling discussion about her work with Lee Hay's book, 'You Can Heal Your Life'. Join us on this voyage into the realm of soul shifting, energetic healing, and a fresh perspective on life and health.

How to get in touch with Pauline:




How to get in touch with me:


I am running a rate & review giveaway until the end of November. All you need to do is rate and review me on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify and screenshot that to me via the email above or via Facebook messenger. You have a chance to win a distance Reiki and card pull session with me and Laura Michelle Powers online Angels course! Thank you so much for entering!


@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of Enlightenment Elevate. This episode, we're going to discuss the spiritual concept of being a walk-in or experiencing that. What a walk-in is is the concept of a person whose original soul has departed and has been replaced with a new and different soul. Our guest, pauline McGuire, is going to tell you her amazing story and we're going to talk about what all this means. Thank you so much for being here. Enjoy this episode, and Pauline is such a lovely soul. Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of Enlightenment Elevate. I have a very special guest here with me today. I have Pauline McGuire. She is the author of who's Holding the Microphone. She is a sovereignty leader and a walk-in clearing facilitator and embodied interference facilitator. Welcome, pauline. Thank you so much for being here.

Speaker 2:

Oh, thank you for having me. I'm always excited to talk about this stuff with people who get as turned on about it as I do. That's awesome.

Speaker 1:

So Pauline is going to talk today about walk-ins. What the concept of it, how she works with walk-ins. This was new to me. So, Pauline, for people listening who are unfamiliar with the term walk-in, what is that?

Speaker 2:

So what I would say to you is in your model of the world, what do you have in your body? Some people call it a soul, some people call it a spirit, some people call it an essence and what term do you use? I say soul, and in your model of the world, did that, this soul, in this lifetime? Did this soul come into your body at birth?

Speaker 1:

I believe so.

Speaker 2:

And in your model of the world, is that soul going to stay in this body until this body dies?

Speaker 2:

I believe so, I believe so, and for many people that's their model of the world and that's their experience. That's not my experience and for many people that's not their experience, whether they know it or not. So if you look at the body like a house, the house can change owners Seeing that one soul has completed what they came here to accomplish, or decided, hey, under the circumstances I can't do that, for whatever reasons they're done. But the body and walk-in bodies are different. The body is a really viable body. So now another soul comes in first, one leaves and the second one comes in and takes over the body and the life. Have you ever met somebody and you're just like, wow, you're like a different person.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean sure yeah.

Speaker 2:

Okay, and you'll see in my book. You'll see before and after pictures of me and you know it's not the same person.

Speaker 1:

That's fascinating. I was doing some research on this and I had listened to some other people talk about the concept of a walk-in and that, for people who aren't familiar with it, that it's often something that is pre-planned before you come here At least that's what I was listening to it's on the other side, when we're planning to do our incarnation. Sometimes, from what I was listening to again, I am by no means an expert, but this is just what I was doing some research before our chance today. I had heard that it is often pre-planned where you soul will agree to do a certain piece and then they are ready and completed what they're done with their portion of that, so they move on and then another one moves in and takes over.

Speaker 1:

But it's like a different soul blueprint. It's kind of how it was described into what I was listening to. It's not a hostile takeover or anything like. It's an agreement, you know, like nothing, like weird, you know, or anybody to be freaked out about, like a possession or like someone's going to hijack your soul and kick you out, like that's not how it works. It was just a very interesting concept and I had really didn't have a lot of knowledge about it, but I was fascinated when I was hearing this. But they had described exactly what you just said, to your point where somebody is a completely different person. They still have all their memories, they still have all of that and they still know who the people are in their life, but they are different. Let's talk more about that.

Speaker 2:

When I first became aware of the walk-in concept it was through the Akashic Records and through training I had done there, and it was called soul shifting.

Speaker 1:

And in that model.

Speaker 2:

It was a pre-birth contract between two souls and it could be a protection contract, meaning one soul was protecting the other, or it could be a teaching contract, where one soul was going to teach. They would switch in and out, however frequent it was. It might have been a couple of times throughout the life, it might have been quite frequent. I'll give you an example One client that I had, and hers was a protection contract, so one soul was protecting the other soul and in walk-in soul shifting terminology, the shift is usually on the natal birthday, the body birthday.

Speaker 2:

So when people don't come up to me in airports or just they don't know and they're like I just need to talk to you, I'm like okay, and they're like I don't know why, I'm kind of like, yeah, I might have an idea, keep going, keep going. And inevitably Mai asked the question why is your birthday? Because three to four months before a shift and months after is when the awareness is heightened. So the reason I'm telling you this is this client it was a protection contract. There was a shift. On her birthday, the one being protected left. The protector came in on her birthday and on that same day she was in a life-changing accident. The protector was in the body during the experience of it and then the other soul came back. Interesting.

Speaker 1:

Or teaching right.

Speaker 2:

It's like kind of the other soul is in an astral plane watching, kind of like, okay, here's how we do it. Okay, now your turn. I'm out. You're in, you try it.

Speaker 1:

Right, wow, it's just such a fascinating thing to think about. This is your experience. Do you want to?

Speaker 2:

talk about yours.

Speaker 1:

This is my life, yeah. So let's hear your experience.

Speaker 2:

Oh my gosh. So the flip side is that there's only ever meant to be one soul in the body at a time. Okay, body can adapt one out. One in the body, adapt and reflex the energy that's embodied. And you're going to be shocked when you see my pictures. You just know it's a completely different person, and it's still the same where my clients are blueprinters, which means that they are here for a big purpose. We are the living examples of what was the earth experiment was meant to be. So we go first, right, we model and the planet is having some issues.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, but I don't think anybody can argue that.

Speaker 2:

Right, the planet humanity, like there's a lot of energies that are not beneficial, that are not human energies that are influencing us. So walk ins, can walk in anywhere on the planet. So when you said it's pre birth planning, that's one way it happens. Okay, another way it happens is that the shifts get interfered with. The outgoing soul doesn't leave, the incoming one comes in and there's interference, and now you've got more than one soul embodied and you've got interference in body, and that was the case with me. Then you are an energetic soup in the body, like there's no clear signal, there's no clear frequency. My book is called who's holding the microphone because, in essence, when you have more than one soul embodied, they time share the body. What I refer to as the microphone is who's up front that day, who's making the decisions on what to eat, what to do, what the mood's going to be like.

Speaker 2:

And I'm a meditator and I had been at a meditation retreat in Malta. I had come home and a friend that I met there the most advanced form of meditation we do is walking and she'd issued me a 30 day walking meditation challenge so that you do it every single day for 30 days. So you built the habit. So I started and all these voices in my head it was like abusive. You'll read it in the book. I ended up walking for more than 724 days and it wasn't until day 500 that I figured this out. I knew walk ins existed, all my clients were walk ins, but there was interference disallowing me from seeing that I was one. So here I was working with all these walk ins, not having that awareness of myself, and it got to the point where I thought I was schizophrenic, like I was just like what is happening here. So a behavioral example of that would be I would be riding my bike, I'd be eating well and doing all the things that made me happy, and the next day I couldn't get out of bed and I was eating like sick donuts and I'm like how, what is happening here? And the thoughts were so different and weird. That's when I connected. I got so desperate and nobody I knew could help me. They're all like Pauline, like all my teachers are like you've gone well beyond anything that we've ever done and I ended up finding a guy in Thailand. We were a 12 hour time difference.

Speaker 2:

My appointment was the next morning. It's in the book. Actually, I just gave him a data dump. I'm like I don't know what's going on, but here's what I do know. And he said to me have you done my this clearing? And I said no, because I've never shown as a walk-in. And he said Pauline, the clearing is to clear any interference disallowing you from seeing that you're a walk-in. Did the clearing and it was like the clouds parted.

Speaker 2:

I sat down at my computer, I started an Excel spreadsheet and I knew exactly what was going on. We call them occupants. So how many occupants have you had? So I do the spreadsheet. I'm dousing, because that's what I do, I use a pendulum and I sent him the spreadsheet and I said here's what I got. And in the session the next morning I got eight, eight occupants. In the session the next morning he said you're nine. Looking at the other eight, whoa. And we did my clearings and my whole life change. My first interfered with walk-in was at age eight. So from age eight I had a committee in my head and didn't know it. I had no comparison.

Speaker 1:

I mean yeah, at eight years old, I mean there's no way yeah.

Speaker 2:

And many, many of my clients were under 10. My youngest one I had was four. We talked about one model being that it was agreed upon that there's this teaching or protection contract. The other model is that there's been interference in the shift and what happens is the infinite being. So if you look at your soul like a diamond, it's way too big to be in a body Like you can't fit all that in a body, so a facet gets sent in. When it's been compromised, then what can happen is more facets keep getting sent in to wake the being up. And that's what happened with me, and I believe we had eight embodied, seven, maybe Souls embodied for me.

Speaker 1:

Wow, can you go through the process of what that was like? Or what was, yeah, I would imagine. So what did you do post clearing?

Speaker 2:

Pre clearing I bounced around, I didn't know what my life had been very, very traumatic. Now, in hindsight, it makes sense. I had many different careers. If you've ever met someone and you just like man, you've lived so many lives in this lifetime.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah, that was me. But no inner peace, no trust in guidance. People would talk about, oh, they're intuition. I'd be like, yeah, that, no, I don't have that. A lot of fear, a lot of fear, uncertainty. And I was highly, highly interfered with, like, right after it was so quiet, it was so quiet in my head. And that's when I knew I now had a comparison point, what I didn't know I had a committee in my head before and my clearings were in May.

Speaker 2:

My son moved in June to another side of the country. I was a single parent, so it was him and I had already taken care of and buried both my parents. And I'm unhappy. I'm like, what am I doing here? I don't want to be here, like not here here, but in the house. And my son left. So he left in June, clearings in May. He left in June. By July. I was like I'm out of here. By end of July my house was on the market. It sold within a week. I asked for a 30 day closing. I had lived in that house for 22 years. I had no attachment to anything in it. I was not the occupant or occupants that put that life together. Right, I was nine, I was off nine. At that point, the person who bought the house, I wasn't the person who burnished the house and I had no attachment to it. People are like, pallie, you're dismantling your life, like it's this horrible thing, and I was like yep, literally. I was calling charities and I'm like whatever you want, just take it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

And it needed to happen, and it was just like let me go and do what I need to do. And I was on the Trans Canada Highway. I was driving from Toronto to Vancouver. I went from a three bedroom house basement, fully furnished, down to an eight foot storage pod.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 2:

I took a suitcase and a carry on and the rest of the stuff in my SUV was for my son who obviously, when he left didn't think mom was going to sell the house. And I was on the Trans Canada Highway when the house sale was going through. I was gone already and I was like I'm paying a lawyer, I'm paying a real estate agent. You guys deal with this because I'm done. And that is very common. Very common that once you get clear of what the complications are, the soul goes. It's like I'm here for a big purpose. Let me go. Let me go do what I need to do. I have one client who literally moved to the other side of the world within a couple of months.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So the time leading up to a shift, that's when you're finding jobs are ending, relationships are ending, marriages are ending, because the soul that started and got into all that stuff is the one to get the experience of winding it all down. When you're not in awareness that you are a walk-in. That's really confusing. You're like why am I in this relationship? There's literally on paper, in this material world. It's like there's no good reason or real reason for me to leave. But you can't stay. If anything that I want to tell your listeners is do the quiz, find out, because people stay. You know this society has religious like all kinds of stuff is. You have to stay, you have to stick it out, you have to make it work. Well, what the soul that's in your body is not the soul that married that person.

Speaker 1:

Where can they take your quiz, pauline?

Speaker 2:

Pauline McGuirecom.

Speaker 1:

Perfect. Can I ask one question too? I'm just curious what causes the interference?

Speaker 2:

Humanity has been sold a false bill of goods that we are the only energies on this planet. This is a multi dimensional planet.

Speaker 1:

We're all in past.

Speaker 2:

We're all picking all this stuff up all the time. It's always here. I don't look at energy as good or bad. I look at it as is it beneficial, does it have the same agenda as you or does it have a different agenda? And I can tell you that any interference that got embodied through a walk in glitch, walk in complication, is not beneficial to you.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, very interesting.

Speaker 2:

We're reacting, everybody is reacting and you know about empaths and that they pick up other people's emotions and as we evolve, you're interacting with a lot of different energies that you don't have any idea about. I'm super sensitive and I pick it up like that. I'm always clearing, but somebody else who doesn't have this awareness may think that all the thoughts they have are theirs. That's common.

Speaker 2:

Most people think that, oh, it's my thought. No, no, absolutely not. That does not mean that just because you have the thought that it's yours Physical illnesses and symptoms and sensations people think, oh, it's my need. No, it might not be yours, you just picked it up energetically.

Speaker 2:

Yes whatever they want to call it. A lot of what I do is work with people, get them clear and then work with them on their guidance, so that as soon as something shows up like I've been dealing with an ankle thing, which is always fascinating for me so I talk to bodies and I'll ask body what's the root cause? Is it energetic, is it emotional or is it physical? It's only ever physical if it's been around and the body is adapted to it or maladapted to it.

Speaker 2:

Okay but you can't clear an illness until you figure out what's holding it in. So you may be doing all the 3d physical stuff, but if you're not addressing the energetic root cause and the emotional root cause, it can't go. It's your body giving you a message.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it's so interesting that you say that because there's always an energetic correlation to whatever's going on in your body or your family. You know, there's always an energetic correlation there.

Speaker 2:

But Western medicine doesn't. Eastern medicine takes that into consideration, Western medicine does not.

Speaker 1:

Yes, you are 100% correct. It does not. It's a very limited model. It's a very limited model. No one asks you like you go to the doctor because you're having some sort of issue. They're thinking about the physical body, not the energetic body. Yeah, Absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And interference. There are definite super highways for interference to mess with bodies and those have become acceptable in our society Alcohol, drugs, pharmaceuticals and anesthetic. You can be completely overtaken with interference from any of those, I believe that and fascinating.

Speaker 1:

I don't really watch a lot of TV or regular TV for that matter but whenever I happen to, every commercial that comes on is either for a pharmaceutical drug or for alcohol almost always.

Speaker 2:

It's to normalize it so that when the doctor says oh, we need to remove a body part. You know, because that's their model of the world, not that? Oh, your body's speaking to you. Why don't you try and figure out? What it's saying is oh, let's remove the body part and we're going to put gender anesthetic and then we're going to put you on drugs for the rest of your life. You're taking you up.

Speaker 2:

I live in Mexico now and I walk the part of the pun. There was clearly something physical going on with my ankle as well. So I'm doing the energetic, I'm doing the emotional, I'm doing all of that, but I'm also doing the physical and having the scans done. I'm seeing the doctors and it's fascinating. I don't take medication Like I would have to be pretty darn serious and there would be a whole bunch of clearing that would go on before, during and after. If I was to take pharmaceutical, it would have to benefit my body and my body would have to tell me it benefited me. First doctor, I saw and you've got to figure, I have a translator with me at these appointments and I hear I see prescriptions being written and she said like you know, whoa, he's prescribed a lot of stuff and instantly in my mind it was like, oh hell, no, that's not going to happen. It was all vitamins and like there's no farm. Those prescriptions were not pharmaceuticals, it was just like what. It was just such a different role than Canada.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So I mean, I have a whole counter and they're like, yeah, we need this for the attendance, you need this for the this, this for the that. This is what I teach people. I talk to my body for everything. Like morning, I'll like take my supplement. I hold it to my belly and I'm not encouraging you to do this. A do the quiz, because if you have interference which 99% of people I meet with do you don't know who's answering the question Right, body. Would this benefit you and my body's going to give me a yes or a no. I get a yes, okay, body, how many? Everything I eat, everything I put into my body, my body tells me what it was. It's not some crappy food chart that says my plate has to look like this. My body's like today, we want this, this, this and this. Now, could you imagine our world If every child was taught that that if it doesn't feel good, it's not for you. If you don't feel good around that person, don't be around that person.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I talk about this all the time that I have three children and I teach them trust what your body tells you, Because even if somebody on the surface appears to be kind or nice, or if you just get a feeling or that you're, but you feel it somewhere in your body that this is just not somebody you need to be around. Or I say, trust your gut, because it's always correct. I don't know if the barometer is the right word, but it's telling you information?

Speaker 1:

Yeah it's telling you all the time. I also tell them that everybody deserves to be your friend, that everybody needs to be in your energy and, yeah, I mean it's so. Not everybody, right, Not everybody. It should be taught to young kids what energy is, and I talk to my kids about it. I know that it's not yet mainstream, but 100% of what you're saying is, if kids learn this very early, I think they would pay attention to what their body's telling them. They'd be less susceptible to the alcohol, the drugs, everything else that is pushed out there that, oh, this is how you relax or, oh, you know, this is this. I think they would definitely be less susceptible if they were taught this information.

Speaker 2:

Well, your parents have been indoctrinated and they're not. So I know that this body I'd say it's me because it's me, but any of my organs didn't have a great relationship with my mother. But now look at it and it started at four. I'm a highly gifted, sensitive energetically. I have memories of being in my crib playing with the worms. So now I'm a highly gifted, energetic and there was one situation where my parents had made arrangements for me I was four, made arrangements for me for after school with a family, and I was like absolutely not.

Speaker 2:

I kicked the biggest fossa. I got in so much trouble you can imagine. This little being is like why are you making me do that? That's not safe for me. So now you've got this massive distrust of the child to the parent, because the child at that point knows way more than the parent energetically, because the parent's been indoctrinated and the child hasn't. So all the conformity of go, hug, so and so and you're going to do this or the child doesn't want to eat something. Well, you know their body may be saying absolutely not, doesn't matter what punishment you give me. That's toxic for me. So being a walk in is a beautiful journey the people that come to me, that find me. They've had complications, lots of complications, like 14 souls and body complications.

Speaker 1:

This is just a quick question. It's just came into my head. You know, when some people are diagnosed with mental illness, that this could possibly be what's actually going on, but people who are treating them are not equipped to recognize and understand and treat them appropriately.

Speaker 2:

Oh, 100%, absolutely. That's why I did the quiz right. If you look at the planet that needs help, these are the helpers. The helpers have shown up and they're getting messed with, and part of the messing with them is that they don't even know they're a helper, but they're unhappy. They feel driven, that they have this purpose, but my whole body is in use bumps. They are driven and they know they're here for a big purpose, but they're disconnected from it and the disconnection is embodied.

Speaker 1:

Very interesting Is that what you work with walk ins all the time, that's you know, you help clear, you help them to coach them through their transitions and in some cases they're not ready to do clearance because they don't have state management.

Speaker 2:

They've spent their whole life in survival, fight and flight, thinking it was the outside world, not having any clue what was happening internally. So in some cases it's getting them ready to do the clearing, doing the clearing and then it's the coaching after the integration. Okay, now we get to dump all this baggage, all these limiting decisions and beliefs and all the negative memories that maybe they were never real. That's another thing is false implanted memories and Clearing all this stuff out and saying you don't have to unpack it, you know, like psychology and so whatever now says we have to go in and feel it. No, no, actually you don't. As a walk-in, you just say, oh, this suitcase Boom out the window. I don't choose that. What do I choose?

Speaker 2:

It's called the primary occupants. So you had occupants and then the primary occupant Essentially is the occupant that owns the deed to the house. They're the one who gets to decide who stays and goes and they're the one who makes the choices and decisions during the clearing. Get everything clear. And then, why did they come here? What evolution has to happen? What do they want to do? And this is a huge, fascinating part of it what kind of work has to be done to the body to get the body ready? Because the body has now spent years, maybe decades, in a situation where it has interference in body and it's got multiple occupants so it's trying to service them. Its own regenerative and healing systems are not. They're offline right.

Speaker 2:

So by the time people get to me and this is same with meditation by the time they get there, it's usually because something drastic has happened. They've had some kind of illness they have to change. And by the time people get to me here's the paradigm any occupants that wanted to leave but were not allowed to. They're pretty much trapped and they just want to continue on their journey. They're like yeah, I didn't want to stay there, so kind of sold the house to someone else and let me go. Essentially, they're trapped, so depression, suicide. Their paradigm is that the only way they get to leave is to kill the body, and there's a lot of that.

Speaker 2:

The people that come to me, they're like I can't tell you the number, the number of times I almost put a bullet in my mouth and it wasn't them, it was a previous occupant and that was the only way they knew how to get out. Really weird, unexplained circumstance, like illnesses, doctors, nobody can figure it out because it's all energetic. I had a woman find me and she was in multiple organ failure and her blood pressure was so high they didn't know how she was still alive. 14 occupants within, I think, eight weeks. She was back working out with her training.

Speaker 1:

Wow. Well, I guess that people who are listening that may be Experiencing this or maybe thinking that this is something that they're experiencing. There is hope. You know, there is people who can help you and get through this, so that's. It's amazing that what you went through and now you're helping others with the same sort of thing, and I just think that's amazing because a lot of people, even listening to this conversation, would say, oh, you know Voices in someone's head or this or that that just sounds like a crazy person and they just don't have any grasp of energy of how it works.

Speaker 1:

I think this is becoming more mainstream and people understanding the energetic body and how everything is connected and correlated. You know that maybe it'll wake people up to have some awareness and not just write things off. You know, maybe that's another way of people interfering right is to discredit or say something like that about someone else. Because they are speaking truth, because of what you know. They are experiencing something that is real.

Speaker 1:

I've seen a lot of things any kind of science topic or it's not mainstream thought. I often find people are discredited or claim to be pseudo scientists yeah, or you know all these things and people are written off of that person's just Schizophrenic or this or that. But you know, I've often heard and I've heard multiple people talk about this people with what is labeled as mental illness are often very gifted people who do not know how or what they are experiencing, they don't know how to get control of it, they don't know how to do the boundaries, the clearings. They just they don't have those Tools and the people around them don't understand it. The people they go to for help are just writing the scripts or Putting them in a big don't know.

Speaker 2:

You know, usually the first when I'm doing a call with somebody, they kind of suss me out. Just you know what she's talking about. And then we start to have a conversation and they're solving and they're like Pauline, I've never been able to talk about to anybody about this. I thought I was crazy.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, what somebody is experiencing like that. How terrifying that you can't speak your truth. You can't. You don't have anybody around you to talk to. I just can't imagine what that would be like.

Speaker 2:

You know that's all like, and that's the thing is for anyone listening to this. You know your higher self knows that this is your truth and it'll keep coming, it'll keep showing up. So if walk-ins have now shown up a couple of times for you and if you're listening to this, there's no coincidence. You know. You know you can choose to not act on it. And we have a saying in NLP which is are you in enough pain yet? Because the fear of the new and the unknown is real, you have to. The pain of where you are has to be so great that the fear of the unknown is preferable.

Speaker 2:

Right when you know you know. The other part I wanted to just kind of get back to is we've been conditioned in society to be ill. Oh, that runs in your family. Oh, you're predisposed to that. Take a 23 and me, do with this, do that. Here's what I know like, let's say, the heart condition. Oh, all the men in my family died Before they were 60 of this same heart condition. Oh, you all have the same thought patterns that the body manifests. You can clear that my father died of small bowel cancer in his early 70s. Never did I hear the word Crohn's, ever. I was with him through all his treatments, never heard the word Crohn's.

Speaker 2:

I'm not even three weeks into my walking meditation and I had been gluten free for like 10 years, went to my meditation retreat, had a coherence healing. I set the intention that I wanted to heal the gluten sensitivity that day I'm eating gluten. Before, if I ate gluten, it would have been like eating barbed wire from start to finish. I'm eating gluten, no problem. Continue on Christmas. You know like I would make all the family traditional stuff but I could never eat it right. I'm Scottish so I make some pretty good shortbread. I never ate it, so I'm eating it. I'm doing great. And then I think it was around January, the 19th of that year, and then I get really sick and I go to the doctor. And I never go to the doctor, not because I'm sick, I mean. I go for whatever she needs me to do the test, the healthy stuff.

Speaker 1:

So I went to the medicine, yeah.

Speaker 2:

I interviewed doctors mine retired and I interviewed them to see if they wouldn't work with me and I said, like if I'm coming in and we're talking about stuff and I'm gonna be like you know, or I'm doing this with my natural path and you're giving me the hairy eyeball, you're not my doctor, right, like you, you gotta work with me, I'll work with you. You tell me what you need, I'll tell you what I need. So this doctor and I, we had worked this out. We'd both had boundaries and we had a good relationship and whenever I would go into the office, her eyes would light up and she's like holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy, holy. I'm like sweetheart, you're a doctor. That's a good thing, right? We don't wanna see you. I love you, but I don't wanna see you.

Speaker 2:

Right right, it was such a funny, interesting relationship. So I show up Now I what a couple of weeks, maybe two, three weeks into my walking meditation and I get really sick. I'm in so much pain and it felt like the crumb, it felt like the gluten, but it was different. So I go in that day. And now you gotta figure in Western medicine, because of my dad died so early, I was having colonoscopies every two years. I was on red flag for colon cancer, right, which is a big umbrella, and so now I start showing symptoms of something and red alert right that I had every test known to man.

Speaker 2:

That week I was not doing well. I was at the doctor Monday, I went back Wednesday, I went back Friday and she said, if this gets worse over the weekend, go straight to a merge. They've done every test, they can't find anything. So she says you need to have a colonoscopy. So I'm like okay, and I didn't know then what I know now this was 2020. So I go for the colonoscopy and my endogastroenterologist he's like what are you doing here? I'm not supposed to see you till October. And I'm like, doc, I'm not doing great, like this is what's going on. I told him everything that had happened. And he said, okay, let me check it out. So he kind of looked a little bit more than he had before.

Speaker 2:

And one thing I love about him is you get out. You come out of the anesthetic, they get you ready, and you go and talk to him. None of this fear and gloom of, oh, you'll get a report in a few weeks. He tells you this is what I found. I'm, you know, we biopsied with this. He says to me I found ulcers in your terminal ilium. It's Crohn's. And I was like, okay, and he said I biopsy, we'll have the biopsy results in a couple of weeks. So I get in the car, my son had driven me and I told him and he's like, ah, mom, don't get upset, just wait for the biopsy. And I was like why the hell would I wait for a biopsy? I know what I can clear now. Right, these are all the Crohn's energies, all the Crohn's thought processes. So I that this was on a Wednesday, the Thursday I started. By this Sunday or the Monday, the Crohn's was gone.

Speaker 1:

Wow. So how do you do that? How do you do your energetic clarynx?

Speaker 2:

So I have a whole method that I use and which is too much to get into right now, but it's understanding that it's emotional and energetic and that the physical has adapted to that. I eat whatever I want. So my father died of small bowel cancer. My mother died of dementia very young. I could trace her back to age 67 to see the first symptom. It was during my walking meditation journey and I was having thoughts of, oh, look, I'm not paying attention here and I was just like, oh, this isn't manifesting in me and I did the exact same thing and cleared all the dementia stuff. That's how it's handed down. It's not genetic. You can turn your genes on and off.

Speaker 1:

Interesting I mean the body is we are powerful, and that's something that I don't think is taught either, that we have that power to do so. Yes, do you think that is your purpose here, to teach people that power?

Speaker 2:

I have a very different take on things. I believe that there's a lot of bypassing that happens in the world by teachers, by healers. My philosophy is every single resource that I have mentally, emotionally, physically, financially, energetically goes to me and from that, when it all is filtered through me, it amplifies and I give from my overhaul. So my purpose is to do this, and so that's a bit different than somebody whose my purpose is to teach people. My purpose is to be a healer. My purpose is to walk my path and share.

Speaker 1:

I think that's beautiful and I think that's a lot of people's purpose too. I love how you said you have to fill yourself up first.

Speaker 2:

Every resource.

Speaker 1:

You can't give from an empty cup and I think so many people are running on empty because they give to themselves last. And it should be the opposite. And self-care isn't selfish. You're not selfish because you take care of yourself, because you take time for your meditation, you take time for your exercise, to eat the healthy meals or to do the things like that. That doesn't.

Speaker 2:

It hits women the most. They've been indoctrinated. For most women it's not even mediocrity. They've been indoctrinated into nothingness. They're so depleted that they really have nothing to give Except in the 3D. I can do dishes, I can go to work, I can make some money, but they're feminine power, they're life force, they're energy because it hasn't been tended to. But I can tell you like when I moved to Mexico I can't tell you the programs that I had to clear, Like I felt so selfish, Like that I wasn't working, that every Well I was. I was working on myself. That was my walk in integration. I was clearing all that garbage out, Everything that this body had been indoctrinated to, and I completely flipped the table and it's like oh no, everything goes through me. Many people don't. You'll see a lot of healers who they're like I'm gonna heal you. You can't be happy to pass to heal me. You can hold space while I heal myself.

Speaker 1:

Right, right. Yes, you don't need a healer, but everything you need is within sight of you. But working with people is, like you just said, is holding space. That is correct. I agree with you 100% on that.

Speaker 2:

You can use skills and tools. You can show them, you can demonstrate and model things that they didn't even know existed.

Speaker 1:

Yes. Empower them to heal themselves yes.

Speaker 2:

Right, but if you could, somebody's saying I'm gonna heal you, they're bypassing In my model of the world. They're bypassing my first thing is, especially as being as energetically sensitive. My first thing is oh, you wanna work with me? What's your energetic clearing protocol? How is your energetic hygiene Sure? And they're like well, what's that? I can't work with you.

Speaker 1:

How would you recommend people do their energetic like just basics. Anybody listening who's like you can ground and clear. There's a lot of visualizations and things you can do to clear your energetic body. Is there anything that you recommend?

Speaker 2:

I have an entire protocol that I do daily grounding, being in nature. Then there's the whole empathic thing. There's stuff that you pick up from other people because you're an empath, and then there's other interference energies that you pick up. There's different. That's why it's so important to talk to the body so that the body tells you what's going on. To simplify, it would be a disservice because people are gonna take a little bit of it and think that they know something and they don't.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

October I'm teaching another dousing course. So if you that was the first way and you'll read it in the book. That was the first way because I, as an, interfered with walkin' I didn't have guidance, so I started to use a pendulum and then I started to sink that with my gut. And then there'll be a new program coming which is all about talking to the body.

Speaker 1:

Do you use?

Speaker 2:

muscle testing at all for anything. Yes, I self muscle test. However, especially an interfered with walkin'. So anyone who's coming into my world, you can't guarantee that you know who's answering the question when you're asking the body. So I don't teach that until someone's been cleared or I know that they're not a walkin' that makes total sense to me.

Speaker 1:

Any people getting angry with me.

Speaker 2:

They're like you have information that you're not sharing. Well, okay, you may think that you deserve whatever you deserve, but I'm not gonna give something that I know could be hurtful, or yeah. I measure my body's inflammation level, my weight, my metabolic, like all of my body systems.

Speaker 1:

You know, I totally get it. It makes total sense. Why you would not give somebody those things when they're not ready for it or when they are not in the right energetic state Makes total sense to me.

Speaker 2:

So if somebody wants to read an amazing book, power Versus Force by David Hawkins, power Versus Force by Hawkins he developed a scale of human consciousness. So this is the scale. What he does, he goes from zero to 1,000. And 1,000 is 700 and above is like God consciousness. Okay, and you can overlay this on the energy center shopper system Anything below 200, the lowest is shame. Shame is 20, guilt is 30, apathy is 50, grief is 75, fear is 100, desire is 125, anger is 150, pride is 175. So all of those emotions are survival emotions. They keep you in fight or flight. Right, nothing happens in fight or flight.

Speaker 2:

Healing does not happen in fight or flight. Enlightenment doesn't happen in fight or flight because those are your lower three energy centers. Right, right, nothing happens till you hit the heart 200 is the divider, and you know what 200 is Courage. And then you start moving up, so you get past those lower energy centers and then you start to hit the heart. Boom. Now you're starting to affect change. What is the highest level of his?

Speaker 1:

scale. Is it joy, enlightenment, enlightenment, yeah, pure consciousness.

Speaker 2:

The emotion is ineffable. This is what the book looks like. Highly recommend it. And also, if you're wanting to start to get into emotional, like physical emotional stuff when I say is it energetic, is it physical or is it emotional. A fantastic book is Lee's. Hey, you Can Heal your Life. Yes, that's like the first mass market.

Speaker 2:

One right. Something shows up, so suddenly your left knee hurts. Well then you look up the left side and you're like, oh, I'm going to get up the left side of the body and the knee. This was my process and I'd be like what's happening here In my journal I'm a huge journal Left side of the body and you look it up and it tells you the probable cause and the positive affirmation knee represents pride and ego and the positive affirmation is I am flexible and flowing.

Speaker 2:

So I write in my journal knee represents pride and ego, flexible and flowing. Where am I not flexible in my life? Where am I not flowing in my life? It says you can also look up joints represents changes in direction in life and the ease of these movements. I easily flow with change. My life is divinely guided. I'm always going in the best direction. So again, joint. Where am I resisting change? Am I staying in that job that I'm so unhappy with? But I'm in fear and lack because I don't trust that a better one, our more suitable one, is gonna come for me. Where am I not trusting? Let's say it's the left side of the body, and the left side of the body represents the feminine taking in? Where am I not allowing myself to receive? So that's a lot of information.

Speaker 1:

Yes, it is.

Speaker 2:

So I put all that in my journal and by doing that I'm sending out the message I'm ready, I want this information, and then I start getting thoughts and memories and I can start to see how it's all tying together and then my left knee pain has served its purpose and it can go.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's really fascinating. It's amazing actually, though, but how you talk through it and then using those tools absolutely can. I bet you people listening are like I need to get these books and they're gonna they're gonna go and listening to their body. People do. They gotta listen to their body Because it's your GPS.

Speaker 2:

It's your custom GPS. No doctor, Nobody knows what your body knows. So essentially, you're giving your power away to somebody else to tell me what's wrong. Right, it is your custom GPS. What I tell clients is it's like you're driving a custom Ferrari. Do you not wanna read the owner's manual? You don't even know half the features that you have this body, spontaneous, instant healing. In my model of the world, that's accessible to everybody.

Speaker 1:

I agree.

Speaker 2:

Many people don't even think it could happen. I mean, I've got testimonies, things I've done. My meditation work is with Dr Joe Dispenza. I've got a testimonial actually on his website. That's fantastic. Yeah, I know what's possible.

Speaker 2:

And the beauty, energetically, is that I allow everything to flow through me. So this is what I wanted to talk to you about this when you're here, you're in survival, fight or flight. Most people live there, never know anything else their whole life. The solution is here, right? What if the solution's at 200, 300, but you're at 80. You can't receive it. You got to get yourself up there to be able to hear it. You know when you say, oh my gosh, I've heard this 100 times, but it just made sense to me now.

Speaker 2:

Because you were in range you could actually hear it, but you've got to get out of survival.

Speaker 1:

Yes, that makes complete sense and this world has conditioned us into survival that survival is normal.

Speaker 2:

Illness is normal. I want you to own it. I want you to go and figure it out. I want you to marinate it in therapy.

Speaker 1:

Right. Every week I want you to go back and remarinate in it Right we are from the divine source creator and we are every bit as powerful as divine source. I mean, we are from divine source. What runs through the universe runs through us, like so that power is real. But I, a lot of people are just beginning, I think, to understand and awaken to those truths.

Speaker 2:

And it's big and I don't know who said it. We don't fear. We fear our power, we fear our light and it is when you start to wake up and see how powerful you are and who you are. You got to go against all the programs.

Speaker 1:

Right, there's a lot of people who will have things to say, or judgments or you know whatever, but you just have to get comfortable with yourself.

Speaker 2:

And I heard it You're going to fall out of your life.

Speaker 1:

I guess the way that I look at it is you are living for yourself and no one else, so you have to view it that way and it doesn't matter what other people think. You have to do what's best for you and what you feel in your heart is truth and live that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because it really doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Speaker 1:

I have young kids and I have a 13 year old and I and I know I mean I'm, I have more life, so much more life experience. So I can say you know, you can't let what this person says or these people change you or be afraid to be who you are because of what someone else might say.

Speaker 2:

Here's how I would approach that Situation happens. You get it right, let's say a 13 year old, and you know they're worried about what people are saying about them. Okay, so if they say this or so and so says that, what do you tell yourself? It means.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. That's a very good way.

Speaker 2:

Clear that. As soon as you clear the resonance in them, then that ceases to exist. Yes, because they don't have the limiting decision or belief They've applied meaning to it. When they say this, that means I must be this. Well, what if that's not true?

Speaker 1:

So it's always about.

Speaker 2:

What are you telling yourself? It means Clear that, and then that stuff ceases to exist.

Speaker 1:

Exactly. I like that. I really like how you put that. That's very insightful, very powerful.

Speaker 2:

They get to decide the meaning. But when we're in survival let's say you come home, something's happened at school and they're in survival they can't see you know so and so didn't talk to me, or whatever. It is Right they can't see that it could be the best thing that happened to them. They were having a bad day they. That was great. They didn't talk to you because they were not in a good space that day. You took it personally. You know, for agreements, take nothing personally. Next day everything's fine, but you made it mean something.

Speaker 1:

Pauline, this conversation has been so fascinating. What would you like to leave the listeners with today?

Speaker 2:

I would like to leave the listeners with. We live in a multi-dimensional world. You are interacting with and being affected by, energies that you may not even know exist. You've been conditioned to believe that your reaction to those energies means there's something wrong with you. You may be ill because you're interacting with energies. I'm encouraging everybody please take the quiz. It's going to give you something a tangible, a number and a green, yellow, red, red alert. Anyone who takes my quiz can book a 20 minute call with me. You can be sitting here having this conversation with me. That's how dedicated I am for people. There's way more out there. There are energies that have a different agenda.

Speaker 1:

Oh, without question, without question.

Speaker 2:

If you don't consider that, then mentally, emotionally and physically you're already reacting. You're just choosing not to see why. So you will never get to Rupa's If you don't consider that there is energetic causes and emotional causes and you only treat the physical. That's a one way street. One of my NLP teachers used to say and before you know it, they're removing body parts. Western medicine doesn't have the answer because they don't deal in energy and emotion.

Speaker 2:

Am I slagging Western medicine? No, very needed, but it's got its place. It's been given this much when really it's this much. Yeah, that means taking ownership and responsibility. When we may feel that we don't have the tools, well, the tools are showing up. So take the quiz you can book a call. Two book resources Power Versus Four. Seal your Life by Louise Hay. My book who's holding the microphone is available for free download on my website as well, and you have a new book coming out.

Speaker 1:

You should tell them about that. Yeah, she's got a new book coming out everybody.

Speaker 2:

No, I haven't written it yet.

Speaker 1:

Oh well, it's in the works. Well, it's kind of in the works. It's up here, it is in the works.

Speaker 2:

It's in the initial stages. That's about Blueprinters, which is a soul group that I have been given information regarding, and so that's very exciting. But I would challenge everyone listening to this Sit with it with the awareness that you're walking. Here's the other thing I'm going to tell you, because if you flat out rejected, then you're not sitting with it. For many people, as soon as they hear it, they're like oh, there's something there for me when they hear the walking thing. And then there's some people who are just like there's just no resonance, right. But then there's other people and they get angry and they get nasty and they get very dismissive of it and they're in absolute rejection of it. What they don't understand is that they're in resonance with it. Whether their reaction is positive or negative, they're in resonance with it. It's the same thing as being oh, that's me. If you're in rejection of it, that's not me, you're in resonance Wow.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

That's how energy works, and it wouldn't have shown up in your world if there was nothing, if there was no resonance.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, there are no accidents. There are no mistakes. You know, if it's made its way to you, there's something there for you to learn from.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's like Pippinachi's staircase, right. You just keep going up and down, and up and down. A lot of the same concepts, just on way deeper levels, and you're like I thought I'd been here. It's like oh, I was here, I just didn't go this deep.

Speaker 1:

Sure, yeah, that makes total sense to me. Pauline can also be found on Instagram and Facebook and again, I'm just going to say you're a website, so people can go to it. Www. Paulinemcguire. It's P-A-U-L-I-N-E-M-C-G-U-I-R-E dot com. You guys got to check her out. Thank you so much for being here. Oh my pleasure. What a fascinating conversation. I would love to connect with you sometime again in the future.

Speaker 2:

Absolutely, and you're going to take the quiz.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I will. I'll take the quiz yeah. Hello, beautiful souls, I want to thank you again for listening. I want to remind you to enter a rate and review contest that goes until November 29th. The winner will be pulled the last day of November. You have a chance to win a distance rakey session with me and CardPull and an Angel's course from Laura Michelle Powers. Thank you so much. I appreciate and love all the support and kind words. So grateful for each and every one of you. Have a blessed day.

The Concept of Walk-Ins
Understanding Walk-Ins and Energetic Interference
Limitations of Western vs Eastern Medicine
Healing Gluten Sensitivity and Crohn's Disease
Energetic Healing and Listening to Body

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