Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Unlocking the Mysteries of Akashic Records: A Deep Dive into Soul Transformation with Melissa Amos

November 29, 2023 Kelly Season 1 Episode 18
Unlocking the Mysteries of Akashic Records: A Deep Dive into Soul Transformation with Melissa Amos
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Unlocking the Mysteries of Akashic Records: A Deep Dive into Soul Transformation with Melissa Amos
Nov 29, 2023 Season 1 Episode 18

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Strap in as we take a mystical journey into the world of Akashic Records with our special guest, Melissa Amos, a soul transformation therapist, Akasha Records reader, and Reiki Master. Imagine a cosmic library that holds the vibrational records of our every thought, event, past, and future - That's the Akashic Records. We dive into the depths of this realm, guiding you on how to tap into this reservoir of wisdom for self-understanding and growth.

Melissa lets us in on her spiritual awakening through Reiki, which led her to the discovery of the Akashic Records. We delve into how these records store our experiences, beliefs, collective consciousness, and ancestral energy - key elements that shape our current lives. With Melissa's guidance, we explore how to access these records to break free from subconscious fear, rewrite our life stories, and live authentically.

In the latter part of our vibrant chat, we venture into the tools and mindset needed to unlock the power of these records. Immerse yourself in our thought-provoking discussions on the role of intention, openness, and control in this process. Listen as we explore how understanding our environment, habits, and beliefs can pave the way for personal empowerment and the life you desire. Our conversation culminates with the power of compassion in understanding our life's purpose and how our individual transformations can contribute to the collective good. Tune in, and let's illuminate your path to purpose and authenticity.

How to get in touch with Melissa:

@themelissaamos across social media.


How to get in touch with me:


I am running a rate & review giveaway until the end of November. All you need to do is rate and review me on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify and screenshot that to me via the email above or via Facebook messenger. You have a chance to win a distance Reiki and card pull session with me and Laura Michelle Powers online Angels course! Thank you so much for entering!


@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Strap in as we take a mystical journey into the world of Akashic Records with our special guest, Melissa Amos, a soul transformation therapist, Akasha Records reader, and Reiki Master. Imagine a cosmic library that holds the vibrational records of our every thought, event, past, and future - That's the Akashic Records. We dive into the depths of this realm, guiding you on how to tap into this reservoir of wisdom for self-understanding and growth.

Melissa lets us in on her spiritual awakening through Reiki, which led her to the discovery of the Akashic Records. We delve into how these records store our experiences, beliefs, collective consciousness, and ancestral energy - key elements that shape our current lives. With Melissa's guidance, we explore how to access these records to break free from subconscious fear, rewrite our life stories, and live authentically.

In the latter part of our vibrant chat, we venture into the tools and mindset needed to unlock the power of these records. Immerse yourself in our thought-provoking discussions on the role of intention, openness, and control in this process. Listen as we explore how understanding our environment, habits, and beliefs can pave the way for personal empowerment and the life you desire. Our conversation culminates with the power of compassion in understanding our life's purpose and how our individual transformations can contribute to the collective good. Tune in, and let's illuminate your path to purpose and authenticity.

How to get in touch with Melissa:

@themelissaamos across social media.


How to get in touch with me:


I am running a rate & review giveaway until the end of November. All you need to do is rate and review me on either Apple Podcasts or Spotify and screenshot that to me via the email above or via Facebook messenger. You have a chance to win a distance Reiki and card pull session with me and Laura Michelle Powers online Angels course! Thank you so much for entering!


@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Welcome, beautiful souls, to another episode of Enlightenment Elevate. My guest this week specializes in helping people connect with their intuition and how to use their wisdom through the Akasha records to transform their life. If you have ever wondered about the Akasha records, you're going to be so happy you tuned in today. What the Akasha records is? For those listening who may be unfamiliar with the term, it is a non-physical vibrational library in the astral plane that contains every thought, every event of your life and any lifetime that you've lived. It contains information for all human beings in every life form that exists. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this fascinating episode with my lovely guest from the United Kingdom.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another episode of Enlightenment Elevate. I have Melissa Amos here with me today and she is a soul transformation therapist, spiritual counselor, akasha records reader, intuitive guide and holy fire rakey master. She is dedicated to helping others cultivate their spirituality and brace their intuition, build their past so they can live their life of meaning and purpose. She is also the author of Memoirs of a Mystic in training. This is a book that's going to help you understand the thread that weaves through the tapestry of your life, to inspire, guide and empower you. Welcome, melissa. How are you.

Speaker 2:

I'm very well. How are you?

Speaker 1:

Great. So Melissa wants to discuss the Akasha records, and I think that is just such a fascinating topic. Before we jump into that, Melissa, tell us a little bit about yourself and what brought you to studying all these different things and being a light worker. Tell us about you.

Speaker 2:

I was very lucky because my grandma was a hypnotherapist and from the ages of like eight, nine, ten, I used to be taken across the rainbow bridge under her guidance, into different imaginary worlds. For me, that really helped me understand that we have this mind body connection, that our imagination is so much more than just a fairy tale and that actually we have the ability, if we choose, to be able to cultivate emotions, thoughts, feelings, all of the things that was like instilled in me from a very young age. But as life goes on, which it does, I did the things that you were supposed to do. I got the degree, I got the job, I got the house. I did all the things. I was very much in that 3D world and still with a fascination of psychology, but I was also quite skeptical of magical things and sidekick. And all of that Through a series of events, synchronicities, stresses, I discovered Reiki, and that was in 2008.

Speaker 2:

When I learned it and I started to feel this energy course through my hands and it was undeniable, my cynic brain could not make sense of it. It led me to wonder what else is it that I'm closing myself off to, what else is available to us out there? And it was that that led me to actually quit the job that I was working in at the time, to start to take my well-being more seriously and, maybe more importantly, to really dive in to all of the things, like all the topics about energy and manifestation and vibration and psychospiritual aspects and storytelling and meditation and all of that stuff. My curiosity was insatiable. There is a lot to discover and, lucky me, my mind just kept taking me down these little rabbit holes and eventually that led me to teaching and supporting and practicing and doing this as my full-time work, which is incredible.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. For those listening who are familiar with the Akastrak records, how would you explain that to them?

Speaker 2:

For those unfamiliar, I'm going to say this I was unfamiliar when I first heard the term Akashic Records. What I know is I got these goosebumps. I had no idea what it was, and it was actually a reading that came about through these synchronicities that opened my world into this field. Now, what I've discovered about the records are that they are this field of energy, if you like, or this awareness of everything that we have ever done, been known, experienced on a soul level. This is everything that a human has known, but also everything underneath that underlies everything.

Speaker 2:

When I talk about on a soul level, it's not just necessarily through this life that you have lived, it's all the stuff that sits behind it. So that can be through past life experience. I think that can also be through collective experiences and collective consciousness and ancestral things that we hold in our energy field. And the records hold all of that and, as a reader or somebody who has the openness or the capacity to look into it, we can begin to discover and find out and delve into these memories, if you like, and these imprints that we hold in there to help make changes to where we are now.

Speaker 1:

Right. How do you access the Akasha records?

Speaker 2:

I think it used to be a case that if you wanted to access this field let's bear in mind that it contains everything, everything. And you imagine if you had a diary just contain your kind of innermost thoughts you wouldn't really want anyone to read it apart from you, and maybe you're right, you're kind of super uncool, right? Yeah, there are many reasons and it's the same with the records. I think that they are kept, they are held. It's like there's a security around it so that people can't just jump in just for the sake of jumping in, just because they've happened to look across it and find it.

Speaker 2:

There was a time where, in order to access the Akasha records, you had to jump through a lot of hoops and you had to get initiated and you had to go down these lineages and these lines and these activations and these ceremonies and all these things, and probably rightly so, because I think our consciousness, maybe even 20 years ago, isn't even the same as where we are now.

Speaker 2:

And so nowadays, what I'm finding as I connect more and more people through their records and through people other Readers and healers who work in the field, is I think there's many ways, but the key is that our vibrational alignment is a vibration field is a vibration. Yeah, this place that holds all of our Thoughts desires. Everything that's happened is a vibration and I think the key to unlock it is through a vibrational alignment right, which kind of means that anyone can do it, providing the intention is correct, the openness, the willingness is correct and, most importantly, the vibration or quality Is right to discover what's in there. So that can be through prayer, that can be through meditation, that can be through initiation, that can be through journaling or open writing, it can also really be through asking the right questions. I think that sometimes we can find ourselves in a space, if that vibrational qualities right, that opens up this field, maybe more than we realize.

Speaker 1:

That's fascinating. How do you use the cashier records to help a client or to help yourself?

Speaker 2:

Good question because I think sometimes we hear about these things and we think all that'll be very interesting. I'm going to find out who I was in a past life, I'm going to find out all of this stuff about me, and isn't that interesting? And you know what is very interesting? Really, it's important that when we're working with this field, that we understand that what happened happened and it is currently in whatever shape or form. Whatever happened is influencing who we are today, how we behave, the shape of our beliefs, the way that we Act upon things, the way that we view things, the way that we hold relationships, the way we show up in the world, the fears and the talents and this. All of these things we know this from my life All of these things are dependent on what happened yesterday, the day before, 10 years ago, 20 years ago. You can look back in our lives and go. I'm here now because I did blah, blah blah. You asked me how did I get on this path? I gave you a nice little timeline of things that happened. Right, yeah, right. We know there's more nuances than that, so for me, there's so many ways the cash it records helps. If we want to look at it in terms of past, then by understanding what happens to us in the past or by understanding how we ended up shaping up beliefs of the past, we can begin to have a clear understanding of who we are now, of, maybe why we show up in a certain way, or maybe why we behave in a way that either we like or we don't like we all have those things the way that maybe we feel like we're really drawn to do something that we can't understand why, or we're repelled against something we don't understand why. And by opening this field and beginning to discover what happened, how we behaved in a certain time, how other people responded to us, the shape of our beliefs, we can go okay, that happened. Then, when we look back in this field, which is full of compassion and non judgment and understanding and love and acceptance, when we look back at those things with those eyes, it like releases the energy that maybe has been weighing it down or creating more stories.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's like if I discovered that I was in a past life. She says from experience my hands off because I stole a loaf of bread. Let's just say that happened. My hand was cut off, I stole a loaf of bread, I got thrown in jail and my family then, who might stole the loaf of bread, a whole with it, and you don't know what happened to them. Then it might be that I then show up in this life as somebody who doesn't feel worthy or who holds a lot of shame, or who thinks that I can't put myself first, I need to sit below, I need to hold back on things, or I might feel guilty that I don't know how to look after my family, or I might feel like I'm not worthy enough to be able to do something, have money, whatever it is. But by going back and understanding what happened and maybe the reasons why I did what I did, suddenly opens up a new perspective, a new way of being, and now I'd to live my life thinking that maybe if I do something for the good of my family that might annoy somebody else, I'm going to get thrown in jail, never see my family again. It comes into our awareness and so we can now act with awareness rather than a subconscious fear that something's going to happen to us.

Speaker 2:

Same with speaking in public. There were many times for many of us, especially for women, if you spoke out about something, it's an embryo and we hold this wounding and we don't understand why. Going back and understanding it, we can go okay, that it wasn't saying that and so I was right then to not speak up. Put myself forward. Now I can speak up and I can put myself forward and no one's going to throw me to the pits, and that awareness can make massive changes to how we feel about our lives. Now there is another thing which I think there's less spoken about. If it's true that the occasion records holds everything that we have ever thought, said, done, been, then does it not stand to reason that everything that we are doing now, in this moment, is also being recorded in this field?

Speaker 1:

Absolutely yeah.

Speaker 2:

And this is how I imagine it.

Speaker 2:

I kind of imagine there's one of those little you know the courtrooms and they have those people and they're typing the evidence happening.

Speaker 2:

So I kind of imagine that as someone's sitting there and they're just typing everything, not just what I'm doing, but all the stuff behind the thoughts and everything that's going on in there.

Speaker 2:

Now I know that my past influences my present and I know that my present influences my future. It's kind of how it works. And so by having that awareness that all of my thoughts and my beliefs and everything are being recorded right now, in this moment, when I catch myself saying something, doing something, hanging on to something, ruminating on something that isn't beneficial, that isn't the future that I want or the life I want to live, or in alignment with who I am or who I know myself to be or be becoming, then something can happen where we can begin to rewrite what we're putting in there, and so we can begin to activate something that's different, which, for me, is where affirmations come in. We say the affirmation I am gorgeous and rich, and whatever it is that we say to ourselves In that moment, we're writing something in the records that is potentially changing the course of action of where everything was pushing us to before, so cool.

Speaker 1:

You can also access future, correct, because everything in the Akashic records is whatever has been will be. I know our concept of time here in the 3D earth plane is so different. What I've learned is on the other side, there is no time, it's just everything all at once. Have you had people who have access means from the future that has influenced how they chose to move forward in their life choices?

Speaker 2:

Yes, absolutely, and I think it took me a little while in the records to really start to see these potentials that were there and what were available. When we start to think about, the time does not exist and everything's happening in the moment. From the moment, it can actually make our mind want to explode. Connick, this was like I had a thought.

Speaker 1:

Oh sure, it's a hard thing to understand, because in this plane there is time, things do age. When you say that to people like, what about the dinosaur bones? And how do you explain that? You know what I mean, because actually, in this plane, time does clearly exist. In a different field, it is just very different.

Speaker 2:

It is. And actually we can prove this, because if I said to you, think of a memory of a time when you were a child, or a time 10 years ago where you were really happy yeah, like something that happened. Think of a memory that was like, that was amazing. As you begin to remember this, the images maybe come up, the feelings come up. You might smile, you might even hear the conversations that were happening and even though it's not happening right here in the moment, in your body, in your mind, in your awareness, that thing is happening. It's almost as real as when it was, or when we dream and we're in these weird universes or where someone different or where the past or the future, and in a time it just feels so real and I can go back and think of something that changed my life in a really positive way and my body starts to react as if it's happening at the moment. The flip side of that and this is actually what us humans do more of the time is we think about something that we are embarrassed about, something that's happened to us, something. With all this, we go back in there and actually what we're doing is we're rewriting the stories again and again and again, our cashew field is going like, oh, this is happening. This is happening. This is happening because it doesn't know. This is the past, it's just downloading, it's not judging, not saying, oh yeah, we'll write this and we won't write this, just downloading everything that you have in your present awareness, even if it happened 10 years ago. You're bringing it back when you start doing mindset work or when you're at college or at work or whatever, or you're going through something. What do they say to us? Set a goal, set a goal, see yourself in that goal, in that future version of you, and set yourself there and you're like, okay, and you set yourself in there. So this is the same thing that's happening From a cashew point of view, as you are setting that goal and seeing yourselves and experiencing yourself acting, behaving, achieving this thing in the moment. Your cashew field is doing all the cases happening and your body is maybe responding like it is happening.

Speaker 2:

What happens is that we don't give ourselves much time to do that. We do that for 10 seconds, 20 seconds, and it's just like one little line in the field of oh, my life and isn't awful, and look at all the things that I am and I'm not, and so that one little line kind of becomes insignificant or a very small influence on everything else that's coming up. And so what we can do in the field is we can take that goal or that affirmation and we can really kind of turn it up. We can get in there and we can feel it and we can see it, and we can make it bright technicolor and we can understand how I'll behave. What would be my inner thought process? What would I say? What would people say to me? How would it look? What have I had to do in order to get from here and there? We can begin to paint this picture.

Speaker 2:

And if we do that, whilst we are just the open in the field, if you like, increase as an intensity, it becomes rather than a line, it comes a page or a chapter or even a whole book, which of them is driving you forward. So, just like your past pushes you forward, then this thing is like pulling you along, like in you, towards this future that you have created, which is also very interesting, because you go to Psykix readers and they're like this is going to happen to you. You are going to meet the tall, dark council stranger, and it's going to happen and you're like I don't want to meet, my type is blonde and whatever Right, and we kind of get this impression that the future is faded, predestined, it's going to happen, there's nothing we can do no-transcript. But everything I've discovered doing what I do is that the future is very malleable and the future is. We can predict it. Do you know how we predict it?

Speaker 2:

Every single time you've got faced a decision, you always took the easy way out, or you always took the hard route, or you always this this, this, as though. Probably the next five times that happens, you're going to bring the same patterns of behaviour in. That's how we see a timeline. But it doesn't have to be like that, because if I can go back and go, ok, that influenced me my whole life and now I don't see that as true anymore. Now I know I am an empowered being, I have these skills and I'm healed from this, whatever it is, and that this future is compelling and it's pulling me towards it, because actually I've been working lifetimes in order to become this thing right. Then you can go from going your path being fully hard left to fully hard right in a moment and in an instant, and for me that's super empowering.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely Just having the thought that you have that kind of power over your well-being, over where your life is going to go? A lot of people don't. They are just going along. They mean I understand how you co-create with the universe, how every thought, every choice is pushing you in a certain direction. I just may not have an awareness of it, but to think about it in these terms and say, wow, I can really. I am driving the bus or the car right, I am in control, and that nothing is.

Speaker 1:

If you happen to be in a bad place, you don't have to stay there. It is not forever. You just have to make the choices and drive yourself whatever direction you really want to be, and that's possible for everybody and you can let go and heal the pain, the hard things we all experienced different things. Or maybe, like you had explained earlier, we're carrying something and even consciously have an awareness of, and then you're like okay, that is why I've been doing this, this is why I've been playing small, this is why I've been doing these things. And then in that instant, like you just explained, everything changes. How fascinating is that? What you do is amazing. This is just so cool. I'm so excited for people to listen in here because they can use this tool. Anybody can do it, anybody can access and have an awareness of this. For people who are listening, who are intrigued, how would you recommend that they maybe start to get comfortable? Would you say meditation, or maybe seek out somebody who is a reader? What would you recommend to them?

Speaker 2:

I think the first thing, and probably the most powerful realization for me, was that we are always writing our records. We're always writing our records at every given moment, and just that awareness. You do not need to have any skill, any meditation practice, any psychic ability, any visualization skills, any energy, anything. Okay, maybe perhaps there's a field out there that is downloading everything that I am thinking, feeling or whatever. And what do I want written in that book? What do I want? This isn't about bypassing it, it's going to go. Oh, I feel sad. No, I don't want to feel sad, I want to feel happy. It's not that it's deeper than that, but it's when we get lost in these stories. So that's going to be my first thing that anybody and everyone, no matter where you are in the scale of psychic, I think when we're working with the records, I think that it is beneficial to work with somebody else. So often, if I want to discover something in my records and I've read hundreds, thousands of records I will still go to somebody else, because there's something about someone holding space for you that can help things move a little better. It can get you out of it. It kind of does movement. It's an energetic field and you need movement. If you can't do that, you want to create movement in here. So writing journaling on it, speaking it out loud into a mic or just into the world, I think certainly helps. But specifically, I begin to start with an intention Because, remember I said at the beginning, it's about your vibration area, alignment and what's that. And this doesn't mean that you need to eat, clean and meditate upper mountain for 21 days in order to feel that. It's not, that it's the intention around. It is going. Okay, here I am and I've noticed because now I'm in the present moment, I'm noticing my thoughts, because I'm noticing what I'm downloading every minute. So I'm noticing that and I'm noticing that my brain often goes, says something to me, that you're not safe, for example. Oh, I've noticed that I've got this commentary that tells me I'm not safe. I wonder where that came from. And you bring that question and I wonder where that came from.

Speaker 2:

The trick, I suppose, is to be open to whatever comes, because sometimes it's a little bit profound, sometimes a little bit unbelievable. Sometimes you're like am I making this up? Like, what is this about To me? None of that matters To me. Okay, what is it? And then you can go into meditation, you can use tools like Reiki, you can use cards, you can use all sorts of things to go in there.

Speaker 2:

But your life, okay, I'm going to leave my ego out the way, I'm going to leave my judgment out the way, and anything that comes I'm going to accept without judgment. That's quite hard, this is a vibration thing again, but I'm going to accept it for the healing of me and all of those around me. So it's about me and it's about all. And then just depending on how you like to work, you just like to sit and visualize, fine, for me, the energy movement is important. So you write it down, talk it out, talk to a friend and just allow for that to come through.

Speaker 2:

I think that's quite simple, because even if you are making up, even if you're like, oh, I'm feeling, like I'm not safe, because, oh, I'm just kind of feeling that I was a little girl and got taken away from whatever, and then this happened and that happened, even if you are making it up, let's just say that just was a figment of your imagination. It's come from somewhere, right, and by getting out of the somewhere that it was sitting before, you've not just grasped it it's come from somewhere. By getting it out of the darkness and into the light of maybe this happened, then an awareness shifts and then next time you think I'm not safe, you might think I'm that little girl again. Maybe I can bring her some healing or some understanding or some nurturing or reassurance.

Speaker 1:

So we are in control.

Speaker 2:

We are in control is a funny one, isn't it? We're empowered to make changes.

Speaker 1:

Better word. I like that. Yes, yes, we are empowered. I love that. What else would you like to let people know about the Akashic Records that they might be for people who don't know a lot about it? What else would you like to share?

Speaker 2:

This is so much. How long have we got?

Speaker 2:

Yeah look at that. So me, I didn't understand them and I'm not even sure. When I first came across them, I was totally on the belief that there was past lives and that I was this thing once, a hundred years ago and a thousand years ago and whatever. There was all these questions that came up for me about hold on a minute, why does everyone think that they were Cleopatra or one of the twelve apostles or some famous? Why is nobody the janitor in a high school Like, why has everyone got these like big, big lives?

Speaker 2:

Like I said at the beginning, I'm like, naturally I'm quite skeptical about things, but what I discovered, it's not about going, oh, okay, it's all true. The more curious I became. So I was like maybe all of us are Cleopatra because we all hold an imprint or a vibrational quality that she held in that and somehow it has been passed down to me through ancestry or through collective consciousness, or through DNA or through whatever, like monadic group, soul groups, I don't know. But actually having the curiosity and the openness to be like okay, even if this didn't happen to me, okay, and even if I don't believe that there's past lives, is it possible that I'm holding this vibrational resonance in me and somehow it's influencing me.

Speaker 2:

So, for example, let's say you were brought up on certain movies or a certain soap opera or certain show program. Right, we've got this one in the UK, this very popular soap opera, that every time something great happens to somebody which isn't very often there's normally doom and gloom, because we love all that in Britain. Right, every time something great happens, then something colossally bad happens afterwards. Always There'll be a big party and then, like, the house will burn down. Right, there's just the pattern of this program and we can just be watching that once a day for 30 minutes. Every day. We're in there and we're learning the characters and then somehow I inherit the belief that if something really good's going to happen to me, then something really bad's going to happen otherwise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because you start to understand the model of the world through the outside world.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, sure, right, yeah, so even if you're like I don't know if it's past life and could it be maybe even just understanding that we are influenced by the outside and what we see and what we feel and what we bring our attention to in all of this stuff, maybe there is something that we can do or know or change in order to make that belief more in line with the life that we want to live.

Speaker 2:

And actually, for me, the truth about life is that we are all light. We live in a dualistic universe, yes, and good things and bad things do happen, yes, but essentially, we have this empowerment and we have this potential, and that we are here for a reason, and I don't think that reason that we're here is for suffering. I think that reason is we are here is for growth, for evolution, for knowing ourselves, for bringing compassion and understanding to all that we are and therefore, all that everyone else is. For me, that is one of the important aspects of working in a field like this, a very sacred, held, compassionate field. How can I work with this for betterment of me and for betterment of all?

Speaker 1:

Yes, because if you improve yourself, it's a ripple effect, and what do they say? A rising tide will raise all ships. When you do the inner work on yourself, you are contributing to the betterment of the collective, and I think that's one of the things that's so cool. I love that you brought that up, that we're born for a purpose and that's what we're meant here to be kind, to help, to teach, to move forward. And we have to be aware of the outside influences, because there are many TV news communities, right. There's just everything all over the place. And then just staying rooted in who and what you want and who you are, I think it's really challenging and difficult for people with all of the things in the current world that we live in, right. So I think this is a fascinating way to just dive in and start to have an understanding of energy and how we can empower ourselves and choose the path that we want to go down. I love that you talk about that.

Speaker 1:

We're all born for a purpose, because, even on a human level, I don't think that we all necessarily, because then people will say things like why are there murderers? Why are there molesters? I just know that, on a human level. We are not meant to understand through this lens. We can only understand what we can understand, and, yes, through our lens. A lot of those things don't make sense, or wars or discriminations and all those things, but I guess I don't really know how to fully explain that they have a purpose and bring things up and then it can be released and changed. Things have changed over as time has passed. A lot of things that today are rightfully so accepted and not shunned 100 years ago. 50 years ago would have been so. I think that's all important information. I think that's the point right.

Speaker 2:

What did I say? That when we go into this field it's really important to not have judgment right, and it's very easy to say when you think, oh, I was the child and I was the victim and I was all of this. But what I've discovered is that actually we come down to this earth school to learn something right and to evolve and to grow. And sometimes the way that we learn and evolve and grow is through contrast, right, it's through the opposite of what it is that you are, because maybe up there in the spirit world it is all light and no time and everything's going on and it's all you know fairies and butterflies and whatever. But here it's not that. And sometimes you can go into the field and discover that you did something that in this day and age, with your current level of consciousness, with your current experience, in your current circumstances, you never would have done. You know, like the stealing the bread right In this life, there's no reason why I'd ever need to do that and in that life it was fully necessary for survival. But actually how that, if I say did that and I held a lot of shame by it, what might happen in this life is. I see someone who is branded as a thief and I hold a lot of contempt for them because I'm like, oh, they should never steal and that's really bad because that's a belief I've held right, and so it becomes this shadow and it's something that I'm projecting onto. That is really bad. Now, by truly having no judgment.

Speaker 2:

I think that's where the work comes in. If you really want to work in this field is to be able to see that maybe we've done something, or a client has done something, or a part of their soul has done something. One of their human experiences has done something that we wouldn't agree to today, that we used to like, literally like battle for our loved ones, right and kill the other suit. That was just what we did. We did a lot of things, but when we can go back and understand that and go, okay, I did that and actually that life maybe was necessary for me, as for my evolution, in order to grow and understand compassion for someone else, or unconditional love for someone else, or non judgment for someone else, or, you know, guilt or like all of these things that I think we have, all of these human emotions. I don't think we're only meant to feel certain ones. I think through our lifetimes. We're probably meant to feel all of them, so we understand them all. Maybe there was a lifetime where you were the thing that you find yourself judging now.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and maybe part of this evolution is how can I go back and bring understanding to me and what I did and see it from that point of view of whatever the circumstances are. So then understand, however hard, hurtful, inexcusable the actions are that we're seeing. Maybe it's about coming away from judgment and moving into some form of compassion. Now, I know that's a that's quite a thing to say, and I know that there's a lot of things going on in the world that you're like oh, that's awful and they are, but maybe through us, if you're a soul that's coming down and doing these things and being one of those very controversial souls, imagine coming down into this life and going, yeah, I'm going to be the one that starts that war, I'll do it.

Speaker 2:

And everyone's like I don't want to do that. I don't want to do that because everyone, oh, I hate me and, like the karma, I don't want to do it. But then they're like we need to see this in order for people to understand what they are not. You don't understand what they are. And so someone and some brave soul in the background goes me, I'll do it, I'll go down there and I will. Then everyone's like oh, you're so brave, well done. That's amazing. But maybe on an evolutionary level, maybe they're like way up there and they're like I can handle this, I can do this. Or maybe on an evolutionary level, they're like right at the beginning and they're like I don't know any different. So I need to do this thing because I now need to learn it. I'm not saying that these are gods and saints and I'm not saying that these are criminals. Who knows?

Speaker 1:

It's just a different way of thinking about things. I'd read Robert Schwartz has a book called Journey of Soul the Life you Plan Before you Came here, and it was just really fascinating to me. It made me look at people in a different way because going through life you're taught that drug addicts, the prostitute like they, make them seem like they are, these the worst parts of society, right? Just those examples or thieves or whatever. And the way it was explained in his book was that, if you think about it, to live that sort of life, it is a very courageous choice because you are stunned, you are disliked, you are looked down upon constantly in your life, and that people who choose to do that are trying to bring more compassion to the world, trying to have people understand tolerance and those sort of things. What you're saying really resonates with me and makes sense and I think the key piece that you have brought up several times is being able to go in and not judge, but go in and just kind of take in the information and see how you can use that information to move and improve in your current life. And I think that's the key piece here.

Speaker 1:

It's not understanding every single thing. Why about this, that and the next thing. What can I use to help myself and my family and the collective? What can I do to contribute to making things better? And I think that is just so beautiful. I just have loved everything that you have talked about and explained. It is really beautiful. Do you have any closing thoughts? Anything you'd like to leave people with?

Speaker 2:

One thing that I've learned and this really summarizes this whole discussion is that we're always doing the best we can with what we've got.

Speaker 2:

Whatever decision we make in the moment, whether it was the right decision or the wrong decision, whether it was a decision we were proud of or a decision we are ashamed about, we're doing the best we can with what we've got. If that is true for us, then it has to be true for everybody else. With all of these tools and it's not just the Akashic Records, it's all the things, all the amazing modalities and psychological tools and spiritual tools and philosophies, and all the things we have this opportunity to be able to bring into what we've got more awareness, more understanding, more compassion, more acceptance. And as we bring, it's not like I need to do this so that I can change necessarily. It's like I need to do this so that I can have those things I just said, so that next time that trigger or that response comes forward to me, now I'm doing the best I can with the more that I've got, and so that more that I've got is influencing me and driving me forward, and then it's inevitable then that I will do better.

Speaker 1:

I absolutely love that, melissa. How can people get in touch with you If they want to work with you to go through their Akashic record or if they want to do Reiki with you? How can people reach?

Speaker 2:

you. I'm across the social media platforms. You'll find me at the Melissa Amos. My website is Melissa-Amoscom. Or. My book, which comes with a heap of bonuses, is available across the Amazon platforms. If you put in Mystic in training, it will come up.

Speaker 1:

Awesome, and I will put all of the links to all of this into the podcast notes so everybody can just access it right from there. I just want to thank you so much for your time. Melissa is joining us from the UK so we had to kind of figure out our time difference and I just am very grateful that you took the time to speak with me and my audience today. Thank you so very much. I honor the light that you are. Hello, beautiful souls, I want to thank you again for listening. I want to remind you to enter a rate and review contest that goes until November 29th. The winner will be pulled the last day of November. You have a chance to win a distance Reiki session with me and Cardpull and an Angel's course from Laura Michelle Powers. Thank you so much. I appreciate and love all the support and kind words. So grateful for each and every one of you. Have a blessed day.

Explore Akashic Records With Melissa Amos
Accessing the Akashic Records for Guidance
Power of the Mind
Akashic Records and Personal Empowerment
Life's Purpose and the Power of Compassion
Gratitude and Contest Reminder

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