Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Awakening to Angelic Guidance: How Harnessing Essential Oils, Crystals, and Meditation with Caylen Dheviain!

January 24, 2024 Kelly Season 1 Episode 25
Awakening to Angelic Guidance: How Harnessing Essential Oils, Crystals, and Meditation with Caylen Dheviain!
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Awakening to Angelic Guidance: How Harnessing Essential Oils, Crystals, and Meditation with Caylen Dheviain!
Jan 24, 2024 Season 1 Episode 25

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever felt a celestial nudge or sensed a guardian angel's presence? Caylen Dheviain an angel therapy practitioner and doTERRA wellness advocate, joins us today to shed light on how to strengthen your connection with the angelic realm. Our conversation unveils the mystical journey into angel therapy, revealing the ways in which angelic messages can offer guidance and promote healing. Together, we explore the respectful approach to seeking angelic aid, acknowledging free will, and delve into the universal nature of these divine beings.

Discover the aromatic and crystalline gateways to angelic frequencies as we share the transformative effects of essential oils like lavender and crystals such as angelite. Caylen provides insight into the vibrational harmony of these tools, detailing their profound impact on spiritual practice. We even take you through a hands-on exercise to help you initiate contact with your guardian angels—experience the power of scent and stone to elevate your spiritual connection.

Wrapping up our ethereal voyage, I guide you through a meditation that aims to heighten your vibrational energy and open your heart to heavenly wisdom. As our session concludes, we invite you to continue your spiritual exploration at thesoulexperiences.com, where opportunities for subconscious coaching and Reiki await. We part with a message of strength and camaraderie, reminding you that embracing your unique journey will lead you to your tribe, enveloped in love, light, joy, peace, and magic.

To get in touch with Caylen:

FB - @yourinnerlightca, Insta - @caylendheviain, Website - yourinnerlight.ca

To purchase doTERRA essential oils from Caylen:


To get in touch with me:

How to get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever felt a celestial nudge or sensed a guardian angel's presence? Caylen Dheviain an angel therapy practitioner and doTERRA wellness advocate, joins us today to shed light on how to strengthen your connection with the angelic realm. Our conversation unveils the mystical journey into angel therapy, revealing the ways in which angelic messages can offer guidance and promote healing. Together, we explore the respectful approach to seeking angelic aid, acknowledging free will, and delve into the universal nature of these divine beings.

Discover the aromatic and crystalline gateways to angelic frequencies as we share the transformative effects of essential oils like lavender and crystals such as angelite. Caylen provides insight into the vibrational harmony of these tools, detailing their profound impact on spiritual practice. We even take you through a hands-on exercise to help you initiate contact with your guardian angels—experience the power of scent and stone to elevate your spiritual connection.

Wrapping up our ethereal voyage, I guide you through a meditation that aims to heighten your vibrational energy and open your heart to heavenly wisdom. As our session concludes, we invite you to continue your spiritual exploration at thesoulexperiences.com, where opportunities for subconscious coaching and Reiki await. We part with a message of strength and camaraderie, reminding you that embracing your unique journey will lead you to your tribe, enveloped in love, light, joy, peace, and magic.

To get in touch with Caylen:

FB - @yourinnerlightca, Insta - @caylendheviain, Website - yourinnerlight.ca

To purchase doTERRA essential oils from Caylen:


To get in touch with me:

How to get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram

To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello lovely souls, happy New Year. Today, my guest is Kailin Devian, and she is here to talk about the holistic, caring method of angel therapy. It is a really interesting subject and she's also a doTERRA wellness advocate, so she talks about the use of essential oils and how to use that in connecting with the angelic realm. We have a really beautiful, interesting discussion. Her link to her doTERRA page will be in the podcast notes, so definitely check that out. She is going to help talk about angels, how to use some guidance and how to connect with them and use them to heal, and I just want to thank everybody for being here and I want to wish you all an incredible 2024 filled with joy, laughter, new and wonderful experiences and many blessings. Thank you for being here and enjoying this episode.

Speaker 1:

Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of In Mind and Elevate. I am very excited. Today I have Kailin Devian with me. He is an angel therapy practitioner and her spiritual expertise are angels and angelic realm. It's one of my favorite topics to talk about. Kailin, thank you so much for being here. How are you?

Speaker 2:

I'm good, Thank you. Thank you so much for having me Tell us a little bit about yourself and how did you become an angel therapy practitioner?

Speaker 2:

It's a little bit of a not long but indirect story. Years ago, my mother started exploring the intuitive and psychic realm and she connected with many of the authors at Hay House. Originally, she connected with a lady named Sonia Schochette. Through that, she started to bring us girls into the world of exploring our intuition and our psychic abilities. We she would take us to workshops and that kind of thing. At the time, doreen Virtue was one of the authors in Hay House and she was considered their angel lady.

Speaker 2:

Just through a series of synchronistic events, I ended up attending her final live in person course, which at the time was quite could have appeared to be quite challenging, because I had one year old twins that I was still nursing and I had to go away for eight days. But my mother was able to come and help my husband out. I'd look after the twins. I was able to pump enough milk to sustain them while I was gone.

Speaker 2:

The flight fell into place. It was actually really reasonable and it was like boom. So it was definitely a thing that I was meant to do and it was easy. And so then, when I arrived there and walked into the room it was a class of about 200 people or so I immediately felt like I knew everybody in the room, even though I had never met any of them before. So that was a really cool experience. And then I just spent I forget how many days it was now, but three or four days with this group of people and we dove into the angelic realm and had a fabulous time and I really felt like I connected with some of my soul family in that experience. That's amazing.

Speaker 1:

Let's talk about angel therapy. What is that and how do you use it with your clients?

Speaker 2:

Angel, therapy is calling in the angelic team, not just specifically your angelic team, but tapping into the angelic realm in general and channeling basically those messages that the angels have for that specific person when they come and see me for a session. Because a lot of times our angels are with us and they are basically dying to help us, but because of our free will they are not able to interfere unless we specifically ask. And so when people come and see me for angel therapy they get really excited because they're like, oh my gosh, finally she's asking. I love that. So in an angel therapy session the angels come in, they share the messages.

Speaker 2:

If clients have specific clients or specific questions in regards to what they're looking for, we explore those. Sometimes clients come and they're not 100% sure what they're looking for, but they're searching. So then we start with a more general question of what do the angels want me to know right now? Because that's really important as well, because, as what's all divine, timing right, and so what might be pertinent right now or what they think they need to know right now may not be the thing that's most key for them as far as moving forward or achieving whatever it is they're looking to achieve Right. Sometimes as well, often during the session, there is definitely a healing that takes place because energy is being channeled through and whether we're addressing as this, whether we stop and do a address a specific healing aspect, that happens, but oftentimes just being within the session and being circled within the energy provides healing, even on a subconscious level that they may not have expected when they arrive.

Speaker 1:

Wow, that's powerful. Do you want to talk a little bit about angels and how people can tap into the angelic realm and the kinds and?

Speaker 2:

Yeah for sure. The angels are divine, spiritual beings of love and light, and they are spiritual messengers. In fact, the word angel means spiritual messenger, and they exist in the spirit realm, which it vibrates at a higher vibrational frequency than we experience here on planet Earth. They are able to enter the physical plane. They are also not restricted by time or space, and so the neat thing about the angels is that if you were to call on a specific angel and I was to call on a specific angel at the same time, no one's ever being denied or asked to wait their turn, kind of thing, because angels, the angels can go to all of us. So there could be a hundred of us asking for Archangel Michael's help and he can go and help us all simultaneously. They are also non-denominational. You are probably familiar with stories of angels through all different cultures, traditions, religions, like. They are very common throughout all different aspects of our world, and so it doesn't matter what your specific beliefs or traditions are. The angels are here for all of us and they're here to help all of us. The other thing about the angels is that they are non-gender, so a lot of times we may use the word the pronouns he or she in talking about a specific Archangel, for instance, but essentially they encompass both and can also present as a more neutral energy as well. Because a lot of people ask me, they say that Archangel Michael is Yahe and yes, but what we're discovering more now is the emergence of the Archaea, which are the female archangels, but essentially they are the twin flames of the male archangels, and so Archangel Michael, for example, and Archaea faith are, in essence, one being Sure, but they can present more of the divine feminine or the vimeasculanaries. That's pretty fascinating.

Speaker 2:

There, within the angelic realm, there is actually a hierarchy of nine, so there's nine levels. The two that are most commonly talked about are your guardian angels and the archangels. Your guardian angels, as you may know, are is an angel that comes to you from the time you were born and stays with you throughout your lifetime. They never leave your side, they are always with you, and their main role is to protect you and keep you safe. Archangels oversee the guardian angels and they often have an area of expertise that they can come and help you with. For instance, archangel Michael is known as the protector, but he's the one who keeps you safe. Archangel Raphael is known as the Archangel of Healing, when you're dealing with healing concerns, then you would call on him.

Speaker 2:

Now that doesn't mean that when you're working with the different angels and archangels, that if you call on Archangel Michael and you meant to call on Archangel Raphael that Archangel Michael is going to go. No, call the wrong one, sorry. They all work together and know what you need, and because you've asked, archangel Michael will literally go hey, raphael, kaelin needs you. And then they'll both show up and guide and support you in whatever the situation is. That you're looking for support with yeah, it's because their main role is that they are here to help us and that is like their sole purpose.

Speaker 2:

And so when connecting to the angels, like I mentioned earlier, it's really important to ask them for help because of our free will. If we don't ask, then they are not allowed to interfere, with one exception If you are in mortal danger and it is not your time to go, then your guardian angel can step in and protect you. But other than that, basically, you have to ask. Now, the way you ask, a lot of people are like oh, do I have to use fancy words or something specific, and the bottom line is no, you don't. You can just ask the angels for help. Angels, please help me. It can be simple as that. If you choose to expand upon it or include details or use a specific prayer, that's totally fine as well, but I don't want people to feel that it has to be super fancy and complicated because it doesn't.

Speaker 2:

Right, and I don't want yeah, you don't want to create a barrier to being able to ask for their help Because, like I said, it's as simple as saying hey, I need some help.

Speaker 1:

Right and they want to help you Exactly and you can ask them 800 times a day and they are going to be there. They would love that Exactly. And then, I think, express gratitude for them, and not because they feel like they need to be thanked, but because when you express gratitude, you're bringing in more of that good energy You've got. It's like that's the whole, that whole. I think it's like a law of the universe, right? The more you Exactly, exactly.

Speaker 2:

And the more you are able to raise and shift and transform your personal vibration, the easier it becomes to connect to the angels, because they vibrate at that different frequency, like I was talking about at the beginning. As you raise your personal vibration you get closer and closer to the angelic realms frequency and then of course it makes it easier to connect. It's like tuning into a radio station right, if you're looking for 93.5 and you're at 91.2, you might get a bit of static and it's going to be a bit difficult. But the closer you get on that dial to 93.5, then things become clearer and crisper and more defined. So the same kind of analogy when you're connecting into that frequency of the angelic realm.

Speaker 1:

What kind of benefits have you seen for your clients as they have gotten in touch with their guardian angels, with the archangels?

Speaker 2:

There's lots of benefits One is specifically with their guardian angel is that they don't feel like they're so alone, right, they never feel alone. It's like having your bestie in your corner 24 seven, because once you nurture that relationship, you have somebody to guide you, protect you, comfort, you hang out with, be listening here all the time. And the angels, they don't judge. They come from a space of love and light and that is what they are here for, and so you can just sage them whatever it is you need to say, and sometimes that's just very helpful to have that listening here and be able to offload whatever it is you need to air out right, when you connect with them on a regular basis or a daily basis, it just provides accessible guidance to you that you have which can guide you through decisions.

Speaker 2:

You always know you always have that support. You can navigate those challenges in your life. Like I mentioned before, when you're connecting with the angels, it helps you raise your personal vibration and frequency right, because you're spending more and more time in that energy, so your body is consistently becoming used to experiencing that frequency and then you can stay there more consistently, which helps you to also expand your own personal spiritual gifts and intuition and have those become clearer. It also helps you to foster more understanding, forgiveness and compassion in your life, and it enriches your spiritual journey, right Because you're continually working in these energies which are growing, expanding and transforming you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and you just start to look at the world in a very different way, exactly, and you start to approach things very differently. You think about things, even difficult situations, in the day to day. It could be in the workplace, it could be in a family situation with a spouse or a child. You start to look at things so differently and I have started to look at things and say to myself, okay, what is the lesson here? What is unhealed in me that I am triggered by this event or what this person said, or, and you just look at things differently and then you take a step back and say, okay, what can I do here? And it just turns everything around, it diffuses everything and you just can get through it in a different way and you may not have those knee-jerk reactions or those explosive reactions that we maybe previously would have had in a certain scenario. You know, I think it's amazing to have that as a resource.

Speaker 1:

Are you familiar with Kyle Gray? Yes, he talks about angels all the time and I love all the things he puts out there. I love his angel decks and his books. But he had something once that said if we all really knew who walked life with us, you would never be afraid of anything, because angels walk through every storm, through every single thing, with you. You are never alone, you are always supported, and that really was like wow, that is just such a cool way to look at it. And the more we get people to believe that they can live their truth, speak their truth and then also develop more compassion and empathy for others and deeper understandings of our life, here isn't the Earth's school that we come here for To learn and evolve.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and it is so easy to connect with you and, like I said, all you have to do is ask. There are other tools and things you can bring in to help enhance your connection or deepen it. Things like there's specific essential oils that you can use that will help you connect into that angelic frequency more quickly and easily. There's specific crystals that you can use as well. That will also help you connect in more quickly, easily.

Speaker 2:

Other tools that people are probably already familiar with or connecting to them through meditation, and then anytime you go for a healing session of some kind, there's always that opportunity to connect to the angels that way.

Speaker 2:

And the thing that I really like about the additional tools is that, like I said, it can enhance what you're already doing and deepen that connection. And for some people, especially when they're starting out, I always encourage people to connect to the angels first by asking and I use that as a foundation to set the bar, as what they're familiar with, and then I might say, ok, we'll use lavender essential oil and put it on your third eye kind of thing, so that they have a comparison point right, and then they notice the difference between just asking and enhancing or deepening. And then for some people who are having challenges connecting or maybe not trusting that they're connecting, using that tool can help them recognize that they are connecting and or help them to understand and recognize how they're connecting so that when they become more familiar with it and then in their everyday life they notice that feeling or that connection without the tool they're able to recognize it. Does that make sense?

Speaker 1:

It does make sense. I was actually going to my follow up question to what you were saying was. I was going to ask you what essential oils would you recommend and what crystals would you recommend to the?

Speaker 2:

listeners. Oh OK, so definitely lavender. Lavender is one. It helps you connect and open up your intuition and that is, in essence, also raising your personal vibration, which gets you closer to that angelic frequency. Roman chamomile is one that's excellent in that to connect you to the angelic ground specifically, as well as green mandarin it's another really good one.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a favorite brand that you like to buy?

Speaker 2:

Oh, yes, I recommend doTERRA essential oils. When you're using essential oils, it's very important especially in energy work it's very important that you have a high quality essential oil that is ethically sourced 100% pure. It also matters where it's sourced from, because some companies source them like they farm them in their local area, as opposed to sourcing it from where it actually grows, and that makes a difference in the level of the vibration as well. You're just going to have a more successful, more profound, deeper, faster experience using a high quality essential oil that vibrates, because you want it vibrating at the highest possible frequency. I have found that doTERRA is the highest quality essential oil out there.

Speaker 1:

Thank you. Thank you for that. You're welcome. What crystals would you recommend?

Speaker 2:

Crystals, angelite for sure, hence the name. Amethyst is always an excellent one to use to connect with the angelic realm, and seraphite it's another one that's very good at connecting into that angelic frequency quite quickly. For you.

Speaker 1:

That's all really great information. Everybody's going to be running after this podcast to get their doTERRA and their crystals. I know I will be. I'll put some links in the podcast and notes for places people can go. But I think what you said about things being ethically sourced because when I buy I love Palo Santo is my smudging tool I always do that that's how I found a company that does it that way and I just think it's great that you mentioned that, because that is important, especially in spiritual work, and the whole point is to be raising your vibration and to be working and healing and pulling yourself forward on a path of evolution.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, and I can notice a difference. When there's a product that's ethically sourced and not ethically sourced, Like energetically you can feel the difference if you had both of them in your hand and when we are aiming for the highest and best results, we deserve the highest and the best quality.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and this is where I think it goes back to. I know you're also a rake-ne-master. Everything is energy. Everything you encounter is energy. So if you are getting something that is not ethically sourced, it is going to carry that vibration with it. It's very important to keep that in mind.

Speaker 2:

Yes, yeah, and if the workers are unhappy, then they're putting their energy into that product as well, which you don't want to necessarily bring home with you.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. What else would you like to share with the listeners today?

Speaker 2:

If we have a few minutes, I'd love to guide them through a short exercise that will connect them to their angels quickly and easily. It's just a short guided experience and I'd love to do that for the audience.

Speaker 1:

I would love that. Yes, you've got the floor. Take it away.

Speaker 2:

All right, ok. So before we begin, I would like people to tune into themselves and just notice how they're feeling in general. So, on a scale of 1 to 10, pick a number of how you're feeling right now, in this moment, and then I would invite you to write it down for, whether you've got notes in your phone or a journal or whatever Just then, that will be the benchmark for us today. I'm going to invite you to put your feet flat on the floor, if they're not already, and I'm going to invite everybody to gently close their eyes and just take a nice deep, relaxing breath, allowing the body to begin to relax and sinking peacefully and comfortably into your chair or the bed. If you're lying down and noticing your body beginning to feel lighter with each breath, feeling freer and happier as you sink deeper and deeper into relaxation, now I invite you to imagine a brilliant white light surrounding you and golfing your entire body like a huge white bubble of light. Notice its brilliance, notice its sparkling and notice how it fills up and expands your heart. Notice how the light is now shining from within and your heart chakra, seemingly now the center point of this light, moving through you, radiating outwards and surrounding your entire body, feel the love radiating throughout this white light as it surrounds you and how warm it feels, how peaceful, noticing all the sensations, the comfort and the peace that you are experiencing within this white light and this space. Wow, completely surrounded in the white light. With your next breath, I invite you to feel that light expand further out from your body, moving out further, expanding and growing, encompassing and filling the room, the space that you are in, and letting it radiate and pulse throughout every corner and every part of your auric field. Pause here for a moment and just enjoy the sensation, the feelings that you are experiencing being immersed in this beautiful Christ-like light.

Speaker 2:

Now, on your next breath, I want you to inhale deeply and imagine, as you exhale, your vibration lift, moving it up to the higher realms, connecting you into a higher frequency and vibration that you were not experiencing a moment before. Notice how this feels, notice yourself moving higher and shifting into this new energetic frequency, this new vibration. Notice how it feels to be here, what differences there are, and hold this frequency within your field and within your heart. Now, from this space, I invite you to call the angels to you now with this prayer Angels and archangels and all divine beings of light.

Speaker 2:

I ask that you come to me now and assist me in connecting with you. Allow me to see, hear, feel, know and understand your presence and any messages that you may have for me. I ask for your help and the guidance that will best serve me right now for my highest good and the best good of those connected to me. Thank you, and so it is Now. Stay here for a few moments, just sitting within this vibration, noticing the subtle energies and frequencies and the feelings within your heart, observing the presence of the angels and how that feels to you. Now and when you are ready, I invite you to gently wiggle your fingers and toes, shift your hips, bring movement back into your body. You can open your eyes, come back to the room, come back to this space and drink some water to ground.

Speaker 1:

That was amazing.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. So now I invite everybody to check in with what your number is now compared to when you began, and then just notice what the difference is, if there was a difference.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, there was for me.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah. And then I invite you to just write it down beside the number that you had before. You don't really need to do anything else with it other than notice what the difference was between when you began. Everybody should have seen a difference, absolutely Bye. We use the numbers to just demonstrate because we often forget to check in where we are when we began to where we are after, and at the end we could say how did you feel when you began? But we forget, right, because we feel so good now.

Speaker 1:

But that's a good thing to ask Now, in thinking on it, like before you start any sort of healing session you should have the person know how they're feeling when they came in and then after, when they have time to sit with what they experienced, have them talk about how they feel before they leave.

Speaker 2:

Exactly, yeah, because for me it's really important for people to recognize that within themselves, and not only how an experience like that can shift things for you, but also I do the same thing when I'm working with people. It's very important to teach them how to understand and recognize how they're receiving those messages, because it's different for all of us. Right, we all receive differently, and some people often people say I didn't see anything. But they may not be a visual person. They may be more of a person who receives from a feeling or a knowing sense. And once you're able to identify that for yourself, it just makes it that much more easier for you to pick up those messages and to recognize them. And then you can ask the angels to bring you your messages. In that way, you tell them please bring them to me in a way that I know and understand, and when you understand how you receive them, then you won't miss them.

Speaker 1:

And you get that clear guidance, exactly, exactly, exactly, exactly. Okay, kailin, what message would the angels have for the audience that they need to know in this moment?

Speaker 2:

The biggest message is to trust.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Yeah. Trust with what you're receiving. Don't discount anything that shows up and also that ooh, sorry, I'm getting emotional you are more powerful than you believe that you are and to they're encouraging everyone to step into it in their own way, whatever way you feel guided to share your gifts with the world, or share yourself with the world, that the time is now and you need to embrace it and go for it. Yeah, don't be afraid.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and you will find your tribe. You will find people to connect with, people who resonate with you, and you'll all be on this beautiful journey together, exactly.

Speaker 1:

And those connections are just so amazing. When you make those connections, it's like you said you walked into that room of 200 people and you felt like you knew them, because you did know them on a soul level. Exactly when you have that kind of connection with someone, it really changes everything and that's there for all of us. It's not only select people. Is this available to them? This is everybody and we are all we, more powerful than we realize. We are the universe. We come from the stars and everything that this universe is made of. The universe, yes, is around us and works with us, but we are also the universe ourselves.

Speaker 2:

We are that dynamic. Yeah, yeah, and the world needs us. It's our time to raise the vibration of the planet and our gifts and talents. The world needs them right now because we, as a collective, need to support that, and it's time.

Speaker 1:

Yes, support the connection. Love, compassion, enlightenment, all of that.

Speaker 2:

Kaylee, this has been an amazing conversation.

Speaker 1:

I am so grateful that you came today and spoke with me and gave me time. What a wonderful conversation. Any closing thoughts that you would like to leave the audience with? We said to trust, maybe surrender.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, surrender, yes, yeah. Any closing thoughts? Just remember that the angels always got your back, that you're never alone and they are always there for you, 100%.

Speaker 1:

So how can people work with you? What kind of offerings do you have?

Speaker 2:

They can reach out to me via. They can find me on Facebook Okay, it's your inner light, ca. They can also find me on Instagram, which is at Kailin DeVane. They can also message me directly at KailinDeVane at gmailcom, but my offerings I offer a variety, of course. I do readings, angel readings.

Speaker 2:

I have an angelic connections membership, which is a journey that takes people through basically tapping into the angelic realm and growing and deepening that understanding. For them, it is an online opportunity, but there are also some one-on-one connections. We do monthly Q&A calls. It also includes a variety of special events that I offer throughout the year, like I offer full moon and new moon events, which are quite rich, and I really enjoy it because I bring in crystals and essential oils and, of course, the angels, and then we tie it into the zodiac sign. So we do a lot of connecting and processing and healing within the hour that we spend together. My favorite event is honoring the divine feminine, which is an event where we basically connect to your divine feminine energy, and then there's a beautiful guided meditation with a variety of the goddesses that some are familiar, some you may be familiar with and some not, but it's a very profound, deep experience, and then I also work one-on-one with people.

Speaker 2:

I have a six-month angelic coaching program. It's a personal journey. It's personally designed for you and what you need. We connect you to the angelic realm and your guardian angels, specifically in the first phase that we move through to working on raising your personal vibration. So that will be a variety of hands-on experiences. Plus, there's always healing that comes up in that phase. Oh, yeah, yeah. And then the third phase is they step into. We get clear in defining their spiritual gifts. And then the final phase is now that you're clear on your spiritual gifts and what they are and you have the confidence behind them. Now you're ready to take them out into the world. So, in whatever way that looks like, whether you're applying them personally in your life or whether you're expanding and sharing them in a business format, at the end you are ready to step out into the world and share everything that you have to contribute.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and for everybody listening, I just want to say that you are absolutely worth investing in this. If it's something that you're oh, do I need to do this or not just jump in, because I think the best investment that I've ever done is getting in touch with my intuition, getting in touch with my spiritual gifts and all those things. It's been the best thing that I've ever done. If you're listening to this and you're feeling called, definitely reach out to Kaylin. I just wanted to share. I felt like that was a message coming through that we are all worthy and it's probably the best investment you'll ever make in your life is to invest in your spiritual growth. What better way to invest in yourself? One more question yes, if people are listening to this and are like I would like to learn more about angels, what resources would you recommend them to? Maybe read or watch, listen to?

Speaker 2:

Good question. I would definitely recommend stepping into my membership because I get a lot of that information through that. But if that's not feasible at this time, even though Doreen Virtue has changed, shifted her past, her original resources are still valid and very applicable. So I find those there and she has a number of books out there. The downside is that they're not publishing them because she's switched gears, but you can find them do bookstores that kind of.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Kyle Gray is another great resources, as we talked about already.

Speaker 1:

Love him.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, he has a number of books out there, and then another book that I really love is called the Female Archangels by Calista. And there's not, as there's not a lot of information out there about the female archangels at this point in time and it's just coming more to the forefront. But her book is quite thorough. It gives you practices that you can implement within your daily practices, your daily life, and it provides an excellent viewpoint and information on that whole new realm of the archaic.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. That's just awesome. Caitlin, thank you so much for coming today. This has been an absolute pleasure and I just want to tell you I am just so honored to have you here and I honor the light that you are in this world, because you are a beautiful, bright, magical light. This has just been awesome.

Speaker 2:

Thank you so much for having me. It's been a pleasure.

Speaker 1:

Thank you.

Speaker 2:

You're welcome.

Speaker 3:

Hey, it's Jen Mitchell, host of the Soul Traveler podcast and your partner in leveling up your life through quantum hypnosis. I'm sure that you've heard before that all answers lie within, right? Well, it's true. Do you ever wonder how some people are so wildly successful and seem to achieve all of their life goals? It's because they've figured out life's secret the power of the subconscious mind. Highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have used hypnosis to make their dreams a reality, and it's no longer a secret. Now you can transform your life with the power of the subconscious by using these same techniques with quantum hypnosis. Let's level up your life. Visit me online at thesoulexperiencescom and click on subconscious coaching.

Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful soul. Thank you again for listening. I'd like to ask you to please rate, review and follow the show. It really helps to have it become more visible and the beautiful messages be spread to more people. I also wanted to mention that I am now offering Reiki distinctions. The link will be in the podcast notes. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about that. Also, I wanted to put out there. If there is something that you have to share, you have to be a guest on the show. Please reach out to me and we'll see if it's a good fit. Thank you again for being here and sending love like joy, peace and magic your way.

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