Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly

Unveiling the Spiritual Wisdom of Tarot: A Quest for Soul Alignment and Resilience with Kezia Champlin

March 06, 2024 Kelly Season 1 Episode 28
Unveiling the Spiritual Wisdom of Tarot: A Quest for Soul Alignment and Resilience with Kezia Champlin
Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
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Enlighten & Elevate with Kelly
Unveiling the Spiritual Wisdom of Tarot: A Quest for Soul Alignment and Resilience with Kezia Champlin
Mar 06, 2024 Season 1 Episode 28

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever felt the pull to venture beyond the spiritual teachings of your childhood and discover a more personal connection to the divine? My journey took me from the structured beliefs of Catholicism to the intuitive realm of spirituality, a path illuminated by the ancient wisdom of Tarot. Joined by Soul Alignment Coach and Holistic Spirituality Guide Kezia Champlin, we traverse the misunderstood history of Tarot, debunking the fears and misconceptions born of past prejudices. Together, we celebrate its resurgence as a powerful tool for self-discovery and as a means to soothe and balance our nervous systems for enhanced wellness.

Shifting from a religious paradigm rooted in black-and-white doctrines can be like navigating a dense jungle—both exhilarating and daunting. This episode peels back the layers of my transformation as I broke free from a stringent religious upbringing and stepped into the role of a soul-aligned coach and trauma-informed mystic. Through powerful personal stories and the shared experiences of my clients, we explore how Tarot readings can offer profound insights and foster a dialogue with the universe, opening up avenues for healing and growth that traditional methods may overlook.

As your guide, I'm passionate about providing you with practical tools and rituals that anchor you in times of upheaval, whether it's leaving a faith tradition or the dissolution of a relationship. Kezia and I also impart strategies for energy management, equipping you with visualization techniques to protect and restore your vitality. Embrace these episodes as your compass, marking the beginning of a transformative quest towards spiritual resilience and personal evolution. Remember, the magic lies within you, and together, we can unlock it.

How to get in touch with Kezia:

IG: @kezia_champlin
FB: https://www.facebook.com/thewholeselfllc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keziachamplin/

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

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Hello beautiful souls! Have you ever felt the pull to venture beyond the spiritual teachings of your childhood and discover a more personal connection to the divine? My journey took me from the structured beliefs of Catholicism to the intuitive realm of spirituality, a path illuminated by the ancient wisdom of Tarot. Joined by Soul Alignment Coach and Holistic Spirituality Guide Kezia Champlin, we traverse the misunderstood history of Tarot, debunking the fears and misconceptions born of past prejudices. Together, we celebrate its resurgence as a powerful tool for self-discovery and as a means to soothe and balance our nervous systems for enhanced wellness.

Shifting from a religious paradigm rooted in black-and-white doctrines can be like navigating a dense jungle—both exhilarating and daunting. This episode peels back the layers of my transformation as I broke free from a stringent religious upbringing and stepped into the role of a soul-aligned coach and trauma-informed mystic. Through powerful personal stories and the shared experiences of my clients, we explore how Tarot readings can offer profound insights and foster a dialogue with the universe, opening up avenues for healing and growth that traditional methods may overlook.

As your guide, I'm passionate about providing you with practical tools and rituals that anchor you in times of upheaval, whether it's leaving a faith tradition or the dissolution of a relationship. Kezia and I also impart strategies for energy management, equipping you with visualization techniques to protect and restore your vitality. Embrace these episodes as your compass, marking the beginning of a transformative quest towards spiritual resilience and personal evolution. Remember, the magic lies within you, and together, we can unlock it.

How to get in touch with Kezia:

IG: @kezia_champlin
FB: https://www.facebook.com/thewholeselfllc
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/keziachamplin/

To get in touch with me:



@kmatthews840 on Instagram 


To book a distance Reiki session with me click the link below:


Speaker 1:

Hello beautiful souls. Thank you so much for being here. I'm so excited to share my guest and the topic of Tarot. Growing up Catholic, I was always told oh, you don't mess with Tarot cards, they're the work of the devil. It's really funny to me now as an adult where I really grown in my spiritual knowledge and my views on religion and organized religion have really changed as I have become more spiritual. I do not consider myself religious at all. I'm continually learning and grasping all of the beautiful topics and concepts and practices that are out there in the world to help each and every one of us connect to spirit and the divine in our own unique way. I believe Oracle cards and Tarot cards are there for this purpose. They help us to connect with spirit and they also give us spiritual guidance.

Speaker 1:

Tarot cards have captivated people for centuries. They originated in Italy in the mid-15th century. It was made popular by the writer Wait Tarot deck, which was released in 1910 by Arthur Edward Wait, and it was illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith. They were both members of the Hermetic Order. My guests and I today discuss the lore, misconceptions and the true meaning and uses of Tarot. Thank you so much for being here and enjoy this episode. Hello everyone, welcome to another episode of In Lightning Elevate. I'm so excited I have Chezia Champlin here with me today. She's a Soul Alignment Coach and a Holistic Spirituality Guide. Welcome, chezia. How are you?

Speaker 2:

today I am well. Thank you so much for having me. I'm really excited to be here. I'm so excited to have you.

Speaker 1:

So Chezia does a lot of things, but we were going to do a dive into Tarot today.

Speaker 2:

Yes, tarot is a. I think it's a fun topic. I think it's an extremely beautiful and useful tool. It has a long history and has been used on multiple continents, but I think it's also a fun and an insightful way to work with your spiritual self, absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I know before we jumped on the call we started to talk a little bit about there's a lot of fear that surrounded Tarot. People have all of these negative views or beliefs, even though they probably know little or nothing about it, but because of some religious beliefs or what or things that they've heard, they seem to think that there's this negative association. Do you want to dispel some of that? For that I'd love to.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, honestly, it's like you said.

Speaker 2:

It's one of those things that actually, just broadly in the culture, has been maybe disparaged, both by the religious circles prevailing religions and also, if you think about it, there's also some social justice issues around it too, actually, because Tarot was often practiced by what many would have considered some of the lower class or people who were not respected by society, and so it was therefore stigmatized and not trusted or sought after, although it was a very powerful divination art and a very powerful form of spirituality.

Speaker 2:

Because it was not practiced by those who were in power, it was stigmatized in a way that has continued to prevail, even though maybe some of those roots of it have changed. So you've got to you have a little bit of like religion and a little bit of like social justice and power issues going on with the reputation around Tarot. I do think that's changing, as spirituality in in our current times is maybe experiencing a little bit of a rebirth or a resurgence. So I do think that there is growing to be less of a fear and distaste or distrust maybe distrust might be the right word around Tarot, and with the rise of other things mindfulness and meditation and stuff like that. It's beginning to be accepted as a form of practicing spirituality and seeking contact with the unseen world, along with the rise of other things like mediumship or things like that that are slowly regaining, maybe, a place of value and respect in our culture, and I'm really grateful to see that.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, and I think science, too, is starting to be able to show them. I mean, there's lots of studies on this stuff that backs up that it does hold value and it helps regulate your nervous system, and your nervous system is a pretty important system for your body. So these tools and these things that you can use to help guide you, I definitely think people should learn more, and if it's a useful tool for people, they should absolutely use it.

Speaker 2:

And two I think that's maybe worth mentioning is that in the past, there's been a huge association of like spirituality and religion have been equated as basically like one of the same thing, and I think the thing that we're seeing now more is that they're very different and actually spirituality is a very essential part, and this is this what brought us to mind is you talking about the science part of it? Spirituality is actually a very essential part of our humanity. Now we can practice our spirituality via religion, so spirituality is actually something that's inside us as part of our humanity, and then it it shows up in a variety of ways in our lives. It could show up as religion. It could show up as gardening. It could show up, as I think, for some people that are maybe not mystically oriented but have a strong mental faculty. That's people who would say mathematics runs the universe. We have this awe or this joy around mathematics and they're like see how numbers make sense of the whole world.

Speaker 2:

I would argue that that's actually a facet of their spirituality showing up there. Their ability to happen to awe and reverence and joy around this topic of mathematics is not just a mental interest. It's actually something that's bringing their humanness online. That's making them alive in the way, that spirit, that's making them in touch with what is greater than themselves. Which is the role of spirituality in our lives is to connect us, to integrate, help us integrate fully. Which is also partly why it's healthy for the immediate, for the nervous system, is because spirituality is about integration and connection. So it connects us inside of ourselves that's the self regulation piece and the nervous system and it connects us with what is outside of ourselves, what is beyond ourselves, and different ones of us connect with different things that are beyond ourselves. Some connect with beings that we personify, or others would just say it's the universe. Or others would say I connect with the forest, I connect with the ocean, I connect with math, or I feel most alive when I'm running, or it's whatever form it is, it's.

Speaker 1:

This is the way we get outside of ourselves and we're fully attached to ourselves, while also connecting with what is beyond us Absolutely, and I love that point you made about spirituality and religion and how they have been viewed as one when they are very, when they're very different. In a lot of ways they can be together, as you had mentioned, but I think that's a very good and interesting point. I love that you brought that up.

Speaker 2:

So it's very important for me and my own journey, because I grew up in an extremely religious environment and so let's talk a little bit.

Speaker 1:

I'm sorry I didn't ask you about your background and how you came to start your business and do what you're doing. Yeah, let's dive into that a little bit before we go back to Tarot. Tell us a little bit about your background and how you came to your journey. Thank you.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I grew up in a very religious family. I grew up, actually, as a missionary child overseas in Suriname, south America, which is a tiny little country on the Northeast coast of South America. So I grew up there from the time I was three, literally raised in a jungle village along a river in the Amazon river basin, just so. So looking back I'm like, wow, it was an exotic childhood, although as a child, this is just your normal reality, so I was not maybe aware at the time of having this like really exotic experience. It was just like this was my normal life, Like I grew up in the jungle. We went swimming in the river, I was climbing many goat trees, we had parrots for pets.

Speaker 2:

My parents were there as conservative Baptist missionaries and they were propagating religion, and I grew up very steeped in a religious structure and culture, a religious way of viewing the world. That was very binary there's there's one right way to live and everything else is wrong. There's one true belief system if you believe differently than that, you're going to get punished by God, and so it's just very strict, very rigid, very binary. And I was a good, impressionable child and I became very devout and just I grew up and I went to a religious university and then I went to seminary for grad school and it was just very I was very devoted to this way of being in the world. However, I also did have maybe like enough kindness in my life and enough maybe like decent humanity that was modeled for me. That it was.

Speaker 2:

I think it was hard for me to ignore some of the disconnects and some of the suffering that I saw that was brought about by religion, because it was like the belief system dictated that you behave a certain way, but that led to so much suffering, and I was also taught that God loves people and that we were supposed to love people. And so there were. There was just this. There grew overtime to be this disconnect that eventually got like wider and wider and overtime like led me out of Christianity entirely, and so then I began this process of having to detangle, because I was like I knew that I wasn't, actually, I wasn't disenfranchised with, with God or with spirit or whatever it was like, I still feel like there was something real or true there, some type of connectivity, but it was like this structure didn't work for me and I felt like the structure was harming humanity, and so it's just so confusing.

Speaker 2:

So I had this like season of detangling my spirituality from this religious framework that it had been enmeshed with all of my growing up years, and that has been what has shaped my understanding of what, of the nature of spirituality and how it shows up in our lives in different ways. So I had actually remove the religious tentacles, so to speak, from my essential spirituality and humanity and then learn how to develop the spirituality that was healthy for me and that was thriving and supportive and connective and that enabled me to be the kind of human being that I want to be in the world and to have a healthy, loving way of being. And so then, that ultimately led me down this path of coaching and seeking to offer that to other people and accompanying them on their journeys. However that is so, officially I'm a soul-alignment coach, but I like to think of myself as like a trauma-informed mystic or like a wayfinder of just like bringing.

Speaker 2:

I didn't mention this, but my story also includes plenty of episodes of various kinds of trauma and abuse and things like that that also were part of my un-unravelling and re-weaving of my life. So along the way, I have some therapeutic certifications and then wove that together with my spirituality, which was a very unifying and healing thing. So this is a way that I seek to walk alongside people having that trauma formed therapeutic edge, but also leaning into spirituality as a very powerful form of healing and of integrating our lives.

Speaker 1:

Kat, that must be so powerful for you and the people that you can help, because they feel seen and heard if they have experienced a lot of the things that you have experienced. You are there and then you also have that. You can offer them so much insight and support that maybe you didn't have when you were going through some of the things. Because it's it, when you are ingrained in a spiritual belief system and that's what you grow up with and that's what everybody is adhering to, it's really hard, and to break away from that and then re and here you are. I joke about this with a lot of people but, like everybody, when you have an awakening it's like unlearning everything that you learned from the beginning. That's a traumatic for people, like that whole process is a little traumatic.

Speaker 2:

I've been through childhood sexual abuse. I've been through like many things that I will say, like the single most traumatic or most painful experience of my life was leaving the religious community and, like the church community that I had been a part of for so long, it was so hard.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that's really hard, and here you've come out on the other side of it and now you're helping others and I think that's amazing. So that's really amazing, because that's really amazing. So let's talk more about soul alignment and coaching. And how do you use tarot in your coaching? Do you just do use that with a lot of your clients, some of your clients.

Speaker 2:

So some of that is actually up to the client's preference. So some clients I have some clients that have actually come to me originally as for tarot readings, and then I found out about some of the other coaching things that I do oh, coaching packages or, come to think of it, I've been looking for a therapist, or I'm not a licensed therapist, but looking for a therapist or a coach or someone who can help me in these other areas of life. So some of them have transitioned in that way, whereas others come to me for coaching and then they find out that I do tarot and it's something that they're curious about or they're interested in incorporating into some of their coaching sessions. So it can go either way. I think of tarot as a conversation between me as the reader, and the person who's coming with the questions or coming for the reading and the energetic universe. So I do it as a very interactive thing, as a dialogue, because the energy loves to be played with, the universe loves to be interacted with, and you will find different readers who have different styles. There are readers that are like ask your question and then you shut up and I'm going to pull the cards and I'm just going to like monologue at you for 20 minutes or whatever, and that's not my style at all. I feel like the universe is very relational. So the person is coming with their questions. I'm coming with the coming study tarot and being taught in that and opening up to listen to my guides and the guides that would come through the energetic universe.

Speaker 2:

So the cards will bring in energies or themes or topics up to talk about and I'll say I'll start reading and say this is what's showing up in the cards. How's that resonating with you? What feels most relevant? What is not making sense to you? What do you want to dive deeper into? And they'll say you said this and that piqued my interest. Can you say more about that? So then I'll be like okay, pull more cards around this specific thing and get more details about it. So it just is.

Speaker 2:

The cards are a way of facilitating a conversation. Often what comes up in the cards helps a client to share and they'll say, oh, that, yeah, actually my best friend passed away two years ago Because I'll say something that feels like there was something that happened not too long in the past. But it is just. They just carried a sort of heaviness or darkness from that and then they go, yeah, like my best friend passed away two years ago, and then it actually brings things in, brings in some of the traumas, some of the heartaches or the stressors, or yeah, actually they told us this week something will show up. And yeah, they told us this week that some positions at work are going to be eliminated. And I've just been super stressed because I'm a single mom and like stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So it'll actually. The tarot sometimes actually is almost like a shortcut, like stories that might take 45 minutes or three sessions or whatever to get to. Sometimes the tarot is actually able to bring it up immediately in a really gentle way, and it's not me being like spill all your deepest, darkest secrets, tell me a perfect stranger, your secret sorrows. It comes up in the cards and I'm able to almost facilitate that in a really gentle way that invites them to say, to unburden themselves and say I've honestly been so confused about this, what guidance can I be given? And then, depending on maybe, they're becoming very activated by it. Then it's sometimes all right, let's sit back for a second and let's do some somatic exercises to re-regulate your nervous system.

Speaker 2:

And this is something that you can practice at home. When you step into that work situation that's so stressful. Here's ways that you can help regulate your nervous system and give yourself the structure and the boundaries that you need to protect yourself in that setting. And here's how you can support yourself when you go home so that again you're bringing your nervous system back to regulation, so your body can heal once. So they do weave together and Tarot is a yeah again, I do it so interactively and so it just weaves in and out with conversation with the client and with other tools and resources, and that's how I use it. There's many different approaches to how to use it, but that's one of the ways that I incorporate it with some of my other holistic work.

Speaker 1:

I've always been so curious about it but also intimidated a little bit, because there's the major arcana and the minor arcana and knowing what the wands, the cuffs and the swords and the pentacle like what all that means and how to interpret it. I think too, if a card's upside down, it means something different. And do you want to dive in a little bit on that? You mystify it a little bit.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, the major arcana is. There are 22 cards in the major arcana, so it starts at zero and it goes through 21. And they are basically like big thematic energies. So you know, there's the famed death card is in that major arcana. There's a justice card, there's a sun, moon, star. So there are these like big energies that are. They're typifying, they're symbolizing seasons or experiences that we go through in our life.

Speaker 2:

So the death card is actually as terrifying as it sounds to some people is actually a rebirth card. So the death card is talking about this thing in life that we've all experienced, when something in your life, a season in your life, comes to an end. This could be a job, this could be a relationship, this could be like graduating from school, like it doesn't even have to be a negative experience. And I think again we hear the word and we're like this must be a negative thing. I know this is actually just about ending, but it's also about something else beginning.

Speaker 2:

So I often tell clients don't let the word death freak you out. I like to call this the rebirth card because it's actually talking about the transition, the passing, the ending of one thing so that the next thing can be beginning. It's easy to even explain it in the in very nature terms of the leaves fall so that in the spring the flowers can come. The tree has to lose one set of leaves in order for fresh buds to come. And it's not so it's. And we don't actually grieve autumn. Unless you hate my turn, then you'd be autumn for different reasons.

Speaker 1:

But it's like how horrible we're like whoa, the leaves are turning.

Speaker 2:

It's amazing. We know in our heads that the leaves are dying, but we're not actually thinking of it as, oh, this is a tragedy or this is world's worst, worst scary thing. We're actually like there's beauty in it and hey, in the spring, fresh flowers, the world will come back to life. We're quite sure that the leaves will come back. And the death card is like that, like whenever you see the death card come up, you can be sure that there's something else that's going to open up on the far side of it. Or, let's see, there's a temperance card.

Speaker 2:

That's the seasons of our life when we feel like we're stuck in a waiting period or in a holding pattern. You're like things aren't changing as fast as I'd like them to. I've been. I'm. I'm taking kids to school each day and I'm like then I'm going to work and it's just week after week. I'm just doing the same thing over and over and I'm longing for change or whatever, but it's like I'm just in this holding pattern. There's a lesson in this. The lesson is to learn to like, is to be present and is to allow the shaping of your life through what seems mundane and to allow yourself to be tempered by it, instead of resenting what seems mundane or whatever.

Speaker 3:

So these are experienced.

Speaker 2:

So the major part of the talk about experiences, moods, emotions, seasons, even there's like, even a card that I would say is like the trauma card, like when things go wrong, so stuff that when those come up, those are telling you, oh, this is the type of experience or this is the type of lesson you might seek to learn from the experience that you're in. So there's a bit of guidance and structure that's coming in the major Akanah in a big picture way, and then in the minor Akanah, the, there's four suits, swords, cups, wands and pentacles or sometimes called coins, depending on the deck you have, and usually through those you'll get more details about the situation. You might get a major archive. We like did a reading. You might get a major Akanah card that's oh, you're like it's time for you to find a different job, or this job is coming to an end or you need to difference. So then the and then the smaller cards might tell you oh, it's going to take a little longer. You're ready for a new job, but it might take a little bit of time for that new job to come along. And in the meantime you should focus on the, building good relationships with your social circle and networking, because maybe your job will come through one of your friends or this is a really good time to be very fastidious about updating your resume and because you're going to have to be competitive and what you put out there. So the minor Akanah will give you details about how to interact with the change or the bigger things that are showing up in your reading and the.

Speaker 2:

This is a way that tarot connects with maybe some broader spirituality. So the sword's cards are correlated. Each of the suits is correlated with one of the elements. So for people who have a strong connection with, say, like nature, spirits or elemental spirits, tarot has a tie in with that too. The sword's cards are correlated with air. The cup's cards are correlated with water, wands are correlated with fire and pentacles or coins are correlated with earth. And then each of those things pentacles or coins as, since they're correlated with earth, they tend to talk about, they tend to bring messages about earthy material things physical health, your house, budgets, job and things that are very concrete, that are very much a part of our 3D everyday work world. And then cups cards they're correlated with water and they're more about emotions and the way you're feeling and love and relationships and friendships and anything that is heart centered or emotion based. So those are your cup cards.

Speaker 2:

The wands are correlated with fire, which is passion. It's your, the things you're passionate about, it's your creative drive could include sexual. Sometimes, if a person's doing like a love reading or something like that, and wands cards come out oh, you guys' connections is pretty hot, which is pretty different than having say something that's just like more cozy, heart centered. They're just like oh, you guys are just like you really love each other so much and your connection with it. If there's a lot of wands showing up, this is just a really hot, passionate one. It might not last because it's not deeply heart bonded, but have fun until it all lasts.

Speaker 2:

And then swords are correlated with air, which is more the mind. Those cards can carry a good bit of anxiety or tension or conflict, or just or even like strategy on the positive side strategy, strategic and planning your next move and being really shrewd in the way you handle this conversation that's coming up and things like that. So so you've got some. And if you're a person who likes working with, say, the chakras, then each of those things are like air is correlated with air and swords could be, would be correlated, but say, put her die, and a little bit of a little bit of the throat chakra, being able to speak your truth and being able to articulate well and having that clarity to communicate and the ones would be correlated with your sacred chakra, or and or your solar plexus. Water would be the heart and then Pentecost would be the root chakra, and so you, so you have so many different little tie-ins ways you can work with other spirituality systems within tarot, and that's another thing that I love about. It has that versatility.

Speaker 1:

Oh, it's fascinating. That is so fascinating. Let's talk a little bit about your coaching and how do you work with clients in that way?

Speaker 2:

so I usually work in packages like six week or 12 week packages and Typically I would say clients come to me either when they're in a season of transition so maybe they're in that space where they're leaving a religion of origin, or maybe they're going through a divorce or Something between this and I'm like where there's I mean, guidance. I need support. I just need someone to accompany me through this. I'm in what can feel like and maybe you felt a bit like this yourself like looking for like a wilderness season. We just I suddenly got dropped in this entire new landscape and I'm just, I'm, I just have to figure out, like, how to survive, how to navigate, and I would. You myself is I'm just, I'm a wilderness guide. I'll just come alongside you and help you find your bearings and help you track towards whichever edge of the wilderness seems the one that is Suited to you. So we'll walk through the wilderness together, whatever that looks like for you. So it could often people in transition are good clients for me that Just need that accompaniment and want that extra voice, that extra wisdom, that extra sense of groundedness or support through their journey. Or it could be people who are maybe in a specific space of trying to shift a particular thing like I'm, maybe something that's come up for them, say like, and they're in there, like I am really learning to, to Work with managing my anxiety, and I want more, say, like body-based tools for working with my nervous system, for regulating that, for figuring out how to ground myself or to to learn what kind of rituals or routines could be a part of my day. That would help me manage my anxiety in a more organic lifestyle type of way, because a lot of times your therapist can tell you here's the things that are causing your anxiety or you need to work on your anxiety. You're very anxious, but short of prescribing meds, often they don't have a lot of really practical things when they can say alright, it seems like your anxiety is worse in the mornings, like you get up and you're immediately really anxious, so how could you cultivate a morning routine that supports you and that, organically, is reducing your stress as you enter the day? So things like that, where I view Myself as a very practical coach, like helping you, meeting you where you're at and whatever area of your life you're trying to make progress in I'm good at meeting you there and then helping you sculpt out your next steps in a way that's in a way that's practical and manageable and and not overwhelming.

Speaker 2:

Because I think when many of us go to think of growth or healing or change, if it just goes overwhelming, it feels I don't even I've been doing this for 12 years this way, or I've been doing this my whole life this way, or I've been anxious ever since that car accident and I don't feel like that's going away, or it could be in like insomnia or things like that. That just feels so Intrigener life where, like I've tried all the things, nothing is helping me and I don't. I just go overwhelmed. But I think about this area of my life and boom change.

Speaker 2:

Change can be big and scary, but it Often almost always there are small, manageable ways to begin to change that can be done organically, without upsetting your entire life, without taking, without adding a whole hour or two. You're already busy schedule every day. It's like often, like almost always, there's if you know what to look for and you know how to work with yourself, there's little, tiny, measurable changes that you can do that aren't overwhelming but that will make a huge difference over time. And so my goal was help clients discover what those little micro adjustments can be in their life that are actually going to add up to so much relief and so much healing over time.

Speaker 1:

So you're teaching them how to do their energy. You're teaching them how to understand their energy and how to, yes, manage that. Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you, but that's what I kept thinking, that's what you're teaching and that's so powerful because often people in these times of transition or these deep changes, their whole world is just being the rugs being pulled up from under them or they're just. They just feel very alone and if you don't have a good handle on your own energy or what energy is, or how you can Transform it, yes, it is very helpful to have somebody like you who can talk, who can help them with that.

Speaker 1:

Because you are a hundred percent correct, you can do such little things and a lot of it, like, I think, even just visualizations of Visualizing yourself connected to the earth and you have a cord into connecting to the center and you're in it. You're visualizing everything flushing out of you that is no longer needed, that mother earth is gonna take in and transmute. But just like, a simple visualization like that can really change somebody's over and then filling themselves up with the brightest, highest, whitest light of the highest vibration, filling themselves back up and Protecting themselves in that as they move forward in the day and it could be something as simple as that that you said could really Transform how they move forward.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and simple ways. Like so, many of us work in unhealthy work environments, and so there's so much bad juju floating around and it's and so teaching like really simple shielding practices of just before you go in, like how are you going to protect your energy from absorbing?

Speaker 2:

all that around you and then when you leave each day, how are you making sure that you like, energetically, dust yourself off and so things like that? They're just so little and can be done in 30 seconds or less. It's just so powerful and we just didn't, we just didn't grow up being taught those things.

Speaker 1:

And that's a very good point. I didn't grow up learning anything about that.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and there's also a perception, too, that to be spiritual is almost like to be a month. You go off and you sit on a mountain top for months of your life and everyone's. That's not attainable. I'm attracted to that idea of being able to be peaceful and disconnected and all of that, but that's not my reality and, honestly, stillness can be a thing that you practice in three minutes, and three minutes of stillness can transform your day, can give you a different lens on yourself, can help you center and can help you align with spirit in a way that gives you so much agency and so much courage to live out love as you go through your day. And since it's like three minutes and maybe you're not even sitting still, maybe for you you're doing this when you're in the shower. That's okay, maybe this is a thing you do like.

Speaker 2:

Maybe your morning ritual is while you have your cup of coffee, instead of scrolling on your phone, you actually just sit and drink your coffee and notice your breathing. That might be the only like that might be the ritual you need. That might be enough centering and enough calmness and enough body awareness and enough intentionality, and maybe you have some type of affirmation that you repeat to yourself and that's it, that's your ritual, but it's so grounding and, because it's unique to you and because it serves your energy, it's transformative for you. So it's just helping each person discover what those things are. Each person has those things that will work for them and it's just a process of discovering them. So I'm helping them discover that I love that.

Speaker 1:

I love discovering what works for you, because I think some people think I've got to meditate for 45 minutes or I've got to do the journaling or I've got to do the affirmations, but I don't think you have to do anything. I think you need exactly what you said.

Speaker 1:

You have to discover what it is that I try, because if you feel like it's a chore and you don't, really enjoy the practice exactly and it's not going to help you, but if you, whatever it is, if it's the coffee with some binaural beats playing or, like you said, just being present and learning how to just be in the stillness and have less distractions is really important. But yeah, I love that. That's so cool to help people discover that and gosh, how transformative, how you're helping people really transform their lives. Like you said, three minutes, that really that makes a huge difference.

Speaker 2:

Huge and different people work different ways and here's where some of that elemental opportunities Most of us are have in affinity for one of the elements we tend to be more like people who are very stuck in our heads or people who are maybe very tuned to our emotions or people who are very like. I think type A personality would also would often be like that once where it's like you're like very ambitious, very motivated, you know what you want.

Speaker 2:

You're going through a lot of that fire or earth people and who are, who tend to be like I don't know, just maybe like more slow thoughtical people.

Speaker 2:

An air person might actually find that three minute coffee ritual just stillness to be a thing that really grounds them, whereas a earth person, who often needs a little bit more fire, might be really served by going for a run or something that gets their body more moving because they tend to be sedentary. So it's just figuring out things like that Sometimes, and sometimes like an earth person may actually need more time. Like a quick practice is often less effective for a person who has a strong birth affinity, because they're already slower moving and so trying to get them to do something quickly, so like visualize quickly often doesn't come, so they may need one time. So for them it might not be a daily practice, it might be once a week. Can you carve out an hour for yourself to journal? So it's like just helping people. See, it doesn't have to be a should, it just has to be what works for you. Yeah.

Speaker 1:

Don't make it harder than it has to be, don't put these expectations out there. Just explore, try. That's why I love talking about all the different tools that people have out there, because there's something for everybody. And some people are going to use a bunch of different tools and some people are just going to really resonate with maybe one or two. But if that's where you feel connected to spirit, that's where you get your guidance and really I think what's beautiful about what you do is you're empowering people to move forward in their life and you're empowering them to take control of their energy, to take control.

Speaker 1:

And then they start to say, okay, I can do this, I can work through this, and they just need a little bit of the nudges and a little bit of the coaching and the hand holding sometimes, because when you're going through some traumatic situations, you need somebody to or have their hand on your back Right, so you know that they're there to support you. And there's nothing wrong with that. Everybody. You can't be strong all the time, 100% of the time. That is just not the human experience. Sometimes you need it.

Speaker 2:

As humans, we're biologically wired for connection and community. We are socially wired beings, the way our DNA is written. And especially at a time where you maybe have lost other stable parts of your life or other points of connection, it's so important to reach out to people who can connect with you in a meaningful way in those seasons when you can still have that human connection and that human support, because we're wired for that. We cannot write without that Absolutely.

Speaker 1:

I love that you, I love everything, kasia, that you are doing here. I really do. How can people reach you? How? Where can they find you? If they'd like to work with you, if they would like to have a reading with you, where can people find you?

Speaker 2:

They can find me at keziachamplincom. They can also find me on Instagram at keziah underscore champlin.

Speaker 1:

Awesome. Thank you so much for being with us today. This has been like a really awesome conversation. Is there any final thoughts you'd like to leave with the audience today?

Speaker 2:

I think back to the agency thing. I would just encourage people. You do have agency.

Speaker 2:

No matter how stuck you feel, no matter how painful your circumstances are and life can be so painful at times you do have agency and the universe is a co-creative energy. So when you take your agency seriously and you reach towards the universe to work together to co-create a different reality, there's a lot of power in that, and don't disparage the small things. Whatever small step of agency you're taking for yourself is a good beginning and you will be met, and it's always appropriate when you feel led to reach out for support from those who can offer it to you. Whether it's listening to a podcast and like saying, this is a thing I can do on my drive to work, this is a way that I'm energetically supporting myself is by listening to informative and educational podcasts that enlighten me and that encourage me on my journey. Whether it's working one-on-one with a coach or signing up for that group yoga class at the studio just down the road for you finding the ways that support your growth. You have the agency to do that and you will be met.

Speaker 1:

I love that. Kasia, thank you so much for being here, and I wanted to say that I honor the way that you are in this world. Thank you so much for doing what you do.

Speaker 2:

Thank you. Thank you so much.

Speaker 3:

Hey, it's Jen Mitchell, host of the Soul Traveler podcast and your partner in leveling up your life through quantum hypnosis. I'm sure that you've heard before that all answers lie within, right? Well, it's true. Do you ever wonder how some people are so wildly successful and seem to achieve all of their life goals? It's because they've figured out life's secret the power of the subconscious mind. Highly successful CEOs and entrepreneurs have used hypnosis to make their dreams a reality, and it's no longer a secret. Now you can transform your life with the power of the subconscious by using these same techniques with quantum hypnosis. Let's level up your life. Visit me online at thesoulexperiencescom and click on Subconscious Coaching.

Speaker 1:

Hello, beautiful soul. Thank you again for listening. I'd like to ask you to please rate, review and follow the show. It really helps to have it become more visible and the beautiful messages be spread to more people. I also wanted to mention that I am now offering Reiki Distant Sessions. The link will be in the podcast notes. Feel free to reach out to me with any questions about that. Also, I wanted to put out there. If there is something that you have to share or you have to be a guest on the show, please reach out to me and we'll see if it's a good fit. Thank you again for being here and sending love like joy and peace and magic your way.

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